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In Partial Fulfillment of the Course requirements in


Submitted to: DR. JASON S. VALERA Divine Word College of San Jose San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Edelyn A. Alejandro March, 2018






Certificate of Complementation


Approval Sheet




A. Cooperating School History


Vision and Mission


B. Working with Children Introduction


Substitute Teaching


Local Demonstrations


Final Demonstration


Evaluation of Experiences


C. Working with School Personnel Introduction




Classroom Visits and Observations


In service Education


Evaluation of Experiences


Professional Readings







Detailed Lesson Plan


Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan


Brief Lesson Plan


Schedule of Activities


Evaluation sheets




School Forms


SF 1


SF 2


SF 5


SF 48


Application Letter


Curriculum vitae


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am very thankful and happy that I am now on my last academic year in my college life which is about to bid goodbye. Time flies so fast and our much awaited graduation day is approaching. Another achievement in my life and will lead to success. (I suggest that you rephrase or remove this portion.) I cannot achieve this success without the following persons whom I really owed a lot thus, I wish to convey my sincere thanks to them. First I want to thank the Lord our God for giving me blessings, I am very thankful because God is always there to lead me, help me and guide me in my internship. I sincerely and gratefully acknowledge the invaluable assistance, encouragement, advices and suggestions from the ones who are close to my heart: To my mama and Papa who gave me unconditional love, support and encouragement in times that I wanted to give up. They are the reason why I stand strong in different circumstances and struggles that comes on my way. They are the best gift ever that God gave me. To my ever loving siblings Kristina, Myla Rose, Kathlene, and Kenneth thank you! To Mrs. Vilma N. Madriaga, who served as my inspiration during my observation and participation as well as during my internship, I admired the way she taught. She is to be acknowledged because of the fruitful knowledge I gained in the post conference given. All of the knowledge served as guide in the off-campus training. My genuine thanks to Mr. Marcelo Salamanca for giving me the chance to use his laptop. Without his help this narrative report will not exist. Mostly, I wanted to voice the unending thanks to Mr. Deolito Taypen, Principal of San Jose Pilot Elementary School.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Acknowledgement goes to the smart and intelligent adviser of Education Department of Divine Word College of San Jose, Dr. Jason S. Valera. For without his help, wise guidance and counsel during my in-campus training, participation and observation. I doubt if the off- campus training would be of success. My heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Ching Solinap, who served as my inspiration in my studies. She was the one who is always helping me with my problems that I encountered in my studies. A word of thanks is extended to Mrs. Heridina Aleria for teaching me how to improve my lesson plans for my final demonstration. Her advices were very profitable which I was used throughout the off-campus training. My appreciation would be incomplete without giving credit to my very best of friends, Joanne Brandiz, Jhon Reymar Trinidad, Ceejay Jose, Mary Grace Mayani and Annaliza Gacula who helped and supported me all throughout my internship especially during the preparation for my final demonstration teaching. For always making me smile behind my tears and for making me realize the true meaning of friendship. To all thank you very much and I am grateful that you became part of my journey. Accept my sincerest gratitude.



DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE DEDICATION Above all, this narrative report is dedicated to our Divine Providence with open heart and mind for giving me the strength and wisdom to the right path of life. To my beloved mother, Mrs. Josephine Alejandro, whose guidance, sacrifices and endless devotion aims to whatever success I may achieve in the future. This is warmly dedicated to my aged grandmother, Mrs. Melecia Arceo who guided me from childhood up to the present. She partially supported me with my financial shortcomings and still giving me her untiring help and guidance to carry out my ambition in life. To all of my relatives especially to tito Rolando, Bonjing and tito Baltazar, who shared assistance and encouragement of my success. Dedication goes to my siblings, Kristina, Rose, Kathlen, and Kenneth, who are my inspiration during my in and off-campus training. Likewise, dedication goes to my sincere friends who supported and helped me with my in-campus and off-campus training. They are Joanne Brandiz, Reymar Trinidad, Ceejay Jose, Lyka Jessa Vinluan, and Eva Dylene Padilla.



