Employee Handbook

  • June 2020
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Employee Handbook University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life

Welcome The Department of Housing and Residence Life consists of nine residence halls which house approximately 4000 students. In order to service our customers, Housing employs approximately 105 fulltime and 235 part-time employees. Housing takes great pride in providing quality service to the students of this university. Each employee is equally important to our Housing Organization. Every employee is equally responsible for quality performance in their job duties. Housing is a TEAM and it takes TEAM members working together to do the job right! This handbook provides you with important information concerning policies, procedures, and benefits which allow you to participate as a successful team member.

Mission Statement The Department of Housing and Residence Life will strive to be a “home away from home” residence for students. We are dedicated to the resident not only as a student, but also as a valued person and customer. We will strive to provide a safe, comfortable environment conducive to the educational, social and overall developmental growth of the resident. We will promote the concepts of wellness, academic excellence, civility and community to those living within our residence halls, as well as to the University as a whole.

Customer Service Strategy It is our commitment to make a positive connection with the students, faculty, and staff of this university. As an employee of housing, you are the front-line of service. You can positively or negatively affect the attitudes of others toward Housing and the University. Our customers are the reason we keep the residence halls open every semester. It is for them that we provide an environment that is clean, safe, cheery and attractive. As an employee of Housing, you must show patience towards our customers and keep communication positive. Never treat customers as an interruption to our business; they are the very reason for our business. The basic ingredients for customer service are: • Behavior which demonstrates concern for customer needs •

Knowledge of Housing policies and resources

Constant striving to change the system when impediments to customer service become evident

Courtesy and a smile

The proper procedures for serving a customer include: •

Greet all customers promptly. Acknowledge every person entering your residence hall or department.

Phrase your greeting tactfully, be friendly and smile.

Give the customer your full attention. Make the customer feel valued.

University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


Try to see a problem from a customer’s point of view. Let the customer know that you can help.

Get help from your supervisor if you are unable to answer a customer’s question, cope with a problem or give the customer what they want.

Telephone Etiquette Telephone etiquette is an extension of good customer service. A customer’s opinion of Housing can be formed with one phone call. The following are tips for providing good customer service over the telephone: Answer the phone within three rings. Remember that a smile on your face can be heard by the person on the other end. Identify your hall (or department) and yourself. The accepted way to answer the telephone is “(housing department; name of hall). This is (your name). How may I help you?” Keep a customer on hold for no more than one minute. Return to the caller and ask if they wish to continue holding. Find out promptly where to transfer the customer. Do your best to get the information they seek yourself. Many customers are distressed because they have been transferred several times. If this happens, apologize to the customer for the confusion. Let the customer know that you can help or will find the right person to help. Let the customer know what steps you are going to follow. Give the extension of the person to whom you are transferring the call to in case the customer gets disconnected. Be sure to let the receiver know who it is that you are transferring.

Workplace Etiquette In order to be an effective housing team, we depend on the mutual respect and cooperation from each team member. You are an important part of our team. To help our team function more smoothly, enabling us to better serve our customers, the following elements are key: •

Be on time

Be considerate of other staff members

Volunteer to help others. “See” jobs that need to be done without being told

NEVER say, “That is not my job.”

Don’t gossip

Welcome new employees University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


Remember to use good customer service with department visitors and telephone callers

Greet each visitor promptly

Offer to help visitors if the person they are calling is not in

Inform visitors how long they may have to wait if the person they are meeting is busy

Make a visitor in your department a priority over any phone calls you may receive

