Ecological Profile - Tables.docx

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II – B-1. Elevation Ranges by Land Area Coverage Elevation Range (m) Area Coverage (ha) Share to Total (%) Below 100 100 – 300 300 – 500 500 – 1000 1000 and Above Total Source: NAMRIA Topographic Map. Area coverage derived by planimetric measurement. II – B-2. Slope Ranges by Land Area Coverage Slope Range (%) Brief Description Area Coverage Share to Total (%) 0–3 Level to gently sloping 3–8 Gently sloping to undulating 8 – 18 Undulating to rolling 18 – 30 Rolling to hilly 30 – 50 Hilly to steeply hilly Above – 50 Steeply hilly to mountainous Total Source: Bureau of Soil and Water Management (BSWM). Area coverage derived by planimetric measurement. II – C-2. Main Landforms by Land Area Coverage Main Landform Sub-Landform Description


Broad Alluvial Plains

Volcanic Hills

Tidal flat, fishpond, fluvio-marine, level to nearly level Tidal flat, mangrove and nipa, fluvio-marine level Beach ridges and swales, fluviomarine level River terrace, alluvium, 0-3% slope Broad plain, alluvium, 0-2% slope Andestic hills, low relief, 18-30% slope Andestic hills, high relief, 30-50% slope

Area Coverage (ha)

Share to Total(%)

Volcanic rocks, basalt, andesite, tuff, 50% and above slope Total Source: BSWM. Area coverage derived by planimetric measurement. Volcanic Mountains

II – C-4. Soil Types by Land Area Coverage Soil Type Area Coverage (ha)

Share to Total (%)

Total Source: BSWM. Area coverage derived by planimetric measurement by DCI III – A-1. Population Size and Average Annual Growth Rate (Historical Growth of Pop),

Municipality, Province, Philippines – Previous Years to Present Census Year

Total Population City/Municipality Province


Annual Growth Rate City/Municipality Province Philippines

Source: NSO various population censuses. III – A-2. Population Size and Average Annual Growth Rate by Barangay Population Barangay Average Growth Rate Previous Census Year Latest Census Year

Source: NSO/Survey III – A-3. Household Population 5 Years Old and Over, Place of Residence 5 Years Ago and Rate

of Migration – Municipality and Province, Previous Years to Present Place of Residence 5 Years Ago Household Population Same City/Municipality Other City/Municipality of same Province

Province Latest Year

City/Municipality Previous Year1 Latest Year

Other Province Foreign Country Unknown Migration Rate III – A-4. Net Population Density by Barangay, Latest Year Barangay Population Land Area (Ha)


Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey III – A-5. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Household and Average

Household Size by Barangay, Latest Year Barangay

Total Population

Household Population

Number of Households

Average Household Size

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey III – A-6. Urban – Rural Population and Growth Rate, Previous Years to Present Population Classification Increase Growth Rate Previous Year Latest Year Urban Rural Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey III – A-7. Age-Sex Distribution by Age Group – Three Reference Years

Previous Year1: Age Group Below 1 Yr 1–4 5–9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24


% to Total


% to Total


25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74 75 – 79 80 & Above Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

Previous Year2: Age Group Male Below 1 Yr 1–4 5–9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74 75 – 79 80 & Above Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

% to Total


% to Total


% to Total


% to Total


Latest Year: Age Group Below 1 Yr 1–4 5–9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34


35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74 75 – 79 80 & Above Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey III – A-7. Population Pyramid by Reference Year (Figure) III – A-7. Sex and Dependency Ratios, Municipality and Province – Latest Reference Year

Type Sex Ratio Total Dependency Ratio Young (14 and below) Dependency Ratio Old (65 and above) Dependency Ratio



III – A-7. Age Structure (Major Age Group) by Reference Year (Figure)

III – A-8. Household Population Aged 10 and Over by Marital Status and Barangay – Latest Year Single Barangay

HH Pop’n

% to Total

Legally Married HH % to Pop’n Total

Commonlaw/ Live-in HH % to Pop’n Total

Separated/ Divorced HH % to Pop’n Total

Widowed HH Pop’n

% to Total


Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – A-9. Household Population 15 – 64 Years Old by Educational Attainment, by Sex and Barangay – Latest Year Barangay

No Formal Education






High School Level



High School Graduate



College Level



College Graduate



Post Baccalaureate Level Male


Post Baccalaureate Graduate Male


Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey III – A-10. Household Population All Ages by Mother Tongue and Ethnicity, by Barangay –

