Emerging Opportunities

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Unit VI

Emerging Opportunities


Alumni Associations   

1st association a nurse joins upon graduation Fosters loyalty among its members Provides graduates of institutions with opportunities for :       

Keeping abreast of school activities, program/s, problems to assist the school in developing sound lines Becoming interested, well informed active members of their profession Keeping school friendships alive Assisting members in job placement Assisting in securing funds/money for procurement of loans or scholarships Recognizing alumni through an achievement award program Becoming part of an organization through w/c their alma mater continues to be of service to them after graduation through cooperative programs of continuing education Helping to interpret the program of the school to recruitable students

Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)    

 

Was organized on October 22, 1922 upon the initiation of Mrs. Anastacia Giron Tupas First president was Mrs. Rosario Delgado Formerly known as Filipino Nurses Association, and its journal, the Filipino Nurse PNA yearly recognizes outstanding nurses in the fields of nursing administration, nursing education and community health nursing First male president, Dean Marco Antonio Sto. Tomas, elected 1991 Present PNA president, Mrs. Teresita I. Barcelo

Purpose of Association To attain optimal level of professional standards  To work for the welfare of member nurses  To respond to the changing health needs of the Philippine society  To establish linkages with the government, national and international agencies in the attainment of national health goals and welfare of member nurses 

  

National League of Philippine Government Nurses (NLPGN)

A duly incorporated organization of the professional nurses employed by the government of the Philippines Formerly known as Department of Health National League of Nurses (DHNLN) Founder: Annie Sand – Nursing Consultant of the DOH on January 16, 1961 Annie Sand Leadership Award is given to an outstanding nurse or retiree who has contributed to the improvement of nurses and nursing in the government agencies

Objectives of the Association 

To promote and maintain the highest standards of nursing in government To address problems concerning nurses and nursing participation in formulation of all policies, guidelines, programs and laws affecting nurses and nursing practice in the Philippines To continuously upgrade professional competence through research, training and scholarship grants both foreign and local and dissemination of information through nursing publications

Objectives of the Association 

To collaborate with government, non government and other allied professional groups for the promotion of health services To foster national and international goodwill among nurses and harness all energies towards the attainment of common goals To help advance the science and art of nursing in the Philippines to meet the needs of a changing society To recognize the exemplary performance and accomplishments of members

Categories of Membership

REGULAR MEMBER– nurses employed in the government service and retirees who have rendered a minimum of 5 years in any government agency LIFE MEMBER – nurses who have been regular for at least 3 consecutive years and who have paid the required life membership fee HONORARY MEMBER – are persons, who because of their outstanding service to the cause of nurses and nursing, are elected to such honorary membership by the Board but have no voting privileges


2. 3.



Benefits of Being a Member

May attend updates, seminar, conventions organized by the organization and earn CEU for license renewal May be represented to the proper authorities on matters concerning nursing practice May be recognized for exemplary performance with such awards as the Annie Sand Leadership Awards and other May be given assistance-in cash or in kindwhen sick or when she becomes victim of calamities and national disasters May receive a copy of the Newsletter, the NLPGN’s official publication

Benefits of Being a Member Member’s family will receive 3,000.00 for regular members and 5,000 for life members as death benefits 7. May vote and be voted upon 8. May avail of a copy of its 2 published books at a discounted price 9. May be helped in the renewal of his/her PRC license upon request 10. May avail of post graduate scholarships offered by the DOH through the recommendation of the NLPGN 6.

Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP)  Founded in 1963 but was reorganized 10 years later in    

1973 Composed of nursing service administrators both in government and private agencies Initiated the development of Standards of Nursing Service and Nursing Practice in 1976 The Standards of Nursing Service and Nursing Practice were published as joint projects of the PNA and ANSAP Additional nursing standards in critical care, community health, operating room, psychiatric nursing practice were developed In partnership with B-Brawn Company, ANSAP recognizes outstanding nursing administrators and nursing practitioners yearly starting 2002

 

Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN)

Established in April 1959 with Deans of the Colleges of Nursing as its members Its main purpose is to promote, elevate, and maintain standards of clinical instruction program of nursing students and to improve nursing service and facilities of the clinical field in hospitals and public health agencies Association’s main interests are in the improvement of clinical instruction programs and the nursing service and the maintenance of a standard of nursing school administration

Purpose of ADPCN 

To participate in the formulation of legislations affecting nursing education

To make representations in discussions of problems and solutions of the same to the DOH, Evaluation Committee on Accreditation of Training and the Student Affiliation, Budget Office/Congress, as the case may be

Military Nurses Association of the Philippines (MNAP)  

Officially organized on September 5, 1965 in V. Luna Hospital AFP in Quezon City By a group of dynamic nurses and corps officers both active, inactive and retired who felt the need for putting up a medium wherein they can express their ideals and aspirations to better serve their country MNAP is doing its share in programs of national interest like the family planning projects, nutrition programs, environmental sanitation, and tree planting, among others Official organ: Philippine Military Nursing Journal

Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines (OHNAP)

The Industrial Nursing Unit of the PNA was organized on November 21, 1950 through the initiative of Mrs. Magdalena Valenzuela of the DOH  For the purpose of promoting friendship and to organize nurses in industrial and commercial enterprises into an Industrial Nursing Unit  September 20, 1969 this unit was renamed the Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines 

Philippine Association of Public Health Nursing Faculty This association was organized in September 1961  Dedicated to the maintenance of high standards of objectives to standardize and broaden instruction in Public Health Nursing and to undertake that which will enhance professional growth 

Private Duty Nurses Association of the Philippines Private duty nursing existed before as a section of the PNA  In 1975, the Philippine Hospital Association had the agenda of its monthly meeting the problems of the hospitals regarding private duty nurses  Problems: the need to increase the number of PDN, provision of definite policies or guidelines in employment, uniformity in rate of pay and correct unprofessional practices 

Private Duty Nurses Association of the Philippines The need for an organized association for private duty nurses emerged during the conference with PNA Board member Mrs. Mary Vita B. Jackson and ANSAP President Dr. Perla B. Sanchez  Mrs. Grace Oppus Villanueva, a private duty nurse based in MMC was its founding president 

Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines

Composed of professional nurses working in the OR of different hospitals in the Philippines  Committed to the improvement of OR management techniques and facilities  To ensure maximum service to all patients  To promote the professional development, personal growth and well being of its members by keeping them abreast with the new and sophisticated methods in the field of OR management 

Psychiatric Nursing Specialists Foundation of the Philippines Views mental health and illness as states of adaptation used by the individual in coping with the circumstances in life  PNSI subscribe to the belief that the psychiatric nurse (a RN possessing at least a Master’s degree in Psychiatric Nursing) can interact with an individual, family and community and assist them to use their own resources to maintain mental illness occurs 

Psychiatric Nursing Specialists Foundation of the Philippines 

OBJECTIVES: .to provide for therapeutic and supportive services needed to help the client and his family in the formers relearning to live in the community  .to help client identify and develop potentials in his efforts toward self-reliance and success  .to undertake research studies  .to offer educational programs in mental healthpsychiatric nursing 

Services of the PNSI 

Nursing Supportive Care Child Day Care  Adult Day Care 

Continuing Education  Psychological Testing and Evaluation  Nursing Researches  Training and Extension Services  Library  Publications 

The Catholic Nurses Guild The movement to organize the Guild began sometime in 1956 at the instance of the Apostolic Nuncio of the Philippines  The organization of the Guild was subsequently sanctioned by the Vatican Secretariat State  Headquarters: 9988 Gen Solano St San Miguel Manila  Publication: Catholic Nurses Guild Magazine 

The Catholic Nurses Guild 

OBJECTIVES:  .promote spiritual welfare of the nurses and to aid them in promoting the spiritual welfare of those under their care  .scientific progress following Christian principles  .study and coordinate governmental legislation affecting hospitals and colleges of nursing and public health

Integrated Registered Nurses of the Philippines (IRNUP)

