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  • Words: 14,706
  • Pages: 24
Sponsored by Eskom and the Department of Science & Technology



Desert-ocean thermal energy conversion

MARCH 2008

IN THIS ISSUE Desert-ocean thermal energy conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 State of the Nation address . . . . 3 Hydropower news in Africa. . . . . 4 African Utility Week . . . . . . . . . . 5


he most plentiful renewable energy source on our planet is solar radiation, approximately 170 000 TW falls on the Earth annually. There is already in existence a renewable energy scheme called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). This uses the naturally occurring temperature gradient in the marine water column to generate electricity. There are two types of OTEC systems – ‘Open-Cycle’ and ‘Closed-Cycle’. Open-Cycle involves the flash evaporation of a fraction of the warm seawater by reduction of pressure below the saturation value corresponding to its temperature, which is then passed through a turbine to generate power before being condensed by the cold water. For our purposes, we shall be focussing on ‘Closed-Cycle’ OTEC systems. The operation of a typical ‘closed-cycle’ OTEC scheme is based on the Rankine cycle in which a secondary working fluid (e.g. ammonia) is pumped through a heat exchanger and is heated by the warm surface, where it evaporates (and hence expands). From there it is passed through a turbine coupled to a generator which generates an electric current. The fluid exiting the turbine is then condensed using the cold, deep water, ready to be re-circulated through the system. The greater the temperature gradient the greater amount of energy can be extracted from the system. Because of this, to make it viable, applications have primarily been limited to those areas in

the world where the temperature gradient between warm, surface water and cold, deep water is greater than 18°C. The ‘closed-cycle’ system is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1. The analysis of a ‘Closed-Cycle’ OTEC system using the Rankine Cycle is straightforward. Based on a unit mass flow-rate of ammonia vapour (kgs-1) in the cycle: Heat added (J/kg)

qA = h3 – h2

Turbine work (J/kg) wr = h3 – h4 Heat rejected (J/kg) |qR| = h1 – h4 Pump Work (J/kg)

Civil society launches 10-point plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SANEA awards 2008 . . . . . . . . . 7 Eta awards 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Eskom may delay Alcan smelter until 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Biogas plant markets boom worldwide, studies show . . . . . . 8 What impact are ongoing blackouts likely to have on the property market? . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Health24 developing carbon calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dipetane launch. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Marketers called to unite against power crisis . . . . . . . . . 10

|wp| = h2 – h1

Lights to go out at Pick n Pay. . 11

Cycle net work (J/kg) ∆wnet = (h3 – h4) – (h2 – h1)

Illuminating sponsorship alleviates traffic chaos . . . . . . . 12

Thermal efficiency

Wind turbines generate more than 1% of global electricity . . . 13

(h3 – h4) – (h2 – h1) w η = q net = (h3 – h2) A Due to the small temperature gradient, the thermal efficiency of the system is low (around 3 – 4 %), which is a lot lower than conventional forms of power production, but it is acceptable due to the endless supply of earth-bound solar energy. There are also other cycles to consider (e.g. the Kalina and Uehara) which are claimed to have a greater theoretical efficiency. One of the main limiting factors with regard to conventional OTEC schemes is the need to pump large volumes of cold water needed to condense the working fluid from depths as deep as 1 000m and the associat-

Assessment and alternatives for Northern Free State coal-fired power station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Portable gensets, ups and battery standby systems for home and office use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mining towns in South Africa Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What is ProBEC?. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Programme in fuel qualities, specifications and compliance . 21 Energy management training courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Forthcoming energy and energyrelated conferences and courses: 2008–2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2 Energy Management News

Warm water in

Working fluid vapour

Working fluid vapour



Cold water out



Warm water out


Cold water in


1 Condensate

Working fluid

Figure 1: The ‘closed-cycle’ system

ed difficulties of sinking and securing the large diameter pipes needed to these depths. The west coast of South Africa and Namibia has an abundant supply of cold surface and near-surface water lying adjacent to the coastline due to the dynamical oceanographic process known as ‘upwelling.’ This readily available supply of cold water overcomes problems surrounding cold water pipe technology in conventional OTEC systems. If a means can be found to create a positive temperature differential of greater than 18°C with this source water then thermal energy conversion will be possible. It is proposed that the pre-requisite gradient can be obtained by an input of heat from a combination of incoming solar radiation, the hot desert surface and local wind energy. In operational terms, the best way to achieve this differential is to heat a sufficient volume-per-unit-time of the incoming source water. This modification provides a significant departure from conventional OTEC schemes and has been provisionally named `DesOTEC’. The west coast of South Africa and Namibia is home to the Benguela Upwelling System, one of five major coastal upwelling areas in the world ocean. Others are located off the coasts of Peru and Chile, California, N.W. Africa and seasonally off the coast of Somalia. They are all characterised by strong equatorward winds which drive an offshore movement of surface water (through Ekman transport) resulting in the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich deep water into a broad zone adjacent to the coast. Des-OTEC would be applicable to any of these upwelling systems. The Benguela therefore has a perennial reservoir of coastal water between 7°C and 12°C. This water is readily available for pumping to a land-

based, closed-cycle OTEC plant, however, before the system can operate successfully, it is necessary to acquire a source of heat 18°C or more than the coldwater source. A variety of solar collectors, heat ponds etc. are being considered to obtain this. This heat source can then be used to evaporate the working fluid. The coastline of the Benguela Upwelling System is mainly of the desert type, especially in its mid and northern sections. There are high rates of incident solar radiation (up to 1200 W.m-2) and elevated sand-surface temperatures (c. 60°C). It is the initial design criterion that this untapped heat source be used to increase the water temperature at a sufficient rate for use in the closed-cycle evaporator. Incident and back solar radiation may be sufficient to obtain the necessary temperature gradient, however, supplementary energy is available from the substantial wind energy available in the coastal belt. The southerly and south-easterly wind (25 – 40 knots) could be harnessed using available technology to provide subsidiary energy to help with pumping, heating, or potentially, as an independent source of power. A diagram of the proposed scheme is shown in Figure 2. Land

S Atlantic Coastline Cold water Cold coastal water

Closed Cycle Des-OTEC Electric plant power Warm output water

Solar radiation/ heated desert surface

Figure 2: Schematic of Des-OTEC system

Des-OTEC provides a conceptual modification to existing OTEC systems by circumventing the need for an ambient temperature gradient in the water column and removing the constraints imposed by cold water pipe technology. It is envisaged that small-scale, locallyorientated electricity supply schemes would greatly benefit the towns and settlements along the west coast of South Africa and Namibia and the coasts of other upwelling areas. The electric power generated by such schemes can be used for domestic or small-scale industrial supply. Alternatively, it can be used to run desalination plants supplying fresh water for drinking or agriculture. The water pumped ashore as part of Des-OTEC is rich in plant nutrients and would be suitable for local aquaculture projects. l Contact: Dr Howard Waldron

Department of Oceanography University of Cape Town Tel: 021 650 3284 Fax: 021 650 3979 E-mail: [email protected] David Petrie E-mail: [email protected]

Energy Management News 3


he national emergency represented by the current power outages poses a challenge and presents the opportunity to the entire nation to give concrete expression to the call we have just made for all of us to unite in action and act in unity to keep our country on course. This must say to all of us that we are indeed in a period of challenges, but surmountable challenges. And precisely because it is a period of challenges, it is also an era of opportunity! In this regard, the President expressed his appreciation and full agreement with the comments made by the Chief Executive of Anglo American, Cynthia Carroll, when she addressed the Mining Indaba in Cape Town on 5 February. ‘I don’t regard the problems of energy supply here as a disaster. And South Africa is not alone: there are pressures on supply regarding our expansion projects in Chile and Brazil. ‘Sure, the problems here are serious; overcoming them will require ingenuity, especially in energy efficiency and energy saving, as well as the development of alternative power supplies. But if all of us can forge strong partnerships to tackle the situation, we will all come through – I hope relatively unscathed…This is not a time for finger pointing, but for working together in finding solutions.’ This having been said, it is however also necessary that we take this opportunity to convey to the country the apologies of both the Government and Eskom for the national emergency which has resulted in all of us having to contend with the consequences of load shedding. In the past two weeks, the Ministers of Minerals and Energy and Public Enterprises have outlined the nature of the emergency we confront and what each one of us can do to normalise the situation. In essence the significant rise in electricity demand over the last two years has outstripped the new capacity we have brought on stream. The resultant tight supply situation makes the overall system vulnerable to any incident affecting the availability of energy. In this situation, we have to curtail the unplanned outages and the only way


we can do this immediately is reduce demand and thus ensure a better reserve margin. The President mentioned that government’s task is to now lead and unite the country behind a campaign for energy efficiency that will address this challenge. Among other things, we must use the current adversity to ensure that our homes and economy become more energy efficient. There are concrete actions each individual, household and business can take. These are being disseminated by the Department of Minerals and Energy and we remain open to any other suggestions. Government will start implementing a campaign to ensure efficient lighting, solar water heating and geyser load management in households, including housing standards for all new houses and developments. We urge households that can afford to act immediately to consider implementing these energy-saving measures. An instruction has been issued for all government buildings to reduce their consumption of electricity and please feel free to name and shame those who do not. The details of other voluntary and mandatory actions in the Power Conservation Programme have been set out by the Ministers, and these will be

refined through consultation with the various stakeholders and then published. On the supply side, Eskom is working furiously to ensure the introduction of co-generation projects as a matter of urgency. We are taking steps to enhance Eskom’s maintenance capacity. We have emergency task teams dealing with the challenge of coal quality and supply with the coal mining industry and we are working to fast track the approval and construction of gas turbine projects. All these actions, taken together with the electricity saving measures, will improve certainty and raise the reserve margin. The massive Eskom build programme in new generation, transmission and distribution capacity will continue; and where possible, some projects will be accelerated. In a meeting with the Chairman of General Electric (GE) during the course of last week, GE offered to assist by procuring scarce turbine equipment on our behalf. In South Africa our own large companies such as Sasol, Anglo and BHP Billiton are all in concrete discussions with the Departments of Mineral and Energy and Public Enterprises to find cost effective and sustainable solutions to the supply constraint. The approach is one of common action rather than recrimination. Government will be working to minimise the adverse impacts that events have had on the mining industry. Collective effort and consultation are at the centre of our response to the emergency. Task teams are currently working in many areas. Provincial Premiers will convene their fora with mayors to plan and implement the energy saving measures in all the municipalities across the country. They will be supported by technical teams from EDI Holdings, Eskom and the National Energy Efficiency Agency. The Department of Provincial and Local Government will co-ordinate this activity supported by the line Departments of Mineral and Energy and Public Enterprises. The President will convene a meeting of the Joint Presidential Working Groups to co-ordinate our overall

