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  • Words: 2,940
  • Pages: 11
TOPIC: Perception of Consumers on BYJU’s Application GROUP - 7

Ankita Patel Dhruv Patel Divyakumar Patel Rajvi Patadia Mayuri Vanand Nidhi Pandit Shivani Kumawat


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BYJU’S was launched in 2015 which provides highly personalized, engaging and effective learning programs for students in class 4-12.[ CITATION Ind19 \l 1033 ] And launched by think and learn Pvt Ltd with the focus on K to 12 standard students. Their aim was to build a strong team of experts across content, media and technology to create world class learning content. In making education simple their main focus to provide easy understanding in mathematics and science and along with this they provide education material for competitive exams like CAT, IAS, GMAT, GRE, BANK PO, and Campus Recruitment and even previous years papers to prepare for all of the above are available on their website. BYJU’S has become one of the most effective and preferred education technology platforms across the globe. The application offers adaptive and effective educational material with trustworthy content, engaging Videos that has creative graphics and use of modern digital animations and interactive stimulation. For easy understanding of the concepts there are videos available of 15-20 minutes duration and for personalized learning and detailed insights of the topics from India’s Best teachers are also available. The application is easy to use by the students with no complexities involved. As now they are successful in reaching huge amount of people they have started promoting byjus application through advertisement on TV and social media. The creative animated videos involved in the BYJU’S application has created an immense effect on the consumers and is ranked on top in comparison to other online application such as Khan Academy, topper, meritnation etc. None of the competitors provide such an engaging and personalized experience and makes excellent use of animation for teaching. And this all together has helped them to reach 35 million registered students worldwide and 2.2 Lakhs paid subscriptions on an annual basis. Their annual renewal rates are 90%. [ CITATION Ind19 \l 1033 ]

Involvement of technology As time has changed so has the technology and the involvement of technology has also increased rapidly whether

it is an industrial, education, corporate or any other sector. And is still

increasing and making lives of people easy by making things fast, easy and affordable. In the initial stage, the involvement of technology in the education sector was the least. Technology has made students get educated without paying the hefty fees as few institutions around the world demand high prices for the same. The education sector has got a major shift from traditional

classroom teaching to online learning. And the involvement of technology has made a great impact in nurturing the lives of students. BYJU’S is not restricting students to simply showing subjects they learned in exams, and make an entire experience behind learning. The vision and mission of BYJU'S are to revolutionize the education system and connect with students, teachers and even parents.

Preference on online application We can see that people over the time have started using online platforms. Institutions as well as organizations have started using these platforms for making life easy and affordable. The increasing interest of people towards online learning has helped BYJU’S in increasing their customer base. And this interest has increased to such a big level that BYJU’S right now has 35 million users worldwide and is still increasing. BYJU’S has many competitors which offer equally good and reliable education material but none of the competitors are able to achieve the numbers of customers that BYUJ’S has. So there has to be a strong reason to continuously be on the top and become a well recognized brand. And through this research we want to understand the factors that influence consumers to use BYJU’S and how people are reacting towards an online learning application.

Research methodology

The purpose of the research study is to know and understand the perception on BYJU’S the online learning application. There are many factors which influence consumers to go for online learning rather than offline. This research will conclude factors that affect consumers to use BYJU’s online learning application.

Research design Research design is the blueprint of the marketing research which suggests how to decide research type and data collection methods according to objectives of the research. Research Methodology for this research is conclusive research. Conclusive research is used to test specific hypotheses and examine relationship. Conclusive research has 2 types of research: Descriptive and causal research . The type of research that we have used is Descriptive research. Descriptive research is preplanned and structured. It research has 2 type of data collection methods; Survey and Observation method. We have used survey method for our research. By doing descriptive research we want to understand the perception of consumers about BYJU”S the online learning application. This research will provide the factors which influence students to use online learning application and we are also trying to understand the reasons and perception for not using online learning applications.

