Electron Sharing And Covalent Bonds

  • November 2019
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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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What is a covalent chemical bond? In a simple wooden model, two balls representing atoms are connected by a stick symbolizing the bond. What is the "stick" that holds the atoms together in a real molecule? How does a pair of electrons keep two atoms from flying apart? Just as important, how many bonds can a particular type of atom form with other atoms, and in what directions in space? Only when we can answer these questions can we understand how molecules are constructed and how they behave. As we saw with the H2 molecule in Chapter 2, a bond between two atoms is formed by the sharing of a pair of electrons between the atoms. This is illustrated on the right. The bonding pair of electrons spends most of its time between the two atomic nuclei, thereby screening the positive charges from one another and enabling the nuclei to come closer together than if the bonding electrons were absent. The negative charge on the electron pair attracts both nuclei and holds them together in a bond.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Just as the hydrogen atom is represented by a Lewis diagram consisting of the atomic symbol plus a dot for the electron, H., the H molecule can be written as 2

two atomic symbols separated by a pair of dots for the bonding electrons, H:H (right). A more common practice is to replace the dots by a straight line connecting the bonded atoms, H-H, but you should remember that this straight line represents a bonding pair of electrons. From an energy standpoint, when we say two atoms are chemically bonded we mean that the two atoms close together have less energy and therefore are more stable than when separated. Energy is given off when atoms form a bond, and energy must be supplied to pull them apart: H + H ----> H (energy is given off ) 2

H -----> H + H ( energy must be added ) 2

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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To tear apart one mole of H molecules into two moles of H atoms requires 2

103.24 kcal of energy; thus we say that the bond energy of the H-H bond is 103.24 kcal/mole. We can represent H molecules and H atoms on an energy2

level diagram as shown on the right hand side of this page, where the vertical direction symbolizes increasing energy (and less stability). When we tear H 2

molecules apart, we store energy in the atoms in the same way that we store potential energy in a boulder when we roll it uphill. This energy is released when the atoms form a bond, or when the boulder rolls downhill.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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To tear apart one mole of H molecules into two moles of H atoms requires 2

103.24 kcal of energy; thus we say that the bond energy of the H-H bond is 103.24 kcal/mole. We can represent H molecules and H atoms on an energy2

level diagram as shown on the right hand side of this page, where the vertical direction symbolizes increasing energy (and less stability). When we tear H 2

molecules apart, we store energy in the atoms in the same way that we store potential energy in a boulder when we roll it uphill. This energy is released when the atoms form a bond, or when the boulder rolls downhill.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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To tear apart one mole of H molecules into two moles of H atoms requires 2

103.24 kcal of energy; thus we say that the bond energy of the H-H bond is 103.24 kcal/mole. We can represent H molecules and H atoms on an energy2

level diagram as shown on the right hand side of this page, where the vertical direction symbolizes increasing energy (and less stability). When we tear H 2

molecules apart, we store energy in the atoms in the same way that we store potential energy in a boulder when we roll it uphill. This energy is released when the atoms form a bond, or when the boulder rolls downhill.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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How Many Bonds Per Atom ?

In general, the second-shell nonmetal atoms, C, N, O, and F, make covalent bonds by sharing electrons in pairs with other atoms of similar electronegativity. As you would expect from electronegativity values, C-H bonds are almost purely covalent, or electron-sharing, whereas at the opposite extreme, H-F bonds have a large ionic character, with the electrons drawn toward the F atom. If each of two atoms contributes one electron to a covalent bond, then because the bonded atoms are held close to one another, both electrons help to fill the outer shell of each atom. An atom may form several covalent bonds, in which case it acquires one new outer electron for every bond it makes.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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How Many Bonds Per Atom ?

In the most common bonding behavior, an atom makes as many covalent bonds as are needed to fill its outer shell with eight electrons. For atoms of C, N, O, and F, this means 4, 3, 2, and 1 electrons, respectively. If these elements are bonded to hydrogen, we find the expected CH methane molecule, NH for 4 3 ammonia, H 0 for water, and HF for the hydrogen fluoride molecule. Another 2

way of looking at the bonding behavior is to say that each of the unpaired electrons in C, N, O, and F is available for pairing in a covalent bond. The pair of electrons in the N atom, the two electron pairs in O, and the three pairs in the F atom do not need to find outside electrons to interact with because they already are paired. They are called lone pairs to distinguish them from the electron pairs of a chemical bond, which are called bonding pairs. These lone pairs and bonding pairs for the simple molecules mentioned previously are illustrated in the table on the right hand side of this page and on the right hand side of page 6.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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How Many Bonds Per Atom ?

It is sometimes possible to unpair all of the electrons in the outer shell of a second-shell atom and to use them all in bonding. For example, in the nitric acid molecule, which we shall discuss in the following chapter, we must assume that nitrogen shares five electrons with oxygen atoms, not just three. This unpairing of electrons is easier to accomplish with the third-shell atoms, where the electrons are farther from the nucleus and thus more weakly held, and where the atoms are larger so that more atoms can crowd around for bonding. For the moment, however, we need only consider nitrogen, which has one lone pair and three unpaired bonding electrons. To illustrate these ideas of electron-pair bonding, and to introduce the ideas of molecular shape and of double and triple bonds, let us look at the simplest covalent molecules of C, N, O, and F.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Carbon has four outer electrons, and thus can complete its eight-electron "neon" shell by sharing electrons in four covalent bonds. The simplest carbon compound is methane, CH . The methane molecule is diagramed at the right, 4

first with Lewis electron pairs, then with stick bonds, and finally in a representation of the actual tetrahedral shape of the molecule. The four hydrogen atoms in methane are at the four corners of a tetrahedron with the carbon atom at the center. All of the atoms are as far from one another as they can be, given a fixed C-H distance. This is a general principle: The four electron pairs around a central atom such as a carbon atom repel one another as all negative charges do, and the lowest energy state is that with the four bonds directed tetrahedrally away from the central atom. Any other arrangement of C-H bonds in methane would bring two bonding pairs closer together, and electrostatic repulsion would push them apart again.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Carbon has four outer electrons, and thus can complete its eight-electron "neon" shell by sharing electrons in four covalent bonds. The simplest carbon compound is methane, CH . The methane molecule is diagramed at the right, 4

first with Lewis electron pairs, then with stick bonds, and finally in a representation of the actual tetrahedral shape of the molecule. The four hydrogen atoms in methane are at the four corners of a tetrahedron with the carbon atom at the center. All of the atoms are as far from one another as they can be, given a fixed C-H distance. This is a general principle: The four electron pairs around a central atom such as a carbon atom repel one another as all negative charges do, and the lowest energy state is that with the four bonds directed tetrahedrally away from the central atom. Any other arrangement of C-H bonds in methane would bring two bonding pairs closer together, and electrostatic repulsion would push them apart again.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Carbon has four outer electrons, and thus can complete its eight-electron "neon" shell by sharing electrons in four covalent bonds. The simplest carbon compound is methane, CH . The methane molecule is diagramed at the right, 4

first with Lewis electron pairs, then with stick bonds, and finally in a representation of the actual tetrahedral shape of the molecule. The four hydrogen atoms in methane are at the four corners of a tetrahedron with the carbon atom at the center. All of the atoms are as far from one another as they can be, given a fixed C-H distance. This is a general principle: The four electron pairs around a central atom such as a carbon atom repel one another as all negative charges do, and the lowest energy state is that with the four bonds directed tetrahedrally away from the central atom. Any other arrangement of C-H bonds in methane would bring two bonding pairs closer together, and electrostatic repulsion would push them apart again.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Carbon has four outer electrons, and thus can complete its eight-electron "neon" shell by sharing electrons in four covalent bonds. The simplest carbon compound is methane, CH . The methane molecule is diagramed at the right, 4

first with Lewis electron pairs, then with stick bonds, and finally in a representation of the actual tetrahedral shape of the molecule. The four hydrogen atoms in methane are at the four corners of a tetrahedron with the carbon atom at the center. All of the atoms are as far from one another as they can be, given a fixed C-H distance. This is a general principle: The four electron pairs around a central atom such as a carbon atom repel one another as all negative charges do, and the lowest energy state is that with the four bonds directed tetrahedrally away from the central atom. Any other arrangement of C-H bonds in methane would bring two bonding pairs closer together, and electrostatic repulsion would push them apart again.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

