Ecology And Distribution Of The Genus Boletus In Macedonia

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ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENUS BOLETUS L. (BOLETACEAE) IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA *Mitko Karadelev, *Katerina Rusevska and **Sofče Spasikova *Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Arhimedova 5, P.O Box 162, 1000 Skopje, The Republic of Macedonia **Macedonian Mycological Society, Arhimedova 5, P.O Box 162, 1000 Skopje, The Republic of Macedonia E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract As a result of the systematic research into the mycobiota of Macedonia, data on 30 species of the genus Boletus L. have been provided. Eight species (B. dupainii, B. ferrugineus, B. fragrans, B. impolitus, B. pulchrotinctus, B. rhodopurpureus, B. rubellus and B. torosus) are new for Macedonia. This paper presents the first complete survey of Boletus species with a discussion on their ecology and distribution in the country. Key words: mycobiota, genus Boletus, ecology, distribution, Macedonia

INTRODUCTION To date, 30 species from the genus Boletus L. have been recorded in the Republic of Macedonia. Thus far some of these species have been individually published in several scientific papers as follows: Boletus aereus (KARADELEV et al., 2002b), B. appendiculatus (SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004), B. armeniacus (KARADELEV et al., 2003a), B. badius (KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004; KARADELEV et al., 2004), B. calopus (SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2004; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004), B. chrysenteron (TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; SYLEJMANI, 1980; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2000; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004; RUSEVSKA & KARADELEV, 2004), B. edulis (TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; SYLEJMANI, 1980; KARADELEV & POPOVSKI, 1995; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2000; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004), B. erythropus (TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; KARADELEV & POPOVSKI, 1995; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004), B. fechtneri (TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; KARADELEV et al., 2002b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004), B. luridus (PILÁT & LINDTNER, 1939; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV et al., 2004), B. pinophilus (KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a), B. porosporus (TORTIĆ, 1988) B. pseudoregius (KARADELEV et al.,

2002a), B. pulverulentus (SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988), B. purpureus (KARADELEV et al. 2004), B. queletii (KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004), B. radicans (KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2004), B. regius (SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988), B. reticulatus (KARADELEV et al., 2002a), B. rhodoxanthus (PILÁT & LINDTNER, 1939; TORTIĆ, 1988), B. satanas (KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2004), Boletus subtomentosus (PILÁT & LINDTNER, 1939; TORTIĆ, 1975, 1988; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a). Eight species have been published in this paper for the first time: B. dupainii, B. ferrugineus, B. fragrans, B. impolitus, B. pulchrotinctus, B. rhodopurpureus, B. rubellus and B. torosus. All the species of the genus Boletus form mycorrhiza with different partners. MATERIALS AND METHODS This survey includes citation of the published data as well as all the unpublished records on species of the genus Boletus collected in Macedonia up till now. The sources of this list include all the previously published papers, exsiccates deposited in different collections, research notes of the present authors, other individual collectors, and data from field research trips organised by Macedonian Mycological Society (MMS), Biology Students’ Research Society (BSRS), students’ field research trips, etc. Part of the specimens collected in Macedonia has been deposited in the following collections: Botanical Department, Faculty of Science in Zagreb (ZA), National History Museum in Belgrade (BEO), and National Museum Prague (PRM). The data from the collection SKO and from the personal fungarium of M. Karadelev have been included in the National Collection of Fungi - FUNGI MACEDONICI (MAK), housed at the Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. For identification of the species the following keys and identification guides have been consulted: KÜHNER & ROMAGNESI (1953), PILÁT (1959, 1969), SINGER (1962), MOSER (1983), ALLESIO (1985), KREISEL (1987), BREITENBACH & KRÄNZLIN (1991), HANSEN & KNUDSEN (1992), FERNÁNDEZ (1997), KRIEGLSTEINER (2000), HORAK (2005). The nomenclature has been made according to Index Fungorum 2005. The synonyms are also specified. The species are reported alphabetically, with citation of previous publications and collections in which the collected material has been deposited. The species distribution data are presented as follows: geographical distribution, altitude, forest association, date and source. The survey incorporates data published or collected by 31 October, 2006. * = Leg. Exs. Ref.

Marks and abbreviations: - taxon from Macedonia reported in this paper for the first time - synonym - legator (collector) - collections in which the dried material (exsiccatum) is deposited - references (sources of records of the taxon)

