ذج ا ا وأداء ا Employee Name:
Employee ID:
ا ا
ر ا
ا!ی/ اﺕ
Type of Review (Please check one box. Temporary employees receive annual or additional reviews only.) ./ 0/12ي أو إ5
.)ن *)( ﺕ78 ی9 : ا9 ; – ا$% *)( ﺏ& وا+, ی( ا، ع اا 1st Probationary/
ا@ول. ا/ر1!ا>ﺥ/< ;ا nd
2 Probationary 01A
ا. ا/ر1!ا>ﺥ/< ;ا 3rd Probationary B1A
ا. ا/ر1!ا>ﺥ/< ;ا Additional Reason: ب أﺥى1!ا st th (Annual Reviews reflect performance from July 1 – June 30 of each fiscal year.) Annual ي5
( 1 ا5Hیان اJ% 30 (% ﺕز و01 9 ا1% FGی ﺕ5H)اا ا
Review Period (ا 5/L+
ة اا/ 9 5/L+
To Month/Year
Month/Year وآ اهاف ا،"! وأداء ا# ذج ﻡا ا
0/ 1اء اJ@ اMأآ
Complete the following sections of the Employee Planning and Performance Review Form as well as the Goal Setting Sheet. PLEASE NOTE: •
Before completing this form with the employee being reviewed, please discuss and review it with your Administrative Services Manager (ASM).
Issues of attendance, reliability, dependability, etc. should be addressed in Section IV, Item B.
Any questions or concerns regarding the performance review process should be directed to your ASM or Benefits and Staff Human Resources.
:)ﺡ+ی' ﻡ
( ی،Q
.ي ی ﺕRذج & ا ا5ا اRل ه1 إآM! ت1$ة ا#ی دا$ &
. وا اU15 Z ی..V اW.>دی وا1*> وا،رX8ت ا1*2 .( )ب$5! ااﺏ& – اH. ا0/ 1L اق ا ( اQ أن ﺕZل إاءات ا ا@داء ی% رات1H; اي ا.یU!در ا17 وا1ایJ ا0; أو،ت1$ة ا#ی دا$
Revised 6/09
SECTION I ا@ولH.ا REQUIRED CRITERIA ی ا)ﺏ1 ا/\#17ا !ل. اa وQى ﺏ$8ي یRذج ا5یات ا$. ﺕ9 MG ری1!دة إ$) اA@ ا.]/ M آ0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ دة$8 ) )كAم أ$)ا (Use specific behavioral examples to support ratings in every category. Specific examples are mandatory for both exemplary and unacceptable ratings.)
:. 4 12# – أه. رات ا12 ا-1 1. JOB SKILLS - Importance to Position 1 اCritical ا$ 1 هVery Important .1L 0; اﺹ ا0/ MZH ه1 ا ; آcRL ; م ا1Lدی ا, رات ا)ﺏ$.ا*! ا
1 هImportant
Consider the ability needed to perform the major responsibilities of this job as noted in the position description.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
رات1dddL ارddd1 ﺏdddLeی ddd)a أdddدی1 ﺕ0ddd/ #15Adddا ; اQﺕ1 ]H Consistently demonstrates exceptional skills in performing the major responsibilities of this job.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
$ddیJرات ﺕ1ddL ddLe ی1dd!1a dddddddدی, بddddddd) ا9ddddddd* ; ت ا1 ]Hا Often demonstrates skills that exceed those needed to perform the major responsibilities of this job.
02 Satisfactory
0dd;رات ﺕ1ddL 1dd# داddLeی d ه1d 9d* 1d1 % أ$یJ ﺕ$و Qﺕ1 ]dddH dddدی, بddd) ; ا Regularly demonstrates skills that meet and periodically may exceed those needed to perform the major responsibilities of this job.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی
!ل. a
Needs Improvement
ر1ddL ا9dd* JddZ ی1dd 1dd!1a dddدی, dddرات ا)ﺏ1ddLا ; اQﺕ1 ]H Often fails to demonstrate skills needed to perform the major responsibilities of this job.
ر1ddddL ا9dddd* 1dddd# داJddddZی dde ddرات ا)ﺏ1ddLا ،dddddddddd ; اQﺕ1 ]ddddddddddH 51 ار6 ذ1"ب اﺕ4!ﻡ Consistently fails to demonstrate skills needed to perform the major responsibilities of this job. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
. 4 <# – أه9:; ا5 آ ا-2 2. AMOUNT OF WORK ACCOMPLISHED - Importance to Position Important م1ه ; اcRL اف$م وا@ه1Lی ا, ﺏh) ی1 0/ دى: اMا*! آ ا
Very Important ا$
Consider the amount of work performed as it relates to achieving the tasks and goals of this position.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ddddddd ار آddddddd1 ﺏiddddddd5ی cRd ه0/ M ا9 #15Aا ; ا Consistently produces an exceptional amount of work for this position.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
#15Add اdd آ1dd!1a idd5ی قddddd;ي یRddddd اMddddd ا9ddddd ; اcRی ه1 Often produces an amount of work that is substantially above the standards for this position.