This very simple but useful way of predicting molecular shapes has been given the grandiose name of the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory, or VSEPR theory, but essentially it is nothing more than common sense. We shall develop simple VSEPR theory as it is needed, and will find that this theory accounts for almost all of the observed geometries of molecules. The electronegativities of carbon and hydrogen are almost the same, 2.5 and 2.1, respectively. Electrons in the C-H bonds are shared almost equally by the two atoms, with little tendency to shift toward either C or H. The bonds are said to be nonpolar, because there is no accumulation of positive charge at one end and negative charge at the other caused by the movement of the bonding electron pair toward one atom. In contrast, the bond in H-F is quite polar because the high electronegativity of F pulls the bonding electron pair toward F, leaving the molecule with a positive charge on the H atom and a negative charge on the F atom. Most of the forces between molecules are electrostatic, caused by attractions between the positive and negative charges on different parts of the molecule.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

This very simple but useful way of predicting molecular shapes has been given the grandiose name of the valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory, or VSEPR theory, but essentially it is nothing more than common sense. We shall develop simple VSEPR theory as it is needed, and will find that this theory accounts for almost all of the observed geometries of molecules. The electronegativities of carbon and hydrogen are almost the same, 2.5 and 2.1, respectively. Electrons in the C-H bonds are shared almost equally by the two atoms, with little tendency to shift toward either C or H. The bonds are said to be nonpolar, because there is no accumulation of positive charge at one end and negative charge at the other caused by the movement of the bonding electron pair toward one atom. In contrast, the bond in H-F is quite polar because the high electronegativity of F pulls the bonding electron pair toward F, leaving the molecule with a positive charge on the H atom and a negative charge on the F atom. Most of the forces between molecules are electrostatic, caused by attractions between the positive and negative charges on different parts of the molecule.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Methane has no such charges, and hence has little tendency for two molecules to stick together. The only attractions between molecules are the weak van der Waals forces mentioned previously for H and He. These attractions arise 2

because, although an atom in a molecule may be electrically nonpolar on the average over a finite period of time, at any given instant the electrons may not be distributed symmetrically around the nucleus. This is illustrated for three atoms at the right. The first drawing shows the time average, with a symmetrical distribution of electrons around each nucleus. The following three drawings show "snapshots" of the atoms at three instants in time when the random motion of electrons has brought about shortlived attractions between atoms A and B, B and C, and A and C.These attractions may seem small, but they are not insignificant. They are the forces between atoms in neighboring methane molecules that make methane gas finally condense to a liquid at 164C. The strengths of van der Waals forces depend mainly on surface areas of molecules. Hence gaseous H molecules, which are smaller than CH 2


molecules, must be cooled to -253C before they move slowly enough that van der Waals attractions can make them stick to one another in a liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Methane has no such charges, and hence has little tendency for two molecules to stick together. The only attractions between molecules are the weak van der Waals forces mentioned previously for H and He. These attractions arise 2

because, although an atom in a molecule may be electrically nonpolar on the average over a finite period of time, at any given instant the electrons may not be distributed symmetrically around the nucleus. This is illustrated for three atoms at the right. The first drawing shows the time average, with a symmetrical distribution of electrons around each nucleus. The following three drawings show "snapshots" of the atoms at three instants in time when the random motion of electrons has brought about shortlived attractions between atoms A and B, B and C, and A and C.These attractions may seem small, but they are not insignificant. They are the forces between atoms in neighboring methane molecules that make methane gas finally condense to a liquid at 164C. The strengths of van der Waals forces depend mainly on surface areas of molecules. Hence gaseous H molecules, which are smaller than CH 2


molecules, must be cooled to -253C before they move slowly enough that van der Waals attractions can make them stick to one another in a liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Methane has no such charges, and hence has little tendency for two molecules to stick together. The only attractions between molecules are the weak van der Waals forces mentioned previously for H and He. These attractions arise 2

because, although an atom in a molecule may be electrically nonpolar on the average over a finite period of time, at any given instant the electrons may not be distributed symmetrically around the nucleus. This is illustrated for three atoms at the right. The first drawing shows the time average, with a symmetrical distribution of electrons around each nucleus. The following three drawings show "snapshots" of the atoms at three instants in time when the random motion of electrons has brought about shortlived attractions between atoms A and B, B and C, and A and C.These attractions may seem small, but they are not insignificant. They are the forces between atoms in neighboring methane molecules that make methane gas finally condense to a liquid at 164C. The strengths of van der Waals forces depend mainly on surface areas of molecules. Hence gaseous H molecules, which are smaller than CH 2


molecules, must be cooled to -253C before they move slowly enough that van der Waals attractions can make them stick to one another in a liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Methane has no such charges, and hence has little tendency for two molecules to stick together. The only attractions between molecules are the weak van der Waals forces mentioned previously for H and He. These attractions arise 2

because, although an atom in a molecule may be electrically nonpolar on the average over a finite period of time, at any given instant the electrons may not be distributed symmetrically around the nucleus. This is illustrated for three atoms at the right. The first drawing shows the time average, with a symmetrical distribution of electrons around each nucleus. The following three drawings show "snapshots" of the atoms at three instants in time when the random motion of electrons has brought about shortlived attractions between atoms A and B, B and C, and A and C.These attractions may seem small, but they are not insignificant. They are the forces between atoms in neighboring methane molecules that make methane gas finally condense to a liquid at 164C. The strengths of van der Waals forces depend mainly on surface areas of molecules. Hence gaseous H molecules, which are smaller than CH 2


molecules, must be cooled to -253C before they move slowly enough that van der Waals attractions can make them stick to one another in a liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Methane has no such charges, and hence has little tendency for two molecules to stick together. The only attractions between molecules are the weak van der Waals forces mentioned previously for H and He. These attractions arise 2

because, although an atom in a molecule may be electrically nonpolar on the average over a finite period of time, at any given instant the electrons may not be distributed symmetrically around the nucleus. This is illustrated for three atoms at the right. The first drawing shows the time average, with a symmetrical distribution of electrons around each nucleus. The following three drawings show "snapshots" of the atoms at three instants in time when the random motion of electrons has brought about shortlived attractions between atoms A and B, B and C, and A and C.These attractions may seem small, but they are not insignificant. They are the forces between atoms in neighboring methane molecules that make methane gas finally condense to a liquid at 164C. The strengths of van der Waals forces depend mainly on surface areas of molecules. Hence gaseous H molecules, which are smaller than CH 2


molecules, must be cooled to -253C before they move slowly enough that van der Waals attractions can make them stick to one another in a liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

Methane has no such charges, and hence has little tendency for two molecules to stick together. The only attractions between molecules are the weak van der Waals forces mentioned previously for H and He. These attractions arise 2

because, although an atom in a molecule may be electrically nonpolar on the average over a finite period of time, at any given instant the electrons may not be distributed symmetrically around the nucleus. This is illustrated for three atoms at the right. The first drawing shows the time average, with a symmetrical distribution of electrons around each nucleus. The following three drawings show "snapshots" of the atoms at three instants in time when the random motion of electrons has brought about shortlived attractions between atoms A and B, B and C, and A and C.These attractions may seem small, but they are not insignificant. They are the forces between atoms in neighboring methane molecules that make methane gas finally condense to a liquid at 164C. The strengths of van der Waals forces depend mainly on surface areas of molecules. Hence gaseous H molecules, which are smaller than CH 2


molecules, must be cooled to -253C before they move slowly enough that van der Waals attractions can make them stick to one another in a liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