Dress Code Employees must dress neatly and in a manner that is appropriate to their job duties. Presenting a good appearance to our customers is important. The dress code for the various job functions within the Housing Department is as follows: Custodians Fall and Spring Semesters Custodians are to wear their approved custodial uniforms, Monday through Thursday, throughout the fall and spring semesters. On Fridays, custodians may wear departmental t-shirts. Summer Custodians working in any capacity out of the public eye are not required to wear their uniforms; however, their clothing must meet accepted standards of safety for protection from chemicals and hazards. In certain cases, this will exclude the wearing of shorts or cut-offs. For safety reasons, custodians must wear closed toe shoes. Assignments / Collections, Desk Staff, Hall Directors, and Central Housing Staff Fall and Spring Semesters In general, the minimum standard attire will be for a “more casual” item of clothing to be balanced with a dressier piece of clothing. Examples: jeans with a vest; t-shirt with a skirt. Dresses, skirts, and slacks are acceptable. Dresses and skirts are not acceptable when “micro-mini” length; they should reach at least mid-thigh. Jeans are acceptable only if worn with a shirt with a collar (e.g. polo shirts, oxford shirts, etc.); with a shirt with a dressier fabric, (e.g. rayon, silk, pique knit); with a departmental t-shirt; with a vest. Jeans are NOT acceptable when paired with a non-departmental t-shirt, when not in good condition, or when they are “skin tight.” Shorts are acceptable only if “skorts” (full and longer, appearing to be a skirt), or tailored walking shorts (reaching at least mid thigh, usually pleated and/or cuffed). Regular long shorts are acceptable only with a matching jacket or part of a matching set (shirt and shorts) made of a more dressy fabric. Shorts are not acceptable when paired with a non-departmental t-shirt. Summer Any desk staff member, central housing staff member, or hall director working out of the public eye, can wear whatever he or she chooses as long as it is not provocative (seethrough, off-the-shoulder, etc.), doesn’t contain holes or is not dirty. This group includes conUniversity of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


ference clean-up supervisors and maintenance special assistants. Assignments & Collections and Central office help should follow the fall and spring dress code. Conference hosts should follow the fall and spring guidelines from Monday though Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (AND when doing a check-in if it is other than 8:00 am to 5:00 pm). Maintenance Workers Fall and Spring Semesters Maintenance workers are to wear their approved uniforms Monday through Thursday, throughout the fall and spring semesters. One Fridays, maintenance workers may wear departmental t-shirts. Summer Maintenance workers working in any capacity out of the public eye may wear whatever they choose as long as it is not provocative (see-through, off –the-shoulder, etc), doesn’t contain holes or is not dirty.

Work Hours / Breaks Each full-time employee is scheduled to work 40 hours per week. Employees on location for 8½ hours a day get two 15 minute breaks (on the clock) and a lunch break of ½ hour, (off the clock). Employees on location for 9 hours a day get two 15 minute breaks (on the clock), and a lunch break of 1 hour (off the clock). Personal business should be scheduled around work hours. Employees must consult with their supervisors AHEAD of time to schedule time off during work hours.

Time Cards All part-timers, custodians, desk clerks and maintenance workers must use time cards. Employees must punch in at the beginning of each shift and punch out at the end of each shift. In addition, employees are to punch in and out at lunch breaks. All employees are to begin working immediately after punching in. A supervisor must approve punching in more than 5 minutes early. If the time clock is out of order, a supervisor must write in the time and initial the entry. Housing will not pay an employee for a day that an employee has not punched in and out, unless a supervisor writes in the time and initials the entry. Punching the time card for another employee or allowing another employee to punch your card is against University policy and is grounds for disciplinary action.

Pay Checks Assignments & Collections, Central Housing, Desk Staff, and Hall Director Staff, receive paychecks on the first day of every month for the previous month’s work. University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


Custodians and Maintenance Staff receive paychecks on the first and the fifteenth of each month for the previous two weeks worked. If a payday falls on a weekend, legal holiday, or University holiday, paychecks will be available on the next work day. Paychecks are picked up by custodians, desk staff and part-timers at the front desk of each residence hall. Maintenance workers pick up paychecks from the administrative clerk for Maintenance and Operations. Central Housing Staff picks up paychecks from the Administrative Assistant. Employees must acknowledge they have received their paycheck by signing the receipt list. Only the named employee can pick up and sign for his or her paycheck unless prior arrangements have been made. If an employee has any absences not covered by vacation or sick leave, the regular paycheck may have to be canceled and rewritten on a supplemental payroll, and then distributed three days after the regular payday. This would occur if there is an absence toward the end of the pay period after the time sheets have already gone to the payroll office.

