Emotional Freedom Techniques

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  • Pages: 12
Emotional Freedom Techniques for

Gratitude and Appreciation


Deborah Miller, Ph.D. Find the Light Within Enterprises www.findthelightwithin.com [email protected] Telephone (US) 713 893 3440 Telephone (Mexico) 951 515 3332 (c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Disclaimer Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a member of a new category of treatment techniques and protocols referred to as Energy Therapy. While still considered experimental, these techniques are being used by therapists, nurses, physicians, psychiatrists and lay people worldwide with exceptional results in the treatment of psychological and physical problems. EFT is meant to compliment NOT replace traditional counseling, therapy or medical treatment. Even though I have not experienced nor witnessed adverse side effects resulting from using this technique, each individual must take full responsibility for their own health and well-being when using this technique. This information is provided to educate, inform and inspire you.

Intellectual Property Rights This information is provided for your own personal use, not for commercial use or sale. You may not copy, adapt, alter, modify, sell, distribute or make available to the public the contents herein except with direct permission from the author.

Directions For the complete instructions in EFT, consult Gary Craig’s manual, a free download, at http://www.emofree.com . For a free copy of the manual translated into Spanish, go to http://www.findthelightwithin.com/eft_esp.htm . In this script and the audio a modified version of the EFT “basic recipe” is used. The following explains the basic steps: 1. The Setup Statement - Name the problem while tapping on Karate Chop (KC) or rubbing the Sore Spot (SP) point (see diagram). Example: “Even though I have this fear of failing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. 2. Negative Tapping Sequence – Tune into the problem by tapping the EFT meridian points while focusing on the problem and saying a Reminder Phrase out loud. This focuses the mind on the negative thought patterns and allows EFT to release it. Example of Reminder Phrase: This fear of failing  Tap each point 7 to 10 times while repeating the negative reminder phrase.  Sequence of tapping points: Start tapping at the eyebrow point (see diagram). o Eyebrow (EB) o Side of Eye (SE) o Under Eye (UE) o Under Nose (UN) o Chin (CH) o Collarbone (CB) o Under Arm (UA) o Top of Head (H)