Latest Year Barangay Ilocano

Dialect Spoken Tagalog Ibanag

Ethnic Group (Include Indigenous People)

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – A-11. Household Population All Ages by Religious Affiliation, by Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Religion Roman Protestant Catholic

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – A-12. Household Population All Ages with Disabilities by Type of Disability, by Sex and Barangay – Latest Year Barangay

Type of Disability Blind Male Female

Deaf Male Female

No Arm Male Female

No Leg Male Female


Total Female






Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – A-13. Number of Overseas Workers 15 – 64 Years Old by Status, Sex and Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Single Married Separated Widowed Total Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female


Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – A-14. Household Population 15 – 64 Years Old with Profession, by Sex, Status and Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Teacher Lawyer Physician Nurse Total Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Barangay 1 Single Married Separated Widowed Barangay 2 Single Married Separated Widowed Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – A-14. Household Population 15 – 64 Years Old with Trade Skill, by Sex, Status and Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Driving Machine/Equipment Total Operation Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Barangay 1 Single Married Separated Widowed Barangay 2 Single Married Separated Widowed Total Source: NSO/MPDO/Survey

III – B-1a. Public Health Facilities and Personnel – Latest Year Hospital/Healt h Clinic/ Health Center

Locati on

Classifica tion (Tertiary; Secondar y; Primary; Lying-in clinic; RHU)

Bed Capaci ty

Number of Personnel




Mid wife

Nutritionis t

Medic al Techn ologist

Labora -tory Tech

Admi n perso nnel

Numb er of Ambu lance

Numb er of Other Faciliti es

Numb er of Ambu lance

Numb er of Other Faciliti es

Source: RHU/MPDO/Survey III – B-1b. Private Health Facilities and Personnel – Latest Year Hospital/Healt h Clinic

Locati on

Classifica tion (Tertiary; Secondar y; Primary; Lying-in clinic)

Bed Capaci ty

Source: RHU/MPDO/Survey

Number of Personnel




Mid wife

Nutritionis t

Medic al Techn ologist

Labora -tory Tech

Admi n perso nnel

III – B-1c. Ten Leading Causes of Morbidity – Three Reference Years Causes Previous Year1 Causes Previous Year2 No. of Cases


No. of Cases



Latest Year No. of Cases


Source: RHU/MPDO

III – B-1d. Ten Leading Causes of Mortality – Three Reference Years Causes Previous Year1 Causes Previous Year2 No. of Cases


No. of Cases



Latest Year No. of Cases

Source: RHU/MPDO III – B-1e. Nutritional Status of Children – Three Reference Years Level of Malnutrition Previous Year1 Previous Year2 Number % Number % Total Number of Children 10 Yrs old & below Total Number of Children Weighed - Below 1 yr old - 1 to 5 yrs old - 6 to 10 yrs old st 1 Degree (Mild) - Below 1 yr old - 1 to 5 yrs old - 6 to 10 yrs old nd 2 Degree (Moderate) - Below 1 yr old - 1 to 5 yrs old - 6 to 10 yrs old

Previous Year Number %


3rd Degree (Severe) - Below 1 yr old - 1 to 5 yrs old - 6 to 10 yrs old Normal - Below 1 yr old - 1 to 5 yrs old - 6 to 10 yrs old Overweighed - Below 1 yr old - 1 to 5 yrs old - 6 to 10 yrs old Source: RHU/MNAO III – B-1f. Selected Health Statistical Data – Three Reference Years Indicator Previous Year1 Previous Year2 Total Population Total Consultation - Public Hospital - Rural Health Center/RHU - Private Hospital/Clinic Total Number of Births Total Number of Deaths Total Number of Infant Deaths (Under 11 Months) Total Number of Maternal Deaths Total Number of Neonatal Deaths Total Number of Deaths of 50 yrs old and over Total Number of Deaths with Medical Attendance Birth Rate Death Rate Infant Mortality Rate Source: RHU

Latest Year

III – B-2. Family Planning Methods and Users – Three Reference Years Barangay Con dom

Previous Year1 Number of Users/Method IUD Total

Con dom

Previous Year2 Number of Users/Method IUD Total

Con dom

Latest Year Number of Users/Method IUD


Total Source: RHU

III – B-3a. Social Welfare Services and Facilities and Beneficiaries – Latest Year Social Welfare Services and Facilities

