Effectiveness Of Power Point Presentation In

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Effectiveness of PowerPoint Presentation in Motivating the Learners By: Raphy M. Godon La Mennais Aspirant

Subject; English 102 Year:

Effectiveness of PowerPoint presentation in Motivating the Learners PowerPoint presentation is the best instructional material in motivating the students. I.

Reasons why teacher need to motivate their students A.Make students active participants in learning B.Satisfy student’s needs

II. Types of motivation A.Intrinsic B.Extrinsic III. Factors affecting the motivation A.Teachers B.Environment C.Parents

IV. Ways of motivating the students A.Cooperative learning B.Discussion and Lecture C.Visual and computer-based 1. TV, movie, film 2. Powerpoint presentation a.Uses of Powerpoint in the classroom (1.)Virtual learning lecture (2.) Powerful tool for disseminating information to the students b.Advantages of PowerPoint presentation to the students (1.) Easy to integrate with classroom discussion (2.) Good for large and small groups of students (3.) Best in developing student’s motivation to learn

Effectiveness of PowerPoint presentation in Motivating the Learners

Through the years, knowledge widens and deepens as students continue to build a links between new information and experiences and their existing knowledge. They attain knowledge as they continue to mingle and interact with their environment.

However, learning is attainable when the learners and teachers are working together. In addition, learning becomes meaningful when teacher uses a motivating tool computer in gaining the attention of the learners. In today’s technology age, computer transforms the world of teaching –learning into a dynamic world of creativity and reality as it enters the field of Education. Computers allow the students to learn at their own pace, motivate learning through a challenging virtual learning environment, and assist students through information during the learning process. A Computer can do billions of actions per second. Each program can contribute knowledge and information for it is accessible and easy to use. Each program has its capability to employ, and is useful. One of it is MS PowerPoint which is used by the teachers as a motivation and instructional tool in learning. Through the help PowerPoint presentation as an instructional material, the student’s learning is easier, fruitful and effective.

Reasons Why Teachers Need to Motivate Students Why do teachers want students to be motivated? It is because of the supposition of a learning process. Students have to have some abilities to be motivated. Here are some factors of motivation in which the teacher need to motivate the students (Lucas, 1990). First, making students active participants in learning. Active learning is simply that- having students engage in some activity that forces them and comment on the information presented. It is one of the keys to motivation is that active involvement of students in their own learning. Students learn by doing, making, writing, designing, creating and solving, that passivity dampens student’s motivation and curiosity (Lucas, 1990). Second, satisfying the needs of students. Attending to the needs of satisfaction is primary method of keeping students interested and happy. Students basic needs have been identified as survival, love, fun, and freedom. Some of the student’s needs that may bring to the classroom

are the need to learn something in order to complete particular task or activity, the need to seek new experiences, the need to perfect skills, the need to overcome challenges and the need to interact with other people. Satisfying such needs in rewarding in itself and such rewards sustain leaning more effectively (McMillan, 1991).

Factors Affecting Motivation There are factors influencing motivation outside and inside the school environment. Here are some major influences on an individual’s motivation to learn: classroom environment, teacher, and family. Each of these has their own role in affecting student’s motivation to learn (Garret, 1995, p.48). In school, teachers can have a significant impact on student’s motivation to learn. Hootstein (1998) has developed a model which outlines for key conditions that will increase student’s motivation to learn. Call the RICE model; it includes relevant subject matter,

