Economics Syllabus

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 317
  • Pages: 2
Economics Classroom: Barn C Course Website Course Description The purpose of this Economics class is to provide students information and knowledge of the economy and the components, which work around us everyday. The course will provide information about the basic characteristics of the United States economic system with an emphasis on the role of private property, the price system (supply and demand), and competition. During the semester students will explore the relevance of choices and trade-offs, and come to the understanding that every decision made is an economic decision. Textbook: Economics. Prentice Hall, 2003. Classroom Conduct and Expectations: 1. Students will arrive to class on time; otherwise a tardy will be issued. Two warnings will be given and every subsequent tardy will receive a minimal 30 minute detention. 2. Students will show respect for teacher and fellow students. 3. No food or drink (except water) allowed unless otherwise stated. 4. Students will come to class prepared: all assignments completed, materials such as a pen, paper, and textbook ready for use. Grading Policy: Final grades will be determined by three categories each making up a specific percent of the final grade: Tests/Quizzes, Daily assignment, Current Events Journals, and Projects/Papers. Grading Scale: 100-93 A 92-90 A89-87 B+ 86-83 B 82-80 B79-77 C+ 76-73 C 72-70 C69-67 D+ 66-63 D

62-60 D59 or below F

Late Assignments: All late assignments, excluding stock simulation reports and CE journals should be placed in the designated basket prior to the start of class. Late work will be docked 10% for each day late and will not be accepted after the test for that section has been taken, unless otherwise noted. Cheating: Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will be docked 50% for the first offense and given no credit on the second. Unexcused Absences: All assignments due on the day of the unexcused absence will be docked an extra 20% from the late penalty.

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