One of the most important properties of carbon is that it can make strong electron-pair bonds with other carbon atoms. A C-C bond is nearly as strong as a C-H bond ( 83 kcal/mole versus 99 kcal/mole ). Virtually endless carbon chains thus are possible, as well as branched chains of the type shown on the right. Straight- and branched chain compounds of C and H are called hydrocarbons, of which propane gas, gasoline, motor oil, paraffin wax, and polyethylene plastic are familiar examples. Chapters 19 through 21 will be devoted entirely to carbon compounds, and will be the bridge into the chemistry of living organisms. These simple hydrocarbons are built from chains of linked carbon tetrahedra, with the general formula CH -CH -CH -----CH 3 2 2 2 CH . The smaller hydrocarbons such as propane, CH -CH -CH , have such 3




weak van der Waals forces between molecules that they are gases at room temperature. Gasolines, with six to nine carbon atoms in a chain, have sufficiently large surface areas and strong enough van der Waals attractions that they are liquids. Paraffin waxes with 20 or more carbons per chain are solids, and at the extreme limit of several thousand carbon atoms per chain we find the tough and chemically unreactive polyethylene plastic, familiar to us in lightweight water bottles for hikers and acid-resistant laboratory beakers.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

One of the most important properties of carbon is that it can make strong electron-pair bonds with other carbon atoms. A C-C bond is nearly as strong as a C-H bond ( 83 kcal/mole versus 99 kcal/mole ). Virtually endless carbon chains thus are possible, as well as branched chains of the type shown on the right. Straight- and branched chain compounds of C and H are called hydrocarbons, of which propane gas, gasoline, motor oil, paraffin wax, and polyethylene plastic are familiar examples. Chapters 19 through 21 will be devoted entirely to carbon compounds, and will be the bridge into the chemistry of living organisms. These simple hydrocarbons are built from chains of linked carbon tetrahedra, with the general formula CH -CH -CH -----CH 3 2 2 2 CH . The smaller hydrocarbons such as propane, CH -CH -CH , have such 3




weak van der Waals forces between molecules that they are gases at room temperature. Gasolines, with six to nine carbon atoms in a chain, have sufficiently large surface areas and strong enough van der Waals attractions that they are liquids. Paraffin waxes with 20 or more carbons per chain are solids, and at the extreme limit of several thousand carbon atoms per chain we find the tough and chemically unreactive polyethylene plastic, familiar to us in lightweight water bottles for hikers and acid-resistant laboratory beakers.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

One of the most important properties of carbon is that it can make strong electron-pair bonds with other carbon atoms. A C-C bond is nearly as strong as a C-H bond ( 83 kcal/mole versus 99 kcal/mole ). Virtually endless carbon chains thus are possible, as well as branched chains of the type shown on the right. Straight- and branched chain compounds of C and H are called hydrocarbons, of which propane gas, gasoline, motor oil, paraffin wax, and polyethylene plastic are familiar examples. Chapters 19 through 21 will be devoted entirely to carbon compounds, and will be the bridge into the chemistry of living organisms. These simple hydrocarbons are built from chains of linked carbon tetrahedra, with the general formula CH -CH -CH -----CH 3 2 2 2 CH . The smaller hydrocarbons such as propane, CH -CH -CH , have such 3




weak van der Waals forces between molecules that they are gases at room temperature. Gasolines, with six to nine carbon atoms in a chain, have sufficiently large surface areas and strong enough van der Waals attractions that they are liquids. Paraffin waxes with 20 or more carbons per chain are solids, and at the extreme limit of several thousand carbon atoms per chain we find the tough and chemically unreactive polyethylene plastic, familiar to us in lightweight water bottles for hikers and acid-resistant laboratory beakers.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

One of the most important properties of carbon is that it can make strong electron-pair bonds with other carbon atoms. A C-C bond is nearly as strong as a C-H bond ( 83 kcal/mole versus 99 kcal/mole ). Virtually endless carbon chains thus are possible, as well as branched chains of the type shown on the right. Straight- and branched chain compounds of C and H are called hydrocarbons, of which propane gas, gasoline, motor oil, paraffin wax, and polyethylene plastic are familiar examples. Chapters 19 through 21 will be devoted entirely to carbon compounds, and will be the bridge into the chemistry of living organisms. These simple hydrocarbons are built from chains of linked carbon tetrahedra, with the general formula CH -CH -CH -----CH 3 2 2 2 CH . The smaller hydrocarbons such as propane, CH -CH -CH , have such 3




weak van der Waals forces between molecules that they are gases at room temperature. Gasolines, with six to nine carbon atoms in a chain, have sufficiently large surface areas and strong enough van der Waals attractions that they are liquids. Paraffin waxes with 20 or more carbons per chain are solids, and at the extreme limit of several thousand carbon atoms per chain we find the tough and chemically unreactive polyethylene plastic, familiar to us in lightweight water bottles for hikers and acid-resistant laboratory beakers.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Carbon Compounds

One of the most important properties of carbon is that it can make strong electron-pair bonds with other carbon atoms. A C-C bond is nearly as strong as a C-H bond ( 83 kcal/mole versus 99 kcal/mole ). Virtually endless carbon chains thus are possible, as well as branched chains of the type shown on the right. Straight- and branched chain compounds of C and H are called hydrocarbons, of which propane gas, gasoline, motor oil, paraffin wax, and polyethylene plastic are familiar examples. Chapters 19 through 21 will be devoted entirely to carbon compounds, and will be the bridge into the chemistry of living organisms. These simple hydrocarbons are built from chains of linked carbon tetrahedra, with the general formula CH -CH -CH -----CH 3 2 2 2 CH . The smaller hydrocarbons such as propane, CH -CH -CH , have such 3




weak van der Waals forces between molecules that they are gases at room temperature. Gasolines, with six to nine carbon atoms in a chain, have sufficiently large surface areas and strong enough van der Waals attractions that they are liquids. Paraffin waxes with 20 or more carbons per chain are solids, and at the extreme limit of several thousand carbon atoms per chain we find the tough and chemically unreactive polyethylene plastic, familiar to us in lightweight water bottles for hikers and acid-resistant laboratory beakers.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

Carbon and the other second-shell nonmetals, except fluorine, have another very special property: they can share more than one electron pair with the same neighbor atom, thereby creating double and triple bonds. Ethane (right) is a two-carbon compound with only single electron-pair bonds: H C-CH . 3 3 Ethylene, H C=CH , is a two-carbon compound with a double bond between 2


the carbon atoms (right). Each carbon atom still shares four electron pairs, but with only three neighbors in ethylene instead of four as in ethane. In acetylene, H-CC-H, the carbon atoms are bound together by three electron pairs in a triple bond (right). For reasons that will become apparent in Chapter 9, two carbon atoms cannot share four electron pairs in a quadruple bond.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

Carbon and the other second-shell nonmetals, except fluorine, have another very special property: they can share more than one electron pair with the same neighbor atom, thereby creating double and triple bonds. Ethane (right) is a two-carbon compound with only single electron-pair bonds: H C-CH . 3 3 Ethylene, H C=CH , is a two-carbon compound with a double bond between 2


the carbon atoms (right). Each carbon atom still shares four electron pairs, but with only three neighbors in ethylene instead of four as in ethane. In acetylene, H-CC-H, the carbon atoms are bound together by three electron pairs in a triple bond (right). For reasons that will become apparent in Chapter 9, two carbon atoms cannot share four electron pairs in a quadruple bond.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

Carbon and the other second-shell nonmetals, except fluorine, have another very special property: they can share more than one electron pair with the same neighbor atom, thereby creating double and triple bonds. Ethane (right) is a two-carbon compound with only single electron-pair bonds: H C-CH . 3 3 Ethylene, H C=CH , is a two-carbon compound with a double bond between 2


the carbon atoms (right). Each carbon atom still shares four electron pairs, but with only three neighbors in ethylene instead of four as in ethane. In acetylene, H-CC-H, the carbon atoms are bound together by three electron pairs in a triple bond (right). For reasons that will become apparent in Chapter 9, two carbon atoms cannot share four electron pairs in a quadruple bond.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

