Ecl Health & Safety Policy 2nd March 09

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Health & Safety Policy, Organisation and Arrangements

Essendee Construction Ltd 16 Enderby Road Luton Beds LU3 2HQ

© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA . TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 –



Company Health and Safety Policy Statement Organisational Chart for Health and Safety

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Organisation for Health and Safety; 1. Director responsible for Health & Safety 2. Site Supervisors 3. Site Operatives 4. Sub-Contractors 5. Office Manager 6. Health and Safety Advisor 7. Health & Safety Risks Arising From Work Activities 8. Consultation With Employees 9. Safe Plant, Tools and Equipment 10. Safe Handling and Use of Substances 11. Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision 12. Competency For Tasks and Training 13. Accidents, First Aid and Work Related Ill Health 14. Monitoring 15. Emergency Procedures – Fire and Evacuation 16. Alcohol and Drugs Policy

5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19

Management of Health and Safety in the Workplace 17. Management of Health and Safety at Work; Appointment of Competent Persons 18. General approach to be taken to ensure adequate arrangements for Health and Safety Management 19. Organisation 20. Control 21. Monitoring 22. Accidents and Incidents 23. Review of Health and Safety Policy, Organisation and procedures 24. Risk Assessment 25. Work at Height 26. Use of Ladders and Stepladders 27. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 28. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 29. Vibration and Vibrating Tools 30. Noise at Work Regulations 31. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 32. Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 33. Personal Protective equipment at Work Regulations 34. Method Statements 35. Training and Certification 36. Design Stage Considerations

Appendices: Appendix 1 Risk Assessments Appendix 2 General Method Statement Appendix 3 MSDS and COSHH Assessments Appendix 4 List of Health and Safety Reference Documents


© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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ESSENDEE CONSTRUCTION Ltd Health & Safety Policy Statement Essendee Construction Ltd Also referred to as ECL (hereinafter referred to as ‘the company’) fully recognises the duties placed on it by the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and other relevant legislation and regulations, and that the company has a duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare, so far as is reasonably practicable, of its employees and other persons who may be affected by the company’s undertakings. The company considers that excellent health and safety performance directly contributes to the company’s commercial success, and believes that the provision of a safe working environment and safe systems of work enhance the company's health and safety climate, and the company is committed to ensuring that these obligations are, wherever reasonably practicable met or exceeded. The company also recognises that all its employees must comply with duties imposed on them under the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure that they do not endanger themselves or other persons by their actions or inactions, or interfere with anything provided for health and safety. This shall be enforced through regular training and communication with all employees and other persons affected by the undertakings of the company. The company is committed to the following principles: 

That health and safety objectives of the company shall be set within a health and safety action plan and regularly reviewed to ensure continuous improvement and performance in health and safety.

Actively monitoring health and safety performance through regular site inspections, audits and reviews which the company regards as an essential element of the company’s performance improvement.

Ensuring that the appropriate resources, both financial and physical will be made available to support this policy.

Ensuring that all reasonably foreseeable hazards are identified and risks assessed in respect of the company’s undertakings, and that suitable and sufficient control measures are implemented and regularly reviewed.

Ensuring all company employees are provided with sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable them to work safely and efficiently.

The company undertakes to revise and review this policy as often as future developments in health & safety legislation makes appropriate or at least annually.


Date: 21st February 2009 (Director responsible for Health & Safety)


© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Esendee Construction Ltd Organisational Chart for Health & Safety

Sean Hoare Managing Director

Nexus Business Support Health and Safety Advisors

Mark Radford Contracts Manager

Office Staff

Site Supervisor

Site Supervisor

Site Operatives

Frank Sheehan Senior Surveyor

Site Supervisor

Site Operatives

© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Site Operatives


Mary Trevena Accounts Manager

Joe Chester Plant Manager

Organisation of Health & Safety 1.

Director Responsible for Health & Safety


The Director responsible for health and safety has overall and final responsibility for health & safety within the company.


The Director responsible for health and safety has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that the policy is put into practice.


The Director responsible for health and safety is committed to undertaking regular site inspections and meetings with Site Managers, Supervisors and Employees in respect of health and safety.


The Director responsible for health and safety shall ensure that a suitably competent person(s) is appointed to provide the company with health and safety advice. Where necessary the Director responsible for health and safety will report health and safety issues and concerns to the company’s appointed health and safety advisor for appropriate action to be taken. Robert Ryce Of Nexus Business Support Limited is the appointed Health & Safety Advisor for the company and is committed to undertaking regular unannounced site visits.


The Director responsible for health and safety shall, at least annually, review the company health and safety action plan in liaison with the company Health and Safety Advisor, Site Managers, Supervisors and Employee Health and Safety Representatives.


Site Supervisors


Be aware of and understand the legal requirements relating to operations under their control and ensure that they are fully and correctly implemented in accordance with the appropriate risk assessments, method statements and/or permit to work.


Ensure that clear instruction and close supervision is given to employees, in particular to young persons.


Report any defects in plant, tools, equipment and means of access/egress, where necessary to the Director responsible for health and safety.


Ensure that safe working procedures are adopted and set a personal example in behaviour and the use of personal protective equipment by conforming to all site rules.


Ensure that all employees and sub-contractors working on site make full and proper use of their personal protective equipment.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Site Operatives


All tradesmen and site operatives are responsible for:


Using the correct tools and equipment for the job. Keeping the tools in good condition and properly maintained, reporting defects in any tool or piece of equipment.


Wearing and using personal protective equipment correctly such as hard hats, safety footwear, gloves, hearing/eye protection etc, and keeping this equipment clean and reporting any defects or damage.


Carrying out tasks in accordance with instructions included in any risk assessments, method statements or permits to work.


Using only proper means of access and egress to and from the workplace.


Not interfering with or misusing ladders, scaffold or any other equipment provided for Health & Safety.


Have personal regard for there own health & safety and that of other persons.


Refraining from ‘horseplay’.


Keeping any welfare facilities and mess room in a clean and tidy condition.


Attending Health & Safety talks, presentations and training provided as required.


Conforming to the site's Health & Safety rules

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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To carry out their work efficiently and safely in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all relevant statutory, regulatory and Approved Codes of Practice requirements.


To produce and provide the company with copies of their safe working procedures for their operations.


