Elohim Aug 10 2002

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Aug 10


present: wynn daphne gillian

Gillian house C We are the council of the Elohim C We would ask that you do an invocation calling in the particular frequency of the violet ray. W would we imagine pure violet while we’re doing this meditation. C imagine a violet flame W this is the first time we’ve done something like this with another person. What is the correct protocol? C the correct and proper protocol for such sessions could be outlined as similar in structure to what you have just done. The process of purification. The invocation of the violet flame. The om purification creates a basic structure through which the christed energies make themselves manifest in a stabilized structure leading to the building of the christed structures in the physical tangible way. It is best to choose your spaces wisely and your company even more so. Does this answer W for the first question can you tell us something about the history of maldek, Ra’s involvement with maldek and any connections any of the three of us , particularly Gillian might have with the planet maldek? The history of Maldek? What were the Meldekians like and how did it end up exploding? C there are those in your time space continuum who would understand these things from your point of view as a decomposition or explosion of said planet did occur in your solar system. The reasons are complex. However it has to do with an out of balance of particular energies and frequencies which were wrought upon the surface of this said planet and the populace unheeding and in so doing they refused to change course and there homeland was shattered. This did occur some many millions of years past. W How was it shattered? C the shattering was something that eminated from within, a vibrational and frequency disruption. From a collective psychic pressure, a collective unconscious not being able to release itself. Eventually went inward as an implosion bringing about this particular out of balance energy. W was the explosion the result of the planet itself exploding or a man made device triggering it?

C it had more to do with the populace and the planet itself. It was the choice of the collective entities living upon said planet at this particular junction of time. W does Gillian have some connection with maldek? C We do see a connection as an entity Sanja. W Was Sanja a being who had an incarnation on Maldek? C Sanja , we would say had origins of Maldekian genetic materials however sanja seemed to be an interplanetary, interstellar traveling being. She was able to translate between dimensions especially from the eight through the thirteenth able to upload and download information into the various encodings which were able to help others journeying through the interstellar portals at this particular time of evolution. She has lemurian ancestry from this particular incarnation. W So sanja was her name in that particular incarnation D we would say it was the essence of that particular incarnation, the oversoul as you would say. W and how about Ra? Was Ra connected with maldek? C there is connection, yes. W could you explain the interaction of Ra and Maldek? C please be more specific. W was Ra an oversoul for Maldekians? C we would not say that Ra was an oversoul for the maldekians as much as he served as a galactic imprint or energy template for this particular time. W Could you explain a little further what a galactic imprint is? C There are places in your solar system, indeed in many solar systems where pulsations of galactic intelligence emanate from things such as pulsars, lasers, masers, and other deep space manifestations. It is these pulsations of galactic information which through various electrical emanations are able to directly deposit their encodings into the blood crystalline structures of mammalian intelligence including the crustaceans, dolphins, whales, humans and other primates. W Ra was an emanater of these pulsations? C That is correct. A master emanater.

W and still is could we say? C he has moved onward in the galactic journey where as we would say his former role has been enhanced to even an oversoul level of that emanation. W So many do emanations underneath Ra. C Yes, as his tutelage would inform them and form them so he could disseminate said knowledge into the aspiring intelligences, the multitudes of planets and civilizations within the Milky Way and other galaxys. W is your group under the tutelage of Ra? C We’re not under the direct tutelage of Ra although he is one of our respected masters. W When we think or aim our consciousness at Ra or P’taah, do we actually make a connection? C it depends on the level of experience of the said requester. It is much as a radio receiver and transceiver and the level of development of attunement. Some you would say are more competent and spirited than others. It is simply a result of inherent wanting practice focusing and intent. It is something which can be developed over time. W Is the ascension process which is coming about on this planet something which is unusual on the galactic circuit? Why is it that people, as I understand it, release their bodies in the physical and move on, rather than dying and move on? What is the reason that it has to operate in that manner if that’s so? C there are no prescribed protocols for this particular ascension process. It is somewhat experimental in nature and the individualized experience of the entites choosing to undergo it will be as many and varied as there are individuals currently incarnate on the planet. Indeed, many will die, many will chose to drop the body. Some say as many as two thirds of your current population. And there are those who would shed the body for other reasons.. The great experiment is to be able to consciously ascend, thus keeping certain dna patterns and crystalline blood coatings intact in a way that is a fairly rare one for this sector of the galaxy. This in and of itself is part of a grand experiment, the outcome of which is greatly anticipated by those who would wait and see what happens. W Who initiated this experiment? C you did. W how?