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


3. Positive Tapping Sequence – State preferences, choices and potential alternative outcomes while tapping on the EFT meridian points to focus on the solution. This allows you to incorporate the positive thought pattern. Example: I am successful.  Tap each point 7 to 10 times while repeating the positive phrase.  Start at the eyebrow point and follow the same sequence of tapping points as before. 4. Breath – Take a deep breath to help move the energy through the body.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Tips and Suggestions EFT is easy to use because of its flexibility. Here are some guidelines on how best to use it in order to enhance your experience.  Be specific – The more specific the better. Identify a specific person, place, experience, memory, sight, sound, event, feeling or sensation associated with the issue.  Scale – It is best to have an idea of how strong the block or specific issue is that you want to clear before you begin. Use a scale of 0 to 10 (where 10 is the most intense) to identify how strong your emotions are about a specific topic. After you complete an EFT tapping sequence, do a check-in on your emotions in relation to this scale again. Did they go up, stay the same or go down? You may tap until you reach a zero on this scale as it is an indicator of emotions released on the specific issue.  Check-in – After completing an EFT sequence, pay attention to any thoughts, feelings or memories that come to mind. They could be a part of the block or issue you are releasing. Do the EFT tapping sequence on them to collapse them completely.  Be persistent – Repeat the EFT sequence until you have released all of the emotions about the specific event. There could be many aspects or layers to a block or issue. So continue tapping until all of them have been addressed or contact an EFT practitioner for guidance.  Flexibility – You may tap on the EFT tapping points with either hand, on either the right or left side of the body depending on what is more comfortable for you.  Tapping points - As long as you tap in the general area of the point you will stimulate it so you don’t have to worry if you are on the exact spot.  Water – Dehydration has been found to affect the results experienced with EFT. So it is recommended that you drink water before, during and after EFT to stay hydrated.  Scripts and audios – These scripts and audios are guides. Add or delete words to make them more specific and personal to your particular issue.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Gratitude and Appreciation Life is wonderful!! Life is fun!!! Life is full of love!!! If you don’t believe me or see your life in this way, I invite you to come on the journey of gratitude with me. If you find it hard to see anything good in your life right now, wouldn’t you like to? I’ll guide you with EFT phrases that show you how you can improve your life by being grateful. If you are seeing good things in your life, I’ll lead you in tapping phrases that will help you create even more. Being grateful is a state of mind, a state of being thankful and appreciative. You can use it to create the joy, love, and prosperity you want in your life. How can something as simple as gratitude help you create what you desire in your life? The Law of Attraction states that whatever you give your attention to, wanted or unwanted, is drawn to you. For example, you’re thinking about a friend and they call you. Have you ever had that happen? But, have you noticed; when you are dreading a call from someone, they call. In other words, whatever your attention is on, will be drawn to you. How would shifting your attention change what you have in life? Scientific studies show molecules vibrate. Since we are made of molecules, we are vibrating beings. When you think a thought or feel an emotion, conscious or unconscious, your vibrations shift to match it. Therefore, you can adjust your vibration by how or where you focus your attention. By consciously choosing thoughts and feelings that feel good, you deliberately create within yourself a vibrational state of feeling good. And according to the Law of Attraction, that ‘good feeling state’ will attract more good. Once you’ve focused your attention on what you want, all sorts of things fall into place to make it happen. Instead of dwelling on unhappy thoughts of the past, focus only on good ones. Focus on the good things of the present and feeling good in the future. Be selective, so that you are deliberating attracting more happy moments into your current life. By deliberately choosing your thoughts and feelings, and being open to receive what you desire, you have the power to create exactly what you want. That’s why gratitude is so important. The more appreciative and grateful you are, the more you thrive, since the vibration of gratitude attracts abundance and prosperity. Are you ready to begin the journey of gratitude? OK, let’s use EFT to focus on gratitude while tapping it into, literally, the subconscious.

How to Use this Script Remember this script is a guide. You may tap along from beginning to end or repeat parts or all of it until you feel you have come to a state of gratitude and appreciation.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Round 1: Begin by rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping the Karate Chop Point and say out loud: Even though I spend a lot of my time focusing on things I don’t like in the world, I choose to change that. Even though my focus has not been on the positive in my life, I choose to change that habit. Even though I’ve heard from many sources that being grateful creates many wonderful things, I’ve not dedicated myself to being grateful. I choose to be grateful and appreciative starting now. Tap on the following points and say out loud: Eyebrow: I focus more on what is wrong than what I have to be grateful for. Side of Eye: Most of the time I don’t even see what there is to be grateful about. There are so many things that irritate me, upset me, bother me or that I find just wrong. Under Eye: How can I focus on being grateful with all the bad things going on in the world? Under Nose: I don’t want to be thought of as a Pollyanna, who only thinks of the “good” and ignores what is really going on. Chin: Yet, I don’t feel good when I’m complaining or when I’m upset all the time. The stress is taking a toll on me. Collar Bone: I would like to feel better. I would like to think that there are things in my life to be grateful for. Under Arm: I wonder if I can get myself to change my perspective long enough to see something to be grateful for. Top of Head: I choose to give this a try. There must be something I can be grateful for. Eyebrow: I may have to start with the small things. For instance, that I wake up each morning, and that I have a body in which to live, that even without thinking about it I breathe in and out all day long, and that my heart beats automatically. Side of Eye: I could be grateful that my body knows how to do many things without me having to take the time to manage them all. What a relief that I don’t have to remember to do all those things. Under Eye: I could be grateful that I am able to smile. I like that it takes fewer muscles and energy to smile than to frown.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Under Nose: I do appreciate that I want to make these changes. That is a beginning. Collar Bone: I am open to the possibility of being grateful and appreciative. That is more than many people who are completely stuck in the negative. Under Arm: Being negative is just a habit. Being grateful is too. I choose to change my habit of being negative to one of being grateful. Top of Head: I choose to start today by being grateful. I choose to focus on a few areas of my life and notice what there is to be grateful for. As I shift my focus to the things I can appreciate, it will get easier to find more and more things to appreciate in my life. Take a deep breath.