To produce and provide the company with copies of their risk assessments for the work that they will be engaged in, identifying the hazards associated with the works and detailing the control measures to be implemented.


To produce and provide the company with relevant method statements for the works they will be engaged in.


To produce and provide the company with material safety data sheets (MSDS) and COSHH assessments for any hazardous materials to be provided for the works.


Ensure that the works are carried out in accordance with the method statement provided and encourage safe methods of work.


To set up and maintain an efficient and adequate system of first aid and welfare facilities for their employees unless shared facilities are agreed and provided by the company or others.


To maintain good, safe working relationships with ECL employees, clients, designers, planning coordinators and fellow sub-contractors.


Ensure that their actions or inactions do not result in hazardous conditions for other persons who may be working in the same area.


To co-operate with ECL Management, Health & Safety Advisor and Client's personnel in the furtherance of their duties, and to maintain a good working relationship with safety representatives and safety committees established in accordance with current legislation.


To ensure that all work undertaken is carried out by suitably trained and competent operatives and to ensure that they are properly supervised.


ECL requires all employees of sub-contractors to receive a safety induction before they commence work.


To reprimand and/or discipline their employees who are careless in regard to their own safety and the safety of others. (Note: The Company will not hesitate to instruct the removal of offenders)


To provide their employees with appropriate personal protective equipment and ensure that their employees use both clothing and equipment as required


To complete all statutory registers and forms.


To immediately report all hazards and all accidents on site to the ECL Ltd Site Supervisor or Director responsible for health and safety

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Office Manager


Understand the company's Health & Safety Policy and the legal requirements relating to tasks and operations under their control


Ensure that the policies are correctly implemented by all departmental managers a also by staff under their control, and take and develop any additional advice that may be necessary.


Ensure that first aid provision is maintained and that a trained first aider or appointed person is available on the premises


Record and report all accidents and dangerous occurrences.


Ensure that the welfare and sanitary arrangements are adequate properly maintained and kept in a clean condition.


Ensure that Health & Safety induction training is given to all new employees and appropriate health, safety and fire training is provided as required.


Appoint sufficient fire marshals/wardens as necessary to supervise premises evacuation and ensure that fire escape drills are undertaken at least twice per annum.


Ensure that the fire and smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers and similar equipment is regularly inspected and tested and accurate records maintained.


Ensure that office premises are adequately lit, ventilated, heated and maintained.


Co-operate with the company's Health & Safety Advisor to achieve compliance with the Health & Safety policy and procedures.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Health & Safety Advisor


Provide Health & Safety advice and guidance on Policy matters to company Directors, Site Managers, Supervisors and employees and liaise with Clients, Designers, Planning Coordinators and suppliers etc.


Assist the company in keeping up to date with all relevant statutory provisions, Codes of Practice and Guidance and assist in formation of appropriate internal guidance and documentation in setting internal Health & Safety standards or targets whilst monitoring compliance.


Assist in the production and implementation of risk assessments and method statements


Undertake regular inspections/audits of sites and office controlled by the company and report on hazards, precautions and compliance with statutory requirements and company policies and procedure


Produce inspection/audit reports on company health and safety compliance and performance


Produce accidents and/or incident reports as required and complete statutory notifications (E.g. RIDDOR reports) as required


Act as the company’s liaison with enforcing authorities (e.g. HSE, Fire etc) or advisory Bodies as required.


Assist with the provision of health and safety training by identifying suitable training providers and/or conducting training and tool box talks etc.


Provide advice in respect of the provision of personal protective equipment as necessary.

6.10 Attend company meetings when requested to do so and provide advice to the Director responsible for health and safety, Quantity Surveyor and Supervisors on planning and coordination relevant to Construction Health and Safety Plans and Health and Safety Files etc where relevant. 6.11 Attend company safety and review meetings when requested to do so to provide advice on all matters relating to health and safety. 6.12 Advise the company and make recommendations on health and safety to enable continuous improvement. 6.13 Set a personal example when on company sites by complying with site health and safety rules and instructions and the wearing of all required personal protective equipment.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Health & Safety Risks arising from Work Activities


The company shall ensure that all tasks undertaken by the company are risk assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.


All risk assessments shall be reviewed at least annually or where it is apparent that the work activity has changed and it is believed the assessment may no longer be valid, whichever is the sooner.


The company shall ensure that site health and safety inspections and health and safety audits are regularly undertaken and reports submitted to the Director responsible for health and safety. Site health and safety inspections and health and safety audits shall be carried out by the company’s appointed Health & Safety Advisor. The company’s appointed health and safety advisor is Mr. Robert Ryce of Nexus Business Support Limited.


The findings of site health and safety inspections and health and safety audits will initially be reported verbally to the Director responsible for health safety. The findings of sites health and safety inspections will initially be reported verbally to company Site Managers/Supervisors for immediate action where appropriate. Written health and safety audit reports and site health and safety inspection reports shall be submitted to the Director responsible for health and safety as soon as reasonably practicable.


Where hazards not previously assessed are identified in health and safety audits and site health and safety inspection reports, the Health and Safety Advisor shall identify and make recommendations for the implementation of control measures to removal or reduce those risks to a reasonably practicable acceptable level.


Where appropriate, health and safety audits and site health and safety inspection reports shall identify the relevant company employee(s) or other person(s) with responsibility for ensuring that the required action(s) is implemented and signed off.


Periodically the appointed Health and Safety Advisor shall carry out a review of health and safety audits and site health and safety inspections to ensure that actions required to be implemented have been carried out, the control measures in place and the actions closed out.


Consultation with employees


The Director responsible for health and safety currently consults with all employees directly in respect of health and safety on a periodic basis, and where appropriate, direct consultation is followed up by providing all employees with written information in the form of letters and/or internal memos.


The company positively encourages all employees’ involvement in health and safety matters by direct individual or representative discussion or consultation with Site Managers, Supervisors or the appointed Health & Safety Advisor

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Safe Plant, Tools and Equipment


The company recognises it has a legal duty under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations to ensure that all plant, tools and equipment supplied to employees for use in the workplace are safe to use and maintained in a safe condition.