C this is a free will zone. The earth is what you would call a wild card. Where the laws of like vibrational attraction have been rather suspended. If you notice, there are many, many discontiguous and disharmonious levels of consciousness vying for superiority and influence on your planet. Normally, this is not the case. It is an experiment to bring about a sort of amalgamation and kind of bringing together of very different kinds of consciousness and birthing it in a particular way. A good analogy might be, you have in your refrigerator left overs and no particular recipe and you just want to see what can come out with what you have in there because you don’t want it to go to waste. W so we’re the leftovers so to speak. C Not leftovers in terms of better or worse but leftovers in terms of remnants, remnants meaning populations or parts of populations for whom their home planet was no longer a place of refuge, for whom for various reasons, accelerated karmas were to be worked off. This was a choosing place for profound giving of the self of what would have to become unconditional love. Otherwise it is a very hard place. W For what reason is Ra working so closely with this planet? Is Ra involved at the beginning of the experiment? C we read Ra’s involvement at this cycle as going back to 10,600 bc. The reasons for his involvement are complex but suffice it say that it is of the greatest service for this to be done at this time. W What is the process by which our dna is transforming and how did we come about to have many more spirals than have been activated? C Simplify the question. W It is my understanding that as we move into the energetic field of the foton belt, that there is a transformation taking place on our dna and strings are being activated that were previously latent. How is it that the dna was designed with these extra strings? C Oh the dna that you carry within your blood right now was at least 70 million years in the making. Do you think that all the potentialities would be released automatically? It is a matter of choosing choosing choosing again. There is a period of dormancy, as a seedling lays dormant for hundreds of years before the growth, before the sprouting can make itself known. Human beings in there own way have been experimented on and now want to experiment on others. It is a natural outgrowth of the process of curiosity, just as humans wonder what is outside of their solar system, equally vast solar systems exist inside of the cells. W I have a couple of personal questions from Gillian. What is the karmic pattern which caused her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) problem?

C We read this as a long standing unforgiveness with one she would term the father. This as we read it something longstanding from the period of four years and perhaps very unconscious on the part of the entity. Forgiveness and surrender to the particular event to which we refer would lead to much release of said condition. W Is there a particular exercise that would help her to release this unbalance? C We see visualization of luminscient pearl white around herself especially the lower body and the inhalation of lavender and bergamont aroma as being beneficial. W question about the source of the pain in gillian’s shoulder? C We see this a temporal uncomfortableness, a temporal dislocation of the underlying muscular ----of the shoulder. Hot compresses and massage gentle. Perhaps also herbal heat packs would be beneficial to this. W is there anything karmic connection with regards to this pain or is it just a physical issue? C We do read back to an event which happened in the 27th year of the natives experience. Something, if she ponders, she will understand. W and could you envision what gillian’s highest potential role would be in her life with regards to the ascension shift taking place. C as an ambassador certainly of the galactic frequencies. W can you give her any feedback how to manifest those frequencies. Anything she could do to improve what she is doing right now. C the native has abilities in expression, especially verbal expression and much could come of using expression. It would be good for her to share, perhaps in small informal gatherings her own experience on her particular journey towards the collective awakening. The internet also is a source of bringing together those who would be open to such experiences and the quickening of the awakening process. She could have a role in such a discussion group as mediator. W Gillian had the question “Is P’taah connected with Enki/” C Yes there is an ancient lineage connection. W can you describe the lineage? C We read in a period of 23,000 years there is a coupling between two ancient lineages bringing together these forces in new ways of manifestation.

W at the present time there are cellular phone antennas which could be installed in the area of Gillian’s property. Is this going to have a negative impact on her health? C The verdict is not been made. It does not necessarily have to be as planned. However, if the said plan does go through, it may be advisable for the entity to change local. However we sense that not for 6 months or one year will the necessary decision have to be made. W is there a distance where it could be considered safe from one of these antennas? C we would register 3-5 miles. W so if you’re within 3-5 miles, your health could be affected. C yes W last night daphne and I had a very intense experience. Did we have a greeting? C please explain W did we have a negatively predisposed entity visiting us through her? C we are not at liberty to discuss this matter now? W would that be violating the distortioin of what happened C we would say that it is best of the entity not to speak of this incident in such an open state as she’s in now. W just in general, how can we protect ourselves C continue vigilance. Continue AWARENESS be very careful about the environment and you will safeguard the protection,. W so the particular physical environment makes a difference. Would it be recommended to keep candles burning and incense burning? C yes W that’s a positive safeguard. C yes W anything you might want to share about the pain in daphne’s body . how long will she have to endure this? Anything she can do to relieve it?