4 Energy Management News actions. He will also shortly announce a team of ‘Energy Champions’ consisting of prominent and knowledgeable South Africans who will assist government with the energy efficiency campaign and inform investors and communities on the actual situation and how they can help to address our current challenges. The Minister of Finance would provide more information in the Budget Speech on the support that the government will provide for the energy efficiency campaign and to Eskom in its build programme. We face an emergency but we can overcome the problems in a relatively short period. This situation has precipitated the inevitable realisation that the era of very cheap and abundant electricity has come to an end. However, given our large base of installed generation capacity, for a long time to come ours will remain amongst the few economies with affordable electricity. We are a minerals resource economy. We must therefore continue to support the mining industry. It is inevitable that if we are to continue on our growth path as a manufacturing country, we will also have to continue supporting the processing industry. However, it is imperative that all enterprises become more energy efficient. Indeed, energy efficiency itself provides economic opportunity. Let us therefore use this emergency to put in place the first building blocks of the essential energy efficient future we dare not avoid. Let us ensure that all hands are on deck to address the turbulence that has hit us, inspired by the approach that our circumstances call for Business Unusual! To speed up the process of building infrastructure, we will finalise the development of an integrated infrastructure plan, with specific emphasis on energy efficiency. This entails co-ordinating the programmes of the State-owned Enterprises and overlaying all the infrastructure plans, including freight and other logistics, energy pipelines, information and communications technology, road infrastructure, water and electricity, both in terms of their timing and geographic location. l Website: www.gov.za

Hydropower news in Africa


s power shortages become more common on the African continent and the demand for energy increases, it seems that Africa’s governments and utilities are opting for generation of electricity through hydropower. Even more significant is the investment that has flowed into hydropower projects and the number of PPPs, indicating a growing confidence in hydropower as a long-term, sustainable and clean energy option. Some projects receiving funding are:

CAMEROON Memve’ele hydropower station will be built by Globeleq, who have signed a deal with the government for construction of the new 200 megawatt power station. DRC MagEnergy Inc. signed a preliminary agreement with INGA hydroelectric facility owner, Societe Nationale d’Electricite (SNEL), calling for the rehabilitation of all the turbines currently installed at INGA I and II. ETHIOPIA The Gibe111 Hydro Electric Power Project was signed between the Electric and Power Corporation (EEPCO) and SALINI Construction, an Italian construction company. MADAGASCAR The German Cooperation Agency, GTZ, has lent its support to the feasibility studies for a mini-hydropower plant and distribution networks to be implemented in the Lokoho river basin. NIGERIA The Mambilla station is part of Nigeria’s National Integrated Power Plants (NIPP). The Nigerian government has pumped US$2.5 billion into the NIPP project to strengthen power transmission infrastructure and the distribution network. UGANDA The World Bank has to date invested US$360 million of loans and guarantees in Uganda’s Bujagali Hydropower Project. The European Investment Bank (EIB) in London signed the documentation for a loan of roughly Euros 92 million to be extended to Bujagali Energy Limited (BEL). BEL is a private company established in Uganda to build, own and operate a 250 MW hydro-electric project on the upper Nile at Bujagali. l Contact: Nicole Smith

Spintelligent E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.spintelligent.com

Energy Management News 5

African Utility Week


frican Utility Week, from 19 – 23 May 2008, has become the largest annual forum for African and international experts to network, attend workshops and to learn from others’ experiences on how utilities can be more efficient and offer cost-effective services through improved infrastructure maintenance, load management, delivery and revenue management choices. This year African Utility Week has been streamlined into three distinct themes: Towards efficient and sustainable power generation Generation Africa will examine the ongoing power crisis in Africa and reasons behind this. Proper planning is vital and ignorance can be detrimental to any progress. What plans are being implemented, how to implement various technologies and future challenges are just some of the vital issues that will be addressed. Towards reliable and profitable energy delivery Transmission & Distribution Africa will address cross-border electrification, energy trade issues, maintenance and industrial electrification. Case studies on a BPL project, a Virtual Power Station and much more will be showcased. Towards secure and intelligent metering Next generation technologies towards a smart utility, with the emphasis on Smart Metering and Smart Grids, will be highlighted in the Metering, Billing/CRM Africa theme. Some of the companies you will hear from in the program and see on the exhibition floor include: 4RF Communications; ABSA Corporate Bank; Actaris Measurement and Systems South Africa; ADD Group Ltd; Adroit Technologies; Alectrix; Alstom Protection & Control; Barlows Power Systems; Comtest; Conlog Durban; Cooper Industries SA; Cullinan Industrial

Porcelain; DST International; Eason Electronic; El Sewedy Electrometer Company; Elster Kent Metering; Enerweb; Geopower Africa; GIMS; GMC Powerlines; Goldstone Infratech Ltd.; Greenbro; Grinpal Energy Management (Pty) Ltd; Hefcom; Hefcom; Holley Metering Group Co. Ltd.; INFOGRATE; Integrity Control Systems; Intelligent Metering Systems (Pty) Ltd; J & D Electronics Co., Ltd; Jocastro Switchboard; Kama Coils and Transformers; KBK Power Solutions; Kelman Distributors Africa; KG Technologies Inc.; Krishnam Group of Companies; Landis+Gyr (Pty) Ltd.; Lesira-Teq (Pty) Ltd; Lucy Switchgear; Magnalec; Megger Inc.; Metacom (Pty) Ltd; National Energy Regulator of South Africa – NERSA; Nexans Pty Ltd; Njabulo Lighting; Nu-Lec Africa (Pty) Ltd.; Ore Energy Product Solutions (Pty) Ltd; Palace Group; Powertech Technologies Ltd; Rea Sebetsa; Reinhausen t/a SBR Engineering; Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (Pty) Ltd; Schweitzer Engineering Labs; SDMO; Seifel; SERGI France; SIAME; Spintelligent; Siemens South Africa Ltd; South African Electrotechnical Export Council; Surge Technology; Syntell; Tap Engineering; Tenesol Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd; Trans-Africa Projects Ltd; Trinity Telecomms; Urban and Rural Engineering Services Limited; VAMP Solutions; Verotest; and Zest Electric Motors & Drives. The multi-track programme enables delegates to match their information and learning needs with sessions dedicated to: • Regulatory issues (Why?) • Transitory issues (How?) • Current issues (What’s now?) • Future issues (What’s next?) Smart pre-conference workshops include: • Smart Metering • Smart Grids • Maintenance and refurbishment • Nuclear generation

l Contact: Nicolaas Loretz (General

and conference information) Spintelligent E-mail: [email protected] Andrew Evans (Exhibition or sponsorship information) E-mail: [email protected] Rue Limekhaya (Registration, travel and accommodation information) E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.african-utility-week.com

6 Energy Management News


arthlife Africa, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA), the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) and the South African Climate Action Network (SACAN), have started a campaign to turn the current electricity crisis into an energy opportunity. Although the deficit of generation capacity has been billed as a crisis, it can also be seen as an opportunity to shift to a more long-term sustainable approach. Our past reliance on coal and nuclear and our proposed continued reliance on fossil and nuclear generation are in direct contradiction to our commitment to sustainable development. But here is an opportunity to do things differently. A focus on energy efficiency in the short term, with a longer term emphasis on renewable energy for generation will take us down the renewable road, meeting the sustainable development aims and addressing climate change along the way. We have therefore put together a ten-point plan that we think would put South Africa on the road to economic sustainability: 1. Solar Water Heaters mass mobilisation project (M2SWH) – kickstart implementation with a communication campaign to be conducted over the next 4 months – emphasis on accredited installers and quality systems (imported or locally made). Lowincome households are to receive subsidy and to pay off through rates bill, and high-income households are to use tax based incentive. Local Government must ensure mass rollout. 2. National Treasury is to announce that approved energy efficiency measures implemented by anyone can be declared tax deductible. These measures must be implemented in the next year, and can be written off over 2 years.

Civil society launches 10-point plan

7. The Department of Treasury and the Department of Trade and Industry must engage with the Renewable Energy sector to determine investment incentives to attract national and international expertise to build renewable energy plants, and other international financiers for investment in renewable energy, particularly solar thermal electric power plants. Eskom’s new power plants must prioritise Renewable Energy with commitment to binding and significant renewable energy targets.