Absence / Attendance Housing is striving to provide the best possible service to our customers. In order to do this, all employees are needed at their scheduled times. It is important for employees to be on time. An employee who clocks in six minutes after their scheduled start time is considered TARDY. At the front desk of the residence halls, start time is considered to be five minutes before the scheduled desk shift. An employee who is excessively tardy is subject to disciplinary action. Excessive tardiness is: Being tardy three days in a week Being late 15 minutes or more two times in a week Accumulating 30 or more minutes of tardiness Establishing a pattern of tardiness as determined by the supervisor Absences must be approved in advance by the supervisor. An employee who has absences and does not qualify for leave with pay will have that time docked from their pay. This also applies to tardiness and unapproved sick leave. An employee who is absent an excessive number of hours is subject to disciplinary action. Excessive absenteeism is: Use of 75% or more of undocumented sick leave accrued during the previous 12 months. Sick leave documented by a physician’s statement will not be counted towards this 75% limit. Establishing a pattern of regular use of leave, with or without pay. Example: being absent every other Monday or the day after a payday; taking eight hours or more of sick leave each month, etc. Failure to call the supervisor three days in a row when absent is considered job abandonment and the University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


employee will be discharged. If an employee must miss work, he or she must notify the supervisor no later than 15 minutes BEFORE the scheduled reporting time. If this is not done, the employee is subject to disciplinary action. Bad weather does not excuse any “essential” staff from work, even if the University is closed. Hall Directors and Assistant Hall Directors are considered “essential staff” and are required to be on duty whenever scheduled as long as the students are in residence. However, if the University does close due to bad weather, these employees will receive compensatory time at a ration of 1:1. Desk Staff are typically not considered “essential” staff since part-time employees can be asked to staff the desk.

On the Job Injury Accidents must be reported immediately and reports must be filled out by supervisors. Injuries on the job require the employee to use sick leave for a period of seven days. If the injury requires additional time off, Worker’s Compensation will replace the employee’s regular salary 70 and 75% of the original salary amount. If the employee has no sick time accrued, he or she would not be paid for the 7-day waiting period. Employees may use all of their accrued sick leave if they choose, and receive 100% pay until the sick leave is used. After the sick leave is depleted, the employee would receive between 70 and 75% pay from Worker’s Compensation thereafter. Treatment for injuries received on the job is paid by Worker’s Compensation, but by the employee’s insurance carrier. When visiting a physician or emergency room for on-the-job injury, the employee should inform the office personnel that the injury was work related.

Sick Leave Under the University Sick Leave Policy, No.1.4.10, sick leave may be saved and is accrued at the rate of eight hours for each month or fraction of a month of paid employment. An employee is entitled to use sick leave with pay for the following reasons: When sickness, injury, pregnancy, or confinement because of exposure to contagious diseases which require quarantine or isolation prevent the employee’s performance of duty When a member of the employee’s immediate family is actually ill and the employee is required to care for that person. For sick leave purposes, immediate family is defined as those individuals related by kinship, adoption or marriage who are living in the same household or, if not in the same household, are totally dependent upon the employee for personal care or services on a continuing basis. For medical and dental appointments, examinations and treatment. To be eligible for sick leave with pay, an employee must promptly notify the supervisor of the reason for the absence. The employee must also keep the supervisor informed daily of his or her condition if the absence continues for more than one day, unless a doctor’s excuse from work is submitted in advance. In order to receive pay for sick leave an employee must apply for approval of sick leave by completing a LEAVE BENEFITS FORM immediately upon returning to work. An employee whose application is not approved will have that time docked from pay. FAILURE TO REQUEST AND FILL OUT THE LEAVE BENEFITS FORM WILL RESULT IN THE TIME LOSS BEING DOCKED FROM PAY. University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


If an employee establishes a pattern of sick leave abuse or exceeds the 75% level, defined as excessive absenteeism, he or she will be required to bring a doctor’s statements for future sick leave. Undocumented (without doctor’s statement) sick leave will be grounds for disciplinary action. If an employee has no sick leave with pay entitlement remaining, all absences with or without a doctor’s statement will be grounds for disciplinary action. Sick leave abuse and excessive absenteeism are defined previously under Absence/Attendance Policy.

Funeral Leave Funeral leave will be granted due to death in immediate family (whether blood relatives or by marriage), which includes children, parents, brother or sister, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts or uncles. An employee MUST complete a Leave Benefits Applications form immediately upon return. The amount of time granted depends upon the situation, extent of involvement in making arrangements, and distance, and usually will not exceed three days.

Performance Plans Descriptions of the standards of performance, professionalism, quality and service requirements are established by Housing for each job classifications. These are discussed with new employees during the first two weeks of being hired so that they know what standards they are expected to meet prior to the evaluation.

Performance Evaluations Individual probationary evaluations are completed after six months for new employees. After the first year of employment, evaluations are completed on a yearly basis. Remember: Evaluations are important in considering changes in classifications, merit raises, summer work, etc.