The company generally does not own plant but hires-in plant and equipment as required for specific works undertaken. All plant hired for use by the company in its undertakings shall be obtained from a reputable hire company and shall be required to be supplied with;     

CE Marking/Specification requirements User instructions where appropriate All component parts and ancillary tools as required Full service/maintenance records as appropriate Records of inspection/test and/or thorough examination as appropriate


Where employees are required to employ and/or operate plant and/or equipment they shall be provided with suitable and sufficient training and instruction in the use of the plant and/or equipment prior to use, and/or shall have up to date relevant qualification/certification to establish their competence for the safe use and operation of the plant and/or equipment concerned.


Where the company (or any employee) supplies handheld tools for use in the Workplace, the company shall undertake regular and routine inspections of those handheld tools to ensure they are maintained in good condition and are safe for use. Where it is apparent that any hand-held tool has not been maintained and is not in a safe for use, the company (or employee where the hand-held tool has been supplied by an employee) shall require the tool to be immediately withdrawn and a suitable safe replacement tool provided.


Where any plant, tools or equipment are found to be defective or otherwise unsafe for use, it shall be reported immediately to the Site Manager or Supervisor. All such plant, tools and equipment must be clearly labelled as being unsafe for use before being taken out of service and until the plant, tools or equipment have been satisfactorily repaired, maintained or replaced and the repaired, maintained or replaced plant, tools or equipment deemed safe for use by a competent person.


Site Managers, Supervisors or the Director responsible for health and safety, if available, shall be responsible for checking and ensuring all new plant, tools and equipment meet the required certification standard and is CE marked before being purchased or hired, and is safe to use for its intended purpose

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Safe Handling and Use of Substances

10.1 The Director responsible for health and safety, Site Managers and Supervisors shall be responsible for identifying all substances, prior to purchase or being employed in the workplace, that require an assessment under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). 10.2 Where any substance has been identified as requiring an assessment under the COSHH Regulations, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be obtained from the manufacturer/supplier of the substances by the company and a COSHH assessment carried out to assess the risks arising from those substances identified. 10.3 Site Managers, Supervisors or the appointed health and Safety Advisor shall be responsible for carrying out COSHH assessments in respect of substances identified in relation to their use and the exposure of employees or other persons to the substance. 10.4 Where any substance identified as requiring an assessment under the COSHH Regulations is being supplied and used by a sub-contractor, the sub-contractor shall be required to supply the company with a suitable and sufficient COSHH assessment prior to employing the substance on site. 10.5 Site Managers and Supervisors shall be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed of the contents of COSHH Assessments undertaken and any implications in respect of employee’s health and welfare through the use of those substances. 10.6 The action(s) required to be implemented to remove or control any risks identified by the COSHH assessment for the safe use of a substance shall be the responsibility of the employee named on the COSHH Assessment by the Site Manager, Supervisor or Director responsible for health and safety. 10.7 Where any employee is exposed to certain hazardous substances (e.g. asbestos) the company shall arrange for health surveillance to be undertaken and for the required records in respect of the health surveillance to be maintained for the prescribed period (e.g. 40 years). 10.8 COSHH Assessments shall be reviewed at least annually or when it is apparent that the assessment is no longer valid, or where the substance is to be used in an area where additional safety precautions may be required (e.g. confined spaces) or the substance may come into contact with other substances creating additional hazards, whichever is the sooner. 10.9 Where reasonably practicable hazardous substances shall be replaced by non-hazardous or less hazardous substances. 10.10 The company shall comply with all required environmental control measures when working on site and shall ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that site waste, waste COSHH substances and waste containers are disposed of correctly by licensed waste contractors and not permitted to damage the environment.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Information, Instruction Training and Supervision


Information for company employees on Health and Safety (i.e. Health and Safety Law Poster, CDM F10, Fire Safety Arrangements etc) shall be prominently displayed on all sites where the company operates. Where the company operates as a sub-contractor, this information must be displayed by the Principal Contractor.


Health and Safety advice to the company is provided by Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield Aylesford Kent. ME20 6LA.


The Director responsible for health and safety shall ensure that Site Managers and Supervisors arrange, where applicable, for the supervision and monitoring of young persons as defined by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, or young inexperienced trainees/apprentices. Supervision provided must be undertaken by competent person(s) identified by the Site Manager, Supervisor or Director responsible for health and safety. Young persons are defined by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations as persons being under the age of 18 years, and in respect of Children, are defined as being under the minimum school leaving age (currently 16 years of age).


Where the company accepts any young person on a work experience programme or employs young and inexperienced person(s), as defined by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, it is a legal requirement that specific risk assessment(s) shall be carried out in order to identify the hazards particularly related to the employment of young and inexperienced persons in the workplace. The risk assessment(s) must identify those additional hazards likely to arise due to the youth and inexperience of the young person and put in place control measures, including prohibitions in respect of carry out certain types of work and using machinery, and limiting working hours. In addition adequate information, instruction, training and close supervision levels must be provided to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health, safety and welfare of young persons are not adversely affected due to the work undertaken or the nature of the workplace or its contents (i.e. plant, tools, machinery, hazardous substances or working practices etc). The content of the risk assessment and the control measures necessary are required by law to be communicated to; the young person(s) employed, and in the case of children under the minimum school leaving age, parents or guardians, and the young persons school and/or their appointed representative.


Young persons under 18 years of age are prohibited from operating lifting appliances or giving signals, they are also prohibited from using certain woodworking machines unless under supervision during training sessions.


Special consideration must be made when a person under the age of 21 years is to operate certain vehicles or plant on the public highway (i.e. the operators must be in possession of a valid Department of Transport Driving Licence together with an accredited CPCS or national Plant card).

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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The Director responsible for health and safety shall be responsible for ensuring that the company has undertaken the relevant risk assessments and receives permission from the employer in control of the workplace before any company employees or young persons on work experience programmes, who are defined as young persons by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, are permitted to work at non-company premises. In all such circumstances, the Director responsible for health and safety must ensure that such young persons are provided with all necessary information, instruction and training, adequate levels of close supervision, all necessary personal protective equipment, and are given relevant health and safety information in the form of a site safety induction, supplied either by the company or when on sites not under company’s control, by the Principal contractor.


Where the Principal or main contractor in control of the workplace is not prepared to accept young persons as defined by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations onto the site, The company shall not permit any young persons to work on the site.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Competency for Tasks and Training


The company recognises that it has a legal duty to provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to employees. This will be provided by a competent person or training organisation determined by the company.