3. NERSA is to implement the feed-in tariff (this was planned to be in 2008), and two-way metering. Government is to work with renewable energy experts to determine a reasonable tariff, and funds allocated to subsidise the grid if necessary.

8. DEAT must prioritise renewable energy and energy efficiency Strategic Environmental Assessments. All EIAs for new developments must demonstrate energy efficiency and renewable energy measures to be implemented.

4. The Department of Labour and the Department of Education are to work together to put together a fast track training programme which will skill workers for solar water installation, and manufacture as well as other renewable energy and energy efficiency related skills which are lacking in the country at the moment. A budget is to be allocated from 2008 and use of SETA funds prioritised.

9. Social and environmental justice must be prioritised to avoid unfair discrimination against the poor. A stepped tariff must be prioritised and there should be a freeze on subsidised electricity for industry.

5. The National Energy Efficiency Agency must employ at least 100 people, and send them out to facilitate energy efficiency practical implementation to industry and business. Local and provincial government must employ permanent energy efficiency officers, and develop integrated energy plans. 6. Large energy intensive business and industry should enter into negotiations with renewable energy power providers to establish stand alone power stations – solar, thermal, electric (for 24 hour heavy industry), ocean and tidal for coastal areas, and wind (with storage) where appropriate.

10. Government is to establish an advisory team of energy experts including from the NGO sector to provide guidance to Cabinet over the next 5 years. This ten point plan is a start and signifies willingness to engage with all stakeholders to resolve the “energy crisis” in a way that promotes human wellbeing through sustainable development. All individuals and organisations are encouraged to endorse the plan. l E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 654 9788.

Energy Management News 7

SANEA awards 2008


he South African National Energy Association (SANEA) has as its Vision “Energy People Working Together”. SANEA continues to honour and celebrate the achievements of companies, organizations and individuals that are making an effort to ensure and contribute to a sustained and healthy South African Energy Sector. The energy industry in South Africa has changed vastly in the last few years, and continues to change, develop and mature. Many individuals and companies have worked together and have made significant contributions towards these developments. Some of these are high profile and have become household names while many are the hard working “behind the scenes” types who quietly get on and deliver. All are important to the development of South Africa. These are the individuals, organisations and companies that SANEA would like to recognise for their efforts to promote and provide sustainable energy supply and use for the benefit of all. These are the individuals and organisations that deserve to have their role recorded in the history of the South African Energy Sector. These are the people and organisations that merit nomination for one of the SANEA Awards. The Awards include the following categories: • SANEA Energy Award • SANEA Energy Project Award • SANEA Recognition Award • SANEA Service Award • SANEA Energy Journalism Award • SANEA Education Award It is these people that we would like to know about. It is these names that we would like to bring forward to thank. It is these to whom we wish to pay our respects. The finalists and recipients of the awards will be entertained at a prestigious banquet and awards ceremony hosted by SANEA on the 31st of July 2008. This gala event will reflect the significance of the both the awards and the recipients. The awards are designed to generate public, government and business awareness of

achievements in the Energy Sector. The aim is to inspire innovation and actions to address future energy Entrants are welcome to nominate candidates in more than one category. Please fill in a separate entry form for each category. l Contact: Sarita Cronjé

South African National Energy Association Tel: +27 (0)12 346 6004 Cell: +27 (0)83 325 6716 Fax: 086 611 5942 E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] Website: www.sanea.org.za/awards2008/

Eta awards 2007


he eta Awards is an annual event, endorsed by the Department of Mineral and Energy as well as Eskom, and has been running for the past 17 years. The purpose of the eta Awards is to promote the more efficient use of energy and to improve business competitiveness. The awards are granted for exceptional effort in promoting the more efficient use of energy.

WOMEN IN ENERGY INDUSTRY AWARD Lisa Reynolds, Saint-Gobain General Manager: Technical and Specifications, won the “Woman in Energy Industry” category of the eta Awards. Lisa won the award for her contribution to the writing and driving of Energy Efficiency standards for buildings; and also for her energy awareness raising achievements within the building and other industries. COMMERCIAL CATEGORY – ENERGY EFFICIENCY AWARD Electro Sense won the Commercial Category of the eta Awards. This is the second year running that they have won this prestigious award. The winners of the Awards were announced at a gala dinner function held on the 10th of December 2007. l Contact: Nikki Nel

SAEE E-mail: [email protected]

8 Energy Management News

Eskom may delay Alcan smelter until 2013


ccording to an article in Business Report on 17 January 2008 (‘Shelve new projects, Eskom warns’), Eskom’s financial director is asking the Government to stop marketing South Africa as a low-cost electricity investment centre. This would include delaying, until 2013, the controversial and proposed Alcan aluminium smelter at Coega. The Alcan was the subject of intense civil society, local Port Elizabeth, and international opposition in 2007. Eskom’s financial director, Mr. Bongani Nqwababa, is reported to have said, in regard to the Alcan smelter, that, ‘Eskom needs to review supply to Coega’, and that paying penalties for the delaying the project would be cheaper than building a new power station, which is what the proposed smelter would require. Earthlife Africa Johannesburg welcomes this reasoned and enlightened viewpoint and hopes that this is the beginning of responsible energy supply planning, especially in the current climate of load shedding. Responsible energy planning requires demand management and industrial energy efficiency. Earthlife Africa Johannesburg urges Cabinet to reject the tariff policy (the Developmental Electricity Pricing Programme – DEPP) under which the 25year contract with Alcan was signed. Abandoning the DEPP would help to ensure security of electricity supply for South Africa’s ordinary citizens. The DEPP ensures that contracts between the State and foreign corporations remain secret and not for public review. This is extremely anti-democratic. The Energy Policy Officer of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, Tristen Taylor, states, ‘The big question that should be asked when Eskom turns off the lights is; why, if Eskom can’t supply electricity to the citizens of this country, is it offering foreign companies large amounts of power at reduced tariffs? Must individuals and small businesses suffer so that large industries can be assured profit? It seems that Mr. Nqwababa understands these questions and has suggested it would be irresponsible to supply the Canadian multinational corporation Alcan before supplying electric-

ity to the citizens and voters of this country.’ l Contact: Tristen Taylor

Energy Policy Officer Earthlife Africa, Johannesburg Branch Tel: +27 11 339 3662 Fax: +27 11 339 3270 Cell: +27 84 250 2434 E-mail: [email protected]

Biogas plant markets boom worldwide, studies show


iogas plant markets are booming worldwide in Municipalities, Industry and Agriculture. The profit potential is high. The world market was about 2 billion Euros in 2006 and is expected to increase to over 25 billion Euros by 2020. Helmut Kaiser Consultancy released a new study about the markets for biogas plants worldwide. The world markets for Biogas and Biogas Plants have increased over the years by 20 to 30 percent depending on the country. Germany, as a technology leader, reached about 700 million Euros with 400 companies in 2006, and 100 companies offering the whole value chain, the export is between 10 and 15 percent. Some 900 plants were built and the objective is about 3 600 plants in total. It is expected a market size of 7.5 billion Euros by 2020 for plants, 30 percent export and 85 000 jobs in Germany alone. The competition is growing too, worldwide. The USA and China show much greater potential than Germany and the rest of Europe. Many plants are low tech and easy to reproduce and design. The key is the knowledge in biotechnology, molecular science and optimization in the future. The total energy mix of the future will be more regenerative and sustain-

able. The generation and storage of renewable energy will be the fastest growing sector in the energy market for the next 20 years. The market volume of renewable energy worldwide will increase from US$ 95.8 billion in 2007 to US$ 124.4 billion in 2010, and reach US$ 198.1 billion in 2015. These figures and developments are based on the whole value chain. Biogas power plants are a combination of anaerobic digestion systems with associated electricity generators such as gas turbines or gas engines. The electricity they produce is classified as renewable or green energy and if sold into the national grid attracts subsidies. In the last 20 years, biogas utilisation has been successful in wastewater treatment plants, industrial processing applications, landfills and the agricultural sector. The future increased use of biogas is a strong goal in most countries, not only because is it a renewable energy source but it will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution and soil degradation and, last but not least, it will change the agriculture sectors in many countries worldwide to produce energy partly. This study is the first research worldwide for biogas plants in 50 countries with potential and developments to 2030, with technologies and competition worldwide. l Contact: Hku Tuebingen

E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] Websites: www.hkc22.com/biogas.html and www.hkc22.com/renewableenergy.ht ml

