PROPOSAL FOR ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER Electronics research team Muylcomputers,+256 704008562,+256704020957, +256712638897,IPT-+256200208562, Introduction Muylcomputers has an opportunity to pioneer in the development of an emerging professional field of critical importance. Electronics is now one of the world's most important and rapidly changing resources. Rapidly growing capabilities in Electrical, computing and telecommunications, the increasing importance of electronics in the professions, the expanding and multidimensional technology industry, and the developing electronics infrastructure have created major new challenges and opportunities.
The issue now is often less the availability of electronics than its overabundance, and access to quality information for diverse users and uses. The challenge is to filter what is most useful out of the vast quantity of electronics available: to deploy, prepare, research, compile, restructure and output electronics project in all its forms, including design of devices to suit their role. The goal is to provide, not simply research, services but also to train professionals We propose a program that will advance, through teaching and research, the organization, management and use electronics technology, and enhance our understanding of the impact of electronics on individuals, institutions, and business. This mission has both a technical component, concerned with the design and use of programming systems and skills component, concerned with understanding how people use, need, evaluate, and categorize electronics. The proposed program will use the approaches of several electrical , computer professional and technical disciplines to address a core set of electronics-related issues.
The primary mission of the program will be to prepare professionals for corporations, government agencies, companies, micro business, designers, and the academic world who can develop improved approaches to handle electronics, Evidence strongly suggests the existence of a very large demand for such professionals in telecom companies, manufacturing companies and bureau of standards research, simulators and circuit designers There currently exists no training structure — of the specific sort that we are proposing. What is unique about this program is the focus on the use and design through the merger of the technical approaches; and the broad scope, addressing applications that cut across disciplinary and organizational contexts. We believe that Muylcomputers can lead in this area and that other institutions will follow. It is discovered that private industry is now spending alot a year on importing electronics engineers to work on new technologies, but as yet there is no professional school in uganda that concentrates on electronics technology as a major One of the strengths of this proposal is that it is conservative, in recognizing that at this moment this new field must be multidisciplinary, Yet it also concentrates enough department resources on a core research program to drive the definition of this new field. This kind of discipline will inevitably generate a new field, and only a research Muylcomputers ’ stature has the resources to provide the context for its definition, that context being the strengths of various affiliated institutions . Structure and Name
The organizational structure is that of a professional institution. Other organizational structures were considered but are felt to be less appropriate; they are discussed in a subsequent section. Possible names are electronics center of learning and research, electronics institute and research center
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Mission The proposed center has its focus : to be the leading trainer, researcher and designers in the electronics industry in Uganda. training of the discipline in other technical institutions country wide is a tool to our success
The center will graduate professionals who are highly sought by corporations , companies and operational institutions covering a wide variety of areas. telecoms are among the employers, but are not dominant. A list of potential classes of employers is attached (see Appendix I). The center's research department and skilled graduate candidates will carry out forefront research that defines and leads the field intellectually. A list of possible areas for research is attached (see Appendix II). Levels eligible Level I This involves the people who went to primary school but did not have financial assistance to continue to secondary education Level II This involves people who went beyond primary up to ordinary level of education and were unable to continue to advanced level of education Level III This involves people who went up to advanced level of education but were unable to reach university due to lack of funds etc Level IV This involve classes of people with bachelor ,masters etc but need to do a course in this discipline to any level
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The center will offer a full learning program. The degree ,diploma and craft certificate will be awarded to those who would have complete the learning program at the center ,this is designed to accommodate all sorts of people from primary education to graduates. Certificate would be awarded also to great researcher as a symbol of recognition and participation The following are brief characteristics of some of the intellectual activities that might be pursued by researchers in the areas described above. These particular descriptions are for areas that are likely to be central to the School. However, they by no means subsume all of the work that will be conducted under its auspices, nor can our descriptions provide very precise portrayals of whole disciplines, each of whose internal structure is itself complex and demanding of variegated specialization.
Students will come from a wide variety of academic backgrounds. Some may enter the learning programs immediately after obtaining an primary level certificate. In addition, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the qualification to be offered by the center, and the need for subject area expertise, it will not be unusual for students to enter these programs after already obtaining a Masters or Ph.D. in another field. The study syllabus is already obtained from the affiliated institutions Funding Sources
Possible funding sources and their nature are listed in Appendix III. The center shall run accounts basing on the collection from the enrollment Membership list Research team list is displayed in Appendix IV
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Infrastructure The proposed plan is given in appendix V in summary as the detailed structure is under revision at the center or planning muylcomputers
The electronics research team concludes that this function is appropriate and useful for the country, even under the current budgetary situation. The opportunities in this area are so significant, and the timing so critical.
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A. EMPLOYERS Note that the divisions among types of organizations are illustrative only; some organizations function in more than one area. This encompasses both private and public sector organizations; the relevant characteristic is the function, not the sector. I. THE ELETRONICS INDUSTRY — Organizations involved in the design, compile manufacture and testing A. Organizations concerned primarily with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
telecom computer engineering / repair sector manufacturing companies national bureau of standards ( electronics usage approval) electronics technicians sector technology sector
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The following list is intended to give some sense of the enormously broad range of important research opportunities rather than to serve as a prescription of those on which the program should focus. It is drawn from our interviews with people active in the field. Research will include the following;1.circuitry 2.mechatronics, telecommunication,robots 3.power production projects 4.industrial electronics
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APPENDIX III — POSSIBLE FUNDING SOURCES -Muylcomputers (as primary founders) -Individuals -None governmental organizations -Corporations -All well wishers
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Appendix IV Electronics research team Muyinda Hassim, Director, muylcomputers Susan Abeso, Administrator, CEO Muylcomputers Moses banna, electrical Moses mayengo, engineer wimax, warid telecom Uganda Christopher , IT Twins investments Godwin , RTET ,general electronics
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Appendix V Proposed Layout structure plan for center
Proposed Quotation Landscape 0.357hectares
$ 83,400
Construction funding
$ 390,000
Furniture complete
$ 16,500
Research equipment
$ 10,555
Computer lab
$ 25,600
Others components research
$ 73945
Grand total
$ 600,000
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