Interesting instruction, satisfied learner, and expectations of Success. Relevant subject matter relates content to the student’s needs, concerns, interest, and experiences. Interesting instruction is stimulation and piques students’ curiosity. Satisfied learners have been made to fell good about their accomplishment, trough reinforcement provided by the teacher for success. Expectation help students believe they will succeed and accomplished by the teacher helping students expect success (Woldkowski and Jaynes, 1990). A teacher’s influence on motivation to learn also depends on attitudes and traits that individual students carry into the classroom. There point at which the teacher alone cannot overcome the negative effects of hostile behavior and self defeating (Woldkowski and Jaynes, 1990). Another area in which has significant influence on student’s motivation is the family. The parents are a child’s first and most influential teachers at home. Parent shape the way in which child approaches the world,

and their perceived value of learning (http://csmstu01.csm.edu/st03/dwagner,April 30, 2009). In the same way Pape (1999) states that "parents who are involved in their child’s academic life have a profound effect on the child’s ability to learn and help instill in them an appreciation for learning that can last a lifetime" (p. 48). Types of Motivation In every classroom there are groups of students-the highly motivated and poorly motivated students. Motivation is an inner drive that causes the students to do something and persevere at something. Motivation (Corpuz, and Salandanan.2007) describes as an inner urge that moves a person. It energizes, directs and sustains behavior that ultimately leads to higher achievement to classroom. Students’ motivation is shown in his/her choice of action, intensity and persistence of effort. A highly motivated learner accomplishes and performs well in contrast to unmotivated or poorly motivated one who seems

not to have any desire to accomplish things or perform well. (Corpuz, & Lucas, 2007) Motivation (Corpuz, Lucas, 2007) classifies either intrinsic or extrinsic. It is intrinsic when the motivation comes from within the person himself /herself or the activity itself. For example, students may engage in a learning activity or because they are convinced what they learn is important or is the thing to do. S/he takes initiative to undertake learning tasks, assignments and projects without being pushed by his/her teachers and parents. (Corpuz, & Lucas, 2007) Intrinsic motivation is also called internal motivation. It is greatly influence by the innate values and attitudes possessed by the students. The inner sense of trustworthiness and responsibility is easily exhibited and observed by the teachers. A student with a curious and inquiring nature is instantly motivated when facing an instructional material. (Corpuz, & Lucas, 2007)

Motivation is an Extrinsic when that which motivates a person is someone or something outside him/her. (Corpuz, & Lucas, 2007). Extrinsic motivation is also called external motivation. It originates from students’ learning environment or from factors external to the students and unrelated to the task at hand. It takes the form of rewards, incentives or recognitions. Examples are a trophy for a first placer in a contest, a trip to Disneyland for a year-end grade, a certificate for being well-behaved and a medal for winning in a debate. The extrinsically motivated students have to be enticed by an external reward or prodded by a teacher to learn. (Corpuz,& Salandanan.2007) Ways of Motivating the Students Teachers know that students learn in different ways: Some students are motivated and others are not. In this case, he must know how to deal in each one of the students. The teacher must find way or use strategies

which can promote learning into a meaningful one by motivating them. (Corpuz & Salandanan, 2007) Collaborative learning is an approach which makes use of classroom organization where students work in a groups or teams to help each other learn. (Corpuz & Salandanan, 2007) It enhances personal and social development among the students of all ages, while enhancing self-esteem and improving social relation between racially and culturally different students. (Lucido, 2007) Discussion and Lecture are the traditional way of facilitating learning to the students. It provides a way to communicate a large amount of information to many listeners maximizes teachers control and is nonthreatening to the students. It is effective only in achieving instructional goals. However, it minimizes feedback from the students, assumes an realistic level of student understanding and comprehension, and often disengages students from the learning process causing information to be quickly forgotten.(Cashin, 1990)

“A picture is worth ten thousand words” It means that visual materials are powerful aids in retention as well as understanding. (Corpus and Salandanan, 2007) In addition, Effective teacher best interact with students in innovative learning activities, while integrating technology to the teaching-learning process. (Lucido, 2007) Integrating Technology such as computers, can present a tutorial process by which the learner is presented key concepts and the rules of learning in a direct manner for receptive learning. (Lucido, 2007) Students like to see or watch a series of images that are projected onto a screen to create the illusion of motion. These are movies, films, or the cinema—which are one of the most popular forms of entertainment, enabling students to immerse themselves in an imaginary world for a short period of time. But movies can also teach people about history, science, human behavior, and many other subjects. Some films combine entertainment with instruction, to make the learning process more enjoyable.

