End Time Current Events (11 15 2009)

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End Time Current Events: 11-15-09

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To Donate Click Here or Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address: Scott Johnson 5660 Bayshore Rd., #27, PMB 115 North Fort Myers, FL 33917-3046 Ministry Update II 19 Scott A. Johnson • Current Events and Bible Study Proverbs 3:5,6

Play! | 800+ SAT 07/04/2009 Special Meeting

Table of Contents: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

December 7-18--Treaty Treason?--Two Goals--Twelve Results--This Treaty Usurps US Constitution Stop Barack Obama's Copenhagen Treason Lies & Propaganda--WWF: Will President Obama Lead Our Country at the UN Climate Conference? Alan Carlin, The Statistics that Debunk Global Warming Al Gore sued by over 30,000 Scientists for Global Warming Fraud by John Coleman Weather Channel Founder Apostate Church bells to Ring out Warning on Climate Change Religious leaders met for discussions at the Palace of Peace and Accord Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure Con-CERN-ing Full Disclosure And Maitreya? CNBC - Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order To whom does Obama owe his allegiance?>>Hint: Islam TBN Theme Park Targeted for Gay Day Video Games Exposed VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating microimplant health record/credit score empire

• • • • •

Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill? UK starts study on using human DNA in animals Airport Security X-Ray Machines "Tear Apart DNA" Church's money giveaway: Alsip pastor's cash prizes fill pews Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines: Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a sense of guilt. Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise or danger. Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." I John 4:18: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Heb 13:6: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." II Timothy 1:7: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Dr. Johnson's Teachings: Overcoming, Protection, Meekness, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith,... Part 1 Overcoming, Protection, Meekness, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith,... Part 2 Imprecatory Prayers & Gods Judgment on Wickedness-A Christians ‘Door of Hope' The Biblical Keys To Answered Prayer

December 7-18--Treaty Treason?--Two Goals--Twelve Results--This Treaty Usurps US Constitution Stop Barack Obama's Copenhagen Treason Received November 10, 2009--United States Justice Foundation What is the Copenhagen Climate Treaty? The Copenhagen Treaty has two stated goals: • •

Transfer wealth from Industrial Nations (Mainly the United States) to Developing Countries. Dictate energy use and consumption to Industrial Nations (Mainly the United States )

Now, just so we are clear... • •

Goal Number One is Global Socialism Goal Number Two is a Global Dictatorship

The Copenhagen Climate Treaty audaciously states: Industrialized countries have a dual obligation under the Treaty, representing their overall responsibility for keeping the world within the limits of the global carbon budget and ensuring that adaptation to the impacts of climate change is possible for the most vulnerable. This dual binding obligation takes the form of emissions reductions as well as the provision of support to developing countries Lord Christopher Monckton, the former advisor for science policy to former British Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher, believes that if the U.S. signs any climate treaty coming out of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December, it could subject the United States to a global dictatorship. "This treaty of Copenhagen, which is going to be negotiated by the states' parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December, is going to...establish for the first time in human history a global government," he warns. The devastating immediate economic impact of the Copenhagen Climate Treaty: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Limit manufacturing in the U.S. by cap and trade regulations = Loss of Jobs Limit personal consumption of energy by law and costs = Loss of Freedom Hyper Energy cost Inflation ALL goods and materials to become more expensive = Double Digit Inflation Transportation to become more expensive = $10 per gallon gas prices Halt the US Recovery = Prolonged Recession / Depression Assure and accelerate the shift of economic growth and profitability from the U.S to emerging markets = Loss of Opportunity Increase Imports for emerging countries who will not be subject to the same carbon emissions limits = Unfair Competition, Increased Trade Deficit Cause the U.S. to become an even greater debtor while China becomes an even bigger creditor = More Red Debt Add momentum to the movement away from the U.S. Dollar toward an alternate single or composite world reserve currency = One World Currency Increase the cost of Treasury borrowings = Ballooning Deficit Drive up federal and state taxes = Suffocating Taxes

