Emerging Challenges In The Workforce Planning

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 250
  • Pages: 9
“Emer ging Challenges in the Wor kforce Planning”

Presented By: Divya Tandon Lecturer –MBA Department

WORFORCE PLANNING It is a Systematic identification and analysis of what an organization is going to need in terms of the size, type, and quality of workforce to achieve its objectives. It determines what mix of experience, knowledge, and skills is required and sequences steps to get the right number of right people in the right place at the right time. Workforce Planning is the process of ensuring that a business has the right number of employees; with the right knowledge, skills and behaviours in the right place, at the right time.

COMPONENTS OF WORKFORCE PLANNING Integration of other planning processes  Workforce Supply  Forecast Workforce Need  Gap Analysis  Strategies  Evaluation 

EMERGING CHALLENGES Determining the numbers to be employed at a new location  Workforce Demographics and Trends  Skills and Competency Assessment  What is a competency model?  How are competencies identified?  Supply Analysis and Demand Analysis 

   


analysis and Solution Analysis  Management Leadership and Support  Analyzing the Whole Workforce  Managing an effective downsizing programme  Retaining your highly skilled staff 

LIMITATIONS OF WORKFORCE PLANNING Inaccuracy Employee resistance Uncertainties Inefficient Information System 


of Top Management Support Time & Expense Unbalanced Focus





Time Horizon Adequate Organisation Top Management Support 

 

System Balanced Focus

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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