(Lucido, 2007)

In fact, many students believe that

the slide shows are one of the biggest positives of the course. Microsoft PowerPoint is easy to use and learn, providing Wizards to guide you through the creation process. (Lucido, 2007) Virtual learning lecture describe those environment that use digal and electronic technology in order to facilitate learning and teaching. This may include power point presentation, the piece of software probably most loved and reviled equal measure most of the computerusers. The unique feature of PowerPoint is the ability to closely integrate text and images that may use in lecture and discussion. Using of this PowerPoint in the classroom can make the lectures more fun, which in making them more memorable. ( Lucido, 2007) Powerpoint in one of the most powerful tools in disseminating information to the students. Learn everything from the basics to the more advanced features that make Powerpoint a great tool for students learning. (Lepper & Hodell, 1989)

Loved it or not, Powerpoint is widely accepted and used especially in school. Powerpoint has some very attractive features in learning. It looks professional and allows the user to easily incorporate multimedia into a presentation. It is also very easy to use and permits even a novice user to create colorful and easy-to-read slides by the students. It allows students to become active participants in the learning process inside the classroom discussion. (Lepper & Hodell, 1989) Using Powerpoint in the classroom can be an affective way to help students to learn the lessons. Whether a large or small number of students learn best visually, it can be a good way to reach the visual learners in the classroom. Using Powerpoint in the classroom also make the lectures more fun, which result in making the leanings more memorable. (Lepper & Hodell, 1989) Powerpoint presentation was great for student’s motivation. While most educators recognize the benefits of using Powerpoint to present information to students,

usually as visual accompaniment to le4ctures and note taking. Powerpoint also used to create interactive and dynamics activities for students and provide opportunities to model behavioral and cognitive learning. Computer-generated slide presentations can enhance the effectiveness of classroom lectures. Teachers can emphasize main points and key announcements, and can enhance the presentation with graphics. The presentations become more organized and flexible, and are easily updated or rearranged. From a student's perspective, class material is far more legible and interesting than hastily-scribbled notes on an overhead or chalkboard. Slide presentations are a highly effective method of enhancing classroom presentations and aiding student productivity in laboratory settings. Student response has been overwhelmingly positive; they believe electronic presentations help clarify, visualize, emphasize, organize, and summarize information. (Lepper & Hodell,1989)

To sum up, learning is effective and efficient, when the learner is motivated, and all the factors around him is working together to promote a conducive learning environment. Moreover, it is the teacher who plays a major role in every learning environment. Teacher must focus on helping students to develop their higher order (metacognition) strategies which can enhance student learning and personal responsibility for learning. Using an instructional tool that acquires different senses, such as Powerpoint presentation. Powerpoint presentation is highly effective method of enhancing classroom presentations and aiding student productivity, and most of all motivating the students to learn meaningfully. REFERENCESBOOKS Corpuz, B. & Lucas, M. R. (2007). Facilitating Learning. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Manila, Phils. (ppg.15-210) Corpuz, B. & Salandanan, G.(2007). Principles of Teaching. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Manila, Phils. (Ppg.1-128, 157-160) Corpuz, B. & Salandanan, G.(2003). Principles of Teaching and Strategies of Teaching. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Manila, Phils.

Hootstein, E. (1998). Motivating the Unmotivated Child. Teaching PreK-8, 29 (3), 58-59. Lucido, P.(2007). Educational Technology 2, Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City Manila, Philippines. (ppg. 24-87) Ornstein, A. et al. (1994). Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Better Instruction. Toronto:D.C.: Health and Company. Simpkins, M. et al. (2002). Increasing Students Learning Through Multi-Media Projects. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. INTERNET Dena Wagner (2002). Student Motivation and Parental Involvement, Retrieved April 30 2009, http://csmstu01. edudwagner html. Lepper & Hodell, (1989).PowerPoint In the Classroom Retrieved April 30 2009, http://www.teach.com/powerpoint,

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