Edited English Group_2.docx

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Proposed Curriculum Map Template SUBJECT AREA and GRADE LEVEL: ENGLISH VI UNIT:1 Content

Content Standard

Grammar The student demonstrates Tenses of understandin Verbs g of the correct usage of tenses of verbs and its effect in both written and oral discourses.

Performance Standard

Formation Standard

Learning Competencies

The student practices the correct use of tenses of verbs in both oral and written discourses

The student becomes an effective and responsible speaker and communicator.

Week 1 - The student composes clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatica l structures: tenses of verbs.

Core value/s: Responsibility Accuracy

Enduring Understandi ng and Essential Questions E.U: - Using correct tenses is essential in being an effective and responsi ble communi cator.

E. Q: - Who is an effective communi cator?


What is the effect of

Transfer Goal


The student Formative will be able to Assessments independentl individual y use their whiteboards learning to become good discussions and effective speakers and one – minute essay writers.

(showing the correct use of tenses) about relevant topics

Performance Task

Summative Assessments

Transfer Task (GRASPS): With the rampant usage Multiple Choice of prohibited test drugs, the Items...(WRITE Philippine HERE YOUR President, CHOSEN TYPES together with the OF PNP Chief, has SUMMATIVE implemented the TESTS) Oplan Tokhang. It aims to lessen the number of drug addicts in a particular town or area through the launch of various information campaigns against drug use. . Being the town mayor, you are tasked to deliver a


-Compose sentences or paragraphs about problems that you see in the school using the three tenses of verbs.

-Write or create an outline for an informative essay.

- Research about the negative effects of drugs to an

having good grammar in both oral and written discourse ?

speech to your people. The aim of the speech is to inform people about the effects of drugs to one’s self, family, community. The speech will be assessed based on its content (accuracy of information and use of correct tenses, organization of ideas, mechanics) and its delivery.

individual (integration with HEALTH) to his family, to his country (integration with AP). - Organize the data you have gathered and present it to the class. Make sure you speak in a loud and clear voice.

Criteria Content a. Accuracy

b. Organization

c. Mechanics

Delivery(Tone of the voice, facial expression, gestures, eye contact)

Exemplary 4

Accomplished 3

The topic and its significance were accurately presented through factual supporting details. Introduction, body and conclusion are very clear.

The topic and its significance were presented with moderate accuracy through factual details. Has a clear delineation between introduction, body and conclusion.

No errors in the use of the tenses of verb, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Was able to present the information to the audience using direct eye contact, appropriate gestures and facial expression, and proper fluctuations in volume

Developing 2

The topic and its significance were presented with low accuracy due to minimal factual details. Has an introduction, body and conclusion, but the boundaries between them are unclear. One to twoerrors in the Three to five errors in the use of the tenses of use of the tenses of verb,punctuation, verb,punctuation, capitalization and spelling capitalization and spelling errors. errors. Was able to persuade Was able to persuade 75% of the audience with 50% of the audience by consistent eye contact, displaying minimal eye appropriate gestures, and contact and speaks in speaks with satisfactory uneven volume with little variations of volume and or no inflection. inflection

Beginning 1 The topic was inaccurately presented with confusing factual details. Introduction, body and conclusion are not clearly defined. Six or more errors in the use of the tenses of verb, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors Was able to persuade 25% of the audience through minimal gestures, no eye contact and speaks in low volume and monotony.

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