Carbon and the other second-shell nonmetals, except fluorine, have another very special property: they can share more than one electron pair with the same neighbor atom, thereby creating double and triple bonds. Ethane (right) is a two-carbon compound with only single electron-pair bonds: H C-CH . 3 3 Ethylene, H C=CH , is a two-carbon compound with a double bond between 2


the carbon atoms (right). Each carbon atom still shares four electron pairs, but with only three neighbors in ethylene instead of four as in ethane. In acetylene, H-CC-H, the carbon atoms are bound together by three electron pairs in a triple bond (right). For reasons that will become apparent in Chapter 9, two carbon atoms cannot share four electron pairs in a quadruple bond.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

Two atoms must come closer together to share the second electron pair than they do to share the first. Singly bonded carbon atoms are 1.54 A apart no matter where they are found, but carbon atoms in a double bond are only 1.35 A apart. The limit of sharing is a triple bond with three electron pairs shared between carbon atoms only 1.21 A apart. This ability to make multiple bonds also is found in the secondshell nonmetals N and O, and as we shall see in the latter chapters of this book, double bonding is important in determining the geometry and energy-trapping properties of key biological molecules. Except for special circumstances, the larger third-shell atoms, which we shall discuss in Chapter 6, cannot get close enough to one another to make multiple bonds. This flaw, alone, would be enough to rule them out as candidates for a chemistry of life.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

A special kind of multiple bonding, which we will learn later is vital in energytrapping molecules such as chlorophyll, is illustrated by benzene,C H ;. As 6


indicated on the right, the six carbon atoms in benzene are linked into a hexagon, with each carbon atom bonded to two other carbon atoms and one hydrogen atom. This leaves each of the six carbon atoms with one additional electron, and these six electrons are the raw materials for three more electronpair bonds. One way of picturing these bonds would be an alternation of single bonds and double bonds around the hexagon, as shown in the right. This would imply an alternation of long and short C-C bonds around the ring, yet every physical measurement that we can carry out on benzene suggests that all of the C-C bonds are alike.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

A special kind of multiple bonding, which we will learn later is vital in energytrapping molecules such as chlorophyll, is illustrated by benzene,C H ;. As 6


indicated on the right, the six carbon atoms in benzene are linked into a hexagon, with each carbon atom bonded to two other carbon atoms and one hydrogen atom. This leaves each of the six carbon atoms with one additional electron, and these six electrons are the raw materials for three more electronpair bonds. One way of picturing these bonds would be an alternation of single bonds and double bonds around the hexagon, as shown in the right. This would imply an alternation of long and short C-C bonds around the ring, yet every physical measurement that we can carry out on benzene suggests that all of the C-C bonds are alike.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

The six leftover carbon electrons in benzene are not tied up in three double bonds. Instead, all six electrons are completely spread out or delocalized around the carbon ring. Every C-C bond is approximately a "one-and-a-half bond," as is suggested by the observed bond length of 1.39 A, which is intermediate between a single bond, 1.54 A, and a double bond, 1.35 A. One consequence of this delocalization or "spreading out" of the six leftover electrons is that the benzene molecule is 40 kcal/mole lower in energy, or more stable, than would be calculated from the alternating bond models at the upper left and from known C-C and C=C bond energies. This is an important general principle: Whenever electrons are delocalized in a molecule, the molecule becomes more stable. Delocalization is possible whenever single and double bonds alternate along a chain: -C=C-C=C-C=C-C=C-C=C-C=C-C=C-C=C-C=Cwhether the chain is linear or is bent into a closed ring as in benzene.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Double and Triple Bonds

Such alternating-bond molecules are called conjugated molecules, and some rings with alternating single and double bonds, such as benzene, are aromatic molecules. (The name originally referred to their odor, but now denotes their electronic behavior.) Conjugated molecules such as chlorophyll and carotene, as we shall see in Chapter 19, are used in trapping light energy in plants, and as photoreceptors in the eye. In a sense we even can think of the stability of the H-H bond in a H


molecule as arising from delocalization: Two electrons, each of which were confined to the vicinity of one H nucleus in the atoms, become decolorized and spread over two nuclei in the H molecule, although the 2

electrons are concentrated between the nuclei. The extra stability brought about by this delocalization is part of the strength of the H-H bond.

Space-filling model of the benzene molecule, as it would appear if we could actually see it. Page 15 of 54



Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Diamond and Graphite

In the simple, single-bonded hydrocarbons discussed previously, some of the four tetrahedrally arranged atoms around each carbon are hydrogen atoms and some are carbon atoms. One can imagine a three-dimensional tetrahedral framework in which all of the atoms are carbons and no hydrogens are present. The result would be the tetrahedral structure shown on the right, with each carbon atom connected to four other carbon atoms by single electron-pair bonds. This is the structure of diamond. Diamond is very hard and rigid because any breaking off or deforming of part of the diamond structure requires a breaking or stretching of strong electron-pair bonds. In contrast, paraffin wax has linear chains of carbon atoms, but only weak van der Waals forces to hold the molecules together. If subjected to external stress, the molecules slip past one another to new positions. Wax is soft because the van der Waals forces are weak; diamond is hard because the electronpair bonds in its three-dimensional network are strong.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Diamond and Graphite

Diamond can be made from carbon atoms only under special conditions of high temperature and pressure. Artificial diamond-making in the laboratory is a recent art, and still inferior to the natural subterranean processes. An easier form of pure carbon to obtain is graphite, which has the structure shown on the right. In graphite the carbon atoms are arranged in layers of hexagons, with each atom bonded to three others. Each carbon atom has one leftover electron, as in benzene. These electrons are decolorized and are free to move about within one layer of atoms. This helps to make graphite more stable. It also allows graphite to conduct electricity, but only along the separate planes of hexagons. The electrons cannot jump from one layer to another. In effect, graphite is a "two-dimensional metal." The layers themselves are held together only by van der Waals forces, and are relatively free to slip past one another. It is this slippage of layers that makes powdered graphite a good lubricant.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Diamond and Graphite

Diamond can be made from carbon atoms only under special conditions of high temperature and pressure. Artificial diamond-making in the laboratory is a recent art, and still inferior to the natural subterranean processes. An easier form of pure carbon to obtain is graphite, which has the structure shown on the right. In graphite the carbon atoms are arranged in layers of hexagons, with each atom bonded to three others. Each carbon atom has one leftover electron, as in benzene. These electrons are decolorized and are free to move about within one layer of atoms. This helps to make graphite more stable. It also allows graphite to conduct electricity, but only along the separate planes of hexagons. The electrons cannot jump from one layer to another. In effect, graphite is a "two-dimensional metal." The layers themselves are held together only by van der Waals forces, and are relatively free to slip past one another. It is this slippage of layers that makes powdered graphite a good lubricant.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

Nitrogen has five electrons in its outer shell: one lone electron pair and three unpaired electrons that are available for bonding. Its Lewis diagram is shown on the right. In the simplest nitrogen compound, ammonia (NH ), these three 3

bonding electrons each are paired with one electron from a hydrogen atom. As in methane, the central atom in the ammonia molecule is surrounded by four electron pairs in approximately tetrahedral orientation. There is one critical difference, however, which will lead us to an improvement in the VSEPR theory. The three bonding pairs each are shared between two atoms and hence are attracted by H as well as N. In contrast, the nitrogen lone pair is held only by the N atom. The lone pair is closer to N than the bonding pairs are, and therefore repels the bonding pairs more strongly than would a fourth bonding pair. This extra repulsion by the lone pair pushes the three N-H bonds closer together. In a perfect tetrahedron the H-N-H angles all would be 109.5 degrees, as in methane. In the ammonia molecule the three H-N-H angles are only 107 degrees. The ammonia molecule has the shape of a pyramid with the lone pair at the apex; and the pyramid is slightly steeper than it would have been if the lone pair had not been closer to the N atom.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Nitrogen has five electrons in its outer shell: one lone electron pair and three unpaired electrons that are available for bonding. Its Lewis diagram is shown on the right. In the simplest nitrogen compound, ammonia (NH ), these three 3