02 Satisfactory
9dd dd ار آdd1 ﺏidd5ی ی1ddd ﺏ0ddd;ي یRddd اMdddا $ddddیJ ی$dddd وdddd; اcRddddه 11 % أ1L5* Regularly produces an amount of work that meets the standards set for this position and periodically may exceed them.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
ج1dd ا9dd* JddZ ی1dd 1dd!1a ی1ddd ﺏ0ddd;ي یRddd اMdddا .; اcRه Often fails to produce an amount of work that meets the standards set for this position.
!ل. a Unacceptable
d ج آ1d ا9* 1# داJZی ی1dd1 ﺏ0dd; ﺕ0dd اMddا ، dddd; اcRddddL دة$dddd8ا 51 ار6 ذ1"ب اﺕ4!ﻡ Consistently fails to produce an amount of work that meets the standards set for this position. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 <; أه:5 دة ا-3 3. QUALITY OF WORK - Importance to Position
Very Important
ا$ م1ه
ر1. M ا*! ا.د$8 اj ا0/ Qﺕ1L م1دی واﺕ, ﺕ0/ ا1L! ی0ت ا1ر$ وا، ل ا1*ل أ1Gaءة و1;G واe5 وا$إ*! ا .Mن دة ا1X اف ا)ب+@ اG اه ﺏ1X ای.; ) اف$ی ا@داء وا@ه1 & دة Consider accuracy, organization, effectiveness, and completeness of the employee’s work. Degree to which the employee follows through on assignments and completes them on time. Consider how the work compares to quality performance standards and goals for the employee’s position. Also consider the amount of supervisory review required to assure work quality.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ddddddd ار آddddddd1 ﺏiddddddd5ی قdd; ﺕMdd ا9dd #15Addا ت1ddddی ا@داء وا1dddd jddd ا0ddd/ ddd; اcRdddL 9dddd ر$dddd Mdddd, ﺏdddd15ا .اف+ون إ$اف أو ﺏ+kا
Produces exceptional work that consistently exceeds performance standards and expectations for this position in a timely manner with minimal or no supervision.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
#15Add اdd آ1dd!1a idd5ی ی1ddd قddd; ﺕMddd ا9ddd cRddddddddL ت1ddddddddا@داء وا 15 اj ا0/ ; ا اف أوdd+k ا9dd ر$dd Mdd,ﺏ .اف+ون إ$ﺏ
Often produces work that is substantially above performance standards and expectations for this position in a timely manner with minimal supervision.
02 Satisfactory
Mddd* ddd م آ1ddde1 ﺏiddd5ی ی ا@داء1dddddddddddd ﺏ0dddddddddddd;ﺕ 0/ ; اcRL ت1وا ىH, وﺏ15 اjا .اف+@ ا9 15ا
Regularly produces work that meets performance standards and expectations for this position in a timely manner with the appropriate level of supervision.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
ج1dd ا9dd* JddZ ی1dd 1dd!1a ی1ddd ﺏ0ddd;ي یRddd اMdddا cRdddd ه9dddd ت1ddddأداء وا 0dd/ 1dL)Gأو > ی/ وd; ا ج1ddd8 وی،ddd15 اjdddا ىddddH ا9dddd ddddA( أآddddا .اف+@ ا9 15ا Often produces work that fails to meet performance standards and expectations for this position and/or is not completed in a timely manner; more than the appropriate level of supervision is required.
