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Join the Adventure…Bishop’s Stortford and District newsletter



Big Picture

Easter 2008 Special points of interest in this issue:

Explorer Scout awarded national bravery award Chris Ashworth from the Conquest ESC in Sawbridgeworth has been awarded the Silver Cross by the National Scout HQ for his bravery. It is a rare award which is only given out about once a year. To our knowledge, this is the first such award in Bishop’s Stortford and District. Chris dived into the River Stort in October 2007 to rescue an elderly man who hade fallen into the water. Without thinking of his own safety, he jumped in and dragged the man to the side. The ambulance crew on the scene said that without Chris’ intervention, the man would have certainly died. The Unit and District are extremely proud of Chris as he put into practice his Scout law and Promise and helped save a life. He will be presented with his Award by the County Commissioner in April. He will be also invited to Windsor Castle for the National Scout Service. WELL DONE CHRIS!

Massive increase in our Membership Our local membership figures are now complete. You will see from the table below that we have had a staggering 30% increase on last year, exceeding our target of 720 to a new membership total of 856. This also exceeds our 2009 target of 800. We are now just 33 members short of the all time record membership of 889 set in 1982. The national average increase will be about 3% so we are doing remarkably well! Since 2006, we have increased our membership nearly 47%. With the potential we have and the willingness to extend Scouting to more and more young people, it looks even more likely that we will reach over 1000 members by 2010 – the highest membership every recorded in the District. It is not just about figures – it shows the outside world and parents that we are offering young people what they want, exciting and challenging Programmes, fun and excitement. We are growing and still relevant to today’s society. More adults are joining us because they see success. We are by far the largest mixed youth and children’s provider in the area and the people who support us like Local Authorities and businesses, will also be pleased to be associated with something successful and positive. From informal conversations with GSL’s it should be possible for us to reach 1000 by mid 2009. This far exceeds this highest figure for membership of BS Scouting in 100 years. We are sure you will agree this is good news for us and thanks must go to all Leaders and all Committee members in Groups for all the hard work. Remember we all have a lot more to do and we cant be complacent. With a growing population in the area – we have a duty to strength Scouting for years to come. Remember….

B isho p's S to rt fo rd & D istrict S c o ut C o uncil M em be rship 2 000 to 20 08





622 622 626 640 622

657 592 574







0 2 000


2 002


200 4

20 05

2 006

more children and young people enjoying Scouting potentially


more adults!

20 07

2 008

National Awards 2008


St George’s Day event


District Awards Night 08


News from the Groups


Programme ideas


Important dates


...it should be possible for us to reach a 1000 by mid 2009…

Join the Adventure…

Easter 2008

Page 2

Splash Night – Cubs and Scouts A good evening and a BIG thanks to Geoff and his team for running this event. There will be a review of this popular event and some changes made for 2009 – if you have any comments please give them to anyone in the District team.

Chief Scouts Awards Since the last edition, we have been notified of the following Chief Scout Awards achievements: Bronze Chief Scout’s Awards for 1st Thorley Beavers: Jack Coles, Thomas North, Luke Ingram 1st St.Michael’s Mead. Christopher Millns, Luke Richards and Nathan O’Hara

WELL DONE! If you have any young people who have gained the Chief Scout’s Award, please email Greg on: [email protected] or tell your ADC Section.

St George’s Day Event 2008 By now, all Section Leaders will have received information about the Hatfield Forest event on Sunday 27th April 2008. We are looking forward to a good turn out as this new style event was strongly requested by the vast majority of Leaders. We have many new Leaders, so it may be worth reminding ourselves of the purpose of the day. St George is the Patron Saint of Scouting. Baden Powell wrote “Scouts need to remind themselves of their Promise and Scout Law. Not that a Scout ever forgets either but, on St. George's Day, they make a special point of thinking about them”. So, a Sunday near to St. George's Day, it has become an annual occasion for UK “Scouts” (this includes Beaver, Cubs, Explorer, Scout Network and Leaders) to hold ceremonies, normally within the family of the Scout District to reaffirm their Promise and acknowledge the Scout Law in national act of dedication.

“Scouts need to remind themselves of their Promise and Scout Law….on St. George's Day, they make a special point of thinking about them”.

Any questions please ring or email any one on the District Team. See YOU there!

Beaver Scout Update

with Hazel Mead

All colonies are full and running very varied and interesting programmes. We have welcomed some new Leaders recently so everything is Beavering along just fine. There was a superb Torch and Wellie Walk in November with around 80 Beavers and 20 adults. Pishiobury Park was really alive with excited chatter that night. When finally arriving at Sawbridgeworth Scout Hut we were rewarded with soup and a sausage sizzle expertly cooked by Conquest Explorer Unit. Oh yes we did - enjoy a visit to Harlow Playhouse for the annual Panto. Regular very sociable and well attended District Leader meetings have been held and we all thoroughly enjoyed a Christmas meal when we had our January meeting.

