Eems Newsletter Mar09

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EIE M S n focus

In Asia In the world


A publication of Evangelism Equipping Mission (Singapore) February / March 2009

FIIG GH HT TIIN NG G EV VA AN NG GE EL LIISSM M FA AT TIIG GU UE E Rev. John B. Sorensen, President of EE International, in his blog entry on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, highlighted an article in Lee Strobel’s newsletter of January 2009 sharing the same title, “Fighting Evangelism Fatigue”. ( ismfatigue.htm) Strobel writes: Your brother is an atheist. Your neighbor is into New Age and Tarot cards. Your boss thinks Christianity is based on ancient mythology. The waiter at your favorite lunch spot is a Muslim. Your chiropractor is simply indifferent about God. And some days – if you’re really honest – you just don’t care very much. At least, not enough to initiate a spiritual conversation with them. Let me be the first to confess: there are times when I suffer from evangelism fatigue. I know I should care, I know I should reach out to them, I know I should talk to them about Jesus – but my motivation meter is hovering at low voltage. Maintaining a high-energy evangelistic lifestyle isn't easy, is it? Sometimes our passion for personal outreach begins to flicker. Call it unspiritual. Call it sin. But let's be honest enough to call it what it undeniably is: very, very real. So what can we do about it? Here are some steps I take when these

doldrums hit. This is what Lee Strobel suggests: • Admit it to God and ask for His help. As soon as you sense that your concern for spiritual seekers is waning, ask God to give a renewed desire to reach others with the Gospel. When we sincerely ask, we can have confidence He will respond. And when we begin to pray for specific seekers we know, it's difficult for us to remain indifferent about their eternity. • Make a call and get a date on the calendar. All of us know someone who’s far from God. They maybe only a phone call or email away. By taking a risk and inviting them to lunch or golf, we’re setting up a rendezvous during which a spiritual conversation might flourish. Put a date on the calendar as focus for prayers and impetus for preparation. • Keep resources handy. Carry seeker-sensitive Christian materials handy to put into their hands and give them a resource that they can read later. (And if possible, followup.) • Buy lunch for an evangelism enthusiast. Every church has a few people who are especially effective in sharing Jesus with others. Why not offer to get together for a meal so you can catch their contagious Christianity? Certainly a good set of useful tools to help in our struggles with evangelism fatigue. You can access Rev Sorenson’s blog at:

GO OSSPPE EL L TO OO OL L FFO OR RT TH HE E HE EA AR RIIN NG G IM MPPA AIIR RE ED D to them. The deaf are a people group with their own unique language and culture. EE has developed materials specifically for the deaf – Deaf EE. The deaf are now being trained to share the saving story of Jesus with other deaf people, using EE training tools in grammar and concept that the deaf easily understand. After one deaf pastor saw the Deaf EE teaching and training materials, tears welled up in his eyes as he exclaimed with joy, “PAH,” “Finally!” For too long, the deaf have struggled with the complexities of English, a language mostly foreign

The deaf now embrace the EE materials developed exclusively for them. Deaf EE integrates classroom training, actual onthe-job witnessing with skilled trainers, and follow-up reports that develops way-of-life witnesses. As Rev. Bob Nowicki, Director for Deaf EE puts it, it helps the deaf build relationships with others, to effectively communicate the Gospel, build discipleship by equipping for evangelism, and promotes healthy vital relationships with Christ resulting in meaningful church growth. Deaf EE has not arrived in Singapore yet, but if you have an interest, please contact our Administrator.

To Glorify God by Equipping Believers to Multiply In and Through Local Churches

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The 2nd Youth EE Quick Start Leadership Clinic was held on 21 March 2009 at Bedok Methodist Church. A cosy group of five clinicians from four churches attended the one-day training conducted by Ps Lalano D. Badoy, Jr, Asia’s resident expert on Kids and Youth EE (and also for Prisons and Deaf EE). The clinicians and Ps Badoy had an excellent time especially with opportunity to fellowship over a meal at the nearby famous Bedok Hawker Center. EE Singapore extends its deep appreciation to Bedok Methodist Church for the use of its premises and excellent facilities. Thank you for hosting us and for your generosity.

UPCOMING CLINICS Youth EE Quick Start & Zoom will be held on 29 May and 1-2 June 2009. Quick Start is the new and effective method of getting youths encouraged, motivated and excited about sharing their faith. Zoom is the deeper elaboration of the Gospel presentation and multiplication. Adult (English) EE from 14 to 17 July 2009. Adult EE is the proven multiplication tool for pastors and leaders to equip their laos. Tens of millions of people


Lion Soegiharto

Kids’ EE and OneHope. A new partnership is being developed between Kids’ EE and OneHope (formerly Book of Hope). The partnership hopes to potentially train one million witnesses and reach 20 million kids for Christ. This is an exciting and innovative development. Pray for the success of this project and the uniting of purposes under God’s plans. Global Development Project. The Global Development Project intends to train and place more than 400 Field Workers in nations to work side-by-side with pastors to assist them in implementing EE in the local church. From experience, when Field Workers assist pastors, the implementation rate at churches more than doubles. Thank you for praying for this unique project of which Singapore’s new Field Worker will also be a participant.

over the years have come to know Jesus and committed their lives to Him through OJTs from leadership clinics and local training courses. It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that God is behind this and so should you! XEE on 9, 10 and 11 July 2009. XEE is EE’s latest and hippest evangelism multiplication tool ever. Check it out at For more information about these clinics, please visit our website: & contact Jenny Oong, Administrator, 65853911 or Lion.

6TTHH KIIDDSS EE The 6th Kids EE Leadership Clinic was held at Light of Christ Church Woodlands on two weekends: 20-21 and 27-28 March 2009. 9 clinicians from 2 churches participated and in the course of the OJTs, shared the Gospel with 14 children and 1 adult. Of these, 15 professions were made and 4 received assurance. We record our thanks to LOCCW for hosting the clinic and God’s continued providence as they equip their kids to share the Gospel.


EE Singapore welcomes Lion Soegiharto who joins our office as Singapore’s Implementation Field Worker. Lion is married to Lily and they have 3 children: Winson, Wilson and Winnie. The Soegiharto family hail from Surabaya, Indonesia a few years ago. Lion has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Master of Management, and Master of Divinity which was conferred by Singapore Bible College (SBC). Lion loves to read and teach. He was for many years a teacher of students at tertiary level.

FOND FAREWELL… And with the coming of the new, the old passes away… EE Singapore bids adeiu to Lincoln Wee who has served as Field Implementation Worker since 2006 (on staff since April 2008). Lincoln leaves to concentrate on his studies at East Asia School of Theology (EAST) and possibly take up a part-time role assisting the EE Asia Team which is based in Penang. EE Singapore wishes Lincoln every success in his studies and service to God.

c/o Newton Life Church, 16 Newton Road, #02-208, Singapore 307995 / Tel: 65853911 / / [email protected]

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