Data collection and analysis We have used primary and secondary data in this research for our better understanding. We have used questionnaire for primary data collection and we have collected secondary data from journals, articles, research papers, and books. Target Population for our research is people who are users and non users of the BYJU’S online learning application in Ahmadabad. Because we want to understand the factors that influence people to use BYJU’S online learning application. We have used questionnaires to collect responses and for our better understanding. As our research has respondent from all age it should be necessary to understand questions easily for them. To develop questionnaires we have done a pilot survey to understand the effectiveness of our and on the basis of the pilot survey we have done some changes in our questionnaires to

make it more effective so that our respondents can also feel interested in responding the questions. Our questionnaire includes likert scales to find out most influencing factor. It also includes multiple choice questions, dichotomous questions, and open ended questions. For the data collection, we have circulated our questionnaire to the users and non users of BYJU’S application and it will help us in analyzing the perception and preferences of consumers.

Sample size Sample size defined how many people should be surveyed. Sample size for this research is carried out 384 respondents from the formula (nN/N+n-1). But our research only includes the users and non-users of BYJU’S application from Ahmadabad so we only requires 150-200 responses.

Sampling techniques We have used convince sampling which is a non-probability sampling technique where samples are easily available. Because we want to understand the perception of users and non users of BYJU’S online learning applications. For Data analysis of primary data will give us the influencing factors to use BYJU’S application and the reasons for not using the application. We will use factor analysis, chi square test and ANOVA for our better understanding and to test our hypothesis. And by analyzing the secondary data we are able to understand the concepts and also able to relate the concepts with our research.

Literature review

The logical and hypothetical dynamic web based learning, assets for the applied foundation to etivities and the down to earth need in schools, colleges or different spots for further instruction. E-tivities are critical to the internet learning world since they send helpful, very much practiced standards and instructional methods for adapting, however centre around their usage through the best of arranged advances. The resource for the conceptual background to e-tivities helps teachers to find out which contents of their traditional lectures can be supported or replaced by elements of e-learning[ CITATION RJa14 \l 16393 ]. The e-tivities are for everybody. They have pulled in light of a legitimate concern for educators and coaches from numerous parts and dimensions of instruction. E-tivities can be adjusted for use in any control and for all themes. They are modest and they are in the hands of the instructors. They are anything but difficult to experiment with and to change. E-tivities take place online. Working online involves shifting time about and changing patterns of how you work with colleagues and students. It involves setting up a computer and getting the software to work to your satisfaction, which may include going cap in hand to others for help [ CITATION RJa146 \l 16393 ]. Mobile innovation in a learning situation does not change the fundamental parts of how individuals learn. Learning doesn't occur passively and analysis shows that there’s larger learning once students interact in active learning. Active learning involves students in talking and listening, reading, writing, and reflection all possible through the use of a mobile device. These devices are small, already owned by most university students and have more capabilities than clickers and easy to use on a desk in a classroom or outside the classroom [ CITATION Fra117 \l 16393 ].In today’s world, mobile is necessary for content delivery opportunities. It should be readily apparent to the higher education and that mobile learning will be your greatest competitor for students. The quality of online courses are becoming in some instances of greater quality than the actual lecture/classroom presentation of the same material[ CITATION Fra113 \l 16393 ]. Learning does not change, what changes is the conveyance of the learning. Which conveys to the new version for Education: Enabling, Engaging, and empowering, whereby students using mobile learning, mixed learning, and e-reading material in socially-based, and carefully rich learning are being instructed without as the teacher. Last few years have observed a drastic increase trend of e- learning. Eventually students as well as teachers have started accepting the concept. Study focuses on effectiveness of e-le learning.

Effectiveness is understood as the transfer of learning. Which positively impact teaching practices? The e- learning was investigated thoroughly February to June 2014. [ CITATION Noe15 \l 1033 ] Hours of data were recorded and observed to capture complexity, possibilities and challenges in e- learning. Learning outcome occurred when participate acquire new understanding as a result of e-learning initiative. This is broad definition, but in case of higher education, it is more clarified in terms of measurement as it includes- pre-test, post-test and final grade. [ CITATION Noe15 \l 1033 ] The effectiveness of e-learning allows professionals and researchers substantial flexibility in defining, measuring and determining the e-learning solution. Various factors that influence e-learning are- supportive and resourceful environment, level of motivation towards learning, previous online or professional experience. Along with this ease of accessing e-learning application can also affect effectiveness of e-learning. One of the biggest advantages that e-learning hold is users can access whenever they want to learning at any place, whereas face to face interaction and learning is not possible. In a single press user is open to lots of information and knowledge. Then there is this ease to use application, methods of teaching, fee of subscription etc which affects satisfaction and effectiveness of e- learning. Earlier online learning were from web contents on internet, but today there are applications like Byju which prepare users for competency test, videos, mock test etc. All these added a new value to Elearning. In a past few years online learning has emerged as a promising solution to lifelong learning. People are required to learn more about the knowledge, skills, advancement of computer and networking technologies which give flexibility, personalized learning to people. These changes in learning in modern era of learning are called as e- learning. [ CITATION Don04 \l 1033 ] The internet has become the means of delivering information and knowledge because of low cost and covering mass distribution. In comparison of traditional classroom learning where instructor has control over the class and have a face to face interactions, e-learning offers learner centered, and self paced learning environment. [ CITATION Don04 \l 1033 ] In traditional classroom method where students observe and listen to the instructor, watch PowerPoint slides and transparency between the students and instructor. Similarly online classroom should have a various similar level of synchronization of online content where

