Ecce Course Descriptions

  • June 2020
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CE21 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING 3 units The first of a series of introductory courses offered to Physics, Chemistry, Electronics and Communications Engineering, and Computer Engineering students. An introduction to the fundamentals of programming, requiring the writing of simple programs in a particular language such as C/C++. CE22 INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURES 3 units Pre-requisite: CE 21 The second of a series of introductory programming courses offered to Physics, Chemistry, and Computer Engineering students.

A study of the fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms. Topics include stacks, queues, lists, arrays, trees, and graphs, and sorting and searching algorithms, in the context of object-oriented programming. Programming assignments are given regularly. CE30 ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM SOLVING 3 units Pre-requisites: CE 22, MA 21 A study ofthe numerical method and the algorithms used in solving science and engineering problems. Topics include error analysis, matrices, finding roots of equations, curve fitting, nume rical integration and differentiation. The course involves computer programming in C/C ++. CE40 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN ANALYSIS

LECTURE AND LABORATORY 3 units Pre-requisites: PS 142, ELC 106 An introductory course in digital electronics and logic switching theory. Topics include the different number systems and Boolean; the basic units of a computer, the building blocks of digital electronics, the logic gates; combinational logic including karnaugh maps, logic arrays, the design of the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and sequential elements.

LECTURE AND LABORATORY 5 units Pre-requisites: CE 40, ELC III A study of the fundamental concepts of microprocessor systems and their applications, and an introduction to computer organization and architecture. Lectures on microprocessor organization and programming, microprocessor architecture, system components, interfacing techniques and interfacing standards are complemented by laboratory work.

CE101 TECHNIQUES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing An introduction to digital signal processing (DSP), with equal emphasis on theory and applications. Hands-on experience with DSP will be obtained through computer assignments in Matlab and real-time processing with the TI C54X hardware units. Topics include data sampling, discrete time signals and systems, the Ztransform, the discrete Fourier Transform, and digital filter design.

CE 150 COMPUTER INTERFACE, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 3 units Pre-requisite: CE 40, CE 141 Designed for senior computer engineering students. A study of the fundamental and hands-on concepts of sensors, computer interfacing and their applications. Topics include buffering, address decoding, command decoding, timing and control needed in data transfers between various peripherals and a computer/ micro-processor/ controller, design of printed circuit boards, design of interface using IC elements for commonly used peripherals, and interfacing different sensors to a computer, microprocessor or control unit.

CE 140 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 5 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing A study of the structure, characteristics, and operation of modern day computer systems. Emphasis is on fundamental principles, as well as the critical role of performance in driving computer design. Topics include .

the discussion of the processing unit, memory, input-output systems, and networking concepts.


CE 155 OPERATING SYSTEMS 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing A study of the design and implementation of operating systems. Topics include a survey of evolved and developing operating systems, process scheduling and CPU allocations, memory management schemes, secondary storage management, file system manipulation, performance evaluation and techniques of improving operating systems. CE 151 FEEDBACK AND CONTROL

SYSTEMS, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 3 units Pre-requisite: ELC 102 or PS 142 An introduction to the fundamental concepts of automatic feedback control systems theory. Lecture includes analyses of systems using Laplace transforms, transfer functions, block diagrams, frequency response functions, stability criteria, and control actions. Laboratory includes experiments on system response analysis, stability and controller design and computer simulations. CE 160 AUTOMATA AND FORMAL LANGUAGE 3 units Pre-requisite: CE 21 An introduction to automata and formal language theory. Topics include finite automata, regular expressions and grammars, pushdown automata, context-free grammars, and context-sensitive grammars. CE 170 COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 5 units Pre-requisite: 5'h year standing Designed for senior computer engineering students. A study of the fundamental concepts of telecomm unications, computer telephony, and their applications to the industry. Topics include analog to digital conversion, fiber optics and microwave transmission, digital switching, access network and current technology on high speed/high capacity transmission systems such as Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). CE 180 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 3 units

Pre-requisite: 5'h year standing A study of various hardware programming languages such as VHDL and VERILOG, hands-on knowledge ofVHDL AND VERILOG, and their application. CE 181.21 CODING AND INFORMATION THEORY 3 units An introduction to the various principles and techniques for reliable and efficient digital encoding of information. Information Theory provides the models for studying redundancy in codes, while Coding Theory deals with techniques for systematically introducing redundancy into codes so as to enable detection and correction of errors in encoded information that has been affected by noise. CE 190/191 RESEARCH SEMINAR I AND II 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing The course is taken in two semesters leading to the completion of a fifth year CE student project. A critical discussion and investigation of research projects in computer engineering that focus on the applications of electronics to computers and communications and allow the students to apply the various principles and concepts learned from the undergraduate CE courses. Students present a project proposal on a chosen topic, including an approved abstract, preliminary review of literature, and timetable. CE 191 is devoted to the concrete realization of the proposed project that is then presented to the department in an oral thesis defense. CE 195 SPECIAL TOPICS 3 units A discussion of current trends and developments in the various