During a visit to Germany in the midst of the Presidential Campaign last year, Barack Hussein Obama declared, "I am a citizen of the world." In front of one million adoring Germans, Obama had announced to the world that he indeed prioritized globalism over patriotism. The U. S. Constitution mandates that treaty ratification must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds majority in the U.S. Senate. This would normally be a tall order for any President, if said President valued the Constitution. An Obama advisor once said that he [Obama] regarded the U.S. Constitution as merely a piece of paper...and he saw it as a barrier to the things that the Left around the world want to do - and, therefore, they were going to find ways of circumventing it. Let's compare the Copenhagen Climate Treaty to Cap & Trade. The Wall Street Journal called Cap & Trade "the biggest tax in American history" and The Washington Times reported that cap-and-trade legislation will levy a $3.6 trillion gas-tax increase that will impact every American and important segments of our economy. Cap & Trade will cause massive inflation, record unemployment and entire industrial sectors will flee the

country in search of profits. As dreadful as Cap & Trade would be for the United States economy, if the Copenhagen Climate Treaty is signed and ratified, it will be far more dangerous to the economic and political future of this country. The Copenhagen Climate Treaty will strip America of its Sovereignty, and subject us to laws, rules and huge taxes levied by a one-world, leftist, elitist governing body that wants to steal America's wealth to punish us for our success as a nation. Worst of all, Americans will NOT have the power to vote these elitists out of office, impeach them, or hold them accountable in any way whatsoever. THIS MAY BE THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT POLITICAL ISSUE OF OUR LIFETIME. If we do not stand firm and united against this treasonous treaty, America will be forever subservient to a One World Order and it will have happened on our watch. Sincerely, Gary Kreep, Executive Director United States Justice Foundation P.S. America's sovereignty, prosperity and economic independence are all at stake. This is NOT a green or environmental issue. The Copenhagen Climate Treaty is nothing short of a scam to lead our nation into servitude. The Main-Stream-Media will not cover this. It is up to us, the vigilant grassroots, to clearly demonstrate our passion for our sovereignty to Congress and the White House. HELP US PREVENT THE TREASONOUS ACT OF SIGNING AWAY OUR SOVEREIGNTY IN COPENHAGEN. CLICK BELOW TO FAX CONGRESS NOW. https://secure.conservativedonations.com/usjf_copenhagen?a=3237

Lies & Propaganda--WWF: Will President Obama Lead Our Country at the UN Climate Conference? World Wildlife Fund states: "To urge the President to lead us in Copenhagen, at the UN Climate Summit, and outline what WWF would like to see in the agreement that we hope comes out of it, we invited children of WWF staffers to tape a personal message to the President asking for his support. Watch the video, we hope youll be inspired to send an email or write a letter to the White House that tell the President Obama that you want him to go to Copenhagen to protect our planet. Let your voice be heard!" Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Un3Xb9JOg

Alan Carlin, The Statistics that Debunk Global Warming

The media is suppressing all information that is contrary to extreme leftist UN views on Global Warming, Healthcare and Immigration. Have you heard that Global Warming is actually Global cooling! Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvBEvwCrwUg

Al Gore sued by over 30,000 Scientists for Global Warming Fraud by John Coleman Weather Channel Founder Watch:(Start at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfHW7KR33IQ

