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Comparative Analysis of BLDC motor for different topology 2017, University, Chennai 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing and CONtrol,control PECCON-2017, 2-4 March Comparative Analysis ofVIT BLDC motor for Campus different control topology Comparative of BLDC for different 2017, University, Chennai aamotor Comparative Analysis Analysis ofVIT BLDC motor for Campus differentbb control control topology topology Mr. R. Babu Ashok Dr. B. Mahesh Kumar Comparative Analysis of BLDC for different Mr. R. Babu Ashok Dr. B. Mahesh Kumar a,,motor b control topology Mr. R. Babu Ashok , Dr. B. Mahesh Kumar Comparative Analysis of BLDC motor for different topology a b control The 15th International Symposium onMahesh District Kumar Heating and Cooling aa,motor b Mr. R. Babu Ashok Dr. B. b Comparative Analysis of BLDC for different control topology Mr. R. Babu Babu Ashok Dr. B. B. Mahesh Kumar Research Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry –– 605 R. Ashok ,, Dr. Mahesh Kumar ResearchMr. Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry 605 014,India. 014,India.

a a ba Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry Pondicherry –– 605 605 014,India. 014,India. baAssociate Research Professor,EEE, Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, aAssociate Professor,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014,India. b ba Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry Pondicherry –– 605 605 014,India. 014,India. Research Professor,EEE, Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, aAssociate baResearch Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014,India. b a _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry Pondicherry –– 605 605 014,India. 014,India. Research Professor,EEE, Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, bAssociate _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Professor,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014,India. b a baAssociate _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professor,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry Pondicherry ––– 605 605 014,India. 014,India. Research Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Research Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry 605 014,India. b b aAssociate Professor,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Professor,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014,India. 014,India.

Mr. R. Babu Ashokaa, Dr. B. Mahesh Kumarbb b theMr. feasibility ofa,using the heat demand-outdoor R. Babu Ashok Dr. B. Mahesh Kumar

Assessing temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast Abstract Research Scholar,EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry – 605 014,India. Abstract _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b AbstractThis analysis trapezoidal shaped emf Brushless motor Associate Professor,EEE, Engineering College, 605 014,India. This paper paper presents presents comparative comparative analysis of ofPondicherry trapezoidal shaped back back emfPondicherry Brushless– DC DC motor (BLDCM) (BLDCM) for for different different control control _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AbstractThis _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ paper presents comparative analysis ofHarmonic trapezoidal shaped back emf Brushless DC motor for across different topology. The power Quality indices like (THD), Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) the supply a,b,c (PQ) a Total a Distortion bCrest c(BLDCM) c control Abstract topology. The power Quality (PQ) indices like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) across the supply Abstract _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This paper presents comparative analysis of trapezoidal shaped back emf Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) for different topology. The Quality (PQ) indices likethe Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest FactorTo(CF), Power (PF) the control supply mains are to bepower analyzed and to ensure within limits prescribed by International standards. combat PQFactor menace, theacross performances of

