Echoes 0608

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Mountain Echoes WV Rainbow

“I give my heart and my hand.“

June 2008

Welcome to Grand Assembly! Ashley Kimble, GWA

Hello Everyone!

It is hard to believe that we are at Grand Assembly already. It seems just like yesterday when I put my purple dress on and had my dad put my crown on me. This year sure did go fast, and I made memories that I will keep close to my heart for as long as I live. Throughout the year, I have learned many things. For instance, up north they don’t believe in putting hotel signs along the highway so you drive until the wee hours of the night before you find a place to sleep. When someone says that they can go on five hours of sleep, you get exactly five hours of sleep. If you are part of a Masonic family, you like to eat. It will not rain in Keyser for three weeks, and then the day you have a pool party planned, it pours. Rainbow pledges are the most adorable girls and so much fun to be around. I learned all about the critters of the state and how to be a bunny. I learned to expect the unexpected and that it isn’t so bad when it does happen. I

yesterday or even a year ago do make a difference, and every seed you plant helps you to “Plow into the Future.” This year I have been plowing full force into the Future. I got a new career; I am now an insurance agent and love every minute of it. John asked me to marry him on December 21st, and we are getting married on September 5th. In the springtime, John and I bought a house to make our home come September. I have made many new friends, and even polished up some old ones. I want to thank everyone who helped me this year. I won’t mention names because I know I will forget someone, but thank you to all who have traveled with me, helped me plan, listened when I needed a friend, called just to let me know I was in your thoughts and prayers, and for everything else that everyone has done for me. Thank you all so much, and I do love each and every one of you.

learned all I needed to know to prepare myself for Grand and for life for that matter. I learned that even makeovers once in a while don’t hurt and that paybacks do come even if it takes a few years. I have learned about planting seeds today and watching them grow tomorrow. No matter how much you tell yourself you won’t cry, you will, and I have learned how much good friends mean. The lessons we teach make a difference in everyday life decisions. I have learned that God gave me Rainbow to make friends and sisters who will last Ashley Kimble, for a lifetime. Grand Worthy Advisor The seeds we planted

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Grand Wishes from “Mom” Marilyn Hey precious Rainbow friends,


elcome to wild, wonderful West Virginia Grand Assembly!! Ashley and I are delighted to have you here at our 67th session as we are “Plowing into the Future” on the John Deere tractor with all the garden angels and crosses. Ashley, you have given us a “Hymn of Promise” through your dedication and your faith. Your love for the teachings of rainbow has been evident by the way you have accepted the responsibilities of Grand Worthy Advisor. I am certain that you have followed your motto: when in doubt, take a moment and ask, “What would Jesus do?” He uplifted you each time you needed it! You have been an inspiration to WV Rainbow and to me. rand Officers: You must remember when you make a commitment, it is vital to keep it! Thank you, girls, for being true to your teachings! Your success in life depends a lot upon your loyalty to your work ethics, your peers and your driving force to succeed. We are counting on you for impressive ritualistic work and building the future of Rainbow. Be a role model for all who know you, so your friends will want to be just like you!!!! Mother Advisors: There will always be a place set aside for you in heaven. All the girls’ lives that you have touched have been enriched by you and the training you have helped them achieve. “I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars” to each of you. Keep the faith. I salute and applaud you!!!! May he who neither slumbers nor sleep


continue to watch over you!!! Mr. C.B. Hall, S.G.I.G. 33: Please accept our sincere thanks to all Scottish Rite members, the sound man, stage man, the Blue Coats, the Shrine bands for all you do for us. Using this magnificent center is a gift we cherish. You are one in a million, and we all love and adore you and thank you!! Teresa & Melissa: We thank you for your continued love and interest for Rainbow in West Virginia. I’m not sure how we could get Grand Assembly together without your help. ll Grand Directors: Each of you serves a very special purpose for all of Grand Assembly to be successful and impressive. It’s just like a golden chain. If one link is broken, the chain becomes useless!!! We are thankful for each of you!!! May you always feel the touch of the Master’s hand! Jackie Meadows: What time does the bus leave for Supreme?? Ha ha! I pray that all of your work is rewarded for Supreme Assembly. I am so excited that I get to ride