RESULTS Boletus aereus Bull. Ref.: KARADELEV et al., 2002b Collections: MAK Jablanica Mt.: above Višni vill., 900-1200m, Ostrya and Quercus forest, 28.10.2006,Leg.: M. Karadelev; Kavadarci: Vitačevo vill., Pinus plantings, 28.09.1998, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Osogovski Planini Mt.: Konopnica vill., 1300m, Orno-Quercetum petraeae, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 3.07.2003, Leg.: Daniela Mitovska; Pelister Mt.: Brajčino vill., oak forest, under Quercus cerris, 15.08.2002; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Ljubanci vill., 800m, oak forest, 18.08.2002, Leg.: K. Rusevska, Raštak vill., 700m, 22.10.2006, oak forest, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski, 29.10.2006, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski & Jasmina DimitrovskaŠumkova; Veles: Omorani vill., 400-500m, 20.07., 29.07.1995, 18.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski, ?oak forest, 11.06.1995, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Smilovci vill., oak forest, 2.06.1996, 15.09., 21.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Oraov Dol vill., Kadiica, beech forest, 18.06.1993, 15.07.1994, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski. Boletus appendiculatus Schaeff. Ref.: SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004 Collections: MAK Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500m, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 03/3694, MAK 02/3736; Jakupica Mt.: Babina Rupa, 1900-2000m, Abieti-Fagetum macedonicum, 11.07.1999, Exs. MAK 99/2372; Kožuf Mt.: Visoka Čuka, 1000m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 07.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Lake Ohrid: Trpejca vill., Golem Osoj, 800m, Quercetum trojanae macedonicum with Carpinus orientalis, 11.10.1988, Leg.: M. Karadelev. Boletus armeniacus Quél. (=Xerocomus armeniacus (Quél.) Quél.) Ref.: KARADELEV et al., 2003a Collections: MAK Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr. (=Xerocomus badius (Fr.) Kühner) Ref.: KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004; KARADELEV et al., 2004 Collections: MAK Bogdanci: under Komoren, 150m, 22.10.1996, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Jablanica Mt.: between Gorna Belica vill. and Vevčani vill., 1400-1200m, 11.07.2006Exs. MAK 06/5709, below Gorna Belica vill., Jankov Kamen, 1300m, Fagus forest, 11.7.2006, Leg.: BSRS; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Čučer – Sandevo vill., 600m, degraded oak forest (Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum), 6.10.1998, Exs. MAK 98/1839.

Boletus calopus Pers. Ref.: SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV et al., 2004; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004 Collections: MAK Pelister Mt.: above Brajčino vill., Pae, 1300m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 16.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3705, Quercus cerris forest, Exs. MAK 02/3696. Boletus chrysenteron Bull. (=Xerocomus chrysenteron (Bull.) Quél.) Ref.: TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; SYLEJMANI, 1980; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2000; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004; RUSEVSKA & KARADELEV, 2004 Collections: MAK, ZA Belasica Mt.: above Bansko vill., Fagetum, 20.09.1996, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Bistra Mt.: Dolni Lopušnik, above spring, 1000-1200m, Abies plantings, under Abies, 14.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6135; Lopušnik, beneath the monument of Kočo Racin, 1500-1600m, Fagus forest, 3.08.2006, Leg.: K. Rusevska; 6.08.2006, Leg.: Katerina Aleksovska; Bogdanci: Karabalija Mt., 200-500m, 23.09.1995, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Bučne: around Vratnica vill., 750-800 m, deciduous forest (Castanea, Fagus, Carpinus), 20.10.2003, Leg.: Vojno Stojčeski; Demir Hisar: Žurče vill., 750m, oak forest, 29.05.2003, Leg.: Biljana Risteska; Galičica Mt.: between Oteševo and Kale, 900-1000 m, meadow, 8.10.1988, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Jablanica Mt.: above Višni vill., 900-1200m, Ostrya and Quercus forest, 28.10.2006, Leg.: M. Karadelev; between Gorna Belica vill. and Vevčani vill., 1400-1200m, Fagus forest, 11.7.2006, around Gorna Belica vill., 1500m, Fagus forest, 12.07.2006; Višenski Pat (between Gorna Belica vill. and Višni vill.), 1250-1100m, Fagus and Quercus cerris forest, 17.07.2006; below Piskupština vill., 700-850m, oak forest, 21.07.2006, Leg.: BSRS; Jakupica Mt.: below Begovo Pole, 1900m, 27.07.1997; Čeples, 1300-1400m, Pinetum mugo macedonicum,10.07.1999, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, Leg.: BSRS; Kičevo: Jagol Dolenci vill., 14.10.2006, Groslajca, 30.10.2006, oak forest, Leg.: Emri Murati; Karadzica Mt.: Demirovi Livadi, 1500m, 25.07.1997, Fagus forest, Exs. MAK 97/4413; Aldinska Planina – Mumdžica, 1500m, 24.07.1997, Leg.: BSRS; Kitka Mt.: above Gorno Količani vill., 700-900m, Quercetum frainetto-cerris macedonicum, 19.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; between Gorno Količani vill. and mountain house Kitka, 1350m, deciduous forest (Fagus, Quercus, Corylus), 30.5.1999, Leg.: BSRS; between Dolno Količani vill. and Gorno Količani vill., 9001200m, deciduous forest, 18.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6169; Kožuf Mt.: below Asan Češma, 750-900m, beech forest, 10.07.2004, between Asan Češma and Kičikaja, 1350-1700m, Fagetum, 11.07.2004, Mala Rupa, 1200-1500m, mixed forest (Fagetum, Pinus, Abies), 16.07.2004, around Mihajlovo summer resort, 1200m, beech forest, 9.07.2005, Leg.: BSRS; Visoka Čuka, 1000m, Festuco heterophyllaeFagetum, 13.07.1996, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Kozjak (between Nidže Mt. and Kožuf Mt.), Baltova Čuka, 1620m, 07.2000, Leg.: BSRS; Mariovo (Prilep): road to Vitolište vill., oak forest (Quercus trojana), 11.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5427; Osogovski