I. Andrić

*, A. Pina , P. Ferrão , J. Fournier ., B. Lacarrière , O. Le Corre

presents comparative analysis of trapezoidal back emf Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) control mains are This to bepaper analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed shaped by International standards. To combat PQ menace, for the different performances of Abstract presents comparative analysis of trapezoidal shaped back emfCrest Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) for different Abstract topology. The power Quality (PQ) indices likeare Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) the control supply mains are This to bepaper analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed by respect International standards. To combat PQ menace, theacross performances of three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid to be compared with to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting topology. The power Quality (PQ) indices like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) across the supply acontrollers. three Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are to be compared with respect to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting This paper presents comparative analysis of trapezoidal shaped back emf Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) for different control Abstract IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal This paper presents comparative analysis of trapezoidal shaped back emf Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) for different control topology. The power Quality (PQ) indices like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) across the supply mains are to be analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed by International standards. To combat PQ menace, the performances of three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are to be compared with respect to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) and steady state error (Ess) Hence it is a novel attempt because motor parameters speed and torque ripple, PQ indices mains are to be analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed by International standards. To combat PQ menace, the performances of b(PQ) state time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) steady error (Ess) Hence it is 291 a novel attempt because motor parameters speed and torque PQ topology. The power Quality indices like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) across the indices supply mains are This to beparameters analyzed and to ensure within the prescribed by respect International standards. To combat PQ menace, theripple, performances of paper presents comparative analysis of trapezoidal shaped back emf Brushless DC motor (BLDCM) for different control Veolia Recherche &tolimits Innovation, Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France three controllers. Viz., PI,and Fuzzy, andstate Hybrid are beHarmonic compared with to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting topology. The power Quality (PQ) indices like Total Distortion (THD), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) across the supply time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) and steady error (Ess) Hence it is a novel attempt because motor parameters speed and torque ripple, PQ indices and controller are analyzed simultaneously. This Proposed technique is executed in simulink of MATLab software of a BLDC three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are to be compared with respect to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting and controller are analyzed simultaneously. This Proposed technique is executed in simulink of MATLab software of a BLDC cparameters mains are to be analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed by International standards. To combat PQ menace, the performances of topology. The power Quality (PQ) indices like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF) across the supply mains are to be analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed by International standards. To combat PQ menace, the performances of Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are to be compared with respect to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) and steady state error (Ess) Hence it is a novel attempt because motor parameters speed and torque ripple, PQ indices and controller parameters are analyzed simultaneously. This Proposed technique is executed in simulink of MATLab software of a BLDC Motor. time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) and steady state error (Ess) Hence it is aa novel attempt because motor parameters speed and torque ripple, PQ indices Motor. three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are to be compared with respect to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting mains are to be analyzed and to ensure within the limits prescribed by International standards. To combat PQ menace, the performances of time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) and steady state error (Ess) Hence it is novel attempt because motor parameters speed and torque ripple, PQ indices and controller parameters are analyzed simultaneously. This Proposed technique is executed in simulink of MATLab software of a BLDC three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are to be compared with respect to the following parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), setting Keywords: Brushless DC motor; THD; Speed & torque ripple; PI; FLC and Hybrid Controller. Motor. Keywords: Brushless DC motor; THD; Speed &error torque ripple; PI;This FLC and Hybridattempt Controller. and controller parameters are analyzed simultaneously. Proposed technique is in simulink of software of a setting BLDC time (Ts), Rise time (Tr) and steady state (Ess) it aa novel because motor and ripple, PQ and controller parameters areTHD; analyzed simultaneously. This technique is executed executed inparameters simulinkspeed of MATLab MATLab software of BLDC three controllers. Viz., PI, Fuzzy, and Hybrid are toHence bePI;compared with respect to the following maximum overshoot (Mp), time (Ts), RiseAuthors. time (Tr) and steady state (Ess) Hence it is isProposed novel attempt because motor parameters parameters speed and torque torque ripple, PQa indices indices © 2017 The Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Brushless DC motor; Speed &error torque ripple; FLC and Hybrid Controller. Motor. Motor. and controller parameters are analyzed simultaneously. technique is in of MATLab software BLDC Motor. time (Ts), Brushless Riseunder timeDC (Tr) and steady state (Ess) Hence it isProposed a novel because motor parameters andEngineering, torque ripple,of PQaa indices andIntroduction: controller parameters areTHD; analyzed simultaneously. This Proposed technique is executed executed in simulink simulink of MATLab software of BLDC Keywords: motor; Speed &error torque ripple; PI;This FLC and Hybrid Controller. Peer-review responsibility of the scientific committee of theattempt 1st International Conference onspeed Power 1. Keywords: Brushless DC THD; Speed & FLC and Controller. 1. Introduction: Motor. Keywords: Brushless DC motor; motor; Speedsimultaneously. & torque torque ripple; ripple; PI; PI;This FLC Proposed and Hybrid Hybridtechnique Controller. is executed in simulink of MATLab software of a BLDC and controller parameters areTHD; analyzed Motor. Computing and CONtrol. Abstract 1. Introduction: Keywords: Brushless Keywords: Brushless DC DC motor; motor; THD; THD; Speed Speed & & torque torque ripple; ripple; PI; PI; FLC FLC and and Hybrid Hybrid Controller. Controller. Motor. 1. Introduction:

A motor that retains the characteristics of DC machine by replacing 1. A motorDC that retains characteristics replacing the the mechanical mechanical commutator commutator and and the the brushes brushes with with Keywords: Brushless motor; THD;the Speed & torque ripple;ofPI;DC FLCmachine and Hybridby Controller. 1. Introduction: Introduction: A motor that retains the characteristics of DC machine by replacing the mechanical commutator and the brushes with District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the solid state switches and there is no electrical connection between stator and rotor is called Brushes DC Motor. It can 1. Introduction: solid state switches and there is no electrical connection between stator and rotor is called Brushes DC Motor. It can be be used used for for 1. Introduction: A motor that the characteristics of DC machine by replacing the commutator and the brushes with solid state switches andretains there is no electrical connection between stator and rotor ismechanical called Brushes DC Motor. It can be used for wide array of applications from hard disk drives to hybrid electric vehicle. It is a strong contender and has many advantages greenhouse gas emissions the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat A motor that retains the characteristics of DC machine by replacing the mechanical commutator and the brushes with wide array of applications from hard disk drives to hybrid electric vehicle. It is a strong contender and has many advantages 1. Introduction: Aswitches motor that retains theno characteristics oftoDC machine by replacing mechanical commutator andIt the brushes with solid and there is electrical connection between stator andefficiency, rotor Brushes DC Motor. can be used for wide array ofother from hard disk drives electric vehicle. Itthe isis a called strong contender has many advantages compared to motors for the same power ratings some are speed, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed sales.state Due toapplications thethat changed conditions andhybrid building renovation policies, heat demand in and the future could decrease, solid state switches and there is no electrical connection between stator andefficiency, rotor ismechanical called Brushes DC Motor. It can be used for compared other motors for climate the same powerconnection ratings some are high high speed, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed A motor retains characteristics of machine by replacing the commutator and the brushes with solid state switches and there is electrical between stator and rotor is called Brushes DC Motor. can be used for Ato motor that retains theno characteristics oftoDC DC machine by replacing the mechanical commutator andIt the brushes with wide array of applications from hard disk drives hybrid electric vehicle. It is a strong contender and has many advantages compared to other motors for the same power ratings some are high speed, efficiency, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed vs. torque no slip etc. The main drawback is the power electronic converter associated in the control circuitry [1]. prolonging theapplications investment return period. wide array of from hard disk drives hybrid electric vehicle. It is aa called strong contender has many advantages solid state switches andretains there is no electrical connection between stator andefficiency, rotor ismechanical called Brushes DC Motor. It can be used for vs. torque characteristics, no slip etc. The main drawback is are the power electronic converter associated inand thetenacious, control circuitry [1]. Acharacteristics, motor that theno characteristics ofto DC machine by replacing the commutator andIt the brushes with wide array of applications from hard disk drives to hybrid electric vehicle. It is strong contender and has many advantages solid state switches and there is electrical connection between stator and rotor is Brushes DC Motor. can be used for compared to other motors for the same power ratings some high speed, dynamic response, better speed vs. torque characteristics, no slip etc. The main drawback isusing the power electronic converter associated in the controlfor circuitry [1]. The main scope ofmotors this there paper isno to assess the feasibility of the heat demand –aa outdoor temperature function heat demand compared to other for the same power ratings some are high speed, efficiency, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed wide array of applications from hard disk drives to hybrid electric vehicle. It is strong contender and has many advantages solid state switches and is electrical connection between stator and rotor is called Brushes DC Motor. It can be used for compared to other motors for the same power ratings some are high speed, efficiency, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed wide array of applications from hard disk drives to hybrid electric vehicle. It is strong contender and has many advantages vs. torque characteristics, no slip etc. The main drawback is the power electronic converter associated in the control circuitry [1]. Theoretically it is isofaano constant torque machine but(Portugal), torque ripple exists practically due toThe current ripple, emf waveform vs. torque characteristics, slip etc. The main drawback is the power electronic associated in the control circuitry Theoretically it constant torque machine but torque ripple exists practically due to current ripple, emf waveform forecast. The district Alvalade, located in Lisbon was used asisconverter aa case study. district ismany consisted of[1]. 665 compared to other motors for the same power ratings some are high speed, efficiency, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed wide array of applications from hard disk drives to hybrid electric vehicle. It strong contender and has advantages vs. torque characteristics, no slip etc. The main drawback is the power electronic converter associated in the control circuitry [1]. compared to other motors for the same power ratings some are high speed, efficiency, dynamic response, tenacious, better speed imperfections and phase current commutation. The effects of torque pulsation BLDCM are audible noise and visible vibration Theoretically itinisboth a constant torqueperiod machine but torque ripple exists in practically due tomedium, current ripple, emfthree waveform imperfections and phase current commutation. The effects of torque pulsation in BLDCM are audible noise and visible vibration buildings that vary construction and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, high) and district vs. torque characteristics, no slip etc. The main drawback is the power electronic converter associated in the control circuitry [1]. compared toprecision other motors for thecommutation. same power ratings some high speed, efficiency, dynamic response, better speed th vs. torque characteristics, slip etc. The main drawback istorque thetorque power electronic converter associated in thetenacious, control circuitry [1]. Theoretically it is aano constant torque machine but ripple exists practically due to current ripple, emf waveform imperfections and phase current The effects ofare pulsation in BLDCM are audible noise and but visible vibration in the high application. To improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2], [3] is suggested results in 4 Theoretically it is machine but ripple exists practically due to current ripple, emf waveform inrenovation the highcharacteristics, precision Totorque improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2],audible [3]current is in suggested but results in[1]. 4th th scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were Theoretically itapplication. is anoconstant constant torque machine but istorque torque vs. torque slip commutation. etc. The main drawback power electronic converter associated theripple, control circuitry th imperfections and phase current The effects ofthetorque pulsation in BLDCM are noise and visible vibration ripple exists practically due to emf waveform in the high precision application. To improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2], [3] is suggested but results in 4 order system. Instead of analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter is preferred. The imperfections and phase current commutation. The[4] effects ofpreviously torque pulsation in BLDCM are audible audible noise and is visible vibration th order system. Instead ofis analyzing Buck converter or Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter preferred. The Theoretically it aa constant torque machine but torque ripple exists practically due to current ripple, emf waveform th imperfections and phase current commutation. The effects of torque pulsation in BLDCM are noise and visible vibration Theoretically it is constant torque machine but torque ripple exists practically due to current ripple, emf waveform compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, developed and validated by the authors. in the high precision application. To improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2], [3] is suggested but results in 4 order system. Insteadelectronic of analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost content converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter is preferred. ill effects power component are more harmonic high THD) and results in poor power factor. As per th in the highof precision application. To improve the performance CUK or(ie SEPIC converter [2], [3]current is suggested but results inThe 4th th ill effects of power electronic component are more harmonic content (ie high THD) and results in poor power factor. As per imperfections