Eng 2

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
English 2 Ms. Robins [email protected] 217.942.6913 available during 4th period

Syllabus1 Course Description: In English 2, we will be studying literature, writing, and oral communication. Over the course of the year, we will develop a research paper, write and deliver a formal speech, and closely analyze multiple forms of literature, including short stories, poems, novels, and plays. Classroom Expectations: In order to create a safe and comfortable environment where everyone can learn, there need to be a few ground rules. 

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Respect everyone—no rude or inappropriate behaviors towards any of your fellow classmates. Furthermore, racist, sexist, or homophobic comments or suggestions will not be tolerated. Always treat others as you would like to be treated! Respect school property and the property of others. Come to class prepared and on time! Plagiarism will not be tolerated. No texting or use of cell phones. Work cooperatively with your classmates and me! What gives literature meaning in society are discussions, debates, and differing interpretations. In this class, you will be expected to participate in a community of learners. If you see any problems in the classroom that aren't being addressed, please talk to me about them. If you need to talk to me for any reason please feel free to stop by my classroom, and I will be more than willing to help.

Addressing Misbehavior: The following is my procedure for how to handle incidents in which a student does not meet classroom or school expectations.  Private discussion with the teacher focusing on the root of the problem (verbal warning)  Lunch detention in which the student reflects on the problem by writing a paper to be read by the teacher, parent/guardian, and possibly the administration  After school detention with the teacher. Student will be expected to write another letter thoroughly explaining the situation. This time, however, the student must present the letter to her/his parents and personally to the principal.  Meeting with the parent/guardian and possibly the administration in to discuss the problem with the student

1 Any of this is subject to change. This syllabus is a work-in-progress.

Required Materials:   

TWO notebooks Folder Pens/Pencils

Formal Assessments: 

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Journal: You are to keep a journal that we will be using daily in class. This journal will consist of response prompts and writing, daily oral language, and writing strategies that will be done at the beginning of every class period. Literature log: You are also responsible for keeping a literature log, separate from your journal. The lit. log will contain your responses, summaries, and notes about your self-selected reading (SSR). Papers and formal writing: You will be expected to do formal academic writing in this class, including a research paper with citations. Double Entry Drafts (DEDs): This is an assignment in which you will respond to something that we are reading in class. Quizzes: There will likely be one quiz a week (on Fridays) in this class. These quizzes will not be rote memorization, but will challenge you to actually think! However, during periods of heavy reading, I might give pop quizzes to make sure you are keeping up with the reading. Tests: I may give tests after we finish a particular writing or literature unit. Speech: As we study oral communication, you will be expected to give one prepared speech. Projects: We will likely be doing a few projects related to the literature we are reading. Portfolio: At the end of every semester, you will be expected to turn in a portfolio containing revised and reconsidered drafts and a final draft of all formal writing done during the semester.

Late Work: Any work turned in after the intended due date will be marked down a letter grade for each day it is late, unless you have already made previous arrangements with me. Let me know ASAP if you are going to have any issues turning in an assignment. Grades: This is a rough estimation of how I perceive the grades to be weighted in this class— Journal, Lit. Log, DEDs, Quizzes, Participation




Tests and Projects






Grading Scale: A= 92-100

B= 83-91



F= Below 65

I have read, understood, and consented to the attached syllabus

_______________________________ Student Name (printed)

_______________________________________ Student Signature



Parent/Guardian Name (printed)

Parent/Guardian Signature

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