Embedded Systems 9168 - Sample Paper Of Msbte For Sixth Semester Final Year Computer Engineering Diploma (80 Marks)

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  • July 2020
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Download & View Embedded Systems 9168 - Sample Paper Of Msbte For Sixth Semester Final Year Computer Engineering Diploma (80 Marks) as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 492
  • Pages: 2
Sample Question Paper Course Name : Electronics Engineering Group Course Code : EJ/EN/ET/ EX/ED/EI Semester

: Sixth


: Embedded Systems


: 80 Marks

9168 Time: 3 Hrs.

Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. Q.1 Attempt any Four.


a) Write the steps executed by microcontroller on activation of interrupt. b) Compare Synchronous Vs asynchronous communication with suitable figure. c) Describe any four advantages of an embedded system. d) Draw the pin out of 14 pin LCD display & state function of following pins (i) RS (ii) R/W (iii) EN e) Draw the labeled schematic of matrix keyboard interface to 8051 ports. f) Describe the need of RTOS in an Embedded System and state any two specifications of RTOS. Q.2 Attempt any Three.

12 Marks

a) Write an Assembly language program to turn on an LED connected to port P1.3 pin on the occurrence of INT 1 & turn off the LED after a delay of 20 msec. Assume CLK frequency to be 12MHZ. b) Write an assembly language program to receive bytes of data serially & store them in some memory location, assume baud rate of 9600, 8 bit data with start & stop bit. c) Write down the steps to program ADC 808 interfaced with 8051 microcontroller. d) Draw the circuit diagram to interface seven segment display with 8051 microcontroller.

Q.3 Attempt any Two.

12 Marks

a) It is required to generate baud rate of 2.4K in mode 2 of the 8051 serial port. Calculate the required count for timer1, settings in various SFR’s and write an initialization program to transmit and receive the same data byte again and again. b) State any three features of Simulator and three features of IDE. c) Describe the concept of Round Robin Scheduling with reference to RTOS. Q.4 Attempt any Two.

16 Marks

a) With a suitable figure explain the I2C bus interface with two signals. b) Draw the labeled diagram of interfacing ADC and DAC with 8051 microcontroller. c) Draw and explain the format of IE SFR and IP SFR. Q.5 Attempt any Three.

12 Marks

a) State two external hardware interrupts in 8051 microcontroller. At what port pins are they located? State the role the two bits TCON.0 and TCON.2 play in execution of the external interrupts. b) Write the steps in programming 8051 to receive character bytes serially. c) Draw and describe the standard configuration registers in a PCI device. d) Draw labeled diagram of Stepper Motor connections to 8051 microcontroller. Q.6 Attempt any Two.

16 Marks

a) Write an assembly language program to generate a 4-step pulse sequence for a 4 phase stepper motor. b) State the methods of Task Synchronization and describe any one in detail. c) Draw labeled block diagram and describe a simple IDE.

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