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05. (Electrical Instruments and Measurements) 1. (Introduction to Electrical Measuring Instruments) (LMRC 2015) 1. Hot wire ammeters are used for measuring: (a) Only a.c. (b) Only d.c (c) Neither a.c nor d.c (d) Both a.c. and d.c. (SSC JE 2008) 2. Which of the following meters is an integrating type instrument? (a) Ammeter (b) Voltmeter (c) Wattmeter (d) Energy meter (SSC JE 2007) 3. Which of the following instruments is an integrating type instrument? (a) Wattmeter (b) Energy Meter (c) Power Factor Meter (d) None of the above (MPJE 2015) 4. An electrodynamometer type of instruments finds its major use as (a) Standard instrument only (b) Transfer instrument only (c) Both as or standard and transfer instruments (d) An indicator type of instrument (UPSSSC 2015) 5. Electrostatic instruments are used for measuring (a) AC and DC voltage (b) Ac voltage and current (c) Dc voltage and current (d) AC and DC currents

(DMRC 2014) 7. Electrostatic instruments are suitable for the measure of: (a) ac and dc voltages (b) ac voltage and current (c) dc voltage and current (d) ac and dc current

(UPSSSC JE-2016) 8. Rectifier type instrument can b e use in(a) a.c. (b) d.c. (c) Both (a) and (d) (d) Pulsating (UPSSSC JE-2016) 9. Dynamometer type of instrument can use in(a) a.c. (b) d.c. (c) (b)/(a) (d) Pulsating (UTTARAKAHND –I 2013) 10. Which one of the following instruments is equally accurate on ac as well as dc circuits? (a) PMMC voltmeter (b) Dynamometer wattmeter (c) Moving iron ammeter (d) Induction wattmeter 2. (Measurement and Errors) (SSCJE 2012) 1. Which one of the following types of instruments does suffer from error due to magnetic hysteresis? (a) Induction type (b) Electrodynamics (c) Moving Iron (d) PMMC (JMRC 2012) 2. A generated voltage is equally dependent on three resistance R1 , R2 , R3 and its value V= (R1 R2)/ (R3). If tolerance of each resistor is 0.1%, what will be the maximum error in voltage? (a) 0.30% (b) 0.3%

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (c) 0.10% (d) 0.1% (MPJE 2015) 3. Which one of the following statements correctly response the systematic error? (a) These error can be calculated from the details of the instrument. (b) These are the residual errors. (c) These errors may occur controlled conditions. (d) These are the error committed by the experiments.

(UPSSSC 2014) 4. Swamp resistance and condenser are used (a) To reduce the error while measuring DC quantities in a moving iron instrument (b) To reduce the error while measuring AC quantities in a moving iron instrument (c) To reduce the error while measuring DC quantities in a moving coil instrument (d) None of these (UPSSSC JE- 2016) 5. For accuracy of the instrument which is necessary(a) Conformity (b) Precision (c) Both (d) None of the above (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 6. Energy meter runs slowly even if power is not used. This error is called (a) Speed error (b) Phase error (c) Creeping error (d) None of these (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 7.

A null type of instrument as compared to a deflecting type instrument has] (a) Higher accuracy (b) Lower sensitivity (c) Faster response (d) All of the above

(MPJE 2016 Evening Shift) 8. The efficiency of electrical machines should be calculated by measuring(a) Output and input

(b) Losses and output (c) Losses and input (d) Losses (DMRC 2014) 10. The ratio error in current transformer is due to: (a) Power factor of primary (b) Wattles component of the current in the primary (c) Exciting currents (d) Leakage flux

(SSCJE 2013) 11. To minimize the errors due to lead and contact resistance, low resistance used in electrical measurement work are provided with (a) Guard rings (b) Four terminals (c) Thick insulation (d) Metal shields (SSCJE 2015) 12. A 150 V moving iron voltmeter of accuracy class 1.0 reads 75 V when used in a circuit under standard condition. The mssimum possible percentage error in the reading is: (a) 4.0 (b) 2.0 (c) 1.0 (d) 0.5 (JMRC 2012) 13. In order to achieve accuracy, how should the slide wire of a potentiometer be? (a) As long as possible (b) As short as possible (c) Very thin (d) Very thick (MPJE 2015) 14. Torque/weight ratio of an instrument indicates: (a) Selectivity (b) Sensitivity (c) Accuracy (d) Fidelity (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013)

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 15. A 0-10 A ammeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% of full scale deflection, the limiting error while reading 2.5A will be (a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 4% (d) None of these 1. (Instruments and their Requirements) (UPRVUNL 2014) 2.A torque is developed in an electro mechanical energy conversion device, the value of which depends upon: (a) stator field strength and torque angle (b) stator field and rotor field strength (c) stator field and rotor field strengths and the torque angle (d) stator field strength only


In inducting instruments the springs are mainly used to (a) Conduct the current to the coils (b) Hold the pivot in position (c) Control the pointer movement (d) Reduce the vibration of the pointer

(SSCJE 2013) 8. To maximize the driving torque in an induction type instrument, flux produced by shunt coil and series coil should be (a) In phase with each other (b) In quadrature with each other (c) Displaced by 45º with respect to each other (d) Out of phase with respect to each other

(UPRVUNL 2014) 3………………instrument is from hysteresis and eddy current errors. (a) Electrostatics (b) Moving Iron (c) Moving coil-Permanent Magnet type (d) Moving coil dynamometer type

(JMRC 2013) 9. What is a Weston frequency meter? (a) Moving coil instrument (b) Moving iron instrument (c) Dynamometer type instrument

(DMRC 2015) 4. Moving iron instruments can be used: (a) To measure dc currents only (b) To measure ac currents only (c) To measure a.c. voltage only (d) To measure a.c. and d.c. currents and voltage

(UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 10. Indicating instruments should be (a) Undamped (b) Critical damped (c) Over damped (d) Under damped

(RPHED 2015) 5.Moving coil instrument, having coil resistance of 4.5Ω gives a full scale deflection of 30 mA. The resistance connected in parallel with this instrument to read up to 2.5A is: (a) 6.46Ω (b) 0.0346Ω (c) 0.0546Ω (d) 0.0625Ω

(MPJE 2016) Evening Shift 11. The effect of stray magnetic fields on the actuating torque of a portable instrument is the maximum when the operating field of the instrument and the stray fields are (a) Perpendicular (b) Parallel (c) Inclined at 60º (d) Inclined at 30º

(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 6. In a particular meter, the operating torque is directly proportional to the current passing through it, then the type of meter is: (a) Moving iron (b) Moving coil (c) Electrostatic (d) Induction

(MPJE 2015) 12. A moving iron instrument can be used for current and voltage measurements? (a) In AC circuit only (b) In DC circuits only (c) In both AC and DC circuit (d) None of these

