Engineering Chemistry

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,206
  • Pages: 5
Set No.1

Code No: RR10301

I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY ( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Describe the cathodic protection of corrosion control (b) Write a note on Electroplating. 2. (a) What is a plastic? (b) Write the merits and demerits of using plastics in place of metals? (c) Explain the differences between a thermo set and thermo plastic material with examples. 3. (a) Explain the process of Scale and Sludge formation in boilers. (b) Describe the internal treatment of boiler water. 4. Determine the total hardness of a sample of water in 0 Fr and 0 Clarke which showed the following analysis :- Suspended matter = 100 mg; Ca(NO3 )2 = 16.4 mg/litre; MgSO4 = 24 mg/litre; MgCl2 = 19 mg/litre; NaOH = 40 mg/litre; KOH = 56 mg/litre ( At. Masses of Na = 23, Mg = 24, K = 39 and Ca = 40.) 5. (a) What is knocking of petrol? Name any one antiknocking agent added and explain how it works. (b) What is cracking? Why it is done? How gasoline is obtained from moving bed catalytic cracking? What are the advantages of this method over fixed bed method. 6. (a) How do you synthesise petrol by Fischer Tropsch process. (b) Describe the Analysis of Flue gas by Orsats apparatus. 7. What are Refractories? Explain Thermal spalling, strength and porosity of the refractories. 8. (a) Define flash and fire points. (b) Discuss the important functions of lubricants. ?????

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Set No.2

Code No: RR10301

I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY ( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Write down the equation for the hydrogen evolution in an electro chemical corrosion reaction. (b) What are fillers and extenders? Give examples. (c) Describe the process i. galvanizing ii. anodizing 2. (a) What is a plastic? (b) Write the merits and demerits of using plastics in place of metals? (c) Explain the differences between a thermo set and thermo plastic material with examples. 3. (a) What is meant by “hardness” of water? (b) What are the major disadvantages of hard water when used for i. domestic purposes. ii. industrial purposes and iii. steam generation in boilers? 4. Calculate the quantities (in Kgs) of lime and soda required to soften 50,000 litres of hard water containing the following salts:MgCl2 = 95 PPM; Mg(HCO3 )2 = 146 PPM; CaSO4 = 136 PPM; Ca(HCO3 )2 = 162 PPM Assume that the lime used is only 85% pure and soda is only 95% pure and the molar masses of Mg(HCO3 )2 and CaSO4 are respectively 146 and 136. 5. (a) What is coal? How it is formed? Discuss the qualities of a good coal. (b) Give the Classification of coal and explain each class with example. 6. (a) Describe the method of determination of calorific value of a solid fuel by bomb calorimeter. (b) Calculate the gross and net calorific value of a coal sample from the following data obtained from a bomb calorometer. Weight of coal 0.73 gm, weight of water in the calorimeter 1500 gm, water equivalent of calorimeter 470 gm initial temp 25.00 C, and final temp, 280 C, percentage of hydrogen in coal 2.5%, latent heat of steam 587 cal/gm. 1 of 2

Set No.2

Code No: RR10301

7. What are Refractories? Explain Thermal spalling, strength and porosity of the refractories. 8. Write a note on lubricants with special reference to their classification, mode of action, examples and applications. ?????

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Set No.3

Code No: RR10301

I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY ( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Write down the equation for the hydrogen evolution in an electro chemical corrosion reaction. (b) What are fillers and extenders? Give examples. (c) Describe the process i. galvanizing ii. anodizing 2. (a) How is PVC prepared and what are its uses? (b) Write down the differences between compression and injection moulding techniques. (c) How is Thiokol prepared? Mention its uses. 3. (a) How is the “chloride” in water estimated? (b) Write a note on hardness of water. 4. Determine the total hardness of a sample of water in 0 Fr and 0 Clarke which showed the following analysis :- Suspended matter = 100 mg; Ca(NO3 )2 = 16.4 mg/litre; MgSO4 = 24 mg/litre; MgCl2 = 19 mg/litre; NaOH = 40 mg/litre; KOH = 56 mg/litre ( At. Masses of Na = 23, Mg = 24, K = 39 and Ca = 40.) 5. (a) What is coal? How it is formed? Discuss the qualities of a good coal. (b) Give the Classification of coal and explain each class with example. 6. (a) With a neat diagram describe the orsat gas analysis method. What are the special precaution to be taken in the measurement . (b) Define calorific values of a fuel. Distinguish gross and net calorific value. 7. What are Refractories? Explain Thermal spalling, strength and porosity of the refractories. 8. Define lubricant. Discuss the important properties of the lubricating oils. ?????

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Set No.4

Code No: RR10301

I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY ( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) What is meant by cathodic and anodic inhibitors?. (b) What are the requirements of a paint?. (c) Describe the phosphate coatings. 2. (a) Distinguish between addition and condensation polymerization. (b) Explain the differences between Thermoplastics and Thermosetting Plastics. (c) What is meant by Degree of Polymerization? 3. (a) Describe the ion-exchange process used for softening of water? (b) Compare the resin process with permutit process for softening of water. 4. What is the total hardness of a sample of water in 0 Fr and 0 Clarke having the following salts given that the atomic wt. of Mg is 24 and that of Ca is 40 :CaCl2 = 11.1 mg/litre; Mg(HCO3 )2 = 7.3 mg/litre; Mg(NO3 )2 = 14.8 mg/litre; Ca(HCO3 )2 = 8.1 mg/litre. 5. (a) What are the Constituents of petroleum? Describe the Origin of petroleum. (b) Give an account of production of petrol from crude oil. 6. (a) Describe the method of determination of calorific value of a solid fuel by bomb calorimeter. (b) Calculate the gross and net calorific value of a coal sample from the following data obtained from a bomb calorometer. Weight of coal 0.73 gm, weight of water in the calorimeter 1500 gm, water equivalent of calorimeter 470 gm initial temp 25.00 C, and final temp, 280 C, percentage of hydrogen in coal 2.5%, latent heat of steam 587 cal/gm. 7. What are Refractories? Explain Thermal spalling, strength and porosity of the refractories. 8. Write a note on lubricants with special reference to their classification, mode of action, examples and applications. ?????

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