Eng07-symbolism & Allegory- Symbolism String

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 380
  • Pages: 2
San Pasqual Academy English 9 and 10 - Ms. Priester Symbolism String

Your Points:

___/60 Objective:

o You will further your understanding of symbolism by creating a symbolism string, symbols of you attached to a piece of string. Supplies: o You will be given one pre-tied string and a supply of yarn. If you lose your string, you will not be given a replacement. o You must gather supplies to use as symbols. Remember that these strings will be posted in the classroom, so do not use valuables as symbols. Each symbol should be smaller than the string’s length. Directions: 1. Think of at least three symbols that represent you, which can be attached to your main string; include one public symbol and at least two other symbols. 2. The three symbols must represent each of the following categories: character, support, and fun. Remember that symbols are not letters, numbers, or words. character support fun o personality o background o hobbies o goals o family & friends o interests o strengths & o relationships weaknesses 3. Brainstorm your ideas below: character support


literal item:

literal item:

literal item:

symbolic meaning:

symbolic meaning:

symbolic meaning:

literal item:

literal item:

literal item:

symbolic meaning:

symbolic meaning:

symbolic meaning:

literal item:

literal item:

literal item:

symbolic meaning:

symbolic meaning:

symbolic meaning:

4. Gather supplies to represent your ideas. Remember that they will be orally shared with your peers. Also, they will be posted in the classroom. Make sure that each item can be attached to the string and hang on the wall. 5. Attach your items to the string.

N.Priester 11/9/2009

San Pasqual Academy English 9 and 10 - Ms. Priester 6. Write a sentence to explain the symbolism of each of your items. Neatly, write your sentences on a sheet of blank (unlined) computer paper. You may write them with markers, crayon, fancy computer fonts, or other creative ways. Print your name in large writing at the top of the page. Since they will be posted on the wall, be sure that your writing skills are at grade-level. It would be embarrassing to have a paper filled with mistakes on the wall. These papers will be posted next to your symbolism string. Symbolism strings are due on Thursday, 11/12/09!

N.Priester 11/9/2009

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