Planini Mt.: Konopnica vill., 1100-1300m, Orno-Quercetum petraeae; Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 3.06.2002, 5.06.2003, Leg.: Daniela Mitovska; Pelister Mt.: around Kopanki, 1500-1700m, Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces with Fagus, 19.10.2005, Leg.: MMS; Šar Planina Mt.: between Lavci vill. and Selce vill., 700800m, edge of deciduous forest, 11.10.2006, Leg.: K. Rusevska; Jelak, 1700m, ?mixed forest (Fagus and Picea), 10.07.1995, Exs. MAK 95/1381; footpath to Lešnica, Abieti-Fagetum macedonicum, 4.07.1993, Leg.: M. Karadelev; around Staro Selo vill., 1000m, 17.07.1997, Leg.: BSRS; Kobilica, Kobilička Šuma (Brodec vill.), cut Fagus forest, 1.10.2006, Leg.: Ljupčo Melovski & Marina Jančevska; between Lavci vill. and Selce vill., 700-800 m, edge of deciduous forest, 11.10.2006, Leg.: K. Rusevska; vicinity of Skopje: Matka, 250-300m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 25.10.1998Leg.: M. Karadelev, Osoj, 300m, deciduous forest, 25.10.2006, Leg.: Redžep Aliu & Bedri Gjureci; Vodno, near Krušopek vill., 800m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 16.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5265; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: Ljubanci vill., above St. Nikola monastery, 800-900m, 15.10.2006, edge of oak forest with Castanea plantings, Quercus and Carpinus forest, 29.10.2006, Leg.: K. Rusevska; Raštak vill., 700m, oak forest, 29.10.2006, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski & Jasmina Dimitrovska-Šumkova; vicinity of Ljubanci vill., 800m, oak forest, 18.08.2002, around monastery St. Nikola, 800m, QuercoCarpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 11.09.2005, Leg.: K. Rusevska; Tetovo: below Kale, 450-500m, deciduous forest, 11.10.2006 Leg.: K. Rusevska. *Boletus dupainii Boud. Collections: MAK Jablanica Mt.: below Piskupština vill., 700-850m, oak forest, 21.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5790. Boletus edulis Bull. Ref.: TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; SYLEJMANI, 1980; KARADELEV & POPOVSKI, 1995; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2000; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004 Collections: MAK, SKO, ZA Belasica Mt.: above Bansko vill., Fagetum, 20.10.1996, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Bistra Mt.: Lazaropole vill., footpath to Sokolica, 1400m, deciduous forest, 20.08.2006; Bogdanci: Bolovan, 200m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 1.06.2003, Leg.: Melita Čavdarova; Bolovan, Paljurci, 150m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 11.1992, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Demir Hisar: Smilevo vill., 5.11.2004, Leg.: Jasmina Pejčinovska; Žurče vill., 750m, oak forest, 29.05.2003, Leg.: Biljana Risteska; Galičica Mt.: Oteševo, 900m, oak forest, 13.10.2002, Leg.: Tanja Tasevska; Jablanica Mt.: above Gorna Belica vill., Dupka, 1550-1750m, Fagus forest, 10.07.2006, Leg.: BSRS; between Gorna Belica vill. and Vevčani vill., 14001200m, Fagus forest, 11.07.2006, 9.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5856; Kavadarci: Vitačevo vill., Pinus plantings, 28.09.1998, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Kičevo: Šumnjak, oak forest, 18.10.2006, Leg.: Emri Murati, Kožuf Mt.: below Asan Češma, 750-900m, beech forest, 10.07.2004, Leg.: BSRS; Mala Rupa, 880m, Fagetum,

16.07.2004, Leg.: BSRS; Smrdliva Voda, 800m, beech forest, 23.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5565, 24.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5623; Visoka Čuka, 1100m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 20.06.1998, 1000m, 07.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; vicinity of Mihajlovo summer resort, 1200m, beech forest, 12.07.2005, between Mihajlovo summer resort and Čvrstec, 1250-1400m, beech forest, 13.07.2005, 17.07.2005, Leg.: BSRS, Lokvički, beech forest, 9.07.2005, Exs. MAK 4945; Kozjak (between Nidže Mt. and Kožuf Mt.): Majdan vill., mountain house Kruša, 18.07.2000, footpath to sheepfold, 1600-1700m, mixed forest (Fagus, Abies, Pinus sylvestris), 22.07.2000, Leg.: BSRS; Osogovski Planini Mt.: Konopnica vill., 1200m, meadow, 5.06.2003, Leg.: Daniela Mitovska; Pelister Mt.: around Palisnopje, 1500m, Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces with Fagus, 6.10.2001; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Raštak vill., Pešter, 800m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, near Castanea sativa, 2.09.2001, Exs. MAK 01/1634; Brodec vill., 1000m, oak forest, 12.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Blace vill., oak forest, 10.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Čučer vill., monastery St. Nikita, 30.09.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Veles: near Rajko Žinzifov railway station, 10.10.1996, Smilovci vill., oak forest, 21.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski. Boletus erythropus Pers. Ref.: TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; KARADELEV & POPOVSKI, 1995; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004 Collection: MAK, ZA Jablanica Mt.: between Gorna Belica vill. and Vevčani vill., 1400-1200m, Fagus forest, 11.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5696; Kitka Mt.: between Gorno Količani vill. and Kitka mountain house, 1350m, deciduous forest (Fagus, Quercus, Corylus), 30.05.1999, Leg.: BSRS; Kožuf Mt.: Visoka Čuka, 1100m, Festuco heterophyllaeFagetum, 20.06.1998, Exs. MAK 98/2115, 07.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; near Kičevo: 800m, oak forest (Quercus frainetto), 10.10.2005, Leg.: MMS, Jagol Dolenci vill., 14.10.2006, oak forest, Leg.: Emri Murati; Prespa: above Mite Bogoevski children’s resort, 950m, oak forest (Quercus pubescens, Q. frainetto), 9.07.2006; Skopje: Rašče vill., 700-750m, oak forest, 10.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6163; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Čučer – Sandevo vill., 600m, degraded oak forest (Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum), 6.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev, Raštak vill., 700m, oak forest, 29.10.2006, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski & Jasmina Dimitrovska-Šumkova; Šar Planina Mt.: between Kozarica and Lešnica, 1600m, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, 13.07.1995, Leg.: BSRS; Bogdanska Planina, 1900m, high mountain pasture, 29.05.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5355; vicinity of Jelak, 1800m, Abieti-Picetum scardicum, 9.07.1995, Exs. MAK 95/1354; Veles: Oraov Dol vill., Kadiica, beech forest, 15.07.1994, Smilovci vill., 18.06.1995, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski. Boletus fechtneri Velen. Ref.: TORTIĆ, 1968, 1988; KARADELEV et al., 2002b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004 Collection: ZA

