Ejecucion Presupuestal 30 Septiembre 2008

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  • Pages: 10


INGRESOS TOTALES INGRESOS CORRIENTES INGRESOS TRIBUTARIOS Imp. sobre Veh. Automotor Imp. sobre Veh. Automotor Vig. 2008 Imp. sobre Veh. Automotor Vig anteriores Registro Consumo de Cervezas I.C.L.D. SALUD Consumo de Licores y Vinos I.C.L.D. SALUD DEPORTE (INDERVALLE) Consumo de Cigarrillos y Tabaco I.C.L.D. DEPORTE (INDERVALLE) Consumo de Gasolina Degüello de Ganado Mayor Estampillas Proelectrificación Prodesarrollo Prounivalle Prohospitales Procultura Proanciano Prosalud Otros Tributarios : Contribución para la Seguridad Sobretasa gasolina Otros INGRESOS NO TRIBUTARIOS Part. en Pn., Introducción y Comercialización de Licores I.C.L.D. SALUD DEPORTE (INDERVALLE)

0 902,079


0 339,262


902,079 898,633 321,535 44,775 44,775 0 33,740 77,680 65,627 12,052 36,567 36,567

339,262 335,817 239,260 40,297 40,297 0 24,293 59,065 59,065 0 32,910 32,910

54,351 47,047 7,304

42,342 42,342 0 0 1,984 0 0 0 0 0

2,204 26,789 1,226 6,399 16,487 2,676 0 0 45,430 553 44,876

38,369 0 38,369



134,260 97,866 33,283 3,111

88,080 88,080 0

IVA Telefonía Movil - Min- Cultura. Contribución deporte, recreación. Multas y Sanciones Otros Ingresos No Tributarios Venta de Bienes y Servicios Arrendamientos o Alquileres Alcoholes (Monopolio) Otros - Ingresos Varios Fondo Fraude Rentas Fondo Autores Vallecaucanos TRANSFERENCIAS Recibidas De La Nación SGP para Educación SGP para Educación sin situación S.G.P. para Salud sin situación S.G.P. para Salud Sobretasa ACPM Otras Transferencias : Fondo de Salud Beneficencia del valle Apuestas permanentes y Loterías Apuestas permanentes Loteria Excedentes operación juegos Rendimientos Financieros Apuestas Permanentes Impuesto sobre premios loterías Impuesto a Loterías Foraneas Fosyga Etesa Ministerio de Protección Social Salud Fondo de Educación Ministerio de Educación Del Ministerio de Hacienda Ministerio del Interior Otras Transferencias FONDOS ESPECIALES Fondo Fraude Rentas FODEPVAC Fondo Autores Vallecaucanos RECURSOS DE CAPITAL

180 360 9,059 4,473 126 1,294 3,166

433,239 396,289 212,191 59,584 72,293 40,573 11,648 36,950 36,950 36,950 36,950 36,950

0 0 324 8,153 4,025 114 1,164 2,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0







IDE Susp.

0 499,482

Otras Ftes

63,334 63,334 40,958 4,477 4,477 0 9,447 6,563 6,563 0 3,657 3,657

499,482 499,482 41,317 0 0 0 0 12,052 0 12,052 0 0

4,705 4,705 0 0 220 7,625 1,226 6,399 0 0

7,304 0 7,304 0 0 19,164 0 0 16,487 2,676 0

4,263 0 4,263 0 10,729 9,787 9,787 0

0 1,461,152


0 477,633


0 91,268

IDE Susp.

477,633 424,449 340,401 75,873 67,540 8,334 45,016 95,278 95,278 0 43,620 43,620

91,268 89,217 58,956 8,430 7,504 926 17,506 10,586 10,586 0 4,847 4,847

41,428 41,428 0 0 2,092 0

4,603 4,603 0 0 232 8,629

0 0

8,629 0 0

2,797 553 2,244

1,461,152 1,308,544 544,083 84,304 75,044 9,260 62,522 127,037 105,864 21,173 74,564 48,467 24,810 1,288 54,401 46,031 8,369 0 2,325 93,734 1,340 8,629 47,821 32,345 2,599 500 500 45,197 1,813 43,384