All company employees upon commencement with the company shall be provided with a company induction that shall include information on the company’s health and safety policy and procedures and the importance of working in a healthy and safe manner.


All company employees shall receive site induction training that is specific to each and every site they are required to work on. This training, where the company is not in control of the site, shall be provided by the Principal Contractor. Where the company is in control of the site, the site induction shall be provided by the company’s Site Manager, Supervisor or Director responsible for health and safety.


From time to time tasks may arise that will require specific training requirements to be met (e.g. work involving the erection and use of tower scaffolds). Training requirements for specific tasks shall be determined as and when the need arises and shall be provided to employees as required.


Employee training records shall be maintained by the company and copies of training and qualifications shall be available for inspection at any reasonable time.


The Director responsible for health and safety, in liaison with the appointed Health and Safety Advisor, shall be responsible for assessing and identifying employee training needs and shall arrange for training to be provided, as required.


Where training is to be provided, training providers shall have their competency assessed by the appointed Health & Safety Advisor, and records of competency to provide training shall be maintained by the company.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Accidents, First Aid and Work Related Ill Health


The company shall investigate all employee accidents within 72 hours of occurrence or earlier where practicable. Wherever possible accident investigations shall be undertaken by the company’s appointed Health & Safety Advisor. When this is not possible the Director responsible for health and safety shall delegate responsibility for accident investigation to the Site Manager or Supervisor who shall undertake a full investigation and provide a written report of the investigations findings and where appropriate photographs shall be provided.


Where reports are required to be made to the Enforcing Authority (HSE) in cases of reportable accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences (as defined by the RIDDOR Regulations), The Director responsible for health and safety shall make the report or instruct the appointed Health and Safety Advisor to make the report in the appropriate manner and within the specified time frame. All employees must report any accident, case of disease or dangerous occurrence to their Site Manager, Supervisor or the Director responsible for health and safety as soon as practicable, who will notify the company’s appointed Health & Safety Advisor. All accidents shall be recorded by the company in an accident book (HSE B1510 Accident Book) held for this purpose. When entries are made in the accident book, the completed ‘detachable’ page shall be removed from the accident book and placed into secure company storage in order to comply with the Data Protection Act.


A first aid trained first aider or appointed person will be appointed by the company, dependent on the assessed first aid requirements.


Suitable and sufficient first aid equipment for the use of first aiders or appointed persons shall be provided and located at all company workplaces.


Clearly visible first aid signage indicating the location of first aid stations shall be provided, displayed and maintained on all company sites.


The company recognises that it has a legal duty to inform employees of serious hazards to their health in the workplace (e.g. exposure to asbestos containing materials) and to provide employees exposed to such serious risks to health with health surveillance. The company and its employees are aware of the risks of exposure to hazardous substances and materials, particularly asbestos, in the workplace, and undertake to carry out risk assessments of all tasks, including the risks of exposure to asbestos. All employees are instructed to exercise caution in carrying out tasks where unforeseen asbestos made be disturbed (e.g. drilling, breaking open enclosures etc) and have been advised that if any doubt exists as to the nature of materials exposed in the workplace, they should stop work immediately and seek assistance. In such cases work should not be resumed until the suspect material has been properly identified (e.g. via asbestos survey and sampling as necessary) and it has been established that is safe for works to resume.


In all cases where airborne dusts may be present due to the nature of the location or work to be performed, all employees are required to wear suitable respiratory protective equipment and personal protective equipment and premises occupants must be advised to vacate the area of the work, where practicable, to prevent exposure to any nuisance or harmful dust

© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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The company recognises that unannounced spot checks, inspections, audits and safety reviews are an essential element of the company’s performance improvement, and the company’s appointed Health & Safety Advisor is authorised to undertake unannounced site inspections and audits to ensure that safe working practices and procedures are being followed.


The company’s appointed Health & Safety Advisor, where requested to do so by the Director responsible for health and safety, shall investigate accidents, record the significant findings and submit reports to the Director responsible for health and safety.


The Director responsible for health and safety, Site Managers and Supervisors are responsible for investigating work related causes of ill health and sickness absence and for recording their findings.


All employees and sub-contractors shall be made aware of the findings of accident reports by Site Managers, Supervisors or the Director responsible for health and safety. All company employees shall be responsible for acting on the investigations findings in order to prevent further recurrence.


The company is committed to the reduction of accidents in the workplace and to assist in achieving this goal shall maintain a register of all workplace accidents.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Emergency Procedures - Fire and Evacuation


The company where appointed as Principal Contractor, will carry out a Fire Risk Assessment for the project and produce a site fire safety plan identifying the fire safety arrangements, which will include adequate fire detection, fire alarm and fire fighting equipment, fire and emergency escape routes, suitable signage, identify the location of a suitable fire assembly point and undertake fire drills etc as appropriate. Arrangements shall also be made to ensure the inspection, testing and monitoring of the precautions in place to ensure their effective operation.


All fire and emergency equipment supplied should be routinely inspected and maintained. Site Managers and Supervisors should ensure that the equipment is installed in the agreed positions immediately once the site is in operation.


Where any sub-contractor is involved in ‘Hot Work’ it will be their responsibility to provide specific fire fighting equipment within their area and ensure that safe systems of work are in place to prevent fire risks (e.g. hot work permit to work).


All hot work permits to work must be obtained from and authorised by the Site Management.


All sub-contractors on site shall be required to undertake a site induction that shall include compliance with fire and emergency arrangements in place and safe working procedures.


. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Alcohol and Drugs Policy


All company employees and sub-contractors employed will be subject to the following rules concerning the use/misuse of alcohol and drugs.


No employee will report for work whilst under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. In the case of alcohol the term "influence" is defined as that laid down by statutory or contract requirements, or as decreed by the employers Site Manager or Supervisor.


No employee shall consume alcohol on or off the premises during working hours, and if found in breach of this will be subject to disciplinary action.


The use of drugs by an employee will only be permitted if they are prescribed or instructed by a medical practitioner, and in the opinion of that specialist, will not impair the performance of the employee.


The use of illegal substances at any time is not permitted and any person contravening this will be subject to disciplinary action.


Any person previously dismissed or suspended for contravening the above terms will be required to provide medical evidence of their state of health, provided by a medical practitioner, prior to being considered for re-employment.


Any employee involved in safety critical activities for a Client will be required to satisfy any Client policies in relation to alcohol and drug screening which may includes random screening and the Clients disciplinary procedures.