  

Integration is a means of bringing together all individual RN’s in the country under one corporate body, parallel to the integration of the Philippine Bar. The IRNUP has direct relationship with the PRCBON since the latter, by virtue of RA 7164 IRNUP serves as the official national and regional coordinator for nurses and nursing IRNUP was created Dec 28, 1995 at the Lung Center of the Philippines

THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF NURSES composed of national nursing associations all over the world all nurses collaborate in strengthening nursing service, nursing education and professional ethics sharing of common interest by working together 

PROFESSIONAL ADJUSTMENT growth of the individual and development of his capacities- physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

Characteristics of a profession Altruism- work for the good of society  Autonomy- self- determination  Authority- based on knowledge Accountability- answerable for their conduct and responsible for their practice.  Code of Ethics- relevance to social values  Distinct identity 

TRENDS IN NURSING PRACTICE 1. Automation 2. Independent Practice 3. Specialization 4. Primary Care Nursing 5. Team teaching

FIELDS OF PRACTICE 1. Hospital or Institutional Nursing -

First level position - staff nurse

2. Community Health Nursing or Public Health Nursing 3. Private Duty or Special Duty Nursing 4. Industrial or Occupational Health Nursing 5. Nursing Education 6. Military Nursing 7. School Nursing

FIELDS OF PRACTICE 8. Entrepreneur- care centers, nursing homes, review centers 9. Independent Nursing Practice

Institutional Nursing Institutional nursing practice refers to a nursing employment in a health care setting (in-patient or out-patient)  Providing nursing care to the individual, family or community  Often work under direct supervision of a superior which may be a nurse or a doctor and as a member of multidisciplinary team 

Institutional Nursing Staff nurses, clinic nurses  Nurses working in nursing homes, rehabilitation nurses and other extended health care facilities 

Public Health Nurse /Community Health Nurse Community health nursing is defined as “synthesis of nursing theory and public health practice applied to promoting and preserving the health of populations”  Population: individuals, groups, family and community  Community health settings: ambulatory health clinics, home health care, pre natal and well baby clinics, rural health units and city health offices 

Goals 

Improve the over all health of the community Health promotion  Health maintenance  Health education  Management  Continuity and coordination of care 

Are the chief concerns of community health nurse

Role and Functions ROLE


Planner /Programmer

•identifies, needs priorities and problems of individuals, families and community •Formulate nursing component of health plans. In doctor less area, she/he is responsible for the formulation of the municipal health plan •Interprets and implements nursing plan, program policies, memoranda and circulars for the concerned staff/personnel •Provides technical assistance to rural health midwives in health matters like target setting, etc



Provider of Nursing Care

•Provides direct nursing care to the sick, disabled in the home, clinic, school or place of work •Develops the family’s capability to take care of the sick, disabled or dependent member •Provides continuity of patient care

Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse / Public Health Nurse



Manager/ Supervisor

•Formulates individual, family, group and community centered care plan •Interprets and implements program policies, memoranda, circulars •Organizes work force, resources, equipments and supplies and delivery of health care at local levels •Requisitions, allocates, distributes materials (medicine and medical supplies, records and reports equipment) •Provides technical and administrative support to RHM •Conducts regular supervisory visits and meetings to different RHM and gives feedback on accomplishments/ performance

Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse or Public Health Nurse



Community Organizer

•Responsible for motivating and enhancing community participation in terms of planning , organizing and implementing and evaluating health programs/services •Initiates and participates in community development activities

Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse/ Public Health Nurse


Coordinator of Services


•Coordinates with individuals, families and groups for health and related health services provided by various members of health team and other Government Organizations(GO) and Non Government Organizations (NGO) •Coordinates nursing program with other health programs as environmental sanitation, health education, dental health and mental health

Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse/ Public Health Nurse



Trainer/Health Educator Counselor

•Identifies and interprets training needs of the RHM’s, BHW’s and hilots •Formulate appropriate training program design for RHM’s, BHW’s and hilots •Provides and arranges learning experience for RHM’s, affilitaes (nursing and midwife) and other health workers •Conducts training for RHM and hilot on health promotion and disease prevention •Conducts pre and post consultation for clinic patients •Facilitates training for BHW •Organizes orientation/training of concerned groups including NGO’s •Acts as a resource person on health and health related services

Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse/ Public Health Nurse



Health Monitor

•Detects deviation from health of individuals, families, groups of the community through contacts/visits with them •Uses symptomatic and objective observation and other forms of data gathering like morbidity, registry, questionnaire, checklist, and anecdo-report/record to monitor growth and development and health status of individuals, families and communities

Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse/ Public Health Nurse



Role Model

•Provides good example /model of healthful living to the public /community



Change Agent

•Motivates changes in health behavior of individuals, families, group and community including lifestyle in order to promote and maintain health FUNCTIONS


Researcher ROLE

•Participates/assists in the conduct of surveys studies and researches on nursing and health related subjects •Coordinates with GO and NGO in the implementation of studies/research FUNCTIONS

and submits required reports and Recorder/Repor •Prepares records •Maintain adequate, accurate and complete ter recording and reporting •Reviews, validates, consolidates, analyzes Statistician and interprets all records and reports Roles and Functions of Community Health Nurse / Public Health Nurse

Occupational Health Nurse Occupational Health Nursing is concerned with the health and safety of people at work, their families, and the general community  Occupational Health Nurses are RN’s who observe and assess the worker’s health status with respect to job tasks and hazards  OHN’s primary responsibility: promotion and preservation of the health working population 

Skills of Occupational Health Nurse KNOWLEDGE


Skills of Occupational Health Nurse HUMAN SKILLS



Priority areas that should have OHN 

INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE: There are no nurses employed  There are complaints of occupational hazards  There are cases of occupational disease  Where assistance is necessary in the establishment and maintenance of a clinic with a full time nurse 

(Nisce et al, 2000)

School Nurse Is a registered professional nurse working in the school setting  Focus: 

Strengthen and facilitate the educational process by promoting normal development  Promoting health and safety  Intervening with actual and potential health problems of the students 

School Nurse 

Goals: Modification or removal of health related barriers to learning by providing school nursing services that focus on prevention of illness and disability  Early detection and correction of health problems  Promotion of optimum level of wellness 

Qualities of a School Nurse 

Because of her unique role, the school nurse needs:

Expertise in pediatric, public health and mental health nursing  Competent in preventive health, health assessment and referral procedures  Knowledge of laws in education and health care that impact children in school setting  Self motivated  Possess strong skills in decision making, communication, individual and classroom education  Child advocacy 

Private Duty Nurse (PDN) Is a RN who contracts independently to render full time comprehensive nursing care to patients on a one on one ratio in the hospital or in the patient’s home  Expected to observe Code of Ethics for Nurses, hospital policies which she is connected or affiliated, wear the prescribe uniform and always have the complete paraphernalia 

Classifications of PDN 

General PDN BSN – RN  Has at least 2 years of bedside professional nursing experience  Certified I.V. nurse therapist by ANSAP  Possess basic nursing skills expected from a general nurse practitioner 

Classifications of PDN 

PDN Specialist 

Has advance training and education enabling her to perform more complex and wider independent nursing functions which includes:  Handling

medical devices and nursing procedures that require advance training such as HEMODIALYSIS and PERITONEAL DIALYSIS  Interpretation of ECG, EEG, laboratory diagnostic results, pulse oxymetry results

Qualifications of PDN  

   

Registered Nurse Possess the following documents: Professional Tax Receipt (PTR), PRC ID, residence certificate Can provide full time nursing care 2 years bedside nursing care Certified IV nurse therapist by ANSAP Acceptable to the Director of Nursing Service as suitable for orientation to do private duty nursing Preferably has undergone Critical Care nursing course

Military Nurse Provides all aspects of traditional nursing care and practice in both peace and war-time settings through various branches of the military service : ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE  To military personnel and their dependents  A nurse who works in the military enters active duty as an officer with a rank as 2nd lieutenant 

Qualifications      

Natural born citizen Pleasing personality and of good moral character Registered nurse Single or never been married Not more than 32 years of age at time of commission Minimum height of 62 inches for female; 64 inches for male (Regular Force, Nurse Corps) 

60 inches for female; 62 inches for male (Reserve Force, Nurse Corps)

Mentally/ physically fit for military service and cleared by appropriate security agencies

Privileges and Benefits of Military Nurse 1.