Apostate Church bells to Ring out Warning on Climate Change


The World Council of Churches on Thursday called on churches around the world to ring their bells 350 times during the Copenhagen climate change summit on December 13 as a call to action on global warming at 3.00 pm local time in each location. The leading council of Christian and Orthodox churches also invited places of worship for other faiths to join a symbolic "chain of chimes and prayers" stretching around the world from the international date line in the South Pacific. "On that Sunday, midway through the UN summit, the WCC invites churches around the world to use their bells, drums, gongs or whatever their tradition offers to call people to prayer and action in the face of climate change," the council said in a statement. "By sounding their bells or other instruments 350 times, participating churches will symbolise the 350 parts per million that mark the safe upper limit for CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere according to many scientists," it added. The WCC brings together 348 Protestant, Orthodox and Anglican churches representing about 560 million Christians in 110 countries. The Council of European Bishops Conferences, which gathers Roman Catholic bishops and archbishops, is also supporting the campaign, according to a letter released by the WCC. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.5c89ef2b65e54705267dd3c67d9f1199.121&show_article=1


End Time Current Events Updates - 11-1-09 Part 1 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6

Play! | SUN 11/01/2009 1,920+ downloads | 81 min

“Great Sermon!” 11/3/09 • another masterpiece!!!!! i'm with scott, lord. 1 alleluia....

Religious leaders met for discussions at the Palace of Peace and Accord The Independent, Monday, 6 July 2009--Astana Kazakhstan was the unlikely host of a conference uniting the world’s faiths playing host what was quite possibly the largest gathering of the world’s religious leaders in recent times. A list of those seated in front of the giant round table at the grandly titled Palace of Peace and Accord reads like a Who’s Who of the world’s religions. Robed Buddhist monks chatted to bearded imams who exchanged pleasantries with rabbis and priests. Top delegates to the “Third Congress for Leaders of the World and Traditional Religions” included the Israeli President Shimon Peres, two chief rabbis, and the leader of the highly influential Al Azhar university in Cairo, generally regarded as the world’s most authoritative Islamic institution. Astana is the first capital being built in the 21st century and it perfectly represents where the world is headed. Backed by billions of petrodollars, the city is being built from scratch in a remote and deserted area of the Asian steppes. The result is astonishing: a futuristic occult capital, embracing the New World Order while celebrating the most ancient religion known to man: Sun Worship. The city is still a huge construction site, but the buildings that are already completed already sum up the occult vision.

The Pyramid of Peace

Conceived by Britain’s most prolific architect, Lord Norman Forster, this giant pyramid is an odd presence in the middle of the Asian Steppes. The building is dedicated to “the renunciation of violence” and “to bring together the world’s religions”. Norman Foster has said that the building has no recognizable religious symbols to permit the harmonious reunification of confessions. In reality, the pyramid is a temple for the occultist’s only TRUE religion: Sun worship. A journey inside this building is a truly symbolic one. It represents each human’s path to illumination. Let’s take the tour. The Pyramidal Shape “The initiates accepted the pyramid form as the ideal symbol of both the secret doctrine and those institutions established for its dissemination” -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

Today’s elite, initiated to the occult, are the heirs of this ancient wisdom and use the pyramid as a symbol of power in the modern world. The illuminated/floating/missing capstone represents the unfinished nature of the New World Order. It is said that the capstone of the Great Pyramid will be reinstated when this age old project will become reality. In the Opera House on the lower level a huge image of the sun occupies almost all of the ceiling.

Around the Sun Table Right on top of the opera house is the central space of the pyramid. It acts as the meeting room for conferences reuniting religious leaders of the world. Take a minute and soak up the symbolism here. You have religious leaders from around the world sitting around a huge figure of the sun, discussing how to reconcile their differences for the coming New Age. The symbolism is blatant: all these theologies are simply outgrowth of the original object of worship: the Sun. The apex is totally windowed and bathed in sunlight. Images of white doves are embedded in the windows, representing peace, which will result in the unification of the world governments and religions in the New World Order. The apex is the ultimate representation of the achievement of illumination, on an individual and on the worldly level. http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=421

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World 14 Religion (Part 1)

Play! | SUN 09/14/2008

Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Matthew 24:24

2,880+ downloads | 71 min

“Get Real!!” 1/27/09 • get real about the truth! this man is right on target! 3 if we...

Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure November 12, 09--Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner--Michael Salla, Ph.D.--The Vatican has just completed a five day conference on astrobiology where scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications of extraterrestrial life. A major driving force behind the conference was the Director of the Vatican Observatory, the Jesuit priest Gabriel Funes. In May 2008, Funes gave an interview saying that the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials posed no problems to Catholic theology. Together with Funes’ 2008 interview and subsequent public comments by him, the conference demonstrates a welcome openness by the Vatican on the possibility and implications of extraterrestrial life. The Vatican’s openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact, the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure. The Vatican, through Funes, is supporting the idea that the incarnation of Christ is a unique event in Earth’s history tied in to humanity’s ‘fall’ and ‘original sin’. This idea was a major focus in Father Funes’ May 2008 interview which was titled "The extraterrestrial is my brother." Funes said that intelligent extraterrestrial life may not have experienced a ‘fall’, and may be “free from Original Sin … [remaining] in full friendship with their creator.” This makes it possible to regard them as ‘our brothers’ as Funes explained: Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God.… "Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation… http://tinyurl.com/ylxnu54


Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure? (Part 1) Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Matthew 24:24

Play! | SUN 05/25/2008 1,880+ downloads | 60 min

“Great Sermon!” 11/3/08 • this information is incredibly important. thank 3 you, scott.

Con-CERN-ing Full Disclosure And Maitreya? Posted by JRed--Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), briefed reporters including The Register at CERN HQ earlier this week. He stated that the titanic machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or "unknown unknowns" -- for instance "an extra dimension". "Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it."

Pressed on the matter of doors-through-which-something-might-come, as hinted at by Bertolucci, Dr. Mike Lamont rather elliptically said "well, he's a theorist", before recommending the book Warped Passages by Physicist Lisa Randall. The book explores ways in which extra-dimensional space and entities might interact with our own. Dr. Bertolucci later got in touch to confirm that, yes indeed, there would be an "open door", but that even with the power of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open "a very tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it." Let's put that aside for a moment and return to this idea of so-called "Full Disclosure" that's all the rage these days. The "Alien/UFO" theme is pervasive! Never mind all the examples for us adults in pop culture, being home with the kids the past couple of days, yesterday, I saw a new Tom & Jerry feature length film about how they go to Mars and meet the "Aliens", and today we saw a new Scooby-Doo feature length film where they battle "Alien Invaders", and even Dora The Explorer wasn't immune as the "Aliens" landed here to do a little exploring of their own. Please read this quick primer on the subject especially in light of the news that the Vatican has just announced the results from a symposium they held to discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Oh yeah, not to be outdone by religion, science chimed in as NASA announced today that the recent Moon mission confirmed the presence of large amounts of water on the Moon. Even Google marked the historical event by changing their logo today. Now finish your review of this subject by reading this column regarding "V". So, how might a so-called "Full Disclosure" (a.k.a. "Great Deception") event be connected to CERN/LHC? Well, remember, we just mentioned how scientists there expect to open doorways. Might they open a doorway to the spiritual realm allowing for these Fallen Angels/demons to fully manifest themselves in plain sight to the eyes of the world? That's the obvious assumption. Plus, just consider that the following has been in the news the past few weeks: Strange Cloud Over Moscow October 2009 Strange Cloud Over Romania October 2009 Ok, so those are the real world anomalies that evoke thoughts of "Full Disclosure" when we realize they're eerily similar to Hollywood images of the "motherships" arriving in the clouds over major cities across the globe. It's probably a good time to mention the Hollywood connection to all of this. Yes, there's a pretty big one actually, and I'm not going to mention the obvious as found in the re-launch of the TV show V. In addition to the new hit TV series V, ABC has also been airing another popular drama called FlashForward. Have a look: FlashForward Promo It's a story about the aftermath following a worldwide event in which every single person on the planet loses consciousness for 2 minutes 17 seconds. During that time, a majority of the population has a "flash forward" and they get to see what their life will be like in exactly 6 months from that date. But get this! The initial description for the show hints that the CERN/LHC is somehow connected to the mysterious event. You know, kinda like if it somehow opened a doorway or something. From Wikipedia:

Flashforward is a science fiction novel by Canadian author Robert J. Sawyer first published in 1999. The novel is set in a fictionalized and overly futuristic year 2009. At CERN, the Large Hadron Collider accelerator is performing a run to search for the Higgs boson. The experiment has a unique side effect: the entire human race loses consciousness for about two minutes. During that time, nearly everyone sees themselves in the future. Each individual experiences their own future through the senses of their future

self. This "flash forward" results in countless deaths and accidents involving vehicles, aircraft, and any other device needing human control at the time of the experiment. It's an interesting theory since the whole purpose of the real world test conducted by CERN/LHC (the "official" one anyway) is for Scientists to try to discover the so-called "God Particle" (as if they could truly take a piece of God, study Him in a lab, and understand Him. The latest reports that I saw indicated that the next attempt by the people with CERN/LHC will be "after mid-November", which isn't very specific. Even so, why is that potentially important? First, I should point out how there are only 2 more episodes of FlashForward scheduled for this season. According to this article, those may be the last 2 episodes for good despite it being a "hit" amongst viewers who are no doubt DVRing the program and watching it at their convenience. Anyway, you might also be interested to note a few other important details to recently emerge about this show that's scheduled to premiere on November 3, 2009 (a date that was moved way up from the original launch date). ABC has decided at the last minute to make a rather unusual change. According to Entertainment Weekly, after rumors of an overhaul, V will get a shortened rollout. The network has surprisingly decided to air only 4 episodes of the drama; and then shelve it until March 2010. They say it's an attempt to clear the way for their coverage of the Winter Olympics even though there was no mention of this until just recently. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if it was all planned that way to begin with -- only a handful of episodes produced and scheduled to air during a very precise period of only a few weeks. Would you be surprised if that were the case? In any event, the last episode is called "Believe" and it is set to air on November 19th, 2009 or shortly before the much hyped date given for "Full Disclosure" most recently. The Nobel Peace Prize was an important step in giving global legitimacy to President Obama in making an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. Obama is therefore poised to play a prominent role in the increased global governance that will be necessary after an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. The timing would most likely coincide sometime soon after his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009 in Oslo, Norway. Also Copenhagen Conference is from: December 7-18 There's even a Web Bot "prediction" for the same event to occur that day too and the link will take you to a pretty good level-headed take on all of this. Still, you gotta admit that this is some pretty interesting spiritual juxtaposition going on here. Finally, if starting up CERN/LHC opens some doorway to the spiritual realm, and that in turn paves the way for a "Full Disclosure" event, then we should also expect to see Maitreya emerge on the world's stage as well. Why? Because Benjamin Creme (Maitreya's official spokesperson) admitted that the "star" that would herald Maitreya's appearance is actually made up of 4 "UFOs" so they're even connecting themselves to this entire Alien/UFO theme as well. As gibby62 informed me: "Speaking of Maitreya, his October newsletter came out around 10/30. Now his November newsletter is already out! Weird!" And what, if anything, found in the recent newsletter was actually newsworthy for us? From the current newsletter: Maitreya, meanwhile, waits patiently for the day on which His face may be seen by men. That day is not far off. Already arrangements are being made for His initial interview, the first of many such. Do not be surprised if reactions to His statements are quiet or subdued. Have no doubt that in future appearances Maitreya will speak loudly and boldly for the suffering poor of the world, for an ending of war, for a world in which justice and sharing enfold men in their beneficent grace. Much, very much, is expected of Maitreya, but few can realize the vast extent of His generosity of spirit. People will come to know and love Him as a friend and as a teacher, and will willingly respond to His words. Maitreya will evoke from men