The Cooperating School


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE A Brief History Because of the absence of pertinent a supporting data regarding the history of San Jose Pilot Elementary School, the foregoing historical account of the said school can be described as sketchy. Series of floods which affected the area during typhoon season wrought havoc on the historical records of the said school. Consequently, in the historical reconstruction effort, the main focus is to rely on the still living witness before they “journey into eternity”. These witnesses, mostly retired pilot school teachers, were interviewed and the information gathered was cross- checked to arrive at the closest approximation. Expectedly, in its details, it is not without some minor inconsistencies as the witnesses experienced some lapses and therefore, subject to vagaries of memory. In the general perspective, however, the foregoing account is, more or less, accurate, although not complete. It is still subject to improvement. When American forces landed in San Jose ( then Panduracan) in 1944, they immediately developed the area. They constructed the airport, built roads, bridges and other infrastructures such as building for hospitals, Mess Halls and Quonset huts as dwelling shelters for soldiers, etc. in short, the area was made into a U.S Military Camp complete with facilities and amenities prohibited to local civilians except those hired as workers. When the American forces left in 1964, after the 2nd World War, the vacated but developed area was immediately occupied and utilized by local officials and civilians. The Mess Hall which was located behind the Divine Word College was utilized as school building of the first San Jose Elementary School. The first principal was Mrs. Remedios Madrigal. As the new place started to gain importance in all aspects of communal, social and economic life, more people flocked to the area. Significantly, Caminawit and Central, two


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE places which were popular the lost their attraction. People started to transfer to the new place I droves. In the 1950’s as the old Mess Hall could no longer accommodate the sudden influx of the enrollees in the elementary, local officials decide to transfer the school site to its present location, a more or less 4 hectares of land donated by the Guillero family. This was also the time Oriental Mindoro and Occidental Mindoro. Lastly, in the early 1960’s San Jose Elementary School was renamed as the San Jose Pilot Elementary School because in this school, all the demonstration in the division were held.

GEMOGAPHIC SITUATION San Jose Pilot Elementary School is located in the heart of the town of San Jose with 30, 500 sq.m. It is a stone throw away of San Jose Cathedral and the Municipal Hall and town plaza. It is covered by the three barangays of San Jose, Barangay I, Barangay II and III.

ECONOMIC AND SOCIO-CULTURAL Being in the heart of San Jose, 55% of our pupils parents are Government Employee, 20% are businessmen and 25% are laborers. Almost half or 50% considering Tagalog as their mother tongue while 15% are Ilocano, 15% are Visaya, 10% Bicolano, and other 10% are Nueva Ecijano. However, of the total population, 90% can speak Filipino and 60% can converse in English. 80% of the parents are Roman Catholic while the rest are Iglesia ni kristo, Protestant and Methodist.



We dream of Filipinos Who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the Nation.

As learner-centered public institution, the department of education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Mission To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality , equitable, culture-based and complete basic education where:

Students learn in an child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Goals 1. Teach the fundamental knowledge in skills in the total and related subjects in order to develop the child’s potential and their intelligent application in the real situations. 2. Inculcate the importance of personal discipline and make him aware of his rights and responsibilities. 3. Provide lessons/ opportunities/ situations/ for the development of the sense of responsibility, leadership, fellowship and dependability. 4. Uplift the promotion of our Filipino cultural values and poster social awareness. 5. Provide atmosphere good home and school relationship for positive educational outcome. 6. Equip pupils with modern technologies to improve them academically. 7. Provide quality education that is accessible to all.