Hazel rules ok!

Join the Adventure…

Easter 2008

Page 3

Beaver Scout Update continued…

We are looking forward to the very first Beaver Splash Night on 15th March and thanks to Geoff Markwell for making all the arrangements so this can take place. St.George’s Day will see great activity in Hatfield Forest when we will renew our Promise. Pishiobury Park will be invaded by Beavers again on 17th May for our Orienteering event, when the sun will no doubt shine for us. With new programme material recently published we are looking forward to more helpful ideas for Leaders which in turn makes for more excitement for Beavers and more badges.

Cub Scout Update

with Ken Gordon

Thanks to all who took part in the Carol Service and helped raise money for the Herts Air Ambulance. So far we have raised well over £700 – Well Done! I joined Saturn for a sleepover with a charity night hike as part of their fund-raising. An excellently run evening which ended with sausage rolls and a movie before bed time, a quick bacon butty for breakfast then home. Thanks for inviting me. I had the pleasure of presenting Sue Robinson (Comanche) with her provisional appointment as she has decided to go into uniform – Welcome. It was presented at Priory wood at a joint activity night with St Michael’s Mead. Sue (and her husband!) had great pleasure in taking the micky out of me for my mistake - I had turned up the week BEFORE to Priory Woods with 18 Cubs only to find it was the wrong week! Splash night was again successful and thanks you to all the leaders and parents who came along and an especially big thanks to Geoff and his team for organising it. On my visits to packs recently, Mothers Day was the main theme and some very nice presents and cards were being made. As the Camp season approaches I wish you all good weather and a fun time. See you at the St Georges Day Activity Afternoon.

Scout Update

with Max Streets

Despite being winter time, it has been very good to hear that you have been taking advantage of the good weather, which at times has been unseasonable. Buccaneer had their winter camp at Priory Wood during the last weekend of January with temperatures only dropping to minus 2C. at night! The next weekend, St Michael’s Mead troop followed suit with their camp. Both enjoyed the pleasures of back woods cooking and helped with clearing the ground of unwanted saplings. It is one of the few sites where you can still actually cut down trees and saw up proper timber. It does give the scouts a real experience of the outdoors. Sawbridgeworth Troops arranged a successful hike from their HQ across to Much Hadham HQ staying over night and returning the next day to make best use of the new staged hikes badge work. News from the County: During the last few weeks I’ve been to visit a number of troops to discuss the new resources for the new programme changes, these seemed to be well received with booklets for all members and good programme planners to help you throughout the year. I hope to get to see the remainder in the next few weeks. District Scout Section Leaders next meeting is on 10th March at 8.00.pm at 1st BS . HQ.

District AGM

1st May 2008, 8.15pm for 7.30 pm - Barnabus Centre, Thorley. Following the Awards Night event, a short AGM will take place to elect the District Executive. We will also be having a short presentation from our young Explorer Scouts that went to the 2007 World Jamboree. Invitations will follow in due course.

“As the Camp season approaches I wish you all good weather and a fun time”.

Join the Adventure…

Easter 2008

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Requests to Join Scouting National HQ receives many requests from young people to join Scouting. HQ takes their details and passes them to the local District. In BS&D, Jackie Williamson (ADC Adult Support) is the recipient of these emails. She then passes them immediately to either the nearest Section or an ADC. If you get such an email, please respond to the enquirer ASAP, even if you can’t take them or you have to put them on a waiting list. HQ do follow all these calls up to see if the caller had a satisfactory service – if they didn’t, the DC will be given short thrift from HQ and the County! If you can’t accommodate requests, either pass them to another Group or back to the District.

District Annual Awards Presentation 1st May 2008, 7.15pm for 7.30 pm - Barnabus Centre, Thorley.

All Leaders will have received information about the 2008 Awards. We are fortunate this year to have our local MP, Mark Prisk presenting the Awards. The evening has been sponsored by the HSBC Bank Bishop’s Stortford, Intercounty and Photosound. Nominations are coming in, so please ensure you nominate someone for a category – don’t let your young people miss out! We hope to see you there and beat last years record attendance of 120. Any questions to Sue Byford on 832351

Bits and Pieces District Scout Shop OPEN WEDNESDAY 7.00PM – 8.30pm TERM TIME Our Scout shop will be closed on the 19th March and reopens on the 9th April. Bills have just gone to Group Treasurers, so GSL’s and Group Chairman, please ensure Reg is paid within the next 10 days – it makes his life easier of people pay when asked and not for Reg to keep chasing people! District Equipment In the last newsletter there was a list of District equipment you can borrow. If you want to use this, please ring Geoff Markwell 01279 655366 District Swimming Remember you can take advantage of the FREE District run swimming session each week on a Tuesday Night – why not make this your Section meeting for one week? Full information can be obtained form Geoff Markwell on 01279 655366. Last swim with be the 18th March and will start again on the 15th April. There will be no swimming on the 27th May due to half term. The last swim of the summer will be on the 1st July.

