Eng. On Economics,tests

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Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Ульяновский государственный технический университет

ЕNGLISH ON ECONOMICS сборник тестов к учебному пособию С. А. Шевелевой English on Economics

Ульяновск 2004

Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Ульяновский государственный технический университет

ЕNGLISH ON ECONOMICS сборник тестов к учебному пособию С.А. Шевелевой English on Economics

Составитель Н.Н. Доловова

Ульяновск 2004


LESSONS 1–2 Write down the word containing sound [w] 1. 1) new 2) way 2. 1) write 2) whom

3) who 3) wealth

4) other 4) law

Write down the word containing sound [ð ð] 3. 1) bathe 2) often 4. 1) theory 2) bath

3) after 3) these

4) wealthy 4) three

Find the Russian equivalents to the words 1. наука 2. средний 3. кстати, между прочим 4. по пути 5. вход 6. вклад 7. право собственности 8. цифра 9. учёный 10. доход 11. прогноз, предсказание 12. заглавие, название 13. наблюдение 14. обычный 15. как (при сравнении) Make up and write down interrogative sentences 15. 16. 1. he 1. is 2. what 2. your 3. does 3. a 4. study 4. Mother 5. subjects 5. University 6. tutor Make up and write down affirmative sentences 18. 19. 1. became 1. our 2. some 2. lesson 3. later 3. let’s 4. time 4. English 5. he 5. start 6. a 6. now 7. tutor 5. by the way 6. figure 7. scientist 8. average 9. ordinary 10. title 11. contribution 12. like 13. income 14. prediction

17. 1. study 2. did 3. German 4. you 5. school 6. at 20. 1.science 2. made 3. a 4. he 5. Economics


Choose the correct variant 21. She (doesn’t / don’t) speak English. 22. She didn’t (study / studied) Economics at the University. 23. His work (was published / published) many years ago. 24. The teacher (was asked / asked) students a lot of questions. Read the text «My Friend’s Family» Vladimir Petrov is my friend. He is a student of Economics now. But last year he was a factory worker. Vladimir has father, mother, two sisters and grandmother. Vladimir’s mother is an economist, she is not very old. Vladimir’s father is a clerk in an office. Vladimir’s sisters are schoolgirls, they are in the fifth and ninth forms. Their family is friendly, they like to be together. Choose and copy sentences containing information from the text 25. Vladimir’s brothers are students. 26. Last year my friend worked at a factory (plant). 27. Vladimir Petrov and I are friends. 28. Vladimir has no grandmother. 29. Vladimir’s parents have three children. 30. One of Vladimir’s sisters is in the third form.


LESSONS 2–3 Write down the word containing sound [∂:] 1. 1) term 2. 1) fast

2) item 2) first

3) team 3) fist

4) time 4) feast

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound [I:] 3. 1) increase 4. 1) eve

2) theme 2) need

3) expert 3) relieve

4) meet 4) supply

Find the Russian equivalents to the words 1. цена 2. покупка, покупать 3. предмет, пункт (плана) 4. продавать 5. доставлять, доставка 6. спрос 7. хороший 8. количество 9. качество 10. возможный 11. предложение 12. ценный 13. оптовый торговец 14. торговец в розницу 15. товары Make up and write down interrogative sentences 15. 16. 17. 1. Bill 1.she 1. the 2. who 2. has 2. factory 3. the new 3. been 3. where 4. accompanied 4. ever 4. are 5. factory 5. to England 5. buildings 6. around Make up and write down affirmative sentences 18. 19. 20. 1. was 1. in small 1. entered 2. factory 2. goods 2. the London 3. the 3. sells 3. University 4. visiting 4. quantities 4. has 5. the businessman 5. the wholesaler 5. he 5. possible 6. purchase 7. quantity 8. goods 9. valuable 10. supply 11. retailer 12. deliver 13. demand 14. item

Choose the correct variant 21. (Have /Has) she met him before? 22. Many businesses (is / are) sometimes risky.


23. The graph (speak / speaks) about the unemployed. 24. The South of England (is suffering / is suffer) more than the North. 25. Crime will (increased / increase) if unemployment continues. Read the text Bill White, an English businessman is a fine expert. He is in charge of a sales department of a car factory in Manchester. He has done very well there: little by little sales have increased. Many factory departments are using his new methods now. His work is very effective. He began his career when he was a University student. He was a very serious student. He was fond of psychology, mathematics, electronics and other things like these. The tutors spoke highly of him. They gave credit for his deep knowledge. Choose and copy sentences containing information from the text 26. Bill White knows business very well. 27. He is in charge of a shoe department. 28. He studied very well at the University. 29. The factory sells more and more cars. 30. Bill wasn’t interested in science at the University.


LESSON 4 Write down the word containing sound [eI] 1. 1) want 2. 1) talk

2) mate 2) really

3) party 3) mistaken

4) natural 4) after

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound [٨] 3. 1) money 4. 1) abundance

2) country 3) use 2) once 3) gun

4) recover 4) unit

Find the Russian equivalents to the words 1.обмен, валюта 2.неофициальный 3.спад 4.один 5.котировка (цены, курса, ставки) 6.преимущество 7.все детали и подробности 8.акции 9.фондовый брокер 10.тот же самый 11.товарная биржа 12.спокойный 13.достаточно 14.однажды 15.пользоваться Make up and write down interrogative sentences 15. 16. 17. 1. be realized 1. answer 1. will 2. may 2. all questions 2.be able 3. the idea 3. Economics 3. they 4. later 4. can 4. buy 5. to 6. goods Make up and write down affirmative sentences 18. 19. 20. 1. economy 1. the management 1. an exam 2. making 2. for 2. are 3. the European 3. means 3. to 4. little 4. a system 4. we 5. progress 5. the economy 5. take 6. is 6. tomorrow

5. advantage 6. the same 7. recession 8. quotation 9. exchange 10. stockbroker 11. informal 12. once 13. the inns and outs 14. shares


Choose the correct variant 21. The British economy has held up (relative / relatively) well during the recent recession. 22. Our country (probable / probably) has little to fear. 23. It’s an (easy / easily) problem to solve. 24. If you have money you (are able to / are to) buy valuable goods. 25. The train (is able to / is to) come at 7 o’clock. Read the text Money is used for buying and selling goods. Modern world has a money economy, where paper notes and coins are used. But this has not always been true. In primitive times other systems of money were used, for example barter. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Barter was not a good system because people’s needs were not the same. They needed a more practical system of exchange. For it people used salt, tobacco, teeth; later metals were used as money in the form of coins. Coins are used now too. Choose and copy sentences containing information from the text 26. Today paper money and coins are used. 27. Paper money and coins were used in primitive times. 28. Barter was a practical system of exchange. 29. Coin is a metal form of money. 30. In history there have been different forms of money.


