Ed Chat 28 Aug 2009

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BlackEagle: red ask away ghostfighter_: bugs: I have a itchey trigger figer right now - so stop the BS ghostfighter_: Capt._Slow: So you will ban me because I pointed out that you are a hypocrit? redjax1: DID KEN DUNBAR LEAVE US? ghostfighter_: bugs: finger bugs: nope jsut the forum GoBucks: I banned that guy for PMing me and harrassing me and he told me to get F'd ghostfighter_: Shirley: Gosh, BE, if I knew where Mouse was I would go get her BlackEagle: red- he is very frustrated right now redjax1: I understand his frustration and why he would leave Caren: Ed said no, Red redjax1: BUT, I want to be able to hear him no matter where he goes GoBucks: I am not frustrated I am having Fun redjax1: thanks Caren amy1: red, just the forum redjax1: I just read that stuff BlackEagle: but i for one will take these obots head on till satan hollers turn on the heat redjax1: ok, good then he'll still have his show here? Caren: yw redjax1: ok amy1: hope so redjax1: me too GoBucks: Just give Obotts facts they can not stand the true facts ambreus: Here is what I have to say to this, why would GOD, find these two so significant to tell them, and ONLY them? That I don't understand. I have had talks with God, and the light has not been shined on me??????? BlackEagle: go- that's when they start the insults- it's like comedy central to me GoBucks: They have no reply except to whine GoBucks: Ya Black LOL Capt._Slow: I would beg to differ, you people cannot accept facts. amy1: I feel like I am in another planet redjax1: talks to who ? ambreus and what is this about? petulia has left. redjax1: I just came in so I dont know GoBucks: Capt give us some facts I am ready to learn ambreus: Red, just responding to this commentator redjax1: ok thanks amy1: forget it capt. move on, please Capt._Slow: There was never a Pakistan travel ban. BlackEagle: ambreus - he is not saying that it is exclusive to him- just that it happend to him - remember God works in mysterious ways GoBucks: Fact Obama has a communist confirmed communist as one of his czars in the white house ambreus: BE, I am a believer in that....whole heartedly, but you know, this puts a bad name to what we have to defend.... GoBucks: Fact Obama's parents were both communists redjax1: and CZARS are UNconstitutional GoBucks: Fact Obama's mentors were communits Capt._Slow: I will not move on, I will stand up here, just as those who stand up at town hall meetings stand up and express their opinions. amy1: right redjax1: no one should have to listen to them or follow them BlackEagle: capt- thks for the enlightment and pls give me link where Hawaii guy said "we have seen barry's original BC"

hummingbird: amy1: This is no townhall GoBucks: Capt I am just giving confirned facts still has joined. BlackEagle: you can answer that one standing up slow petulia has joined. GoBucks: Capt what are your facts redjax1: yes I'd like to see that too,, the only thing I've read was that the hawaiian offical said they HAD the bc in the vault, but did not say what it said amy1: lol Caren: you guys have sound? hummingbird: yes caren glynn has left. KatieIN has joined. ambreus: Yes Caren BlackEagle: caren - yes but it glitched a few seconds GoBucks: LMAo Capt has no facts jvl11775: brb going for boots......chit starting to get deep amy1: yes BlackEagle: wb katie Shirley: LOL, jv Capt._Slow: It is not illegal to be communist in this country nor does it negate you being constitutionally eligible to be POTUS. petulia: no sound here BlackEagle: yo capt are you a college classmate of barry's? KatieIN: ty BlackEagle lindabugs: no sound here Caren: I have none coming out my computer. GoBucks: I did not say it was illegal hummingbird: but certainly unamerican GoBucks: I just said it was a fact that Obama has a confirmed communist as a czar BlackEagle: czars= politburo Capt._Slow: No but I know a college student of POTUS, you know the classes where he taught constitutional law ambreus: I will say, peeps like Capt, Rikker, etc force those that having to defend to have their facts in hand. In essence, strengthening the position! petulia: have sound now BlackEagle: what's his/her name and addie? Anthony_IL: but your talking about a goverment that will take over your oil well GoBucks: Harvard and Ivy league schools teaches a bunch of bull my opinion Shirley: Maybe not illegal, but not a popular thing to be in America. People just didn't know..not they do..seen Barry's polls lately BlackEagle: go- yep look at teddy amy1: ok, Had enough of this. Think I will just leave chatroom and listen to rest of show. bugs: ok we are broadcasting - reboot Shirley: now BlackEagle: internal polls have barry ay 35% approval GoBucks: LMAO amy1 has left. ticked_off has left. GoBucks: I will be quiet ticked_off has joined. ri has joined. GoBucks: Capt still has not presented any facts yet bugs: Ghsot are you being mean now or jsut yourself lmao ambreus: Ed, I am done if I am the disturbance... ambreus: =) bugs: lmao

