End Time Table

  • May 2020
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Chronology of the End-Time 27 April 2007 Update in Italics [Original Date – 21 May 2005] Date 14 Nov 2005

24 Nov 2005 sometime between 2006 and 2008 sometime between 2007 and 2009 27 Apr 2009 (3½ years – halfway point)

about 2010

6 Jun 2012 21 Jun 2012 (2300 'evenings and mornings' = 1150 days)

Event Start Of 7 Years Of 360 Days Each st 1 Seal: White Horse Confirmation of Israel's treaty, "He (Antichrist) will confirm a covenant with many for 7 years"; False prophets, apostasy Peak of global oil production 2nd Seal: Red Horse War (for about 5 years) Antichrist rises to power 3rd Seal: Black Horse Inflation, famine, disease Start Of Great Tribulation Of 1260 Days

Reference Revelations 6:1-2 Daniel 9:16-27 Matthew 24:3-5 Beyond Oil, page 43, K. Deffeyes Rev 6:3-4 Matt 24:6 Dan 11:21-23 Rev 6:5-6 Matt 24:7-8 Dan 12:5-7, 9:27 & 12:1

4th Seal: Pale Horse; Quarter of mankind killed; Rev 6:7-8 Plagues; Death and Hades; Satan cast down to earth; Rev 12:7-12 Antichrist takes Israel, says, "I am God"; Rev 13:4-9, Dan 11:31-37, Persecution of Israel and Church (Body of Matt 24:9-22, Dan 7:21-22, 7:2527, 8:11-12 & 8: 25-26 , Rev 13:7-18 Christ); One world religion; Rev 11:3-6 The Two Witnesses preach for 1260 days th 5 Seal: Martyrs; Rev 6:9-11 False Prophet gives power to Antichrist's Rev 13:11-18 work; One world economy, 666 mark Transit of Venus across the Sun Return of the Energy of Christ and of Quetzalcoatl, C.J. Calleman Over The Period Of One Day Dan 8:13-14, Matt 24:21-22 6th Seal: Sun, moon, and stars darkening; Rev 6:12-17, Matt 24:29 Sign of Son of Man; Coming of Son of Man on clouds of heaven, like a lightning flash of glory from east to west; Loud trumpet blown by God;

Matt 24:30 Matt 24:30 & 24:27, Dan 7:13, Zechariah 9:14 Zech 9:14, Matt 24:31

Rapture (rising up of those who accept God);

Matt 24:33 & 24:37-39, 1Thess 4:16-18, 1Cor 15:51-57

The 'Day' of the Lord (Day of God's Wrath) begins Dan 12:1-3, Rev 7:1-17 Mal 3:1-2, Joel 2:30-32 & 3:14-16, Isaiah 13:9-13


Event 7th Seal: Silence for ½ hour From 21 Jun 2012, The Seven Trumpets st (over 3½ months) 1 Trumpet, by angels: Hail, fire, blood; Trees and grass burn 2nd Trumpet: Burning mountain into sea; One third sea to blood 3rd Trumpet: Star (angel) falls from heaven, Wormwood, bitter water 4th Trumpet: One third of sun, moon, and stars darken 5th Trumpet (Woe 1): Sun and air darkened; pit opened releasing stinging locusts 6th Trumpet (Woe 2): One-third of remaining mankind killed (1260 days – 3 ½ End Of 7 Years Biblical years) Second Advent of Christ; 8 Oct 2012 MYSTERY OF GOD REVEALED ; Israel accepts Messiah; 144,000 Witnesses to Mount Zion; The Two Witnesses killed

12 Oct 2012 13 Oct 2012

(1290 days) 7 Nov 2012 (1335 days) 21 Dec 2012 [, Mayan reckoning]

Start Of 30 Days Of Mourning God's Judgment Descends on Babylon 7th Trumpet (Woe 3): Commencement of Messianic Kingdom; Loud voices in heaven, lightnings, thunders, earthquake, hail The Two Witnesses Raptured Seven Bowls Over 25 Days st 1 Bowl: Sores 2nd Bowl: Blood in sea 3rd Bowl: Blood in water 4th Bowl: Sun hot 5th Bowl: Darkness 6th Bowl: Armageddon 7th Bowl: Giant earthquake; "It is done" End of Babylon, End Of 30 Days Of Mourning Start Of 45 Days Of Cleansing Re-dedication of Sanctuary End Of Mayan Calendar First alignment of the December solstice sun and the Galactic center for about 26,000 years New heavens and a new earth

Reference Rev 8:1-6 Rev 8:7 Rev 8:8-9 Rev 8:10-11; Matt 27:34 Rev 8:12-13 Rev 9:1-11

Rev 9:12-21 Dan 12:6-7 Rev 10:1-4, Zech 14:3-5 Rev 10:5-7 Isaiah 59:16-20 Rev 14:1-5 Rev 11:7-10 Isaiah 24:1-23, Rev 14:6-17 Rev 18:1-24 Rev 11:14-19

Rev 11:11-13 Rev 16:1-2 Rev 16:3 Rev 16:4-7 Rev 16:8-9 Rev 16:10-11 Rev 16:12-16 Rev 16:17-21 Rev 19:1-3 Dan 12:11, Rev 20:11-15 Dan 12:12, Dan 8:13-14 Revelation Unsealed, D.A. Salerno The Mayan Factor, J. Arguelles

''Galactic Alignment', J.M. Jenkins Rev 21:1-27 & 22:1-5, Isaiah 65:17-25 Beginning Of 1,000 Years Reign Of Messiah Rev 20:1-6, Isaiah 9:6-7

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