Number of Barangays Covered

Number of Beneficiaries by Type Low Income Families

Senior Citizen

Day Care Children

Disabled Persons

Source: MSWDO

III – B-3b. Number of Families Below Poverty Line By Barangay – Three Reference Years Barangay Previous Year1 Previous Year2 Latest Year Total No. of Families

No. of Families Below Poverty Line


Total No. of Families

No. of Families Below Poverty Line


Total No. of Families

No. of Families Below Poverty Line

Total Source: MSWDO/MPDO III – B-3c. Inventory of Day Care Centers By Barangay – Latest Year Day Care Center Barangay Number of Number of Rooms Enrollees

Number of DC Workers

Source: MSWDO III – B-3d. Inventory of Centers for Disabled and Elderly By Barangay – Latest Year Name of Center Barangay Number of Beneficiaries Elderly (Senior Citizen):


Disabled Person:

Source: MSWDO

III – B-4. Inventory of Cultural Activities and Festivities By Barangay – Latest Year Municipality/Barangay Name of Cultural Activities/ Date of the Activity/Festivity Festivities

Source: MSWDO/Mayor’s Office III – B-5a. Educational Attainment and Literacy Rate 5 Years Old and Over by Sex– Three Reference Years Educational Level Previous Year1 Previous Year2 Latest Year Mal e


Fem ale


Tot al


Mal e


Fem ale


Tot al


Mal e


Fem ale


Tot al


No Grade Completed Pre-School Elementary High School Level High School Graduate Post Secondary/ Vocational College Level College Graduate Post Baccalaureate Not Stated Total Literacy Rate Source: NSO/MPDO/DepED/Survey III – B-5b. School Age Population and Participation Rate – Three Reference School Years School Year/Educational Level

Previous School Year1: Pre-School Elementary High School

School Age Population Male Female Total

Number Enrolled Male Female Total

Participation Rate (%) Male(%) Female(%) Total(%)

Tertiary Total Previous School Year2: Pre-School Elementary High School Tertiary Total Latest School Year: Pre-School Elementary High School Tertiary Total Source: NSO/MPDO/DepED/Survey III – B-5c. Pre-schools (Public & Private), Enrollment, Teachers and Classrooms – Three Reference School Years Previous School Year1: Name of School

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Previous School Year2: Name of School

Type (Public/Private)

Latest School Year: Name of School

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Source: NSO/MPDO/DepED/Survey III – B-5c. Elementary Schools (Public & Private), Enrollment, Teachers and Classrooms – Three Reference School Years Previous School Year1: Name of School

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Previous School Year2: Name of School

Latest School Year: Name of School

Source: NSO/MPDO/DepED/Survey

III – B-5c. Secondary Schools (Public & Private), Enrollment, Teachers and Classrooms – Three Reference School Years Previous School Year1: Name of School

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Previous School Year2: Name of School

Latest School Year: Name of School

Source: NSO/MPDO/DepED/Survey III – B-5c. Vocational/Tertiary Schools (Public & Private), Enrollment, Teachers and Classrooms – Three Reference School Years Previous School Year1: Name of School

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Type (Public/Private)

Number of Enrollees

Number of Teachers

Teacher – Student Ratio

Number of Classrooms

Classroom – Student Ratio

Previous School Year2: Name of School

Latest School Year: Name of School


III – B-6a. Number of Households with Dwelling Units by Ownership, Type and Structural Quality, by Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Ownership Type Structural Quality Owned/ Amortized


Occupied for Free

Single Detached


Multi Residential


Semi Concrete

Light Material

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/MEO/Survey III – B-6b. Inventory of Residential Subdivisions and Socialized Housing – Latest Year Name of Subdivision/ Location Total Housing Units Number Occupied Singl Dupl Conc Semi Light Sin Du Co Se Ligh Socialized Housing e



Conc rete

Mat erial


ple x

ncr ete

mi Co ncr ete

Number of Household

t Mat erial

Residential Subdivision:

Socialized Housing:

Source: NSO/MPDO/MEO/Survey III – B-6c. Inventory and Location of Informal Settlements and Resettlement Projects – Latest Year Informal Settlements: Location/Barangay Type of Land Area (Ha.) Year No. of Housing Units Type of Structure Occupied Occupied Families Concrete Semi Light (Public/Private) Concrete Material

Total Resettlement Project: Location/Barangay Type of Land Occupied (Public/Private)

Area (Ha.)