LESSON 5 Write down the word containing sound: 1. [I:] 2. [ou] 3. [au]

1) deal 1) bottle 1) day

2) steadily 3) climb 2) score 3) own 2) now 3) own

4) search 4) outside 4) growth

4. [ ∫ ]

1) cheap

2) mention 3) franchise 4) margin

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound: 5. [aI] 6. [dЗ]

1) climb 1) range

2) retail 2) margin

3) high 3) higher

4) pie 4) large

Find synonyms to the words 7. purchase 8. point out 9. share 10. own 11. rise 12. pie chart 13. adore

1. show 2. have 3. diagram 4. score 5. buy 6. part 7. by 8. pointer 9. love 10. increase 11. expansion Make up and write down interrogative sentences 14. 15. 16. 1. belong to 1. export 1. modernizing 2. company 2. UK 2. plant 3. does 3. what cars 3. where 4. whom 4. the 4. are they 5. this 5. does 5. the Make up and write down affirmative sentences 17. 18. 19. 1. conglomerate 1. for margin 1. streets 2. family-run 2. is 2. in 3. it 3. expansion 3. there were 4. a 4. there 4. people 5. is 5. some 5. many 6. the Choose the correct variant 20. The prices are (increasing / importing). 21. Prices have gone (around / up) significantly this month. 22. (Output / Outside) of cars for export is falling. 23. A (franchise / wholesale dealer) sells goods at the market.


24. You paid a high (deal / price) for this item. 25. This company is (run / gone) by a small group of people. Read the text “About the Young and Homeless in Britain” Of London’s estimated 75 000 people who have no home, a high percentage are between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five. Every year in Britain over 5 000 young people leave homes. Most of these young people are over sixteen but some are even younger. Most of them are escaping from an unhappy home life but a few of them just want the bright lights of a big city and a chance to get some money. When their money runs out they start asking for money. Sometimes they start playing musical instruments in the streets to earn money. Many young people come home after a few months, but some don’t come. They like their freedom in the streets. Choose and copy sentences containing information from the text 26. Many young people in London are homeless. 27. Many young people stay in unhappy homes. 28. Young people leave homes with their brothers and sisters. Complete the sentences using one of the variants: 29. Young people leave homes because … 1 … their homes are not happy. 2 … they don’t like the place where they live. 3 … their friends leave their homes too. 30. Young people can also leave homes because… 1 … they want to play musical instruments in the streets of a big city. 2 … their mothers and fathers don’t earn money. 3 … they want to earn money.


LESSONS 1 - 6 Write down the word containing sound: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

[‫כ‬:] [s] [I∂] [a I ] [u:] [w]

1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

improve pressure colleague light built worth

2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2)

launch occupy mere neighbor improve own

3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3)

ounce cracker fee label lower lower

4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4)

boost hence pie claim wrap wrap

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound: 7. [k] 8. [æ]

1) basic 1) can

2) occupy 2) package

3) space 3) call

4) cost 4) natural

Find synonyms to the words 9. products 10. begin to produce 11. make better 12. be, live 13. space 14. dear 15. increase, rise 16. cost

1. launch 2. place 3. enable 4. goods 5. label 6. boost 7. brand 8. improve 9. listen 10. price 11. exist 12. expensive

Put the words in brackets in appropriate order and write down word combinations 17. (flavored, lemon) drink 18. (lemon, drink, flavored) manufacturer 19. a (goods, new) production 20. a (parking, space) cost Make up and write down affirmative sentences 21. 22. 1. tree 1. prices 2. costs 2. fall 3. buying 3. increasing 4. Christmas 4. will 5. a lot of money

23. 1. a sharp 2. the prices 3. they 4. in 5. predicted 6. rise


Read the text The 25th of December is the day when Christmas is celebrated. On the Sunday before Christmas most families decorate their houses. They buy a Christmas fur tree and place it in the corner of the front room. They also buy expensive toys and lights for the tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important are Christmas presents. The parents usually wrap them up and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree. Children find their presents next morning. On Christmas day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding. Choose the correct variant 24. The text tells us about Christmas (giving / gives) many presents. 25. The item speaks about unemployment and (giving / it gives) a lot of information. 26. The companies produce various goods (export / exporting) them to many states. 27. People (buying / buy) new goods paying money for them. What do the underlined words mean in the text? 28. They 1) Children 29. them 1) traditions 30. their 1) the children’s

2) Most families

3) Christmas

4) Houses

2) houses

3) presents

4) Christmas day

2) family’s

3) houses’

4) trees’


LESSONS 7 - 8 Write down the word containing sound 1. [ε∂] 2. [g g]

1) weight 1) fragile

2) giant 2) major

3) square 3) giant

4) at least 4) mortgage

3. [ t∫ ] 4. [ou]

1) sharp 1) both

2) agriculture 2) thought

3) join 3) about

4) location 4) allow

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound: 5. [eI] 6. [∂:] 7. [kw]

1) available 1) quarter 1) square

2) train 2) return 2) headquarters

3) await 3) prefer 3) await

4) giant 4) purchase 4) quantity

Find synonyms to the words 8. quarter 9. influence 10. scientist 11. interact 12. vary 13. location 14. found

1. scholar 2. the same 3. reject 4. position, place 5. differ 6. act together 7. 1/4 8. school 9. affect 10. 1/3 11.set up Make up and write down affirmative sentences 15. 16. 1. three quarters of 1. products 2. the private 2. been 3. are 3. designed 4. by 4. these 5. the production 5. by 6. carried out 6. have 7. sector 7. a special 8. team

Write down sentence meaning the same as the sentence in the inverted commas 17. “The three types of economies are illustrated by the chart”. 1) The three types of economies illustrate the chart. 2) The chart of types of economies illustrated. 3) The chart illustrates the three types of economies. 18. “A lot of money is allocated by the state”. 1) The state allocated a lot of money. 2) The state allocates a lot of money.