fields of computer engineering. It may include the applications of computer engineering in other disciplines such as physics, medicine, biology, chemistry, education, communications, materials science, environment, and other fields of engineering. CE 199 SOFTWARE/HARDWARE PROJECT 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing A discussion of the latest available technologies. Topics include microelectronics, VLSI design, image processing, digital signal processing, power electronics, and mechatronics. The course currently covers the VLSI design process and includes MOS technology, nMos and CMOS inverter, technology of the semiconductor, basic logic elements, and the logic design methods in nMOS and CMOS, and VLSI design rules and layout. ECE 11 DRAWING AND DRAFTING, LABORATORY 1 unit An introduction to basic drafting skills toward advanced drawing techniques and procedures in engineering. The students develop skills in creating threedimensional image with pencils, compasses, triangles, irregular curves, and T -squares, and prepares them to render, translate and understand and appreciate technical drawings. Topics include orthographic projection, descriptive geometry, isometric drawing and sectioning, assembly drawing, exploded views, and the fundamentals of ComputerAided Design (CAD). ECE 12 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, LABORATORY 1 unit Pre-requisite: ECE 11 A study of the fundamentals of computer-aided design (CAD)

and drafting. The manual drawings drafted in ECE 11 are redrawn using CAD tools. AutoCAD release 14 computer software is utilized; basic drawing commands and advanced techniques are introduced. Schematic and printed circuit board (PCB) design tools are also covered. ECE 21 ENGINEERING WORKSHOP, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 2 units An introduction to engineering workshop theory and practices and basic machine shop techniques. toward developing a correct workshop attitude, and learning the correct, safe and efficient use of basic machine shop tools and equipment. The course includes skills in planning, designing and construction of electronic equipment. ECE 150 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 3 units Pre-requisites: CH 7, CH 8 A discussion on the physics of materials with emphasis on the mechanical, acoustical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, optical, acoustical and thermal properties of various materials such as polymers, ceramics, glasses and semiconductors. Topics include structure of amorphous and crystalline solids, defects in solids, X-ray diffraction theory, phase equilibria, kinetics of crystallization, diffusion in solids, and materials processing and design. ECE 160 ENGINEERING ECONOMY 3 units A discussion on the behavior and performance of the economy as a whole, and the role, function and interaction of the market, state, households and firms. Basic macro and micro~conomic concepts and methodology are

discussed. ECE 161 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2 units A study of the principles of accounting, time value of money, and capital investment decision criteria, with a discussion on industrial organization and management concepts, theories, and practices, and an introduction to human behavior and various decision-making tools. ECE 162 ENGINEERING LAWS, CONTRACT AND ETHICS 2 units Pre-requisite: Regular 5th Year standing A discussion on ECE laws and regulations, focusing on the legal and ethical positions of the professional engineer. Topics include contracts, warranties, liabilities, patents, bids, and msurance. ECE 163 FIELD TRIPS, SEMINAR LABORATORY 1 unit Pre-requisite: Regular 5th Year Standing. A seminar course on current developments in the field of electronics and communications, involving exposure to various companies and plants dealing with electronics and communications facilities. ECE 190.1/191.1 ECE PRACTICUM I AND II 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing Industry exposure in the field of electronics, computers and communications systems, to provide the students with the opportunity to apply the various principles learned in other ECE courses, to develop awareness of environmental, ethical and behavioral concerns, and hone their skills in decision-making, and equipment and materials

management. ECE 190.2/191.2 RESEARCH AND SEMINAR I AND II 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing The course is taken in two semesters leading to the completion of a fifth year student project. A critical discussion of current technology in electronics, computer and telecommunications leading to a project study on selected aspects of the industry, methods of research, and principles of electronic and communications design that is presented to the department in an oral thesis defense. ENGPS 41 ENGINEERING MECHANICS, LABORATORY 5 units Co-requisites: MA 21, PS 14/15 A study of the fundamental prin~ ciples of engineering mechanics. Main areas of study are statics and dynamics. Topics include forces, force components and resultants, equilibrium of forces and rigid bodies, analyses of frames, trusses, and beams, centroids, and moments of inertia. ENGPS 42 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 3 units Pre-requisite: ENGPS 41 A study of the strength of solid materials. Topics include axial stress and strain; stresses for torsion and bending; combined stresses; beam deflections; indeterminate beams; and elastic instability . ENGPS 43 THERMODYNAMICS, LECTURE 3 units Pre-requisite: ENGPS 42 A discussion on the fundamental concepts of energy and heat transfer. Topics include the Laws of Thermodynamics, energy and property