Osogovski Planini Mt.: Konopnica vill., 1200m, Orno-Quercetum petraeae, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 5.06.2003, Leg.: Daniela Mitovska; Prespa: above Mite Bogoevski children’s resort, 950m, oak forest (Quercus pubescens, Q. frainetto), 9.07.2006. *Boletus ferrugineus Schaeff. (=Xerocomus ferrugineus (Boud.) Bon) Collections: MAK Kitka Mt.: Gorno Količani vill., 800m, deciduous forest (Quercus, Carpinus), 18.05.2004, Exs. MAK 04/4002; Kičevo: Jagol Dolenci vill., 14.10.2006, oak forest, Exs. MAK 06/6173; Kožuf Mt.: Asan Češma, 1200-1300m, Fagetum, 13.07.2004, Exs. MAK 04/4180. *Boletus fragrans Vittad. Collections: MAK Ohrid: Postojka, ca. 700m, oak forest, 20.10.2004, Leg.: Sande Stojčevski; Šar Planina Mt.: footpath between Lešnica and Kozarica, 1600m, Fagus forest, 13.07.1995, Exs. MAK 95/4360. *Boletus impolitus Fr. Collections: MAK Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: Raštak vill., 700m, oak forest, 29.10.2006, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski & Jasmina Dimitrovska-Šumkova; Vicinity of Skopje: Katlanovo, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 250-350m, 16.10.2002, Exs. MAK 02/2782. Boletus luridus Schaeff.: Fr. Ref.: PILÁT & LINDTNER, 1939; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV et al., 2004 Collections: MAK, PRM Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500m, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3732; Demir Hisar: Žurče vill., 750m, oak forest, 29.05.2003, MAK 03/3229; Jablanica Mt.: below Gorna Belica vill., 1300m, beech forest, 10.10.2005, Leg.: MMS; below Piskupština vill., 700-850m, oak forest, 21.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5799; footpath between "Globočica" and Drenok vill., Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 21.05.2006, Leg.: BSRS; Kožuf Mt.: hunting reserve, 800m, Fagetum, 14.07.2004, Leg.: BSRS; Mala Rupa, 1000-1200m, Fagetum, 16.07.2004, Exs. MAK 04/4170; Pelister Mt.: Brajčino vill., 1200m, Festuco heterophyllaeFagetum, 15.08.2002; Malovište vill., St. Ana Monastery, 1200-1400, Fagetum, 22.07.1989, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Prespa: above Mite Bogoevski children’s resort, 950m, oak forest (Quercus pubescens, Q. frainetto), 9.07.2006; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Čučer – Sandevo vill., 600m, degraded oak forest (QuercoCarpinetum orientalis macedonicum), 6.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Ljubanci vill., around St. Nikola monastery, 800m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 11.09.2005, Leg.: K. Rusevska; Valandovo: Kurtamzali vill., 300m, Quercus

frainetto forest, 1.05.2006, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Veles: Oraov Dol vill., Kadiica, beech forest, 18.06.1993, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Smilovci vill., oak forest, 21.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; vicinity of Skopje: Vodno, near Krušopek vill., 800m, meadow with Juniperus, 11.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5287, meadow, 25.05.2005, mixed forest, Leg.: Idris Ismailovski & Abdilveap Emine, 16.10.2005, Exs. 05/5279. Boletus pinophilus Pilát & Dermek = Boletus pinicola (Vittad.) A. Venturi Ref.: KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a Collections: MAK Kozjak (between Nidže Mt. And Kožuf Mt.): Majdan vill., Kruša mountain house, 18.07.2000, Leg.: BSRS; Pelister Mt.: around Kopanki, 1650m, Digitali viridifloraePinetum peuces, 23.09.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3208; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: Ljubanci vill., above St. NIkola monastery, 800-900m, 15.10.2006, Quercus and Fagus forest with Pinus plantings, Exs. MAK 06/6187; Šar Planina Mt.: vicinity of Jelak, 1700m, Abieti-Piceetum scardicum, 9.07.1995, 10.07.1995, Leg.: BSRS. Boletus porosporus Imler ex Watling (=Xerocomus porosporus Imler) Misappl.: Xerocomus truncatus Sing., Snell et E.A. Dick sensu auct. Europ. Non Singer, Snell et E.A. Dick Ref.: TORTIĆ, 1988 (published also as X. truncatus Sing., Snell et Dick) Collections: PRM, MAK Pelister Mt.: Brajčino vill., 1300 m, Festuco heterophyllae–Fagetum, under Fagus, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3704; vicinity of Skopje: Matka, Osoj, 300m, deciduous forest, 25.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6193; Vodno, near Krušopek vill., 800m, meadow, 16.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5266. Boletus pseudoregius (Heinr. Huber) Estadès Ref.: KARADELEV et al., 2002a Collections: MAK Jablanica Mt.: below Piskupština vill., 700-850m, oak forest, 21.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5791. *Boletus pulchrotinctus Alessio Collections: MAK vicinity of Skopje: Vodno, near Krušopek vill., 800m, 27.10., 16.10.2005, oak forest, Exs. MAK 05/5257. Boletus pulverulentus Opat. Ref.: SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988 Collections: ZA, MAK Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500m, Quercetum, 14.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3735; Bogdanci: below Komoren, 22.10.1996, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Prespa: Slivnica vill., 1000m, oak forest, 20.06.2003, Exs. MAK 03/3257.