the bus with everyone. You have worked hard to make this enjoyable for all of us. ongratulations, Mallory Duley, Acting Supreme Service! We know you will make us proud to be from “Almost Heaven.” This is a very special honor for you and for West Virginia. This will put a “little love in your heart” throughout your year as G.W.A. We know you will give us many precious moments to treasure. You’ll be multi-tasking, but I think you are getting used to it. May God be with you in all that you do! Megan Mallory: Thank you for your expertise in providing this Mt. Echoes. You are truly an “angel in disguise!” And now, need I remind you, that all of us are born as angels, but only with one wing, and only by embracing each other are we able to fly. Thank you for embracing me and helping me to fly. May my embrace with you help you to fly. May God bless.


“Mom” Marilyn, Supreme Inspector

Don’t Miss Out! Supreme Trip 2008! We’re going to Supreme in Chicago, Illinois, July 23, 2008 - July 30, 2008. There is so much to do in Chicago, and here’s the best part: we are staying at the Hilton on Michigan Avenue, the headquarters for all Supreme events! Here are the details: * Depart from Wheeling, WV early a.m. on July 23, 2008. * $500 a person w/4 to a room. * Arrive back at Wheeling late on July 30, 2008. For more information or to make payments, contact Jackie Meadows, PO Box 54925, Cincinnati, OH 45254.

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Moundsville reflects on a great year! Christa Frazier


After G r a n d Assembly last year, Moundsville celebrated F o u n d e r ’s Day on Sunday, July 8th with a picnic with putt putt and swimming that followed. Then some of Moundsville went to Conclave with a candidate for Demolay State Sweetheart on Friday night. A couple of the adults went down on Saturday so they wouldn’t have to miss work. That night Tosha Saltis retired the title of Demolay Sweetheart to Christa Frazier, who was still Worthy Advisor of Moundsville at this time. In August we had an ice cream social on the first Wednesday. Then Saturday the 4th, a few people with DeMolay and prospects went to Kennywood to have a good time, which we had a blast. A few of us attended the Grand Visitation in Wheeling. On the 17th we went to the riverfront in Wheeling and saw a movie called Ghost Rider. After that, we headed back to the temple for an ice cream social with a sleep over to follow. After staying up to about 2 o’clock in the morning, a few of the Rainbow Girls attended the Demolay Installation in Moundsville. Tucker Goodwin was installed as the Master Councilor. The next weekend we had Ashley’s Grand Visitation in Moundsville with an initiation that same day. In October we went to the Grand Visitation in Clarksburg where Moundsville had Sarah Olson

as a candidate. The next weekend we had District in Morgantown; Olivia Carroll was going to get installed as District Worthy Advisor in December before the dance. In Morgantown we went to the Grand Visitation on November 11th. On the 14th Moundsville had a small installation with Christa Frazier going in as Worthy Advisor for the third time so far. On the 20th we brought cookies to the Masons that were homemade, and the Masons really appreciated it. On the 27th we went bowling with the DeMolay. Only two DeMolay boys showed up. On the 1st of December we were planning a sleepover in Moundsville, but it turned into a surprise party for Christa’s 16th Birthday Party. Most of Christa’s friends from her school were there just to have a good time. The funniest times were when all of us decided to play dress up with the clothes in the back. Along with that we had a few court sessions with Callie (Judge Joe Brown) and acted out Sister Act II. Then when the two adults who stayed with us thought everyone was sleeping, the people from Shadyside were plotting on how to scare the adults as they were sleeping and decided to get a snack in the kitchen. On the 26th we had our annual Christmas Party. On the first Saturday in January, two people helped the Masons at their Pancake Breakfast. On the 13th about five of the Rainbow Girls came to the showing of Christa’s grandma, who died. Then on the 17th two people served the Eastern Star and played music

