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Communist Youth League of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Communist Youth League of China From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Communist Youth League) This article is about the Communist Youth League in China. For other Young Communist Leagues, see Young Communist League. The Communist Youth League of China (中国共产主义青年团 Pinyin: Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndàng Zhúyì Qíngníantuán; abbr. 共青团 Pinyin: Gòngqíngtúan) is a youth movement of the People's Republic of China for youth between the ages of fourteen and twenty-eight, run by Communist Party of China. The league is organized on the party pattern. Its leader is identified as the First Secretary and member of the party's Central Committee. The current First Secretary is Hu Chunhua. The Communist Youth League was responsible also for guiding the activities of the Young Pioneers (for children below the age of fourteen).

Contents n n n n n n

1 History 2 Structure 3 List of First Secretaries 4 See also 5 References 6 External links

Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团 Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndàng Zhúyì Qíngníantuán

Secretary General

Hu Chunhua




No. 10, Qianmen Dongdajie, Beijing

Mother party

Communist Party of China

History Founded in August 1920, it was originally named as the Socialist Youth League of China (中国社会主义青年团). Whilst the Party was officially established in July 1921, the Chinese Socialist Youth League was organized with the Party being set up throughout the country. In May 1922, the 1st National Representative Conference (全国代表大会) of the League was held under the leadership of the Party, and therefore became a unified organization in China. In the 3rd National Representation Conference in January 1925, the Chinese Socialist Youth League was renamed as the Chinese Communist Youth League. After the war resisting against Japan, in order to adapt to the new social and political situation, it was officially renamed as

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the Chinese New Democracy Youth League (中国新民主主义青年团) in April 1949. Later in May 1957, its name as the Chinese Communist Youth League was resumed, historically combining the conferences of all three leagues (the Chinese Socialist Youth League, the Chinese Communist Youth League as well as the Chinese New Democracy Youth League). During the 10 years of the Cultural Revolution, the functioning of the League was blocked. From 1978 to 2003, 5 conferences were held. The current central committee members of the League had been elected since the 15th National Representative Conference in July 2003.

Structure The national leading organization is the National Representative Conferences and the central committee elected by the conferences. The National Representative Conferences are held each 5 years, can be held earlier or later under special circumstances. The central committee is to, in between the time of two conferences, implement the decisions made in the National Representative Conferences and lead the implementation of the duties of the League as a whole. In addition to the central committee, there are General Affairs Committees which are responsible for the implementation of daily affairs of the League. They are to lead the fundamental organizations in 31 provinces of the country. Most high school students are CYLC members when graduating[1]. Up to the end of 2002, there were 210,000 committee members of fundamental organizations and 69,860,000 League members. Under current leadership of Chinese President, who was also a leading figure in this League, key government positions at both central and provincial levels are more likely to be filled by the League's members and former cadres, known as tuanpai. Members of this League are particularly loyal to the Chinese Communist Party. Its official newspaper is the China Youth Daily.

List of First Secretaries n n n n n n n n

Hu Yaobang (胡耀邦): 1957-1978 Han Ying (韩英): 1978-1982 Wang Zhaoguo (王兆国): 1982-1984 Hu Jintao (胡锦涛): 1984 -1985 Song Defu (宋德福): 1985-1993 Li Keqiang (李克强): 1993-1998 Zhou Qiang (周强): 1998 -2006 Hu Chunhua (胡春华): 2006 - (incumbent)

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See also n n n

Young Communist League Hu Yaobang Hu Jintao

References n

This article contains material from the Library of Congress Country Studies, which are United States government publications in the public domain. - China

External links n

CYL official site

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Youth_League_of_China" Categories: People's Republic of China | Youth wings of political parties in China | Youth wings of communist parties | Youth organizations based in China n n

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