!ل. a Unacceptable
ج1dd ا9d* ارdd1 ﺏJdZی ی1ddd ﺏ0ddd;ي یRddd اMdddا cRdddd ه9dddd ت1ddddأداء وا 0dd/ 1dL)Gأو > ی/ وd; ا ج1ddd8 وی،ddd15 اjdddا دي1ddd* ddd a ىdddH (dddا .اف+@ ا9 51 ار6 ذ1"ب اﺕ4!ﻡ Consistently fails to produce work that meets the performance standards and expectations for this position and/or is not completed in a timely manner; an unusually high level of supervision is required. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 12# اه:درات1> ا-4 4. INITIATIVE- Importance to Position
Very Important
ا$ م1ه
0/ !a وا،Mت ا1l1U5درة ﺏ1! وا،ء1 ا@ﺥm 87 واف *)( وﺕ،M ا)ب ا0/ ت15 H8 ﺕM* 0/ ).H ل1*ذ أ1 اﺕ0/ !aإ*! ا .ة#ا$ ا@داء ا;دي وأداء ا9 H8 قl 9* B8!ا Consider willingness to take independent action in making improvements to work methods, identifying and correcting errors, initiating work activities, and willingness to seek ways to improve individual and departmental job performance.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ر1dG/ أ$d ار ﺏ1م ﺏ.ی 1L,ddddd+ 9dddd dddd n) ءة1dddd5ﺏ أو/ وMdddءة ا1ddd; آ9 dddH8ﺕ Bd8! وی.M اMآ1U M8ﺕ 9dH8ق ﺕdl 9* ار1ﺏ ة#ا$dddddدي و اddddd;ا@داء ا 9dd ت1ddق اdd; ﺕ0ddوا رك1dddddU وی،ddddd; اcRdddddه ة#ا$ddت ا1dd18ار ﺏdd1ﺏ 0dd; ﺕ0ddل ا1dd*@1م ﺏdd.وی . /ا+ت ا1 )ون ﺕ$ ﺏ1Lﺏ
Consistently generates constructive ideas for change that will improve work effectiveness and/or address work problems. Consistently seeks ways to improve individual and department performance that go beyond expectations for this position. Consistently anticipates departmental needs and takes action to meet them without supervisory direction.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
ءة1d5ر ﺏ1dG/ح أd. ی1d 1!1a 9 dddH8 ﺕ1L,ddd+ 9ddd ddd
n) Mآ1ddddU Mdddd8أو ﺕ/ءة و1dddd;آ 9dddd* Bdddd8! ی$dddd و.Mddddا ا@داء9 ddddddddddH8 قddddddddddl 0dة وا#ا$dا;دي وإداء ا cRdddd ه9dddd ت1ddddق اddd;ﺕ فdd ی1dd اd A آ.dd; ا مd.ة وی#ا$dت ا1d1% ()* ون$ ﺏ1L ﺏ0; ﺕ0ل ا1*@1ﺏ . /ا+ت ا1 )ﺕ
Often suggests constructive ideas for change that will improve work effectiveness and/or address work problems. May seek ways to improve individual and department performance that go beyond expectations for this position. Often anticipates department needs and takes actions to meet them with little supervisory direction.
02 Satisfactory
ءة1ddd5ر ﺏ1ddG/ أ1dd#ح داdd.ی 9 ddH8 ﺕ1L,dd+ 9dd dd
n) Mآ1dddU Mddd8أو ﺕ/ءة و1ddd;آ 1dd دوریBdd8! ی$dd و.Mddا ا@داء9 ddH8 قddl 9dd* ة#ا$ddddddddدي وأداء اdddddddd;ا 9d ت1dق اd; ﺕ0وا فddddd ی.ddddd; اcRdddddه ت1ddddd1% (ddddd)* م1ddddde1ﺏ ل1ddd*@1م ﺏddd.ة وی#ا$dddا دdd و$dd5* 1ddL ﺏ0dd; ﺕ0ddا 9dddddd dddddd15 ىddddddH . /ا+kت ا1 )ا Regularly suggests constructive ideas for change that will improve work effectiveness and/or address work problems. Periodically may seek ways to improve individual and department performance that go beyond expectations for this position. Regularly anticipates departmental needs and takes action to meet them with an appropriate level of supervisory direction.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
9d قdl 9* B8! > ی1!1a Md8أو ﺕ/ءة و1; آ9 H8 ﺕ1L,+ حdd.درا ی1dd و.Mdd اMآ1ddU 0dddd واdddd
n) ءة1dddd5ر ﺏ1ddddG/ا Mddd8أو ﺕ/ءة و1ddd; آ9d d 9dddH8ﺕ (dddج ا1ddd8 ی. Mddd اMآ1dddU م1dddddddd .) )dddddddd7; ت1dddddddd )ﺕ .ة$ی$Zت ا1L1ﺏ
Often does not seek ways to improve individual and departmental performance. Seldom suggests constructive ideas for change that will improve work effectiveness and/or address work problems. Requires explicit instructions to undertake a new task.
!ل. a Unacceptable
82 ااMآ1U ا1# داMLی ddd] ( ﺏddd)* 1 !)ddd ﺙ:ddd ﺕ0dddا ddd./ ]dddH اMddd!. ی.Mdddا > .dddddدی1ت ا1ddddd! اا9ddddd* ار اوddddd> ا0ddddd/ dddddaی وت$dddddd ﺏdddddL ي1dddddء ﺏ$ddddd!ا 9ddddddddd )ddddddddd7; ت1ddddddddd )ﺕ .فUا .51 ار6 ذ1"ب إﺕ4!ﻡ
Consistently ignores obvious problems that will negatively affect the work environment. Only accepts responsibility for regular duties. Unwilling to start or continue any task without detailed instructions from supervisor. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 12# ﻡى أه-5 اA ﺏCD E#ت ا1>4!#ء ﺏ1D ا-5 5. MEETING CHANGING DEMANDS OF THE WORK ENVIRONMENT Importance to Position Critical 01ا Very Important ا$ م1ه Important م1ه
،ة$ی$Z ا1 5Gد ا1*> و،ة$ی$Zام ا@اءات ا$ ا0/ !a ا1L / 1 ﺏM ﺏ ] ا0/ وفe
ات اn ﺕ05! ﺕ0/ !a ی\ ا1 / .
n1 ﺏ.)ت ا1l1U5 اh ! ﺕ0/ ة$*1Hوا Consider willingness to adapt to changing conditions in the work environment including willingness to utilize new procedures, to adapt to new technology, and to assist in implementing change-related activities.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
nت ﺕ1!ار ﺕ1 ﺏL;ی ()* در1 وMت ا1!) cRءة & ه1;G ﺏGا ت1%. م$. ی، اتnا ، G
واn) ءة15ﺏ ار1 ﺏ9ﺥیp ا$*1Hوی .