Boletus purpureus Pers. Ref.: KARADELEV et al. 2004 Boletus queletii Schulzer Ref.: KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004 Collections: MAK Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500m, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Leg.:Ilče Golovodovski; Bistra Mt.: Lazaropole vill., footpath to St. Petka church, 1300m, meadow in deciduous forest (Fagus, Corylus, Cornus mas), 18.08.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5901; Lopušnik, below Kočo Racin monument, 1500-1600m, Fagus forest, 6.08.2006, Leg.: Katerina Aleksovska; Bogdanci: Paljurci, 200m, QuercoCarpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 13.05.2006, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Dešat Mt.: above Bituše vill., 1400m, meadow in deciduous forest, 19.08.2006, Leg.: K. Rusevska; Galičica Mt.: Oteševo, 900m, oak forest, 9.11.2002, Leg.: Tanja Tasevska; Jablanica Mt.: above Višni vill., 900-1200m, Ostrya and Quercus forest, 28.10.2006, Leg.: M. Karadelev, below Piskupština vill., 700-850m, oak forest, 21.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5798; Jakupica Mt.: above Nežilovo vill., 800m, QuercoCarpinetum orientalis macedonicum, 12.07.1999, Exs. MAK 99/2336; Kičevo: Jagol Dolenci vill., oak forest, 14.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6153; Kožuf Mt.: between Mihajlovo summer resort and Čvrstec, 1250-1500m, beech forest, 13.07.2005, Leg.: BSRS; Pelister Mt.: above Brajčino vill., 1200m, Quercus petraea forest, 14.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3698, 1300m, Fagetum, 16.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3725; Skopje: Gazi Baba, Faculty of Agriculture, 250m, park, 14.10.1998, Exs. MAK 98/1878, Stiv Naumov students' dormitory, 250m, park, 13.09.1995, 15.09.1995, 4.10.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Čučer – Sandevo vill., 600m, degraded oak forest (Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum), 6.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev, Ljubanci vill., above St. Nikola monastery, 800-900m, 22.10.2006, Quercus and Carpinus forest, Exs. MAK 06/6188, Raštak vill., 700m, 29.10.2006, oak forest, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski & Jasmina Dimitrovska-Šumkova; Veles: Smilovci vill., oak forest, 2.06., 21.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; vicinity of Skopje: Matka, Osoj, 300m, oak forest, under Quercus, 25.10.2006, Leg.: Redžep Aliu & Bedri Gjureci; Vodno, Krušopek vill., meadow in deciduous forest, 15.06.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5485. Boletus radicans Pers.: Fr. Ref.: KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2004 Collections: MAK Pelister Mt.: above Brajčino vill., Kalojzana, 1400m, Fagetum with Abies, 16.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3712. Boletus regius Krombh. Ref.: SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988 Collections: MAK

Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500m, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3730, Exs. MAK 02/3734, Exs. MAK 02/3738; Zlatari vill., 1200m, oak forest, 9.09.2001, Exs. MAK 01/2756; Demir Hisar: Žurče vill., 750m, oak forest, 29.05.2003, Exs. MAK 03/3227; Kožuf Mt.: Visoka Čuka, 1100m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 20.06.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Pelister Mt.: vicinity of Brajčino vill., 1200m, Quercus cerris forest, 14.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3727, Pae, 1300m, 16.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3729; Prespa: above Mite Bogoevski children’s resort, 950m, oak forest (Quercus pubescens, Q. frainetto), 9.07.2006; Veles: Smilovci vill., oak forest, 2.06., 21.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; vicinity of Skopje: Matka, Osoj, 300m, oak forest, under Quercus, 25.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6194. Boletus reticulatus Schaeff. = Boletus aestivalis (Paulet) Fr. Ref.: KARADELEV et al., 2002a Collections: MAK Bistra Mt.: Lazaropole vill., road to Tresonečki Rid, 1300m, deciduous forest (Fagus, Corylus), 31.07.2006, Leg.: K. Rusevska; Jablanica Mt.: above Višni vill., 900-1200m, Ostrya and Quercus forest, 28.10.2006, Leg.: M. Karadelev, below Kališka Krasta, 850-880m, oak forest, 17.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5688; below Piskupština vill., 700-850m, oak forest, 21.07.2006, Leg.: BSRS; Kičevo: Jagol Dolenci vill., oak forest, 28.10.2006, Leg.: Emri Murati; Kitka Mt.: between Gorno Količani vill. and mountain house Kitka, 1350m, deciduous forest (Fagus, Quercus, Corylus), 30.05.1999, Leg.: BSRS; Kožuf Mt.: Smrdliva Voda, 800m, beech forest, 23.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5554, beech forest, under Quercus, 24.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5599; Visoka Čuka, 1000m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 07.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Maleševski Planini Mt.: Vladimirovo vill., Džizoldže, 12.06.1993, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Pelister Mt.: Brajčino vill., 1200m, Quercus pubescens forest, 14.08.2002; Kopanki, 1700m, Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces with Fagus, under Fagus, 11.07.1989, Leg: M. Karadelev; Resen: Sopotsko vill., 1000m, Quercetum frainetto-cerris macedonicum, 20.05.2002, Exs. MAK 02/2680; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Ljubanci vill., 800m, oak forest, 18.08.2002, Leg.: K. Rusevska, Ljubanci vill., above St. NIkola monastery, 800900m, Quercus and Fagus forest with Pinus plantings, 15.10.2006, Leg.: Rade Lesovski, Raštak vill., 700m, oak forest, 22.10.2006, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski, oak forest, 29.10.2006, Leg.: Mile Aleksovski & Jasmina Dimitrovska–Šumkovska; Veles: between Pomenovo vill. and Omorani vill., 400-500m, 07.1992, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Omorani vill., 400-500m, ?oak forest, 11.06.1993; 5.06.1993, 14.09.1995, 18.09.1996, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski; Oraov Dol vill., Kadiica, beech forest, 18.06.1993, Leg.: Marjan Andreevski. *Boletus rhodopurpureus Smotl. Collections: MAK Galičica Mt.: Pljuska, 1000m, Quercetum frainetto-cerris macedonicum, 21.06.2003, Leg.: Tanja Tasevska; Jablanica Mt.: Kališka Krasta, 850-880m, oak forest, 17.07.2006, Exs. MAK 06/2284; Pelister Mt.: above Brajčino vill., 1200-