Our Core Values Maka – diyos Makakalikasan Makabansa



Working With the Children


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Practice teaching is a crucial part of every student-teachers life during his stay in an institution. It will be the application of all the knowledge he has learned in school. This is to give the student teacher a real classroom experience in teaching so that they can develop the required skills for their classroom teaching later after graduation and passing the Licensure Examination for Teachers. In my class, I observed different kinds of kids. Their characteristics differ from one another. Individual differences were very evident. They differ from mental, physical, economic, social and emotional backgrounds. You can see bright pupils as well as dull ones. It’s really hard to deal with these pupils unless you had taken child psychology. A teacher should have knowledge of this area so that she can deal nicely with her pupils. Pupils change their behavior in certain stage. During my four months stay in San Jose Pilot School I dealt with different pupils. There were those who were kind, industrious, respectful, honest and loyal. There were also those who were naughty, hard-headed, proud, mischievous and disrespectful. I also met different family status of the pupils. Some were poor, others were in the middle and some were rich. The poor ones possess favorable characters as well as the middle class pupils. Almost all of the rich pupils were very proud and have too much confidence with themselves. As a student- teacher, we were trained to deal with these kinds of pupils. It is the start of training. When the time comes that we are already teachers, we will be familiar with such situation.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Training with my grade I pupil is one of the unforgettable moments that I experienced, even it is difficult to be a teacher but at the end of this training I really appreciated the importance of being teacher. Overall, my practice teaching was very great. All my sufferings will all be worth when I’ll be in the real battle field being a teacher. The things I have learned were invaluable, I could not have asked for a better cooperating teacher or students. I will miss San Jose Pilot Elementary School so much.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE INTRODUCTION Bachelor of Elementary Education under the new curriculum covers the period of four years. With an above average intelligent quotient can finish it for four years of full load basis every semester and three summers. The last year in this course is considered to be the crucial moment. It is characterized as the most crucial period in the sense that you will experience hardships. Physical, mental as well as financial problems. Physical hardships like making detailed lesson plan in every local demo and making visual aids every night, in the morning and afternoon you will teach the lesson. In this teaching you will act as a real teacher. The critic-teacher will just observe you the way you teach, discipline the class and many other aspects that a teacher should have. Some more physical hardships are as follow: decorating the classroom, dealing with the critic-teacher or the cooperating teacher as well as the pupils. Mental unrest occurs when misunderstanding between the critic-teacher will bother you every night. You will always think who is wrong. Of course, the critic-teacher will not teach the intern her techniques in teaching because of her grudge. With this situation, the intern is in the loss. She will not gain much from her internship. Internship is the very important part in the life of being an intern because this will be the start for training the future teachers. Another mental problem is dealing with the pupils. An intern will be upset when he received poor response from her pupils. The reasons behind it will either be the pupils don’t like the method of teaching or the intern has no good relation with the pupils. Another possible reason may be the teacher is very strict, nagging, scolding and emotionally unstable. Thus, the pupils do not want to recite. So, you will always ask questions like these: Why are the pupils inactive? Don’t they like my method of teaching?


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE A teacher can’t teach well if she does not have devices with her. Rapid learning takes place with the help of audio-visual aids like chart, flashcards, big book, real objects, cut-outs pictures of fruits, animals, vegetables and etc. Nowadays those commodities are going higher and higher, you need much money so that you can cope with the requirements. That is to use visual aids in teaching. If you don’t have money to buy these devices, then what will happen to your teaching for sure- it will not be successful. Although we are now in a modern time and there are a lot of modern technologies that we can use in teaching, but according to my observation audio-visual aid is better to use in lower grade like grade I. In this internship, which lasted for almost four months the interns acted as real teachers with the help of her critic-teacher. The critic-teacher helps the intern to become an effective teacher in the future. In here, the interns are taught to be a good teacher as well as an effective one.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE SUBSTITUTE TEACHING As part of the training, student teachers are obliged to take charge of the classes whenever their cooperating teacher is not around. They needed to handle the class in absence of their cooperating teacher. By means of it, their skills in handling the students as well as the class are enhanced. Throughout my experience as a student teacher at San Jose Pilot Elementary School, I have experienced substitute teachings whenever my cooperating teacher is sick or she’s not around. An unexpected situation happened when my cooperating teacher was absent because she was sick. As a student –teacher I may now take charge of handling the class. It was hard for me to teach without a lesson plan because that was my first time handling the situation; and I’m also not prepared. As I stood in front of my class where all of them stared at me. I felt that my knees and hands were shaking but the good thing was they didn’t notice it. There were many things inside my mind, I was so worried. Can I teach them well? What if the students will not learn something from me? What if they can’t understand me? Would I be good teacher to them? What if they don’t like me? Those were some questions in my mind that worries me. I set aside all of those negative thoughts inside my mind. As I started the class discussion, I was very confident even though I’m in stage of adjustment. I can explain the lesson well. I was so glad that time for the reason that the students were really listening to me and in addition they were all participating and active during my class discussion.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Teaching is not an easy task. You should have patience and perseverance until the completion of the work. This experience is very helpful for me as a student-teacher. Because this task helped me enhance my teaching skills. Substitute teachings helped me to develop myself and expressed myself in a much better way. Moreover, it also helped me to cultivate the heart for my students. I feel more comfortable whenever my cooperating teacher was not around because I really feel intimidated whenever my cooperating teacher was there. Substitute teachings provided me limitless opportunities and chances inside the four corners of the classroom to express myself in the field of teaching very well.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE LOCAL DEMONSTRATION One of the tasks of a student-teacher is to have three or more local demonstration for the period of the training. In this task you need to prepare a lesson plan that must be checked by your cooperating teacher. Preparing audio-visual aids is important in delivering the local demonstration. My first local demo was on December 18, 2017. It was an English subject and the topic was “