اتn اh !*)( ﺕ Consistently understands the implications of changing work demands and is able to adapt effectively to those changes. Provides constructive suggestions for change and adaptation. Consistently assists others to adapt to the changes.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
02 Satisfactory
nت ﺕ1! ﺕ1!1a L; & یGدر *)( ا1 دة1* نGی ()* در1 وMت ا1!) ()* در1 و. Mت ا1!) cRءة & ه1;G ﺏGا
n) ت1%. ی$.ﺕ ة$ ت1%. م$. ی، اتnا & ا$ M وی، Gوا & M وی، G
واn) .
اتn اh ! 9ﺥیpا ت1!)1ء ﺏ1/) 9ﺥیpا .Z5 ﺏق Often understands the implications of changing work demands. Provides good suggestions for change and adaptation and works with others to meet the new demands in productive ways.
Regularly is able to adapt to changing work demands. Is able to make suggestions for change and to work well with others to implement the changes.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
!ل. a Unacceptable
n & ﺕG ا0/ اA آMU; & یG ا0/ ار1 ﺏMU;ی م$. و> ی.Mت ا1!) وم1. و ی.Mت ا1!) nﺕ وم1. ی$
وn) ت1%. .وریX
ات اn اM* .وریX
ات اn اM* .9ﺥیpون & ا1 اq/وی ريD ب إاء4!ﻡ
Often fails to adapt to changing work demands. Does not make suggestions for change and may resist making the necessary changes.
Consistently fails to adapt to changing work demands. Resists making the necessary changes and refuses to cooperate with others. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:54 12# ﻡى أه: H"Iت ا16+ ا-6 6. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS - Importance to Position
Critical 01ا
Very Important
ا$ م1ه
M+ أ1!15 ^ن ذ1ا آRa و، 9#1ﺏJآ واU ا0/ 9ﺥیpص ا1+@ واMء اWآ & زU M* ت1W* وإداF , ﺏh) ی1 / .;)ت ا1/1.Aس ذوي ا15 ا9 ت ﺏ1/W>ﺥ1 ﺏ/و ا/ ـ1H8ر ا1!*> ا9 ﺏR ﺥ.م1ر اLZر وا1ت ا1LZا Consider willingness to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with co-workers and other members of the Company; if appropriate include external agencies and the general public. Consider sensitivity to and awareness of differences in people of diverse backgrounds.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
ة$ ت1W* ()* 1# داu/18ة ی$ ت1W* ()* 1!1a u/18ی 9 ىH / وی،9ﺥیp & ا9 ىH / وی،9ﺥیp& ا 1ی ﺏ. واJ وای،ة$*1H ا1ی ﺏ. واJ وای،ة$*1Hا 9 ا)ب9* اA آ$یJی 9 ا)ب9* اA آ$یJی M ا0/ Qﺕ1W* .; ا M ا0/ Qﺕ1W* .; ا ﺏ1Zء ﺏ ] ای15 ﺏ0/ L1Hﺕ . ﺏ1Zء ﺏ ] ای15 ﺏ0/ L1Hﺕ .ی Consistently maintains exceptional relationships with others, providing a very high level of assistance, reinforcement, and support that goes beyond that required by the position. Work relationships contribute to a strong positive environment.
Often maintains very good relationships with others, providing a level of assistance, reinforcement, and support that goes beyond that required by the position. Work relationships contribute to a positive environment.
02 Satisfactory
ت1W* ()* دة1* u/18ی / وی،9ﺥیpة & ا$ ،ة$*1H ا9 ىH !15ی ا. واJوای .; )
Regularly maintains good relationships with others, providing a level of assistance, reinforcement, and support appropriate for the position.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
& Qﺕ1W* 0/ Mآ1U Qی$ دة1* ر1L إ0/ MU; وی،9ﺥیpا ت11% c1Z ﺕ1H8ا 0/ )*1; ﺏ$*1H و> ی،9ﺥیpا .9ﺥیpی ود* ا.ﺕ
Often has problems relating to others and fails to demonstrate sensitivity to others’ needs; does not actively assist, reinforce, or support others.
