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American Journal 58lJ .1.Krtbark Aunn (.ltittpo, IL 606J7 Liditor':,.1ndren,Abbntt ,\louqiry Ediror: Suan zlllal
Dear GraduateStudent, of SoclologJ)
As you move forward with your work in the socialsciences, you have a growing need to stay abreastof new developmentsin sociologicalresearch.To help you with this essentialtask,I urge you to considera subscriptionto the American Journal of Sociology. In the transitionfrom studentto professional, A,IS can play a role of ever-increasing importance.As your own research deepensyour involvemenlin your areaof specialexpertise,A,IS helpsyou maintainyour connectionto the broader,dynamic,and diversesociologicalcommunityby aleningyou to the most significantdevelopments acrossa wide varietyof subfields. In the areaof book reviews,A,IS sifis carefullyamonglhe overwhelmingnumberof annualsocialsciencetitles,giving you a senseof our cornmunily'smost salientcontributions.
And. in nrana_eing your own resourcesfor publishingand disserrinatingyour research.A./S provides a rnodel of the best in sociologicaldiscourse. I encourageyou to be_sin your relationshipwith thejoumal now, while you are developingyour scientific and professional stendardsin graduateschool. New st*dceA*bseribers ea* use the enclosedorder form to order a $26 subscription, a savingsof more than 40Vooff the regular price. Becausewe understandthe limited resourcesavailableto students.we offer a specialrateof S3I for renewingstudents. A brochureis enclosedherethat containsmore information about the American Journal of Sociology, as well as the order form that you may useto obtainthis specialrate.I urgeyou to considerhow helpful an entireyearof path-breaking research, provocativetheory.and enli_ehtening book reviewscould be to your graspof the field.
Andrew Abbott