“. At first I felt nervous because it was my first time to teach in front of my

cooperating teacher where she will focus on observing me while I delivered my first local demonstration. On that demo, I was asked to use explicit instruction wherein I don’t have any background knowledge about it but luckily my cooperating teacher was there to guide me. She gave me lectures about explicit instruction which is implemented by the DepED. I prepared my lesson plan and all my instructional devices for my first local demonstration teaching but then my preparation was not enough. During my demo, it was really hard for me to manage the class because they were very difficult to handle. Since each of them were unique individuals, they have different characteristics, attitudes, habits and personality. I have to consider it and approach them with different learning style, so I prepared different activities and I used strategies that will suit to the needs and interest of my students. I was thankful that my students were very cooperative during my local demonstration teaching. I’m also very thankful because Ma’am Vilma helped and guided me for this local demonstration. My first local demonstration teaching was not as successful as it should be. At the end of my demonstration teaching, my cooperating teacher gave all her suggestions to improve my teaching.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE I applied all her suggestions in my second local demonstration teaching which happened on the 10th of January 2018 and it helped me a lot because I executed my teaching well. My second local demo was Filipino, so it was easy for me to teach because it is our own dialect. This time I don’t feel nervous, I think it was because I was comfortable with my cooperating teacher and students. The things that my cooperating teacher suggested on my first local demonstration was very useful to make my second local demonstration be a success. Although my second local demonstration was not perfect but my cooperating teacher gave another comment for improvement. My third local demonstration was on February 9, 2018, another different subject that I delivered was Mother Tongue. It’s easier to understand since we used Filipino in explaining the lesson to the students. In every local demonstration teaching, there were improvements and changes through the help of my cooperating teacher. I was confident this time, I felt like a teacher. So I delivered well my third local demonstration. My cooperating teacher was happy for me because she observed that I improved a lot and there’s a big change with me compared to my first local demonstration. She said that when I become a professional teacher, all her suggestions and advice should be kept in mind. My last local demonstration was on February 12, 2018. This time no more feelings of consciousness and nervousness. I felt like a real teacher and for me it was a normal task for an intern. Maybe because I learned a lot from my past local demonstration up to my last local demonstration. I started my off-campus training with poor self-confidence and I learned a lot from what I’ve experienced. I was very thankful to my cooperating teacher because she changed me and helped me improve my teaching skills.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE I felt nice knowing that my students learned something from me. I did my best to have successful local demonstration teachings not just for high grades but most importantly, it was because I want my pupils to really learn the lessons I am teaching.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE FINAL DEMONSTRATION Every one of us aspires to reach the highest goal. The major challenge that a studentteacher should overcome is the final demonstration for it will assess the total capability of the student teacher. Final demonstration is said to be the final battle of the student-teachers. It is the event wherein it requires much effort and preparations. In final demonstration, it’s not only me who wanted to get high grades, but most of us. Many said, expectation can lead to disappointment, but for me it is not bad to expect if you know that you gave your best. As part of my practice teaching in San Jose Pilot Elementary School, I should undergo final demonstration. On the 8th day of February, 2018 was the day of my final demonstration teaching. I had my final demo in Grade I. A month before my final demo I asked my cooperating teacher the subject that I will prepare for my final demo. She suggested math subject for final demo and the topic was “Paggamit ng walang batayang unit”. I started preparing two weeks before my final demonstration with the help of my cooperating teacher in making my lesson plan. Since I was assigned to grade one pupils, it was necessary to have a very creative, colorful and attractive visuals aids. I was stressed in making visual aids because it was not only difficult to prepare but also cost much money. There came a time when it was the day to practice my final demo but I can’t execute it very well because I did not master my lesson and there were devices that were not yet prepared. Luckily, I have friends who supported and helped me in completing my devices and we finished it all the day before my final demonstration teaching. For almost a week, I spent sleepless night just for the preparation of my final demo. While making my visual aids, I’m mastering my lesson plan. I prepared all the visual aids that was needed for my final demo. My


