Email Policy

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  • Words: 1,539
  • Pages: 23
Email Policy

INTRODUCTION • Electronic Mail (Email) System or Services: Any messaging system that depends on computing facilities to create, send, forward, reply to, transmit, store, hold, copy, download, display, view, read, or print computer records for purposes of asynchronous communication across computer network systems between or among individuals or groups, that is either explicitly denoted as a system for electronic mail; or is implicitly used for such purposes.

The company encourages the use of electronic mail and respects the privacy of users. It does not routinely inspect, monitor, or disclose electronic mail without the holder's consent. Nonetheless, subject to the requirements for authorization and notification, the company may deny access to its electronic mail services and may inspect, monitor, or disclose electronic mail when required by and consistent with law, when there is substantiated reason that violations of policy or law have taken place, or, in exceptional cases, when required to meet time-dependent, critical operational needs. These provisions are comparable to those of policies that apply to other forms of communications, such as conventional mail.

CAUTIONS: Users should be aware of the following: • 1.1 Both the nature of electronic mail and of the company’s business makes electronic mail less private than users may anticipate. For example, electronic mail intended for one person sometimes may be widely distributed because of the ease with which recipients can forward it to others. Furthermore, even after a user deletes an electronic mail record from a computer or electronic mail account it may persist on backup facilities, and thus be subject to disclosure under the provisions of public records law. The company cannot routinely protect users against such eventualities

1.2 Electronic mail, whether or not created or stored on company equipment, may constitute as company record. Thus, may be subject to full disclosure if necessary 1.3 The company, in general, cannot and does not wish to be the arbiter of the contents of electronic mail. Neither can the company, in general, protect users from receiving electronic mail they may find offensive. Employees, however, are strongly encouraged to use the same personal and professional courtesies and considerations in electronic mail as they would in other forms of communication.

1.4 There is no guarantee, unless "authenticated" mail systems are in use, that electronic mail received was in fact sent by the purported sender, since it is relatively straightforward, although it is defined as a violation in this Policy, for senders to disguise their identity. Furthermore, electronic mail that is forwarded may also be modified. Authentication technology is not widely and systematically in use in the company as of the date of this Policy. As with print documents, in case of doubt receivers of electronic mail messages should check with the purported sender to validate authorship or authenticity

1.5 There will be occasions that IT personnel and system administrators may, during the performance of their duties, inadvertently see the contents of email messages. 1.6 Except as provided elsewhere in this Policy, IT personnel are not permitted to do so intentionally or disclose or otherwise use what they have seen. One exception, however, is that of Systems Administrator who may need to inspect email when rerouting or disposing of otherwise undeliverable email. This exception is limited to the least invasive level of inspection required to perform such duties. Furthermore, this exception does not exempt Systems Administrator from the prohibition against disclosure of personal and confidential information, except insofar as such disclosure equates with good faith attempts to route the otherwise undeliverable email to the intended recipient. Re-routed mail normally should be accompanied by notification to the recipient that the email has been inspected for such purposes

1.7 Even though the sender and recipient have discarded their copies of an electronic mail record, there may be back-up copies that can be retrieved. Systems may be "backed-up" on a routine or occasional basis to protect system reliability and integrity, and to prevent potential loss of data. The back-up process results in the copying of data onto storage media that may be retained for periods of time and in locations unknown to the originator or recipient of electronic mail. The practice and frequency of back-ups and the retention of back-up copies of email vary from system to system.


This paper is aimed to: 2.1 Establish a policy for effective and way of communication through the proper use of email. 2.2 Identify limitations and prohibitions in the use of company email facility. 2.3 Define new policy and procedures where existing policies do not specifically address issues particular to the use of electronic mail. 2.4 Minimize disruptions in the use of company’s electronic mail and other services and activities.


• This policy applies to all employees of, Inc.


1. Each user is subject to 50 megabytes quota space only. 2. Only IT personnel is authorized to issue email account to each employee of iWeb. 3. Each employee will only be provided with one email account, additional email account can be accommodated provided approved by IT Manager and COO. 4. Use of company email is limited to official use only. Use of company email for private business activities, personal activities, amusement/entertainment purposes, or other non-job related communications is discouraged.

5. Email services may be used for incidental personal purposes provided that, in addition to the foregoing constraints and conditions, such use does not 5.1 Directly or indirectly interfere with the company’s operation of computing facilities or electronic mail services; 5.2 Burden the company with noticeable incremental cost; 5.3 Interfere with the email user's employment or other obligations to the company. Email records arising from such personal use may, however, be subject to full disclosure under the presumption that such are company records

such as MS Outlook maybe allowed provided approved by IT Manager and COO. 8. All email messages should be downloaded. No copy of messages will be stored in the email server. 9. Email accounts of resigned employees are automatically deleted on their last working day.

PENALTIES • Employees are accountable for their use of electronic communications just as they are for other conduct and communications in the workplace. Violations of policies governing the use of email may result in restriction of access to the company’s computing access. In addition, Corrective Action may be applicable under the company’s Code of Conduct specifically the following provisions: • Article 1 Section 4.1 • Article 1 Section 4.2 • Article 1 Section 5.25 • Article 2 Section 2.19 • Article 2 Section 2.21 • Article 3 Section 1.1 • Article 3 Section 1.22

In addition to the above existing provisions in our Code of Conduct, the following will be added:

OFFENSES RELATED TO EMAIL USE DESCRIPTION of OFFENSE • Theft or other abuse of computing facilities. • Unauthorized entry, use, transfer, and tampering with the accounts and files of others • Interference with the work of others and with other computing facilities • Use of email for unlawful activities • Use of email commercial purposes not under the auspices of the company





Use of email for personal financial gain (except as permitted under applicable policies) • Use of email for personal use inconsistent with policies regarding intellectual property, or regarding sexual or other forms of harassment. • Mis-representation. Giving the impression that employee is representing, giving opinions, or otherwise making statements on behalf of the company unless appropriately authorized (explicitly or implicitly) to do so




OFFENSES RELATED TO EMAIL USE DESCRIPTION of OFFENSE • Failure to write an explicit disclaimer at the bottom of the email unless it is clear from the context that the author is not representing the company. An appropriate disclaimer is: “The opinions or statements expressed hereon are my own and should not be taken as a position, opinion, or endorsement of the company.




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Use of email that will Interfere with the company’s email services that could reasonably be expected to cause, directly or indirectly, excessive strain on any computing facilities, or unwarranted or unsolicited interference with others' use of email or email systems . Such uses include, but are not limited to, the use of email services to: i. Send or forward email chain letters; ii "Spam", that is, to exploit list servers or similar broadcast systems for purposes beyond their intended scope to amplify the widespread distribution of unsolicited email; Iii. “Letter-bomb", that is, to re-send the same email repeatedly to one or more recipients to interfere with the recipient's use of email.




Excessive use of email for Personal Use. • Failure to exercise extreme caution in using email to communicate confidential sensitive matters. • Failure to take necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality of personal or confidential information encountered in the performance of their duties or otherwise in the use of email facilities




• This policy paper shall take effect immediately after approval and should be reviewed annually or as need arises.

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