Energy Management News 9

What impact are ongoing blackouts likely to have on the property market


onté Jordaan, MD of Multi-Projects, an investment property marketing company based in Somerset West, says: ‘We do not know how great the impact on the economic growth of South Africa is going to be. Only time will tell on that score. But we do believe that the energy crisis will have an effect on property developments – and developers who do not plan for alternative energy sources will suffer. ‘Developers and developments that incorporate alternative energy sources to Eskom-produced power will flourish. Developments with generators and alternative ‘green’ sources of power (such as solar panels) will be in high demand. Security that runs off solar panels or stand-by generators will also increase in desirability and value, since power-cuts increase security risks. The smarter developers that apply creative thinking will survive and prosper. Developers are committed capitalists – and they will find solutions. ‘However, as indicated by Eskom, all the indications seem to be that power cuts are likely to accelerate until well into the future – and major power stations require about 5 years or longer to construct. This could mean fewer developments taking place, or lead to them being postponed for several years. This in turn will result in less stock being available, especially residential units. John Loos of First National Bank believes that the demand for residential property in the affordable market of up to R800 000 will increase. This increased demand will lead to increased prices in this category – while a shortage will drive the prices up further. We further believe that landowners that want to dispose of their land for development purposes (especially unzoned land) will see a dramatic reduction in their expected values, due to the economy cooling down, the increased development cycle, and the increases in holding costs for developers. These costs cannot just be passed on to the consumer; the consumer market is currently very price- sensitive.’ Jordaan says he believes that the interest cycle is very close to its peak, and that we could see reductions in the first half of 2009. ‘Taking all of the above into account, one must always remember that investing in property is a long-term journey and not a quick one; investors must remain calm and focus on the longer term. The South African property market is still exhibiting the


characteristics of a normal market, it is just ‘taking a breather’ from a 5-year growth period. I am sure that it will continue its positive run in and from 2009 to 2012/2014. For those who want to invest in property, now is the right time to buy – especially in new developments that will only be completed in 2010 or thereafter. ‘People must not make hasty, irrational decisions and sell their properties without considering all the options; they might just find out down the line that they cannot replace what they had. Property remains the cornerstone of wealth creation for the majority of South Africans, and will continue to be so for decades to come. I strongly believe in the South African property market and its future. In terms of the power shortages, we must just all remain calm and find a common solution – after all, this power shortage is just a symptom of a growing economy!’ l Contact: Monté Jordaan

Multi-Projects Tel: +27 (0)21 850 9620 Cell: +27(0)82 774 9202 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.multiprojects.com

10 Energy Management News

Health24 developing carbon calculator


ealth24 is planning on developing a simple carbon calculator. To do this, they will need a number of ratios for factors like the amount of carbon released while driving, amount of carbon saved by switching to energy-saving light bulbs, etc. Heath24 would appreciate assistance with these kinds of ratios, and where applicable, ratios that are specific to South Africa. Any suggestions surrounding what a carbon calculator should consist of would also be welcome. l Contact: Marcus Low

Health24 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.health24.com

Dipetane launch


rish R & D fuel technology is the sole inventor, manufacturer and distributor of Dipetane, and is based in Kilcoole, 20 miles south of Dublin, Ireland. Dipetane is a single product for all fuels and has one mix rate of 1:200. So, 6 litres will treat 1 200 litres of diesel or petrol, or heating and industry fuels. Dipetane works as a pre combustion technology to enable the oxygen to access the carbon much more completely, leading to the benefits. It is a pure 100% hydrocarbon, and contains no additives of any description. Dipetane has been used in many older motor vehicles with excellent results. It may also have use for other applications such as in generators. l Contact: Drew – Dipetane

E-mail: [email protected]

Marketers called to unite against power crisis


itizens and businesses joined forces in mid-February to launch The Power of One, a national call to action for the people, by the people to rally together to use less power and save South Africa from pending disaster. The Power of One has attracted a wealth of collaborators – from the manin-the-street, famous individuals, small enterprises to large and powerful corporates who have rallied together to pool their resources to take The Power of One campaign to the nation. These include Helen Zille, Pam Golding, Bizcommunity.com, Nashua Mobile, Media24, Massmart, Ireland/Davenport, TBM Communications, amongst others. The Power of One is a totally independent, non-profit, apolitical, all-inclusive and positive endeavour to help alleviate the power crisis in South Africa. The campaign provides a vehicle for national collaboration allowing every individual, business and government department to unite under one umbrella. The primary objective is to reduce electricity consumption in South Africa by inspiring every individual – including children, teenagers and adults – to practice power saving methods through mass media messaging. Max Pichulik, Power of One project manager says, ‘The campaign is threefold: it’s about uniting South Africans to ‘plug into’ the campaign, encourage people to actively follow the messages and then influence friends, family and colleagues to do the same.’ The first message is a call to action for every person to ‘switch off’. The message is loud and clear and is a call to action to start cutting back on personal electricity consumption. ‘It’s time that we, as the man in the street, take the bull by the horns,’ adds Pichulik, ‘and become part of the solution rather than the problem. If there’s to be a future in this country, we need to create it! The Power of One is about the power of a nation to overcome a crisis in a positive and proactive manner. ‘One power saving method at a time will be broadcast for four to six

weeks, before we include the next key message. Our communications will include feedback on participation, as well as figures on the reduction of power consumption where possible.’ Besides individuals, companies are participating by spreading the messaging in a free viral campaign to all their stakeholders, from staff, suppliers to customers. Sue Ferguson, MD of Ireland/Davenport, the advertising agency collaborating on the Power of One says, ‘A range of media advertising and sponsorship opportunities are available for companies to help spread the message to every corner of our country. ‘We invite all our fellow colleagues in the advertising, media, PR and related marketing industries to join forces and use this channel. For example, media groups – large and small – are donating air time, electronic or print space to carry the messages. Massmart’s marketing team are carrying the messages in their flyers, online, instore and other campaigns. Advertising agencies are asking clients to include the messaging as a strap-line in their adverts. All the finished art work is available for inclusion. ‘We are commoditising certain marketing items,’ adds Ferguson. ‘These include posters, stickers, glow-in-thedark bangles, and Street Pole Adverts, where companies can include their logos and distribute through their supply chain.’ There are a range of free downloads on the Power of One website available for inclusion and distribution on emails, websites, voicemail messaging, on buildings and cars, in adverts, to name a few. l Contact: Max Pichulik

Power of One Tel: 021 442 9600 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.powerofone.org.za

Energy Management News 11


eading by example, one of South Africa’s biggest food retailers, Pick n Pay, has decided to cut its power consumption by 20%. Not only that, it is selling energy-efficient light bulbs at cost to consumers. Pick n Pay is well equipped to deal with the effects of load shedding, with most major stores having their own generators to protect the cold chain and run tills, lights and security. However, the company believes that what is more important is the national role it has to play by significantly cutting back on its own electricity usage. ‘Using generators to keep our stores open during blackouts addresses the symptom, not the cause of loadshedding: that there is not enough electricity to go around. The reality is that we are all at the mercy of our circumstances, and we can continue to point the finger of blame or we can do something about it. The time has come for everyone to act in the national interest by conserving electricity, and we will aim to lead by example by cutting our own power consumption by at least 20%,’ says Pick n Pay CEO Nick Badminton. BULBS SOLD AT COST ‘But we also want to help our customers do their bit, too. This is why we have decided to sell energy-saving light bulbs at cost. Although they are costeffective in the longer term – because they last much longer and use much less power than conventional light bulbs – their unit cost is comparatively much higher, which makes them less affordable to a great many South Africans. We want to change that by making them more accessible to more people, and in so doing also have an indirect beneficial impact on our country’s power situation.’ According to the group’s general manager for sustainable development,

Lights to go out at Pick n Pay Tessa Chamberlain, the company has long since identified more efficient power usage as a key objective for reducing its carbon footprint, an indicator of how much energy it consumes, and this constitutes a major part of its sustainability strategy. ‘We were South Africa’s first major retailer to participate in the Carbon Disclosure Project, an international initiative to promote more efficient use of our planet’s precious resources, and we have been working hard for several years already to reduce the amount of power we consume. ‘For example, we have been using upright merchandise freezers with glass doors in new and refurbished stores since 1998, as they use 60% less electricity than open horizontal refrigeration cabinets. We also commenced with the fitting of fluorescent lighting with electronic ballasts in our stores, which are 22% more efficient than conventional lighting, in all new stores from 2001. In the past year, we began converting the balance of our stores to the new lighting. We have also since 2001 been using heat reclaim systems, which harness heat dispelled from our refrigeration systems, to provide hot water. All our larger stores have also been using the same heat reclaim systems for comfort heating through the air-conditioning system, further cutting back on con-

sumption,’ says Chamberlain. ‘Nevertheless, we have identified several more ways in which we intend to aggressively cut back further on our electricity usage and meet our target of a 20% reduction. Many are simple, commonsense measures that we will implement immediately, and many are longer-term interventions that will fundamentally change the way we use power and do business.’ SIMPLE STEPS TO USE LESS ENERGY Badminton confirmed the immediate actions to conserve power in both the group’s stores and corporate offices, which include the following: • Educating staff about how to conserve power and why they should do so, and encouraging them to be vigilant • Switching off lights in areas that have sufficient natural lighting • Isolating lighting to necessary spots, such as above desks • Installing geyser blankets, turning down the settings of geysers, and switching off geysers for activities such as hand-washing • Running air-conditioners only when necessary • Using equipment more efficiently • Evaluating equipment such as that used in kitchens and canteens, with a view to better efficiencies • Unplugging equipment such as cellphone chargers when they are not being used • Switching off lights and unnecessary equipment at night, and using only security lighting • Keeping cold room doors closed when not in use, installing alarms that will sound if cold room doors are left open too long, and ensuring that cold room flaps are kept in top condition • Installing fridge covers for open-top