High salary rate and allowances according to rank 2nd Lieutenant receive the same BASE PAY as officers of equivalent rank, incentive pay, subsistence allowance, quarters allowance, clothing allowance and others when applicable FLIGHT PAY for flight nurses which is 50% of base pay HAZARD PAY (radiation hazard pay) which is 20% of base pay COLD WEATHER CLOTHING ALLOWANCE for those assigned in cold regions like PMA in Baguio, or areas abroad OVERSEAS PAY when detailed to foreign countries on schooling or on missions

PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS OF A MILITARY NURSE 2. Glamour and prestige of the UNIFORM, RANK, and POSITION. All junior officers and enlisted personnel will salute and accord them due military courtesy 3. Hospitalization and free medical benefits for parents, dependents, authorized relatives with specialists’ care 4. Military schooling and basic training at the ARMED FORCES MEDICAL SERVICE SCHOOL at the V. LUNA MEDICAL CENTER (VLMC) 5. Opportunity to meet people who hold key positions in the AFP and in the government 6. Opportunity to attend gala, social functions and parade 7. Opportunity to travel abroad

Nurse Educators 

Nurse educators are responsible for providing quality educational experiences that prepare future generations of nurses to provide quality patient care, and at the same time ensuring competence and advancement of practicing nurses Their work involve: lesson planning, instructing, evaluating learning, helping students to solve learning problems and difficulties They design, implement, evaluate and revise academic and continuing education programs for nurses

Practice settings         

Colleges and universities Hospital based schools of nursing Online (internet) using distance learning technology Government agencies responsible in maintaining nursing education standards such as CHED and PRC Seminar companies providing continuing education Review centers Staff development departments in patient-care centers Healthcare organizations Other institutions requiring expertise of a nurse educator

Independent Nurse Practitioner      

Independent = self employed Provides professional nursing services to clients/patients and their families Community based clinics /near hospital Offers services rather than expect clients to seek their help Perform both independent and collaborative roles Scope of nursing practice: health care assessment, formulating plans for health maintenance, prevention strategies, continuation of supportive activities in critical and complex health problems Make referrals and collaborate with physicians and other discipline as needed

Nurses with Post Graduate Education and Specialization 

Post Graduate Nursing Degrees: Master’s Degree: MAN, MSN – prepares nurses for more independent role such as Independent Nurse Practitioner, Nursing instructor and Nursing Supervisor  Doctoral Degree: (PhD) prepares nurses to assume leadership roles within the profession, conduct research that impacts nursing practice and health care, and to teach at colleges and universities . Doctorally-prepared nurses serve as health system executives, nursing school deans, nursing administrators, researchers and policy analysts and formulator 

Nurses with Post Graduate Education and Specialization 

Post Doctoral Programs – provides advance research training for nurses who hold doctoral degrees

Expanded Role of Nurses 

1)nurse practitioners who deliver front-line primary and acute care in community clinics, schools, hospitals, and other settings, and perform such services as diagnosing and treating common acute illnesses and injuries, providing immunizations, conducting physical exams, and managing high blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic problems; 2) certified nurse-midwives, who provide prenatal and gynecological care to normal healthy women, deliver babies in hospitals, private homes, and birthing centers, and continue with follow-up postpartum care; 3) clinical nurse specialists, who provide care in a range of specialty areas, such as cardiac, oncology, neonatal, pediatric, and obstetric/gynecological nursing; and 4) certified registered nurse anesthetists, who administer more than 65 percent of all anesthetics given to patients each year and are the sole providers of anesthesia in approximately one-third of U.S. hospitals.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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