and phase current commutation. The effects of torque pulsation in BLDCM are audible noise and visible vibration Theoretically it is a constant torque machine but torque ripple exists practically due to ripple, emf waveform in the high precision application. To improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2], [3] is suggested but results in 4 imperfections and phase current commutation. The effects of torque pulsation in BLDCM are audible noise and visible vibration The results that when only weather change isor considered, the margin ofTHD) error and could befed acceptable for some applications order system. Instead of analyzing Buck converter [4] Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter is preferred. The ill effects of showed power electronic component are more harmonic content (ie high results infrom poor power factor. As perth International standards IEC -61000-3-2, P.F should be close to UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are II phase AC with Diode order system. Instead of analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter is preferred. The International standards IEC -61000-3-2, P.F should be close to UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are fed from phase AC with Diode in the high precision application. To improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2], [3] is suggested but results in 4 imperfections and phase current commutation. The effects of torque pulsation in THD) BLDCM are audible noiseintroducing and but visible vibration in the highofin precision application. To improve the performance CUK or(ieSEPIC converter [2], [3] is suggested results inThe 4th order system. Instead of analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter is preferred. (the error annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after renovation ill effects power electronic component are more harmonic content high and results in poor power factor. As per Bridge Rectifier (DBR) and results in aaP.F pulsed current from mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor International standards IEC -61000-3-2, should beharmonic close to supply UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are[3] fed I phase AC withAs Diode ill effects ofprecision power electronic component are more content (ie high THD) andBuck-Boost results infrom poor power factor. per Bridge Rectifier (DBR) andincreased results in current from supply mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor order system. Instead of analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost converter [5] individually converter is preferred. in the high application. To improve the performance CUK or SEPIC converter [2], is suggested but results inThe 4th ill effects of power electronic component are more harmonic content (ie high THD) and results in poor power factor. As per order system. Instead ofIEC analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter isAC preferred. The scenarios, the error value up topulsed 59.5% (depending on the[6]. weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). International standards -61000-3-2, should be close to UPF Usually BLDCMs are fed from II phase with Diode Bridge Rectifier (DBR) andHarmonic results in aP.F pulsed current from supply mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor (CF) and increased Total Distortion (THD) of AC current [7], [8]. The reason is uncontrolled charging of DC International standards IEC -61000-3-2, P.F should be close to UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are fed from phase AC with Diode (CF) and increased Total (THD) of to ACsupply current [7], [8]. The reason isfed uncontrolled charging of DC ill effects of power electronic component are more content (ie high THD) and results in poor power factor. per order system. Instead ofIEC analyzing Buck converter [4] or Boost converter [5] individually Buck-Boost converter isAC preferred. International -61000-3-2, should beharmonic close UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are I that phase withAs Diode ill effects of power electronic component are more harmonic content (ie THD) results infrom poor power factor. As per Bridge Rectifier (DBR) andHarmonic results inDistortion aP.F pulsed current from mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor The value ofstandards slope coefficient increased on average within range ofhigh 3.8% up toand 8% per decade, corresponds toThe the capacitor leading to aaTotal peak value more than the magnitude the fundamental input current at AC supply main. Hence Bridge (CF) and increased Harmonic Distortion (THD) of of ACthe current [7], [8]. The reason uncontrolled charging of DC Bridge Rectifier (DBR) and results in aaP.F pulsed current from supply mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor capacitor leading to electronic peak value more than themore magnitude of the fundamental input current atisfed AC supply main. Hence Bridge International standards IEC -61000-3-2, should be close to UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are II phase AC with Diode ill effects of power component are harmonic content (ie high THD) and results infrom poor power factor. As per Bridge Rectifier (DBR) and results in pulsed current from supply mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor International standards IEC -61000-3-2, P.F should be close to UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are fed from phase AC with Diode (CF) and increased Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of AC current [7], [8]. The reason is uncontrolled charging of DC decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and capacitor leading to aTotal peak Harmonic valueis more than the magnitude of the fundamental input current at& AC supply main. Hence Bridge less rectifier at the front end proposed [9], [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction switching losses are reduced (CF) and increased Distortion (THD) of AC current [7], [8]. The reason is uncontrolled charging of DC less rectifier at (DBR) the front end is more proposed [9],magnitude [10] instead ofcurrent DBR thereby conduction & switching losses are Bridge Rectifier (DBR) andHarmonic results inDistortion pulsed current from supply mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor International standards IEC -61000-3-2, should be close to UPF [6]. Usually BLDCMs are from I phase AC withreduced Diode (CF) and increased (THD) of of ACsupply [7], [8]. The reason isfed uncontrolled charging of Bridge Rectifier and results in aaP.F pulsed current from mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor capacitor leading to increased aTotal peak value than the the fundamental input current atvarying AC supply main. Hence Bridge less rectifier at the front end is more proposed [9],magnitude [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction & switching losses arevoltage reduced renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending onDC the subsequently PF is & is reduced. A output voltage is obtained by the DC input & capacitor leading to increased aTotal peak value than the of the fundamental current AC supply main. Hence Bridge subsequently PF (DBR) is & THD THD is reduced. A variable variable output voltage isinput obtained byat varying the DC input voltage & (CF) and increased (THD) of AC current [7], [8]. The reason is uncontrolled charging of DC Bridge Rectifier andHarmonic results inDistortion a pulsed current from supply mains having poor Power Factor (PF), high Crest Factor (CF) and increased Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of AC current [7], [8]. The reason is uncontrolled charging of DC capacitor leading to a peak value more than the magnitude of the fundamental input current at AC supply main. Hence Bridge less rectifier at the front end is proposed [9], [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction & switching losses are reduced subsequently PF is increased &isTHD is reduced. A used variable output voltage is obtained by varying the DC input voltage & coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and maintaining the gain of the inverter constant [11] [14]. less rectifier at the front end proposed [9], [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction & switching losses are reduced maintaining the the inverter constant [11] -(THD) [14]. capacitor leading to increased peak value more than the magnitude of the fundamental input current atvarying AC supply main. Hence Bridge (CF) rectifier and leading increased Total Harmonic Distortion of of ACthe [7], [8]. Thecurrent reason isAC uncontrolled charging of DC less at gain the front end isTHD proposed [9],magnitude instead ofcurrent DBR thereby conduction & switching losses arevoltage reduced capacitor to aaof peak value more than the fundamental input at supply main. Hence Bridge subsequently PF is & is reduced. A variable output voltage is obtained by the DC input & maintaining gain of theheat inverter constant [11] - [10] [14]. improve thethe accuracy of demand estimations. subsequently PF is increased & THD is reduced. A variable output voltage is obtained by varying the DC input voltage & less rectifier at the front end is proposed [9], [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction & switching losses are reduced capacitor leading to a peak value more than the magnitude of the fundamental input current at AC supply main. Hence Bridge subsequently PF is increased & THD is reduced. A variable output voltage is obtained by varying the DC input voltage & less rectifier at the front end is proposed [9], [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction & switching losses are