1300m, Quercus cerris forest, 16.08.2002, Exs. MAK 03/3693; Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500m, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3728. Boletus rhodoxanthus (Krombh.) Kallenb. Ref.: PILÁT & LINDTNER, 1939; TORTIĆ, 1988 Collections: PRM, MAK Bigla Mt.: Koljkoec, 1100-1500, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3733, MAK 02/3737; Kožuf Mt.: Smrdliva Voda, 800m, beech forest, 24.10.2005, Leg.: MMS; Pelister Mt.: vicinity of Brajčino vill., 1200m, Quercus pubescens forest, 14.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3709, Pae, 1300m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3706; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: Ljubanci vill., 800m, oak forest, 18.08.2002, above St. Nikola monastery, 800-900m, 22.10.2006, Quercus and Carpinus forest, Leg.: K. Rusevska, Exs. MAK 06/6189; Galičica Mt.: Pljuska, 1000m, Quercetum frainetto-cerris macedonicum, 21.06.2003, Leg.:Tanja Tasevska. *Boletus rubellus Krombh. (=Xerocomus rubellus (Krombh.) Quél.) Collections: MAK Kavadarci: Vitačevo vill., near the lake, Pinus and Quercus forest, 17.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Kožuf Mt.: Visoka Čuka, 1000 m, Festruco heterophyllaeFagetum, 07.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Pelister Mt.: around Kopanki, 1500-1700m, Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces with Fagus, 19.10.2005, Leg.: MMS; Prespa: Pretor, Mite Bogoevski children’s resort, park, under Betula, 09.2006, Leg.: MMS; Šar Planina Mt.: Popova Šapka, 1600m, meadow in Calamintho grandifloraeFagetum, 5.07.1993; Exs. MAK 93/1601. Boletus satanas Lenz Ref.: KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2004 Collections: MAK Jablanica Mt.: Višenski Pat (between Gorna Belica vill. and Višni vill.), 12501100m, Fagus and Quercus cerris, 17.07.2006, Leg.: BSRS; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Čučer – Sandevo vill., 600m, degraded oak forest (Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum), 6.10.1998, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Šar Planina Mt.: Vratnica vill., Leg.: Miroslav Jankovski; Veles: Smilovci vill., oak forest, 2.06.1996, Leg: Marjan Andreevski; vicinity of Skopje: Matka, Osoj, 300m, oak forest, 25.10.2006, Leg.: Redžep Aliu & Bedri Gjureci, Rašče vill., 700m, oak forest, under Quercus, 25.10.2006, Exs. MAK 06/6192, Vodno, near Krušopek vill., 800m, meadow in deciduous forest, 16.10.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5297, deciduous forest (Quercus frainetto, Q. cerris, Buxus & Alnus), 27.10.2005, Leg.: MMS. Boletus subtomentosus L. (=Xerocomus subtomentosus (L.) Fr.) Ref.: PILÁT & LINDTNER, 1939 (published as Boletus subtomentosus (L.) Fr.); TORTIĆ, 1975, 1988; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a