4,122 0 4,122 0 7,339

36,393 0 33,283 3,111

98,821 63,975 32,448 2,398

57,577 57,577

6,397 6,397

37,094 0 37,094

0 0 36 906 447 13 129 317 0 0 11,648 11,648 0 0 11,648 0 0 0 0

0 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421,592 384,641 212,191 59,584 72,293 40,573 0 36,950 36,950 36,950 36,950 36,950

1,152 633 2,162 7,251 6,759 0 269 223

0 0 1,945 6,526 6,083 0 242 201

0 0 216 725 676 0 27 22

654,444 452,200 301,445 35,926 29,355 62,552 22,922 202,244 63,856 42,999 42,999 36,932 4,500 50

18,000 0

22,922 22,922

0 0 18,000 0 0 0

22,922 0 0 0 0

0 16,666 104,996







33,391 2,572




2,568 4 150,037



100 1,417 4,192 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0


Otras Ftes

892,251 794,878 144,727 0 0 0 0 21,173 0 21,173 26,098 0 24,810 1,288 8,369 0 8,369 0 0 85,105 1,340

0 1,492,347

PPTO 2008 MOD. SEPT/2008

0 477,633


47,821 32,345 2,599 500 500 3,982 1,813 2,169

1,492,347 1,315,273 544,083 84,304 75,044 9,260 62,522 127,037 105,864 21,173 74,564 48,467 24,810 1,288 54,401 46,031 8,369 0 2,325 93,734 1,340 8,629 47,821 32,345 2,599 500 500 45,197 1,813 43,384



37,094 0 37,094 0 66,048

34,846 0 32,448 2,398

98,821 63,975 32,448 2,398

57,577 57,577 0 0

0 91,268

IDE Susp.

477,633 424,449 340,401 75,873 67,540 8,334 45,016 95,278 95,278 0 43,620 43,620 0 0 41,428 41,428 0 0 2,092 0 0 0 0 0 0

91,268 89,217 58,956 8,430 7,504 926 17,506 10,586 10,586 0 4,847 4,847

4,122 0 4,122 0 7,339 6,397 6,397

4,603 4,603 0 0 232 8,629 8,629 0 0

0 923,446

Otras Ftes

923,446 801,607 144,727 0 0 0 0 21,173 0 21,173 26,098 0 24,810 1,288 8,369 0 8,369 0 0 85,105 1,340 47,821 32,345 2,599 500 500 3,982 1,813 2,169 36,630 34,846 0 32,448 2,398

1,152 633 0 0 0 0 0 613,521 429,277 301,445 35,926 29,355 62,552 0 184,244 63,856 42,999 42,999 36,932 4,500 50 100 1,417 4,192 0 0 16,666 86,996 0 86,996 0 33,391 2,572 0 2,568 4 94,801

1,152 633 2,162 7,251 6,759 269 223

661,172 452,200 301,445 35,926 29,355 62,552 22,922 208,973 63,856 42,999 42,999 36,932 4,500 50

0 0 1,945 6,526 6,083 0 242 201

18,000 0

0 0 216 725 676 0 27 22

22,922 22,922

0 0 18,000 0 0 0

22,922 0 0 0 0

100 1,417 4,192 0 16,666 111,725 6,729 104,996




33,391 2,572



2,568 4 174,503



1,152 633 0

0 0 0 620,250 429,277 301,445 35,926 29,355 62,552 0 190,973 63,856 42,999 42,999 36,932 4,500 50 100 1,417 4,192 0 0 16,666 93,725 6,729 86,996 0 33,391 2,572 0 2,568 4 119,267

0 730,861


0 239,246


0 54,812 33,574 FONPET IDE Susp.

0 436,803 33,574

Otras Ftes


730,861 705,660 313,245 57,143 57,081 62 38,461 75,302 62,752 12,550 25,012 16,126 8,351 535 32,197 27,233 4,964 0 1,496 51,492 766 5,212 26,553 15,724 2,807 2 428 32,143 233 31,910 0 54,151

239,246 232,940 203,249 51,429 51,373 56 27,692 56,476 56,476 0 14,513 14,513 0 0 24,509 24,509 0 0 1,346 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,283 0 27,283 0 29,691

54,812 54,480 35,487 5,714 5,708 6 10,769 6,275 6,275 0 1,613 1,613 0 0 2,723 2,723 0 0 150 5,212 0 5,212 0 0 0 0 0 3,031 0 3,031 0 3,299