for them. On the 19th we had an initiation for Jade Och and Izzy Keim. Starting out February the 2nd, we helped with the pancake breakfast the Masons had. On the 9th we initiated a few of the Wheeling Raindrops to our assembly so they can get Wheeling’s Assembly built back up. On the 14th we had a Valentine’s Day party that some of the DeMolay came to. Moving into March we helped with the pancake breakfast again. Then on the 13th we had our Easter party. Then April 5th we attended Grand Practice and the Grand Visitation in Charleston. On the 20th we went to Christa’s church for the Make-up Rainbow Sunday that we couldn’t hold earlier. On the 27th we went to the Homecoming Grand Visitation in Moorefield. On May the 17th Moundsville initiated Mika Moore, Alaina Pauley, and Olivia Harouff. The next day we went to Buckhannon for the District Installation of Officers, and Christa Frazier was installed as Worthy Associate Advisor. On the 22nd we installed Jennifer McCardle as Worthy Advisor. On the 4th of June Moundsville went to see an initiation of Raindrops in Wheeling. On the 5th we served as greeters for an Eastern Star Installation. On the 8th we helped out at the Application Outreach, a children’s booth, at the Glen Dale Hospital. That is everything Moundsville Assembly did for the year. We are hoping that the Grand Assembly is every thing that Ashley wanted it to be, and we wish Mallory Duley good luck for her Grand Term 2008-2009.

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Buckhannon enjoys an eventful spring Buckhannon hosts District

On May 18, Rainbow Girl Assembies in District 3 met in Buckhannon to hold Installation. Jessica Whitney Eads of Charleston Assembly #1 assumed the station of District Worthy Advisor. Jessica’s theme for her term is “Help others any time you can.” Her colors are pink and green. Her flower is the orchid. The emphasis of Jessica’s term is on helping others. Her fun symbols are monkeys, bananas, and anything tropical. Her scripture reads, “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). Following installation, the assemblies of District 3 enjoyed a picnic in City Park to honor the Grand Officers.

Assembly installs members

Buckhannon Assembly #24 installed new officers on May 18. Shayla Myers assumed the station of Worthy Advisor. Shayla has an exciting program for her term. Her theme is “When you wish upon a star, it can make you who you are.” Her honor stations are Charity and Immortality. Her maskot is Tinkerbell. Her songs are “When you wish upon a star,” “Hymn of Promise,” and “The Gift of Love.” Her scripture reads, “Now abidith faith, hope, and charity; these three, but the greatest of these is charity” (1 Corinthians 13). Buckhannon #24 also installed J.D. Lough as Worthy Associate Advisor, Stephanie Belgrade as Charity, Shelby Kelley as Hope, and Tosha Saltis as Faith.

Congratulations, Amy Jo!

Amy Jo Martz married Richard Joseph Egress on Saturday, September 22, 2007 at the Dahlgren Chapel in Boonsboro, Maryland. The Reverend Thomas Young, Jr. (Father of a Rainbow Girl) performed the double-ring ceremony. Bridesmaids were Rikki Martz, Past Grand Charity and Sabrina Merrill, Past Worthy Advisor of Martinsburg Assembly # 31. Destinee Young, #31 was the assistant to the musician. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Old South Mountain Inn in Boonsboro.

A message from the editor...

Submissions for “The Mountain Echoes” have been low this year, and I want to take this opportunity to thank those assemblies and individuals who contributed to this issue in order to make it the largest publication of the year! A special thanks goes out to the following assemblies for their contributions: Charleston, Moundsville, and Buckhannon. Also, thank you to Grand Officers for sending in your bios, and thank you to those who have contributed individual articles to make this publication happen. Charleston Assembly #1, you submitted the most articles of any assembly this year! Thank you for sharing your dedication and spirit!

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