Edul 7063 Philosophy

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William Allan Kritsonis, PhD Professor PhD Program in Educational Leadership Prairie View A&M University Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling College of Education Prairie View, Texas 77446

281-550-5700 Home Phone [email protected] (Research Website)


(Office Hours: Please schedule appointments ONLY with Professor Kritsonis)

EDUL 7063 Philosophy of Leadership in Education (3-0) Credit 3 Doctoral Level Course I.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Examines the philosophy of leadership in education and the art of effectively managing and influencing the behavior of others as an extension of who we are. This approach is driven by our beliefs about human nature resulting from our experiences and value systems. KNOWLEDGE BASE – REQUIRED TEXTS TITLE: Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of Meaning AUTHOR: William Allan Kritsonis, PhD PUBLISHER: Visiting Lecturers 2005, Oxford Round Table, Oriel College in the University of Oxford, England ISBN: 0-9770013-3-4 TITLE: Atlas Shrugged/Virtue of Selfishness/Objectivism AUTHOR: Ayn Rand PUBLISHER: Numerous Publishers – Bookstore Outlets – ISBN: Obtain from above It is suggested that doctoral students purchase a current APA Style guide if they do not have one. NOTE: Links to journals, research reports, and other sources will be posted on the class WebCT site, and additional materials may be presented in class. All posted and distributed materials form part of the knowledge base for the course.

E-FOLD-P (CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK) Educator as Facilitator of Learning for Diverse Populations 5.0 To prepare beginning administrators as problem solvers, critical thinkers and decision makers. 6.0 To prepare beginning administrators as facilitators of teacher and student growth and development through understanding of leadership dimensions. 7.0 To provide beginning administrators with an awareness of human diversity, a knowledge of the importance and skills needed for effective community and parental involvement. 8.0 To prepare beginning administrators to be reflect and continual learners with knowedge and value of self-appraisal techniques and goal setting for a personal commitment. II.

LEARNING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Comprehend the importance of understanding philosophy is generally divided into the main groups of Ethics, Aesthetics, Logic, Epistemology Metaphysics, and Axiology. 2. Comprehend the importance of developing a philosophy of leadership in education. 3. Comprehend techniques for examining critically the intellectual tools used in any given era and its relationship to developing a philosophy of leadership in education. 4. Comprehend alternative methods of philosophical thinking and analysis. 5. Comprehend and develop a philosophical sensitivity to the logic and language used in constructing solutions to problems in education and society. 6. Comprehend a basic understanding of the philosophies of education. 7. Comprehend a basic understanding of theories of philosophies of education 8. Comprehend the philosophical, historical, and socio-cultural components of education, teaching, and learning. 9. Comprehend the use of philosophical knowledge to challenge assertions, identify problems, and draw conclusions. 10. Comprehend a philosophy of leadership that shapes improvement efforts within schools. 11. Comprehend a philosophy of the fundamental mission of schools to increase the achievement of all students. 12. Comprehend a philosophy of leadership in education that inspires a shared vision among followers.


LEARNING OUTCOMES, ACTIVITIES, AND ASSESSMENTS 1. Develop an understanding of the philosophy of idealism – formal, religious, subjective, absolute, modern, postmodern. 2. Develop an understanding of the philosophy of realism – classical, religious, modern, postmodernism. 3 .Develop an understanding of the philosophy of pragmatism – free will, determinism. 4. Develop an understanding of the philosophy of existentialism – pseudo versus authentic, aesthetic-ethical-religious stages. 5. Develop an understanding of the “I-Thou” and “I It” relationship. 6. Develop an understanding of communism. 7. Develop an understanding of reconstructionism. 8. Develop an understanding of scholasticism. 9. Develop an understanding of instrumentalism 10. Develop an understanding of progressivism. 11. Develop an understanding of essentialism. 12. Develop an understanding of perennialism. 13. Develop an understanding of behaviorism. 14. Develop an understanding of constructivism. 15. Develop an understanding of Far eastern thought. 16. Develop an understanding of Indian thought. 17. Develop an understanding of Chinese thought. 18. Develop an understanding of Middle eastern thought. 19. Develop an understanding of the philosophy of objectivism. 20. Develop the principles and practices relative to implementing philosophical thought processes in decision making. 21. Develop the principles and practices in implementing philosophical thought processes 22. Develop knowledge of those philosophical principles and practices that have been proved sound in the light of research and practice. 23. Develop practical and useful sources of information drawn from philosophies of education. 24. Develop the importance of selecting competent school leaders with a solid appreciation and understanding of philosophies of education. 25. Develop and demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply philosophical content and pedagogical knowledge and assess student learning. 26. Develop and demonstrate alternative philosophical strategies for solving issues and problems. 27. Develop and demonstrate philosophical strategies for integrating technology into research, instruction, and assessment.