their own hearts’ love for justice, sharing and peace, perennial jewels in the hearts of all men. Once again, these people (those who act and stand in opposition to our Lord) continue to support the assumptions and claims we've been making for months now -- no matter how off the wall they may seem to those in the dark. Whether it's International Scientists, Politicians, NASA, Hollywood, or False Christs like Maitreya, in the end, we know they're all cut from the same cloth. The only question that remains is how they all connect to one another to help contribute to what Satan arrogantly assumes will be an easy path to the Great Deception. Not on my watch! Lord, please use me and this simple blog in whatever way you deem appropriate and necessary -- I am your humble servant; send me! -- to sound the alarm and to expose these people and their schemes for what they really are. http://www.lookupfellowship.com/2009/11/con-cern-ing-full-disclosure-and.html


The UFO Phenomenon: The Next Great Challenge for the Church? - 1 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6

Play! | SUN 08/23/2009 2,360+ downloads | 71 min

“Great Sermon!” 8/26/09 • fascinating topic but is it really going to affect 4 the end...

CNBC - Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order Friday, 6 Nov 2009 - The dollar will get "utterly destroyed" and become "virtually worthless", said Damon Vickers, chief investment officer of Nine Points Capital Partners. Due to the huge wage disparities between the United States and emerging markets like China, Vickers said that may resolve itself in some type of a global currency crisis. "If the global currency crisis unfolds, then inevitably you get an alignment of a global world government. A new global currency and a new world order, so we may be moving towards that," he said. For those who have claimed this is a fake clip I suggest you visit CNBC's website: http://www.cnbc.com/id/33709379 Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpgZx-9FLbE


The Dollar Collapsing, The Amero & G-20 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6

Play! | SAT 03/21/2009 2,880+ downloads | 51 min

“Great Sermon!” 4/2/09 • dr johnson presents an informative and 1 illuminating account...

To whom does Obama owe his allegiance?>>Hint: Listen and wonder....till 8:46 Islam http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=tCAffMSWSzY#t=28


Obama To Abandon Israel While Embracing The Islamic Nations Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study 2 Timothy 3:13

Play! | SUN 03/22/2009 2,580+ downloads | 49 min

“Great Sermon!” 4/3/09 • great teaching and information dr. scott. check 3 out the pdf,...

TBN Theme Park Targeted for Gay Day

Charisma--Monday, 05 October 2009--Members of the gay and lesbian community plan to visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday with hopes of bringing "a message of equality." The Bible-based theme park owned by the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) is legally required to drop its $35 admission fee one day a year in order to receive certain property tax breaks. This year the park decided to host its free day just two days before the kick-off of Orlando's Come Out With Pride week. Kirk Hartlage, an Orlando-based DJ, is encouraging pride week supporters to visit the park on Tuesday wearing red. "By no means should we seek to disrupt the park's daily activities; instead we should hope that our message of equality will be accepted in a place where tolerance and acceptance of all is said to be preached," Hartlage said in a memo, according to the Orlando Sentinel. Update: Turnout for the free day caused traffic jams, and the park reached maximum capacity a half hour after the doors opened. TBN spokesman John Casoria said the park gave out 5,000 vouchers for those who couldn't make it in to come back within 30 days. Last year's free day drew roughly 900.

Soulforce To Bring ‘Gay Agenda' To Six 21 Mega-Churches Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study 1 Timothy 4:1

Play! | SUN 02/10/2008 1,380+ downloads | 51 min

“Great Sermon!” 4/3/08 • as soon as i heard that lakewood church was 2 to be the first...