3) A lot of money was allocated by the state. 19. “All these forecasts may be easily rejected by experts”. 1) All these forecasts rejected by experts may be easy. 2) Experts easily rejected all these forecasts. 3) Experts may easily reject all these forecasts. 20. “The economic crisis affects the steel industry very much”. 1) Steel industry affected the economic crisis. 2) The steed industry was affected by the economic crisis. 3) The steel industry is affected by the economic crisis. 21. “The students haven’t mentioned the command economy”. 1) The students mentioned the command economy. 2) The command economy hasn’t been mentioned by the students. 3) The students have mentioned the command economy. Read the text There are 3 types of economies: a command (planned) economy, a market economy and a mixed one. A mixed economy is a combination of market and planned economies. In mixed economies some resources are controlled by the government and other resources are used by demands of consumers. Technically, all economies of the world are mixed. Practically, in all economies the balance between market elements and planned elements is always changing. Some countries are nearer to command economies but others are nearer to free market. For example, Hong Kong has some state–controlled industry, Cuba has privately-owned and state controlled firms. So, in a mixed economy the government and private sectors interact in solving economic problems. State allocates money for education, science and health, while private firms produce cars, furniture, electrical items and other goods. What do the underlined words from the text mean? 22. “one” 1) type 23. “others” 1) economies

2) economy

3) command

4) market

2) elements

3) countries

4) markets

Choose the appropriate Russian variant of translation according to the text 24. “so” 1) такой 25. “while” 1) если

2) итак

3) тоже

4) так как

2) потому что

3) или

4) а, в то время как

Choose and copy sentences containing information from the text 26. All economies act together in any type of economy. 27. State gives allocations for health and furniture. 28. In economies the relation between the economic elements is always the same. 29. There are no private firms in Cuba. 30. Money for social needs is allocated by state.


LESSON 9 Write down the word containing sound: 1. [au] 2. [‫]כ‬ 3. [‫כ‬:] 4. [eI]

1) account 1) scope 1) income 1) gain

2) iron 2) income 2) reward 2) attribute

3) course 3) cost 3) operate 3) slightly

4) country 4) move 4) scope 4) gather

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound: 5. [ou] 6. [ ∧ ] 7. [u:]

1) owner 1) young 1) curious

2) account 2) other 2) rusty

3) loan 3) jump 3) look

4) scope 4) cash 4) fluent

Find synonyms to the words 8. arrange 9. staff 10. help 11. a little bit 12. scope 13. opportunity 14. revenues 15. gain

1. a few 2. change 3. assist 4. organize 5. chance 6. entry 7. range 8. competitor 9. profit, income 10. advance 11. personnel 12. earn, get 13. slip

Choose the correct variant of translation 16. Operating expenses are expected to drop. 1) Операционные расходы будут падать. 2) Ожидается, что операционные расходы будут падать. 3) Производство ожидает падения затрат. 17. The Committee is expected to report on net income in February. 1) Комитет ожидает сообщения о чистой прибыли к февралю. 2) Ожидается, что комитету сообщат о чистой прибыли в феврале. 3) Комитет, как ожидается, сообщит о чистой прибыли в феврале. Choose the correct variant 18. There are a lot of companies (operates / operated / operating) on this market. 19. It is the branch (deals / dealt / dealing) in this region. 20. He owns a parent company which (controls / controlling / controlled) the market. 21. A lot of people (are employed / employ / employs) by this company. 22. Two thirds of firms (operated / are operated / operates) by private owners. 23. The (expecting / expected) increase amounts to $200 per year.


24. The engineer (employing / employed / is employed) by this company is expected to work effectively. 25. The person (controlled / controlling) the company’s affairs is its manager. Read the text It was Friday afternoon in the office of Babbit Cars, Los Angeles. Charlie Babbit was shouting on the phone. “But I have waited five weeks for these cars! Where are they?” On another phone, Charlie’s secretary, Susanna, was talking to a customer. The customer wanted six Lamborghini cars and he wanted them that day. Then a call came from the bank. Susanna put her hand over the phone. “They want you to pay back the money you borrowed, - she said. - They want it this afternoon”. “Tell them I’ll pay on Monday”, - said Charlie. Then he spoke into his own phone. “You can have the cars on Monday, sir…Yes, I’m sure… Thank you, sir!” Charlie put the phone down and smiled for the first time in a week. Monday. And this was only Friday! He had the weekend to think of something to save his business… Choose the correct answer 26. Who was Charlie? 1) A customs officer. 2) A banker. 3) A car dealer. 4) A customer. 27. The word “they” in the sentence “They want you to pay back the money you borrowed” stands for… 1) … people from the bank 2) … customers 3) … Charlie’s parents 4) … managers of Lamborghini cars 28. In the sentence “They want it this afternoon” the word ‘it” means… 1) …a car 2) …office 3) …money 4) …phone 29. What day follows the day of the story? 1) Sunday 2) Monday 3) Saturday 4) Friday 30. Complete the sentence:Charlie’s business … 1) 2) 3) 4)

… gave large income. … was increasing. … advanced. … was going bad.


LESSON 10 Write down the word containing sound: 1. [I∂] 2. [ ∧ ]

1) iron 1) discover

2) hear 2) broadcast

3) chairman 3) withdraw

4) appraisal 4) argue

3. [dЗ] 4. [eI]

1) through 1) argue

2) wrong 2) batch

3) allege 3) withdraw

4) argue 4) appraisal

Write down the word that doesn’t contain sound: 5. [aI] 6. [u:] 7. [ju:]

1) appraisal 1) through 1) acute

2) divide 2) move 2) business

3) apply 3) food 3) accurate

8. [t∫ ]

1) batch

2) manufacture

3) chairman

4) deny 4) production 4) numerous 4) technologies

Find synonyms to the words from the right column 9. invent 10. large 11. labor 12. result 13. manufacture 14. thing

1. work 2. production 3. announce 4. create 5. withdraw 6. big 7. item 8. outcome 9. cash 10. pay 11. available

Put the words in brackets in appropriate order and write down word combinations 15. (radio / three part) program 16. (television / broadcast / early) program 17. (best / possible / economic) choice Use the words from the column to complete the sentences 18. Their powerful … speeded the advance of technology. 19. For the largest market there must be no … to free trade. 20. A lot of items were … from the market because their labels were incorrect. 21. This … wasn’t interesting. 22. Some firm owners … children’s labor.

impediments withdrawn exploit skills broadcast


Choose the correct answer 23. The worker was (accurate / more accurate / the most accurate) in his calculations than the chairman. 24. Their decision became (more understandable / the most understandable / understandable) of all. Read the text After spending three hundred pounds a young girl found that shopping developed into a habit which left her with debts over fifty thousand pounds. This habit of buying a lot of things known as “shopaholism” is on the increase all over the country. It often begins by buying small items like bath goods (shampoo, soap etc.) and make-up and develops into buying expensive items like evening dresses, shoes and coats. It has become possible because credit is easily available. Young people pay by credit cards and thus lose their money. Only withdrawing credit cards can help such people. Choose the correct answer according to the text 25. “Shopaholism” is … 1. buying expensive items. 2. buying small items. 3. buying many items. 4. buying available items. 26. Why is shopaholism possible now? 1. a lot of goods are available in the shops. 2. people have a lot of money. 3. people can get credit easily. 27. What can help shopaholics? 1. losing their money. 2. not using credit cards. 3. buying only cheap items. 28. The word “it” means… 1 … money 2 … habit 3 … shopaholism 4 … expensive items 29. The word “because” indicates… 1 … время 2 … противопоставление 3 … причину 4 … сравнение 30. Choose the correct variant: This text is about… 1. withdrawing credit cards. 2. buying small items. 3. a new habit of “shopaholism”.


