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Land management and hunting in Hungary Prof.Dr. Sándor CSÁNYI Department of Wildlife Biology, Szent István University H-2103 Gödöllõ, Hungary www.vvt.gau.hu

European context ™ No uniform EU legislation of hunting/game management ™ Subsidiarity ™ Done in national legislation

™ Few regulations in nature conservation directives ™ Birds Directive ™ Flora Fauna Habitat Directives

™ Expectations ™ Wise use of game Æ Sustainable Hunting Initiative ™ Ecologically balanced regulation of populations ™ Monitoring = data-based

Factors influencing hunting law ™Ecology of species ™History and traditions ™What, where, when, and how

™Legal system ™Who and how

™Economics ™Recreation ™Incomes/costs

™International oblications

European diversity ™Participation, traditions, hunting system ™German system (AT, BE, DE, NL, LU, SK, CZ, HU, PL, SL ™Mediterrenean (IT, GR, FR, MT, ES, PT, CY) ™British (UK, IE) ™Scandinavian (SE, DK, FI, EE, LV, LT)

™General characteristics ™Game: res nullius ™Hunting: belongs to lan property ™Independent hunting law

Hungarian legislation ™Act LV/1996 on game conservation, management, and hunting ™Game – state property (res communis) ™Hunting – belongs to the landed property ™Very detailed regulation + ministerial decree

™Accession: ™99.9% conformity, ™Few harmonization

Game Act, XX/1883 ™ Hunting rights connected to the ownership of land ™ Return to the status before WWII ™ Hunting ground based on own right: ™>120 ha continuous property, suitable for game management and hunting ™Fenced property

™ Small landed properties ™Local authority lent on auction ™6-12 years of lease ™Debates on damages and fees

™ Game management as source of incomes ™Only on large estates ™Hunting tourism ™Hard currency incomes

End of WWII – 1996 ™Status of game and hunting ™Destroyed game populations ™Division of large estates – small properties ™Repartitions

™Consequences ™Game: state property to protect ™Hunting rights: state to control of hunting ™Hunting clubs: control of hunter numbers

™Purpose: restore game and hunting as a resources management form

End of WWII – 1996 ™From the 1970s – “Golden age of hunting” ™1st Hunting World Expo (1971) ™Increasing game populations and harvest ™Increasing hard currency incomes ™Open Hungary – closed neighbors ™Success without competitors

™Bases ™Strong control ™Large management areas ™Work of club members

1989/1990 Æ 1996 ™Political changes 1989/1990 ™Politically motivated ideas/beliefs ™Over emphasized: incomes and profits of hunting ™Under emphasized: knowledge, costs, damage and labor ™Neglected: the effect of hunting area size

™Consensus: ™Hunting rights should return to the landed property ™Natural resource management, form of land use

Game Act, LV/1996 ™ Hunting rights are the totality of rights and obligations pertaining to ™ the protection of game and its habitat, and ™ game management, furthermore ™ the killing and catching of game living free in the huntingground by the person entitled to it, ™ the collection of cast antlers, and of eggs of winged game which can be hunted, and the appropriation of the carcass of perished game in accordance with this Act.

™ The hunting rights - as rights representing assets are due, as an inseparable part of the land proprietary rights, to the owner of the area qualifying as a hunting-ground.

Game Act, LV/1996 ™Independent hunting rights ™is exclusively owned by a single person including also the State of Hungary - this person shall be entitled to the hunting rights independently (hereinafter: independent hunting rights),

™Joint hunting rights ™is owned by several persons - including also the State of Hungary - the owners of the hunting ground shall be entitled to the hunting rights jointly

Minimum size of hunting-ground ™An area of land or water surface ™if its size reaches 3,000 hectares, and ™the distance between its opposite boundaries is at least three thousand metres, furthermore, where the game ™finds its necessary feed, ™the conditions for its natural reproduction, and ™its natural needs for movement, lair and rest are provided.

™The heart of the debates ™It is too large!!! ™Is it too large? ™Why 3000 ha?

Why large or small? ™Large size is necessary to ™Manage populations ™Think in ecological terms and requirements of game ™To accumulate incomes necessary to cover costs of professional management and achieve profit

™Small size is requested to conform to ™Small landed property size ™Make hunting available for more pesrons ™Satisfy activism

Some facts ™ Total income of game management (2004): ™ 15 Billion HUF = 60 Million EUR

™ Area of Hungary: 93000 km2 ™ = 1613 HUF/ha/year = 6.5 EUR/ha/year ™ The 2004 “profit” was: 146.6 Million HUF ™ = 16 HUF/ha/year = 0.06 EUR/ha/year

When game management and hunting need consideration? ™Size of hunting ground is large: ™Large estate Æ state forests or latifundia ™Joint hunting rights Æ medium sized landed properties, known land-owners

™Long term safety of investment ™Own property ™8-10+ years lease of lands

™High quality game populations and conditions ™Red deer, wild boar, roe deer ™Well paid professionals ™High quality services

Is there a solution? ™Large hunting grounds ™Joint hunting rights ™medium sized landed properties ™known land-owners

™Long term safety of investment ™10-year cycles ™Interested land-owners

™High quality game populations and conditions ™Small game and big game areas ™Quality management