Collections: MAK, PRM, ZA Bigla Mt.: Kaljkoec, 1100-1500 m, Quercus and Fagus forest, 15.08.2002, Leg.: Ilče Golovodovski; Bistra Mt.: Lazaropole vill., footpath to Javorska Voda, 1300-1100m, Fagus and Quercus forest with Pinus plantings, 1.08.2006, Exs. MAK 06/5877; Demir Hisar: Smilevo vill., 6.11.2004, Exs. MAK 04/4774; Galičica Mt.: Oteševo vill., 900m, oak forest, 9.11.2002, Leg.: Tanja Tasevska; Kožuf Mt.: Nancheva Češma, 350m, oak forest, 29.04.2002, Exs. MAK 02/2698; Pelister Mt.: above Brajčino vill., Pae, 1300m, Quercus cerris forest, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3700; Skopje and vicinity: Gazi Baba, Botanical Garden (Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics), 250m, park, 10.2005, Leg.: M. Karadelev; Vodno, Krušopek vill., oak forest, 15.06.2005, Exs. MAK 05/5486; Skopska Crna Gora Mt.: above Raštak vill., Pešter, 800 m, deciduous forest with Castanea plantings, under Fagus, 2.09.2001, Exs. MAK 01/611. *Boletus torosus Fr. Collections: MAK Kožuf Mt.: Resa, 700-800m, Quercetum, 14.07.2004, Exs. MAK 04/4158; Pelister Mt.: vicinity of Brajčino vill., 1300m, Festuco heterophyllae-Fagetum, 15.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/3703, Pae, 1300m, Quercus cerris forest, 16.08.2002, Exs. MAK 02/371. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A total of 30 species of the genus Boletus have been registered. Among them, eight species are new for the mycobiota of the Republic of Macedonia. Boletus aereus is found in oak forests as well as in Pinus plantings. According to HORAK (2005), Boletus aereus forms mycorrhiza with broadleaved trees, particularly Quercus and Castanea, and grows mainly in deciduous forests. To date, one finding only has been published in KARADELEV et al., 2002b, while the data from five localities have been published in the present paper for the first time. This species has been included in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia (KARADELEV, 2000a). Boletus appendiculatus grows in deciduous and mixed forests. In Macedonia it is found in deciduous forests (oak and beech) and Abieti-Fagetum. According to HORAK (2005), this species forms mycorrhiza with deciduous trees, especially Fagus and Quercus, and KRIEGELSTEINER (2000) also cited coniferous trees (Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris) as mycorrhizal partners. Two localities are known (SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV et al., 2003; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004) and three localities are new for Macedonia. As maintained by KARADELEV et al. (2003a), Boletus armeniacus has been registered at one locality (Pelister Mt.), in Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces. HORAK (2005) cited broadleaved trees (Quercus, Fagus, Castanea, Corylus, Tilia) and Pinus and Abies from conifers, as mycorrhizal partners. The distribution of this species in the Republic of Macedonia has not been sufficiently investigated, but most likely it forms mycorrhyza with Pinus peuce.

Boletus badius is a common species; it grows in coniferous forests, rarely in hardwood. Few localities are known for the Republic of Macedonia (KARADELEV 2000b, KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004; KARADELEV et al., 2004), two are new (the surroundings of Bogdanci and Jablanica Mt.), in oak, beech and pine forests, between 150 and 1700 m altitude. Boletus calopus grows in deciduous and conifer forests. It forms mycorrhiza with Fagus and Picea in particular (HORAK, 2005). In Macedonia it has been found growing in beech, oak forest, and molika pine associations. This widespread species is known from several localities, mostly from the western and southern parts of the country. Boletus chrysenteron is a common species, grows in hardwood and coniferous forests. In the Republic of Macedonia it is a widespread species, known from many localities, thirteen are new, between 150 and 1900 m altitude. It has been noted in different associations: beech, oak, molika pine forests, in pine plantings, etc. Boletus dupainii is a rare species, and, as indicated by HORAK (2005), it forms mycorrhiza with deciduous trees (Quercus, Fagus), sometimes with conifers. In Macedonia it has been noted at one locality (Jablanica Mt.), in oak forest; therefore, a conclusion of its distribution cannot be drawn. This is a new species for the mycobiota of Macedonia. Boletus edulis in Macedonia is found in hardwood and coniferous forests, between 150 and 1700 m altitude. Several localities are known (TORTIĆ, 1968; SYLEJMANI, 1980; TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV & POPOVSKI, 1995; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2000; KARADELEV, 2000b; KARADELEV et al., 2002 a, b; KARADELEV et al., 2003a; KARADELEV et al., 2003b; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004). According to the current data, it is a widespread and the most common species from the genus. Boletus erythropus is observed in various associations (deciduous, conifer, molika pine, fir and spruce forests). This species is common in our country, found in more than ten localities, where six are new. As per HORAK (2005), Boletus fechtneri is mycorrhizal with broadleaved trees, especially Fagus, but in Macedonia TORTIĆ (1988) cited it for Gentiano luteaePinetum peuces abietetosum. In Macedonia it is registered at five localities and according to data available so far, it is a rare species and has been included in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia (KARADELEV, 2000a). Boletus ferrugineus is associated with coniferous trees (HORAK, 2005). In the Republic of Macedonia it has been observed at two localities, (Kitka and Kožuf Mt.), in hornbeam-oak and beech forests and is a new species for the country. According to ALESSIO (1985), Boletus fragrans is a rare species and grows in deciduous forests. This is a new species for Macedonia, recorded at two localities in beech and oak forest, ca. 700 and 1600 m altitude. Boletus impolitus forms mycorrhiza with broadleaved trees, especially Quercus. It has been observed at two localities (Katlanovo, Skopska Crna Gora) in oak forests, published in this paper for the first time. Boletus luridus in Macedonia is found in many localities throughout the country, mostly in oak and beech forests, but also in Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces

(KARADELEV et al., 2003a) and Fraxinetum angustifoliae-pelise (KARADELEV et al., 2004) between 100 and 1700 m altitude. Boletus pinophilus grows in coniferous forests. KRIEGELSTEINER (2000) cited Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies as mycorrhizal partners. In Macedonia it is noted in the following associations: Abieti-Piceetum scardicum, and molika pine associations (Digitali viridiflorae-Pinetum peuces, Gentiano luteae-Pinetum peuces abietetosum) with a possibility of mycorrhiza with Pinus peuce. In Macedonia it is noted in five localities; the data concerning Kozjak, Skopska Crna Gora and Šar Planina Mt. are new. According to HANSEN & KNUDSEN (1992), Boletus porosporus grows in hardwood forests. In the Republic of Macedonia this species is known from Šar Planina Mt. (TORTIĆ, 1988, published as Xerocomus truncatus, after the revision by Pouzar). Two localities (Pelister Mt. and the vicinity of Skopje), are new. It has been registered at 800 and 1300 m altitude, in beech forest and meadow. Boletus pseudoregius forms mycorrhiza with broadleaved trees, especially Fagus, Quercus. In Macedonia it is found on two localities, in beech and oak forest, at ca. 800 and 1200 m altitude. According to KRIEGELSTEINER (2000), this species is predilected to warm habitats. According to ALLESIO (1985), Boletus pulchrotinctus grows in deciduous forests, and is rare. In Macedonia it is found on one locality (Vodno Mt.) in oak forest at ca. 800 m altitude. This is a new species for the mycobiota of Macedonia. Boletus pulverulentus is found in beech and oak forest. It is not common but widespread from lowlands to mountain regions, and according to KARADELEV (2000a) it is included in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia. Our data are from 1000 to 1500 m altitude. According to KARADELEV et al. (2004), in Macedonia Boletus purpureus has been found only at one locality (Jakupica Mt.) in oak forest; therefore, a conclusion of its distribution cannot be drawn. Boletus queletii according to current data is not rare in Macedonia. It is found in oak and beech forests but also in parks. One locality is known from KARADELEV, 2000b, KARADELEV et al., 2003b and KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2004, while eleven localities are new. Boletus radicans grows in deciduous forests. Our data are from beech forest. One locality (Pelister Mt.) is new. In Macedonia, Boletus regius is found in oak and beech forests and according to Horak (2005), it forms mycorrhiza mainly with Quercus and Fagus. One locality (Jakupica Mt.) has been published by SYLEJMANI (1980) and TORTIĆ (1988), whereas seven localities are new. This species is incorporated in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia (KARADELEV, 2000a). Boletus reticulatus is a widespread species and grows in hardwood forests, especially Fagus and Quercus. In Macedonia it has been recorded in deciduous forests (oak and beech). Up to date, only one datum related to Šar Planina Mt. has been published in KARADELEV et al., 2002a. Therefore, ten localities are new for this species.

Boletus rhodopurpureus is found in oak forests, at four localities, from 850 to 1500 m altitude. HORAK (2005) cited Fagus and Quercus as its mycorrhizal partners. Boletus rhodoxanthus is registered in oak and beech forests, one locality (Šar Planina Mt.) has been published by PILÁT & LINDTNER (1939) and TORTIĆ (1988), five localities (mountains of Bigla, Kožuf, Pelister, Skopska Crna Gora and Galičica, between 800 and 1500 m altitude) are new. HORAK (2005) cites Fagus, Quercus and Castanea as mycorrhizal partners. This species is put in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia (KARADELEV, 2000a). Boletus rubellus grows in mixed hardwood forests, parks, gardens. It is a new species for the Republic of Macedonia, recorded at five localities (mountains of Kožuf, Pelister, Šar Planina and the surrounding area of Kavadarci and Prespa), between 1000 and 1700 m altitude, in pine-oak, beech forests, Digitali viridifloraePinetum peuces with Fagus and in parks. Boletus satanas forms mycorrhiza with broadleaved trees. In Macedonia it is found in deciduous forests, but according to KARADELEV et al. (2004), it has also been noted in molika pine forest (Pelister Mt.). Five localities are new and this species is one of the six Boletus species in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia (KARADELEV, 2000a). Boletus subtomentosus is a widespread species; it grows in hardwood and coniferous forests. In the Republic of Macedonia it has been noted in five localities (TORTIĆ, 1988; KARADELEV & RUSEVSKA, 2002; KARADELEV et al., 2003a), and seven are new. It has been registered between 250 and 1500 m altitude, in hornbeam-oak and molika pine associations. HORAK (2005) cites Boletus torosus as mycorrhizal with broadleaved trees, sometimes with conifers, but according to BREITENBACH & KRÄNZLIN (1991), it primarily grows near Fagus. In Macedonia it has been found in oak and beech forests, at two localities (mountains Pelister and Kožuf) at ca. 800 and 1300 m altitude. It is a new species for the mycobiota of the country. SUMMARY A total of 30 species of the genus Boletus L. have been recoreded. Eight species (B. dupainii, B. ferrugineus, B. fragrans, B. impolitus, B. pulchrotinctus, B. rhodopurpureus, B. rubellus and B. torosus) are new for the mycobiota of Macedonia. According to KARADELEV (2000a), six species are contained in the Preliminary Red List of Macromycetes of Macedonia as rare species (B. pulverulentus, B. rhodoxanthus) or species threatened due to excessive exploitation (B. aereus, B. fechtneri, B. regius and B. satanas). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to Prof. Gerhard Kost from Phillips University, Marburg, Germany for his assistance in determination of certain Boletus species, and to Matthias Theiss from Biedenkopf, Germany, for the photographic material provided. We also express gratitude to all the collectors of the mycological material.

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