relationships, ideal gas laws, thermodynamics processes and cycle, and the mechanisms of heat transfer. ENGPS 133 OPTOELECTRONICS AND DEVICE PHYSICS, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisites: PS 14, PS 15, ENGPS 43, CH 7, CH 8 A study of modern physics with an introduction to solid state and device physics. ENGPS 171 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY AND APPLICATION I LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisite: ENGMA 102, ENGMA 103, ELC 107 The first of a two-part electromagnetics course for ECE majors. Lectures focus on the electromagnetic theory of communications equipment. Topics include vector analysis, electrostatics, magnetostatics, dielectric and magnetic materials, coupled circuits, magnetic circuits and slowly time-varying fields. Laboratory focuses on selected experiments in antenna polarization, transmission lines, and radio wave propagation. ENGPS 172 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY AND APPLICATION II LECTURE 3 units Pre-requisite: ENGPS 171 The second of a two-part course on electro magnetics for ECE majors. A rigorous discussion of dynamic electromagnetic radiation. Topics include electromagnetic waves, transient electric and magnetic fields, time-varying fields, Maxwell's equations, and field and circuit relationship. TCOM 121

PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION I, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisite: ENGMA 102, ELC 107 The first of a two-part series of introductory courses on the principles of communication systems. Emphasis is on signal modulation and transmission. Topics include the design of filters and noise reduction circuits; amplitude, frequency, and phase modulation circuits; pulse modulation; time and frequency division multiplexing; bit-error rate; and matched filter concept. TCOM 122 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION II, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisite: TCOM 121 The second of a two-part series of introductory courses on the principles of communication systems Emphasis is on digital encoding and transmission. Topics include bit-error rate and residual biterror rate; matched filter concept and buffering; digital modulation techniques;information measures entropy; channel capacity concepts; efficient encoding; error correcting codes information theory; data compression; fundamentals of telephony; and queueing and statistical multiplexing. TCOM 126 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 3 units Pre-requisite: TCOM 122 A discussion on the operating performance and interface standards for voice and data circuits, private communications systems planning and design, and communications plant design and construction including foundations and

structure. Topics include analysis and design of communication links from a systems point of view, frequency domain and analysis, thermal noise, digital transmission systems and multiplexing. TCOM 141 DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING 3 units Co-requisite: TCOM 121 An introductory course on the analytical aspects of data communications and computer networking. Topics include protocol concepts and performance analysis that arise in data link layer, MAC sublayer, and network layer, such as Ethernet, FDDI, token ring, and token bus. Data communication and networking elements including terminals, modems, terminal control units, multiplexers, concentrators, and front-end processors are also are also discussed. TCOM 142 SWITCHING NETWORKS AND TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, 3 units Pre-requisite: TCOM 122 An introductory course on signal switching and transmission including analysis of traffic and congestion in the networks. Topics include signal transmission modes, spread spectrum modulation system, terrestrial microwave, satellite systems, switching and handling systems, circuit switching, message switching, packet switching, integration of the switching techniques, telephone systems, land mobile systems and standards, paging systems, cellular radio systems, STN, ISO. TCOM 143 NETWORKING LABORATORY LABORATORY 2 units Co-requisite: TCOM 141

Laboratory component of TCOM 141 that must be taken either concurrently or after TCOM 141. Laboratory exercises are designed to give students the practical and handson aspects of TCOM 141. TCOM 151 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION AND TRANSMISSION ~DIA 3 units Pre-requisites: TCOM 121 A discussion on different transmission media with emphasis on optical communication transmission. Topics include wireless transmission systems (telephone and telegraph exchanges, terminal and equipment, and power plant lines); radio wave and microwave propagation; and optical signal communication. TCOM 152 BROADCAST ENGINEERING AND ACOUSTICS 3 units Pre-requisite: TCOM 151 A discussion on broadcast signaling and sound recording techniques and their transmission. Topics include filters, oscillators and mixers, amplifiers, modulation and demodulation, transmitters, VHF, UHF, and international broadcasting; sound recording systems and production, television recording systems, basics of sampling and resolution of quantized signals, theory of sound waves, electroacoustics, sound propagation in different media, and acoustometry. TCOM 181.1 MULTIMEDIA 3 units Pre-requisite: TCOM 151 A study of color theory, image design and processing, video productions and interactive presentations. Students are required to produce an individual portfolio containing various images and video created during the semester.