STRUCTURED EXTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – PHILOSOPHY OF LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION Analyze philosophy of educational leadership in education as it relates to practice and school improvement. The research paper should be based on a practice or plan that can be studied based upon first hand experience. A statement of the “problem” and a tentative outline of the research paper must be submitted to Dr. Kritsonis to review for approval by session three. Guidelines for the Research Paper (Follow APA Guidelines, latest edition) The research paper should be 15-20 pages including an abstract and bibliography. The specific tasks for this assignment include the following: a. Choose a work environment that you are reasonably familiar – either your own or some other organization. You may focus on a particular unit, department, school, or the system as a whole. b. Based upon a review of the literature and your own analysis of the organization’s/unit’s strengths and weaknesses, identify the need for potential change in your outline. Provide a brief outline of the issue to be analyzed and the way you intend to investigate potential improvements (due not later than session three). c. If possible, include interviews with the leader of the unit before the study and an exit interview with your conclusions and recommendations. d. You may revise your position as you deem appropriate. e. Include in your research paper the following elements: The work environment, key provisions of the current organizational practice, the concerns or deficiencies with the current practice, the evidence upon which this judgment was based (literature, interviews, personal experience, etc.), proposed changes, rationale for the changes, interview reactions if applicable, and the final revisions you 88made with the reasons for the revisions.

Evaluation of Research Papers H = This research paper has a clear beginning, middle, and an end delineating the line of argument/analysis developed by the candidate. This is clearly original, superior work product with no spelling or grammatical errors. The arguments are compelling and supported. The paper has a conclusion that is supported by the evidence. P = This research paper has most of the requirements to receive an “H”, but falls short in one or more areas. Spelling and grammatical errors, no matter how minor, usually result in the grade of a “P” even if all other indices have been met. LP = This research paper fails to meet one or more of the above requirements and contains many spelling, grammatical or syntactical errors. The line of argument is not clear or not supportable. The paper is a superficial treatment and not very original. F = This research paper is unacceptable. It fails to develop a coherent line of argument or analysis. What points are made are not supported logically and show no real understanding of the premises. The connections are not clear. There are many spelling, grammatical or syntactical errors in the paper.


METHODOLOGY – APPLICATION OF ADULT LEARNING THEORY The perspective of this course is that doctoral students are adults and they learn best when they can … a. Direct their own learning. b. Influence and participate in meaningful decision making. c. Focus on problems relevant to practice. d. Use their own, rich experiential backgrounds. e. Build strong relationships with peers. f. Exercise some control over both the content and the process of learning. g. Influence activities and topic format of discussions. h. Develop goals, design and implement activities, and evaluate outcomes. i. Feel a sense of ownership. Course requirements, the classroom environment, learning activities, and assessment strategies will reflect the above principles.