bonding electrons each are paired with one electron from a hydrogen atom. As in methane, the central atom in the ammonia molecule is surrounded by four electron pairs in approximately tetrahedral orientation. There is one critical difference, however, which will lead us to an improvement in the VSEPR theory. The three bonding pairs each are shared between two atoms and hence are attracted by H as well as N. In contrast, the nitrogen lone pair is held only by the N atom. The lone pair is closer to N than the bonding pairs are, and therefore repels the bonding pairs more strongly than would a fourth bonding pair. This extra repulsion by the lone pair pushes the three N-H bonds closer together. In a perfect tetrahedron the H-N-H angles all would be 109.5 degrees, as in methane. In the ammonia molecule the three H-N-H angles are only 107 degrees. The ammonia molecule has the shape of a pyramid with the lone pair at the apex; and the pyramid is slightly steeper than it would have been if the lone pair had not been closer to the N atom.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Nitrogen has five electrons in its outer shell: one lone electron pair and three unpaired electrons that are available for bonding. Its Lewis diagram is shown on the right. In the simplest nitrogen compound, ammonia (NH ), these three 3

bonding electrons each are paired with one electron from a hydrogen atom. As in methane, the central atom in the ammonia molecule is surrounded by four electron pairs in approximately tetrahedral orientation. There is one critical difference, however, which will lead us to an improvement in the VSEPR theory. The three bonding pairs each are shared between two atoms and hence are attracted by H as well as N. In contrast, the nitrogen lone pair is held only by the N atom. The lone pair is closer to N than the bonding pairs are, and therefore repels the bonding pairs more strongly than would a fourth bonding pair. This extra repulsion by the lone pair pushes the three N-H bonds closer together. In a perfect tetrahedron the H-N-H angles all would be 109.5 degrees, as in methane. In the ammonia molecule the three H-N-H angles are only 107 degrees. The ammonia molecule has the shape of a pyramid with the lone pair at the apex; and the pyramid is slightly steeper than it would have been if the lone pair had not been closer to the N atom.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The electronegativities of H and N are appreciably different: 2.1 and 3.0, respectively. The three H-N bonds therefore are partly ionic, or polar, with the electrons held more tightly by N than by H. The charge in the molecule also is asymmetrical, because of the extra electron pair at the apex of the pyramid and three H atoms with an electron deficiency at the base. This means that there actually exists a small separation of charge on the molecule: The apex is slightly negative and the base is slightly positive. Thus the molecule is said to have a tiny dipole.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

A dipole is any object with a separation of electrostatic charge, positive at one end and negative at the other (right) . It is the electrostatic equivalent of a magnet; and as with magnets, opposite ends of dipoles attract one another. Water is a liquid at room temperature, and ammonia gas is easily liquefied at 33C, because their molecules are dipoles and are attracted to one another. Methane lacks these dipole attractions and therefore must be cooled to -164C before van der Waals forces cause it to liquefy. Water is a good solvent for other molecules with dipoles, and for ionic salts, because the charges at the ends of the water molecules can interact with opposite charges on the molecules or ions being dissolved.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The force of attraction of a dipolar molecule for another molecule or ion depends on how much charge is separated and how great the separation is. The strength of a dipole is measured by its dipole moment, u. If two equal and opposite charges, +q and -q, are separated by a distance r, then the dipole moment is defined as u = qr Either doubling the charges, or doubling the separation between them, has the effect of doubling the strength with which the molecule will attract its neighboring molecules. The dipole moment of a molecule is an easy quantity to measure and is a useful indication of a molecule's chemical and physical behavior.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The unit of measure for dipole moments is the debye (abbreviated D) . A proton and an electron held 1 A apart would constitute a dipole moment of 4.8 debye. (The 4.8 factor has no deep significance, but merely comes from the size of the charge on an electron. ) Methane has no dipole moment, and ammonia has a dipole moment of 1.47 D. Water is slightly more polar, with a dipole moment of 1.85 D. If lithium fluoride salt is vaporized at temperatures above 1676C, the gaseous LiF molecules have the quite large dipole moment of 6.33 D. In the preceding chapter we said that most real bonds were intermediates between the extremes of completely covalent and totally ionic. Measured dipole moments allow us to calculate the percent of ionic and covalent character of a bond. Since two charges of +1 and -1, located 1.0 A apart, yield a dipole moment of u = 4.8 D, we can write u = 4.8 qr with q in units of electron charge and r in angstroms. The atoms in an HF molecule are 0.92 A apart, and the measured dipole moment is 1.82 D. Hence, 1.82 = 4.8 x 0.92 q q = 0.41 of the charge on an electron

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The measured dipole moment of the HF molecule is what would be found if 41% of a full electron charge were shifted toward the F atom and away from the H by a distance corresponding to the actual H-F distance of 0.92 A (see right). A purely covalent bond has equal sharing and no dipole moment; and in a purely ionic bond the electron is entirely shifted from one atom to the other. Hence we can say that the HF bond in this example has 41% ionic character and 59% covalent, or electron-sharing, character. The same calculation tells a different story for gaseous LiF molecules, which are obtained from LiF salt at high temperatures. The distance between Li and F atoms is 1.52 A, and the measured dipole moment is u = 6.33 D. The magnitude of the charge can be calculated: 6.33 = 4.8 x 1.52 q q = 0.87 of the charge on an electron The bond in LiF is 87 % ionic and only 13 % covalent.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The measured dipole moment of the HF molecule is what would be found if 41% of a full electron charge were shifted toward the F atom and away from the H by a distance corresponding to the actual H-F distance of 0.92 A (see right). A purely covalent bond has equal sharing and no dipole moment; and in a purely ionic bond the electron is entirely shifted from one atom to the other. Hence we can say that the HF bond in this example has 41% ionic character and 59% covalent, or electron-sharing, character. The same calculation tells a different story for gaseous LiF molecules, which are obtained from LiF salt at high temperatures. The distance between Li and F atoms is 1.52 A, and the measured dipole moment is u = 6.33 D. The magnitude of the charge can be calculated: 6.33 = 4.8 x 1.52 q q = 0.87 of the charge on an electron The bond in LiF is 87 % ionic and only 13 % covalent.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Nitrogen and Ammonia

Similar calculations can be carried out for H 0 and NH 2


, but they are

complicated by the fact that two or three individually polar bonds are pointing in different directions. What is measured for the whole molecule is their vector sum. In calculating the dipole moment of an entire molecule, one can add the individual dipole moments of the polar bonds as if they were small vectors, of length proportional to the dipole moments, and pointing from the negative ends of the bonds to the positive ends, as shown at the right. When the geometry of the molecule is taken into account correctly, the conclusion is that the H-F bond in HF is 41% ionic, the O-H bond in water is 33% ionic, and the N-H bond in ammonia is 27 % ionic. This agrees with what one would expect from the decrease in electronegativities found in going from F to O to N. We can obtain no information from dipole moments about the polarity of the C-H bond in a methane molecule, because the four tetrahedrally arranged C-H bonds would add up to a net molecular dipole moment of zero, even if the individual bonds had a large dipole moment.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

Nitrogen cannot make long chains in the way that carbon can, for two reasons. The lone electron pairs on adjacent nitrogen atoms in a -N-N-N-N- chain repel one another more strongly than bonding pairs in the C-H bonds of hydrocarbons do. This weakens the N-N bond and makes it only half as strong as a C-C bond. The second factor is the great stability of the pieces of the ruptured chain, N molecules. Nitrogen has three unpaired electrons for 2

bonding, and it can share all three with a neighboring atom to produce the NN molecule shown at the right. Pure nitrogen therefore is a diatomic gas, N , 2 similar to H . Because the triple bond is quite strong, N is a stable and 2


relatively unreactive molecule. If "quadruple bonds" were possible, with four electron pairs shared between two atoms, then perhaps carbon also would be a diatomic gas, C . But this is not possible, so carbon bonds to more than one 2

neighbor and forms the three-dimensional structures of graphite and diamond. The sudden change in properties between solid diamond and gaseous nitrogen is one of the most dramatic among the chemical elements.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The weakness of long -N-N-N-N-N- chains and the stability of the triple-bonded N molecules both make long-chain nitrogen compounds explosively unstable. 2 A few of the shorter ones have been synthesized. Hydrazine, H N-NH , is a 2


