
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 596
  • Pages: 2
Humble, Earnest, Faithful Prayer Rewarded (Matthew 15:21-31, Compare Mark 7:24-30) Why did Jesus go to Tyre and Sidon? To rest (Mark 7:24) It is interesting that centuries earlier, the great prophet Elijah escaped to that same region and found refreshment in the home of a widow of "Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon." (1 Kings17:9) To draw a contrast for the disciples between the stubbornness of the Jews versus the openness to repentance of some Gentiles. (Matt.11:21) What made the Syro-Phoenician/Greek/Canaanite woman come out to meet Jesus? A parent’s love/desperation/hope? Is there any limit to the lengths you would go to save your child? (Example: my mother & my sister’s cancer treatments) She came in a spirit of humility (Matt. 15:27) She cried for mercy (Matt. 15:22) She made no claim or demand. She relied on God’s grace. She fell at his feet (Mark 7:25) She prostrated herself in homage (worshipped) before Him and asked for help (Matt.15:25) Is not "Lord, help me," the barest of all prayers? She was content to be characterized as a little dog/puppy and to accept the “crumbs which fall from the Master’s table.” (Matt. 15:27) The Centurion also had acknowledged he was not worthy to receive Christ (Luke 7:6-7) Why was Jesus initially silent? (Matt. 15:23) Annoyance? Non-responsive to a non-Jew? A test? If a test, for whom? Jesus? The woman? The disciples? Could it be that Jesus is testing/refining you in a similar way? (see 1 Pe. 1:6-7) Did Jesus come only for the Jews? (Matt. 15:24) God’s intent to bless the Gentiles (Gen. 12:3, Isa. 42:6, Matt. 12:18-21, 28:19, Rom.15:8-12) First to the Jews, but also for the Gentiles (Matt. 10:5-6, Acts 3:26, 13:46, Rom.1:16) Earnest pursuit

How did the woman respond to Jesus silence? What should you do when God puts you on hold? You stay on the line! (Ps. 27:14) How did the woman respond to the Lord’s remarks and the disciples attempts to put her off? The woman earnestly continued to seek help from Jesus (Matt. 15:23, 25, 27) Earnest: ardent, whole-hearted, determined, persistent, diligent, urgently appealing, with intensity, fervent (James 5:16) No other recipient of God’s help for healing had appealed to the Lord three times. Example: Dog/Pest (Cat, Goebel/food example) You give “earnest money” in a real estate transaction to show that you are serious about following through with the transaction. A story on the news recently told of an 18-year-old young man who had multiple sclerosis. He was trying desperately to become an eagle scout. All he lacked was a 16 mile hike, but he was in a wheelchair. He wheeled his chair for 10 miles. When his arms became too sore to continue, he crawled the remaining 6 miles! The widow earnestly sought and received justice (Luke 18:1-8) Elijah prayed earnestly to stop and start the rain (James 5:17) Jesus prayed earnestly regarding His destiny on the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:44) “Soaking Prayers”: continual, particular, earnest, guided by faith She came with true faith (Matt. 15:28, see also Heb. 11:6, Phil 2:19) Jesus openly congratulated the woman for her great faith. She was one of two Gentiles, along with the Centurion (Luke 7:1-10), that Jesus admired for their great faith, but she was the only one to hear Jesus first-hand, direct praise. There appears to be a correlation between faith and intensity Questions to Consider Parents, do you love your children as much as this woman loved her daughter? If so, do you humble yourself and pray as earnestly and faithfully for your children’s welfare as she did for her daughter?

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