Toby has left. river: Ed, what's this news you said about the gov coming to visit? Who? bugs: I was picking on ghost is all bugs: ok guys call in now Toby has joined. BlackEagle: we wnat rikk we want rikk we want rikk GoBucks: Capt still has not presented any facts yet bugs: He can't Go he jsut wants to get booted Capt._Slow: I just presented facts, I presented facts that it is not illegal in this country to be a communist, freedom of political association and all that. river: are you a communist, Capt? GoBucks: Fine that is really a great fact Capt bugs: ok one otehr line available now 806-447-0411 call in Capt._Slow: Please show me where it is made to be illegal to be a communist in this country and that being a communist makes one's children not an NBC and therefore eligible to be POTUS. GoBucks: My opinion Capt GoBucks: I never said it was illegal redjax1 has left. redjax1 has joined. hummingbird has left. GoBucks: I never said it was illegal Capt._Slow: Then your argument fails. bugs: it is not any where but here Capt river: I asked are you a communist, Capt.?? redjax1: Had to refresh, had no sound Capt._Slow has left. redjax1: have it now GoBucks: Fact Obama has a communst as a czar that is a fact megan: my goodness i've never seen a communist what is it like bugs: anyone else want to leave the hard way - I make it happen GoBucks: Capt can not grasp facts river: he get booted? redjax1: where did hum go? GoBucks: LOL ED megan: fact obama has many commie buddies GoBucks: I have only banned 4 people since I have been here in Oct 2008 redjax1: you're fair go redjax1: dont let them get ya down GoBucks: Yes megan Obama has many communist buddies GoBucks: Fact I do not want Ameria to become a communist country GoBucks: Fact I will fight to my death to stop it megan: me too no commies here redjax1: ME TOO go redjax1: went to the tea party in sac today, it was great! GoBucks: Great Redjax Bearfoot has left. redjax1: it was great, but we had one scare GoBucks: I hope the Obutts copy this whole chat an Post it all over the internet Bearfoot has joined. redjax1: there was an arab with a hoodie on with the head all covered who walked over to us and stood and stared at me,, his face was all bruised and two black eyes redjax1: and it was over 100 degrees and he had his hoodie up with his hands inside his shirt GoBucks: LOL Redjax megan: bet it works at cici's redjax1: no go, it was scary, all I could think of was a suicide bomber,, redjax1: many ppl saw him and took their info to the cops and they got him GoBucks: Geez Capt is quiet KatieIN: yikes Red!