Round 2: Health Begin by rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping the Karate Chop Point and say out loud: Even though I’m used to talking down to my body and telling it all the things I don’t like about it, I love myself. Even though I’ve talked this way for a long time, I choose to change my thoughts and words about my body from negative to nice. I choose to delight in the body I have, to appreciate it, to care for it, to love it. Tap on the following points and say out loud: Eyebrow: I am so thrilled that I am healthy. Whoo hoo!! Side of Eye: Health is a blessed sign of wealth! Under Eye: I am amazed how my body creates health with ease. Under Nose: Each individual cell knows its purpose, and is dedicated to completing its individual and shared tasks. Chin: My cells do the best they can to create health, under healthy and unhealthy conditions, and heal my body quickly. Collar Bone: They heal swiftly when I shift my thoughts, feelings and perception to those of health, beauty and love. Under Arm: I choose healthy thoughts and feelings. I appreciate my body and tell it so. Top of Head: I am grateful to feel younger every day.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Eyebrow: I delight in my body’s perfect metabolism, hormonal and nervous function, digestion, circulation, excretion, vision, hearing, taste, and my well-toned and flexible body. Side of Eye: As I love and praise my wonderful body it responds with vibrant health and well-being. Under Eye: To show my body gratitude I eat healthy food. Under Nose: I walk in tranquil mountains filled with beautiful sights and sounds. Chin: I do yoga to stay supple and flexible. Collar Bone: I get massages monthly. Under Arm: I sleep deeply and peacefully every night. Eyebrow: I sing and dance for joy. Side of Eye: I laugh to share my love of life. Under Eye: I tell my body daily how grateful I am for its perfection. Under Nose: I love how my body responds to this praise. Collar Bone: My body takes gratitude and appreciation and turns it into health. Under Arm: My body creates health with every appreciation it receives as it “feels” the energy of gratitude and utilizes it to create healthy cells and communication. Top of Head: I am so blessed to be a spirit having this incredible experience in a miraculous body. Whoo hoo!!! Take a deep breath.

Round 3: Income Begin by rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping the Karate Chop Point and say out loud: Even though I may not be doing what I love and earning a fabulous income for it, I appreciate that I am capable of working. Even though not everything I do is enjoyable, I choose to find something in everything I do that I can appreciate.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Even though there are many things at work that I could appreciate, I don’t always. I choose to begin appreciating the people, the place, the work, and the income I receive. Tap on the following points and say out loud: Eyebrow: I’m grateful for where I grew up as it taught me many things. It created a base for me to begin my career. Side of Eye: This background has been perfect for creating my thriving practice/work/career. Under Eye: I’m grateful for my intelligence because it allows me to think, do and create. Under Nose: I appreciate that I can create the job I want, the income I desire and the joy I desire. Chin: I choose to be grateful that I am capable of working, creating and earning. Collar Bone: Whether I’m in my perfect job or in the process of creating it, I appreciate that I am earning. Under Arm: I choose to take joy in the big and the little things I do at work each day. Top of Head: As I focus on the task at the moment, I move into the present moment not the past or future. Eyebrow: I create from this moment. I appreciate what I’m doing and that creates enthusiasm for all I do. Side of Eye: Feeling enthusiasm and focusing on the moment allows what I desire to come into being. Under Eye: Thus, whatever my work is, it is a joy, such a joy that it doesn’t feel like work. I find the good in all I do. Under Nose: It is effortless and joyful. Chin: Income flows to me. I am a philanthropist creating wealth for myself and others. I love how sharing my wealth allows it to grow a thousand-fold. Collar Bone: I am living the life I want, earning a fabulous income doing what makes me happy. Under Arm: I am magnificently prosperous, loving, kind, optimistic and at peace. Top of Head: I am grateful that I am following my heart’s desire and because of it grand opportunities come to fruition.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Take a deep breath.

