Enews Nov 09

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Please find below the latest Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum e-news. The e-news is also available to download as a Word document from the following link and you may find it easier to view in this format. http://www.pembrokeshirecoastalforum.org.uk/index.php/resources If you have any coastal or marine management news at any level (local, regional, national, European etc) that you would like to have forwarded to Forum members please send it to [email protected].

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum E-news -------------------------------------------------A. Pembrokeshire news 1. Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum news -Wildlife sightings 2009 2. Tidal Energy Ltd 3. Infinergy 4. TENP – climate change & coastal erosion event B. National/UK news 5. New Marine and Coastal Access Act, 2009 6. Progress made on measures to regulate scallop dredging 7. Wales Audit Office report – Coastal Erosion and Tidal Flooding in Wales 8. Summary of responses to the consultation on Delivering Marine Conservation Zones and European Sites 9. New coastland map could help strengthen sea defences 10. Defra publishes Autumn Edition of “Fishing Focus” 11. Defra Sustainable access to inshore fisheries (SAIF) project – get involved 12. Natural England report – ‘No Charge? Valuing the Natural Environment’ 13. Marine Communities Fund deadline – 15 January 2010 14. Latest Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Postnote on Coastal Management 15. UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2008 published by MFA 16. Food Standards Agency updates fish advice to take account of sustainability 17. Offshore Energy SEA Post Consultation Report is now available 18. The Nautical Institute launches guides aimed at preventing mooring and anchoring accidents 19. Scientists celebrate sea temperature measuring devices used to model and monitor climate change 20. Latest maritime Natural England reports 21. New guidelines for business to help measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions C. EU/International news

22. Study on the economics of climate change adaptation in EU coastal areas 23. Satellites Launched to map sea surface salinity and monitor soil moisture on a global scale 24. EU fishermen set to face 'driving licence' style penalties next year D. Consultations 25. Protecting Welsh Seas - A draft strategy for marine protected areas in Wales 26 Public consultation on amendments to CROW for coastal land 27. Consultation on the proposed offshore carbon dioxide storage licensing regime E. Conferences & Events 28. Sustainability, Climate Change and Tourism: Challenges posed by the global economic crisis 25th November 2009, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University 29. Marine Strategy Framework Directive Conference – Key Steps to Implementation, 25 November 2009, London 30. Atlantic Salmon Trust - Symposium on Managing River Flows for Salmonids 26th - 28th January 31. Global Oceans Conference 2010 Advancing Integrated Ocean Governance At National, Regional, And Global Levels May 3rd - 7th 2010 ,UNESCO Paris ____________________________________________________________________________ A. Pembrokeshire News 1. Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum - Wildlife Sightings 2009 event to be held on 25th November at the Merlin Theatre, Pembrokeshire College, Haverfordwest. Doors open 6.30pm for 7pm start. The event is fully booked now but if you would like to be put on the reserve list contact Tom Luddington (email [email protected] or call 01646 696134 or 07977 939325). 2. Wind farm developer Infinergy is proposing to construct and operate a 4-turbine wind farm on an oil storage facility site in Waterston, Milford Haven. The proposed wind farm would generate enough green electricity to meet the demands of just over 5,500 homes annually and would replace the emission of between 7,700 and 23,000 tonnes of the greenhouse gas CO2 every year (source: BWEA). The project is located on a strip of industrial land between oil storage tanks and the Milford Haven Waterway. It has been named Wear Point Wind Farm, after the nearest beach. For more information on the project, please visit www.wearpointwindfarm.co.uk. The planning application for Wear Point Wind Farm has been submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council. If you would like to see the project go ahead, please comment online by clicking the link below: http://planning.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/wphmakerep.displayURL?ApnID=09/0544/PA 3. Following submission of the Tidal Energy Ltd (TEL) Scoping Document in November 2008, for the proposed DeltaStream tidal energy device at Ramsey Sound, Pembrokeshire, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and subsequent Environmental Statement (ES) have now been completed. The ES has been used to support the applications made by TEL for the following consents which were submitted to the relevant authorities on 30th October 2009. To download a copy of the Non Technical Summary