12 Energy Management News refrigerators, to be used at night Switching off or turning down ovens when they are not in use • Fitting some equipment with timers, so they switch off at non-essential times • Engaging with centre managements regarding signage lighting at night Longer-term actions include challenging the group’s equipment suppliers to present innovative solutions in terms of low-energy equipment, building stores that are more energy-efficient, making air-conditioning more efficient, implementing better store maintenance practices, making better use of heat reclaim systems, reviewing opportunities to make business activities more energy-efficient, and looking to international retailers to identify further powersaving innovations. In addition, Pick n Pay will be investigating the feasibility of using decentralised renewable energy sources. ‘It is common cause that load-shedding is far more than just an inconvenience; it is a national crisis. It is costing our economy millions of rands every day in lost productivity, and it is threatening jobs and inhibiting economic growth. However, all this can be minimised if we all pitch in – in both big and small ways. Every little bit makes a difference. ‘We all need to take simple, immediate steps to cut back on our electricity consumption, at home and at work. But more importantly, we all need to change our mindset by accepting that electricity is a scarce commodity that should be used sparingly and judiciously. Only by doing that together can we steer our country away from economic loss. It’s the responsible thing to do,’ says Badminton. •

With acknowledgement to Bizcommunity.com l Contact: Bizcommunity.com

Website: www.bizcommunity.com

Illuminating sponsorship alleviates traffic chaos


eading aerial laser surveying firm, Southern Mapping Company (SMC), is taking the lead in alleviating some of the power problems, by sponsoring one of the first solar powered traffic lights in Gauteng. SMC recently signed an agreement with the National Energy Efficiency Agency (NEEA) to sponsor the traffic lights at one of the busiest intersections in Johannesburg, on the corner of Cedar and Witkoppen Roads in Fourways, to ensure that motorists will have the pleasure of fully functional robots at that point very soon – even during Eskom’s power cuts. ‘Commuters are at breaking point, and someone has to do something about it urgently. This is exactly why we’ve decided to come on board with the NEEA by sponsoring the traffic lights at this extremely busy intersection,’ says Peter Moir, Southern Mapping Company MD. ‘Retrofitting robots to run on solar power is probably the best solution we have for the current traffic crisis,’ affirms NEEA Acting General Operations Manager, Barry Bredenkamp.

intersection to get to our offices. By ensuring that the robots stay functional, we can make certain that our company continues to provide the excellent service for which we are known.’ Solar-powered traffic light systems have been successfully operational in Europe for many years and more recently, have been manufactured in Japan. ‘We have a power crisis, so let’s accept it and fix it. Let’s all help Eskom to help South Africa, and it can be done if we all work together for our country and not just our pockets. We challenge other business owners to step up to the plate to help alleviate this crisis and to convert as many robots as possible to solar power before the end of the year,’ Moir concludes. With acknowledgements to Bizcommunity.com

The photograph shows a similar installation at an intersection in Cape Town l Contact: Peter Moir

COVERING COSTS Although solar powered traffic lights are more expensive to install than conventional robots, the efficiency of the solar traffic light will allow for costs to be recovered within the first year of operation, in terms of power saved. The traffic lights at the corner of Cedar and Wikoppen Roads will be fitted with a 4m² solar panel and battery packs to capture energy from the sun. Solar panels at the top of the light pole are used to power the lights, and surplus power is stored in battery packs, allowing the system to work throughout the night, and for up to three days in cloudy weather, if need be. Moir adds, ‘Southern Mapping Company decided to sponsor this intersection at Cedar and Witkoppen Roads in particular, as it plays an integral role in our business, because many of our employees and customers use the

Southern Mapping Company Tel: 011 467 2609 Fax: 011 467 3443 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.southernmapping.com Barry Bredenkamp E-mail: [email protected]

Energy Management News 13

Wind turbines generate more than 1% of global electricity 19.7 GW added in 2007


n 2007, 19.696 MW of new wind energy capacity was added summing up to a global installed capacity of 93.849 MW by the end of December. The added capacity equals a growth rate of 26.6 %, after 25.6 % in 2006. The currently installed wind power capacity generates 200 TWh per year, equalling 1.3% of the global electricity consumption. In some countries and regions, wind energy already contributes to 40% and more. The wind industry employs 350 000 people worldwide, an increase of 50 000 people on the previous year. Based on the accelerated development, the WWEA has increased its prediction for 2010 and expects 170.000 MW to be installed by the end of that year. However, in the majority of the top 40 wind markets, the increase in the deployment of wind energy slowed down in 2007. Dr Anil Kane, President of the World Wind Energy Association: ‘The year 2007, all in all, was a very successful year for the wind industry worldwide. However, there are several developments that make us feel concerned: 20 out of the top 40 markets have decreased the volume of additional capacity and only 18 countries have been able to increase their size. Another concern is that most of the developing countries are far behind the development of the leading wind energy countries. Today the emerging countries India and China are amongst the top five wind markets, and there should be sufficient motivation for the governments as well as for international donor organisations to launch effective and substantial international deployment programmes. We need a stronger support for investment in renewable energies like wind especially in the developing countries in order to ensure a truly sustainable development.’ In comparison with 2006, when 15.120 MW were added, 2007 brought

Figure 1: Total installed capacity (MW) 1997-2007)

Figure 2: Capacity installed 2007

Figure 3: Additional wind power capacity worldwide 1998-2007 (MW)

14 Energy Management News another new record in new installations. Mainly the booming wind markets in the USA (5.216 MW of new capacity), Spain (3.515 MW) and China (3.313 MW) contributed to this record. China with a growth rate of 127.5 % showed the greatest performance of the top five wind countries. Germany defended clearly its position as number one country in terms of overall capacity with 22.274 MW installed. With additional capacity of 1.625 MW, Germany as well as India (1.580 MW added) kept their positions as leading markets, however, both countries clearly decreased in new installations. Only two countries (after five in 2006) added between 500 MW and 1.000 MW and showed strong growth rates: France (888 MW, 56.7% growth) and Italy (603 MW, 28.4%). The most dynamic market in 2007 was Turkey adding 142 MW up to a total of 207 MW, which equals a growth rate of more than 200%. The market for new wind turbines reached an overall size of 19.696 MW, after 15.120 MW in 2006 (30% increase). In the last ten years, between 1998 and 2007, even an almost tenfold increase can be seen. Based on this very dynamic development of the past years, the WWEA has again lifted its prediction for 2010 from 160.000 MW up to 170.000 MW. In terms of continental distribution, Europe decreased its share in installed capacity from 65.5% in 2006 to 61% in 2007. However, Europe is still the strongest continent whilst North America and Asia are increasing rapidly their shares. In terms of new additional capacity, Europe for the first time installed less than half of the new global capacity and counted for 43.6%, followed by North America (28.5%) and Asia (26.6%). The developing countries in Latin America and Africa counted for only 0.4% and 0.6% respectively of the total capacity, and Latin America fell back in terms of new installations down to only 0.2% of the additional capacity installed worldwide in 2007. An important indicator for the vitality of the wind markets is the growth rates in relation to the installed capacity of the previous year. After a decrease in the average worldwide growth rates between 1999 and 2004, the growth rate went up steadily since 2004, reaching 26.6% in 2007, after 25.6% in 2006 and 23.8% in 2005. However, this increase in the average growth rate is

Figure 4: Total installed capacity and prediction 1997-2010 (MW)

Figure 5: Wind energy capacity added in 2007 by continent (total: 19.883MW)

Figure 6: Total installed wind energy capacity by continent (total 93,9GW)

Figure 7: Wind energy worldwide annual growth rates (%)

Energy Management News 15 only due to the fact that the biggest markets – USA, Spain and China showed growth rates above the average. Also France showed a very strong performance with 888 MW added, equalling a growth rate of 57% in comparison to the previous year. l Contact: Stefan Gsänger

Secretary General – World Wind Energy Association Tel. +49 228 369 4080 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wwindea.org

Figure 8: Rates of growth 2007 (%) Top 20 markets (>100MW)

Rank Country/ total region 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Germany USA Spain India China Denmark Italy France United Kingdom Portugal Canada The Netherlands Japan Austria Greece Australia Ireland Sweden Norway New Zealand Egypt Belgium Taiwan (China) Poland Brazil Turkey Korea (South) Czech Republic Finland Ukraine Mexico Costa Rica Bulgaria Iran Hungary Morocco Estonia Lithuania

Total capacity installed end 2007 (MW) 22.247,4 16.818,8 15.145,1 7.850,0 5.912,0 3.125,0 2.726,1 2.455,0 2.389,0 2.130,0 1.846,0 1.747,0 1.538,0 981,5 873,3 817,3 805,0 788,7 333,0 322,0 310,0 286,9 280,0 276,0 247,1 206,8 191,3 116,0 110,0 89,0 86,5 74,0 70,0 66,5 65,0 64,0 58,1 52,3

Additional capacity 2007 (Difference 2007-2006) (MW) 1.625,4 5.215,8 3.515,1 1.580,0 3.313,0 -11,0 602,7 888,0 426,2 414,0 386,0 188,0 229,0 17,0 115,7 0,0 59,0 217,5 7,9 151,0 80,0 92,6 92,3 123,0 10,2 142,2 15,0 59,5 24,0 3,4 0,0 0,0 34,0 19,1 4,1 0,0 25,1 -2,7

Rate of Growth 2007 (%) 7,9 45,0 30,2 25,2 127,5 -0,4 28,4 56,7 21,7 24,1 26,4 12,1 17,5 1,8 15,3 0,0 7,9 38,1 2,4 88,3 34,8 47,7 49,2 80,4 4,3 220,0 8,5 105,3 27,9 4,0 0,0 0,0 94,4 40,4 6,8 0,0 76,1 -4,8

Ranking total 2006

1 3 2 4 6 5 7 10 8 9 12 11 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 25 21 22 23 26 20 31 24 34 28 29 27 30 37 36 33 32 39 35

