Emerging Role Of The Paint Industry In Improving Human Healt

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Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

INTRODUCTION Paints are the solution that are been made from resins, pigments, oils and solvents. Paints have given colour to the human ideas to decorate their surroundings. Paints have also been useful in improving human health to some extent. The general public awareness about bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in the content of the potential problems they pose to human health has risen considerably over the past few years. Combined with this is the concern over the increase in pollution levels and the resurgence of diseases like tuberculosis , which has made a comeback in a multidrug resistant form the word "antibacterial" has become a profitable catchword in marketing terminologies. Paint industries too are considering technologies for antibacterial protection to give their customers paints with this value added benefits.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

TYPES OF PAINTS There are two main types of paints viz; i) Natural Paints &


Synthetic Paints. NATURAL PAINTS Natural paints are the paints that are prepared form purely natural or untreated raw materials. Chemical pollutants are unleased into the indoor environment as we apply various synthetic products to build, renovate or maintain our indoor environments. The determental

health impacts can be avoided by using natural

building, renovation and maintenance materials. Organics paints contribute significantly in improving the air quality of the indoor ambience. They contain raw materials, the complex structure of which has not been destroyed through chemical processes. In this manner specific characteristics of natural materials are preserved which enable the production of high grade paints.





becoming electrostatically

charged.  Resorption serves to balance out interior fluctuations in humidity.  Natural diffusion properties mean that there is almost no reduction in the exchange of gases, allowing the paint to breathe, C.O.E.&T.Akola


Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

 The excellent depth of penetration found in natural binding agents, such as linseed oil, for example, creates an internal bond that guarantees long product life.  Raw materials selected for manufacture have been part of human existence and are safe to use.  Dyes of colouring substances found in nature blend harmoniously with one another and have a pleasant effect on the human senses.  Organic paints bring out rather than distort the character of natural materials. The smell, feel and look of the natural blend stimulates the senses.  MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL - Organic paints provide a safe and toxic-free indoor environment for human and animals.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

MANUFACTURING OF NATURAL PAINTS PRODUCTS Conventional paint manufacture has been dependant on forceful exploitation of non-renewable sources for raw materials and tremendous output of polluting wastes. The traditional methods for the production of synthetic colours root around 1860 and this prototype of unsustainable development is still dominant today. The release of chemical substances from paint products has a direct and immediate effect on all indoor dewellus, not to specific waste materials that might bear considerable amount of toxins. The concept of AURO Organic points is to offer a valid alterative in the entraction, production, application and disposal procedures. Regenarative raw materials of mainly vegetable and mineral origins are the substitutes for the conventional petrochemical that will no longer be available in the forseeable future. The fundamental decision in favour of natural, preferatially regenerative raw materials does not refrain AURO from verifying the suitability. Just as for every synthetic product, natural materials can produce strong tonic substances. Highly selective intake of raw material, from the nature ensures that human health is not jeoporadized during the production, application and disposal of these high quality products. In fact, the preferred raw materials for AURO organic points have been used by humanity culture for thousands of years.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

RAW MATERIALS FOR NATURAL PAINTS : Raw material for the classic range of AURO products include,; plant oils such as linseed oil, sunflower oil, wood oil, castor oil; plant resins such as pine wood resin, larch resin, demara resin and copal resin; plant and animal waxes such as cornauba was and bees won; a selection of earth miral pigments such as umber, orche and different sorths of iron oxides; plant colour drugs such as indigo, madder and inignonette and many more natural materials. All raw materials used in AURO products are stated explicitly on the labels the proof for AURO ecological integrity, social responsibility and total commitment to sustainable ecology.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

Auro paints are manufactured in line with the principle of soft chemistry. Natural synthesis by plant and sunlight yields raw materials that are converted into organic paints using minimum energy inputs in simple, comprehensible process, without producing ecologically contaminating waste. The paints can later be reintegrated into the ecological cycle.

SYNTHETIC PAINTS : The two major types of synthetic paints are oil-based and water based paints. Oil-Based Paints. For oil based paints, linseed oil is generally used because it is a drying oil. When thinned with an organic solvent such as turpentine for easier spreading, its drying speed was enhanced. Oil Based paints were mainly used for wood trim and metals.