LESSON 11 Use the words from the column to complete the sentences 1. The goods are of the top quality. They are in great … 1 research 2. The first practical … of this theory was the following calculation 2 cutting 3. Our companies can increase their profits. by… their expenses. 3 demand 4. It is the most … Russian journal. 4 successful 5. A lot of students usually do … work at the University. 5 maintained 6. We all want the prices to be… 6 application Choose the correct variant 7. The … at the market is stiff. 1) compete 2) competitor 3) competition 8. Adam Smith was a great … of economic laws. 1) discoverer 2) discovery 3) discovered 9. He found a practical … to his theory. 1) apply 2) application 3) applied 10. He showed that supply and demand are … 1) connection 2) connected 3) connectors 11. He made a … contribution to science. 1) value 2) valuable 3) valuables Put the words in the correct order and write down the word combinations 12. a (long / business / distance ) control 13. a (rates / sales ) calculation 14. a (increase / sales ) curve 15. a (quality / top ) goods 16. a (enterprise / free ) system Choose the correct variant 17. The law (discovering / discovered / discovers) by him led to practical application some decades later. 18. The goods (delivers / delivered / delivering) were in great demand. 19. There are a lot of students (do / done / doing) research work. 20. What ideas (relate / relating / related) to economics does this diagram show? 21. Contacts (maintained / maintaining / maintains) by this firm attract customers. Write down the sentence meaning the same as the sentence in the inverted commas 22. “They are supplying valuable raw materials”. 1) Valuable raw materials are supplying by them. 2) Raw materials supplied by them are valuable. 3) Valuable raw materials are being supplied by them. 23. “I have never seen these newspapers”. 1) These newspapers were seen by me.


2) These newspapers have never been seen by me. 3) These are newspapers I never have seen. 24. “He is making calculations”. 1) He makes calculations. 2) Calculations are being made by him. 3) Calculations are making him. Read the text The American economy is described as a free enterprise system that allows private business the freedom to operate for profit with minimum government regulations and help. The theoretical foundation of the American economic system was provided by Adam Smith, the eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher, whose economic ideas had a strong influence on the development of capitalism. According to Smith, the result is good for all when any individual is allowed to gain profit freely. He must be motivated by self - interest. The more people manufacture and trade, the greater is the competition. Complete the sentences using one of the variants 25. We speak about a free enterprise system when… 1) only government may regulate production. 2) producers may get profit with little government assistance. 3) government regulates only profitable production. 26. In free-enterprise economy … 1) producers may manufacture expensive goods. 2) producers manufacture goods only for export. 3) producers may gain as much profit as they like. 27. The competition depends on … 1) the amount of trade and produced goods. 2) the producers and those who trade. 3) the influence of government. 28. The competition is greater when… 1) production is regulated by the state. 2) economic ideas are good. 3) very many goods are produced. 29. The underlined word «he» in the text stands for… 1) Adam Smith. 2) American government. 3) Any person. 30. Choose the appropriate title for the text 1) The Life of Adam Smith. 2) Development of Capitalism. 3) Principles of Free Economic System.


LESSONS 12 - 13 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 1.выручка, приход, денежные 1. bidding 2. interest earnings поступления 2.соглашение 3. receipts 3.присоединять компанию 4. opportunity cost 5. to take over 4.затраты, оптимальные издержки 5.давать проценты 6. operating profits 7. retained earnings (profits) 6.процент 7.предложение цены; торги 8. retain 8.средняя цифра 9. to earn interest 9.нераспределенная прибыль 10. interest 10. прибыль от производственной деятельности 11.удерживать 12.требовать 13.доход по процентам 14.определять 15.условия Use the words from the column to complete the sentences 1. solved 11.The government … a new legislation. 12. The problem must be … 2. earnings 13. The … rate is very high now. 3. receipts 14. “Profit can mean money gained in …. 4. proposed 5. financial items 15. Profits after …. Increased. 16. The difference between total … and 6. unemployment total costs wasn’t significant.

Complete the sentences 17. The people are well protected … the legislation is good. 1) after 2) therefore 3) if 4) whether 18. Patents are not granted … mistakes are eliminated. 1) that 2) if 3) therefore 4) because 19. I don’t know … the patent will be granted. 1) since 2) whether 3) therefore 4) weather 20. …of high unemployment rate there is an atmosphere of prosperity in the town. 1) therefore 2) since 3) when 4) in spite of 21. … monopolies are detrimental to economy, they are regulated by the state. 1) In spite of 2) Whether 3) Since 4) What Choose the correct variant of translation of the underlined words 22. To win the competition he worked much.


1) Чтобы выиграть соревнование … 2) Выиграть соревнование … 23. To reduce prices means to increase production. 1) Чтобы снизить цены… 2) Снизить цены… 24. They could have earned much more money. 1) Они могут заработать … 2) Они могли бы заработать … 3) Они зарабатывают … 25. She could have bought a better dress. 1) Она могла бы купить … 2) Она купит … 3) Она может купить … Read the text After inventing dynamite, Swedish born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund for giving prizes to those who made great contributions to people. Originally, there were five prizes: in literature, in physics, in chemistry, in medicine and in peace. Economics was added in 1968 just sixty-seven years after the first prize giving ceremony. Nobel’s original nine million were invested and the interest on this sum is used for the prizes which vary in money from 10000 to 125000 dollars. Choose the correct variant according to the text 26. Why was the Nobel Prize established? 1) To spend money. 2) To solve political problems. 3) To give money to those who serve mankind. 27. Alfred Nobel… 1) … invented dynamite being very rich. 2) … became popular and wealthy after dynamite had been invented. 3) … died after the first prize-giving ceremony. 28. When was the first prize-giving ceremony held? 1) In 1895. 2) In 1968. 3) In 1901. 29. Alfred Nobel used his original money… 1) … for giving prizes. 2) … for making more money. 3) … for inventing dynamite. 30. In how many fields are the prizes given (according to the text)? 1) 5 2) 6 3) 9


LESSON 14 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 1. board of directors 2. urban 3. passage of a bill 4. public accountability 5. the same as 6. coincide 7. shareholder 8. estimates 9. to go into public ownership 10. mail order house

1. магазин «товары почтой» 2. принятие законопроекта 3. переходить в государственную собственность 4. совет директоров 5. иметь отличительные признаки 6. городской 7. отменять 8. такой же, как, одинаковый 9. совпадать 10.подсчеты 11.казначейство 12.отчетность перед государством 13.отражать 14.осуществление отчетности 15.акционер

Complete the sentences 11. Last year all the mines went into … 12. Some of the companies later become private while others are still … 13. It’s … that the unemployment rate will increase 14. The taxpayers were … from paying a lot of money to the unemployed 15. Our industry has … a severe energetic crisis lately

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

estimated saved public ownership faced publicly owned

Put the words in the correct order and write down the word combinations 16. a (reduction / deficit) plan 17. a (computer / manufacturing / personal) industry 18. (mining / ore / iron) corporation 19. (service / civil ) organization 20. (service / resource / civil) expenditures Choose the correct variant 21. They (start / are starting) a new sales campaign next week. 22. I (am sitting / sit / sits) at the pub now. 23. Some of the mines have been closed and some still (operates / are operating / have operated). 24. This system usually (bring / brings / is bringing) order to the market. 25. The meeting (coincide / coincides / is coinciding) with the final passage of agriculture bill.