Employment Opportunities Employees are eligible to apply for a promotion or transfer to another staff position after completing the initial six months of employment. A weekly bulletin of available positions is posted in the Human Resource Department, in Central Housing, and at the front desk of each residence hall.

Terminating Employment

An employee leaving his or her job with Housing should give at least two weeks notice if at all possible. It is the policy of the University of North Texas to conduct termination clearance procedures (exit interviews) with all regular employees prior to their leaving University employment due to retirement, resignation, dismissal (discharge), layoff or other types of termination. The final paycheck will not be isUniversity of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


sued until the staff member complies with the provisions and procedures of this policy. Housing requires the employee to return all issued uniform items, keys, pagers, etc. before receiving the last paycheck.

Voluntary Termination Retirement, accepting another position, caring for family, pregnancy, moving, ill health, inadequate salary and entering the military are examples of voluntary resignation and the termination procedures should be followed as previously stated. Re-employment is possible if the employee leaves the University in good standing.

Involuntary Termination The University reserves the right to terminate any employee for any non-disciplinary reason if it is in the best interest of the University to do so. Some examples of non-disciplinary terminations are redesigned jobs or organizational changes, lack of work or funds, seasonal layoffs, injury, disability, etc. The termination procedures are to be followed as previously stated. Re-employment is possible if the employee leaves the University in good standing.

Discipline and Discharge Steps for disciplinary action are used to correct rather than punish problem behavior. For repeated, but relatively minor incidents of substandard performance, misconduct or rule violations, discipline will be progressive. However, depending on the severity of the case, the action may begin at any of these steps. Verbal Warning – The supervisor will send a copy of an EMPLOYEE INCIDENT report to the Central Housing office to document the discussion. Written Reprimand – This is a written notice, usually recorded on a COUNSELING MEMO, and a discussion with the employee about unacceptable behavior or performance. A copy of this reprimand will become part of the employee’s permanent record in the Human Re sources office. Suspension – This is leave without pay for continued unacceptable behavior or performance. This is also documented on a COUNSELING MEMO and a copy is sent to Personnel. Discharge – An employee who fails to improve after these steps have been taken will no longer be employed by the Department of Housing. Before an employee is discharged, the Director of Housing will be informed. Major reasons for discharge include: Failure to follow Safety Rules and Regulations Falsifying any University Records Theft, misappropriation or unauthorized use of University funds or property, or other University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


dishonest actions Insubordination or willful disobedience Excessive Absences or Tardiness Continued unsatisfactory work performance Unexplained, inexcusable, or unauthorized leave for more than three days Leaving the University premises during work hours without permission Deliberately or negligently abusing, destroying, damaging or defacing University property or property of others on University premises Fighting or gambling on University premises Bringing, consuming on University premises or reporting for duty under the influence of liquor, marijuana, narcotics, or other habit forming or disabling substances not prescribed by a physician Carrying firearms or other dangerous weapons on University premises *A complete list may be found at http://www.unt.edu/planning/UNT_Policy/volume1/1_7_1.html

Probationary Period New employees are on a trial basis for the first six months of their employment. This allows time for job adjustment and an opportunity for both staff member and supervisor to determine whether or not to continue the employment relationship. During the probationary period the supervisor will orient and train the new staff member so that he or she will know what is expected in regard to work, performance and behavior standards. Neither the staff member nor the University is obligated to continue employment through the probationary period. If a staff member proves to be unsatisfactory prior to the completion of the probationary period, the supervisory may dismiss the staff member without advance notice; however, it is customary and humane to follow a progressive disciplinary procedure even during the probationary period.

Safety The policy of the Housing Department is to protect the heath and safety of all our employees. Since industrial injuries and property loss through accidents are needless, costly and preventable, the department has provided for the elimination of all accidents and health hazards by establishing a health and safety program which is adapted by basic safety concepts. Supervisors are directly responsible for the instruction of all employees under their direction about proper procedures and safe methods for performing work duties, before taking immediate corrective measures to correct known hazardous conditions and/or practices and for the prevention of all accidents, whether personal injury or property damage. Supervisors should also ensure that all new employees attend the mandatory Business Services Safety Orientation. The supervisor must always University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


enforce the established safety policies. Supervisors will not permit safety to be sacrificed for any reason, be it production, time limitations or unexpected problems. It is the employee’s responsibility, regardless of his/her position within the department to follow the department’s safety program. Some of the major points of our safety program require that All injuries and accidents must be reported to the supervisor. Personal protection equipment, where required, must be worn by all employees – no exceptions. Machine guards will be used and maintained in good condition. Machines without adequate guards or guards in questionable condition will not be used. Hazardous conditions and other safety concerns must be reported immediately to appropriate supervisor. Employees have the responsibility for their own safety, as well as the safety of fellow employees. It is only by employees becoming familiar with the hazards of their job and doing what is necessary to insure their safety, that our department can achieve the safe working conditions deserved by all its members.