News around the Scout Groups

1st Thorley Donald and Leonard Piers were presented with their 25 year Long Service awards well done! The Group is continuing to grow as is now over 180. 1st St Michael’s Mead Group trying to find meeting facilities to expand the Group. New AGSL in post- Ian Le Grove. Numbers up considerably, now at just under 100. Huge waiting lists but the hall constraints are the blockage to growth at moment. Silver Leys Ben Ballam has handed over the Group Scout Leader role to Gath Lane – welcome! Group saying goodbye to Helen Pattenden after a number of years of dedicated service. Plans in mind to open Beavers and increase membership. New committee structure in place and fully functioning Group Executive.

“…this year we have our local MP, Mark Prisk presenting the Awards”...

Join the Adventure…

Easter 2008

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10th Bishop’s Stortford Group going form strength to strength and numbers up significantly since 2007. New Cub Leaders in place and good links with the community established. 1st Bishop’s Stortford New Scout Troop working well and now full strength. Group numbers up significantly at over 160, now second largest Group in District. Mike King CSL gained his woodbadge. Plans for new HQ building are going well. We now have draft plans and will be starting the formal planning process in the next few weeks’ 1st Much Hadham Runaway success continue as numbers and leadership team consolidates. Significant increase in membership over 2007. Good community links being forged.

“Runaway success continues”…

2nd Much Hadham St Elizabeth’s Focus of this special needs provision is moving to Explorer Scouting. Some Scouts still but large ES Unit now operating well. 1st Sawbridgeworth Planning application now proceeding well for new state of the art HQ. Group active and works well with District ES Unit meeting in town. Dave Mead and Aidan Jones got their Silver Acorns. Group Development afternoon planned for mid March, supported by District team.

Group Development Plans

Following the Advance 08 event in November, most Groups have now either started or completed their development plans. These are currently being shared with the DC who is identifying areas of these plans where the District Team can support and help. More on this in due course!

Need Programme Ideas?

Section Leaders are always on the look out for more programme ideas and ways of making life a little bit simpler. Don’t forget the national HQ programme builder site – Programmes Online. Those of you who first logged on two years ago and found it light in ideas will be impressed as now there are many more ideas and the site has become a national run away success. All you need to get started is your membership number on the front of the plastic cover you receive your Scouting magazine. If you have problems contact Greg.

Step 1 Get you membership number Step 2 Log on to www scouts.org.uk/pol Step 3 Create your Programme Step 4 Print it, email it, store it!

The County are planning a series of workshops to support the changes to the Programme, so please look out for this in the near future as they will writing to you direct. Have you any views on the recent Programme changes? If so please tell your ADC asap.

District Programme Directory During March we emailed all Leaders in the District to participate in building the District skills Directory that people could use to support their programmes. This is a new idea based on the requests made by a number of Leaders. Please add your ideas and hopefully this will become a useful tool to us all.

Have you any views on the recent Programme changes?

Join the Adventure…

Easter 2008


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April Contact



Values of Scouting Module 5 County


County Bring a Friend Day


GSL/Comm Training (County)


Getting Started URC BS

Veronica Dewey


Skills of Leadership Module 8 County

Nights Away County

County Office


Valuing Diversity Module 7 County


County Office


County Office


District Cub Leaders Meeting

Ken Gordon

Working with adults Module 9 County


District Beaver Leaders meeting

Hazel Mead


GSL/Comms Training County


St George’s Day Event

Max Streets


District Scout Leaders Meeting


Splash Night for Beavers


Challenging Behaviour Module 15


Growing the Movement Module 13


Young People today Module 14


Intro Mountaineering Course, Lock’hed

Max Streets Geoff Markwell County Office

County Office [email protected]

County Office


June Contact

7 9/11

District Awards Night and AGM Nights Away County

020 8236 0040


Sue Byford


District Executive Committee

Geoff Markwell

County Office


District Scout Leaders Meeting

Max Streets


Appointments Committee

Kate Reed


District Team Meeting

Greg Stewart


District Beaver orienteering event

Hazel Mead


Getting Started URC BS

Jackie Williamson


First Aid Training (Thorley HQ)

Geoff Crabb


Group Scout Leaders Meeting

Greg Stewart


August Contact

4-6 7


County Office

Appointments Committee

Kate Reed


Gilwell 24

Nigel Reed


100 Years of Herts Scouting Celebration for all – Phasels Wood


County Office

Other important dates for 2008 11th October

Contact Nigel Reed

District Expedition to Lochearnhead

Advance 08 “Programme Ideas Special”– event for Leaders

Contact Greg

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