TCOM 181.2 SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS 3 units A comprehensive study of satellite systems and their applications to telecommunications. Topics include the non-geostationary satellites such as low orbits (HEO), the generations of satellites launched, the launching process, and existing satellites. TCOM 181.3 MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS 3 units A study of mobile-radio communication design. Topics include design and development of mobile-radio transmitters, receivers and antenna systems operating in the VHF and UHF range, the supervision, control and switching elements of the mobile-radiotelephone, new technologies, and systems applications such as satellite mobile, wireless local loop, wide band systems. TCOM 181.4 TELEPHONY 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing A technical overview of telecommunication networks from a system viewpoint. Topics include the design concepts of practical telecommunication networks, (voice, data, facsimile, telemetry, video), local and long distance switching and transmission, new traffic routing techniques, and network design and configuration TCOM 181.5 TELECOMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT/POLICY 3 units A study of the issues faced by companies in the global telecommunications market. Topics include the policy and regulation, human resource management, business manage

ment, network planning, information systems management, network planning, information systems management, and telecommunications engineering. ELC 101 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING AND CIRCUITS I, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisites: PS 14, PSIS, MA21 Co-requisite: MA 22 An introduction to the basic concepts of the DC and AC circuit analysis, with a discussion on the principles of linear circuit analysis dealing with the time domain. Topics include the different methods of analyzing linear and nonlinear circuits. ELC 102 CIRCUITS II, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisite: ELC 101 A discussion of the principles of linear circuit analysis dealing with the frequency domain. Topics include complex algebra and phasors; simple AC circuits, impedance and admittance; mesh and node analysis for AC circuit; AC network theorems; power in AC circuits; resonance; threephase circuits; transformer; twoport network parameters and transfer function. ELC 106 ELECTRONICS I, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisite: ELC 102 An introduction to the principles of semiconductor devices, charge carriers and conduction mechanisms. Discussion includes the characteristics of p-n diodes, bipolar junction transistors and their application to diode and transistor circuits. ELC 107 ELECTRONICS II LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units

Pre-requisite: ELC 106 A study of the theory and application of transistor circuits, toward characterizing frequency responses and stability, analyzing and/or designing various transistor amplifiers, differential amplifiers, and operational amplifiers. ELC III LOGIC CIRCUIT AND SWITCHING THEORY, LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Co-requisite: ELC 107 An introductory course in digital electronics and logic switching theory. Topics include the different number systems and Boolean; the basic units of a computer, the building blocks of digital electronics, the logic gates; combinational logic including karnaugh maps, logic arrays, the design of the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and sequential elements. ELC 141 MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS LECTURE AND LABORATORY 4 units Pre-requisite: ELC III A study of the fundamental concepts of the microprocessor system and their applications and an introduction to computer organization and architecture. Focus is on practical exercises with emphasis on microprocessor programming, interfacing, and controllers. ELC 151 LINEAR AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 3 units Pre-requisite: ELC 107 An advanced undergraduate course. An overview of feedback control, dynamic models and response, basic properties of feedback, root-locus design method, frequency-response design method, state-space design, digital control, and control systems design.

ELC 152 SIGNAL PROCESSING 3 units Pre-requisites: ENGMA 102, ENGMA 103 A discussion on various signalprocessing techniques with emphasis on their application to speech and image processing. Topics include Z-transform, convolution, FIR filters, HR filters, random signal analysis, correlation functions, discrete fourier transform (DFT), fast fourier transform (FFT), spectral analysis, signal encoding and compression, signal recovery and extraction, noise reduction, and image enhancements. ELC 181.1 SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS 3 units Pre-requisite: 5th year standing A discussion on various signalprocessing techniques with emphasis on their application to speech and image processing. Topics include Z-transform, convolution, FIR filters, HR Filters, random signal analysis, correlation functions, DFT, FFT, spectral analysis, signal encoding and compression, signal recovery and extraction, noise reduction, and image enhancements. ELC 181.2 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 3 units Pre-requisites: ELC 102 A discussion on the theory and operation of electronic devices and control circuits for industrial processes. Topics include industrial control applications, measurement systems, electronics instrumentation, transducers, and data acquisition systems. ELC 181.3 IMAGE PROCESSING 3 units Pre-requisite: Regular 5th year

standing A study of the elements of image processing from representation to recognition, including image transforms, enhancement, restoration, compression, recognition, and interpretation. ELC 181.4 ROBOTICS 3 units Pre-requisite: Regular 5th year standing A study of the basic principles of design, analysis, and synthesis of robotic systems. Topics include the basic analytical techniques and fundamental principles of robotics, the design of mechanical and electrical components, sensors technology, computer systems, and artificial intelligence. ENGMA 101 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I 3 units Pre-requisite: MA 22 A study of differential equations as applied to engineering problems. Topics include ordinary differential equations of the first order, linear differential equation with constant coefficients, simultaneous linear differential equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. ENGMA 102 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II 3 units Pre-requisite: ENGMA 101, MA21 A study of vector calculus and linear algebra as applied to engineering problems. ENGMA 103 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III 3 units Pre-requisite: MA 22 A study of Fourier analysis, probabilities, statistics, and complex analysis as applied to engineering problems.

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