!ل. a Unacceptable
0/ Mآ1U ار1 ﺏQی$ Q7.5 ی،9ﺥیp & اQﺕ1W* /15 ﺕ0/ وه،9ﺥیpام ا%ا ،9ﺥیpت ا11% & .ريD ب إاء4!ﻡ
Consistently has problems relating to others, lacks respect for others, and is indifferent to others’ needs. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 12# أه:5آ1I ا5 ﺡ-7 7. PROBLEM SOLVING- Importance to Position
Very Important
ا$ م1ه
.15 اj1 وﺏ1 )* 1L. ! وﺕ،!15 )ی$)ل ﺏ% ( ود اﺹل ا،W.H Mآ1U \ اU اف *)( وﺕ0/ !aا Consider willingness to recognize and independently diagnose problems, accurately develop appropriate alternatives, and implement practical and effective solutions in a timely manner.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ت11% 0/ رك1Uار ی1ﺏ 1Lء ﺏ1/) M ویMن ا1G 0/ $ ا9 0#15Aى اHﺏ M% \ وUا@دراك وا Mآ1U ا1L / 1 ﺏMآ1Uا j ا0/ و،ا$ . ﺕAا@آ .15ا
Consistently anticipates workplace needs and works to meet them with an exceptional level of accuracy in recognizing, diagnosing, and resolving problems, including the most complex, in a timely manner.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
ن1G ت11% رك$ ی1!1a 1Lء ﺏ1/) M ویMا 0/ $ ا9 ل1* ىHﺏ M% \ وUا@دراك وا a Mآ1U ا1L / 1 ﺏMآ1Uا j ا0/ و، 5 اوﺕ .15ا
Often anticipates workplace needs and works to meet them with a high level of accuracy in recognizing, diagnosing, and resolving problems, including non-routine problems, in a timely manner.
02 Satisfactory
اف0/ U دة ه1* Mن ا1G ت11% ()* j ا0/ 1/ >)% ویر \Uرك وی$ ی،15ا رج1;دا وﺥ5 Mآ1U اM8وی .; ق ا1 9*
Regularly is effective in anticipating workplace needs and developing effective solutions in a timely manner. Recognizes, diagnoses, and resolves problems independently within the scope of the position.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
Mآ1Uرك ا$ > ی1!1a 0/ وM ا0/ 5 اوﺕ ن1 %@ اqﺏ M% M:ی/Ml1ی Q5* i5 ی1 ،Mآ1Uا . 1> ا2
Often does not recognize or misdiagnoses routine problems. Sometimes procrastinates in addressing problems, resulting in poor outcomes.
!ل. a Unacceptable
إدراك0/ ار1 ﺏMU;ی 0/ 5 اوﺕMآ1Uا ن1 %@ اq ﺏ0/ وMا M% M:ی/Ml1ی Q5* i5 ی1 ،Mآ1Uا اR وه1> ا2 *)( أداء1 !) :ﺙ:ی .; ا ذ إاء1"ب اﺕ4!ﻡ .ريD Consistently fails to recognize or misdiagnoses routine problems. Procrastinates in addressing problems resulting in poor outcomes that negatively impact job performance. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 12# اه:ی.Iت ا1H اﺕ-8 8. VERBAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS- Importance to Position
Very Important
ا$ م1ه
.س15 & اM ااﺹ$5* L; ا9 $آ,ار وا1ع ﺏ1> وا. ود82;ی وا+ >ت17ﺕ1م ﺏ1 .رة *)( ا$.1 ﺏh)ﺕ Consider the ability to provide clear, concise, and effective verbal communication, and consistently listen and check for understanding when communicating with all people.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ت1) ار1 ﺏ/ی . ود8 8 وﺹ82وا 9ﺥیw )*1;& ﺏHی LL; ﺕ9 $آ,ار ی1وﺏ .L Q) ع ااد ﺕﺹ2)
Consistently provides information that is exceptionally clear, concise, and complete; listens to others effectively and consistently verifies their understanding of what is being communicated.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
82ت وا1) / ی1!1a &H ی. ود8 8وﺹ $آ, ی1!1a و9ﺥیw )*1;ﺏ ع ااد2) LL; ﺕ9 .L Q) ﺕﺹ
Often provides information that is very clear, correct, and concise; listens to others effectively and often verifies their understanding of what is being communicated.
02 Satisfactory
ت1) /دة ی1* . ود8 8 وﺹ82وا ویف9ﺥیw &Hی ع2) LL;*)( ﺕ .L Q) ااد ﺕﺹ
Regularly provides information that is clear, correct, and concise; listens to others and often verifies their understanding of what is being communicated.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
!ل. a Unacceptable
)1 آa ت1) / ی1!1a a ت1) ار1 ﺏ/ی 1!1a ،+U و8 8 ﺹa و،+U و8 8 ﺹa) و1آ 9ﺥیw ع1> ا0/ MU;ی ع1> ا0/ MU; ی1!1a LL; اف *)( ﺕ0/و ()* اف0/ و9ﺥیw .L Q) ع ااد ﺕﺹ2) ع ااد2) LL;ﺕ .L Q) ﺕﺹ .51 ذ إاء1"ب اﺕ4!ﻡ Often conveys information that is incomplete, incorrect, or confusing; often fails to listen to others and to verify their understanding of what is being communicated.