Total capacity installed end 2006 (MW) 20.622,0 11.603,0 11.630,0 6.270,0 2.599,0 3.136,0 2.123,4 1.567,0 1.962,9 1.716,0 1.460,0 1.559,0 1.309,0 964,5 757,6 817,3 746,0 571,2 325,0 171,0 230,0 194,3 187,7 153,0 236,9 64,6 176,3 56,5 86,0 85,6 86,5 74,0 36,0 47,4 60,9 64,0 33,0 55,0

Total capacity installed end 2005 (MW) 18.427,5 9.149,0 10.027,9 4.430,0 1.266,0 3.128,0 1.718,3 757,2 1.353,0 1.022,0 683,0 1.224,0 1.040,0 819,0 573,3 579,0 495,2 518,0 268,0 168,2 145,0 167,4 103,7 73,0 28,6 20,1 119,1 29,5 82,0 77,3 2,2 71,0 14,0 31,6 17,5 64,0 33,0 7,0

16 Energy Management News Rank Country/ total region 2007 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Luxembourg Argentina Latvia Philippines Jamaica Guadeloupe Tunisia Chile Colombia Croatia South Africa Russia Guyana Curaçao Switzerland Romania Israel Slovakia Faroe Islands Ecuador Cape Verde Nigeria Cuba Jordan Martinique Belarus Indonesia Eritrea Peru Uruguay Kazakhstan Namibia Netherl. Antilles Syria North Korea Bolivia Total

Total capacity installed end 2007 (MW) 35,3 29,8 27,4 25,2 20,7 20,5 20,0 20,0 19,5 17,8 16,6 16,5 13,5 12,0 11,6 9,0 7,0 5,0 4,1 3,1 2,8 2,2 2,1 1,5 1,1 1,1 1,0 0,75 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,47 0,33 0,30 0,01 0,01 93.849,1

Additional capacity 2007 (Difference 2007-2006) (MW) 0,0 2,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 18,0 0,0 0,6 0,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 6,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 3,1 0,0 0,0 1,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,2 0,00 0,00 0,45 0,00 0,22 0,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 19.695,8

Rate of Growth 2007 (%) 0,0 7,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 900,0 0,0 3,5 0,0 6,5 0,0 0,0 0,0 226,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 366,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 25,0 0,0 0,0 300,0 0,0 88,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 26,6

Ranking total 2006

38 40 41 42 43 44 45 59 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 57 53 54 55 73 56 58 67 60 61 62 63 64 65 70 66 69 74 68 71 72

Total capacity installed end 2006 (MW) 35,3 27,8 27,4 25,2 20,7 20,5 20,0 2,0 19,5 17,2 16,6 15,5 13,5 12,0 11,6 2,8 7,0 5,0 4,1 0,0 2,8 2,2 0,5 1,5 1,1 1,1 0,8 0,75 0,70 0,15 0,50 0,25 0,00 0,30 0,01 0,01 74.153,3

Total capacity installed end 2005 (MW) 35,3 26,8 27,4 25,2 20,7 20,5 20,0 2,0 19,5 6,0 16,6 14,0 13,5 12,0 11,6 0,9 7,0 5,0 4,1 0,0 2,8 2,2 0,5 1,5 1,1 1,1 0,8 0,75 0,70 0,15 0,50 0,25 0,00 0,30 0,01 0,00 59.033,0

Energy Management News 17

Assessment and alternatives for Northern Free State coal-fired power station BACKGROUND ite work is already advancing for the Medupi coal-fired power plant in Lephalala in Limpopo, and tenders have been awarded for supplying the main components of the plant. While full information on the costs of the plant are not available to Eskom’s shareholders, the public at large, nor even relevant parliamentary committees, cost estimates per unit of plant have apparently doubled since the initial investment decision was made. Recently reported estimates are R80 billion and rising and this is quite separate from the escalation of operational costs, inter alia due to compliance with air quality standards scheduled to come into force ahead of plant commissioning, which Eskom has explicitly stated is not factored into current plans, as well as rising coal prices. A positive Record of Decision (RoD) against the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has also been issued for another enormous coal-fired plant (set to be the world’s largest) in the Witbank area. The terms of the RoD are largely a replication of the decision on Medupi: while the project proponents have not yet identified the extent or efficiency of pollution abatement equipment to be fitted at these plants the RoD requires, operation of the plant will be conditional to compliance with all legislation, including air quality standards that are promulgated after the issuance of the RoD. At this point the impacts of these plants cannot be fully assessed, as decisions have not been made regarding the trade-offs between local and global pollution, as well as different forms of local/regional impacts: for example, both dry cooling to avoid unsustainable water consumption and exhaust gas cleaning to reduce local health impacts and degradation of land and water at a regional scale, resulting in higher rates of atmospheric pollution and thus climate change. The later point is a cost as well as a corporate social responsibility issue, giving strong signals that government intends to introduce a car-


bon tax. With the process currently underway, the following questions should be answered in the public domain: • Will South Africa need another 5 400 MW of coal-fired electricity generation capacity in the next decade and following construction of about 10 000 MW additional capacity already on the cards? • If government finally implements policy commitments (see White Paper on Energy Policy 1998) to integrate externalised costs in energy planning and pricing, would a coal-fire plant, particularly one not utilising best available technology, be the ‘cheaper’ generation option by the time it is fully commissioned? • Given both the improving economic case for, and policy commitments to, energy efficiency and conservation, is Eskom heading for a repeat of its over-investment in generation capacity in the 1980s, which is the foundation of current electricity supply shortfalls? • Is Eskom still avoiding even studying the possibility of large-scale renewable energy utilisation? As our public utility would be investing well over R100 billion to develop the proposed coal-fired plant and intends to operate it for upwards of 50 years, there seems to be a fairly obvious case for looking into available options. Earthlife Africa is not convinced that the Witbank coal-fired plant (in addition to the Medupi pant in Limpopo) is a socially or environmentally defensible or a sound public investment decision, but those decisions have largely been made and will need to be addressed via avenues such as the Energy Policy Review process that Minister Sonjica has promised for 2008. In the case of the Free State Plant, as the Scoping Report and Plan of Study have not yet been completed, there is the opportunity for the EIA process to truly serve the purpose for which it is designed. Proper assessment is required not only to

avoid unacceptable and/or avoidable impacts on ecosystems, including communities that are part of the receiving environment, but also to avoid stupid decisions, such as public investment in infrastructure that is at high risk of becoming a stranded asset early in its anticipated lifespan. Richard Worthington, Coordinator of Earthlife Africa’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Project, thinks there can be no more easy or obvious opportunity for individuals to support responsible public decision-making: ‘Anybody who is wondering whether there is anything they can do about climate change, or what kind of a society their children will live in, or whether coal really is cheap, or just dirty and profitable, should not hesitate to support the assessment of alternatives. However, even if you are in denial about the human contribution to global warming, don’t care about the public health care costs of inefficient coal burning and think that windmills are a greater environmental blight than smokestacks, you may still be curious as to whether we could save a hundred billion through more intelligent use of energy and thus keep electricity more affordable.’ While a populist view sees EIAs as a barrier to development, anybody that can see beyond an exclusive preoccupation with economic growth or the most immediate short-term results, should realise that an EIA is a valuable tool to address the quality of development, not only as a public responsibility but also to improve the prospects for better returns over time. Such returns may be simple profits, or may be in the quality of life of beneficiaries of housing projects, durability of a road or bridge under changing climate conditions, or the viability of a commercial activity under constraints resulting from humanity continuously diminishing the carrying capacity of our ecosystem, even as over-consumption increases. February 14 was the deadline for comments on the Draft Addendum Scoping Report of the Environmental

18 Energy Management News Impact Assessment: Proposed new coal-fired power station and associated infrastructure in the Northern Free State. The project proposal also assumes extensive new coal mining in the vicinity of Sasolburg, although this is outside the scope of the current process (despite local community requests that the two activities be assessed together). ALTERNATIVES For too long the implementation of EIA regulations that require consideration of alternatives to proposed activities has been restricted to consideration of more than one site. Occasionally some very general statements have been made about higher costs of alternative technologies, but such assertions have not been subject to any investigation. Recent developments make this approach not just short-sighted, but now financially irresponsible, contrary to national policy and international commitments and morally indefensible. The EIA process should investigate alternatives to additional coal-fired electricity generation capacity, as well as alternatives to the specific coalbased technology proposed. Alternatives that may be feasible within the revised / extended timeline of the project and should be studied in detail include: • Electricity conservation – meeting existing and growing electricity demand growth through energy efficiency measures and alternatives to electricity use, notably solar water heating (including in residential, commercial, government building and industrial sectors); • Renewable energy electricity generation (including accelerated rollout of wind, solar thermal and/or solar photovoltaic generation); • Best available or cleaner and more efficient coal-based technologies such as Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology, including a comparison of the risks of selection of a less mature technology with the risks of a less efficient and/or more resource/intensive process. The social impact assessment should consider in some detail the employment effects of all technology choices, including the potential impact of implementing alternatives to the proposed project activity, including renewable energy and conservation. This

should include assessing the job creation potential of renewable energy options, particularly rapidly accelerated roll-out of solar water heating, to avoid some or all of the electricity demand growth that is assumed as the principle driver of this project activity. Failure of the EIA to assess activity alternatives beyond the fairly insignificant variables considered to date would not only prevent the possibility of an informed decision, but also make a nonsense of the most recent statement of the ruling party, of January 8, which asserts: ‘We must therefore proceed without delay to implement our resolutions on climate change, particularly with respect to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of renewable energy sources.’

