Eism Senior Student Council Constitution - Draft 1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,223
  • Pages: 10

Emirates International School –Meadows Senior Student Council Constitution: Enacted / Implemented on _________ EISM Senior Student Council Constitution ARTICLE 1


The name of this organization shall be the Emirates International School Meadows Senior Student Council. (Herein referred to as the Student Council)



The mission of the student council will be to listen to all students and ensure their propositions are considered, respected and taken action upon. Working alongside the students, the staff and the board of directors, The Student Council will aim to enhance upon the student life at EISM through events and activities in acting upon EISM’s core value of internationalism


Belief Statement

1. The Student Council aims to enhance the quality of the school environment in terms of student welfare, academics and activities 2. The Student Council seeks to develop , encourage and promote various guidelines and activities to enhance the quality of student life and the level of achievement in our school 3. The Student Council works to build school spirit and pride, strengthen school faith and contribute to charitable and environmental causes

4. The Student Council creates a bridge between students and teachers for open communication to establish the forum for solving problems and ensure continuous improvement in their relationships that will benefit both the students and staff members 5. The members of the Student Council help to raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events and community projects as well as work in collaboration with various organizations to create a fun and entertaining environment for the students 6. By taking into consideration the ethnical and cultural views, the Student Council supports internationalization in order to obtain a vast understanding between all students of different nationalities, cultures and backgrounds 7. The members of student council, strive to build a supportive and inclusive school community and environment where everyone feels welcome and recognized as an individual 8. The Student Council constantly strives to create both a fun and memorable school year and ultimately we are dedicated students and our broader community



Elections will take place in September every year. Each class will elect its representative in a secret ballot. Students will nominate themselves if they are interested in becoming members of the council. The students will vote for one of the nominated students and the students with most of the votes will be the Class Representative and the student with the second –most number of votes will be the Vice Class Representative. Only Representatives can run for the job of officers. Representatives running for the job of Officers are supposed to give an application, nominating themselves and outlining their qualities for the job If an officer position becomes vacant, an election to fill the position may be held at the next Student Council meeting All Candidates for Officer Position shall be allowed to make a speech on their behalf

ARTICLE V Duties of Officers and Representatives The Student Council will appoint officers which will consist of Head Boy and Head Girl, Vice Head Boy and Vice Head Girl (Who will continue to the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl), Treasurer, Secretary, Events Co-ordinator and Public Relations Co-ordinator 1. Duties of the Head Boy and Head Girl • Attend all meetings unless “excused” • Initiate, take control and run all the meetings of the Student Council in a fair manner • Work closely with the staff of the school and the board of directors to approve any proposals that are presented in the meetings • Represent the student body when needed or appoint other members to do so • In Co-ordination with the various other members prepare the agenda • Review minutes of the Student Council • Work alongside other members of the student council in taking action of the members’ ideas, interests and concerns • Ensure that the student council is run efficiently and effectively • Signs any letters, notices etc that are issued by the student council 1. Duties of the Vice Head Boy and Vice Head Girl • Attend all meetings of the Student Council unless “excused” • Preside in the absence of the Head Boy and Head Girl • Shall be ready to assume the duties of the Head Boy and Head Girl at any times • Assist the Head Boy and Head Girl in the organisation of the student council • Accompanying the Head Boy and Head Girl when necessary • Act as an advisory member of all committees and organisations • Serve as Student Council parliamentarians assuring proper interpretation and implementation of the Constitution

Shall be responsible for, along with the secretary, maintaining a voting log and reporting voting results on request Shall work with the other Officers and Representatives as a team

1. Duties of the Secretary: • Attend all meetings of the Student Council unless “excused” • Prepares the agenda for each meeting in consultation with the Head Boy and Head Girl and with the other officers of the council; • Shall be responsible for recording official meeting documentation (reports etc) • Shall maintain an attendance log for all Representatives/Officers and alert the Head Boy/ Head Girl and the liaison teacher when a representative/officer has violated ARTICLE VII • Circulates the agenda to all members in advance of the meeting or at the start of the meeting; • Takes minutes at all Student Council and Organization meetings; • Sends out letters and notice of meetings that will be held, stating time and place; • Ensures that everyone is aware that meetings are being held. 1. Duties of the Treasurer • Attends all meetings of the Student Council unless “excused” • Manages any funds raised by the Student Council • Keeps money in a safe place • Responsible for keeping an accurate account of all Student Council funds and transactions • Shall be required to give a monthly and yearly financial report to the Student Council and hand them over to the Secretary • Shall work alongside the Event Co-ordinators in the planning and executing of all financial aspects of an official Student Council event

• Submits and proposes a yearly budget to the Student Council on subject of membership approval 1.

