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Name Subject Batch Term Teacher Assignment

Raghavendra.B.R Enterpreneur Business Communication (EBC) 33rd Batch Term1 Prof. Sunil D Anto Assignment-2

Recall a time when you gave a speech in front of a group. How did you feel? What was your experience? What did you learn from your experience?

If you were asked to get the attention of your peers, what encoding & key message would you choose and why?

If you were asked to get the attention of someone like yourself, what encoding & key message would you choose and why?

Does the communicator have a responsibility to the audience? And, does the audience have a responsibility to the speaker? Why or why not?

Recall one time you felt offended or insulted in a business conversation. What contributed to your perception?

Recall a time when you gave a speech in front of a group. How did you feel? What was your experience? What did you learn from your experience? Answer: In the year 2010, while I was working in Syniverse Technologies as Change Manager, I gave a speech on Global Change Management Policy and Procedures in front of a group of executives (around 50 people). As a preparation, I had created power point presentation with slides describing the Policy and Procedures, Weekly meeting schedule and Advantages over existing procedure. At the start of the meeting, I was very nervous, my hands were sweating and slight shivering inside. however, started the meeting with greeting them and got introduced to the group, which built my confidence and explained the slides, answered their questions and was able to complete the presentation and received positive feedback from the audience. It was a wonderful experience which boosted my confidence for future meetings.

If you were asked to get the attention of your peers, what encoding & key message would you choose and why? Answer: Daily greet all your peers with a smile and exchange pleasantries, address them with their names. A smile and a warm handshake can wear off the stress most of us go through. Besides, making this effort adds to your desirability factor at work. And, even though it is considered a cliche, do remember smiling is contagious. Communicating with peers in their native language can also get you closer to them.

If you were asked to get the attention of someone like yourself, what encoding & key message would you choose and why? Answer: I am quite in nature and in case if I want to gain the attention of a person similar to me, I would voluntarily go near him and ask how is he doing today, go out for a Coffee with him, This can build a good relationship. The encoding used in this context is getting close to him and asking “How is he doing today” is the key message, reason for choosing this is that quite people like to build a relationship.

Does the communicator have a responsibility to the audience? And, does the audience have a responsibility to the speaker? Why or why not? Answer: Yes, it is the responsibility of communicator to ensure message communicated by him reaches the audience without any interference and gain the attention of the audience by frequent interactions and keeping eye contact, asking for feedback. It is also the responsibility of audience by active participation and paying attention to the speaker and ask questions if they have any doubts. Encourage the speaker by clapping hands, give speaker both positive and negative feedback. Not doing so, will make the speaker to lose his interest and motive of communication will be lost.

Recall one time you felt offended or insulted in a business conversation. What contributed to your perception? Answer: During one of the meetings with my Director last year, one of my Project had not met the deadline, so my Director passed comments for not completing the project, due to his comments I felt offended. Next day, provided him current status of the project and clarified him on reasons for not meeting the deadline, he was convinced and extended project deadline for few more days, which helped me to complete the project. The reason for me to get offended is due to the negative state of mind, which did not allow me to think on an alternative approach.

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