Any person found or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the workplace will be immediately required to vacate the site or premises by the company.

. © Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009

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Management of Health and Safety in the Workplace 17.

Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations; Appointment of Competent Persons The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and subordinate Regulations place general and more specific duties on the company, its employees and others. The Regulations referred to below set out minimum legal requirements that will be adhered to at all times by the company.


Professional advice on Health and Safety matters is provided to the company by Nexus Business Solutions UK Ltd who act a the ‘competent person’ as defined by Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (as amended).


The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations requires the company to assess the risk to the health and safety of its employees and any others who may be affected by company’s undertakings. Risk Assessments are required to be carried out to identify all the protective and preventative measures that the company needs take to comply with legislation to ensure that Health and Safety standards are maintained.


Where applicable, emergency procedures shall be established and competent people nominated to adequately implement them.


Information, instruction and training will be provided to employees by the company to ensure correct levels of competency for all work activities undertaken by the company.


Where the company is in control of the site it shall provide comprehensive induction training, onsite, prior to employees or sub-contractors commencing work. Where the company are not in control of the site, comprehensive induction training, on-site, prior to company employees or it sub-contractors commencing work shall be carried out by the Principle Contractor in accordance with requirements.


General Approach to be taken to ensure adequate arrangements for Health and Safety Management


Planning The company will adopt the Considerate Constructors procedures as identified in the Health and Safety Code of Practice, to ensure effective control of risks by adopting a systematic approach to the identification of hazards and the assessment of risk.


The company shall develop and maintaining an OH&S Action Plan which shall include for the completion of risk assessments, and provide deadlines for their completion and the implementation of the appropriate risk control measures. The Action Plan shall prioritise risk assessments in relation to the potential risk of injury posed (Highest/Lowest). Wherever reasonably practicable, the company shall select facilities, design, equipment and processes, that ensure risks are eliminated or reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level.

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It is the company’s policy to ensure that effective channels of communication exist between all employees and the company’s management and to actively involve all employees and elected or company appointed safety representatives in the risk assessment process and the implementation of workplace risk controls.


Consultation with employees and other persons affected by the company’s undertakings shall be in accordance with company’s and client/Principal Contractor requirements.


Where reasonably practicable the company will consider the setting-up of a Health and Safety Committee where this is considered the best method that could be employed to communicate, co-ordinate and monitor company health and safety matters.


The company shall ensure that all employees involved in the risk assessment process are given adequate information, instruction and training to enable them to competently assist the company in the preventive and protective risk control measures it needs to take.




The company shall ensure that all its employees are given clear instructions and information on what they are expected to do, and that they have sufficient time and such other resources to enable them to do it safely. This shall include (but may not be limited to):       

Provision of Information, Instruction and Training Risk Assessments Site Specific Method Statements Safe Systems of Works Permits to Work (where required) Adequate Supervision Levels Personal Protective Equipment

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It is the company’s aim to achieve an effective health and safety culture through the development of employees, providing adequate levels of competent supervision and the close monitoring of performance.


Site Managers and Supervisors shall undertake regular workplace inspections in line with the company’s policy or such client/principal contractor requirements.


In addition, the company’s appointed Health and Safety Advisor shall carry out regular formal safety inspections to check the application of the company’s health and safety arrangements on site and monitor the effectiveness of their application, and shall also undertake regular internal health and safety audits of the company’s Health and Safety Management System and its application.


On completion of site health and safety inspections and internal health and safety management system audits, the company’s appointed Health and Safety Advisor shall furnish the company recommendations for continuous improvement and shall update the company’s Health and Safety Action Plan as necessary, to ensure that those items identified are brought to attention of the company’s management and appropriate action implemented as required.


Accidents and Incidents


All company employees (and sub-contractors where employed) are required to report all accidents, incidents or near misses to their company Site Manager or Supervisor who is responsible for ensuring that all injuries are reported using the company accident reporting procedure.


Where necessary, all injury and non-injury accidents, incidents or near misses shall be investigated and the immediate and underlying causes identified to assist in the prevention of recurrence.


Where required by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases or Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), the company shall submit a report in the required format and within the required time-frame to the relevant enforcing authority.


On sites not under the control of the company, all injury, non-injury accidents, incidents or near misses shall be reported to the principal contractor as required, and company employees shall cooperate and coordinate their efforts with the Principal Contractor in any investigation carried out or subsequent report required. In addition the company’s Site Manager or Supervisor shall report the matter to the company using the accident reporting procedure and ensure that details are entered into the company’s accident book as required.


The company shall maintain a register of all work related accidents and ill health and shall compile, using the company accident analysis record, an annual trend analysis of all accidents, incidents and ill health to ensure that risk control resources are directed appropriately.

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Review of Health and Safety Policy, Organisation and Procedures


It is the company’s policy to regularly review its health and safety policy, organisation and procedures, which shall be carried out as often as future developments in health & safety legislation makes appropriate or at least annually.


Following any review the company will set priorities for the continuous improvement of its health and safety policy, organisation and procedures, as appropriate and the improvement and implementation of risk control measures.


All improvement and/or necessary changes to the company’s policy, organisation and procedures will be reflected in the companies Health & Safety Action Plan which shall identify those company Directors, Managers, Supervisors or employees responsible for the action, together with dates for completion and implementation.


The company shall, where practicable, implement and follow the model procedures provided by the Health and Safety Executive Publication; Successful Health and Safety Management HSG 65 (as outlined in figure 1 below) to achieve a process which generates a continuous improvement cycle: Figure 1:

Model Procedure for Monitoring and Review of Health and Safety Management System







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The company recognises that risk assessment is not an ‘exact science’ and good judgement and common sense must be applied at all times by all of its employees. It is the company’s aim to always eliminate the risk, or if this can’t be done, to reduce the risks to which employees and others are exposed to acceptable levels through the implementation of suitable and sufficient control measures and adequate levels of supervision.


The company shall, in accordance with its health and safety policy, carry out risk assessments as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (as amended), and other assessments deemed necessary by specific relevant legislation and/or regulations, to identify all reasonably foreseeable hazards and persons who may be affected, and so far as is reasonably practicable eliminate risks or reduce risks to an acceptable level by implementing suitable and sufficient control measures.