C We register the native has undergoing miasmic changes miasmic challenge and as yet 4-6 months fairly intense body transformation to endure before the next cycle shifts. W we did a rife machine. Do you know what a rife machine is? C we are familiar with the technology W and that benefited her. would that be advisable to continue that application? C this is one particular helpful tool. The best is soaking in hot salt mineral water baths. W we would have to move to find a bathtub. On the rife machine, can you recommend any particular frequencies that would be good for daphne? C we read 60, 123, 440, 960, 1140, 1520 W and how many seconds on each frequency C 30 W and how long for each session C 20 minutes , once every two to three days. W would the rife machine be of benefit to Gillian C yes W what frequencies are best for Gillian? C 17, 40, 53, 96, 128, 360, 440 560 760 960 1260 1550 W and how long C 40 seconds one to two times per week. W which conditions of Gillian might this positively impact? C the so called ibs syndrome also the stiffness in upper neck and shoulders W and my sister joann, is there any recommendation of anything that might help her , a rife machine, essaic, anything like that. C there is potential help in these therapies. However the initiation in wanting this must come from said entity and she must express the desire to try and implement this on behalf of her own self and her own health, her own willingness to remain alive in the

body. This cannot be willed upon her from an outside source. Nor must she be cajoled coerced into such things with the false notion that she is not somehow responsible for her own health. It is a volitional matter of the thought? Of the native. W I have a question as to the connection between Ra and the Syrians. Are they connected in some way? C we could say there is stellar lineage, stellar heritage which could be from that source. W where is the entity jesus right at this moment? C when you say where how are you referring? W in what realm, what dimension? What planetary sphere? C he is as we read it , one of the overlords, one of the protector lords of this planet at this time residing in what you would call the seventh ray. W is he actually listening to people’s prayers and answering them? C Yes W Is he going to manifest in a physical body over the next period of time? C this could be possible for those souls who have chosen such an experience unto themselves. However the Christed consciousness is in the golden ray of love which is to awaken in the heart of every individual as the heart chakra and the love emanation opens fully in the physical vehicle. We are to become one with this consciousness. W did Jesus actually die on the cross. There are some stories which say he didn’t and he lived beyond that. C when you say die , do you mean give up the physical body? W yes C as we read it, yes there was a giving up and a transubstantuiation of the physical vehicle. W and then he resurrected as it’s recorded in history C the body in the third dimension perished . the body with which he came back was an oversoul body, a fifth, sixth seventh harmonic and able to materialize in the physical . W did that body stay any longer, the oversoul body, than is indicated in our scriptures?

C here on the earth plane? W yes C there was a visitation of the higher essence body for some 50 days after the resurrection at which point in what your scriptures refer to as the pentacast, the pentacastal descent to the dark , the re-ascension of the blessed one back to ------but in no way does this diminish the import, the connectiveness of each individual to the Christ if it is truly resided in the heart of the ----entity. W what is the connection between Jesus and what is referred to as the Christ grid? C the Christ grid is simply the physicalization on the material plane on bringing the christed energy to the physical embodying it in everything we do on a daily level. W Could you explain the transition that occurred on the planet during the life of Jesus. C when you speak of transition, do you refer to the physical dimension of the earth of the mineral kingdom or the consciousness of the third dimensional beings on the planet at that time? W I think the consciousness C a seed was planted. The seed is now coming to potential fruition. Does this answer your question? W I think it does. That’s it for right now . thank you for answering C it is our great honor and privelege to serve and work with those who would help the ascended masters who can the results of putting light anchors into the grids at this time. We see this as the work you are now doing in establishing the presence of at least three in these sessions you are actually constructing light pyramids which can anchor into central crystalline core to help in the ascension process. It of great service when you are able and willing to continue to do such sessions. W if we do a session and we do not call on you, but we just call on anchoring the grid would that have as strong an effect or is it much more important to call on your help? C you may always call on our help. We will make ourselves available for this most important project. W one other thought. My book is out in a number of hands right now. Should I keep sending it to others? C continue

W that’s all for now C we bid you good night adonoi.

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