Consistently provides information that is incomplete, incorrect, or confusing; consistently fails to listen to others and to verify their understanding of what is being communicated. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
SECTION II C 1J اKLMا OPTIONAL CRITERIA ری1 # اﺥO1Hﺥ < M#م ﺏM اي ﺕ1 ﺏM4# اC ا;اﺡMD 5اآ (Complete only those criteria that are pertinent to the employee you are appraising.)
:. 4 12# أه:ﺏ1#Qرات ا12 ﻡ-9 9. WRITING SKILLS - Importance to Position
Very Important
ا$ م1ه
1. ود182 وا،1e5 بG اM ا1L / نG ی0ر ا$ ا( ا. &H) 15ى اH ا0/ ﺏ1ت آ1) ا9* !رة ا$ !*إ .ا7و Consider ability to express information in writing at a level that is appropriate to the audience. Assess the degree to which written work is organized, clear, accurate, and concise.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
. ود،e5 1# داQﺕ1ﺏ1آ ،1L5 ضn1 ﺏ0;) وﺕGو د1*> #15Aرات ا$ Qی$ (ﺏ )ﺹل ا1ا)ب آ 1 / ،05ري ا1.اف وا$ا@ه ة أو$.ت ا1 )1 ﺏh)ی .ح2ت ﺏ1)ا Writing consistently is organized, precise, complete, and meets its stated objectives. Exceptional ability to adapt writing style to the objectives and intended readers and to relate complex instructions or information clearly.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
.5 و82دة وا1* Qﺕ1ﺏ1آ ي8 وﺕ،. ) ودGو Qراﺕ1L ،!15 اM ﺹ1;ا cRت ه1!) وﺕ;ق$. .; ا
Writing often is clear, logical, complete, and precise, including appropriate details. Skills are advanced and exceed the requirement of this position.
02 Satisfactory
ات$5H م1e1 ﺏ/ی ،. ود82ﺏ واG ﺕ;ق$ و0;رات ﺕ1Lا ی ا)ﺏ1 ا11 %أ .; اcRL
Regularly provides clear, concise, and effective written documents. Skills meet, and occasionally may exceed, those required of this position.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
!ل. a Unacceptable
!. a 1!1a Qﺕ1ﺏ1آ 01 $ی$8 ﺕ7 ا9 0/ م1* 9 H8ج ا( ﺕ18م وﺕ$* أو،ء1! ا@ﺥH ﺏQﺕ1ﺏ1آ ! ا0/ MU; ی1!1a .دةZا أو، e5م ا$* ل أو1ا>آ ،ة$ .ت ﺏی1) ا9* nت ا1ی8أو ا/ر و1G/@ا a ن1 %@ اq ﺏ0/ Q)* ذات وa ت1) أو ا8 8ﺹ .MG a أو/ وm2وا .Wا . > آR Lج ا' ﺕ1#ی Writing often is unacceptable and needs improvement in overall quality. Often fails to express information well; work sometimes is unclear and/or incomplete.
Difficult to determine the meaning of written communication because of errors, incomplete or disorganized presentation of ideas, and/or inclusion of incorrect or irrelevant information. Major improvements are required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 12# أه: KیM#رات ا12 ﻡ-10 10. PRESENTATION SKILLS - Importance to Position
ا$ م1ه Important م1ه ل1/ ی$.ی ﺕ$. ﺕM*;ي وUل ا17رة *)( ا>ﺕ$.ر ا$
Very Important
Consider the ability to communicate verbally and to make effective oral presentations.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
M* 0/ ار ;ق1ﺏ ،1/ ;ی+ >ت17اﺕ #15Aرات ا$ Qی$و Lط ا1.5 اM ﺹ !15 .ح ﺏی2ﺏ .&H) Consistently excels at making effective oral presentations; has exceptional ability to convey important points clearly in a way that is appropriate to the audience.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
M ی1 ی;ق ا1!1a ،1/ ;ی+ >ت17اﺕ ا$ ة$ رات$ Qی$و Lط ا1.5 اM ﺹ !15 .ح ﺏی2ﺏ .&H) Often exceeds the standards for making effective oral presentations; has very good ability to convey important points clearly in a way that is appropriate to the audience.
02 Satisfactory
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
ی;ق11 % وأ0; ی1#دا >ت17 اﺕM ی1ا رات$ Qی$ و،1/ ;ی+ Lط ا1.5 اM ﺹ !15 .ح ﺏی2ﺏ .&H)
(ﺹل ا1 ﺏMU; ی،1!1a ;ی+ >ت17 اﺕM ی1ا M ﺕﺹ0/ MU; ی1!1a و،1/ .ح ﺏی2 ﺏLط ا1.5ا .&H) !15
Regularly meets, and may occasionally exceed, the standards for making effective oral presentations; has the ability to convey important points clearly in a way that is appropriate to the audience.
Often fails to meet the standards for making effective oral presentations; often fails to convey important points clearly or may not present them in a way that is appropriate to the audience.