good rocket fuel, but the longer chain compounds are too dangerous to handle. If nitrogen atoms are separated by carbon atoms in chains, then the nitrogen lone pairs do not repel significantly, and the chain is stable. Many important organic and biological molecules are built from mixed chains of carbon and nitrogen. Proteins, for example, have a backbone of -C-C-N-C-C-N-C-C-N-C-C-NNitrogen atoms also make double bonds with carbon and oxygen quite readily.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The weakness of long -N-N-N-N-N- chains and the stability of the triple-bonded N molecules both make long-chain nitrogen compounds explosively unstable. 2 A few of the shorter ones have been synthesized. Hydrazine, H N-NH , is a 2


good rocket fuel, but the longer chain compounds are too dangerous to handle. If nitrogen atoms are separated by carbon atoms in chains, then the nitrogen lone pairs do not repel significantly, and the chain is stable. Many important organic and biological molecules are built from mixed chains of carbon and nitrogen. Proteins, for example, have a backbone of -C-C-N-C-C-N-C-C-N-C-C-NNitrogen atoms also make double bonds with carbon and oxygen quite readily.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The lone electron pair on nitrogen also is available for making a covalent bond in which it supplies both of the electrons. An ammonia molecule can bind another proton (H+) and become an ammonium ion, NH +, by the reaction 4

shown on the right. The positively charged H+ ion, or proton, is attracted to the lone pair at the negative end of the ammonia dipole. The covalent bond formed is then completely indistinguishable from the other three N-H bonds. The ammonium ion is a regular tetrahedron with 109.5 degrees H-N-H angles all around. Thus it has the same arrangement of atom centers and electrons as the methane molecule. If by some magic one could reach into the nitrogen nucleus in an NH + ion and turn off the charge on one proton, the result would 4

be a methane molecule. The sole but crucial difference is that the ammonium ion has one more proton in the nucleus of the central atom and hence an overall charge of +1. We will come back to the chemical significance of this after we have discussed oxygen and its hydrogen compound, water.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The lone electron pair on nitrogen also is available for making a covalent bond in which it supplies both of the electrons. An ammonia molecule can bind another proton (H+) and become an ammonium ion, NH +, by the reaction 4

shown on the right. The positively charged H+ ion, or proton, is attracted to the lone pair at the negative end of the ammonia dipole. The covalent bond formed is then completely indistinguishable from the other three N-H bonds. The ammonium ion is a regular tetrahedron with 109.5 degrees H-N-H angles all around. Thus it has the same arrangement of atom centers and electrons as the methane molecule. If by some magic one could reach into the nitrogen nucleus in an NH + ion and turn off the charge on one proton, the result would 4

be a methane molecule. The sole but crucial difference is that the ammonium ion has one more proton in the nucleus of the central atom and hence an overall charge of +1. We will come back to the chemical significance of this after we have discussed oxygen and its hydrogen compound, water.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Nitrogen and Ammonia

The lone electron pair on nitrogen also is available for making a covalent bond in which it supplies both of the electrons. An ammonia molecule can bind another proton (H+) and become an ammonium ion, NH +, by the reaction 4

shown on the right. The positively charged H+ ion, or proton, is attracted to the lone pair at the negative end of the ammonia dipole. The covalent bond formed is then completely indistinguishable from the other three N-H bonds. The ammonium ion is a regular tetrahedron with 109.5 degrees H-N-H angles all around. Thus it has the same arrangement of atom centers and electrons as the methane molecule. If by some magic one could reach into the nitrogen nucleus in an NH + ion and turn off the charge on one proton, the result would 4

be a methane molecule. The sole but crucial difference is that the ammonium ion has one more proton in the nucleus of the central atom and hence an overall charge of +1. We will come back to the chemical significance of this after we have discussed oxygen and its hydrogen compound, water.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

The crust of the Earth is 60 % oxygen (atomic percent), in combination with silicon and various third-shell and heavier metals. This is an enormous local enrichment, since the universe as a whole is only 0.05% oxygen. Living organisms are 26% oxygen, mainly in combination with H, C,and N.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

Oxygen has six outer electrons, two lone pairs and two unpaired electrons that are easily available for bonding. When oxygen makes two covalent bonds as in water, H O, it is surrounded by four electron pairs, two bonding pairs and two 2

lone pairs, in roughly tetrahedral arrangement (see right). This restriction to four electron pairs around the atom, which we have seen for nitrogen and carbon, is mainly a consequence of the small size of the atoms. An oxygen atom does not share more of its outer-shell electrons because there is no room around it for more than four neighbor atoms. In larger atoms with the same six electron outer-shell structure of oxygen, such as sulfur (third shell), selenium, and tellurium, all six of the electrons can be shared, thereby bringing six electron pairs around the central atom. But with the small second-row elements, four pairs is the maximum, and an eight-electron shell is full.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

Oxygen has six outer electrons, two lone pairs and two unpaired electrons that are easily available for bonding. When oxygen makes two covalent bonds as in water, H O, it is surrounded by four electron pairs, two bonding pairs and two 2

lone pairs, in roughly tetrahedral arrangement (see right). This restriction to four electron pairs around the atom, which we have seen for nitrogen and carbon, is mainly a consequence of the small size of the atoms. An oxygen atom does not share more of its outer-shell electrons because there is no room around it for more than four neighbor atoms. In larger atoms with the same six electron outer-shell structure of oxygen, such as sulfur (third shell), selenium, and tellurium, all six of the electrons can be shared, thereby bringing six electron pairs around the central atom. But with the small second-row elements, four pairs is the maximum, and an eight-electron shell is full.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

One oxygen atom can satisfy all of its electron-sharing needs by using both unpaired electrons in a double bond to another oxygen atom, as shown in the figure on the right. Oxygen therefore occurs as a diatomic gas, 0=0 or O , 2 similar to N gas but totally unlike the infinite solid structures of carbon in 2

diamond or graphite. Solid boron and solid carbon are held together by covalent bonds in a three-dimensional network, and melt only at very high temperatures: 2037C for boron and 3500C for graphite. Molecules of solid N 2 and O are held together only by van der Waals forces, and therefore melt at a 2

low -210C and -219C, respectively.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

One oxygen atom can satisfy all of its electron-sharing needs by using both unpaired electrons in a double bond to another oxygen atom, as shown in the figure on the right. Oxygen therefore occurs as a diatomic gas, 0=0 or O , 2 similar to N gas but totally unlike the infinite solid structures of carbon in 2

diamond or graphite. Solid boron and solid carbon are held together by covalent bonds in a three-dimensional network, and melt only at very high temperatures: 2037C for boron and 3500C for graphite. Molecules of solid N 2 and O are held together only by van der Waals forces, and therefore melt at a 2

low -210C and -219C, respectively.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

One oxygen atom can satisfy all of its electron-sharing needs by using both unpaired electrons in a double bond to another oxygen atom, as shown in the figure on the right. Oxygen therefore occurs as a diatomic gas, 0=0 or O , 2 similar to N gas but totally unlike the infinite solid structures of carbon in 2

diamond or graphite. Solid boron and solid carbon are held together by covalent bonds in a three-dimensional network, and melt only at very high temperatures: 2037C for boron and 3500C for graphite. Molecules of solid N 2 and O are held together only by van der Waals forces, and therefore melt at a 2

low -210C and -219C, respectively.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