ASSESSMENT FOR DETERMINING GRADES 100 Points – First Examination 100 Points – Second Examination 100 Points – Comprehensive Examination 100 Points – Research Paper/Prepared for National Publication 150 Points – Class Participation/Activities - Applying Six Realms of Meaning 550 Total Points 484 – 550 377 – 483 310 – 376 243 – 309 Below 242


=A =B =C =D =F

CLASS ATENDANCE POLICY Prairie View A&M University (Member of the Texas A&M University System) requires regular class attendance. Attending all classes supports full academic development of each learner whether classes are taught with the instructor physically present or via distance learning technologies such as interactive video. Excessive absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, may result in a student’s course grade being reduced or in assignment of a grade of “F”. Absences are accumulated beginning with the first day of class during regular semesters and summer terms. Each faculty member will include the University’s attendance policy in each course syllabus. For every two absences grades shall be lowered by one or more grades.


DISABILITY STATEMENT Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to require accommodations in class should register with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or Office of Disability Services early in the semester so that appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal laws, a student requesting special accommodations must provide documentation of their disability to the SSD coordinator.


ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT You are expected to practice academic honesty in every aspect of this course and all other courses. Make sure you are familiar with your Student Handbook, especially the second on academic misconduct,. Students who engage in academic misconduct are subject to university disciplinary procedures. Forms of academic dishonesty: 1. Cheating: deception in which a student misrepresents that he/she has mastered information on an academic exercise that he/she has not mastered; giving or receiving aid unauthorized by the instructor on assignments or examinations. 2. Academic misconduct: tampering with grades or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of a scheduled test. 3. Fabrication: use of invented information or falsified research. 4. Plagiarism: unacknowledged quotation and/or paraphrase of someone else’s words, ideas, or data as one’s own in work submitted for credit. Failure to identify information or essays from the Internet and submitting them as one’s own work also constitutes plagiarism.


NONACADEMIC MISCONDUCT The university respects the rights of instructors to teach and students to learn. Maintenance of these rights requires conditions that do not impede their exercise. Campus behavior that interferes with either (1) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class, (2) the inability of other students to profit from the instructional program, or (3) campus behavior that interferes with the rights of others will not be tolerated. An individual engaging in such disruptive behavior may be subject to disciplinary action. Such incidents will be adjudicated by the Dean of Students under nonacademic procedures.


SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Sexual harassment of students and employers at Prairie View A&M University (Member of the Texas A&M University System) is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Any member of the university community violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

William Allan Kritsonis, PhD Dr. Kritsonis Lectures at the University of Oxford, Oxford, England In 2005, Dr. Kritsonis was an Invited Visiting Lecturer at the Oxford Round Table at Oriel College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. His lecture was entitled the Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of Meaning. Dr. Kritsonis Recognized as Distinguished Alumnus In 2004, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis was recognized as the Central Washington University Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Education and Professional Studies. Dr. Kritsonis was nominated by alumni, former students, friends, faculty, and staff. Final selection was made by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Recipients are CWU graduates of 20 years or more and are recognized for achievement in their professional field and have made a positive contribution to society. For the second consecutive year, U.S. News and World Report placed Central Washington University among the top elite public institutions in the west. CWU was 12th on the list in the 2006 On-Line Education of “America’s Best Colleges.” Educational Background Dr. William Allan Kritsonis earned his BA in 1969 from Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington. In 1971, he earned his M.Ed. from Seattle Pacific University. In 1976, he earned his PhD from the University of Iowa. In 1981, he was a Visiting Scholar at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, and in 1987 was a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Professional Experience Dr. Kritsonis began his career as a teacher. He has served education as a principal, superintendent of schools, director of student teaching and field experiences, invited guest professor, author, consultant, editor-in-chief, and publisher. Dr. Kritsonis has earned tenure as a professor at the highest academic rank at two major universities. Books – Articles – Lectures - Workshops Dr. Kritsonis lectures and conducts seminars and workshops on a variety of topics. He is author of more than 500 articles in professional journals and several books. His popular book SCHOOL DISCIPLINE: The Art of Survival is scheduled for its fourth edition. He is the author of the textbook William Kritsonis, PhD on Schooling that is used by many professors at colleges and universities throughout the nation and abroad. In 2007, Dr. Kritsonis’ version of the book of Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of Meaning (858 pages) was published in the United States of America in