(SSCJE 2013)

(MPJE 2015)

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 13. The controlling torque in power factor meter is given by (a) Spring control (b) Sensor control (c) Gravity control (d) None of these

(MPJE 2015) 14. A 0-1 mA PMMC ammeter reads 4 mA in circuits. Its bottom control spring snaps suddenly. The meter will now read nearly: (a) Zero (b) 10 mA (c) 2 mA (d) 8 mA

(UPSSSC 2015) 15. Following is not an advantage of a permanent magnet moving coil instrument (a) It has a uniform scale (b) It can be used without error for a long period of time (c) It has good damping torque (d) Its range can be easily extended

(MPJE 2016 Morning Shift) 16. Energy savings potential of variable torque application compared to constant torque application is(a) Higher (b) Minor (c) Equivalent (d) None of the above (MPJE 2016 Morning Shift) 17. Determine the absolute error of measurement if measured value of a resistance = 20.65Ω and true value = 20.55Ω. (a) 0.1Ω (b) 0.2Ω (c) 0.3Ω (d) 0.4Ω (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 20. The most efficient form of damping employed in electric instruments is (a) Air friction damping (b) Fluid friction damping

(c) Eddy current daming (d) None of the above (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 21. The moving system of an indicating type of electrical instrument is subjected to (a) a deflecting torque (b) a controlling torque (c) a damping torque (d) All of the above (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 22. The type of instruments used mainly for standardizing instruments in laboratories is (a) Indicating instrument (b) Integrating instrument (c) Absolute instrument (d) Recording instrument

( UPSSSC JE-2016) 23. Which torque is essential for indicating instruments-? (a) Deflecting (b) Controlling (c) Damping (d) All of the above (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 24. Moving coil instruments have which one of the following scales? (a) Logarithmic scale (b) Uniform scale (c) Non-uniform scale (d) Squared scale (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 25. The material of hair spring used in measuring instruments is made of which of material of the following: (a) Copper (b) Bronze (c) Alnico (d) None of these (UPPCL 2016) 26. If a galvanometer is sensitive, it will provide large deflection on providing(a) No current (b) Large power (c) Small current (d) large voltage

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (SSCJE 2010) 27. Swamping resistance is used to compensate error due to(a) Stray magnetic field (b) Large supply voltage (c) Large supply frequency (d) Temperature variations (UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 1. Integration of unit ramp function gives (a) Unit parabolic function (b) Unit ramp function (c) Unit doublet function (d) None of these (SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 2. If current through the operating coil of a moving iron instrument is doubled, the operating force becomes. (a) One and a half times (b) 2 times (c) 3 times (d) 4 times (SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 3. In moving iron instruments, the iron moves in a direction to cause (a) Coil inductance to be constant (b) Mutual inductance to be constant (c) Minimum reluctance path (d) Decrease in the flux passing through it (SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 4. A moving coil instrument has a resistance of 10Ω and gives full scale deflection at 0.5 V potential difference across it. How can it be adopted to measure a current up to 100 A (a) By connecting shunt resistance of 0.005Ω across the meter (b) By connecting shunt resistance of 0.05Ω across the meter (c) By connecting shunt resistance of 5Ω across the meter (d) By connecting shunt resistance of 10Ω across the meter

(UPRVUNL 2015) 37. Which of the following statements is not an advantage of electrodynamics instruments? (a) Free from hysteresis errors (b) Low power consumption (c) Low accuracy (d) Low sensitivity

(DMRC 2014) 38. The deflection torque can be produced by: (a) Gravity control (b) Spring control (c) Air Friction (d) Magnetically (SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 39. Which of the following instruments has the highest torque/weight ratio among the given instruments? (a) Attraction type MI instrument (b) Repulsion type MI instrument (c) Permanent magnet moving coil instrument (d) Electrodynamometer instrument (SSCJE 2014, EveningShift) 40. Moving coil (PNMC) and moving iron instruments can be distinguished by observing its. (a) range (b) scale (c) size of terminals (d) pointer (SSCJE 2013) 41. In reference to the figure, the voltage waveform v(t) is measured by a PMMC, a PMMC combined with bridge rectifier and a moving iron (MI) instrument. Two lists are prepared thereafter: Instrument list List of instrument reading A. PMMC i. 5 V B. PMMC rectifier ii 2.75 V C. M.I. iii 2.5 V The correct option relating the instruments and their reading is (a) A – i, B – ii, C – iii (b) A – iii, B – ii, C – i (c) A – ii, B – iii, C – i (d) A –iii, B-I, C – ii (SSCJE 2008) 42. The scale of moving iron (M.I) instrument ius(a) uniform (b) Cramped (c) Linear (d) All the above (SSCJE 2010) 43. The controlling torque in gravity controlled

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ meter is proportional to(a) cos θ (b) sin θ (c) tan θ (d) θ (UPSSSC 2015) 44. Damping torque is essential to (a) Increase oscillate (b) Reduce oscillation (c) Maintain oscillation (d) None of these (UPSSSC 2015) 45. In an attraction type moving Iron instruments, the damping torque is usually provide by (a) Air friction damping (b) Eddy current damping (c) Fluid friction damping (d) Capacitive damping

(UPSSSC JE -2016) 48. Which instruments have uniform scale-? (a) Spring control instruments (b) Gravity control instruments (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above (UPSSSC JE -2016) 49. Watt-hour instrument is the type of(a) Indicting (b) Integrating (c) Recording (d) None of the above (UPSSSC JE -2016) 50. Induction type instruments are used in (a) AC (b) Dc (c) Both (d) None of the above (UPSSSC JE -2016) 51. Which damping is most efficient-? (a) Air friction (b) Fluid friction (c) Eddy current (d) None of the above

4. (Ammeters and Voltmeters)

(UPRVUNL 2014) 2. Current in a circuit is measured using a simple slide using. What will be voltage drop per unit length? If the standard cell is of emf 2.38 V balanced a length of 35 cm? (a) 0.68 V/cm (b) 0.068 V/cm (c) 68 V/cm (d) 6.8 V/cm (DMRC 2015) 3. The measurement range of an ammeter can be increased by using a: (a) High resistance in shunt (b) Low resistance in shunt (c) High resistance in series (d) Low resistance in series

(DMRC 2015) 4. For increasing the range of voltmeter, one should connect a” (a) High value resistance in series with voltmeter (b) Low value resistance in series with voltmeter (c) High value resistance in parallel with voltmeter (d) Low value resistance in parallel with voltmeter (SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 5. To increasing the range of an a.c. ammeter you would use: (a) A potential transformer (b) An inductance across the motor (c) A condenser across the meter (d) Current transformer (UPSSSC JE -2016) 6. An instrument which electric current is known as(a) Voltmeter (b) Rheostat (c) Wattmeter (d) Galvanometer