reduced maintaining the gain of the inverter constant [11] [14]. Over decades of year experts prefer conventional PI controller as shown in Fig.1 due to facile, robust performance etc maintaining the gain of the inverter constant [11] [14]. Over decades of year experts prefer conventional PI controller as shown in Fig.1 due to facile, robust performance etc subsequently PF is increased & THD is reduced. A variable output voltage is obtained by varying the DC input voltage & less rectifier at the front end is proposed [9], [10] instead of DBR thereby conduction & switching losses are reduced maintaining the gain of of theyear inverter constant [11] - [14]. subsequently PF is increased & THD is reduced. A variable output voltage is obtained by varying therobust DC input voltage & Over decades experts prefer conventional PIand controller ascontroller shown indesign. Fig.1 due to facile, performance etc but it has the disadvantages of mathematical complications, accurate To solve these issues like complex, © 2017 Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. but it hasThe thethe disadvantages of&mathematical complications, andoutput accurate controller design.by Tovarying solve these issues likevoltage complex, maintaining gain of the inverter constant [11] -- [14]. subsequently PF is increased THD is reduced. A variable voltage is obtained the DC input & maintaining the gain of the inverter constant [11] [14]. Over decades of year experts prefer conventional PI controller as shown in Fig.1 due to facile, robust performance etc nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) [15] or in combination but it has the disadvantages of mathematical complications, and accurate controller design. To solve these issues like complex, Over decades of year experts prefer conventional PI controller as shown in Fig.1 due to facile, robust performance etc nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technicalPIexperts suggest FuzzyinLogic System (FLS) [15] or inlike combination Peer-review under responsibility ofconstant theprefer Scientific Committee of The 15thasInternational Symposium onthese District Heating and etc Over decades of year experts conventional controller shown Fig.1 due to facile, robust performance maintaining the gain of the inverter [11] [14]. issues complex, but it has the disadvantages of mathematical complications, and accurate controller design. To solve nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) [15] or in combination with PIhas [16]. FLS is an an of extension to conventional conventional Boolean logic logic and concerns aboutin“degree “degree of truth” truth” which lies performance between zeroetc to but it the disadvantages of mathematical complications, accurate design. To solve these issues like complex, with [16]. FLS is extension to Boolean and concerns about of which lies between zero to Over decades year prefer conventional PI controller as shown Fig.1 due to facile, robust Cooling. but itPI the disadvantages of experts mathematical complications, and accurate controller design. To solve these issues complex, Over decades year experts prefer conventional PIand controller ascontroller shown Fig.1 System due to facile, robust nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy Logic (FLS) [15] orperformance inlike combination with PIhas [16]. FLS is an of extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns aboutinLogic “degree of truth” which lies between zeroetc to one for decision making. Earlier PWM based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy System (FLS) [15] or in combination one for decision making. Earlier PWM based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching but it has the disadvantages of mathematical complications, and accurate controller design. To solve these issues like complex, Over decades of year experts prefer conventional PI controller as shown in Fig.1 due to facile, robust performance etc but itfor has the disadvantages of mathematical complications, and accurate controller design. To solve these like complex, nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy Logic (FLS) [15] orbetween in combination with PI [16]. FLS is an extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns about “degree of truth” which lies zero to one decision making. Earlier PWM based VSIDC was used resulted higher switching lossesSystem (proportional toissues square of switching frequency) and for speed control with a constant link voltage later the concept of variable dc link voltage was introduced. In with PI [16]. FLS is an extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns about “degree of truth” which lies between zero to frequency) and for control with a based constant link voltage later the concept ofLogic variable link voltage was introduced. nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) [15] orbetween in combination but itfor the disadvantages of mathematical complications, and accurate controller design. To solve these like complex, Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change with PIhas [16]. FLS isspeed an extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns about “degree ofdc truth” which lies zero In to nonlinear, higher order and time delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy (FLS) [15] or in combination one decision making. Earlier PWM VSIDC was used resulted higher switching lossesSystem (proportional toissues square of switching frequency) and for speed control with a constant DC link voltage later the concept of variable dc link voltage was introduced. In which the switching losses are reduced in BLDCM. There are 2 modes of operation viz. one for decision making. Earlier PWM based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching which the switching losses are reduced in BLDCM. There are 2 modes of operation viz. with PI [16]. FLS is an extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns about “degree of truth” which lies between zero to nonlinear, higher order and time PWM delayed systems, technical experts suggest Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) [15] orbetween in combination with PI decision [16]. FLS isspeed an extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns about “degree ofdctruth” which lies zero In to one for making. Earlier based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching frequency) and for control with a constant DC link voltage later the concept of variable link voltage was introduced. _________ which the switching losses are reduced BLDCM. There are 2 modes of concept operation viz. frequency) and for speed control with aa in constant DC link voltage later the of variable dc link voltage was introduced. In _________ one for decision making. Earlier PWM based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching with PI [16]. FLS is an extension to conventional Boolean logic and concerns about “degree of truth” which lies between zero to frequency) and for speed control with constant DC link voltage later the concept of variable dc link voltage was introduced. In one for decision making. Earlier PWM based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching which the switching losses are reduced in BLDCM. There are 2 modes of operation viz. _________ which the switching losses are reduced BLDCM. There are 2 modes of operation viz. frequency) and for speed control with aa in constant DC link voltage later the concept of variable dc link voltage was introduced. In one for decision making. Earlier PWM based VSI was used resulted higher switching losses (proportional to square of switching which the switching losses are reduced in BLDCM. There are 2 modes of operation viz. frequency) and for speed control with constant DC link voltage later the concept of variable dc link voltage was introduced. In _________ R.Babu 9442165478, E-mail I.D [email protected] R.Babu Ashok, Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail [email protected] _________ which the switching losses are reduced BLDCM. are of operation frequency) and for speed control with a in constant DC There link voltage later the ofviz. variable dc link voltage was introduced. In _________ which theKumar, switching losses areI.D reduced in BLDCM. There are 2 2 modes modes of concept operation viz. B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] R.Babu Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail I.D [email protected] B.Mahesh 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] 1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published byBLDCM. Elsevier Ltd. _________ which theKumar, switching losses areI.D reduced in There are 2 modes of operation viz. B.Mahesh 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] _________ R.Babu Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail [email protected] R.Babu Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail [email protected] Peer-review under responsibility ofI.D: [email protected] Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling. R.Babu Ashok, E-mail I.D I.D [email protected] B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail _________ 1876-6102 © 9442165478, 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail [email protected] R.Babu Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail R.Babu Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail I.D I.DI.D: [email protected] Peer-review under responsibility [email protected] the scientific committee of the 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] R.Babu Ashok, 9442165478, E-mail I.D [email protected] and CONtrol. B.Mahesh Kumar, 9442068858,E-mail I.D: [email protected] 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.05.137