cooperation with partial financial support of Visiting Lecturers, Oxford Round Table (2005). The book is the product of a collaborative twenty-four year effort started in 1978 with the late Dr. Philip H. Phenix. Dr. Kritsonis was in continuous communication with Dr. Phenix until his death in 2002. In 2007, Dr. Kritsonis was the lead author of the textbook Practical Applications of Educational Research and Basic Statistics. The text provides practical content knowledge in research for graduate students at the doctoral and master’s levels. In 2008, Dr. Kritsonis’ book Non-Renewal of Public School Personnel Contracts: Selected Supreme and District Court Decisions in Accordance with the Due Process of Law is scheduled for publication by The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, New York. Dr. Kritsonis’ seminar and workshop on Writing for Professional Publication has been very popular with both professors and practitioners. Persons in attendance generate an article to be published in a refereed journal at the national or international levels. Dr. Kritsonis has traveled and lectured throughout the United States and worldwide. Some recent international tours include Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Monte Carlo, England, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, and many more. Founder of National FORUM Journals – Over 4,000 Professors Published Dr. Kritsonis is founder of NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS (since 1983). These publications represent a group of highly respected scholarly academic periodicals. Over 4,000 writers have been published in these refereed, peer-reviewed periodicals. In 1983, he founded the National FORUM of Educational Administration and Supervision – now acclaimed by many as the United States’ leading recognized scholarly academic refereed journal in educational administration, leadership, and supervision. In 1987, Dr. Kritsonis founded the National FORUM of Applied Educational Research Journal whose aim is to conjoin the efforts of applied educational researchers world-wide with those of practitioners in education. He founded the National FORUM of Teacher Education Journal, National FORUM of Special Education Journal, National FORUM of Multicultural Issues Journal, International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity, International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, and the DOCTORAL FORUM – National Journal for Publishing and Mentoring Doctoral Student Research. The DOCTORAL FORUM is the only refereed journal in America committed to publishing doctoral students while they are enrolled in course work in their doctoral programs. In 1997, he established the Online Journal Division of National FORUM Journals that publishes academic scholarly refereed articles daily on the website: Over 500 professors have published online. In January 2007, Dr. Kritsonis established the National Journal: Focus On Colleges, Universities, and Schools. Professorial Roles Dr. Kritsonis has served in professorial roles at Central Washington University, Washington; Salisbury State University, Maryland; Northwestern State University, Louisiana; McNeese State University, Louisiana; and Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge in the Department of Administrative and Foundational Services.

In 2006, Dr. Kritsonis published two articles in the Two-Volume Set of the Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration published by SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, California. He is a National Reviewer for the Journal of Research on Leadership, University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). In 2007, Dr. Kritsonis has been invited to write a history and philosophy of education for the ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of World History. Currently, Dr. Kritsonis is Professor of Educational Leadership at Prairie View A&M University – Member of the Texas A&M University System. He teaches in the newly established PhD Program in Educational Leadership. Dr. Kritsonis taught the Inaugural class session in the doctoral program at the start of the fall 2004 academic year. In October 2006, Dr. Kritsonis chaired the first doctoral student to earn a PhD in Educational Leadership at Prairie View A&M University. He lives in Houston, Texas.

About Prairie View A&M University: Ranked No. 27 on Black Enterprise magazine’s list of “Top 50 Colleges and Universities for African-Americans”, Prairie View A&M University was founded in 1876 and is the second-oldest public institution of higher education in Texas. With an established reputation for producing engineers, nurses and educators, PVAMU offers baccalaureate degrees in 50 academic majors, 37 master’s degrees and four doctoral degree programs through nine colleges and schools. A member of the Texas A&M University System, the university is dedicated to fulfilling its land-grant mission of achieving excellence in teaching, research and service. During the university’s 130-year history, nearly 48,000 academic degrees have been awarded. For more information regarding PVAMU, visit

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