Read the text ”Hire-Purchase” This system of buying goods became very popular during the first half of the th 20 century. Today a large proportion of all families in. Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and cars by hire purchase. In the USA this proportion is much higher than in Great Britain and people there spend over 10 per cent of their income on hire purchase goods. The goods bought by hire-purchase are goods that will last for a long time: TV sets, washing-machines ,refrigerators, motor-cars and furniture. The price of the item bought in this way is higher than the price paid by cash. There is a charge for interest. The buyer pays a proportion (one-quarter or one-third) of the price when the goods are delivered to him. Then he makes regular payments weekly or monthly until the full price has been paid. Choose the correct variant according to the text 26. In the system of buying by hire purchase customers usually buy… 1. vegetables and fruits 2. clothes 3. larger items 27. In the text the phrase «in this way» means: 1. in the street 2. in the shop 3. on the way to the shop 4. by hire–purchase 28. The price by cash is … the price by hire-purchase. 1. … more than … 2. … the same as … 3. … lower than … 29. Choose the conjunction to be used between the underlined sentences from the text 1) when 2) whether 3) because 4) where 30. This text is about buying goods… 1. by cash. 2. by credit. 3. by credit cards.


LESSON 15 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 1. обеспечивать 1. allowance 2. joint venture 2. ухудшаться 3. отсроченный платеж 3. variable 4. выплаченный во время 4. move in the red 5. secure 5. вступление в союз 6. выплата пособия, скидка 6. hire 7. move in the black 7. предлагать 8. брать в наем 8. offset 9. совместное предприятие 9. deferred payment 10. переменный 10. offer 11. получить положительное сальдо 12. торговый баланс 13. получить отрицательное сальдо 14. расширение 15. компенсировать Complete the sentences using appropriate words 11. “The Apple” is the leading … of computers. (produce / productive / producer) 12. The … of the conference discussed the problems of deferred payment. (participate / participants / participation) 13. This is usually divided into working capital and…capital. (fix / fixing / fixed ) Match the terms and their definitions 14. деньги, отданные при покупке 1 syndicated loan 15. количество товара, которое покупатели хотят купить 2 factor house 16. кредит, представленный членами консорциума 17. банк, являющийся главным организатором и гарантом займа 3 demand 18. компания, финансирующая торговлю, приобретающая 4lead требования на должника с определенной скидкой manager 5 price Choose the correct variant for the underlined phrase 19. All companies have to raise a big sum of money. 1) должны собрать 2) собрали 3) имеют 20. The company has secured some funds. 1) должна обеспечить 2) обеспечила 3) имеет обеспечение 21. Fixed capital will have to cover variable factors. 1) должен будет охватить 2) охватит


3) охватил 22. Each company has both working capital and a fixed capital. 1) должна 2) имеет 3) проработала Read the text One serious problem that can worsen America’s economic growth domestically and can affect the US’s ability to sell products in other countries is the federal budget deficit. Almost every year since 1980, the government has been spending more money than it has taken in. Deficit spending in the last administration has exceeded $ 200 billion a year – nearly three times greater than that of to-day’s administration. Such deficits can worsen the economy. They lead to inflation, high interest rates and unemployment. One important measure (мера) to control budget deficit was the GrammRudmen deficit reduction plan requiring yearly spending cuts of 36 billion. 23. Budget deficit is … 1) … spending much money. 2) ... spending more money than earning. 3) ... taking in much money. 24. The underlined pronoun “it” means … 1) … money 2) ... government 3) ... money deficit 25. The underlined pronoun “that” means … 1) … administration 2) … year 3 )… deficit spending 26. The pronoun “they” stands for … 1) ... economists 2) ... deficits 3) ... interest rates 27. According to the text “Gramm-Rudmen” stands for… 1) … people who worked at the plan 2) … people who worked in the Government 3) … a place in the USA 28. Choose the conjunction to be used between the underlined sentences of the text: 1) because 2) when 3) after 4) before 29. Which deficit spendings are lower? 1) of the last administration 2) of the present administration 3) of the future administration 30. Choose the best title to the text 1) America’s Economic Growth. 2) Budget Deficit of the USA. 3) Exports of the USA.


LESSON 16 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 1. валюта 2. в центре внимания 3. удерживать, сдерживать 4. процентная ставка 5. обыкновенная акция 6. показатели, деятельность 7. повышать курсы (валют) 8. неожиданный 9. капитал компании 10.значительный 11.лежать в основе 12.делать все возможное 13.сила 14.сокращение 15.наиболее вероятный Match the words from two columns

1. performance 2. significant 3. do one’s best 4. the most likely 5. equity 6. currency 7. in the limelight 8. reduction 9. restrain 10. to rally

11. above 1. boost 12. equity 2. the most likely 13. to be in store 3. previous 14. possible 4. beneficiary 15. increase 5. over 16. last 6. the company’s capital 17. receiver 7. expect Put the words in the correct order and write down the word combinations 18. (group/ total) income 19. (net / interest) income 20. (market / difficult) conditions 21. (earnings / fee and commission) activities 22. (reduction / deficit) plan 23. (spending / early) cuts Choose the appropriate conjunction 24. She wanted to know … the exchange rate for the dollar had changed. 1. because 2. since 3. if 4. in spite of 25. I don’t know … this currency is most vulnerable. 1. if 2. since 3. which 4. therefore Read the text “Employment” The most important trend in the employment (занятость) in the last years has been the increase of people employed in service. It reflects improved labour efficiency in industry and a change of the growth of high technology industries and decline of the old traditional industries. So, much labour can be directed to services. Another important factor is the increased role of


science and technology in the life of the economy. International tourism has also boosted the development of the service sector. There is even a special organization dealing with employment, management and industry. It is known all over the country as. Confederation of British Local Organizations. 26. The word “it” in the second sentence of the text stands for… 1) … employment 2) … service 3) … the growth of people working in service 27. The word ”So” is connected with the previous sentence and expresses … 1) … the result 2) … the conditions 3) … the time Complete the sentences 28. International tourism … the development of service sector. 1) hasn’t changed 2) has increased 3) has worsened 29. The word “it” in the final sentence stands for … 1) … employment 2) … Confederation of British Local Organizations 3) … a special organization 30. Choose the best title to the text 1) Employment Changes in British Economy. 2) Industry and Service in Britain. 4) Confederation of British Industry.