R. Babu Ashoka et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 314–320 R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh kumar / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000

1. 2.


Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) Discontinuous Condition Mode (DCM) because it is the deciding factor for the cost and rating of components associated in the PFC converter. In this paper DCM is preferred because it requires a single voltage sensor viable for low power applications.

Fig.1 Block Diagram for Existing method (only PI)

2.Controller analysis for BL-buck boost converter fed BLDC drive Though PI controller as shown in Fig.1 eliminates forced oscillations and minimizes steady state error but integral mode has a negative effect on speed of the response and overall stability of the system. Moreover PI fails when the controlled object is highly nonlinear and uncertain but it can solved through Fuzzy Logic (FL) because FL adopts the logic of reasoning, provides an inexpensive solutions for controlling ill-known complex systems. To have fine tuning in the controller Hybrid (PI + Fuzzy) logic controller can be used as shown in Fig.2

Fig.2 Block Diagram for Hybrid (PI+FLS)

3. Design of buck–boost (bb) converter for VSI FED BLDCM Let the power rating of BLDCM be P m =170 watts and BB converter be Pc =300 watts is to be designed. Pm =



N = 1620 rpm 2 Vs ,d= T=1Kg.m, Vav = π

Vdc Vdc+Vav

(2) (3)

For Ac supply voltage of 100V, f=50Hz DC link voltage from Vdc min=50V to Vdc max=250 V with an operating value Vdc req =200V, the Corresponding duty cycle d for d min =0.333 and dmax =0.714 respectively. Switching frequency fsw =20KHZ, input inductor value is equal to 1/10th of critical inductance,L1I =L2I and displacement angle, =1, source inductance =4% of base inductance and cut off frequency of the supply side is chosen as