All risk assessments carried out by the company shall be conducted by a competent person in accordance with the Health and Safety Executives ‘5 steps to risk assessment’ and are considered to be an imperative part of the company’s safety procedures.


All risk assessments carried out by the company will be site specific and shall be reviewed when changes in legislation and/or regulations require it, or it becomes apparent that they are no longer suitable or sufficient, or shall be reviewed at least annually, whichever is soonest.


All company employees shall be provided with suitable and sufficient information; instruction and training in respect of risk assessments, the requirements to implement control measures and the need to ensure adequate levels of supervision are provided and maintained to ensure safe working.

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The company recognises that it has a legal duty to ensure the safety of employees working at height in accordance with Work at Height Regulations and company employees have a duty to comply with the company’s safety procedures for work at height in order to protect themselves and other persons who may be affected by their action or inaction. General


The Work at Height Regulations identify a place of work at height as a place of work at height if a person could be injured by falling from it, even if that place is at or below ground level. The following sections cover the company’s procedures and requirements for safe working at height on ladders, scaffolding, scaffold towers and platforms, and requirements for implementing protective measures (e.g. collective fall prevention, collective fall arrest and personal fall protection) and the carrying out of inspections etc. Figure 2 below shows the Work at Height Regulations hierarchy of control for managing and selecting equipment for work at height; Figure 2: Hierarchy for Work at Height


The company shall undertake all work at height in accordance with the regulations and ensure that:


All work at height is properly assessed, planned and organised

All work at height takes account of weather conditions that could endanger health and safety

Those involved in work at height are trained and competent

The place where work at height is done is safe

Equipment for work at height is appropriately inspected and records maintained as required

Risks from fragile surfaces are properly identified and controlled

Risks from falling objects are properly identified and controlled

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Use of Ladders & Stepladders The Work at Height Regulations does not ban ladders or stepladders. They require that ladders should only be considered where a risk assessment has shown that the use of other more suitable work equipment is not appropriate because of the low risk, and short duration of the task or considerations of where the work is located. Short duration is accepted to mean no more than 30 minutes in one position. Common practice within the industry is to use step ladders for multi-position fixing of timbers and associated components. Schedule 6 of the Work at Height Regulations deals with the requirements for ladders and includes the following requirements:


Every employer shall ensure that a ladder is used for work at height only if a risk assessment under the Management Regulations has demonstrated that the use of more suitable work equipment is not justified because of the low risk and:   

the short duration of use; or existing features on site which he cannot alter. Any surface upon which a ladder rests shall be stable, firm, of sufficient strength.


A ladder shall be positioned to ensure its stability during use.


A portable ladder shall be prevented from slipping during use by:   

securing the stiles at or near their upper or lower ends; an effective anti-slip or other effective stability device; or any other arrangement of equivalent effectiveness.


A ladder used for access shall be long enough to protrude sufficiently above the place of landing to which it provides access, unless other measures have been taken to ensure a firm handhold.


No interlocking or extension ladder shall be used unless its sections are prevented from moving relative to each other while in use.


A mobile ladder shall be prevented from moving before it is stepped on.


Every ladder shall be used in such a way that:  

a secure handhold and secure support are always available to the user; and the user can maintain a safe handhold when carrying a load unless, in the case of a step ladder, the maintenance of a handhold is not practicable when a load is carried, and a risk assessment has demonstrated that the use of a stepladder is justified because of: -

the low risk; and the short duration of use.

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Manual Handling Operations Regulations The company recognises the risks arising from manual handling in the construction of timber frame buildings. The Manual Handling Regulations apply to a wide range of manual handling activities involving the transporting or supporting of a load, including; lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying and moving. The first requirement of the Regulation is to avoid manual handling where it is reasonably practicable to do so. (NOTE: ‘Reasonably practicable’ means reducing the risk until the cost of any further precautions – in time, trouble or money – would be far too great in proportion to the risk reduction benefits.)


Manual Handling Assessment To reduce the risk of an injury, design, site conditions and the way the work is organised shall be properly planned. The company shall carry out manual handling risk assessments in respect of their undertakings in compliance with the Regulations. Where manual handling assessments indicate possible risks to employees from the manual handling of loads, the following requirements of the Regulations shall be followed:



Employees will avoid hazardous manual handling operations, so far as is reasonably practicable. This shall be done by redesigning the task to avoid moving the load or mechanising the process.


Making a suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided.


Reducing risks of injury from manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable. Particular considerations should be given to the provision of mechanical means, but where this is not reasonably practical, then other improvements to the task, the load and the working environment should be explored.

Precautions against Manual Handling Risks Wherever reasonably practicable, designers and Specifiers are required to minimize the size and weight of the components and reduce the need to manually handle the structures components into position in accordance with HSE Guidelines and CDM Regulations. The company shall ensure that the items listed below are taken into account when planning the work and when devising safe systems of work. The company shall also ensure that any SubContractors employed shall also give instruction and exercise supervision to ensure that their operatives implement and follow safe systems of work. Manual Handling Risk Assessment shall take into account the task, the load, the working environment and employee’s individual capability. An ergonomic approach should be taken to optimize productivity and Health & Safety. Additionally, other factors, such as the use of handling aids and PPE shall also be considered. Risk assessments shall be carried out by competent assessors in accordance with HSE Guidance.

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The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) covers all work equipment (from a hammer to a ladder to large cranes) and identify the Health & Safety requirements for the use of work equipment. The Regulations impose explicit the general duties on employers and the self-employed to provide safe plant and equipment. The regulations must not be considered in isolation. In particular, they need to be read in conjunction with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and the Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulation (LOLER). The company’s primary objective is to ensure the provision of safe work equipment, and its safe use.


The company recognises it has a legal duty for ensuring Health and Safety and also recognised that employees also have legal duties, supplemented by the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations that require the company’s employees to use all work items provided by their employer correctly and in accordance with the training and instructions they have received to enable them to use the items safely. This is particularly relevant to employees using work equipment.


The company shall ensure that all its work equipment whether owned or hired, is in good condition, appropriately maintained and serviced to ensure it remains safe. This includes both electrical and mechanical testing and or inspection as appropriate.




Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is caused by vibration transmitted from work equipment into workers’ hands and arms. It might typically be caused by operating hand-held power tools such as portable disc cutters and nail guns.