WATER BASED PAINTS : Water based paints were always flat, having no glass of their own. Because the paint film dried to the touch as soon as the water evaporates, drivers were not needed. Whitewashes and distemper paints come under water based paints. Distemper paints are commonly used for decorative works and are also known as asthetic paints.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

ASTHETIC PAINTS: Distemper paints come under this category. Asthetic paints are used for decorative works. These paints has proven greatly in improving human health. When applied to walls and ceilings according to taste a particular personality help to improve the mind status. If the paint in the surroundings of a patients is pleasing then it is found that he recovers faster and feels more happy. Research trends lately have been towards hospital paints, hygiene coatings, insecticidal paints, air purifying paints, etc.

HYGIENE COATINGS : Hygiene coatings may be defined as a coating in which on antimicrobial agent is incorporated to offer protection to surfaces which might be subjected to microbial growth. The mode of action of the incorporated antimicrobial agent would be to inhibit the growth of bacteria by disrupting the bacterials cell wall or affecting its enzymes, thus destroying its ability to function grow and reproduced. The main requirements of a successful antimicrobial agent for use in hygiene coatings would be ;  Ability to control a wide array of bacteria and fungi ; especially those that are of medical significance.  Compatibility in major paint types; including water borne, wood finish, solvent based system as well as powder coatings.  Suitability for food contact application (which traditional biocides are not) C.O.E.&T.Akola


Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

 Residual active protection for extended period.  Chemical Resistance to acid and alkali solutions. Hygiene coatings may be applied to floor, walls, ceilings, etc where hygiene is required. Such coatings find a variety of application areas as shown in table 1 on the slide. In some industries, such as the food processing industries, which require a level a hygiene to be maintained, such coatings may be need of the hour. These castings are especially necessary, since the hygiene status of floor, walls and ceilings are one of the highest priority items for environmental health officers. Even in homes and public places, these coatings have a role to play. Revolutionary new surfaces for bathroom, for eg. Are the trends towards efficient hygiene maintenance. Surfaces finishes, coatings for bathroom and kitchen fractures have the proven ability to greatly reduce maintenance required for ceramics fixtures. Practically self cleaning, coatings provide a non- stick surface, eliminating the need for caustic cleansing agent and frequent cleaning. Water-borne polyurethane dispersions (PUDS) which is one of the latest developments in the polyurethane fields, are used as main or auxiliary binders in h-coatings. Because of their versatility and environmental friendly properties, they are ideal choice for such coatings, where it fulfills the main requirement of toughness, glass, low odor, easy to clean and quick drying. Incorporation of an infilm preservative will give it the antimicrobial properties.

A number of

microbiological tests carried out have shown no surface growth of microbes.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

Besides the film prevents the leach out of the infilm preservatives. PUDS are thus ideal for formulation of hygiene coatings. Hygiene coatings based on polyurethane dispersions may be used on walls, ceilings and floors, where this is requirement for bacterial free surfaces. Research powder coatings fields has led to the development of specially modified powder coatings that are applied surfaces to provide hygiene coating. This novel range of patented powder coatings can kill bacteria coming into contact with the coated surface unlike conventional powder coatings that have little or no effect on bacteria. Such coatings can be used on such items as hospital beds, furnitures, doors etc. Hygiene coating may of different types and include floor coatings, air duct coatings and hospital paints.



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TABLE 1 : MAIN APPLICATION AREAS FOR HYGIENE COATINGS Health care facilities - Hospitals - Nursing Homes - Health Centres Food industries - Food processing and packaging units - Food stores - Abattoirs - Beverage manufacturing industries Pharmaceutical Industries - Manufacturing and packaging units - Quality control labs Public places - Toilets - Showers - Swimming pools and leisure complexes Institutions/Establishments - Schools



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

- Offices - Hotels, Restaurants - Commercial and industrial kitchens FLOOR COATINGS : Flooring applications have the potential of becoming big market for coating industry. The floor finish must be seamless, durable, easy to maintain and hygienic. Thus, adding an antimicrobial component to the flooring finish would give an added value to the product. Resin flooring systems, including acrylics, polyester, epoxy and polyurethane systems are generally used. Application include hospital, food processing and packaging industry, pharmaceutical industries. AIR DUCT COATINGS : Oflate, there has been increasing concern about Sick Building Syndrome, which is caused by microbial infestation in the floors, wall and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in large buildings. The first manifestation of infestation in hones, schools and offices is a foul, musty odour, followed by health complaints such as headache, itch eyes, rashes and respiratory ailments. The problem is aggravated by heating and moisture and in counting like India with its semitropical climate and high humidity make buildings a prime target for contamination. The commercial and institutional buildings provide working and leaving environment for a large number of people, as well as house delicate and costly equipment, it is of utmost important that the air circulating in them must be clean and hygienic at all times. Given the fact that the airborne health hazards exist in confined indoor environments, there is a need to disinfect all ventilation system C.O.E.&T.Akola


Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

where such hazards propagate and circulate. One method to achieve this is to use antimicrobial air duct coatings. Antimicrobial duct coatings fall into two general categories; those that are designed to resurface the duct and those that provide a long term treatment for microbial growth. Some coatings address both of these categories. Many coatings are used in the duct cleaning industry to aid in complex problems, primarily on fibre glass surfaces but also on metallic surfaces, making use of their and microbial properties.

All coatings must have registrations with Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) for specific use on the inside of the duct work. Another type of antimicrobial type duct coating is barrier coating : Barriers act by significantly reducing the absorption and retention of moisture by porous surfaces, thereby minimizing future microbiological growth. Barriers provide an easily cleaned surface, which aids in long term maintenance of the HVAC units. There has been several outbreak of the fatal Legionnories. Disease due to air ventilation contamination by air-borne microbes. The first reported incident of this disease happened during an America legion Convention in a Phidelphia hotel in 1976. In the incidence, nearly 34 people died and 221 become seriously ill. This has led to the development of an environmentally safe, water based, antimicrobial duct coating. It is polymeric corboxylated terpolymer emulsion in which specific antimicrobial is encapsulated. These antimicrobials have a broad spectrum of activity against microbes and virus such as Staphylococci; Legionella



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

pnemophila and Herpes simplex type I and II. The casting inhibits the growth of bacteria, viruses and other microbes in ventilation system. TABLE 2 : COMMON BACTERIA AFFECTING HUMAN HEALTH Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Widely distributed in nature and the hospital environments, considered as an opportunistic pathogen. Staphylococcus aureus: Commonly carried by patients and staff, may contaminate chairs, tables, hospital beds and other surfaces. Causes wound infections, abscesses toxic shock. Streptococcus feacalis: Occasionaly opportunistic pathogenic bacteria. Cross infection may occur in hospitalized patients. Candida albicans: Usually non-pathogenic yeast which can invade susceptible patients causing candidates (Opportunistic pathogen). HOSPITAL PAINTS : Patients in hospitals are at risk of secondary infection as their own resistance is decreased. Besides, patients may be also the source of infection to other, like hospital staff, visitors and other patients. In hospitals, pathogenic bacteria may be present on floor, walls, furnitures, surgical theaters, kitchens and other objects used by patients. The risk of cross infection of patient is probably lessened if



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

amt of this environmental contamination is reduced. The requirement can be helped by use of hospital points which will provide a hygienic surface that effectively kills the main pathogenic organisms. The main requirements for a successful hospital points.  Effectiveness against wide array of medically significant micro organisms some of which are ;  Ability to kill on contact. A lot of work needs to be done in this field including the development of recognised test to reliably test the anti-bacterial property of surface. Also, long term efficacy and large scale site performances need to be studied. Besides the above mentioned hygiene coatings, there are other points that also deal with some of human health.

INSECTICIDAL PAINTS : Many human disease are spread due to various insects, especially blood sucking anthropods such as mosquito (malaria, dengu fever), flees (Plague), mites (Scrub typhus). Besides spreading disease, they also infect stored and cooked food and food sources, destroy cloth, books, etc and may cause other disease through



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

their bites. These problems can be minimized by the of insecticidal paint i.e. a pant with an insect killing agent incorporated in it. The main advantages of an insecticidal paint over insecticide sprays are:  Safer to use than sprays, as the insecticide is located within the paint film.  Longer lasting, generally for 2-3 years, while sprays have to be used regularly.  As the insecticide stays within the paint, it does not pollute air, water and soil. The mode of action of insecticidal point is by contact. The paint on drying forms a layer of "contact insecticide"

crystals that disable the natural

movement of insects, eventually leading to death. Insecticidal paints are effective against cockroaches, spiders, etc. The painted surface can be washed with water to restore optimum insecticidal effect. A major impetus for further development in these paints are the pilot studies of such paints in Argentina and Brazil against the dreaded "chagas" disease, which is a serious human health problem in rural Latin America and also pose a threat to international travelers. The carrier of the parasite causing "Chagas" is a smooth, oval shaped, brownish in colour, which belongs to the sub-family of Triatominae, locally known as Vinchuca. When the vinchuca feeds on infected human an animal, it injects the Trypanosomes i.e. protozoa causing "Chagas "diseases and when the insect feeds on a healthy human, it transfer it protozoa spreading the disease. The World Health Org. (WHO) is supporting a project to eliminate the "Chagas" disease from the Southern. Cones of Americas. The activity



