Eddie And Alice's Psf Presentation

  • June 2020
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More details

  • Words: 1,022
  • Pages: 16
Pisco is a town in Peru, South America. On the 15th August 2007 a massive earthquake destroyed 80% of the homes, killing around 600 people.

Today there are still many people displaced from their homes and living in make shift shelters that provide little protection and security.

Disease spreads easily due to dirt floors, lack of proper sanitation and over crowding.

Pisco Sin Fronteras (PSF) is a non-profit organisation which was founded in August 2008. • Our principle aim is to help the people of Pisco to rebuild their communities. • We help the people of Pisco by providing enthusiastic volunteers and the tools needed to help in the construction of houses, schools and sanitation units as well as helping with other community-based projects • It’s been over 2 years since the disaster and there are still a huge number of people without adequate housing and sanitation. •

PSF is a volunteer organisation which receives no government funds. We are supported entirely by donations, fund raising and volunteering.

A large percentage of work done by PSF is for people who can afford the materials needed for building, but can not afford the cost of labour. •


order to help the families in most need, those who cannot afford their own materials, PSF relies on money from fundraising and donations to buy the materials. The amount of aid and help available to the people of Pisco has declined since the initial help after the disaster, due to the extraction of Non Government Organisations (NGO's) in the last 12 months, leaving many people with no way of providing their family with adequate housing. •

Many people in Pisco need help to improve their housing and sanitation. Currently there are many families living in small makeshift shelters built from scrap material, esterra (crushed bamboo) and plastic on dirt floors.

One example that shows just how little an amount of money can help is the building of a modular house: • For less than 400 pounds a basic modular (wooden) house can be provided on a solid concrete floor, allowing families comfort, security and better sanitation. Photo of 2 typical modular houses


Materials (breakdown)

Unit Cost (Peruvian Soles)


Total Cost

British Pounds

Dwelling Unit, 3x5 meters in size





Windows and Doorknobs





Cement, 42.5kg Bags





Labour to Mix and Pour (Volunteers!)





Use of Cement Mixer (Donated by PSF)





Aggregate Mix (Cubic Meters)





Fuel for Cement Mixer







Modular House, Pre-Fabricated, Delivered and Installed

Concrete Slab for Modular House

Total Materials Cost:

Name: Erica Date of assessment: 04/05/2009   Background information: A fisherman and family of 5 people (Husband, 35; wife, 28; grandmother, 52; two children 8 and 4 years old). They lived in a typical, poorly constructed adobe (poor quality and cheap bricks) house, but it was destroyed by the earthquake and no longer stands.   Current living conditions: They live in a tent at the same site as their destroyed house. There are no hygienic toilet facilities; a bucket in the corner of the tent is all they have. Drinking water has to be boiled and there is no electricity.   What they need: To clear/demolish the current area in which they live. Construct a modular house providing protection, security and better sanitation for the family. Provide proper toilet facilities.

Name: Rosa Date of Assessment : 03/05/2009 Background Information: Woman and husband with 4 children. Husband is a mototaxi driver. The family lives in a village on the outskirts of Pisco. The youngest child is 5 months old and is suffering from bronchitis and isn’t recovering due to the family’s bad living conditions. Current living conditions: The family’s home is made of esterra (crushed bamboo sheets) and plastic. The house is surrounded by rubbish and faeces. The home has one large bed in which all 6 members of the family sleep. The village is located on a hill which tends to be very breezy at night. This is jeopardizing the baby´s health. What they need: A modular home, allowing a clean environment, better shelter from the weather and better protection for the family.

• We (Eddie and Alice) are hoping to raise some money in order to set up our own project to help a family (or families, depending on how much we raise) in need. • The amount of money we raise will determine what exactly we spend it on, whether it be providing a family with housing, better sanitation or helping provide for a school. • Once we know how much we have raised we will assess where the money can be of most help and will update those who have donated on the details and progress of our project. We hope to have raised the money by the New Year (2010) and to be in Peru to see the project through.

• Unfortunately due to various (legitimate) reasons PSF does not have its own bank account as of yet. Therefore any donations go via our personal bank account. This is much easier for us than going through the PSF website (www.piscosinfronteras.org) donation option that sends the money to a contact in the USA which is a lengthy process. • Therefore in order to donate either: 1) Email [email protected] and we will reply with information on donating straight into our bank account. 2)OR, Send a check made out to ‘Edward Kelly’ to us. Please email ( [email protected] for our UK mailing address) 3)OR, If the best way for you to donate is via the PSF website then make sure to you make a note saying the money is for ‘Eddie and Alice's Miracle Fund’

Please dig deep and donate to help the people of Pisco. We will keep all those who donate updated regularly on the projects so you can see exactly what your money has been used for. Therefore please send us your email addresses so we can keep in touch!

If you have any questions please email: [email protected]

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