Regular and frequent exposure to high levels of vibration can lead to permanent injury. This is most likely when contact with a vibrating tool or process is a regular part of an employee’s job. Occasional exposure is unlikely to cause immediate ill health, although any exposure should be avoided by people with medical conditions such a Reynaud’s Disease. Exposure to long term vibration can lead to chronic ill health effects, including HAVS and other vibration induced ailments.


The company have procedures in place that will identify potential vibration from their tools and equipment, and will monitor employees exposure to vibration to ensure that over-exposure does not occur. Any employees subject to significant levels of vibration shall be subject to routine health surveillance.

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THE NOISE AT WORK REGULATIONS Noise at work can damage hearing, leading to short or even long term hearing loss. Noise created by drilling, cutting, pneumatic and percussion tools etc may be excessive and can cause a health hazard, which requires assessment and control. The company recognises that it has a legal duty to protect employees from exposure to high levels of noise in the workplace under the provisions of the Noise at Work Regulations (as amended) and effective from April 2006. The following action levels to enable effective control. The Action levels are: Lower Exposure Action Values:  

Daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB Peak sound pressure of 135 dB

Upper Exposure Action Values:  

Daily or weekly exposure of 85 dB Peak sound pressure of 137 dB

Exposure Limit Values:  

Daily or weekly exposure of 87 dB Peak sound pressure of 140 dB

These exposure values take account of any reduction in exposure provided by hearing protection (e.g. ear defenders). The Regulations (as amended) require:      

A noise risk assessment to be carried out (by a competent assessor). Action taken to reduce noise exposure where necessary The provision of appropriate hearing protection if unable to reduce noise exposure above the intervention levels by other means Ensure legal noise exposure limits are not exceeded. Provide employees with information, instruction and training. Provide health surveillance for employees where they are exposed to noise levels posing a risk

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Introduction The COSHH regulations require that all potentially hazardous substances are assessed and suitable and sufficient control measures put in place. Typical hazardous substances are likely to include; chemicals, wood dusts, other dusts (e.g. concrete and cement) and biological agents.


General Procedure The company shall obtain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and undertaken COSHH Assessments for all hazardous products/substances it employs on site. The assessment shall be made available to all operatives coming into contact with the products/substances and used to inform operatives of the hazards particular to the product/substance in use and the control measures to be taken. Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall also be provided to employees, as necessary, and shall be used as required. All substances received on site shall be stored and used in accordance with the manufacturers/suppliers instructions. In the event of a spillage, appropriate action must be taken in accordance with instructions detailed in the COSHH Assessment. Empty containers and waste material must be disposed of in accordance with the approved procedures, as noted on the COSHH Assessment for the product concerned. Copies of COSHH Assessment may form part of the Company’s Work Method Statement. The Company Representative should request the Main Contractor to supply details of any other substances on site that could affect the Company’s employees or their sub-contractors.


THE CONSTRUCTION (DESIGN & MANAGEMENT) REGULATIONS 2007 The provision of Welfare Facilities on sites not under the control of the company will be on a shared welfare basis, where the Principal Contractor provides the necessary facilities which can be used by the company’s operatives. The responsibility for providing facilities that are compliant with the Construction Design Management Regulations therefore resides with the Client & Principal Contractor. Where such facilities are provided the company shall inspect the facilities to ensure that they comply with the regulations.

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PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AT WORK REGULATIONS The company considers PPE to be a last resort and preference shall always be given to the elimination or reduction of risks at source, and PPE only used to guard against residual risks that cannot be removed.


The company shall carry out an assessment for the provision of required personal protective equipment (PPE) and shall provide all employees with the respective CE Marked PPE.


All employees shall be required to wear the PPE issued, maintain it in a clean and serviceable condition and store it in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. Basic PPE issued to employees shall consist of:     

Hard hat Protective safety footwear High visibility clothing Suitable gloves Weatherproof clothing

Records shall be maintained for individual employees of the type and issue of PPE. 33.3

Wherever possible, the company shall consider the views and physical attributes of their employees when deciding upon particular types of PPE. Employees who have specific requirements (e.g. physical characteristics that require special consideration) shall be matched as closely as is practicable to any PPE. Personal protective equipment requirements shall be assessed for compatibility with other PPE where required (e.g. wearing hearing, eye, face protection and head protection etc).


The Company shall, through regular inspections, ensure that all protective clothing and equipment issued is fit for use and being using in a proper manner.


The company shall also ensure that all employees receive adequate instruction, instruction and training regarding the proper use and storage of PPE.


The requirements for the use of PPE shall be identified within specific risk assessments and method statement (where the method statement is separate from the risk assessment) and shall be available prior to commencement of the works.


Employees shall regularly inspect their PPE and report any missing or defective items to their line manager for replacement and/or repair as required.

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Introduction The company shall provide for the production of method statements which form an integral part of the company’s overall Safety Management System covering hazardous activities. Method statements shall provide information on the arrangements for undertaking works and shall detail the sequence that work is to be undertaken to ensure health and safety arrangements are complied with. The contents of method statements shall be communicated to all employees and other persons involved at the planning stage, permitting time for approval or modification of the method statement(s) as necessary, prior to works commencing.


Content of Method Statement Method Statements shall contain the following information as a minimum:-


Management and Control:    


Description and Information (Contract, Site and Plant):   


On what form of transport the components are to be delivered and the access requirements (e.g. Hard-standing, and local hazards, delivery times and site opening hours)

Personnel Involved: 


Description of Task requirements and sequence of operations

Deliveries and Site Access: 


Description of the work to be carried out How the task will be carried out and other relevant requirements

Sequence of Work: 


The name of the Principal Contractor or Contractor in charge of the site The address at which the proposed work is to be carried out The point of contact at the site Name of Compiler, date compiled, position held (competent employee or consultant)

The name of the Manager/Supervisor in control of the operation (or a statement allowing the Supervisor to make himself known on arrival at site).

Other Site Operations/ Third Parties: 

Co-operation and co-ordination arrangements with other site operations/third parties (where required this must be stated).

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Health and Safety Management and Control Measures: 


Access to Work Area: 


Detailed information specifying fall prevention and fall mitigation procedures and equipment to be used

Welfare Facilities 


Standard and extraordinary methods of positioning Materials for storage and erection

Working at Heights 


Method of access to/from the site/point of work (e.g. the main contractor’s temporary access)

Positioning of Materials: 


Personal Protective Equipment (General statement that all operatives will comply with current/site requirements)

Provision of facilities e.g. First Aid and Toilets, are joint facilities.