(NTS) of the ES for your information go to this link http://www.pembrokeshirecoastalforum.org.uk/index.php/news-a-activities/other-news-a-events/47-teldeltastream-demonstrator-project-ramsey-sound and a full copy of the ES is available at the locations named below: The Clerk, St David’s City Council, The City Hall, St David’s; Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority; Llanion Park Pembroke Dock and Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Haverfordwest. Public exhibitions will be held at Curtis House, St. David’s, on the 20th and 21st November. 4. The Environmental Network for Pembrokeshire (www.tenp.org.uk) event on coastal erosion and climate change. Richard Ellis of the National Trust will be giving a presentation followed by discussion. 8th December 7pm, in the Seminar Room , Bloomfield Centre, Narberth. B. National/UK news 5. The Marine and Coastal Access Bill received Royal Assent on 12 November, creating the Marine and Coastal Access Act, 2009. See http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/marine/legislation/index.htm for more details. Briefly this is what the Marine and Coastal Act does in Wales: - Sets out provisions for Marine Planning (Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) is the planning authority in inshore and offshore waters) - Gives powers to Welsh Ministers to designate Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) -which, in Wales, will be highly protected. WAG have powers in inshore waters only and have recently launched 'The MCZ Project Wales' to select sites. Offshore the Secretary of State is responsible for designating MCZs and a separate process is underway to select sites there. - Repeals Marine Nature Reserve legislation, Skomer will become an MCZ (but not automatically a highly protected MCZ - it will be transferred with the same protection that it currently has) - WAG are given powers to manage fisheries in inshore and offshore waters (the Sea Fisheries Committees are being taken into WAG as of April 2010) - Changes the marine licensing regime - putting in place a new marine license that brings together FEPA and other licensing processes, to be dispensed by WAG for inshore waters, and the Marine Management Organisation in offshore waters - Confers legislative competence to the National Assembly for coastal access - Sets up a Marine Management Organisation - this will be based in Newcastle and have an English onshore/offshore England and Wales focus. 6. In late October Rural Affairs Minister, Elin Jones said that work to implement new scallop dredging regulations is progressing well and that the measures required for the proposed new Scallop Order have now been laid with the European Commission, The proposed measures should allow for a new Scallop Order to come into force from 1st March 2010. The decision to tighten regulations follows a dramatic 15 fold increase in scallop dredging within Cardigan Bay over recent years. As a result the Minister launched a ten week consultation in July which sought stakeholder views on amending and supplementing the existing management measures. The formal consultation closed on the 25th September 2009. For more information see http://new.wales.gov.uk/news/topic/environment/2009/091030scallops/?lang=en 7. A late October Wales Audit Office report on Coastal Erosion and Tidal Flooding states that current arrangements cannot keep pace with environmental changes, but evidence suggests a risk-base approach

offers more sustainable solutions. The reports also comments that levels of citizen engagement are not sufficient to meet increasingly pressing coastal management challenges facing Wales. For more info see http://www.wao.gov.uk/news/news_2913.asp 8. The summary of responses to the consultation on Delivering Marine Conservation Zones and European Sites: A draft strategy for marine protected areas is available to view on the Defra website as follows: http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/marine-conservation-zones/index.htm 9. A new ‘Coastland Map’ produced by scientists from Durham University and published in the Journal ‘GSA Today’, charts the post Ice-Age tilt of the UK and Ireland and current relative sea-level changes. According to the map, the sinking effect in the south could add between 10 and 33 per cent to the projected sea-level rises caused by global warming over the next century. The projections are less than previous estimations for subsidence and could help local authorities to save money on sea and flood defences through the targeting of resources to areas where sea level rises will be greatest. The data and model could also be used in planning for the managed retreat of threatened coastal communities. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091006201354.htm 10 This season’s edition of DEFRA’s Fishing Focus focuses on Views on CFP reform, Steps towards the December Fisheries Council and information on the IFCA vision. It can be downloaded at: http://www.mfa.gov.uk/publications/documents/Fishing-Focus-Oct-09.pdf 11. (England) The DEFRA Sustainable access to inshore fisheries (SAIF) project is about long-term reform of English inshore fishing. Part of this project involves achieving a greater understanding of problems facing the English inshore fishing industry, determining the social impact of inshore fishing and looking into how to maximize benefits in the future. Defra want not only fisherman but all those interested in securing a sustainable inshore fleet to have their say in the SAIF project. Find out how to take part at: http://www.defra.gov.uk/foodfarm/fisheries/marine/fishman/saif.htm 12. Natural England has published a major report (No Charge? Valuing the Natural Environment) showing that investment in the natural environment is critical to long term economic prosperity and that natural services provide a highly cost effective solution to growing problems like flood and coastal defence, carbon emissions and the preservation of soil, water and air quality. http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/securefuture/default.aspx 13. The next deadline for applications to The Crown Estate’s Marine Communities Fund will be on 15 January 2010 and will consider projects due to take place during the 2010/11 financial year. The fund is aimed to provide support to initiatives and programmes which contribute to the development of best practice, and make a significant contribution to the good management and stewardship of the marine estate. Further details of the Fund can be found at: http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/marine_communities_fund 14. The October edition of Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (Postnote) on Coastal Management looks at Current Policy Initiatives, Issues, planning and funding in Coastal Management. Read the full document