436,803 418,240 74,509 0 0 0 0 12,550 0 12,550 8,886 0 8,351 535 4,964 0 4,964 0 0 46,280 766 0 26,553 15,724 2,807 2 428 1,829 233 1,595 0 21,161

991,401 852,953 342,456 60,398 51,827 8,571 40,565 80,322 67,001 13,321 39,397 25,126 13,329 942 35,273 29,846 5,427 0 1,517 53,000 808 5,788 28,021 16,448 1,895 2 38 31,984 791 31,193 0 57,205

48,736 30,000 18,599 137

27,000 27,000 0 0

3,000 3,000 0 0

18,736 0 18,599 137

50,075 32,173 17,139 763

1,902 433 0 3,080 2,890 0 99 91 0 0 338,264 281,244 182,109 18,988 11,580 52,872 15,694 57,019 33,006 31,152 31,152 27,589 2,049 0

0 0 0 2,690 2,601 0 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 299 289 0 10 0 0 0 15,694 15,694 0 0 0 0 15,694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,902 433 0 91 0 0 0 91 0 0 322,569 265,550 182,109 18,988 11,580 52,872 0 57,019 33,006 31,152 31,152 27,589 2,049 0

1,076 424 1,113 4,517 4,029 69 126 294 0 0 453,291 263,947 164,564 17,567 19,003 48,804 14,009 189,344 45,328 29,009 29,009 25,487 1,999 0

44 1,470 663 0 0 1,191 24,013 5,047 18,966 0 0 36 0 0 36 25,165

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,306

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 332

44 1,470 663 0 0 1,191 24,013 5,047 18,966 0 0 36 0 0 36 18,527

77 1,445 2,461 643 0 13,215 143,916 49,223 94,693 0 100 3,101 0 3,065 36 135,347


IDE Susp.

Otras Ftes



% EJEC. 2008

330,312 270,225 221,377 54,358 46,645 7,714 29,207 60,301 60,301 0 22,614 22,614 0 0 26,862 26,862 0 0 1,366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,670 0 26,670 0 34,030

56,576 56,280 38,499 6,040 5,183 857 11,358 6,700 6,700 0 2,513 2,513 0 0 2,985 2,985 0 0 152 5,788 0 5,788 0 0 0 0 0 2,963 0 2,963 0 3,773

604,513 526,447 82,580 0 0 0 0 13,321 0 13,321 14,271 0 13,329 942 5,427 0 5,427 0 0 47,211 808 0 28,021 16,448 1,895 2 38 2,351 791 1,560 0 19,403

-26% -17% -9% -5% 10% -99% -5% -6% -6% -6% -37% -36% -37% -43% -9% -9% -9% 0% -1% -3% -5% -10% -5% -4% 48% 45% 1024% 0% -71% 2% -5%

49% 54% 58% 68% 76% 1% 62% 59% 59% 59% 34% 33% 34% 42% 59% 59% 59% 0% 64% 55% 57% 60% 56% 49% 108% 0% 86% 71% 13% 74% 0% 49%

28,956 28,956 0 0

3,217 3,217 0 0

17,902 0 17,139 763

-3% -7% 9% -82%

49% 47% 57% 6%

0 0 1,011 4,063 3,626 62 114 262 0 0 14,818 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,818 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 101 454 403 7 13 32 0 0 14,009 14,009 0 0 0 0 14,009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,076 424 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 424,464 249,938 164,564 17,567 19,003 48,804 0 174,526 45,328 29,009 29,009 25,487 1,999 0

77% 2% -100% -32% -28% -100% -22% -69%

0 0 0 0 0 0 14,818 0 14,818 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,087

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 295

77 1,445 2,461 643 0 13,215 129,098 49,223 79,876 0 100 3,101 0 3,065 36 74,965

-43% 2% -73% -100%

-25% 7% 11% 8% -39% 8% 12% -70% -27% 7% 7% 8% 2%

-91% -83% -90% -80% -100% -99% -100% -1% -81%

165% 68% 0% 42% 43% 0% 37% 41% 0% 0% 51% 62% 60% 53% 39% 85% 68% 27% 52% 72% 72% 75% 46% 0% 44% 104% 16% 0% 0% 7% 21% 75% 18% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 947% 14%

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