LESSON 17 - 18 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 1. фондовая биржа 1. securities 2. stock exchange 2. предложение на бирже 3. объем 3. issue 4. разница 4. on the floor 5. bid 5. закончиться (о ресурсах, деньгах) 6. ценные бумаги 6. volume 7. to run out of 7. плановые платежи 8. котировка, цена 8. down payment 9. в торговом зале биржи 9. accounts receivable 10.умеренный 10. accounts payable 11.выпускать, проводить эмиссию 12.ожидаемые поступления 13.платежи в бюджет 14.первоначальный платеж 15.правило Match the terms and their definitions 11. внебиржевой рынок ценных бумаг 1. FT-SE 100 index (акции, которые не котируются на бирже), а over-the-counter market также облигаций всех типов, при этом 2. discount house 3. CPI сделки заключаются по тел. или факсу 12. учетный дом по операциям на денежном 4.futures (contract/ gj extne рынке, в т.ч. futures (contract. по учету dtrctktq) 5. over-the-counter market векселей 13. финансовый индекс «Файненшл Taймз», основанный на курсах ста ведущих акций 14. обязательство купить или продать по цене, согласованной в биржевом торге на срок от недели до нескольких месяцев 15. индекс цен на потребительские товары Put the words in the correct order and write down the word combinations 16. (Automated / Stock / Exchange) Quotation System 17. (stock / exchange) board 18. (market / car / world) leader 19. (furniture / estimated / sales) figures Choose the correct form of the verb 20. The problem (has been settled / to settle / settle). 21. The information (displays / is displayed / displayed) on the monitor. Read the text There is no country in the world with such a great number (percentage) of workers and employees as it is in Great Britain. They include 92 % (ninety two per cent) of the population. According to official reports one per cent of the population owns twenty-five per cent of the private property in the country.


Today the total working population is twenty-six million people of which workers and employees include twenty two million; the self-employed (that is owners of big and small enterprises and farms) population is a million. The most interesting trend in the employment in the last years has been the growth of people employed in service. It reflects improved effectiveness in industry and growth of high technology industries. 22. The pronoun “they” in the text stands for … 1. … countries 2. … workers and employees 3. … twenty two million 23. 92 % of the British population… 1. … work in factories and offices. 2. … work at factories and on farms. 3. … own private property. 24. Twenty five per cent of private property is in the hands of… 1. … one per cent of the British population. 2. … one per cent of employees and workers. 3. … agricultural workers. 25. Four million of working population… 1. … are not workers and employees. 2. … are workers and employees. 3. … live in large cities and industrial centers. 26. A million of population owns… 1. … flats and houses. 2. … schools and colleges. 3. … big and small factories and farms. 27. In the last years the number of people working in service… 1. … has increased. 2. … has been the same. 3. … has become smaller. 28. The underlined word “which” means … 1. … workers and employees 2. … the total working population 3. … the whole text. 29. According to the text “the self employed” are … 1 … people who have their own factories and farms. 2 … people who have their own farms. 3 … people who have no their own houses and flats. 30. Choose the best title to the text 1. Trends in Employment and Ownership in Great Britain. 2. Population of Great Britain. 3. British Economy.


LESSON 19 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 1. fractional 16.отклоняться, относиться 2. drift 17.спрос 3. slide 18.ставка ссудного процента 4. bounce 19.подниматься 5. measure 20.поток 6. digit 21.дробный, частичный 7. lending rate 22.ремонт 8. removal 23.появляться 9. flow 24.понижение, понижаться 10.emerge 25.мера 26.последствия 27.отскакивать, скакать 28.отмена, устранение 29.однозначное число, цифра 30.колебаться Choose the correct variant 11. The prices (fluctuate / fluctuation / fluctuates). 12. (Inflationary / Inflate / Inflation) gets out of control. 13. The growth of the British economy has been (signify / significant / significance) since 1999. 14. The (consume / consumer / consumption) of petrol has increased in the last decade. 15. Lending from banks in industrial nations to (development / developing / develops) nations has risen to $ 60 million. Put the words in the correct order and write down the word combinations 16. (petroleum / world) production 17. (interest / term / long) rates 18. (international / lending) policy 19. (bank / central) governor 20. (price / cotton) fluctuations 21. (inflation / present) rate Choose the correct variant 22. The average inflation rate is likely to go down. 1. Средняя инфляция ранжируется как падающая. 2. Средний темп инфляции вероятно упадет. 3. Всем нравится, когда средний темп инфляции падает. 23. The fruit prices appeared to move downward. 1. Появились новые, пониженные цены на фрукты. 2. Казалось, что цены на фрукты падают. 3. Говорят что, цены на фрукты всегда падают. Choose the correct variant to translate the underlined word 24. In order to stabilize the economy a lot of measures have been taken.


1. в порядке 2. для того чтобы 3. порядок 25. Any government wants the economy to be in order. 1. для того чтобы 2. по порядку 3. в порядке Read the text World petroleum production and petroleum use differ very much in different regions. Some use more than they produce, while others produce more than they use. Certain regions have large petroleum production but lack the industry and transportation to utilize it. They are able to make a profit by selling to regions that need it. For example, Australia and Asia consume about fifty per cent more than they produce. Europe consumes about seventy-five per cent more than it produces. It is one of the largest producers but also is the largest consumer of all the regions. The US and Canada together produce about three-fifth of what they consume, while, at the same time they produce more than other regions. 26. The underlined word “it” stands for … 1. … petroleum use 2. … petroleum 3. … industry 27. Choose the correct variant to translate the word “that” 1. что 2. тот, те 3. которые 28. Complete the sentence Australia and Asia … 1. … consume 50 per cent of world petroleum production. 2. … produce 50 per cent more than they consume. 3. … produce 50 per cent less than they consume. 29. Europe… 1. … produces and consumes more petrol than other regions. 2. … produces 75% of the world petrol production. 3. … produces more petroleum than Australia and Asia. 30. The US and Canada petroleum production is… 1. … higher than their consumption. 2. … lower than their consumption. 3. … the same as their consumption.