at: http://www.parliament.uk/documents/upload/postpn342.pdf 15. The latest UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2008 provide a broad picture of the UK fishing industry and its operations. View the statistic at: http://www.mfa.gov.uk/statistics/ukseafish.htm 16. The Food Standards Agency has updated its fish and shellfish advice to help consumers make informed, sustainable choices as part of its commitment to taking sustainability into account in its entire policy making. To read the update visit: http://www.food.gov.uk/news/newsarchive/2009/sep/fish 17. The Post Consultation Report for the Offshore Energy SEA Environmental Report is now available. It summarises the comments received following consultation on the DECC draft plan/programme to hold further rounds of offshore wind leasing and offshore oil and gas licensing in United Kingdom waters, together with DECC responses to them. The report can be viewed at: http://www.offshore-sea.org.uk/site/scripts/news_article.php?newsID=39 18. Mooring accidents cause great concern to those in the maritime environment, good practice is urgently needed to prevent deaths and injuries. To address this The Nautical Institute has published two practical guides. For more information on how to purchase these guides visit: http://www.nautinst.org/press/index.htm 19. The success of three sea temperature measuring devices is being celebrated by the Science & Technology Facilities Council. The devices have enabled the Met Office and other scientists to produce accurate climate change data and contributed to climate change modelling. For information can be found at: http://www.nerc.ac.uk/press/releases/2009/23-climate.asp 20. Four latest reports from Natural England are; Sea fisheries: steps to sustainability Representatively and replication for a coherent network of Marine Protected Areas in England’s territorial waters Pacific Oyster survey of the North East Kent European marine sites Development of a Coastal Vegetated Shingle Inventory for England All of the reports can be found at: http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/about_us/news/2009/021009.aspx 21. New guidance to measure and tackle greenhouse gas emissions for businesses and organisations has been published by Defra and DECC. The guidance has been published alongside advice on what it means to be carbon neutral. The guidance can be found at: www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/reporting/index.htm C. EU/International news 22. Study on the economics of climate change adaptation in EU coastal areas This study provides an insight into the actions taken to prepare Europe’s coastal zones as well as the outermost regions for the effects of climate change. View the study document at: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/climate_change_en.html

23. Satellites Launched to map sea surface salinity and monitor soil moisture on a global scale The European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Proba-2 (PRoject for OnBoard Autonomy) satellites will launch on Monday 2 November from northern Russia to map sea surface salinity and monitor soil moisture on a global scale, and will aid understanding of the Earth's water cycle. More information can be found at: http://www.hydro-international.com/news/id3513-ESAs_SMOS_and_Proba_Satellites_Launched.html 24. EU fishermen set to face 'driving licence' style penalties next year EU ministers agreed on 20th October to introduce a system where boat owners would receive points on their fishing licences which could then lead to bans. The new points system is aimed at reducing overfishing for cod, haddock and hake in specified EU waters. The ministers also decided to monitor fishing vessels by satellites and with logs surveyed electronically. The UK Government argued that recreational catches should not be counted against quota – but they would be monitored to ensure they did not harm the recovery of depleted fish species such as Cod. For more information visit: http://www.fishupdate.com/news/fullstory.php/aid/12940 and http://www.defra.gov.uk/news/2009/091020d.htm D. Consultations To input on the following consultations please follow the links below: 25. Protecting Welsh Seas - A draft strategy for marine protected areas in Wales. The strategy explains how we will use Marine Protected Areas to help protect and improve ecosystems in Welsh waters and fulfill international and legal obligation. Please submit your comments by 16 December 2009. http://new.wales.gov.uk/consultations/environmentandcountryside/marineprotectedareas/?lang=en 26. Defra has published a public consultation on proposals to amend the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. It will apply to all coastal access land. The new right of access to the coast provided for in the Marine and Coastal Access Bill includes provision for an Order to be made to amend the CROW Act for coastal land. The amendments Defra are proposing in the consultation will ensure that coastal land is included within the CROW Act’s description of land to which the public has a right of access for the purposes of open-air recreation. You can read a copy of the consultation and respond at: http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/coastal-access/index.htm Closing date: 1 December 2009 27. Consultation on the proposed offshore carbon dioxide storage licensing regime seeks views on the Government’s proposals for an offshore carbon dioxide licensing regime, based on powers given by the Energy Act 2008. The licensing regime is intended to ensure that there is a clear, fit-for-purpose regulatory framework to encourage investment in such storage developments. It forms part of the transposition into UK law of EU Directive 2009/31/EC on the geological storage of carbon dioxide. Consultation documents can be found at: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/consultations/co2_storage/co2_storage.aspx Closing date: 30 December 2009

E. Conferences & Events 28. Sustainability, Climate Change and Tourism: Challenges posed by the global economic crisis 25th November 2009, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University The event will facilitate interactive discussion between the experts and audience on the challenges both for developed and developing nations affecting the tourism industry. 29. Marine Strategy Framework Directive Conference – Key Steps to Implementation, 25 November 2009, London. The aim of this conference is to update delegates on the progress with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in particular to cover the consultation on transposing the MSFD, Good Environmental Status and other implementation issues. For more information visit: http://www.coastms.co.uk/conferences/425 30. Atlantic Salmon Trust - Symposium on Managing River Flows for Salmonids 26th - 28th January 2010, Marriott Hotel, York. The aim of this symposium is to review developments in the scientific understanding of the flow requirements of salmonids and consider how they can best inform the practical management of river flows. For more information on this conference visit: http://www.coastms.co.uk/conferences/426 31. Global Oceans Conference 2010 Advancing Integrated Ocean Governance At National, Regional, And Global Levels May 3rd - 7th 2010, UNESCO Paris, France. The Global Oceans Conferences provide the major opportunity for all sectors of the global oceans community to address the major policy issues affecting the oceans at global, regional, and national levels and to make progress in advancing the global oceans agenda. More information can be found at: http://www.omrn-rrgo.ca/bulletinBoard/GOC2010_Flyer.pdf

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