Ellaa Explanation For Percentages

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 207
  • Pages: 1
A Explanation For Percentages It is really easy to find a percentage of most numbers. To find a percentage of a number you always need to know: 100% 50% 10% 5% 20% 1% •

100% is just your exact number.

50% is half of it.

To find 10% all you need to do is divide your number by 10. E.G 10% of 6540 would be 654.

5% is 10% halved. E.G. 10% of 6540 is 654, halved 327.

20% is 10% doubled E.G. 105 of 60 is 6 doubled is 12.

Lastly, 1% is really easy, your number divided by 100. E.G. 300 / 100=3

Here are two examples on how to find this percentage: 43% of 580: 1. Well, 20% of it is 116, this doubled equals 232 giving you a total of 40%. Then you need the 3%. 1% Totals to 5.8 X 3=17.4 which is 3%. 232+17.4=249.4 2. 50% of 580=290. 5%=29. 2% would total to 11.6. The next step would be to add together 2% and 5% totalling 7% which is 40.6 . Lastly to get your answer, you would calculate 290 - 40.6 --------249.4 ---------

That is the end of my explanation on how to do percentages.

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