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE cooperating teacher wanted me to take a leave of absence for the preparation of my final demo but no one will teach my students because my cooperating teacher was one of the panelists in demo teaching of other student-teacher. On the day of my final demo, I woke up early to pray first. All things happen with God’s guidance. The guidance of our God is the most important to make my final demonstration a success. I came at exactly 6:30 in the morning because I will buy vegetables and fruits in the market since it was one of the materials that I needed in my demo at 1:30 in the afternoon. I checked all of my visual aids. I felt a little bit nervous while I am reading my lesson plan. I knew that I was well-prepared and I was ready but I can’t stop feeling nervous. I always say to myself “kaya ko to”. At exactly 1:30 my final demo has started. I greeted my students with a big smile, when my final continued I felt lively to teach the children like a real teacher. I was so happy when I saw all my pupils interested with my subject matter. All of them participated actively and enjoyed their activities. But three of them cried because of some reasons like walang lapis, ayaw kagrupo, inaway and many reasons. I gave my best to make my final demo a success. I enjoyed to deliver my final demo and I was really happy after I presented it. During our post conference, the four (4) evaluators Dr. Jason Valera, Ma’am Marleen Gaudier, Ma’am Elvie Aragones, and Ma’am Rebby Fuentes gave their positive comments about my teaching and of course, the things that I needed to improve. They said that I look like a real teacher while I am presenting my final demo. They said that I have a consistent and a well-modulated voice which is the asset of a teacher. I was very thankful for their good comments and for giving me a high grade for my final demo. It was indeed a successful one


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE and I thank god for guiding me. All the efforts, hardwork and the money I spent was all worth it. Final demonstration improves the capability of the student teacher. It helps the studentteacher. It helps the student-teacher to apply all the principles in teaching and to stay calm and professional under pressure.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Evaluation Experience I know that it is very hard to be a good teacher. You will undergo hardships before reaching such position. It is not easy to impart knowledge to the pupils. You need to consider all aspects. It is not proper fitting for a teacher just to teach and teach without considering abilities of the pupils. The teaching should be child-centered and not subject-centered. The teacher should see to it that the pupils mastered the given lesson before jumping to another topic. Practice teaching is one of the memorable moments in my whole college years. In this time I felt mixed emotions: happiness, sadness, nervousness and excitement. It was the time where I experienced real life situation in the field of teaching. It was also the time where I improved my skills in teaching my pupils. My off-campus teaching started last November 7, 2017. I was assigned in Grade ISampaguita SPED Section under the supervision of Mrs. Vilma N. Madriaga. Being a student-teacher, you will make detailed lesson plan or daily lesson log every night. Then, you will let your critic teacher check your work. You must have devices when you teach. Critic teachers will require you to make use of audio- visual aids to help learning faster. Patience is very important to make things a success. Because without patience you will not pass this training. Off-campus training is very useful to all incoming teachers in the future. In this training you will experience the things that can help you if you become a professional teacher. Overall, this experience and learning I had in practice teaching is really memorable although it’s quite painful and tiring. My students made this experience more meaningful and the memories we shared will always be treasured and this will never be forgotten. The most


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE important thing is that I know it will help me to become an efficient and effective teacher someday and it also taught me to become a better person.