Summer Assignments During the summer, the University has a much more limited student enrollment than in the fall and spring semesters. Due to fewer students, Housing utilizes fewer of the residence halls for residents. Summer conferences are booked throughout the summer in other halls. Since the needs and wants of our summer customers are drastically different, so are the summer work assignments and schedules. Many housing employees will receive new job assignments for the summer and scheduling for these assignments begin in the spring. Assignments are based on seniority, need and skills. In general, the available summer assignments are as follows: Summer Conference Crew Conference Assistants crew Conference Assistants Supervisors Conference Custodians Conference Desk Staff Conference Host/Hostess Summer Clean-Up Crew Summer Clean-up Custodians Summer Clean-up Supervisor Assistant Summer School Summer School Custodian Summer School Hall Directory Summer School Desk Staff Assorted other specialty assignments which vary from year-to-year. University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


Classes It is the University policy that all staff members are eligible to take classes at UNT, but not more than three hours may be taken during Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Employees who are on the time clock must use their lunch hours as compensation for the time. Lunch hour times can be flexible if prior arrangement is made with the supervisor.

Teacher Retirement System All employees automatically become members of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Forms are to be filled out in the Personnel Office. Yearly membership fee is ten dollars. A pre-established percentage is deducted from each check and deposited in the employee’s Teacher Retirement Account.

Insurance The University of North Texas is a part of the state plan which provides a group insurance program for all full-time (classified) employees, some at additional costs. This includes life, hospitalization, disability and dental. Housing contributes a pre-established amount per month to cover the cost of each employee’s premium. With the employee’s authorization, the premium cost for any additional coverage will be deducted each month from the salary check. Insurance coverage for family members is an optimal benefit and must be applied for through the Human Resources Department during New Employee Orientation. Upon leaving the University, employees may continue their insurance coverage, for up to 18 months, if they apply for such coverage at the time of termination.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance Worker’s Compensation Insurance pays medical costs, disability payments and death benefits in the event of an on-the-job injury, death or occupational disease. For more information on this, see the “Injuries on the Job” section of this handbook.

Unpaid Family and Medical Leave Eligible employees (those who have worked for UNT at least one year) may request up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave for certain family and medical reasons. When leave is “foreseeable,” advance notice of 30 days is requested and medical certification is required for leave due to a serious health problem.

University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


Direct Deposit Full-time and part-time employees are eligible to have their paychecks deposited directly in their bank. Authorization forms are available in the Human Resources Department.

Blood Assurance Program Employees and their family members may receive blood at no cost through the Blood Assurance Program which is administered through Wadley Blood Bank.

Fitness Program All employees are invited to participate in this voluntary program designed to improve the health and fitness levels of faculty, staff and their spouses. Employees may take an additional 20 minutes on their lunch period if they participate in this program. The fitness program is open to UNT alumni and the Denton Community.

Parking Permit All full-time employees need a copy of the HRM-6 (see Personnel and Payroll Administrative Assistant in Central Housing) in order to get a parking permit. Take the copy of HRM-6 to the parking office at the UNT Police Station. A variety of parking options exist.

Grievance Procedure To maintain good employee-manager relationships, employees are encouraged to discuss problems related to work or working condition with their supervisor or manger. If not satisfied with the supervisor’s decisions, the employee may discuss the problems further with the Director of Housing.

Employee Assistance Program The Employee Assistance Program, (EAP) is offered through Human Resources to provide resources to assist with personal problems and concerns. You can call toll free 1-800-343-3822 24 hours a day 365 days a year. There is no cost to you and it is confidential.

University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


Help Line 565-4920 Help Line is available to any employee who has a concern or question about his or her rights under the University’s policies and procedures. Employees may call anonymously to seek assistance with employee relations concerns.

Answer Line 565-4100 Using Answer Line is a way to report a general complaint. Employees may remain anonymous or receive a reply, whichever they choose.

University of North Texas Department of Housing and Residence Life Employee Handbook


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