The formation of a water molecule, H-O-H or H O, is shown at right. The two 2

lone pairs repel one another, and each repels the bonding pairs more than the bonding pairs themselves repel one another. The H-O-H angle therefore is squeezed down from an ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees to 105 degrees. Oxygen is more electronegative than nitrogen, so each O-H bond has 33% ionic character, whereas the N-H bond in ammonia has only 27% ionic character. This plus the presence of two lone electron pairs on O increase the dipole moment of the molecule as a whole to 1.85 D, to be compared with 1.47 D for ammonia. Each hydrogen atom in water has a partial positive charge, and the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. An H 0 molecule is a 2

miniature dipole.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

The formation of a water molecule, H-O-H or H O, is shown at right. The two 2

lone pairs repel one another, and each repels the bonding pairs more than the bonding pairs themselves repel one another. The H-O-H angle therefore is squeezed down from an ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees to 105 degrees. Oxygen is more electronegative than nitrogen, so each O-H bond has 33% ionic character, whereas the N-H bond in ammonia has only 27% ionic character. This plus the presence of two lone electron pairs on O increase the dipole moment of the molecule as a whole to 1.85 D, to be compared with 1.47 D for ammonia. Each hydrogen atom in water has a partial positive charge, and the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. An H 0 molecule is a 2

miniature dipole.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

The attractions between water molecules are more than just the attractions of one tiny dipole for another. Each hydrogen atom with its partial positive charge is attracted to one of the lone pairs on an oxygen of a neighbor molecule, by a weak ionic attraction known as a hydrogen bond (right). Hydrogen bonds can be formed whenever a hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge is near a small N, O, or F atom carrying an excess of negative charge. Such bonds, although weak, are important in holding molecules such as proteins together because there are so many of them. We will discuss the occurrence of hydrogen bonds in living organisms in Chapter 22. For example, the most central process in all living organisms, the coding of genetic information in molecules of DNA, also depends on hydrogen bonds for the preservation of the message.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

The attractions between water molecules are more than just the attractions of one tiny dipole for another. Each hydrogen atom with its partial positive charge is attracted to one of the lone pairs on an oxygen of a neighbor molecule, by a weak ionic attraction known as a hydrogen bond (right). Hydrogen bonds can be formed whenever a hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge is near a small N, O, or F atom carrying an excess of negative charge. Such bonds, although weak, are important in holding molecules such as proteins together because there are so many of them. We will discuss the occurrence of hydrogen bonds in living organisms in Chapter 22. For example, the most central process in all living organisms, the coding of genetic information in molecules of DNA, also depends on hydrogen bonds for the preservation of the message.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

The attractions between water molecules are more than just the attractions of one tiny dipole for another. Each hydrogen atom with its partial positive charge is attracted to one of the lone pairs on an oxygen of a neighbor molecule, by a weak ionic attraction known as a hydrogen bond (right). Hydrogen bonds can be formed whenever a hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge is near a small N, O, or F atom carrying an excess of negative charge. Such bonds, although weak, are important in holding molecules such as proteins together because there are so many of them. We will discuss the occurrence of hydrogen bonds in living organisms in Chapter 22. For example, the most central process in all living organisms, the coding of genetic information in molecules of DNA, also depends on hydrogen bonds for the preservation of the message.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

The attractions between water molecules are more than just the attractions of one tiny dipole for another. Each hydrogen atom with its partial positive charge is attracted to one of the lone pairs on an oxygen of a neighbor molecule, by a weak ionic attraction known as a hydrogen bond (right). Hydrogen bonds can be formed whenever a hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge is near a small N, O, or F atom carrying an excess of negative charge. Such bonds, although weak, are important in holding molecules such as proteins together because there are so many of them. We will discuss the occurrence of hydrogen bonds in living organisms in Chapter 22. For example, the most central process in all living organisms, the coding of genetic information in molecules of DNA, also depends on hydrogen bonds for the preservation of the message.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

The attractions between water molecules are more than just the attractions of one tiny dipole for another. Each hydrogen atom with its partial positive charge is attracted to one of the lone pairs on an oxygen of a neighbor molecule, by a weak ionic attraction known as a hydrogen bond (right). Hydrogen bonds can be formed whenever a hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge is near a small N, O, or F atom carrying an excess of negative charge. Such bonds, although weak, are important in holding molecules such as proteins together because there are so many of them. We will discuss the occurrence of hydrogen bonds in living organisms in Chapter 22. For example, the most central process in all living organisms, the coding of genetic information in molecules of DNA, also depends on hydrogen bonds for the preservation of the message.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

The structure of solid water, or ice, is shown on the right. Each oxygen atom is surrounded tetrahedrally by oxygens of neighboring molecules. An oxygen atom has two O-H bonds extended toward two of these neighbors, and is hydrogen bonded to them. In turn, this oxygen atom receives two hydrogen bonds from two other neighbors. In one form of ice the oxygen atoms are arranged like the carbon atoms in diamond. The more common ice structure shown here represents another way of connecting atoms by tetrahedral bonds. If the ice structure is thought of as stacked layers of tetrahedra connected by hydrogen bonds, then the structure shown on the right and the diamond like structure merely represent different ways of stacking the layers.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Oxygen and Water

The common form of ice shown on the last page has open, cage like channels running through the structure. Ice indeed is an open framework structure, and the water molecules can get closer together if they break the framework and pack together in a more random manner in a liquid. This is the reason why ice is less dense than liquid water, and floats at the surface of a lake. With the exception of a few bismuth-cadmium alloys used in making printer's type, no other liquid expands upon freezing, and no other solid floats on its own liquid. This is an important property of water for life on Earth, for if ice sank to the bottom as it froze, then the bottom of the world's oceans would be perpetually frozen, with the melting boundary rising in winter and falling again in summer. The ocean floor would be covered with a permanent layer of ice. With the coldest water at the bottom next to the ice surface, there would be no convection currents and no mixing of materials in the ocean. One can pursue this line of thought and predict that in such a world, life probably never would have evolved. It is tempting to speculate that, on this basis alone, life wherever it is to be found in the universe probably will be associated with water-bearing planets.

With only 90% of the density of liquid water, in which the cage structure has partially collapsed, ice floats on the surface of the oceans and lakes. Page 34 of 54



Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Oxygen and Water

When ice melts, all of the hydrogen bonds do not collapse at once. The cagelike framework disintegrates piecemeal, and even in liquid water at room temperature there are clusters of several hundred water molecules hydrogenbonded together in ways similar to that of ice. As the temperature is raised, these icelike domains break up more and more, and the same quantity of water takes up less room. At the same time, the bulk solution is expanding as the temperature rises. These two effects are in competition. When ice first melts, the breaking up of the cage structure predominates, and water contracts. It continues to contract as the temperature increases from 0C to 4C, and more of the icelike structures are broken up. Not until the temperature rises above 4C does the normal thermal expansion become more important than the breakup of the hydrogen-bonded cages. Water has its minimum volume and maximum density at 4C, and only above this temperature does it begin to expand as it is heated, as does any other liquid.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

Polar molecules such as water or ammonia attract one another in the same way that they attract other molecules of their own kind. The positive region of one molecule is attracted to the negative region of a neighbor, as shown on the right. Molecules of methane, CH , are nonpolar. If one of the -H groups in 4 methane is replaced by an -OH, the molecule is methyl alcohol, CH -OH. This 3

is a polar molecule, with a slight negative charge on the O and a slight positive charge on the H. Methyl alcohol and water molecules interact with one another, and hence mix well in solution. Each is a good solvent for the other.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

Polar molecules such as water or ammonia attract one another in the same way that they attract other molecules of their own kind. The positive region of one molecule is attracted to the negative region of a neighbor, as shown on the right. Molecules of methane, CH , are nonpolar. If one of the -H groups in 4 methane is replaced by an -OH, the molecule is methyl alcohol, CH -OH. This 3

is a polar molecule, with a slight negative charge on the O and a slight positive charge on the H. Methyl alcohol and water molecules interact with one another, and hence mix well in solution. Each is a good solvent for the other.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

In contrast, benzene molecules are nonpolar and do not interact with the dipoles of the water molecules. Even worse, they get in the way of the mutual interaction of water molecules. A mixture of benzene and water is more stable if it separates into a benzene layer held together by van der Waals forces, and an aqueous (water) layer with dipole interactions and hydrogen bonds.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

In contrast, benzene molecules are nonpolar and do not interact with the dipoles of the water molecules. Even worse, they get in the way of the mutual interaction of water molecules. A mixture of benzene and water is more stable if it separates into a benzene layer held together by van der Waals forces, and an aqueous (water) layer with dipole interactions and hydrogen bonds.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

A salt is composed of positive and negative ions. When a salt dissolves in water, each positive ion is surrounded by water molecules with their negative oxygen atoms pointing toward it. Each negative ion also is surrounded by other water molecules, with their positive hydrogens oriented toward it. The ions are said to be hydrated, and we shall see in the next chapter that hydration is an important property of ions. Water helps to break up the solid salt crystal by making strong polar interactions with its ions.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