Round 4: Partnerships Begin by rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping the Karate Chop Point and say out loud: Even though my relationships aren’t perfect, I’m glad that I have them. They are opportunities for growth. Even though I am not always heard or I’m misunderstood and I misunderstand those I love, I appreciate that I’m capable of communicating. Even though I communicate badly at times, I am grateful that I have a voice, a mind and feelings that I can use to communicate. Tap on the following points and say out loud: Eyebrow: If I have a partner or not, I choose now to be grateful for the partnership I have with myself. Side of Eye: I am grateful for the relationship I have with myself and that I’m learning to relate better to my needs all the time. Under Eye: I am grateful that I am able to hear what I need. I listen to my inner voice, my inner being and acknowledge those needs. Under Nose: I am grateful that I have other partnerships in my life too. I partner with my friends, my co-workers, my boss, or am the boss. I even partner with my pets in a loving way. Chin: If I choose, I partner with someone special too. I am grateful for the learning that comes from being in relationship. Collar Bone: I am delighted to have a spiritual partner in my life. I am on a spiritual path, and my partner has a similar philosophy and common interests. Under Arm: We are on missions to heal ourselves and help others shine their inner light. Top of Head: We are free of emotional blocks to having a healthy, loving relationship. Eyebrow: I am grateful to have passion and spiritual companionship. I appreciate that my desire to have passion and spiritual companionship creates them.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Side of Eye: I delight in being best friends with my partner and we share tender physical love, speak the truth to each other, listen without judgment, are honest and loving with one another, and take responsibility for our actions. Under Eye: We let go of our old needs to control and reshape one another. Under Nose: We empower each other to reach our full potential in partnership and autonomy. Chin: We have a soul-level commitment to honoring the essence within each other. We allow each other to express our full creativity. Collar Bone: Our dedication lets our relationship deepen during the continuous growth process called love. Under Arm: This experience creates joy, love and peace within us that expands to all relationships. Top of Head: I am so happy and full of love!!! Take a deep breath.

Round 5: Gratefulness Begin by rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping the Karate Chop Point and say out loud: Even though I’ve not always been a grateful person, I am learning to appreciate all. Even though gratitude was not my way of life, it is now. Even though I finally have realized that gratitude and appreciation are tools to feeling wonderful, I love myself. Tap on the following points and say out loud: Eyebrow: I am grateful for the sun for it brightens my day. Side of Eye: I am grateful for the moon and stars as they softly lighten the night sky. The stars twinkle at me and remind me to wink at someone I care for. Under Eye: I am grateful for the rain as it washes the sky and leaves the most beautiful aroma. Under Nose: I am grateful for the rain as it gives life to all the plants, which in turn give me life by providing oxygen for me to breathe.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


Chin: I am grateful for the trees as they provide me with shade on a hot sunny day and they allow me to hear the wind rustle through their leaves. Collar Bone: I am grateful for the flowers as they fill my life with color, beautiful color and shapes to dazzle me. Under Arm: I am grateful for the birds as they gave humans the desire to fly, literally and figuratively. Top of Head: I am grateful that I can walk, skip and run as I move over the planet exploring the wonders I find there. Eyebrow: I am grateful. I count my blessings. I have so many things to be thankful for. Side of Eye: I am grateful for my smile because it lights up my face and makes others smile too. Under Eye: I am grateful that I can look for reasons to be happy and to feel good. Under Nose: I am grateful that I can find positive things in my past and in the present. I am grateful that I can look for positive things in the future. Chin: I am grateful that my natural state of being is to be happy. That is my birthright. Collar Bone: I am grateful that I can laugh and that it is natural for me to laugh. I choose to laugh often and from deep within me. Under Arm: I am grateful. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful to have choice. I am grateful I can choose to be appreciative and in a state of gratitude. Top of Head: I am grateful. I appreciate life, my life and all life. Take a deep breath. Feel the gratitude flowing through your mind and body. Allow the gratitude to fill you up, recharge you and let you feel light and happy.

(c) 2009 Light Within Enterprises


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