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 7. A d.c. voltmeter has a sensitivity of 1000Ω/watt. When it measure half full scale in 100 V range, the current through the voltmeter will be: (a) 1 mA (b) 0.5 mA (c) 50 mA (d) 100 mA

(SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 8. Two voltmeter of (0-300 V) range are connected in parallel to a.c. circuits. One voltmeter is moving iron type reads 200 V. If the other is PMMC instrument, its riding will be: (a) Zero (b) 222 V (c) 127.4 V (d) Slightly less 200 V

circuit, which is found to be 1.2 V. This is also measured by a voltmeters, which is found to be 0.9 V. The resistance of the voltmeter is 60 kΩ. The input resistance between two points. (a) 60 kΩ (b) 20 kΩ (c) 45 kΩ (d) 80 kΩ

(SSCJE 2012) 12. During the measurement of a low resistance using a potentiometer, the following readings were obtained: Voltage drop across unknown Resistance = 0.531 Volt. Voltage drop across a 0.1 Ohm standard resistance connected in series with the unknown = 1.083 Volt. Value of the unknown resistor is (a) 49.03 milliohm (b) 108.3 milliohm (c) 20.4 milliohm (d) 53.1 milliohm

(SSCJE 2013) 9. If a 110 V, Hz is applied across a PMMC voltmeter of full-scale range 0-220 V and internal resistance of 10 kΩ, reading of the voltmeter will be (a) 0 V (b) 110√2 V (c) 78 V (d) 55 V

SSCJE 2010) 13. An ammeter is obtained by shunting a 30 Ω Galvanometer with 30 Ω resistance. What additional shunt should be connected across it to double the range? (a) 15 Ω (b) 10 Ω (c) 5 Ω (d) 30 Ω

(SSCJE 2013) 10. A current of i = 6+10 sin(100θ πt) + 20 sin(200 πt) is flowing through a series combination of a PMMC and moving iron instrument. Ratio of the two currents as registered by the M.I. and PMMC meter is (a) 1.81 (b) 3.11 (c) 2.82 (d) 2.63

(SSCJE 2010) 14. To increase the range of a voltmeter(a) A low resistance is connected in series (b) A low resistance is connected in parallel (c) A high resistance is connected in series (d) A high resistance is connected in parallel

(SSCJE 2012) 11. A potentiometer is used to measure the voltage between to points of a D.C.

(JMRC 2012) 15. What is the main purpose of potentiometer as device for? (a) Comparing two voltages

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (b) Comparing two currents (c) Measuring a voltage (d) Measuring a current

(JMRC 2012) 16. What are the main criteria to select resistance of coils and slide wire in Crompton potentiometer? (a) 14 coil and slide wire all having the same resistance (b) 14 coils and slide wire but they resistance of slide wire is half of that of each coil (c) 14 coils and slide wire all having the different resistance (d) 14 coils out of which 7 coils have resistance which is twice that of remaining 7 coils

(JMRC 2012) 17. A standard cell of 1.0185 V is used with a slide wire potentiometer. The balance was obtained at 60 cm. When an unknown emf was connected, the balance was obtained at 82 cm. What is the magnitude of unknown emf? (a) 1.39 V (b) 0.79 V (c) 13.9 V (d) 7.45 V

(MPJE 2015) 18. A 0-15 V voltmeter has a resistance of 1000Ω, if it is desired to expand its range 0-15 V a resistance of…………………. Is connected in series with it. (a) 3 k Ω (b) 5 k Ω (c) 9 k Ω (d) 2 k Ω (IOF 2014) 19. For increasing the range of voltmeter, connect a

(a) Low value resistance in series with voltmeter (b) High value resistance in parallel with voltmeter (c) High value resistance in series with voltmeter (d) Low value resistance in parallel with voltmeter

(UPSSSC 2014) 20. The internal resistance of a voltmeter is 20,000 ohms. If this voltmeter is connected in series with a resistance and a 220 volt supply is connected across the combination, the voltmeter reads 200 volts. The value of the resistance is (a) 200 Ω (b) 4000 Ω (c) 2000 Ω (d) 20,000 Ω (MPJE 2016, Evening Shift) 21. Which type of potentiometer consists of two separate potentiometer circuits enclosed in a common case? (a) Gall Tinsley AC potentiometer (b) Dry dale Tinsley AC potentiometer (c) Campbell Larsen potentiometer (d) Crompton potentiometer (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 25. Internal resistance of a micro-ammeter is 500 ohm. Resistance required to increase its range from 0-100 μA to 0-10 A will be approximately (a) 0.05 Ω (b) 0.005 Ω (c) 0.5 Ω (d) 5.0 Ω (UPSSSCJE – 2016) 26. Range of ammeter can extend by connecting(a) a Shunt parallel to ammeter (b) a Shunt in series to ammeter (c) a Multiplier parallel to ammeter (d) a Multiplier in series to ammeter (DMRC 2016) 27. Clamp on ammeter is used for measurement of: (a) Large alternating currents (b) Small direct currents (c) Small alternating currents (d) Large direct currents (DMRC 2016)

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 28. An ammeter has a current range of 0-5 A, and its internal resistance is 0.2Ω. In order to change the range to 0-25 A, what should be the value of resistance added and how it would connect with meter (i.e. series/parallel)? (a) (0.05Ω/series) (b) (0.05Ω/parallel) (c) (0.20Ω/parallel) (d) (0.20Ω/Series) (DMRC 2016) 29. The measurement range of an ammeter can be increased by using a: (a) High resistance in shunt (b) Low resistance in shunt (c) High resistance in series (d) Low resistance in series (DMRC 2016) 30. A permanent magnet moving coil ammeter has a coil resistance of 99 ohm and Full scale deflection (FSD) current of 0.1 mA. Shunt resistance is 1 ohm. Current through the meter at 0.5 F.S.D. is: (a) 0.007 mA (b) 0.05 mA (c) 0.023 mA (d) None of these

(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 31. The multiplying power of the shunt of a millimeter is 8. If the circuit current is 200 mA. Then current through the meter us (a) 25 mA (b) 200 mA (c) 1600 mA (d) 3200 mA (UPRVUNL 2014) 34. What should be the properties and mode of connection of the shunts and multipliers used to increase the ranges of voltmeters and ammeters? (a) Shunts- low resistance connected in parallel with ammeters (b) Shunt- high resistance, connected in series with ammeters (c) Multipliers- low resistance, connected in series with voltmeters (d) Multipliers- high resistance, connected in parallel with voltmeters