Video Games Exposed YouTube - William Lewis & Gary Franchi Back on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:CAMP FEMA (2) Listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU3nMsfDkvc

VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire 12 Nov 2009 VeriChip (CHIP), the company that markets a microchip implant that links to your online health records, has acquired Steel Vault (SVUL), a credit monitoring and anti-identity theft company. The combined company will operate under a new name: PositiveID. Watch: VeriChip TV Ad Confirms Critics’ Worst fears: They Want Everyone Implanted Novartis Chip Implant Texts Your Phone When You Need Another Pill The all-stock transaction will leave PositiveID in charge of a burgeoning empire of identity, health and microchip implant businesses that will only encourage its critics. BNET previously noted that some regard the company as part of a prophecy in the Book of Revelation (because the HealthLink chip carries an RFID number that can be used as both money and proof of ID) or as part of President Obama’s secret Nazi plan to enslave America. The most obvious criticism to be made of the deal is that it potentially allows PositiveID to link or cross-check patient health records (from the HealthLink chip) to people’s credit scores.--By Jim Edwards


The HEXagram & the Mark of the Beast (Part 1) Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Acts 7:43, Amos 5:26

Play! | SUN 09/23/2007 1,680+ downloads | 68 min

“Great Sermon!” 10/22/09 • that message was certainly an eye-opener 2 for me! being...

Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill? Daily Paul--November 13, 2009Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as: “The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country. http://waysandmeans.house.gov/media/pdf/111/AAHCA09001xml.pdf

UK starts study on using human DNA in animals By MARIA CHENG (AP) – LONDON — British scientists begin a new study on Tuesday to consider how human DNA is used in animal experiments and to determine what the boundaries of such controversial science might be. Though experts have been swapping human and animal DNA for years — like replacing animal genes with human genes or growing human organs in animals — scientists at the Academy of Medical Sciences want to make sure the public is aware of what is happening in laboratories before proceeding further. "It sounds yucky, but it may be well worth doing if it's going to lead to a cure for something horrible," said Robin Lovell-Badge, a stem cell expert at Britain's National Institute for Medical Research, and a member of the group conducting the study. Scientists also have tried to grow human organs in animals that could one day be transplanted back into humans — like a mouse onto whose back scientists grew a human ear. "There are good reasons for doing this, but it may upset some people," Lovell-Badge said. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5icG1fzNF-QPkUOoFrDv5SHtT2eSwD9BSAQNO2


Transhumanism, Vaccinations, DNA and Corrupting the Seed of Mankind 1 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6

Play! | SUN 09/27/2009 1,640+ downloads | 53 min

“Have faith....!” 10/4/09 • have faith in god and you need not worry the 1 least about...

Airport Security X-Ray Machines "Tear Apart DNA" The latest airport security trend is the backscatter x-ray machine, touted as a powerful way to virtually frisk a traveler for contraband without the embarassment of a strip search. Though touted as completely safe because the level of radiation is so low, travelers have been nervous about the devices -- and not just because it shows off a outline of their private parts to the people manning the machines -- but because they remain scared of the health problems they might propose. Looks like a little healthy paranoia might have been a good thing. While the conventional wisdom has held that so-called "terahertz radiation," upon which backscatter x-ray machines are based, is harmless because it doesn't carry enough energy to do cellular or genetic damage, new research suggests that may be completely wrong. Specifically, researchers have found that terahertz radiation may interfere directly with DNA. Although the force generated is small, the waves have been found to "unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication." http://www.raidersnewsnetwork.com/archives.htm


Church's money giveaway: Alsip pastor's cash prizes fill pews

In Alsip, the Rev. Dan Willis holds a box with cash that he gives to lucky worshipers at his services. (Tribune photo by Zbigniew Bzdak / October 28, 2009) At Lighthouse Church of All Nations in Alsip, the congregation can get more than just prayer at the Sunday worship services. If a lucky -- or "blessed and highly favored" -- churchgoer is in the right seat, they can also receive a cash prize. At each of the three Sunday services, the Rev. Dan Willis pulls a number of one seat from a bag and the worshiper in that seat wins a cash prize. Two of the churchgoers win $250 and the third gets $500. The church gives away $1,000 each Sunday, Willis said. Willis concedes the cash prize is a gimmick to fill the pews. But he's unapologetic about the plan, because it's working. On a typical Sunday, his church draws about 1,600 people to its three Sunday services. But since the money giveaway started, about five weeks ago, the congregation has grown to about 2,500 each week, he said. The money for the giveaway comes from the church offering. 1 Tim. 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-talk-church-cashnov02,0,5901781.story