3.1. Design of input inductors (L1i & L2i) The formula for critical inductance is Lci =



R. Babu Ashoka et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 314–320


R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh kumar / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000


And for dmin ,Pmin and Vdc min the value for Lci min =


2fs = 352 H To reduce drastically the size, cost and weight of the BB converter the value of

L1i =L2i =

of Lci


(6) (7) (8) (9)

3.2. Design of DC link capacitor Cd The value for


Cd = 2ωΔVdc



Vdc =3% of Vreq. Cd=2200F

3.3 Input filter Design Lf & Cf Ipcak tan(θ) Cf = ωLVpcak

(11) (12)


The value for inductance, Lreq Lreq = Lf-Ls

(14) (15)



4. Control of bb converter fed BLDCM 4.1 Speed controller There are various types of speed controllers but PI, Fuzzy Logic & hybrid controllers are analyzed in this paper. 4.2. Voltage follower approach In this approach BB converter operates in DICM. The voltage error signal (V e) is obtained by comparing the sensed DC link (Vdc) voltage with the reference (Vdc*) Ve(n)= Vdc*(n)-Vdc(n) where n represents the nth sampling instant. The output of PI controller (Vcc) and high-frequency saw tooth signal (md) are compared and the PWM signals are generated, which is given by equation (4)

For Vs >0;

For Vs < o;

If md < Vcc then Sw1 = ON


If md > Vcc then Sw1 = OFF


If md < Vcc then Sw2 = ON


If md > Vcc then Sw2 = OFF


R. Babu Ashoka et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 314–320

4.3. Electronic communication


R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh kumar / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000

One of the Hall sensor changes its state for every 60 electrical degrees of rotation ie 6x60 0 =3600 for an electrical cycle. The different switching states of the BLDCM are based on the Hall Effect position signals (Ha, Hb, Hc). The decoder block gives the status of back emf vide Table-1 depending on the position sensor and the block gates gives the status of switches in the voltage source inverter. Table 1. Truth Table for Decoder ha










emf_c 0







0 0

1 1

0 1

-1 -1

+1 0

0 +1

























4.4. FLC System: Fuzzy Logic Technique act human like thinking, produce exciting results, integral part of modern control theory or it added a new dimension to control system. There are four major elements. Fuzzifier, rule base, Inference engine and defuzzifier. Fuzzification means converting crisp input data to fuzzy set using fuzzy linguistic terms and membership function. Inference is obtained based on a set of rules vide Table 2. Finally as shown in Fig 3 defuzzification fuzzy output is mapped in to crisp output.

Fig 3.Block Diagram for FLC Table 2.Fuzzy linguistic rules E E NB NS Z PS PB
















The membership function is context dependent and chosen arbitrarily by experience here Gaussian type is preferred. Equation for MF is Gaussian (x; c,) ={


) }


Centroid of gravity (COG) is mostly used for defuzzification. The equation governing COG is (22)

R. Babu Ashoka et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 314–320


R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh kumar / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000

o is control output obtained by using COG defuzzification method.

The major burden is shifted from complicated hardware into software and related control algorithms. 5. Results & discussion A BL (at front end) Buck-Boost converter for VSI fed BLDCM drive is suggested targeting low power applications. The speed control is achieved by controlling the DC bus voltage, operates at fundamental frequency to reduce switching losses in inverter. The PQ indices viz. CF, PF and THD are within the prescribed limits of International standards IEC 61000-3-2.The parameters viz.Mp, Tr, Ts & Ess are intend to compare for various controllers. The simulation saves time and manpower in making hardware models at initial stages and reduces the costing of the research work. 5.1. Simulated drive performance The performance is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment using the sim-power-system toolbox as shown in Fig.11.The performance evaluation is categorized in terms of 1. BLDCM, 2. BLBB converter and 3. Various controllers. 5.2. BLDCM The steady state behavior of the BLDCM is obtained for a reference 200V DC. The drive performance at various loads Viz, Speed (remains constant at 2000rpm) as shown in Fig.4, torque as shown in Fig.5, it has also been found that the p.f remains 0.99 for varying speed with constant load as shown in Fig.6 along with the corresponding Torque waveform as shown in Fig.7, stator currents as shown in Fig.8, THD for various controllers viz.PI in Fig.9, Fuzzy in Fig.10 and for hybrid in Fig.11.

Fig. 4 Speed (constant) w.r. to various loads

Fig.5: Torque waveform w.r. to various loads

Fig.6 variable speed with constant load

Fig.7 Torque waveform w.r. to constant load

Fig.9. Harmonic histogram – PI Fig.8. Stator Current - Waveforms

R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh kumar / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000

R. Babu Ashoka et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 314–320

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R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh kumar / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000

Fig.10. Harmonic histogram – Fuzzy

Fig.11. Harmonic histogram – Hybrid

Fig.10. Harmonic histogram – Fuzzy

Fig.11. Harmonic histogram – Hybrid

Fig.10. Harmonic histogram – Fuzzy

Fig.11. Harmonic histogram – Hybrid

Fig.12. Buck-Boost converter voltage-combined analysis with respect to PI, Fuzzy & Hybrid controller