35. By mistake voltmeter and ammeter are connected as shown in the figure below: (a) Only voltmeter will burn away (b) Only ammeter will burn away (c) Both voltmeter and ammeter will burn away (d) None will burn away (SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 36. In electrodynamometer ammeter, the deflection of the pointer is proportional to (a) mean of currents in fixed coil and moving coil (b) square of the current in moving coil (c) RMS value of current in fixed coil (d) Mean -square of currents in fixed coil and moving coil (SSCJE 2013) 37. When a multiplier is added to an existing voltmeter for extending its range, its electromagnetic damping (a) remains unaffected (b) Increase (c) Decreases (d) Changes by an amount depending on the controlling torque

(SSCJE 2013) 38. A voltmeter when connected across a D.C. supply, reads 124 V. When a series combination of the voltmeter and an unknown resistance X is connected across the supply, the meter reads 4 V. If the resistance of the voltmeter is 50 kΩ, the value of X is (a) 1550 kΩ (b) 1600 kΩ (c) 1.6 kΩ (d) 1.5kΩ (SSCJE 2009) 39. A DC ammeter ha resistance of 0.1Ω and current range is 0 – 100A. If the range is to be extended to 0500A, then meter enquires shunt resistance of: (a) 0.010Ω (b) 0.011Ω (c) 0.025Ω (d) 1.0Ω

(DMRC 2016) (SSCJE 2009)

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 40. Which instrument has the lowest resistance? (a) Ammeter (b) Voltmeter (c) Megger (d) Frequency meter (MPJE 2015) 41. A 0-300 V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% on full scale reading. The voltage measured by the instrument is 83 V. The percent limiting error is: (a) 3.62 (b) 1.81 (c) 0.95 (d) 14.85 (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 44. What will happen if a voltmeter is connected like an ammeter in series of the load? (a) The meter will burn out. (b) The measurement will be too high. (c) The same current will flow as would have been with ammeter in circuit. (d) There will be almost no current in the circuit.

(UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 45. The sensitivity of voltmeter using 0-5 mA meter movement is (a) 200 Ω/V (b) 150 Ω/V (c) 100 Ω/V (d) 50 Ω/V (UPSSSCJE –2016) 48. Internal resistance of an ideal ammeter is(a) Zero (b) Infinite (c) Small (d) Big (DMRC Electronic 2015) 49. A voltmeter is used. (a) To measure current (b) In series with the circuit (c) In parallel with the circuit (d) To measure coulombs (LMRCSC/TO 2015) 50. A voltmeter gives 120 oscillations per minute, when connected to the rotor of an induction motor. The stator frequency is 50 Hz. The slope of the motor is: (a) 2% (b) 5%

(c) 2.5% (d) 4% (LMRCSC/TO 2015) 51. A 10 mA ammeter has a resistance of 50 ohms. It is to be converted to a 1 A ammeter. The value of shunt resistance should be: (a) 5 ohms (b) 0.1 ohms (c) 0.505 ohms (d) 0.05 ohms (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 52. Series resistance required to read 0-250 V with a moving coil instrument of internal resistance 2 ohm and full scale deflection of 50 mA is (a) 49998 Ω (b) 4998 Ω (c) 498 Ω (d) 49.8 Ω 5. (Wattmeter and Maximum Demand Indicator) (UPRVUNL 2013) 1. According to Blondel’s theorem, if a network is supplied using ‘n’ conductor’ the total power is the of the reading of n wattmeter so arranged that a current coil of each line and the corresponding pressure coil is connected between that line and a common point (a) Sum (b) Product (c) Sum of product of two wattmeter reading taken together (d) Difference

2. (a) (b) (c) (d)

(DMRC 2014) The pressure coil of a wattmeter consists of: More number of turns of fine wire Less number of turns of fine wire Less number of turns of thick wire More number of turns of thick wire

(SSCJE 2014) Evening Shift 3. The least number of 1- ɸ wattmeter required to measure total power consumed by an unbalanced load fed from a 3ɸ, m 4 wire system is: (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1 (SSCJE 2013)


In a balanced 3-phases circuit, the line current is 12 A. When the power is measured by two wattmeter method, one meter reads 11 kW while the other reads zero. Power factor of the load is (a) 0 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.866 (d) 1.0

(SSCJE 2012) 5. In a balanced 3-phases system, the current coil of a wattmeter is inserted in line 1 and the potential coil across 2 and 3. If the wattmeter reads 100 W, the reactive power drawn by the 3-phases load is (a) 173.2 VAR (b) 50 VAR (c) 100 VAR (d) 141.4 VAR


(SSCJE 2012) In phantom loading arrangement, energy consumption in the calibration test of wattmeter is reduced because of (a) The separate application of low voltage supply across current coil (b) No common point between the two coils (c) The reduced loss in current coil and pressure (d) The absence of load in the test set

(SSCJE 2007) 7. A dynamometer type wattmeter can be used on(a) d.c.only (b) a.c.only (c) rectified a c only (d) a.c. as well as d.c (SSCJE 2015) 8. A dc voltmeter has a sensitivity of 100Ω/ volt when it measures half full scale in 100V range, the current through the voltmeter will be? (a) 50 mA (b) 1 mA (c) 0.5 mA (d) 100 mA (SSCJE 2015)


If a dynamometer type wattmeter is connected in an ac circuit, the power indicated by the wattmeter will be: (a) Instant Peak power (b) Peak power (c) Volt ampere product (d) Average power

(JMRC 2012) 10. The resistance of a 125 W strain gauge changes by 1 W for 400 micro strain. How much is the gauge factor? (a) 1.5 (b) 2 (c) 2.5 (d) 3 (UTTARAKHAND-II 2013) 11. An automatic power factor controller cannot achieve (a) Voltage control (b) K VAR control (c) kW control (d) Pf control (MPJE 2015) 12. In an electrodynamometer type wattmeter: (a) The current coil is made fixed (b) The pressure coil is fixed (c) Both the coil are fixed (d) Both the coil are movable

(MPJE 2015) 13. The power in a 3 phase four wire circuit can be measured by using: (a) 1 wattmeter (b) 2 wattmeter (c) 3 wattmeter (d) 4 wattmeter (MPJE 2015) 14. In a single phase induction type wattmeter, a meter can be reversed by (a) Reversing either the potential coil terminal (b) Reversing connections of both current and potential coil circuits (c) Reversing the supply terminals

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (d) Reversing the load terminals (MPJE 2015 15. One single phase wattmeter operating on 230 V and 5A for hours makes 1940 revolutions. Meter constant in revolution is 400. The power factor of the load will be: (a) 1 (b) 0.8 (c) 0.7 (d) 0.6 (UPSSSC 2015) 16. In an electro dynamometer type Watt meter if the voltage and current measured are given by V = 100 sin 314t and i = 10 sin ( 314 t - 60º) respectively, the reading (in watts) will be (a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 250 (d) 433

(UPSSSC 2015) 17. In the measurement of 3 phase power by two watt meter method, for an unbalanced load, the power factor of the load is (a) Cos[tan