Method Statement Amendments and Additional Information 

Where any method statement(s) require amendment or alteration, the amended or altered method statement(s) shall be submitted to all relevant parties (in accordance with 37.2) for agreement prior to any works commencing.

34.15 Communication of the Method Statement Method Statements shall be sent to the Principal Contractor prior to the commencement of any works for inclusion in the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan. Where the Client is not the Principal Contractor, the Method Statements must be sent to the Client who shall be responsible for providing copies as required to the Principal Contractor. Where any changes or amendments are made to the method statement, these shall be recorded and the amended copy sent to the Principal Contractor or Client as appropriate. The company Site Manager/Supervisor shall be in possession of the current method statement and working drawings, and ensure that the company’s employees are made aware of and implement the safe system of work detailed. The company Manager/Supervisor shall monitor the adequacy of the Method Statement and any variations recorded and reported back to the Company as required. Up to date copies of the method statement(s) shall be kept on site at all times until the contract completes.

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Additions to the Safe Working Method Statement The Method Statement may be added to by attaching and/or referring to other documents, for example:      

Company site safety handbooks Specific health and safety arrangements (e.g. Lifting Operations Plan) Details of craneage supplier site visit and report Risk assessments and COSHH assessments Addendums to the safe working method statement Specifications and certification of plant and equipment etc (e.g. record of though examination and testing of lifting equipment/plant)

The above list is not exhaustive and the level of information for inclusion will vary depending on the nature of the works/contract etc. 34.17

Special Considerations: 

Information shall be supplied and included in the method statement following consideration of any special hazards (e.g. work close to or over water)




Introduction: It is the company’s policy to ensure that suitable and sufficient training is provided to all employees involved in construction and refurbishment operations to ensure a good understanding of hazards, risks, legislation and rules applicable to Health and Safety. The company shall determine the level of training required to ensure that all employees and any sub-contractors employed by the company are competent to undertake the given tasks/roles required. The company shall maintain training records for individual employees and shall provide evidence of training/competence of employees for approval as required. The company shall regularly review training requirements and shall renew training and/or qualifications as necessary when required.


Scope This procedure defines the company’s requirements for the training employee’s involved construction and refurbishment projects.


Responsibility The company recognises that it has a legal duty under;    

The The The The

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007

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To provide appropriate training to its employees and ensure that any sub contractors employed have received the appropriate training and are competent to undertake the works. This list is not exhaustive and does not eliminate the need for the company to provide ongoing training and instruction which may be appropriate to changes in legislation, policy or work methods and may be delivered via inductions, toolbox talks or more formal arrangements.


DESIGN STAGE CONSIDERATIONS The company provides the following detailed information to assist Engineers, Designers, Contractors and Planning Supervisors in meeting the requirements of the Construction (Design and Managements) Regulations in co-ordination of designs to achieve safe completion of the project



The Existing Environment: 1

The sizes and weights of the components will determine the method of off-loading and transporting on site.


Site Pedestrian and Traffic management measures should be considered in relation to the delivery, off loading and storage of materials. The Principal Contractor in control of the site will be responsible for providing hard access routes to the tasks.


Excavations, underground services, drains and basements are a hazard to lifting operations and their location should be considered.


On restricted sites, it may be necessary for loads to be lifted over adjacent land and buildings. In these circumstances, permission of third parties/land owners etc must be obtained to operate within the airspace and contract lifting may be required.

Design and Planning: 1.

The CDM Regulations 2007 require that a Designer’s competence has to be considered.


To assist the completion of the project, the following information should be provided:     

Third Party Design risk assessments, typically Architect Pre-tender stage Health and Safety Plan Design loads including finishes and imposed loads Drawings showing the supporting type and build up of the supporting base Phasing or sequencing of the works.

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Construction Phase: 1.

All tasks on site should only be undertaken by competent persons. The company only employs competent operatives and sub contractors.


Tasks should not be undertaken without the provision of task specific method statement(s) and risk assessment(s), that should address some or all of the following activities:   


Manual Handling Working at heights with risk of personnel/objects falling Working with cranes/other lifting equipment

The Health and Safety File: 1.

All construction phase tasks will provide ‘as installed’ drawings at completion of the installation, showing any changes from the original. Thereafter the Principal Contractor will be responsible for recording departures from the ‘as installed’ drawings


Care should be exercised to ensure that during the Construction Phase and during the life of the building, the design loads are not exceeded and future modifications are not made without reference to the appropriate professions.

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Appendix 1 Risk Assessments

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Appendix 3 MSDS and COSHH Assessments

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Appendix 4



EN 12811-1-2003 Temporary work equipment Part 1 scaffold – performance requirement and general design EN 12811-2-2004 Part 2 Information on material EN 12811-3-2004 Part 3 Load testing 7121-1:2006 Code of practice for safe use of crane Part 1 General 7121-3:20 Part 3 Mobile cranes 8800: 2004 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Guide


TG 20:05 Technical guidance on the use of BS EN 12811 Guide to good practice for scaffolding tube and fitting.


Regulation or Act Health & Safety at Work etc. Act Electricity at Work Regulations Manual Handling Operations Regulations Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations Reporting of Injuries, Disease & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations


Date 1974 1989 1992 2002 1992 2002 1995

Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations Control of Substances Hazardous To Health Control of Noise at Work Regulations Control of Vibration at Work Regulations Work at Height Regulations Construction (Design & Management) Regulations


1998 1998 1999 2002 2005 2005 2005 2007

© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009


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SUBJECT Health and Safety in Roof Work Successful Health and Safety Management A Step by Step guide to COSHH Assessment Manual Handling Electrical Safety On Construction Sites The Safe Use of Vehicles on Construction Sites 5 Steps to Risk Assessment COSHH Essentials Effective Health and Safety Training Avoidance of Danger from Overhead Electrical Power Lines In-Situ timber treatment using timber preservatives.

© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009


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© Nexus Business Support Ltd 73 Plover Road, Larkfield , Aylesford Kent ME20 6LA TEL: 0845 1800 446- FAX: 0845 1800 447 – KPM Construction Ltd H&S Policy – REVIEWED February 2009


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