MotorMotor Motor Source Source Source Controller Controller ControllerSide Side Side

Fig.12. Buck-Boost converter voltage-combined analysis with respect to PI, Fuzzy & Hybrid controller Table: 3 Comparison of Controllers w.r. to various parameters Fig.12.3 Buck-Boost voltage-combined with respect to PI, Fuzzy & Hybrid controller Table: Comparisonconverter of Controllers w.r.Controllers to variousanalysis parameters Parameters, Controllers Unit PI w.r. to Fuzzy Hybrid Table: 3 Comparison of Controllers various parameters Parameters, Unit Controllers PI Fuzzy Hybrid Mp, % 20 0 0 Parameters, T 1.3 0.6 0.2 Unit PI Fuzzy Hybrid s,p,S% M 20 0 0 Ts,r, S Mp, % T T Er,s, SS ss, %

T r, E ss,S% P.f THD, % P.f Ess, % CF % THD, P.f Speed ripple, CF THD, % % Speed ripple, Torque CF % ripple, % Speed ripple, Torque % ripple, % Torque ripple, %

1.3 0.1 20 0.1 1.3 1.2

0.6 0.2 0 0.2 0.6 0.5

0.2 0.15 0 0.15 0.2 0.4

0.1 1.2 0.999 6.43 0.999 1.2 1.411 6.43 0.999 1.411 0.5 6.43

0.2 0.5 0.97 4.87 0.97 0.5 1.413 4.87 0.97 1.413 0.1 4.87

0.15 0.4 0.8751 4.87 0.8751 0.4 1.28 4.87 0.8751 1.28 0.09 4.87

1.411 0.5 33.3

1.413 0.1 25

1.28 0.09 19.3

0.5 33.3

0.1 25

0.09 19.3




The controller parameters Mp, Tr, Ts & Ess are improved in hybrid controller which is clear from the Table-3 and the combined analysis as shown above inMp, Fig.12 ensured motorinishybrid a constant speed which machine vide Table 4. Table-3 and the combined The controller parameters Tr, and Ts & Ess areBLDC improved controller is clear from the analysis as shown above in Fig.12 and ensured BLDC motor is a constant speed machine vide Table 4. The controller parameters Mp, Tr, Ts & Ess Table. are improved in hybrid controller which is clear from the Table-3 and the combined 4 Performance using only PI controller analysis as shown above in Fig.12 and ensured BLDC motor is using a constant machine vide Table 4. Table. 4 Performance only PIspeed controller TL P.f Speed Speed variation ripple Table. using only PI controller TL 4 Performance P.f Speed Speed variation ripple TL P.f Speed Speed Nm rpm % variation ripple Nm rpm % 0 0.9949 2.5 0.125 Nm 0 0.25

0.9949 0.9993

rpm 2.5 4.3

% 0.125 0.215

0 0.25 0.5

0.9949 0.9993 0.9999

2.5 4.3 7

0.125 0.215 0.35

0.25 0.5 0.75

0.9993 0.9999 0.9998

4.3 7 7.4

0.215 0.35 0.37

0.5 0.75 1

0.9999 0.9998 0.9998

7 7.4 9

0.35 0.37 0.45

0.75 1 1.25

0.9998 1

7.4 9 11

0.37 0.45 0.55

1 1.25

0.9998 1

9 11

0.45 0.55


R.Babu Ashok, B.Mahesh Procedia 00 (2017) 000-000 R. Babu Ashokakumar et al./ Energy / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 314–320

6. Conclusion The performance of the BLDCM is gradually increased with controller PI, Fuzzy and Hybrid as shown in Table-3 except power factor where there is marginal dip. The BLDC motor specification, controller gains, BB controller specifications are mentioned in the Appendix. PF>0.9, THD < 5.1, CF < 5% for class D (600W, < 16A> applications as per international PQ standards of IEC 61000-3-2 are observed [6] using MATLAB simulation. The BLDC motor speed remains constant vide fig.4 irrespective of the loads simultaneously PF is also close to unity using PI controller. The performance is only marginally improved in hybrid (PI+FLC) controller. The design aspect and cost involved in the hardware implementation will be more. Hence it is concluded from comparative analysis that Hybrid controller is suitable for high power applications and PI controller is a promising device only for low power applications. A. Appendix A.1. BLDC Motor Specifications

Table. 5



Coil Dependent




Rs, Phase resistance, Ls, Phase Inductance Eb Constant

14.56 25.71 mH 77.49 V/Krpm

Pole pairs Eb flat area Trapezoidal No.of phases (Mode)

4 120 degree

No load speed

1620 rpm

J, Rotor inertia

1.3 x 10-4 Kgm2

Torque Constant

0.74 Nm/A

B, Viscous Damping



A.2. Controller gains

Kp = 0.01 Ki = 0.5

A.3. Simulation Parameters for BB Converter Table. 6 Input Output Inductor (L1i, L2i) Capacitor Cd Input Filter Inductor Lf Input Filter Capacitor fs, Switching Frequency


110V, 50Hz AC 50V-250V Dc 0.2H 440 F 5mH 880 nF 20KHz

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