redjax1: yeah,, it was scary redjax1: but other than that,, it was amazing KatieIN: LOL Go megan: they is not the we Glory: "They got him" for what? Being Arab? How did you know he was Arab? GoBucks: I have a conseal carry permit bring it on megan: snakey heads redjax1: you could tell,, he was arab,, megan: snarks heeeh rikker redjax1: they got him to talk with to make sure he was ok,, he looked really scary redjax1: I think he was high as a kite GoBucks: LOL Red BlackEagle: red- thks for the info redjax1: as a retired paramedic,, I really thought that maybe he had a head injury with all the bruises on him, on his face yehaaaaaaaaaa has joined. heydeb has left. Glory: How could you "tell" he was Arab? captj has left. redjax1: his facial features GoBucks: Capt copy this whole chat and post it all over the internet we need help spreading the word BlackEagle: wtg go redjax1: he just looked like every arab I've even known, and I've worked for two of them before megan: goldnman sac was in building 7 on 9 11 Glory: So you've known two? jvl11775: i never heard that ....my money was there babyboomer: Already did that GB redjax1: like were not already in a tail spin???? redjax1: no, I've known several, but Ive worked for two of them redjax1: and have known their families Glory: "looked like every Arab I've ever known". They all look alike? Mary_Catherine: most companies have off site back ups redjax1: like I said,,, his behavior was really weird,,,, and I thought maybe he had a head injury jvl11775: most banks in this area have a branch and the records were safe redjax1: but other ppl had talked with the cops and they immediately surrounded him to talk with him,, I didnt see anymore than that because we left Mary_Catherine: i want to be on the red side when it splits megan: redjax be alert to calif falling off the world redjax1: who knows bugs: ok one line is open 806-447-0410 bottdog has joined. redjax1: well no matter what happens or doesnt happen,, I KNOW where IM going if and when I die cruiser has joined. redjax1: so no big deal megan: it is all those hollywood movies BlackEagle: wonder why banks have credit lines "frozen" 1 -goldman sakz, paulson, AIG and others heavily invested in private "green " comapanies last year b4 they had their IPO's - bet they are sweating 2banksare investing in CDO's again and 3 -waiting for ok from gaithner BlackEagle: bottsssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee bottdog: Hi Blackie. Thought I'd give it another shot bottdog: How are you? megan: al gore is a greeenmious ghostfighter_: bottdog: Hi cruiser. Good to see you jvl11775: wow last time u were here bott u said it was an obot site....changer ur mind i c BlackEagle: fo rbottdog - the obot CZAR!!!!!!!! bottdog: Hi Ghostie!! cruiser: hi thought maybe this guy was done

redjax1: God didnt say that,,, he said you are to have no other Gods before him, not prophets,, bottdog: for Blackie Zebrashavestripes: it is an obot site Zebrashavestripes: hi bott redjax1: God said not to look to ppl who claim to see the future cruiser: read up on this guy i have huge doubts if hes a prophet cruiser: huge doubts BlackEagle: jvl- she had good cause for what she said - she should be given hi marks for returning ghostfighter_: BOTT Zebrashavestripes: hi ghost bottdog: Blackie assured me my opinion was wrong ghostfighter_: ZEBRA jvl11775: be i was here when she popped in briefly to post that bottdog: Thanks for asking jvl jvl11775: well wb bott BlackEagle: bottsie - foggy been sitting here quietly for 3 hrs----------- oops sposed to have PM'd that bottdog: Yes, jvl, and it was all obot names cruiser: cant wait to hear what ed thinks of this guy jvl11775: no bottdog: so....he is rikker's replacement? hummingbird: BE, did you say there were no people here of differing opinions? hummingbird: Shame on you. cruiser: every ministry has money problems and god makes a way cruiser: nothing to do with prophecy bugs: well you have to decide what you think - I beleive what he is saying ghostfighter_: BlackEagle: no bottsie u were not wrong-------------- this place is as some other sites has had invasion by obots but here we will do what did not happen at other sites- we will kick their butts GoBucks: Ghost is just trolling for email addresses so beware bottdog: Line them up Blackie cruiser: its not biblical BlackEagle: hb- i said nothong no where close to that hummingbird: Gobucks jvl11775: go i asked ghost and he said no bottdog: Hey lindabugs! Good to see you! ghostfighter_: NO I DO NOT DO THAT GO I AM NO THAT WAY YIU DINT KNOW ME THAT WAY GoBucks: When does Obama tell the truth BlackEagle: bott- i think they are working shifts tonight---waiting for the show to be over-----ghostfighter_: HUMM THAST WAS NOT FUNNY lindabugs: same to you bott hummingbird: ghostfighter_: LAUGH AT A REAl joke GoBucks: hummingbird: GoBucks: It was ghost GoBucks: Ghost sorry you did not think it was funny ghostfighter_: BlackEagle: go - when does he? ghostfighter_: hummingbird: really adding a lot to the conversation ghostfighter_: humm GoBucks: Obama never adds anything to a conversation either ticked_off: many times I go lay down and the light bulb goes off and I to the most obvious place and its there.hahahaha..jewelry cleaner..this is hilarious cruiser: wow ghostfighter_: bottdog: Hi Bucks cruiser: mine was in the sink