Churches Fleecing the Flock With ATM's: Automatic Tithing Machines!! Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study 2 Timothy 3:13

Play! | SUN 12/24/2006 1,060+ downloads | 190 min

Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin Issue Date: November/December 2009--One after another, the "mainline" churches are ignoring the Bible to follow politically correct paths that the Bible calls sin. The Episcopal church is experiencing a major split over the installation of a practicing homosexual bishop. Individual congregations are forced to decide whether to obey the Bible or follow the denominational leaders. This August, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) also voted to lift a ban on homosexual clergy. Already, ELCA congregations are forming another denominational alliance claiming that the ELCA has "departed from the teaching of the Bible as understood by Christians for 2,000 years." One reader of an internet article on this vote observed that the root of this controversy began in the 1970s. Branches of the Lutherans in the U.S. took two different views of the Bible. One, led by the Missouri Synod, took the position that the whole Bible is the word of God. The others proposed that the Bible only "contained the word of God." The reader notes, "If the Bible only contains the Word of God, you can pick and choose what is of God and what is of men." This "picking and choosing" began a long time before 1970, according the author and linguist, David W. Daniels. He has written extensively of another time when proud men made arbitrary decisions as to what should be in the Bible. His book, Did the Catholic Church Give us the Bible?, gives a detailed history of one stream of manuscripts that contains thousands of examples of this "picking and choosing" by men. He describes how early copies of scripture arrived in Alexandria, Egypt to be studied by world-class "scholars" of that time. Because they did not believe Jesus was God and were infected with Greek philosophy, they began altering the text to fit their disbelief. Those polluted manuscripts were the ones picked up by Westcott and Hort as the foundation Greek for the modern Bible versions. Since then, the "translators" of these modern versions took the same liberties based on the "pick and choose" philosophy that the Bible only contains the word of God. This has produced several dozen versions today, which omit and change hundreds of verses. They disagree among themselves and in some cases even contradict each other. Daniels traces another stream of manuscripts that flowed from the original apostles in Jerusalem up through Antioch. Copies were preserved in Europe during the dark ages, sometimes in caves to avoid destruction. Ultimately, these faithful copies were used by the Reformers to give us God's preserved words in English, the King James Bible. In another book called Look What's Missing, Daniels examines 40 of the most popular modern versions to show that they are missing hundreds of words, phrases and whole verses that were preserved for us in the King James Bible. It is understandable that these denominations have lost their way when they are reading Bibles that are so corrupted that they do not believe that they have God's word. No wonder they "pick and choose" verses that support what they want to believe, rather than trusting the Bible for what

it says. We have a classic example of this confusion when dealing with homosexuals. In some cases where the KJV uses the clear word "sodomites," the modern versions read "temple prostitutes." Homosexuals look at this and say, "We are not temple prostitutes, so the Bible is not talking about us." No wonder there is such confusion in these denominations when they are relying on these defective Bibles. http://www.chick.com/bc/2009/sin.asp Proverbs 11:3: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Proverbs 13:13: "Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded. I Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." Jeremiah 23:36: ". . . ye have perverted the words of the living God. . ." John 8:31&32: "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Psalm 119:105: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:107: "...quicken me, O LORD, according unto thy word." Psalm 12 6 &7: "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."


The KJV Defended as God's Preserved Word Play! | (Part 1) SUN 08/10/2008 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 2,440+ downloads | 61 min Study Proverbs 11:3 “Great Sermon!” 5/3/09 • what an excellent sermon! i've been blessed 3 time and time...

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