Year Established

No. of Families

Housing Units Type of Structure Concrete Semi Light Concrete Material

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/MEO/Survey III – B-6d. Number of Households by Fuel Used for Cooking, By Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Number of Households by Fuel Used Electricity No. %

Kerosene No. %



Charcoal No. %

Wood No. %

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/MEO/Survey III – B-6e. Number of Households by Kind of Lighting Facility, By Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Number of Households by Lighting Facility Electricity No. %

Total Source: NSO/MPDO/MEO/Survey



Generator No. %

Kerosene No. %

Others No. %

III – B-6f. Number of Household by Kind of Toilet Facility Being Used, by Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Number of Households by Kind of Toilet Facility Being Used Water-sealed w/ Sewer/ Septic Tank Exclusive Use No. %

Shared No. %

Water-sealed w/ Other Depository Exclusive Use No. %

Shared No. %

Close Pit No.

Open Pit







Total Source: NSO/MPDO/MHO/Survey III – B-6g. Number of Household by Manner of Garbage Disposal, by Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Number of Households by Manner of Garbage Disposal Collected by Garbage Truck No. %

Dumping in Individual Pit No. %

Recycling and Dumping No. %

Composting and Dumping No. %

Burning and Dumping No. %

Others No.


Total Source: NSO/MPDO/MHO/Survey

III – B-7. Inventory of Sports and Recreation Facilities, By Barangay – Latest Year Barangay

Billia rd Cent er

Bowl ing Cent er

Gymn asium / Sports Cente r

Bask etbal l Cour ts

Source: NSO/MPDO/MTO/Survey

Volley ball/ Tenni s Court s

Beach Resor ts

Inland Resor ts & Swim ming Pools

Parks and Playgr ounds

Pubs/ Night Clubs

Music Laung e/ Video ke Bar

Physic al Fitnes s Gym

Cine mas

Oth ers

Tot al

III – B-8a. Crime Incidence (Index/Non-Index) By Barangay, Municipality and Province for the Last 5 Years Barangay Previous Year1 Previous Year2 Latest Year Index Non-Index Index Non-Index Index Non-Index Crimes Crimes Crimes Crimes Crimes Crimes

Crime Volume: - Municipality - Province Crime Solved: - Municipality - Province Crime Rate: - Municipality - Province Crime Solution Efficiency: - Municipality - Province Source: Local PNP III – B-8b. Protective Services By Personnel, Facilities and Equipments – Latest Year Location Area No. of Personnel No. of Facilities and Equipments Type of Service (Sq.m)

Police: Headquarter Sub-Station Outpost Fire Protection: Headquarter Sub-Station Jail Management: District Jail City/Municipal jail Others


to Pop’n Ratio

Patrol Car/Fire Truck




Source: Local PNP, BFP & BJMP III – B-8c. Number of Barangay Tanods by Type of Service, By Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Number of Barangay Tanod by Type of Service Total Patrol Traffic

Total Source: DILG-MLGOO III – B-8d. Fire Incidence By Barangay for the Last 3 Years Barangay Previous Year1 Previous Year2 Nature of Fire Total Nature of Fire Structural







Latest Year Nature of Fire Structural


Total Source: BFP III – B-8e. Disaster Preparedness Programs and Services by Barangay – Latest Year Municipality/Barangay List of Disaster Preparedness Programs & Services LGU Santa Ana: 1. 2. 3. Barangay:

Source: MSWDO/Mayor’s Office



III – B-8f. Organized Groups and Facilities to be Utilized During Disasters, By Barangay – Latest Year Municipality/Barangay Organized Group Facilities LGU Santa Ana:


Source: MSWDO/Mayor’s Office

V – A-1. Classification (Legal Status) of Land Resources by Area Coverage Land Classification By Legal Status Area Coverage (Ha.) Alienable & Disposable Timberland Special Economic Zone Protected Areas for: (Mention PDs, Proclamations, Special Laws, or RAs) Example: - Protected Area for wildlife - Protected Area for forest and watershed - Protected Area for Indigenous People Source: MPDO/NAMRIA/DENR V – A-2. Land Area Distribution by Barangay (Urban/Rural) Barangay by Category Area Coverage (Ha.) Urban:


Total for Municipality Source: MPDO/NAMRIA/DENR

Percent Share

Percent Share

V – A-3. Land Cover Distribution by Type and Area Coverage – Two Reference Years Type of Land Cover Previous Year Latest Year Change in Percentage Hectare Change Area (Ha.) % Share Area (Ha.) % Share Built-up Roads Unbuilt:  Woodland  Roads  Open/Agriculture  Beach  Municipal Water  Ponds  Rivers & Lakes Others* Total Source: MPDO/DENR/Survey Note: *Undetermined Areas V – A-3. Land Cover Distribution by Type, by Barangay – Latest Year Barangay by Category Built-up Roads Unbuilt Ha. % Ha. % Ha. % Urban:

Others* Ha. %


Total Source: MPDO/DENR/Survey

Note: *Undetermined Areas

V – A-4. Existing Land Use Distribution by Category Land Use Category Area Coverage (Ha.) Residential Commercial Infrastructure/utilities Institutional  Government Institutions  Private Institutions

Percent Share


Parks/playgrounds and other recreational spaces Industrial Agriculture  Croplands  Fishponds  Other Agri Uses Forest and forest use categories Mining/quarrying Grassland/pastureland Agro-industrial Tourism Other uses /categories:  Cemeteries  Dumpsites/Sanitary Landfills  Buffer zones/greenbelts  Idle/vacant lands  Reclamations Water uses:  Nipa swamps  Mangrove forests  Tourism (recreation/resorts)  Settlements on stilts  Infrastructure (e.g. ports, fish landing)  Aquaculture and marine culture (e.g. fish cages/fish pens, seaweed culture, etc.)  Others, specify (e.g. river sand/gravel quarrying, coral reef, seagrass beds) Total Source: MPDO/DENR/Land Use Survey V – A-5. Urban Land Use Distribution by Category – Two Reference Years Land Use Category Previous Year Latest Year Area (Ha.) % Share Area (Ha.) % Share Residential Commercial Infrastructure/utilities Institutional Parks/playgrounds and recreational spaces

Change in Hectare

Percentage Change

Industrial Total Source: MPDO/Land Use Survey V – B-1a. Inventory of Roads By Classification, Type of Pavement and Condition, By Location/Barangay – Latest Year Name of Road by Location/ Length in Type of Pavement by Kilometer Classification Barangay Kilometer Concrete Asphalt Gravel Earth (km) (km) (km) (km) (km) National:





Source: DPWH/Municipal Engineering Office V – B-1b. Inventory of Bridges by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition, By Location/Barangay – Latest Year Name of Bridge by Location/ Width in Length in Type of Construction (/) Classification Barangay Meter Meter RCDG Steel Timber Others National:




Source: DPWH/Municipal Engineering Office


V – B-1c. Inventory of Public Land Transport Services/Utilities by Classification/Type and Frequency of Trips – Latest Year Transport Line/Company/ Route Classification/Type (PUB, Number of PUJ, Taxi, Tricycle, etc.) Organization (Origin/Destination) Units

Frequency of Trips per Day

Source: Mayor’s Office/MEO/LTO V – B-1d. Inventory of Land Transportation Terminals by Type and Condition – Latest Year Name of Terminal Location Area (Sq.m.) Category/Condition Classification (Permanent/Temporary) (Gov’t./Private)

Source: Mayor’s Office/MEO/MPDO V – B-1e. Vehicular Traffic Accident Data by Type and Severity for the Last Three Years Type of Accident (Collision/NonCollision)


Previous Year 1 Non- Damage Fatal to Property

Collision:  Vehicle to vehicle  Vehicle to Pedestrian  Vehicle to Fixed Object Non-Collision:  Turn-turtle Total Source: Local PNP



Previous Year 2 Non- Damage Fatal to Property



Latest Year Non- Damage Fatal to Property


V – B-2a. Inventory of Seaports/Riverports by Classification/Type and Condition – Latest Year Name of Port Location Area (Sq.m.) Category/Condition Classification (Permanent/Temporary) (Gov’t./Private)

Source: Coast Guard/MEO/MPDO V – B-2b. Inventory of Public Sea/River Transport Services/Utilities by Classification/Type and Frequency of Trips – Latest Year Transport Line/Company/ Route Classification/Type Number of Frequency of (Ferry Boat, Lampitao, Organization (Origin/Destination) Units Trips per Banca, etc.) Day/Week

Source: Coast Guard/MPDO V – B-3a. Inventory of Airports by Classification/Type and Condition – Latest Year Name of Airport Location Area (Sq.m.) Category/Condition (Permanent/Temporary)

Classification (Gov’t./Private)

Source: ATO/MPDO V – B-3b. Inventory of Public Air Transport Services/Utilities by Classification/Type and Frequency of Trips – Latest Year Airline/Aircraft Company Route Classification/Type Number of (Aircraft, Light Plane, (Origin/Destination) Units Twin/Single Engine, etc.)