(MPJE 2016 Evening Shift) 18. Which of the following provide deflecting force for voltmeters only? (a) Electromagnetic effect (b) Electrodynamics effect (c) Magnetic effect (d) Electrostatic effect (MPJE 2016 Evening Shift) 19. How many coils are there in a wattmeter? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1 (MPJE 2016 Evening Shift) 20. A dynamometer wattmeter is rated at 10 A and 100 V with a full scale reading of 1000

W. The inductance of the voltage circuit is 5mH and its resistance 3000 ohm. Voltage across the current coil is negligible. At 50 Hz and zero power factors, the error in the wattmeter at the VA reading will be(a) 0.325 W (b) 0.523 VA (c) 0.575 VA (d) 0.604 W (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 21. If a dynamometer wattmeter is connected in an ac circuit, the power indicated by the wattmeter will be (a) Volt-ampere product (b) Average power (c) Peak power (d) Instantaneous power (UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 22. A compensated wattmeter has its reading corrected for error due to (a) Frequency (b) Friction (c) Power consumed in current coil (d) Power consumed in pressure coil (DMRC 2016) 23. Power consumed by a balanced 3-phase, 3wire load is measured by two wattmeter method. The first wattmeter reads twice that of the second. Then what will be the load impedance angle in radian? (a) (π/6) (b) (π/3) (c) (π/2) (d) (π/4) (DMRC 2016) 24. For power measurement of three phase circuit by two wattmeter method, when the value of power factor is less than 0.5 lagging: (a) One of the wattmeter will read zero. (b) Both give the same readings (c) One of the wattmeter connections will have to be reversed (d) Pressure coil of the wattmeter will become ineffective (SSCJE 2010) 25. Laboratory wattmeter’s are(a) Induction type (b) Moving type

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (c) Electrostatic type (d) Electro- dynamometer type (UPRVUNL 2014) 29. Single or one Wattmeter method can only be used for (a) Balanced three-phase load (b) Imbalanced two-phase load (c) Balanced one-phase load (d) Imbalanced one-phase load (UPRVUNL 2014) 30. In a single phase Dynamometer, the instantaneous torque has a component of power which varies as (a) Twice (b) Half (c) Four times (d) Three times (UPRVUNL 2014) 31. Calculate the percentage error for a wattmeter which is so connected that the current coil is no the load side. The wattmeter has a current coil of 0.03Ω resistance and a pressure coil of 6000Ω resistance. It is also known that the load takes 20 A at a voltage of 220 V and 0.6 power factor. (a) 0.45% (b) 45% (c) 5.5% (d) 6.5%

(DMRC 2015) 32. The power in an unbalance 3-phase 4-wire circuit can be measured by using a ……….method. (a) 4 wattmeter (b) 3 wattmeter (c) 2 wattmeter (d) 1 wattmeter

(SSCJE 2013) 34. A wattmeter is marked 15A/30A, 300V/600V and its scale is marked up to 4500 watts. When the meter is connected for 30 A, 600V, the point indicated 2000 watts. The actual power in the circuit is (a) 200 watts (b) 400 watts (c) 6000 watts (d) 8000 watts (SSCJE 2013) 35. In the measurement of power in a balanced 3-phase circuit by two-wattmeter method if the two wattmeter show equal readings. Then the power factor of the circuit is (a) Zero (b) Unit (c) O.8 lagging (d) 0.8 leading (SSCJE 2013) 36. Two meters X and Y required 40 mA and 50 mA respectively for full scale deflection. Then (a) Both are equally sensitive (b) Data are insufficient to comment (c) X is more sensitive than y (d) Y is more sensitive than X (SSCJE 2008) 37. A dynamometer type watt meter responds to the (a) Average value of active power (b) Average value of reactive power (c) Peak value of active power (d) Peak value of reactive power

(SSCJE 2009) 38. The moving coil in a dynamometer wattmeter is connected (a) In series with the fixed coil (b) Across the supply (c) In series with the load (d) Any one of the above

(SSCJE 2013) 33. Pharos diagram of load voltage (V), current in pressure coil (Ip) and current in current coil (Ic) is shown in the figure when an electrodynamics wattmeter is used to the wattmeter will be proportional to:

(SSCJE 2015) 39. Three wattmeter method of power measurement can be used to measure power in: (a) Both balanced and unbalanced circuits (b) Balanced circuits


(b) Has equal number of turns of current coil and is connected in series with voltage coil (c) Has equal number of turns of current coil and is connected in series with current coil (d) Has equal number of turns of voltage coil and is connected in series with voltage coil

(UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) 40. Which of the following is not a method of resistance measurement? (a) Ammeter- Voltmeter method (b) Post- office box method (c) Ohm- Meter method (d) Two wattmeter method


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) While measuring power in a three phase load by two wattmeter method, the reading of two wattmeter are equal and opposite, when Load is balanced Power factor is unity Phase angle is between 60º to 90º The load is purely inductive

(UPSSSCJE – 2016) 42. A which angle in two wattmeter method, one wattmeter show zero readings(a) ɸ=0 (b) ɸ=60 (c) ɸ=90 (d) ɸ=45 (UPSSSCJE – 2016) 43. Which power factor results equal reading of both wattmeter in 2 wattmeter method(a) Unit (b) Half (c) Zero (d) None of the above

(UPSSSCJE – 2016) 44. While measuring power in a 3-phase load by 2 wattmeter method the readings of two wattmeter are equal and opposite when (a) Pf is unity (b) Load is balanced (c) Phase angle is between 60º and 90º (d) The load is pure inductive (DMRC 2014) 45. In dynamometer wattmeter the compensation coil (a) Has equal number of turnoff voltage coil and is connected in series with current coil

(SSCJE 2011) 46. A wattmeter is being tested under phantom loading condition. If the wattmeter reading is 60 W, the actual power consumed from the supply, is (a) Much higher than 60 W (b) 60 W (c) Much less than 60 W (d) 30W (LMRC SC/TO 2015) 47. A dynamometer type of wattmeter responds to: (a) R.m.s value of active power (b) Average value of active power (c) Average value of reactive power (d) R.m.s value of reactive power (UPSSSCJE 2016) 48. While measuring power in a 3-phase load by 2 wattmeter method the reading of two wattmeter are equal and opposite when (a) Pf is unity (b) Load is balanced (c) Phase angle is between 60º and 90º (d) The load is pure inductive


(Energy Meter) (DMRC 2014) 2. The major cause for creeping in energymeter is: (a) Over compensation for friction (b) Vibrations (c) Stray magnetic fields (d) Excessive voltage across the potential coil (UPSSSC 2014)


In which of the following instruments, a disc is present? Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter Energy meter