Portable gensets, ups and battery standby systems for home and office use

l Contact: Karen Shippey or Lindiwe

Gaika Ninham Shand Tel: 021 481 2400 Fax: 021 424 5588 E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] Website: www.nihamshand.co.za Richard Worthington Earthlife Africa – Johannesburg E-mail: [email protected]


here has been a dramatic upsurge of interest in and application of generator sets, UPS and battery standby systems within home and office environments. There is undoubtedly a need for substantive yet easy-to-understand information to address the application issues, as well as the serious potential health and safety hazards that may arise. The South Africa Network of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET SA Network) had an evening of presentations on 5 March, on the practical and safe application of portable gensets, ups and battery standby systems for home and office use The two speakers, Gerrit Teunissen and Graham Beyleveld, gave non-commercial presentations aimed at the general, non-technical, home and/or business owner/user. The presentations focused on providing practical, down-to-earth and useful information, and in particular, covered the various technology, selection, rating, application, maintenance and safety related issues. SYNOPSIS The application of generator sets for home and office use The first presentation was given by Gerrit Teunissen of City Power Johannesburg, who discussed the application of generator sets in the home and office environment, and

Energy Management News 19

the associated safety requirements. Since early 2007, Gerrit has headed an 8-man working group of the Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings of Southern Africa (AMEU). The working group comprises representatives from municipal electricity distributors and Eskom, and was tasked to produce a document that could be circulated widely in South Africa, titled Guidelines for the safe use of portable generators on utilities’ networks. The presentation addressed many of the issues covered in the latest Revision 9 of this document, and this edition, published by EE Publishers, was made available and handed out to all delegates attending the presentation. The application of UPS and battery standby systems for home and office use The second presentation was given by Graham Beyleveld of Meissner Uninterruptible Power, and covered the application of UPS and battery standby systems for home and office use, including technology options such as in-line, line-interactive and switched power supplies, with square wave, quasi-square wave or sine wave output. While UPS equipment is primarily used for safe shutdown and/or the provision of relatively short term back-up power to PCs and peripherals, the presentation also covered the application of batteries, battery chargers and inverters to provide standby power for more extended periods to other domestic and office appliances, lighting equipment, etc. The application and coordination of standby generator sets with UPS equipment, as well as issues of safety, battery maintenance, replacement and disposal, were also discussed. l Contact: Marlindi Bosch

IET SA Network Secretariat VDW - PO Box 868, Ferndale, 2160 South Africa Tel: 011 789 1384 Fax: 011 789 1385 E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] Websites: www.iet.org.za and www.vdw.co.za

Mining towns in South Africa Conference 18 JUNE 2008 – NORTH WEST UNIVERSITY, POTCHEFSTROOM CAMPUS

BACKGROUND AND SCOPE he Research Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management of the North West University, Potchefstroom Campus, in collaboration with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Free State, aim to bring together researchers from academia and industry to present leading edge research findings, exchanging ideas, stimulate new research focuses relating to mining towns, and the spatial impact and development thereof. The primary objective of the Conference is to present and discuss the problems of mining towns, to transfer scientific and technological knowledge to a wide range of stakeholders and to open debate amongst scientists, practitioners, mining companies, engineers, stakeholders and government.


CONFERENCE TOPICS The topics include the following: • The process of functional change in mining towns and regions. • Corporate social responsibility and development of mining towns. • NSDP and IDP and mining towns. • Economic development of mining towns. • Role of small mines to meaningful contribute to the development of mining towns on a very limited budget. • Housing development in mining towns. • Policy and legislation related to mining towns. • Environmental rehabilitation and mining towns. • Environmental management and planning of mining towns. • Geo-environmental assessment of mining related urban development. l Contact: Melanie Nell

Tel: +27 (0) 18 299 2486 E-mail: [email protected] Prof. Leon van Rensburg (Sponsorship opportunities) Tel: +27 (0) 18 299 1543 E-mail: [email protected]

20 Energy Management News

What is ProBEC?


he Programme for Basic Energy and Conservation (ProBEC) is a regional programme implemented by the German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ) in the SADC region. ProBEC is funded by the German and Dutch governments. ProBEC is a programme that manages and stimulates the establishment of various projects based on basic energy conservation in 10 member states in SADC. Currently ProBEC is actively involved in Malawi, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. ProBEC is in negotiations regarding future activities in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. After May 2008, ProBEC will expand its scope of work, not only in terms of its focus but also in terms of the countries where it is operating. ProBEC has offices at regional and at the national level. National offices implement projects at the country level; the regional office, located in Johannesburg, assists the national offices in project implementation and has additional actions on policy development. ProBEC has three core components and is focused on improving the access of low-income households to sustainable energy. ProBEC’s first component consists of the promotion of the efficient use of energy devices primarily associated with cooking such as energy efficient wood-fired and charcoal stoves, solar cookers and heat retention devices. In order to do this, ProBEC follows two approaches. Firstly, it adopts a commercial approach towards market development for energy efficient devices. In order to develop a market, ProBEC builds capacity by training commercial producers to manufacture energy saving cooking devices and, in parallel, it stimulates the demand for these devices through raising awareness of potential users. The second approach utilises training of artisanal producers or producer groups through extension workers to supply target groups with efficient energy devices, Lastly, ProBEC also trains users to adopt efficient kitchen management techniques and efficient cooking habits in order to maximise the benefits of energy efficient devices.

ProBEC offers a stove testing and research service to identify the most energy-efficient devices and to minimise indoor air pollution. It also teaches kitchen management techniques to assist beneficiaries with conserving energy. ProBEC’s second component focuses on policy advice. It plays a facilitating role in order to make the importance of biomass and biofuels a recognized issue at the regional and national level; supports the formulation and enforcement of a regulatory framework; supports the development of basic energy strategies and operational plans with a pro-poor focus; and improves coordination amongst key stakeholders. An instrument for doing this is the establishment of a National Advisory Group in each country in which ProBEC operates, consisting of government, NGOs, private and other stakeholders in the energy field. ProBEC is also exploring sustainable biofuels and provides the SADC Secretariat with knowledge and information based on best practices to implement a sustainable biofuels project that upholds both international standards and social responsibility and environmental sustainability criteria. These different components of ProBEC’s activities are easily interlinked, and they are structured in such a way as to be flexible enough to accommodate regional differences. l Contact: Feroza Cassim

Senior Project Administrator Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH German Agency for Technical Cooperation PO Box 13732, Hatfield, 0028 Tel: + 27 11 339 6633 Fax: +27 11 339 6634/ 086 630 1435 Mobile: +27 82 904 5040 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.probec.org

Energy Management News 21

Programme in fuel qualities, specifications and compliance 22 – 23 MAY 2008


his course offers an opportunity to learn more about the South African air quality and vehicle impact, industry views on fuel specifications, global fuel trends, refinery impacts and options. The programme will be delivered by South African fuel quality experts. Limited course funding is available for small businesses (BEE and NGO’s), especially ones owned by HDSA. Enterprises are encouraged to apply early to stand a chance for funding. Module 1: South African Situation Air quality and vehicle impacts • Government processes for air quality, fuels specifications, vehicle emissions, transport policy • Industry views on fuel specifications • Biofuels role • Future goals Module 2: International perspective, with a European focus Global fuel quality trends • EU history and current position • Process to determine fuel specifications • Refinery impacts and options • Automotive trends – the technology driver • Air quality aspects - driving vehicle technology and fuels Module 3: Process issues Objectives • Timing • Process steps •

Distribution aspects • Monitoring • Compliance • TARGET GROUP This programme is aimed at professionals employed in the South African fuels, transport and automotive sectors. This includes people from government, labour, industry and the research community. Technical and environmental specialists and managers dealing with petroleum products, marketing, pricing, procurement, refining and their impacts are especially encouraged to participate. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course participants should be able to: • Understand global, European and Southern African issues regarding fuel quality requirements • Demonstrate knowledge of fuel quality characteristics and how these relate to refinery production processes • Follow changes and trends for the future • Demonstrate a good grasp of processes to advance fuel quality specifications • Understand the role of biofuels • Identify and describe measures to monitor fuel qualities and ensure

compliance METHODOLOGY A variety of methods including classroom work, group discussions, case studies, presentations and simulation exercises will be used. COST The course fee is R4 600 (including VAT). The fee covers tuition, course materials, lunches and parking, but not accommodation or transport to the venue. A cancellation fee of 50% of the total amount is payable if you cancel your registration 7 days or less before the course begins and 100% for failing to register on the first day of the course. Cancellations must be confirmed in writing. VENUE The course will be held at the MEETI offices: Level 9 Block 9, Mintek Campus, 200 Malibongwe Drive (formerly Hans Strijdom Drive), Randburg, Johannesburg. l Contact: Musa Mashinin

Training Coordinator – MEETI PO Box 599, Randburg, 2125 Tel: 011 709 4718 Fax: 011 709 4657 E-mail: [email protected]

Programme 08h30-10h00

10h30-10h45 10h45-11h45

11h45-13h00 13h00-13h45 13h45-15h00 15h00-15h15 15h15-16h30

Thursday 22 May 08h30-09h30: Registration & introduction 09h30-10h30: The SA fuel specification: process Adrian Cogills, DME Tea The SA fuel specification: process and plans Adrian Cogills, DME South African air quality in context of vehicles Margo Richardson, DEAT Automotive technology drivers international and SA Stuart Rayner, NAAMSA Lunch International fuels quality issues Pierre Malherbe, Engen Tea International fuels quality issues Pierre Malherbe, Engen