LESSONS 20 - 21 Find the Russian equivalents to the words from the left column 31.вести торги, заключать сделки 1. flexible rate 2. value 32.задолженность 33.сделка, операция 3. to trade 34.составлять, включать 4. gap 5. industrial capacity 35.производственные мощности 36.гибкий курс 6. indebtedness 7. liabilities 37.голосовать 38.разница, отставание 8. transaction 39.вести, проводить 9. entity 40.отвечать 10.comprise 41.увеличивать 42.ценность, стоимость 43.юридическое лицо 44.обязательство, пассив 45.включать Match the terms and their definitions 11. рынок, на которые обмениваются валюты 1. escrow account разных стран 2. foreign exchange market 12. цена, по которой одна валюта обменивается 3. spot prices на другую 13. цена при сделке с немедленным расчетом 4. fixed income securities 14. счет в банке, на котором блокируются средства на покупку товара в качестве 5. foreign exchange rate гарантии завершения товарообменной операции 15. ценные бумаги с фиксированной процентной ставкой дохода Put the words in the correct order and write down the word combinations 16. (rate / flexible / exchange) regime 17. (exchange / foreign) market 18. (constant / absolutely) value 19. (currency / latest) prices 20. (exchange /currency) rates Complete the sentences 21. In the UK there are 3 possible foreign … regimes. 22. Yesterday the pound was stronger than most … (1) 23. The … between the strongest and weakest currencies was acute. (2) 24. Central bank regulations must be more … (5) 25. No information is available about other major …

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

currencies gap shareholders exchange rate flexible


Read the text In 1993 the British government published a book full of figures and diagrams. These show how the people of Britain have spent their incomes in the last decades. These charts make us possible for us to see on which goods and services more money was spent and on which less was spent. As we should expect, the amount spent on food is much greater than the amount spent on clothing. We see that the amounts spent on alcoholic drinks and on tobacco are much greater than those spent on books, newspapers and magazines. Out of every twenty shillings, ten went on personal expenditure or food, clothing, rent, household goods, etc. The government took two shillings in direct taxation. Savings were five and the rest went for national insurance. What do the underlined words stand for? 26. “these”? 1. figures and diagrams 2. the British Government 3. the people of Britain 27. “those”? 1. alcoholic drinks and tobacco 2. amounts 3. books, newspapers and magazines 28. “the rest”? 1. five shillings 2. three shillings 3. two shillings 29. Choose and copy sentences containing information from the text 1. The amount spent on food is less than the amount spent on clothing. 2. People spent less money on clothing than on food. 3. More money went on food than on other items. 30. Choose the best title to the text 1. People’s Expenditures in Great Britain. 2. Taxation in Great Britain. 3. British People’s Incomes.


CHECK LESSONS 1 - 2 1. way 2. wealth 3. bathe 4. these 5. кстати, между прочим 6. цифра 7. учёный 8. средний 9. обычный 10. заглавие, название 11. вклад 12. как (при сравнении) 13. доход 14. прогноз, предсказание 15. What subjects does he study? 16. Is your mother a University tutor? 17. Did you study German at school? 18. Some time later he became a tutor. 19. Now let’s start our English lesson. 20. He made Economics a science. 21. doesn’t 22. study 23. was published 24. asked 25. 26. Last year my friend worked at a factory (plant). 27. Vladimir Petrov and I are friends. 28. 29. Vladimir’s parents have three children. 30. -

CHECK LESSONS 2 - 3 1. term 2. first 3. expert 4. supply 5. возможный 6. покупка, покупать 7. количество 8. товары 9. ценный 10. предложение 11. торговец в розницу 12. доставлять, доставка


13. спрос 14. предмет, пункт (плана) 15. Who accompanied Bill around the new factory? 16. Has she ever been to England? 17. Where are the factory buildings? 18. The businessman was visiting the factory. 19. The wholesaler sells goods in small quantities. 20. He has entered the London University. 21. Has 22. are 23. speaks 24. is suffering 25. increase 26. Bill White knows business very well. 27. 28. He studied very well at the University. 29. The factory sells more and more cars. 30. -

CHECK LESSON 4 1. mate 2. mistaken 3. use 4. unit 5. преимущество 6. тот же самый 7. спад 8. котировка (цены, курса, ставки) 9. обмен, валюта 10. фондовый брокер 11. неофициальный 12. однажды 13. все детали и подробности 14. акции 15. The idea may be realized later. 16. Economics can answer all questions. 17. They will be able to buy goods. 18. The European economy is making little progress. 19. The economy means a system for the management. 20. We are to take an exam tomorrow. 21. relatively 22. probably 23. easy 24. are able to 25. is to


26. Today paper money and coins are used. 27. 28. 29. Coin is a metal form of money. 30. In history there have been different forms of money.

CHECK LESSON 5 1. deal 2. own 3. now 4. mention 5. retail 6. higher 7. buy 8. show 9. part 10. have 11. increase 12. diagram 13. love 14. Whom does this company belong to? 15. What cars does the UK export? 16. Where are they modernizing the plant? 17. It is a family-run conglomerate. 18. There is some expansion for margin? 19. There were many people in the streets. 20. increasing 21. up 22. Output 23. wholesale dealer 24. price 25. run 26. Many young people in London are homeless. 27. 28. 29. … their homes are not happy. 30. … they want to earn money.

CHECK LESSONS 1-6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

launch hence mere light improve worth space


8. call 9. goods 10. launch 11. improve 12. exist 13. place 14. expensive 15. boost 16. price 17. lemon flavored drink 18. lemon flavored drink manufacturer 19. a new goods production 20. a parking space cost 21. Buying Christmas tree costs a lot of money. 22. Increasing. prices will fall. 23. They predicted a sharp rise in the prices. 24. giving 25. it gives 26. exporting 27. buy 28. Most families 29. presents 30. the children’s

CHECK LESSONS 7 - 8 1. square 2. mortgage 3. agriculture 4. both 5. giant 6. quarter 7. await 8. 1/4 9. affect 10. scholar 11. act together 12. differ 13. position, place 14. set up 15. Three quarters of the production are carried out by the private sector. 16. These products have been designed by a special team. 17. The chart illustrates the three types of economies. 18. The state allocates a lot of money. 19. Experts may easily reject all these forecasts. 20. The steel industry is affected by the economic crisis.


21. The command economy hasn’t been mentioned by the students. 22. economy 23. countries 24. итак 25. а, в то время как 26. All economies act together in any type of economy. 27. 28. In economies the relation between the economic elements is always the same. 29. 30. Money for social needs is allocated by state.

CHECK LESSON 9 1. account 2. cost 3. reward 4. gain 5. account 6. cash 7. rusty 8. organize 9. personnel 10. assist 11. a few 12. range 13. chance 14. profit, income 15. earn, get 16. Ожидается, что издержки производства будут падать. 17. Комитет, как ожидается, сообщит о чистой прибыли в феврале. 18. operating. 19. dealing 20. controls 21. are employed 22. are operated 23. expected. 24. employed 25. controlling 26. a car dealer. 27. … people from the bank 28. …money 29. Saturday 30. Charlie’s business was going bad.