• • • • • •

Duties of the Event Co-Ordinator Attends all meetings of the Student Council unless “excused” Submit a yearly events plan and calendar to the Student Council on subject of membership approval Propose, organize and oversee the execution of all Official Student Council events Responsible for the forming of various event committees Shall be required to give a monthly and yearly report to the Student Council which will include the various committees reports and hand them over to the Secretary Shall work alongside the Treasurer on the financial aspects of the events and how to use the funds of the Student Council, in accordance with the wishes of the Student Council.

1. Duties of the Public Relations Co-ordinator • Attends all meetings of the Student Council unless “excused” • Keeps students informed of the activities of the student council • Promotes good communication between the Student Council and students, teachers , school management and parents • Responsible for the Student Council Newsletter and forms a committee for the running of the newsletter • Handles all Student Council letters, emails and notices to fellow Student Council members and other affiliated organisation along with the Secretary • Updates all Student Council notice boards on the premises/online and the website 1. Duties of the Class Representative • Attends all meetings of the Student Council unless “excused” • Represent the view of their form class at the Student Council • Regularly check the notice boards at premises and online for any announcements

• Puts issues that are raised by their form class at Student Council Meetings • Ask for consultations from their form class on the Agenda and minutes • Informs their form class on the outcomes of the Student Council meetings • Promotes the Student Council • Function as assistants in activities and events that the Student Council initiates



The Student Council shall meet once per school week at previously specified times and locations. At the beginning of all Student Council meetings, the Head Boy/ Head Girl must establish that a quorum is present for the business to be conducted. At least 50% of the Council should be present for business to be conducted. Agendas of all Student Council meetings shall be prepared prior to the meeting and available at least one school day before the meeting is scheduled Meeting documentation (minutes, handouts, reports) will be available for review upon request by staff or students. All council members get an equal say and are expected to contribute at each meeting.

ARTICLE VII Conduct Policy

Attendance and Code of

Due to the nature of this organisation, and the need for accurate and fair representation of the Student Body, the following attendance policy is structured to ensure that equally devoted Student Representatives represent each class and Officers represent Student Council. Attendance at weekly meetings is mandatory for all representatives a. All members are required allowed two (2) ‘unexcused’ absences from weekly meetings per semester b. The following circumstances are out of a student’s control and are considered “excused” • Absence from school / Or left from school early on day of meeting

• Doctors appointment/Hospital Visit • Away athletic game or “school sponsored” extracurricular activity • Field trip (departed or / may have not returned by meeting time) • Meeting with a teacher or some academic related matter • Exam a. If a member is not in attendance at a regular meeting for any other reason, it shall be considered an “unexcused” absence b. If a member is absent for a third “unexcused” time, the Secretary shall inform the Head Boy / Head Girl and liaison teacher and removal action will be taken All Members are expected to set a good example to the rest of the student body and are expected to stand as a group and support decisions made by the Student Council. They are expected to have good relations with the school management and follow the councils and the schools code of conduct. Upon election, council member’s sign a contract in which they agree to attend weekly meetings, represent their year group, support their fellow-council members and abide by the school rules.


Committees and Sub

The Student Council cannot conduct the proper planning, organization and action needed to fulfil its Purpose during the regular weekly meetings. Therefore, several Committees and Sub Committees shall exist to break down areas of focus and accomplish tasks in a more expedient manner. Committees and Sub Committees are created for a specific purpose or to deal with an event or a unique issue. Student Council Committees shall be permitted to set their own rules and adopt Committee policies to do not inhibit the actions of the Student Council, other Committees and the school. The planned activities of the Committees must be submitted to the council for approval

Committees must report regularly to the Council on their progress.


Use of Funds

The Student Council must approve a yearly budget. All funds must be approved by one of the following: a. Items or requests specifically approved in the Annual Budget b. Funding requests forms to the Treasurer c. If Funding is requested for an event during a month in which the Student Council does not meet, voting on the request by the Student Council shall be carried out via a small meeting with the officers and the liaison pending majority approval of the officers.


Removal of Student Council

• If a Member leaves the school • If and When a Member is suspended • If and When a member of the Student Council fails to execute the duties they have been charged with, these Articles Of Removal shall be enacted • A Committee on Membership Review shall be called, to be chaired by the Head Boy / Head Girl in accordance with the liaison teacher and a decision regarding the membership review shall be taken • If and When a Member has violated ARTICLE VII, the Secretary shall inform the Head Boy / Head Girl and liaison teacher. Action will then be decided by the Committee on Membership Review and then decision will be taken • The member must be given at least one weeks’ notice of this proposal and must be allowed to address the committee in their defense • After the Member has been removed , an election process will take place of his position

• As soon as the Committee on Membership Review is called, the Member in respect will be suspended of his/her duties, privileges to the office they hold.



Proposals for amendments to the constitution must be presented in writing to Head Boy / Head Girl. Proposals will then be discussed in the next Student Council Meeting. A vote will then be called and at least two- thirds of the council must be present for the vote. Amendments will need more than 60% of the vote of the Student Council to be adopted.


Student Council Structure

Various Committee s


Class Representatives Vice Class Representatives Various Committees

Committ ees

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