(JMRC 2012) 2. The loss of charge method can be used to measure which of the following? (a) Resistance of shunt (b) Resistance of shunt winding (c) Insulation resistance of cable (d) Resistance of transformer winding (JMRC 2012) 3. In a single phase power meter what is the phase difference between current in the two pressure coils? (a) Exactly 0º (b) Exactly 90º (c) Approximately 0º (d) Approximately 90º (UTTARAKHAND- II 2013) 4. A single [phase energy meter has a constant of 1200 revolution/k Wh. When a load of 200 W is connected, the disc rotates at 4.2 revolutions per min. If the load is on for 10 hours, the meter records an excess of (a) 0.1 kWh (b) 0.2 kWh (c) 1.0 kWh (d) 2.0 kWh (UPSSSC 2014) 5. The household energy meter is (a) An indicating instrument (b) A recording instrument (c) An integrating instrument (d) None of the above

(MPJE 2015) 6. The pressure coil of an energy meter is…………….. (a) Purely resistive (b) Purely inductive (c) Highly resistive (d) Highly inductive (UPSSSC 2014) 7. The creeping is observed in (a) Ammeter meter

(b) Wattmeter (c) Energy meter (d) Volt meter (UTTARAKHAND- I 2013) 8. The meter constant of a single phase energy meter is 500 rev/kwh the meter takes 86 seconds to make 50 revolutions while measuring a full load of 4.4 kilowatt. The percentage error in the meter is (a) -2.43% (b) 2.43% (c) -4.86% (d) 4.86%

(SSCJE 2011) 12.In an induction type energy meter, everything else remaining same, if the radial distance of the brake magnet poles from the spindle is decreased by 10%, the rotational speed of the disc will……………………...approximately . (a) Increased by 23.5% (b) Decrease by 10.6% (c) Decrease by 19.4% (d) Increase by 11% (UTTATRAKHAND – I 2013) 13.The disc of domestic supply energy meter is made of which material? (a) Zinc (b) Copper (c) Aluminum (d) Silver

(UPPCL 2016) 1. The energy meter used in homes is an example of(a) Indicating instrument (b) Comparison instrument (c) Recording instrument (d) Integrating instrument


(SSCJE 2017) The household energy meter is (a) Recording instrument

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (b) None of these (c) Indicating instrument (d) Integrating instrument

(DMRC 2015) 2.

(UPRVUNL 2014) 17. In a single phase induction type energy meter, the deflecting torque is the true power in the circuit. (a) Proportional to (b) Equal to (c) Greater than (d) Less than (DMRC 2015) 18. If an induction type energy meter runs fast, it can be slowed down by: (a) Lag adjustment (b) Light load adjustment (c) Adjusting the position of braking magnet and making it come closer to the centre of the disc (d) Adjusting the position of braking magnet and making move away from the centre of the disc.

(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 19. Two holes are drilled in the disc on a diameter of energy-meter to (a) Increase ventilation (b) Reduce the weight of disc (c) Eliminate creeping on no-load (d) Increase deflecting torque


When testing an electric iron on megger, the reading of the megger is infinity. This indicates: (a) Short circuit of heating element (b) Short circuit of supply terminals (c) Open circuit of heating element (d) Loose terminal connection (DMRC 2015) When external circuit is open, on moving the handle, the pointer of megger indicates: (a) Zero (b) Very low resistance (c) Very high resistance (d) Infinity

(SSSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 4. Speed of the megger is kept at: (a) 120 rpm (b) 140 rpm (c) 160 rpm (d) 100 rpm

(SSCJE 2012) 5. Which of the following does not employ a null method of measurement? (a) Megger (b) Dc potentiometer (c) Kelvin double bridge (d) AC potentiometer

(SSCJE 2011) 7.(Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments) 6. (UPRVUNL 2015) 1. In a megger, controlling torque is provided by: (a) Spring (b) Gravity (c) Coil (d) Eddy current

Megger is an instrument by which we can measure (a) High resistance (b) Low resistance (c) High current (d) High voltage

(SSCJE 2011)



With the decrees in the strength of the permanent magnet in an insulation Megger due to ageing, Megger reading will (a) Be lowest than actual (b) Be higher than actual (c) Remain unaffected (d) Fluctuate rapidly (SSCJE 2015) Which instrument is used to measure the high resistance? (a) Kelvin’s Double bridge (b) Carey-Foster bridge (c) Megger (d) Wheat stone bridge

(JMRC 2012) 9. When a capacitor is connected to the terminal of a ohm meter, the pointer indicated a low resistance initially and finally came to infinity position. What does this slowly about the capacitor? (a) Short circuit (b) All right (c) Faculty (d) Open

(JMRC 2012) 10. The dead zone in pyrometer is 0.125% of span. The calibration is 400ºC to 100ºC. What temperature change might occur before it is detected? (a) 0.0125ºC (b) 0.75ºC (c) 0.4ºC (d) 1ºC

(JMRC 2012) 11. In measuring a resistance by voltmeter-ammeter method, the voltmeter can be connected either across supply or across the resistance. If the resistance is low, then where the voltmeter should be connected? (a) Across the supply

(b) Across the resistance (c) Either in two position (d) Preferably across the supply (UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 12. To measure insulating resistance of equipments of voltage rating up to 440 V the megger generator must generate (a) 220 V (b) 440 V (c) 500 V (d) None of these (UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 13. A megger is to measure insulation resistance of a cable. The cable should be connected to (a) Battery (b) DC supply (c) AC supply (d) No supply (UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 14. A megger is basically a/an (a) Moving iron type instrument (b) Moving coil type instrument (c) Hot wire instrument (d) Electrolytic instrument 15. Piezo meter is used to measure (a) Very high pressure (b) Very low pressure (c) Displacement (d) None of these (UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 16. Which of the following device is used to measure flow in an open channel? (a) Venturimeter (b) Rota meter (c) Orifice (d) Pitot tube

(MPJE 2015) 17. A megger is usually: (a) Moving iron type instrument (b) Electro-static type instrument (c) Hot-wire type instrument (d) Moving coil type instrument (MPJE 2015)

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 18. A meggar is used for measurement of: (a) Low valued resistance (b) Medium valued resistance (c) High valued resistance, particularly insulation resistances (d) All of the above (IOF 2014) 19. The limitation of the voltage multiplying circuit is that (a) The output has high ripple content (b) High output voltage is difficult to obtain (c) High output current is difficult to obtain (d) The size of the captors becomes very large (UPSSSC 2015) 20. In which type of frequency meter, the frequency is found when the torque in the moving coil becomes zero? (a) Vibrating reed type (b) Permanent Magnet moving coil type (c) Moving iron type type (d) Electrical resonance type