CHECK LESSON 10 1. hear 2. discover 3. allege 4. appraisal 5. appraisal 6. production 7. business 8. technologies 9. create 10. big 11. work 12. outcome 13. production 14. item 15. three part radio program 16. early broadcast television program 17. best possible economic choice 18. skills 19. impediments 20. withdrawn 21. broadcast 22. exploit 23. more accurate 24. the most understandable 25. buying many items. 26. people can get credit easily. 27. not using credit cards. 28. … shopaholism 29. … причину 30. … a new habit of “shopaholism”.

CHECK LESSON 11 1. demand 2. application 3. cutting 4. successful 5. research 6. maintained 7. competition 8. discoverer 9. application 10. connected 11. valuable 12. a long distance business control


13. a sales rates calculation 14. a sales increase curve 15. a top quality goods 16. a free enterprise system 17. discovered 18. delivered 19. doing 20. relating 21. maintained 22. Valuable raw materials are being supplied by them. 23. These newspapers have never been seen by me. 24. Calculations are being made by him. 25. … producers may get profit with little government assistance. 26. … producers may gain as much profit as they like. 27. … the amount of trade and produced goods. 28. … very many goods are produced. 29. any person 30. Principles of Free Economic System.

CHECK LESSONS 12 - 13 1. предложение цены; торги 2. доход по процентам 3. выручка, приход, денежные поступления 4. затраты, оптимальные издержки 5. присоединять компанию 6. прибыль от производственной деятельности 7. нераспределенная прибыль 8. удерживать 9. давать проценты 10. процент 11. proposed 12. solved 13. unemployment 14. earnings 15. receipts 16. financial items 17. if 18. if 19. whether 20. in spite of 21. Since 22. Чтобы выиграть соревнование … 23. Снизить цены… 24. Они могли бы заработать … 25. могла бы купить …


26. to give money to those who serve mankind. 27. … became popular and wealthy after dynamite had been invented. 28. In 1901. 29. … for giving prizes. 30. 6

CHECK LESSON 14 1. совет директоров 2. городской 3. принятие законопроекта 4. отчетность перед государством 5. такой же, как, одинаковый 6. совпадать 7. акционер 8. подсчеты 9. переходить в государственную собственность 10. магазин «товары - почтой» 11. public ownership 12. publicly owned 13. estimated 14. saved 15. faced 16. a deficit reduction plan 17. a personal computer manufacturing industry 18. iron ore mining corporation 19. civil service organization 20. are starting 21. civil service resource expenditures 22. am sitting 23. are operating 24. brings. 25. coincides 26. larger items 27. by hire–purchase 28. … lower than … 29. because 30. by credit

CHECK LESSON 15 1. выплата пособия, скидка 2. совместное предприятие 3. переменный 4. получить отрицательное сальдо 5. обеспечивать 6. брать в наем 7. получить положительное сальдо


8. компенсировать 9. отсроченный платеж 10. предлагать 11. producer 12. participants 13. fixed 14. price 15. demand 16. syndicated loan 17. lead manager 18. factor house 19. должны собрать 20. обеспечила 21. должен будет охватить 22. имеет 23. ... spending more money than earning. 24. ... government 25. deficit spending 26. ... deficits 27. … people who worked at the plan 28. because 29. of the present administration 30. Budget Deficit of the USA.

CHECK LESSON 16 1. показатели, деятельность 2. значительный 3. делать все возможное 4. наиболее вероятный 5. капитал компании 6. валюта 7. в центре внимания 8. сокращение 9. удерживать, сдерживать 10. повышать курсы (валют) 11. over 12. the company’s capital 13. expect 14. the most likely 15. boost 16. previous 17. beneficiary 18. total group income 19. net interest income 20. difficult market conditions


21. fee and commission earnings activities 22. deficit reduction plan 23. early spending cuts 24. if 25. if 26. … the growth of people working in service 27. … the result 28. has increased 29. … a special organization 30. Employment Changes in British Economy.

CHECK LESSON 17 - 18 1. ценные бумаги 2. фондовая биржа 3. выпускать, проводить эмиссию 4. в торговом зале биржи 5. предложение на бирже 6. объем 7. закончиться (о ресурсах, деньгах) 8. первоначальный платеж 9. ожидаемые поступления 10. плановые платежи 11. over-the-counter market 12. discount house 13. FT-SE 100 index 14. futures (contract. по учету векселей) 15. CPI 16. Automated Stock Exchange Quotation System 17. stock exchange board 18. world car market leader 19. estimated furniture sales figures 20. has been settled 21. is displayed 22. … workers and employees. 23. … work in factories and offices. 24. … one per cent of the British population. 25. … are not workers and employees. 26. … big and small factories and farms. 27. … has increased. 28. … workers and employees 29. … people who have their own factories and farms. 30. Trends in Employment and Ownership in Great Britain.

CHECK LESSON 19 1. дробный, частичный 2. отклоняться, относиться


3. понижение, понижаться 4. отскакивать, скакать 5. мера 6. однозначное число, цифра 7. ставка ссудного процента 8. отмена, устранение 9. поток 10. появляться 11. fluctuate 12. Inflation 13. significant 14. consumption 15. developing 16. world petroleum production 17. long term interest rates 18. international lending policy 19. central bank governor 20. cotton price fluctuations 21. present inflation rate 22. Средний темп инфляции вероятно упадет. 23. Казалось, что цены на фрукты падают. 24. для того чтобы 25. в порядке 26. … petroleum 27. которые 28. … produce 50 per cent less than they consume. 29. … produces and consumes more petrol than other regions. 30. … lower than their consumption.

CHECK LESSONS 20 - 21 1. гибкий курс 2. ценность, стоимость 3. вести торги, заключать сделки 4. разница, отставание 5. производственные мощности 6. задолженность 7. обязательство, пассив 8. сделка, операция 9. юридическое лицо 10. составлять, включать 11. foreign exchange market 12. foreign exchange rate 13. spot prices 14. escrow account 15. fixed income securities


16. flexible exchange rate regime 17. foreign exchange market 18. absolutely constant value 19. latest currency prices 20. currency exchange rates 21. exchange rate 22. currencies 23. gap 24. flexible 25. shareholders 26. figures and diagrams 27. amounts 28. three shillings 29. People spent less money on clothing than on food. 30. People’s Expenditures in Great Britain.


Список литературы 1.Бизнес-словарь: Англо-русский и русско-английский. – М., 2001 2.Воронцова И. И., и др. Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов. М., 1999 3. Любимцева С.Н., Тарковская Б.М., Памухина Л.Г. Деловой английский для начинающих –М., 1999 4. Шевелева С.А. English on Economics. M., 2001 5. Хорнби А. Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка – Т.2 – М., 1995


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