!ل. a Unacceptable
اﺹل0/ ار1 ﺏMU;ی >ت17 اﺕM ی1ا( ا ار1 ﺏMU; وی،1/ ;ی+ Lط ا1.5 اM ﺕﺹ0/ !15 .ح ﺏی2ﺏ .&H) .51 ب إاء4!ﻡ Consistently fails to meet the standards for making effective oral presentations; consistently fails to convey important points clearly or fails to present the points in a way that is appropriate to the audience. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
:. 4 12# أه:R1ﺏ91ل ﺏ1HﺕSرات ا12 ﻡ-11 11. CUSTOMER CONTACT SKILLS - Importance to Position
Very Important
M & آQ)1ل ﺕW ﺥM.ت وا1ر1 وا9H;5! ا2ص و8 وا1Hام ا$1دة ﺏZ ا1* $ ﺥ$ویJ ﺕ0/ !a1 ﺏh) ی1 / 1L )* M78 ی0ی اا اRn* ا5 اه ﺏ1X أی.9 واردی9س ا@ﺥی15 وا9#1ﺏJ واMب ا18 واﺹ،ءWJ وا9 )1)ا9#1ﺏJا .9#1ﺏJ ا9 ا Consider willingness to provide consistent high-quality service using tact, courtesy, self-control, patience, and discretion during interactions with all customers (students, faculty, staff, the public, and/or outside agencies). Also consider the type of feedback that this employee receives from customers.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
ت1$ اM ی1#دا 9#1ﺏJ) 0#15Aى اHﺏ ،9
ر1 وا9
)اﺥ$ا ه1 A أآM ی1#ودا ء1/) ; ا9 )ب .9#1ﺏJت ا1!)ﺏ Consistently demonstrates exceptional level of service to internal and external customers, going substantially beyond what is required of the position to meet customers’ needs.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
ت1$ اM ی1!1a 02 ل1* ىHﺏ 9
)اﺥ$ ا9#1ﺏJ) 1 1!1a و،9
ر1وا 9 ه )ب1 ی;ق ت11% !) ; Jا .9#1ﺏJا Often demonstrates very high level of service to internal and external customers, often going beyond what is required of the position to meet customers’ needs.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی
!ل. a
Needs Improvement
ت1$ اMدة ی1* 9#1ﺏJ) 02 ىHﺏ ،9
ر1 وا9
)اﺥ$ا 9 ه )ب1 Mی ت1!)ء ﺏ1/) ; ا .9#1ﺏJا
ىHت ﺏ1$ اMدة ی1* 9
)اﺥ$ ا9#1ﺏJ) 02 a M* 0/ MU; وی،9
ر1وا ; ا9 ه )ب1 .9#1ﺏJت ا1!)ء ﺏ1/) ی راRn *)( ﺕM78وی .9#1ﺏJ ا9 !) Often demonstrates unsatisfactory level of service to internal and external customers, failing to do what is required of the position to meet customers’ needs. Receives negative feedback from customers.
Regularly demonstrates satisfactory level of service to internal and external customers, doing what is required of the position to meet customers' needs.
2 ىHرا ﺏ11دي ﺏ:ی 9
)اﺥ$ ا9#1ﺏJ) $ ا9 M* 0/ MU; وی،9
ر1وا ء1/) ; ا9 ا)ب ()* M78 ی.9#1ﺏJت ا1!)ﺏ .9#1ﺏJ ا9 !) ی راRnﺕ .ريD ذ إاء1"ب اﺕ4!ﻡ Consistently demonstrates poor level of service to internal and external customers, failing to do what is required of the position to meet customers’ needs. Consistently receives negative feedback from customers. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
:اﺵاف/دة1 Mت ا1 AL ﻡ-12 12. SUPERVISORY/LEAD RESPONSIBILITIESImportance to Position Critical 01أ Very Important ا$ م1ه
یRn وﺕ8+ت وا1 ﺕ/ وی.1Lﺕ1ی1aة و$%اف ا$ه,ء ﺏ1/) Mت ا1یZ ﺏ1 وq وا;یe5 وا، رة *)( ا$.1 ﺏh)ﺕ .ا$ ﺏQی$ی: M1 ی1# ودا.# داF *)( اqءة )ی15ﺏ Consider ability to plan, organize, delegate, and follow up on work-flow to meet unit’s goals and objectives. Provides clear expectations and constructive feedback to subordinates on a consistent basis. Consistently treats subordinates fairly.
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
9 ت1 ی;ق ا1#دا ا/ فUا .]لHا Consistently exceeds expectations for supervisory/lead employee.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
9 ت1 ی;ق ا1!1a .]لHا ا/ فUا Often exceeds expectations for supervisory/lead employee.
02 Satisfactory
9 ت11 ﺏ0;دة ی1* .]لHا ا/ فUا Regularly meets expectations for supervisory/lead employee.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
( اﺹل ا9* JZ ی1!1a فU ا9 ت1ا .]لHا ا/ Often fails to meet expectations for supervisory/lead employee.