Friday 23 May SA fuel supply and distribution, and related quality issues, including SABS marks and compliance Abner Manaka, SABS Tea Other factors : Transport modes and technology, Biofuels Raoul Goosen, CEF

Refinery challenges and options Cyril Stevens, Engen Lunch SA fuels qualities and specifications, SWOT analysis Tea SA fuels qualities and specifications, SWOT analysis

22 Energy Management News


outh Africa is in the grip of an energy crisis as is well-known, which not only endangers the country’s economic development, but our standard of living. Government announced a preemptive plan to reduce the strain on the grid. This plan will consist of massive load shedding and power rationing in an attempt to reduce national demand by at least 10%. Voluntary rationing is set to become mandatory through regulation from April 2008 onwards. This will run in conjunction with the Power Conservation Programme which includes quotas that require 10% reductions in energy use and demand for all industries, 15% for all commercial and office buildings and 20% for hotels, resorts and shopping malls. Harsh penalties will be enforced if these targets are not met, whilst incentives will be given if they are. It is consequently clear that everybody has a role to play in averting a full scale national crisis. Penalties will have a direct impact on your bottom-line whilst incentives will make it worth your efforts if you become energy efficient. However, the question is: Are you prepared to become part of the solution? The two courses that the Energy Training Foundation (ETF) present will not only help you to put a system in place to become energy efficient (Building Energy Management Training Course), but will assists you in quantifying your actual impacts (Certified Measurement and Verification Professional Course).

CERTIFIED MEASUREMENT & VERIFICATION PROFESSIONAL (CMVP) COURSE The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), in cooperation with the Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) formerly known as the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP), has established the Certified Measurement and Verification

Energy management training courses Professional (CMVP) program with the dual purpose of recognizing the most qualified professionals in this growing area of the energy industry, and raising the overall professional standards within the measurement and verification field. The purpose of the course is to develop and promote the use of standardized protocols, methods and tools to quantify and manage the performance risks and benefits associated with end-use energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water efficiency business transactions. The 3-day Certified Measurement and Verification Professional course will be presented by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) in conjunction with the Energy Training Foundation (ETF) for three consecutive days. A four-hour examination will take place on the last day. The four-hour CMVP exam is given in conjunction with the Fundamentals of Measurement & Verification three day training program. The examination questions are based on concepts and experiences basic to measurement and verification. The exam is open book, and the questions are a mixture of multiple choice and true or false selections. After passing the exam you will have to submit the CMVP application. Persons attending the 3-day CMVP Course will also receive a certificate of attendance. BUILDING ENERGY MANAGEMENT (BEMT) TRAINING COURSE The Energy Training Foundation (ETF) is presenting a Building Energy Management Training Course. This is a 3day programme that was developed by the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) with support from Danida.

This 3-day programme offers a very practical and hands-on exposure of the management aspects of energy management. In addition to developing an understanding of the issues, it is intended to begin the actual planning process of energy management of building clients. Because the course outcomes essentially involve increased organisational capacity for energy management, it is especially beneficial if more than one person from a given organisation attend. The common understanding of the issues arising from the course will help to bridge any gaps that might exist withinthe organisation regarding the importance and practicality of energy management. Target groups that will benefit from the training are: • Plant operations; • Maintenance; • Engineering; • Finance; and • Management. The CMVP and BEMT Training Courses are CPD Accredited. l Contact: Christina den Heijer

Energy Training Foundation Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 Cell: +27 (0) 82 334 0923 E-mail: [email protected] Marietjie Strydom Energy Training Foundation Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 Cell: +27 (0) 83 401 7709 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.energycybernetics.com

23 Energy Management News

Energy Management News 23

Forthcoming energy and energy-related conferences and courses: 2008–2009 MAY 2008 20 – 21

JUNE 2008 2–6

OCTOBER 2008 13 – 16

OPPORTUNITIES IN MINE WASTE UTLISATION: AN UPDATE Wits Club, West Campus, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S Africa Contact: Mr Musa Mashinini or Mr Stephen Ramotsei Tel: 011 709 4718 or 011 709 4351 Fax: 011 709 4657 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.meeti.org.za

KEY ISSUES IN WORLD NUCLEAR ENERGY TODAY The Saint George Hotel, Rietvleidam, S Africa Contact: Gert Claassen, NIASA Tel: +27 12 641 1071 Fax: +27 12 641 1802 Cell: +27 83 602 5254 Website: www.niasa.co.za

INDUSTRIAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT TRAINING COURSE AND ENERGY AUDIT TRAINING COURSE Birchwood Executive Hotel & Conference Centre, Gauteng, S Africa Contact: Christina den Heijer Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 Cell: +27 (0) 82 334 0923 E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] Marietjie Strydom Cell: +27 (0) 83 401 7709 Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 E-mail:[email protected]

20 – 23 AFRICAN UTILITY WEEK Cape Town, S Africa Contact: Nadia Boucher, Spintelligent Tel: +27 21 700 3500 Fax: +27 21 700 3501 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.spintelligent.com INDUSTRIAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT TRAINING COURSE AND ENERGY AUDIT TRAINING COURSE Emperors Palace, Gauteng, S Africa Contact: Christina den Heijer Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 Cell: +27 (0) 82 334 0923 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Marietjie Strydom Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 Cell: +27 (0) 83 401 7709 E-mail: [email protected] 21 – 22 CITY ENERGY CONFERENCE 2008, Eskom Convention Centre, Midrand, S Africa Contact: Juanita Louw, Ingwe Communications Tel: 011 472 5388 Fax: 011 472 5304 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ingwecom.co.za 22 – 23 PROGRAMME IN FUEL QUALITIES, SPECIFICATIONS AND COMPLIANCE MEETI Offices, Randburg, Johannesburg, S Africa Contact: Musa Mashinin, Training Coordinator, MEETI Tel: 011 709 4718 Fax: 011 709 4657 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.meeti.org.za

12 SOUTH AFRICAN ECONOMIC OUTLOOK CONFERENCE Johannesburg, S Africa Contact: Coreen Beukes, Global Insight Tel: +27 12 665 5420 E-mail: [email protected] 18 MINING IN TOWNS IN SOUTH AFRICA: PDP CONFERENCE 2008 North West University, Potchefstroom, S Africa Contact: Melanie Nell Tel: +27 (0) 18 299 2486 E-mail:[email protected] 29 - 2 July ADVANCES IN ENERGY STUDIES Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria Website: www.aes08.tugraz.at JULY 2008 7 - 10 XIV CONGRESS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - POWER AND THE ENVIRONMENT: CHALLENGES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, S Africa Contact: Dr Heidi Prozesky, SASA Secretary, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa Tel: +27 21 808 2092 Fax: +27 21 808 2143 Mobile: +27 83 666 3166 Website: www.sun.ac.za/sociology

13 – 17 CERTIFIED ENERGY MANAGER COURSE Birchwood Executive Hotel & Conference Centre, Gauteng, S Africa Contact: Christina den Heijer Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 Cell: +27 (0) 82 334 0923 E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected] Marietjie Strydom Cell: +27 (0) 83 401 7709 Tel/Fax: +27 (0) 18 294 7174 E-mail:[email protected] NOVEMBER 2008 20 – 23 3RD INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ‘ENERGY 2008’ AND 1ST INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION `PHOTOVOLTAIC 2008’ Maroussi, Greece Contact: LEADEREXPO Tel: +30 210 614 1164 / 1223 Fax: +30 210 802 4238 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.leaderexpo.gr MARCH 2009 16 - 19 2009 EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY CONFERENCE Marseille, France E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ewea.org

Visit www.erc.uct.ac.za for further events and details

The newsletter is published quarterly by the Energy Research Centre (ERC) of the University of Cape Town. (ERC is an amalgamation in 2004 of two organisations at the University: the former Energy Research Institute and the Energy and Development Research Centre.) Energy Management News is available free of charge. The articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or of ERC. Enquiries, comments, articles, and information on energy events are welcome, and should be sent to: Richard Drummond Energy Research Centre University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 South Africa. Tel: 021 650 3894 Fax: 021 650 2830 E-mail: [email protected]

Subscribe to

The Journal of Energy in Southern Africa (JESA) has been running for fourteen years, and has proved to be of a consistently high standard and to have a widening subscription base. The key receivers of this quarterly journal are researchers, consulting engineers, energy producers, energy consumers and decision makers. The publication is balanced, representative, up to date and authorative. It is becoming increasingly known in other countries especially in Africa. The JESA is a successful vehicle for the dissemination of information on the latest results and activities in the Southern African energy field, publicising results achieved and stimulating future activities. The potential impact in terms of distribution is the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. It covers matters of local and regional interest as opposed to the internationally high technology content of other journals serving energy interests. It is the intention to keep the subscription rate relatively low to allow as many people as possible to have access to the JESA.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES (FOUR ISSUES) Individuals (Africa): R134 (single copy R51) Individuals (beyond Africa): US$109 (single copy US$39) Corporate (Africa): R321 (single copy R103) Corporate (beyond Africa): US$218 (single copy US$77) Cost includes VAT and airmail postage. Cheques should be made payable to the University of Cape Town and sent to the address given below. Contact: Ann Steiner, Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa. Tel: 021 650 4646 Fax: 021 650 2830 E-mail: [email protected]