A salt is composed of positive and negative ions. When a salt dissolves in water, each positive ion is surrounded by water molecules with their negative oxygen atoms pointing toward it. Each negative ion also is surrounded by other water molecules, with their positive hydrogens oriented toward it. The ions are said to be hydrated, and we shall see in the next chapter that hydration is an important property of ions. Water helps to break up the solid salt crystal by making strong polar interactions with its ions.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

The attraction between ammonia and water is even more striking. Water molecules dissociate spontaneously to a certain extent into protons and hydroxide ions: H 0 -----> H+ + OH2

When ammonia gas is dissolved in water, it competes with water for one of the water molecule's own hydrogen ions, and some of the protons released by dissociation of water are picked up by ammonia molecules: NH + H+ -----> NH + 3


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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

The overall reaction, diagramed at the right, represents a competition between an ammonia molecule and a hydroxide ion for the proton: NH + H O <====> NH + + OH3



The double arrow indicates that the actual process is not all-or-nothing, but is a competition or balance between the forward and reverse steps. A substance that produces hydroxide ions in water solution is called a base. Lithium hydroxide, LiOH, is a base because it dissociates in water into lithium ions and hydroxide ions: LiOH ----> Li+ + OH-

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

The overall reaction, diagramed at the right, represents a competition between an ammonia molecule and a hydroxide ion for the proton: NH + H O <====> NH + + OH3



The double arrow indicates that the actual process is not all-or-nothing, but is a competition or balance between the forward and reverse steps. A substance that produces hydroxide ions in water solution is called a base. Lithium hydroxide, LiOH, is a base because it dissociates in water into lithium ions and hydroxide ions: LiOH ----> Li+ + OH-

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

The overall reaction, diagramed at the right, represents a competition between an ammonia molecule and a hydroxide ion for the proton: NH + H O <====> NH + + OH3



The double arrow indicates that the actual process is not all-or-nothing, but is a competition or balance between the forward and reverse steps. A substance that produces hydroxide ions in water solution is called a base. Lithium hydroxide, LiOH, is a base because it dissociates in water into lithium ions and hydroxide ions: LiOH ----> Li+ + OH-

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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The Interaction of Ammonia and Water; Bases

Ammonia is a base by this same criterion, even though the hydroxide ions come from the solvent water molecules and not from the ammonia. Hydroxide ions are reactive, and will attack other polar molecules at positions where they carry a local positive charge. (For this reason, many chemical reactions that take place very slowly in a neutral water solution will proceed quite rapidly in the presence of a base.) Bases have a slippery feel because the hydroxide ions attack the oils of the skin and convert them to soap. Ammonia does the same thing to fats and greases, which is why a weak ammonia solution is a useful household cleaner. Bases turn red litmus paper (a common acid-base indicator) blue.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid

Fluorine is the only element that is more electronegative than oxygen. It is the only substance which, when combined with oxygen, pulls the bonding electron pair away from oxygen and toward itself. It has seven electrons in its outer shell and needs only one more to complete the stable octet. Fluorine gas consists of F molecules with a single F-F bond between atoms. Its hydrogen 2

compound is hydrogen fluoride, HF, in which the F atom is surrounded by three lone pairs and one bonding pair (see right). The H-F bond is more polar than the H-O bond, being 41% ionic compared with 33%. But because HF has only one polar bond, whereas H 0 has two, the overall dipole moment is smaller, 2

1.82 D compared to 1.85 D for water. With only one proton, HF can make only one hydrogen bond to another molecule, so the liquid is not as tightly "stitched" together as water is. Therefore HF boils at 19C, whereas water boils at 100C (both values at 1 atm pressure). Neither ammonia nor HF can form the elaborate open-cage structures found in ice. Ammonia can't because it has only one lone pair available for receiving a hydrogen bond, and HF can't because it has only one proton with which to make a hydrogen bond. Water has the fortunate combination of two protons for hydrogen bonding and two lone pairs to receive such bonds from neighbors. The result is the threedimensional framework structure of ice.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid

The electrons in the HF molecules are pulled strongly toward the fluorine atom. When HF is dissolved in water, the polar water molecules help to complete the process, and pull many of the HF molecules apart into ions: HF ----> H+ + F-

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid

Just as when a salt crystal dissolves, each ion is thoroughly hydrated by being surrounded by three or four water molecules. Each proton is surrounded by water molecules with their negatively charged oxygens pointed toward it, and each fluoride ion is surrounded by other water molecules with hydrogens pointed at it (see right). Since water molecules are involved in the pulling apart or dissociation of HF, the preceding reaction really should be written HF + (n + m) H 0 ----> H+ (H 0)n + F-(H 0)m 2



The subscripts n and m represent the number of water molecules that can be accommodated around each ion. This is 3 or 4 for these small ions, but for larger ions, n and m can be 6 or even greater. This is another example of how a polar liquid such as water is a good solvent for other polar substances or for salts with charged ions. A more general term for hydration when the solvent is a liquid other than water, such as liquid ammonia, is solvation.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid

Just as when a salt crystal dissolves, each ion is thoroughly hydrated by being surrounded by three or four water molecules. Each proton is surrounded by water molecules with their negatively charged oxygens pointed toward it, and each fluoride ion is surrounded by other water molecules with hydrogens pointed at it (see right). Since water molecules are involved in the pulling apart or dissociation of HF, the preceding reaction really should be written HF + (n + m) H 0 ----> H+ (H 0)n + F-(H 0)m 2



The subscripts n and m represent the number of water molecules that can be accommodated around each ion. This is 3 or 4 for these small ions, but for larger ions, n and m can be 6 or even greater. This is another example of how a polar liquid such as water is a good solvent for other polar substances or for salts with charged ions. A more general term for hydration when the solvent is a liquid other than water, such as liquid ammonia, is solvation.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid

When hydrogen fluoride is dissolved in water, the amount of hydrogen ion in the solution increases. Any substance that increases the H+ content of an aqueous solution is called an acid. An aqueous solution of HF molecules is known as hydrofluoric acid. Just as hydroxide ions can assist in chemical reactions by attacking molecules where they have a slight excess of positive charge, so hydrogen ions can attack local negative regions of molecules. Acids and bases both can speed up reactions that would take place very slowly or not at all in a neutral solution. Acids have a sharp taste, familiar in the acetic acid of vinegar and citric acid of lemons. It is not advisable ever to taste laboratory acids such as hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, or sulfuric acids, for they are so strong as to be dangerous. The most common laboratory acid-base indicator, litmus paper, is turned red by acids.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

Page 1 of 1


Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid

When hydrogen fluoride is dissolved in water, the amount of hydrogen ion in the solution increases. Any substance that increases the H+ content of an aqueous solution is called an acid. An aqueous solution of HF molecules is known as hydrofluoric acid. Just as hydroxide ions can assist in chemical reactions by attacking molecules where they have a slight excess of positive charge, so hydrogen ions can attack local negative regions of molecules. Acids and bases both can speed up reactions that would take place very slowly or not at all in a neutral solution. Acids have a sharp taste, familiar in the acetic acid of vinegar and citric acid of lemons. It is not advisable ever to taste laboratory acids such as hydrofluoric, hydrochloric, or sulfuric acids, for they are so strong as to be dangerous. The most common laboratory acid-base indicator, litmus paper, is turned red by acids.

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Electron Sharing : A Summary

This chapter has been devoted to the chemical bonds produced by electron sharing. We have seen that, unless the bonded atoms have exactly the same electronegativity, sharing between atoms is never equal. Most bonds have a certain element of electron donation, or a certain ionic character, which can be calculated from dipole moments of molecules. The series of bonds of C, N, O, and F with H shows the kind of changes in percent ionic character that we would expect from their electronegativities. ( See table on the right )

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Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the Universe"

4. Electron Sharing and Covalent Bonds

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Electron Sharing : A Summary

In this chapter we have seen ions as arising from large differences in electronegativities in bonded atoms. The next chapter will be devoted to the behavior of ions, as they are found in salts, solutions, and metals.

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