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

includes the development of slow-release insecticidal paints that are nearly twice as effective as traditional sprays in controlling the vector and are about half. Expensive. They have proven cost effective and efficient in reducing the vector infestation. Besides insects, other vectors of human diseases are birds and animals. Respiratory diseases like "histoplasmosis" and ornithosis are caused by fungus found in dry droppings of common birds like pigeon, sparrow and chickens. Besides, accumulating and decaying of bird droppings create offensive odour and attract fries and other insect which inturn cause other diseases. This health hazard can be counteracted by using animal and birds deterrent agents in paints, thus preventing them from coming near human dwellings. Once such novel formulation contains copsaicin from chilli peppers as a repellent that is molecular bonded w/components of paints and other materials.

AIR PURIFYING PAINTS : Increasing levels of air pollution in our natures and cities is becoming a major cause of convern where human health is involved. This is manifested by growing number of cases of respiratory ailment and allergies. One of the most common air pollutant in metro-areas is NO. C.O.E.&T.Akola


Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

Although effects are or to reduce pollution produced, this alone is not sufficient. There is a need to consider a way of reducing level of (NO) already present in atmosphere. This can be done by electrical or other energy sources, but these methods would be costly and not practically viable, as pollution spreads rapidly. One option would be to use a photocatalyst which in the presence of sunlight would produce oxygen. TiO2 which is a widely used pigment in paints is a photocatalyst that can produce active O2 on the surface when exposed to uv light.. Low - level atmosphere pollutants such as Nox one removed by oxidation. This has let to development of an experimental paint using the sol-gel method. Alkoxysilanes [Ra-Sl[OR2)n-a] were mined with water under certain conditions for hydrolysis and condensation. Then high surface are TiO2 was added and mined well to make the paint. The paint was tested using continuous flow of model polluted air (containing No, 1 ppm at 1.5L/mi) relative humidity 80% at 550C) and uv illumination (300-400 Am, Co 0.5 m w/cm2 ). The concentration of Nox was monitored at outlet of system using NOx analyser. The efficiency of Nox was monitored at outlet of system using Nox analyzer. The efficiency of Nox removal was 60-80% at a TiO2 content of 20.85%. Studies have shown that Nox removal percentage in such paints increased with increasing TiO2 content film thickness. Air purifying paint is being tested an busy traffic streets by Itabashi Ward, Tokyo and other local government.



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

CONCLUSION Investing in health saves lives as well as money. It must be accepted that expenditure on health is not a drain or national resources, but a prerequisite for economic and social progress.

With the present awareness and increasing

importance of health related issues, paints contribution to healthier environments are C.O.E.&T.Akola


Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

likely to find a growing market. Although a lot of work still needs to be done in this aspect, it does provide possibilities for interesting research work.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Paintindia Magazine 2001 2. Harris S. (1998) Working in biocides in powder coatings. 3. www.google.com



Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

4. www.rediff.com

ABSTRACT For years the paint industry has been regarded as a polluting industry, with a negative effect on human health. However increasingly, research is being conducted to find ways to utilize coatings to give it an added value benefit of being hygienic in addition to its protective and decorative functions. C.O.E.&T.Akola


Emerging Role of the Paint Industry in Improving Human Health

Hygiene coatings that have anti-microbial properties, find use in a wide variety of applications including hospital paints, floor coatings, etc. These coatings have potential for various consumer and commercial applications which include hospitals, food process environments, pharmaceutical industries, public areas as well as private homes. Besides hygiene coatings, there are other paints that contribute positively to human health conditions. These include insecticidal paints, antiallergenic and air-purifying paints. Thus the paint industry has evolved to meet human health requirements by providing products that can improve standards of hygiene in our daily living and working environments.



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