(UPPCL 2016) 30. In a meggar, the deflection of moving coil depends on(a) Applied voltage (b) Inverse of applied voltage (c) The ration of currents in the coil (d) The product of currents in the coils (SSCJE 2008) 5. Megger is an instrument to measure: (a) A very low resistance (b) Insulation resistance (c) Q of coil (d) Inductance of coil



(UTTARAKHAND- II 2013) The insulation resistance test in performed on power lines with (a) Ohm meter (b) Earth tester (c) Megger (d) Any of these (UPSSSC JE- 2016) If an ohm meter reading immediately goes practically to zero and stays there while checking a capacitor, the capacitor is (a) Leaky (b) Short circuited (c) Open circuited (d) satisfactory

(MPJE 2016 Evening Shift) 21. Which of the following method used for measuring high resistance? (Given: above 100kΩ). (a) Megger Method (b) Ohmeter Method (c) Potentiometer Method (d) Wheat stone bridge Method

(UPVUNL 2014) 36.The insulation resistance installation is measured by a (a) Multimeter (b) Wheat stone bridge (c) earth tester (d) Megger

(UTTARAKHAND- I 2013) 28. Megger is used for measure (a) Very high resistance insulation resistance (b) Low resistance (c) High resistance (d) Very low resistance

(UPVUNL 2014) 37. Which among the following is not a method for measurement of high resistance? (a) Direct deflection method (b) Megohm bridge (c) Megger (d) Loss of current method

(UPPCL 2016) 29. Resistance can be measured by(a) Ohmmeters (b) Resistance bridge (c) Wattmeters (d) Ampere-hour meters




(SSCJE 2011) 39. Megger is an instrument used for measurement of: (a) High resistance (b) Medium resistance (c) Low resistance


(d) Power

(IOF 2014) 40. The pressure coil consist of (a) More number of turns of fine wire (b) More number of turns of thick wire (c) Less number of turns of fine wire (d) Less number of turns of thick wire 8. (Electronic Instruments)


(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 4. In a Cathode Ray Tube, the focusing anode is located (a) After accelerating anode (b) Between pre-accelerating and accelerating anodes (c) Before pre-accelerating anode (d) Just after electron-gun (SSCJE 2015) 5. Modern electronic multimeters measure resistance by? (a) Using an electronic bridge compensator for nulling (b) Using a bridge circuit (c) Using a electrical bridge circuit (d) Forcing a constant current and measuring the voltage across the unknown resistance (SSCJE 2015) 2. A CRO screen has ten divisions on the horizontal scale. If a voltage signal 5 sin (314t + 45º) is examined with a line base setting of 5 msec/dic, the number of cycle of signal displayed on the screen will be? (a) 0.5 cycle (b) 10 cycle (c) 2.5 cycle (d) 5 cycle (UTTARAKHAND – II 2013) 3. Which meter is suitable for the measurement of 10 m V at 50 MHz? (a) Moving iron voltmeter (b) CRO (c) Electrostatic voltmeter (d) VTVM (UTTARAKHAND – II 2013) 4. A CRO cannot be measurement of (a) Voltage (b) Current (c) Frequency




(UTTARAKHAND – II 2013) Horizontal deflection plates of CRO are placed generally: (a) Horizontal (b) Vertical (c) Diagonal (d) (a) or (b)

(UTTARAKHAND – II 2013) 6. Lissajous pattern obtained on a CRO screen is a circle. Frequency of two signals are (a) Equal (b) Unequal (c) Zero (d) Infinity (UTTARAKHAND – II 2013) 7. In the case of PMMC rectifier type instruments, the deflecting torque is proportional to: (a) Average value of AC current (b) RMS of AC (c) Instantaneous value (d) Peak value (MPJE 2015) 8. Which meter is suitable of the measurement of 10 mV at 50 MHz? (a) Moving iron voltmeter (b) VTVM (c) Moving coil voltmeter (d) CRO (MPJE 2015) 9. The high torque to weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates: (a) High friction loss (b) Low friction loss (c) Not related to friction loss (d) None of the above (MPJE 2016, Evening Shift) 10. What is the resolution of 4-digit digital instrument? (a) 0.002% (b) 0.005% (c) 0.1% (d) 0.01% (UTTARAKHAND- I 2013) 17. A VTVM can be used to measure (a) Dc voltage only

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (b) Ac voltage only (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above (IOF 2014) 18. The essential condition for the Paschen’s law to be valid is that (a) Voltage must be D.C (b) Voltage must be A.C. (c) Temperature must be constant (d) Humidity must be low (UPRVUNL 2015) 19. Which of the following cannot be measured by multimeters? (a) Frequency (b) Current (c) Resistance (d) Voltage

(d) Light intensity & High temperature (MPJE 2015) 24. An LVDT is used to measure displacement. The LVDT feeds a voltmeter of 0.5V range through a 250 gain amplifier. For a displacement 0.5 mm the output of LVDT is 2 mV. The sensitivity of instrument is: (a) 0.1 V/mm (b) 0.5 V/mm (c) 1 V/mm (d) 5V/mm (UPSSSCJE – 2016) 28. Cathode of CRO is coated with(a) Alkali material (b) Thorium oxide (c) Copper oxide (d) Barium oxide

(DMRC 2014) 20. LVDT is a: (a) Displacement transducer (b) Velocity transducer (c) Acceleration transducer (d) Pressure transducer

(UPSSSCJE – 2016) 29. A CRO can be used to measure(a) a.c. voltage (b) d.c. voltage (c) Frequency (d) All of the above

(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 21. In a CRO, a sinusoidal waveform of a certain frequency is displayed. The value of the quantity that can be made out by observation is (a) RMS value of the sine wave (b) Average value of the sine wave (c) Form factor of the sine wave (d) Peak-peak value of the sine wave

(SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 30. In a 3 ½ digit voltmeter, the largest number that can be read is: (a) 1999 (b) 5999 (c) 9999 (d) 0999

(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 22. The technique of adding a precise amount of time between the trigger point the beginning of the scope sweep in a CRO is known as (a) Free running sweep (b) Delayed sweep (c) Triggered swap (d) Non-sawtooth sweep

4 (UTTARAKHAND- II 2013) 23. Optical pyrometer is used to measure (a) Light intensity (b) Low temperature (c) High temperature

(UTTARAKHAND –I 2013) 31. A digital voltmeter has a read-out range from 0 to 9999 counts. When full scale reading is 9.999 V, the resolution of the instrument will be (a) 100 mV (b) 99 mV (c) 9 mV (d) 1 mV

(UTTARAKHAND –II 2013) 32. Match of the Lists L-I and L-II. List-I List-II

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 1. A. Flow 2. B. Dispalcement 3. C. Radiation 4. D. DC Motor 1234 (a) C D B A (b) D C A B (c) A C B D (d) D C B A