cruiser: the drain GoBucks: Hi Bottdog cruiser: tongues are a prayer language not prophecy ghostfighter_: humm be the snooper you are and check all the pms you will see that i did not ask for oone emaile adress GoBucks: Ghost is gonna say something imortant drum roll please BlackEagle: "the health care bill currently being debated in Congress is not MY proposal"- barry soetoro Aug 2009 ticked_off: God called him to come and plug hisproduct and his website..better go buy those dvd's BlackEagle: yo yo yo ghost - line 4 go GoBucks: Ghost you check the pm's hummingbird: That was out of line ghostfighter_: ambreus: I am more confused now than before..... ghostfighter_: cruiser: the bible warns that jvl11775: ticked off are u always ticked off bottdog: What the heck? GoBucks: Warning Warning ghostfighter_: hummingbird: BlackEagle: ghost line 4 GO ghostfighter_: cruiser: GoBucks: Ghost only plays with faces LMAO redjax1: who says that was God? ghostfighter_: redjax1: Satan can do the same things redjax1: to get your attention redjax1: and fool ya ghostfighter_: bottdog: Ummm, so what did I miss? We are now fighting amongst ourselves???? GoBucks: On thing for sure the Botts bring comedy to the room ghostfighter_: we are having fun hummingbird: BlackEagle: bott - little quabbling but obots bewareeeeeeeeeeee KatieIN: I'm not fighting. I am eating chocolate bottdog: Laughter is the best medicine. Trust me. ticked_off: lol, I hear voices all the time, does that make me a prophet? jvl11775: katie GoBucks: I am just LMAO BlackEagle: katie - now u and me are fighting cause you did not offer me any ghostfighter_: bottdog: I LOVE chocolate, katie GoBucks: Black PM that kind of stuff BlackEagle: We want Mouse- We want MOUSE- FREE mouse NOWWWW - no justice no peace KatieIN: oops, not very cordial of me BE ghostfighter_: chocolate cruiser: god doesnt sell his prophecies in dvds cruiser: this is bunk ed cruiser: bunk cruiser: almost getting scary ticked_off: Cat got the mouse GoBucks: Capt chickened out he left BlackEagle: cruise- exit door is to the right redjax1: thank you caller ticked_off: is playing with it and tossing it around as I write..literally BlackEagle: ticked - nooooooooooooo

ghostfighter_: cruiser: you want me to leave eagle ambreus: Well, guess I am a doner bottdog: Ummm//// folks that truly believe in God usually CAPITALZE His name redjax1: doesnt matter,,, God said we are NOT to look at soothsayers etc,, ambreus: Red, that is what I was trying to say.....!!! cruiser: as a christian i have a duty to warn ppl about false prophets and this guy is no prophet BlackEagle: cruies- u stated your opinion - no need to rag onit cruiser: you the boss of this chat eagle cruiser: just boot me ticked_off: give..HIM..the prophet millions of souls, what does that mean? Is he now saying he is the guardian of souls? BlackEagle: cruiser- warning so noted- now may i move on hummingbird: gobucks is the boss ticked_off: I agree cruiser cruiser: i speak very little in here but this is bunk GoBucks: Na No bosses here redjax1: yep,, Im not sure this guy is really from God ghostfighter_: for the boss go ghostfighter_: hummingbird: Maybe we can get Sylvia Browne sometime GoBucks: thanks bugs: wheee another one in the can ticked_off: yep, sign up and but them dvd's folks BlackEagle: cruise- boot yourself redjax1: hahaha sylvia brown??? Shirley: Thanks bugs: ok amb did I give you enought time? rae has left. cruiser: wow this is a nice atmosphere tonight rosemary1 has joined. ambreus: plenty ed. sorry.... ghostfighter_: chuger: nite Caren & Ed redjax1: Sure,, you present it and its up to each of us to decide what we believe bugs: not problem - I wanted youto ask the ahrd question because I believe and it is hard for me to ask the ahrd question KatieIN: agree red redjax1: so its all good ambreus: Thanks bugs....this is very personal to me. redjax1: its good to listen to other ways of thinking,, ghostfighter_: bugs: I understand redjax1: ambreus, you did good!!!! ghostfighter_: redjax1: thank you for stating my stand on this chuger has left. still has left. ambreus: NP red, you summed it up for me ticked_off has left. redjax1: well good bugs: wow now I get 2 days off to spend with my honey redjax1: well you enjoy it ed redjax1: have a good weekend redjax1: everyone have a good weekend ghostfighter_: KatieIN: ty red, you too bottdog: nite red

ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_: bugs: and now dang i get my favorite radio show - Will Bill redjax1: wheres humm? petulia: What happened to Carmen's show? Has it been moved to another day & time? ghostfighter_: wild bill ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_: ghost loves carmen bottdog: so you all have sound???? Guess we don't hav e the puter workin up to speed yet THUNDER: ghostfighter_: THUNDER: ghostfighter_: KatieIN: sound here ghostfighter_: THUNDER: ghostfighter_: petulia: I have sound ghostfighter_: lindabugs has left. ghostfighter_: sound jvl11775: ghost i hold you to that lil talk we had ghostfighter_: Bearfoot has left. Mary_Catherine: night all ghostfighter_: redjax1: nite, BlackEagle: bott- yes on sound - use your control panel Mary_Catherine has left. jvl11775: u going to need a big eraser KatieIN: nite maryC BlackEagle: nikght mary redjax1 has left. ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_: BlackEagle: ghost - LINE 4 - GOOOOOO Toby has left. ghostfighter_: yehaaaaaaaaaa has left. petulia: Niten everyone BlackEagle: gonna charge you rent on line 4 petulia has left. ghostfighter_: line 4 what is that BE KatieIN: nite Petulia BlackEagle: ghost - means you are live for the announcement you have so share ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_: megan has left. ghostfighter_: jvl11775: what announcement be THUNDER: bugs: nite all BlackEagle: darn meagan was here and quiet? bugs has left. THUNDER: me thinks no anouncement jvl11775: gn tc ed ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_:

Zebrashavestripes has left. THUNDER: black why you want to say that jvl11775: that me thinks is a giveaway valleyview has left. ghostfighter_: rolling back the prices jvl11775: me ri has left. hummingbird: bottdog: I LOVE rolling back prices. Can we roll back the price of the Fed? jvl11775: i know a few people who talk in the "me" term ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_: THUNDER: jvl11775: very revealing ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_: ghostfighter_ has left. jvl11775: still have 2 choices tho jvl11775: me = zulu or lug bottdog: What jvl??? jvl11775: eenie meenie miny mo THUNDER: what jvl THUNDER has left. jvl11775: lug....it was in the writing .....LMAO jvl11775: u caught it hum hummingbird: yes, I caught it too, but not sure if 1 or 2 jvl11775: ink and print still the same jvl11775: that was lug hummingbird: she always typed with numbers mixed in with her letters jvl11775: hummingbird: and her words kind of backwards bottdog: Well all. I came back because Blackie asked me. I'll reserve judgement. But I'm east coast, so bed time. Good night jvl11775: and always did the "me thinks" baby talk Shirley: Nite bott GoBucks: Hey Tug_Boat join in Crazy_Greek has joined. KatieIN: Goodnight everyone. Have a great weekend. hummingbird: tell your friends at the ghost site hello bottdog bottdog has left. jvl11775: gn katie sparkette has joined. Tug_Boat has left. Shirley: Nite Katie Caren has left. rosemary1 has left. KatieIN: nite jv KatieIN: nite Shirley cruiser has left. GoBucks: Bye Tug Boat KatieIN has left. GoBucks: Hey river join in jvl11775: hmmmmm stage fright i guess BlackEagle: welcome crazy greek - nice posts in forum hummingbird: Is that Foggy snoring? river has left. GoBucks: Bye river Crazy_Greek: just put another up that some probably won't think so nice

Crazy_Greek: howdy BlackEcgle sparkette: couldn't resist jvl11775: river was asking the same questions earlier that someone else was asking before ed booted them Terrib has left. sparkette: Hi everyone! Shirley: Hi spark jvl11775: hey sparkette hummingbird: Hey sparky Crazy_Greek: Hey spark You have been expelled by the administrator. Disconnected.

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