Emsc Executive Team Application - Fall 2009

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 477
  • Pages: 1

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Req uir em ents for a ll po sition s: • LA County EMT certification. You may apply if you are in the process of being certified or re-certified • 1-year commitment • A desire to be an integral part of the success of EMSC. The E-Team ensures that EMSC effectively fulfills its core objectives, growing as both a student organization and quality health care provider at USC. Deputy Chief • Serves as Acting Chief in case of the Chief's absence. • Assists the Chief in all of his/her duties in managing the organization, and helps directors with their responsibilities • Organizes the time and agenda for all meetings, and records attendance and items discussed at meetings Director of Operations • Schedules events that EMSC will staff • Confirms on scene protocols and ensures coordination with other agencies, such as LAFD and DPS, at those events • Ensures that EMSC has the proper personnel and equipment for each event • Oversees the storage, buying, replacing, and repairing of equipment between events Director of Patient Care • Transfers patient records to the Health Center • Compiles the Medical Director's comments regarding specific run reports, and distributes them to EMSC members for Quality Assurance • Oversees surveys regarding Quality Improvement and Key Performance Indicators (response time, patient satisfaction survey) Director of Personnel • Arranges an EMT Class on the USC campus at least once a year • Arranges at least one “CPR for Health Providers” class per semester • Establishes and oversees the EMSC continuing education sessions and emergency drills • Establishes the orientation and promotion process for EMSC members • Compiles and updates membership records and alumni database Director of Finance • Updates and oversees the budget • Writes funding proposals and leads other fundraising efforts Director of Outreach Directs the recruitment of new members Develops comprehensive marketing and public relations strategy Works closely with the Chief and Deputy Chief to build and maintain relationships with LA County (LAPD, LAFD), relevant University departments and organizations (CERT, DPS, FSEP), and other collegiate EMS organizations (NCEMSF, UCLA EMS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION PROCESS • • •

Sub mit • • • • • • •

the fo llowi ng infor mation: Name, class standing, major Email address, phone number EMT Certified? (Y/N) o If yes, how many months of EMT experience? o If no, when do you expect to be certified? Your top 3 desired positions, in order of preference Why do you want to be a part of the EMSC Executive Team? (½ page maximum) Describe the experience and skills you have that make you the ideal candidate for each of your top choices. (½ page max) Current resume

The application packet should be submitted to [email protected] by Friday, August 21. Applicants will be notified via email if they are eligible for an interview.

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