Working With the Personnel


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Introduction It is not easy task to deal with other people. You are going to assist each of them. Intrapersonal skills are needed to do that. Practice teaching requires the student teachers to deal with those people around them with politeness and grace. It is important for a student-teacher like me to have a good communication skills because this can help me be successful during my internship. I realized that having a good relationship with the school personnel and colleagues in teaching is very necessary because if not, it will lead to frustrations and might be the reason of my fall. And if there is, I can always ask help from them in times of need especially in teaching my daily lessons in my class. I can ask them about different teaching strategies which are effective to be used for my teachings. A professional teacher knows the different customs and etiquette in dealing with different individuals with different personalities in our society nowadays and it is a must that a teacher should live with high standards and moral because everyone looks up to him/her. We all know that the teaching profession is considered as the noblest job, and as a future teacher, I should always bear that in my mind and soul. The word teacher is always accompanied by excellence and uprightness. Because of that, teachers should always demonstrate the intelligence for social interaction with the value of esteem and upright morality.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Experiences I had plenty of wonderful and unforgettable experiences during my whole internship period. When I first taught as a practice teacher, I went through many emotions. I started with excitement because that means I am closer to graduation. I had so many questions running in my mind. What will my cooperating teacher be like? Will she be that kind and supportive? Will she be that strict to her/his intern? With all these questions, I got nervous because I really hope that I will have the cooperating teacher whom I can get along with. I was assigned to Mrs. Vilma N. Madriaga. It was a great opportunity for me to work with her. She handled Grade I only. My cooperating teacher is dedicated and committed to what she doing and I’m so thankful to God that she is my cooperating teacher. She is also a nice teacher, very supportive and always gave me words of encouragement. She taught me so many things which really helped me to be a better student teacher. She taught me the different teaching methods and approaches that I can use in teaching the students. Moreover, she always taught us the correct and proper concepts to discuss without hesitations. I can say that I am fortunate to have her as my cooperating teacher. I will never forget Ma’am Madriaga and I will forever treasure the memories we had. I will always keep in my mind the knowledge she taught me and apply it when I’m already in the real field of my teaching career.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Classroom Visit and Observation I barely remember the seventh day of November because this marked the day of our offcampus training. We, the interns of the new curriculum were very happy on our way to San Jose Pilot Elementary School, where we had our off-campus training. Dr. Jason S. Valera our Dean in CSITED and adviser in Education. Since we were new to the place it’s natural to feel nervous. We proceed to the Mentors Building. In here, you can find the office of the principal Mr. Deolito Taypen. Mr. Deolito Taypen was not around because he was attending a seminar. So Ma’am Garcia checked the listed names of the critic teachers for us. Ma’am Garcia brought us to our respective critic-teachers. We were very happy because we’re welcome in this school. I was excited to meet my critic-teacher her name was Mrs. Vilma N. Madriaga, but on our way I was really nervous. This day I met the Grade I students, I treated them warmly. Even they don’t know me yet, they kept on asking and greeting me. There were thirty two pupils all in all. Eighteen girls and fourteen boys. They were industrious, neat in their dresses and things and very eager to learn. All of them were kind to me. The boys and girls greet, kiss and hug me every time they see me. The girls were much closer to me. If they saw me working they helped me. My grade I students were polite, industrious, courteous, loving and respectful. I was happy to be a student-teacher to them. A lot of will not be forget - my precious grade I pupils.


DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF SAN JOSE Evaluation of Experiences Many people believe that is hard and threatening to deal with school personnel who have different attitudes and personalities. Nevertheless, with what I felt, it was not true. As long as you recognized the individuality of other people and you know how to respect their opinions. In addition good intrapersonal skill is also needed to have a good relationship with the school personnel. Working with my cooperating teacher was one of the unforgettable experiences during my internship in San Jose Pilot Elementary School because I learned a lot from her and from other school personnel of the said school. I was very grateful for what San Jose Pilot Elementary School had given not only to me but also with my co-practice teacher. Because of our remarkable and treasurable experience, we were motivated to move forward, to aim higher, and to achieve the goals and dreams that we had.


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