!ل. a Unacceptable
( اﺹل ا9* JZ ی1#دا فU ا9 ت1ا .]لHا ا/ Consistently fails to meet expectations for supervisory/lead employee. Immediate action is required.
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
Revised 6/09
SECTION III W1J اKLMا D1 ; أو إLی ﺕ1ﻡ X1 ر أد1 ﻡ5 وی' وﺹ آ،1 ; اD1ی إ1أ ﻡ ADDITIONAL OR ENHANCING CRITERION 01 ا;اغ ا0/ اء$ی ا1 M ی( وﺹ آ،jZ%ا اRa /12\ إ#17 ﺥ2ا (Add additional criteria if needed. Please describe each additional performance criterion below.) 13. Importance to Position
Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
Critical 01ا
Very Important
ء15A1ی ﺏ$ Commendable
ا$ م1ه
02 Satisfactory
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی Needs Improvement
!ل. a Unacceptable
Please support your rating in the narrative section below: 01ن ا1G ا0/ ^
.* ﺕ$ ی1 ح+ (ی
SECTION IV Z ااﺏKLMا (If applicable, please complete sections A through C below.)
; زات ا1Z@ ا9* )Aاذآ أ A.
Provide examples of positive achievements.
Provide specific examples that occurred during this review period which demonstrate this employee’s need for improvement.
What specific training or other learning experiences would you recommend for this employee’s performance and development plan?
9 H8) ا1% 9 !ة اا وﺕ/ لW ﺥjﺙ$% دة$8 )Aاذآ أ
.ا اR اداء ه9 H8 ﺕی وﺕQ ﺏ0ي ﺕﺹRد ا$8ری أو ا) ا$ ه ا1
Revised 6/09
OVERALL RATING م1 اK M#ا Qى ﺏR8ی/0ذ Exemplary
./ (ی ی$.ا اRه ت ا@داء1@*)( در ار1ي ی;ق ﺏRوا لWت ﺥ1ی وا1ا يR ا ا.
.ة ا/
.ا اR *)( هM78ی MZ Q نG أن یZی .زات1Z@ ا9 Mاﺹ This rating is reserved for the highest level of performance that consistently exceeds standards and expectations during the evaluation period. An employee receiving this rating should have a consistent record of achievement.
ء15A1ی ﺏ$
()* h!5ی ی$.ا اRه 0; ی1#ي داRا ا 1 1!1a و9ﺕ1ی وا11ﺏ درات1! اLe وی،1L;ی . /12زات إ1Zﺏا ا
This rating applies to an employee who consistently meets standards and expectations, often exceeds them, and shows initiative in additional achievements.
9 H8ج ﺕ18ی
!ل. a
Needs Improvement
ی1 ﺏ0; ا یM* 0/ و،ت ا@داء1ة وﺕ#ا$ا ی1 اcR ی;ق ه$ ات/ FGی ی$.ا اR ه. ت1وا Mم ﺏ.أن ا ی 0/ ﺏ1Zت ی وای1رآ1U ) م1ة وأن اأداء ا#ا$ا .02 The employee’s work regularly meets the department’s standards and expectations for performance; periodically performance may exceed these standards. This rating reflects that the employee makes a solid and positive contribution to the department and that the employee’s performance is overall satisfactory.
1$5* 1!15 نGی ی$.ا اRه ن1 %@ اq ﺏ0/ ا0;ی 9 A آ0/ 9G و، ی11ﺏ يR^ واR ﺏ0;ن > ی1 %@ا ى ا@داءH ()* 1 !) ﺙ:ی 9H8 و*)( ا أن ی،م1ا c وأداءQ/ وcدL 9H8ﺕ/ ( )ﺹل اQ و)آQراﺕ1Lو .
. ا0/ 02 ىH
a ار1اداؤ ا ﺏ ر$ﺙ ﺏ:!ل وی. a و:;آ .; ت ا1 ()* ﺥ ة Rري ﻡD 5 ب4!ﻡ .X أداءR L# ا
This rating is appropriate when an employee periodically meets the standards but too often does not do so, which negatively impacts the overall performance level. The employee must improve his/her efforts, knowledge, performance, skills, and/or behavior in order to achieve a satisfactory level of evaluation.
The employee’s performance is consistently deficient, unacceptable, and seriously impacts job outcomes. Immediate action by the employee to improve performance is required.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS: (to be completed by employee only). ( اM! 9 MG) ﺕ
:ت ا1) ﺡ+ﻡ
Employee Signature and Date (Signature does not indicate agreement)
(Q / ء1 1 ()* ./ اF & )ا،Vری1ﺕ & ا وا
Department/Unit Evaluator’s Signature and Date
Vری1ة وا$%ا/ة#ا$ ا. & ﺕ
Appointing Authority’s Signature and Date
Vری1\ ا;ض واUﺕ & ا
ASM Signature and Date
ت1$ة ا#ی دا$ & ﺕ Vری1وا
Revised 6/09