students can access to online lecture via PowerPoint slides, videos or audio, lecture notes on websites. [ CITATION Don04 \l 1033 ] Today, e-learning is on its developing stage where many uncertain issues need to be clarified and investigated. There are many factors influencing the e-learning effectively like such as media, technology, students, etc. Based on the research which shows that we cannot replace classroom learning from e-learning because of the fact that number of students reported that e-learning still requires the maturity and it is not suitable for his or her learning style. Some students feel that it is boredom or intimated before computer. [ CITATION Don04 \l 1033 ] And there are also logical concerns of e-learning for example teaching on internet requires much more preparation time than in classroom learning. Furthermore, certain types of material are too difficult or too costly to be caught on online. Other issues are generally found are that issues of trust, authentication, confidentiality, etc. must be resolved. Nevertheless, we believe that e-learning will still growing in terms of academic and professional education. We should explore how to create effective e-learning environment where the issues can be eliminated by bringing improvements in technology and systems which give more personalization and better engage learners. The components like Internet-based learning environments, identify instructional strategies and challenges of online teaching and learning, examine the types and roles of interactions, study the effect of learner characteristics, such as demographic information, learning styles/preferences, technology skills, and learning motivation on online learning etc. Among these, the most prominent consideration has been given to teaching and learning issues. [ CITATION Doo06 \l 1033 ] Among the few discoveries of this examination, age was distinguished as an essential interceding variable bringing about contrasts in course results and the online student’s instructional perception about the nature of the online course. Then again, gender appeared not to be a separating variable in their research as comparative discoveries were repeated from different examinations. And the research shows, the online student's related knowledge with separation learning was recognized as increasingly persuasive variable clarifying significant contrasts in learning back and learning inspiration. Another thing is, the online student's inclination of online learning strategy contrasted with classroom guidance was had all the earmarks of being a critical

student variable making huge contrasts in their apparent learning results, saw the instructional quality, and taking in inspiration and association from this research. With respect to propensities, this research found that online With respect to online students learning the methodology to think about the web learning material; this examination uncovered an intriguing finding. In the perusing example of the online students, those students with no procedure appeared to encounter more examination outstanding task at hand than the individuals who had certain browing systems, for example, moving from the entire to the intrigued area or to the start. Student’s investigation propensities or systems influenced the apparent nature of the online learning knowledge and learning results. [ CITATION Doo06 \l 1033 ] In breaking down the impact of instructional and student factors on-course results, discoveries demonstrated that those students who were happy with instructional factors, for example, educator quality, learning activities, and learning support were likewise happy with the online course as an entire while the individuals who experienced more examination outstanding task at hand were less happy with the course. The online student's learning inspiration and association were likewise altogether corresponded with their fulfillment with the online course.

Research objectives 1. To understand the consumer’s views/opinions whether Byju’s application is preferable or not when it comes to online learning. 2. To understand which factors influences consumers to use BYJU’S online learning application. 3. Creating a reaction profile on BYJU’S.

Hypothesis H0: Byju’s application is preferable irrespective of consumer’s age and education. H0: Byju’s learning application is changing the education platform from offline to online.

Contribution to the research The expected implication would provide valuable insight on understanding of the Byju’s application. The results would be highly useful for consumer as well as education statistics which will help students to evaluate relevant course for them, it will also help government to know about this new era of education and support such ideas. The research would also bring awareness and ultimately it will get promoted. Today even after presence of such platform, students hesitate to use or learn from online teaching. For them spending money in online learning is not worth.


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