Bolometer H-

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Bridge LVDT Anemometer


(DMRC Electronic 2016) 33.In a CRO which of the following is not a part of election gun. (a) Cathode (b) Grid (c) accelerating anode (d) X-Y plates


6. (IOF Electronic 2014) 34.An oscilloscope is basically designed to convert (a) Visual signals to electrical signals (b) Sound signals to electrical signals (c) Electrical signets to visual signals (d) Sound signals to visual signal 9. (Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and capacitance) (UPRVUNL 2014) 1. In order to measure the dielectric losses of a capacitor, which one of the following AC bridges is used? (a) Anderson Bridge (b) Hay’s bridge (c) Schering bridge (d) Wien’s bridge (UPRVUNL 2014) 2. Which expression depicts the sensitivity (S) of a Wheatstone Bridge? (a) S = D/I (b) S = DI (c) S = D + I (d) S = D – 1


Dielectric loss The inductance Low resistance Mutual inductance

(DMRC 2014) Schering bridge is used to measure:




(JMRC 2012) To measure the resistance of about 8 Ω which instrument should be used? (a) Kelvin’s double bridge (b) Wheatston’s bridge (c) Meggar (d) Wattmeter (IOF 2014) Low resistance is measured by (a) De sauty’s bridge (b) Maxwell’s bridge (c) Kelvin’s bridge (d) Wien bridge (DMRC Electronic 2014) Schering bridge is used to measure (a) Frequency (b) Inductance (c) Capacitance (d) Mutual inductance (MPJE 2016 Morning Shift) Which method requires a standard capacitor in terms of which the self(a) Anderson Bridge (b) Hays Bridge (c) Heaviside-Campbell Bridge (d) Owens Bridge (MPJE 2016, Evening Shift) Which method is especially suitable for the measurement of small inductance? (a) Kuriyama method (b) Butterworths method (c) Felicia method (d) Campbell’s method

(MPJE 2016, Evening Shift) In which type of instrument the moving coil consists of a single loop of fine bronze or platinum silver wire? (a) Schering and Schmidt galvanometer (b) Darsonval galvanometer (c) Campbell galvanometer (d) Duddell moving coil galvanometer (MPJE 2016, Evening Shift)

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ 10. ………………..circuit is used to make precise measurement of a resistors value using resistors, voltage source and a galvanometer (a) Wheatstone bridge (b) Wien bridge (c) Carey Foster bridge (d) Kelvin bridge

14. In a galvanometer, the deflection becomes one half when the galvanometer is shunted by a 20 ohm resistor. The galvanometer resistance is: (a) 50 ohm (b) 10 ohm (c) 40 ohm (d) 20 ohm

(UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) 13.Hay bridge is suitable for measuring following type of inductance (a) having Q greater than 10 (b) having Q less than 10 (c) having any value of Q (d) having phase angle of reactance very large. (UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) 14.The dielectric loss of a capacitance can be measured by (a) Hay bridge (b) Maxwell bridge (c) Anderson bridge (d) Schering bridge (UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) 11. For measurement of low resistance, the bridge used is (a) Wheatstone (b) Kelvin (c) Maxwell (d) Anderson (UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) 12. The Maxwell bridge is used for measuring (a) Capacitance (b) Dielectric loss (c) Inductance (d) Phase angle (UPPCL 2016) 13. The unknown inductance is measured in terms of……………………..in the case of Anderson bridge. (a) Known resistance and capacitance (b) Known inductance (c) Known resistance (d) Known capacitance and inductance

(DMRC 2016)

(SSCJE 2014, Morning Shift) 19. The AC bridge used for measurement of dielectric loss of capacitor is (a) Anderson bridge (b) Schering bridge (c) Wien bridge (d) Hay’s bridge

(DMRC 2014) 20. A Q-meter measure: (a) Loss in a capacitor (b) Schering bridge (c) Wien bridge (d) Hay’s bridge (SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 21. Which one of the following bridge is generally used for measurement of frequency and also capacitance? (a) Owen’s bridge (b) Schering bridge (c) Wien bridge (d) Hay’s bridge (SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 22. A wheat stone bridge has ratio arm of 1000Ω and 100Ω resistances, the standard resistance arm consist of 4 decades resistance boxes of 1000, 100, 10, 1Ω steps. The maximum and minimum values of unknown resistance that can be determined with this setup are: (a) 11110 Ω (b) 10000 Ω, 10 Ω (c) 111100 Ω, 10 Ω (d) 111100 Ω,1 Ω (SSCJE 2017) 22. Which of the following a.c. bridges is preferred fot the measurement of inductance having high Q-factor? (a) Hay bridge (b) Maxwell bridge (c) Desauty bridge (d) Wien bridge

MEASUREMENT IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FUTURE SECURE INSTITUTE™ (UPSSSC 2014) 23. Relative permittivity can be measured by…………………Bridge (a) Wheat stone (b) Hays (c) Schering (d) Density’s 24. In the Maxwell as shown in the figure below the value of resistance Rx and inductance Lx of a xoil are to be calculated after balancing the bridge. The component values are shown in the fig at balance. The values of Rx and Lx will respectively be: (a) 75 ohm, 150 mH (b) 75 ohm, 75 mH (c) 37.5 ohm, 75 mH (d) 375 ohm, 75 mH (UPSSSCJE- 2016) 25. Maxwell bridge is used to measure (a) Inductance (b) Capacitance (c) Frequency (d) None of the above (UPSSSCJE- 2016) 26. The bridge used for the measurement of the value of the capacitance is (a) Wien’ bridge (b) Wheatstone bridge (c) Schering bridge (d) Hay’s bridge 10. (Elements of process Instrumentation)


(UTTARAKHAND-II 2013) An inverse transducer converts (a) Electrical energy to any other form of energy (b) Electrical energy to light energy (c) Mechanical displacement into electrical signal (d) Electrical energy to mechanical form



(UTTARAKHAND-I 2013) A strain gauge is a passive transducer and is employed for converting (a) Pressure into change in resistance (b) Force into displacement (c) Mechanical displacement into a change of resistance (d) None of the above (SSCJE 2015) (UPSSSC 2014) Synchro is (a) Parabolic transducer (b) An angular position transducer (c) A synchronizing transducer (d) A variable transducer

(MPJE 2015) 4. The thermocouple instruments do not have: (a) High sensitivity (b) Absence of frequency error (c) Independence of ambient temperature (d) High degree of measuring accuracy (SSCJE 2014, Evening Shift) 5. What is the order of minimum displacement that can be measured with capacitive transducers? (a) 1 mm (b) 1 μm (c) 1 X 10ˉˡ² (d) 1 cm


(UTTARAKHAND-II 2013) The dynamic characteristics of capacitive transducer are similar to those of (a) Low-pass filter (b) High-pass filter (c) Notch filter (d) Band-stop filter

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