Frequency of Flight per Day/Week

Source: ATO/MPDO

V – C-1. Number of Residential Buildings and Houses by Type of Construction and Condition, By Barangay – Latest Year Barangay Number Residential Building Number of Housing Units by Condition Condominium Apartment Dormitory Concrete Semi Light Type Type Type Concrete Material

Source: MEO/Survey V – C-2. Inventory of Commercial Buildings and Establishments by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of Building/ Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Establishment Area Concrete Material (Sq.m.)


Source: MEO/Survey V – C-3. Inventory of Tourism Buildings, Landmarks and Facilities by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of Building/ Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Landmark/Facility Area Concrete Material (Sq.m.)

Source: MEO/Survey


V – C-4a. Inventory of Industrial Buildings by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of Building by Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Type (Heavy/Light) Area Concrete Material (Sq.m.) Heavy:



Source: MEO/Survey V – C-4b. Inventory of Agricultural Buildings/Structures by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of Building/ Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Structure Area Concrete Material (Sq.m.)


Source: MEO/MAO/Survey V – C-5a. Inventory of School Buildings by Level, Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of School and Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Building by Level Area Concrete Material (Sq.m.) Pre-School:





Source: MEO/DEpEd/Survey V – C-5b. Inventory of Hospital and Health Center Buildings by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of Hospital and Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Building/Clinic/Health Area Concrete Material Center (Sq.m.) Hospital:



Health Center:

Source: MEO/MHO/Survey V – C-5c. Inventory of Other Institutional Buildings and Facilities by Classification, Type of Construction and Condition – Latest Year Name of Institution/ Location/Barangay Floor Classification Type of Construction (Gov’t/Private) Concrete Semi Light Institutional Area Concrete Material Structure/Facility (Sq.m.)


Source: MEO/Survey V – C-6. Inventory of Telecommunication Facilities and Structures by Kind, Classification and Service Coverage – Latest Year Name of Location/Barangay Kind of Classification Service Coverage (Gov’t/Private) No. of Brgys No. of HH Telecommunication Facility/ Served Served Company Structure

Source: MEO/Survey


V – C-7. Water Supply Facilities By Level, Service Coverage, Volume of Supply and Consumption, By Barangay – Latest Year Name of Water Barangay Classification Service Coverage Volume Volume (GOCC/Coop./ No. of No. of HH Supply Facility by of of Private) Brgys Served Level Supply Consump Served tion Level III:


Level II:

Level I:

Source: MEO/Survey V – C-8. Power Supply Source By Service Coverage, Volume of Supply and Consumption – Latest Year Name of Power Location/ Classification Service Coverage Volume Volume (GOCC/Coop./ No. of No. of HH Supply Facility Barangay of of Private) Brgys Served Supply Consump Served tion

Source: MEO/Survey V – C-9. Inventory of Flood Control, Drainage and Sewerage Facilities By Type of Construction and Condition, By Barangay – Latest Year Condition Facility By Kind Location/ Type of Construction Concrete/ Semi-Concrete/ Barangay Permanent

Flood Control:




Source: MEO/Survey

V – C-10. Inventory of Existing Waste Disposal Facilities by Type, Service Coverage, Capacity and Condition – Latest Year Present Type of Waste Disposal Location/ Capacity Service Coverage Volume of (Volume of No. of Brgys No. of HH Facility Barangay (Landfill, Controlled Dump, Open Dump)

waste can contain)




Waste Dumped

Source: MEO/MENRO/Survey VI – E-6. Monthly Average Temperature, Mean Relative Humidity and Cloudiness by Climate Type Month Climate Type______ Climate Type ______ Temperature Humidity Cloudiness Temperature Humidity Cloudiness

Source: PAG-ASA, DOST VI – E-7. Monthly and Annual Rainfall by Climate Type Month Rainfall (mm) Number of Rainy Days Climate Type___ Climate Type___ Climate Type___ Climate Type___

Source: PAG-ASA, DOST VI – F-1. Flooded and Flood-Free Areas Degree of Flooding No Flooding Slight Seasonal Flooding Severe Seasonal Flooding Total Source: MEO/MPDO

Area (ha)

Percent to Total

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