E-h Seminar-eng

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 409
  • Pages: 4
e) methods in the course of programme we can use our well-tried method (in our previous projects), which is informal learning. this playful learning needs creativity and independent personality, of course,we complete these with presentations. we planned the programme on a special way, it means that first our partners pariticipate in the training as a simple young participant, then we analyse together the trainings and the methods,or rather get ourself acquainted with specialized bibliography. we plan to do the workshops in mixed nationality small groups, then we will evaluate the results together. the brainstorming method helps us to bring to the surface the ideas, and it support the creativity and the individual ideas.

h) evaluation

we will do the evaluation on 3 level. every day in the evening (before the dinner) the participants can tell their opinion. after that, the hungarian project managers discuss the daily affairs and activities. then we will do an evaluation with the leaders of participant teams. at the and of the rogramme we will do a big evaluation, where everybody can consider the whole programme. it helps me to see the strength and the weakness of the programme. so we can see the results of the programme. we are planning to create a new network with the participant organizations. this seminar will be the first step. the network will consists of exchange programmes, organizing meetings and voluntary services within theframe of youth 2007-2013 programme.

f) itercultural elements the intercultural learning has a spexial role in this programme, because paricipants come from their country with different cultural background. there are many games and trainings to understand each other’s differences and drive it to he right way. we also used this methods during the previous projects. there are many things what can help getting to know each other: intercultural evening, mixe accomodation, teamwork with mixed teams.

bibliography of works: christian scharf, stefan motog, evelyn hahne: teamermappe i./ii./iii. ausbildugsseminar in peseckendorf, kiad.: landesvereinigung kulturelle jugendbildugn e.v. / 2t1 projektbüro ványi bálint, földi lászló szerk.: az európai bizottság fehér könyve, Új lendület európa számára, kiad.: mobilitás nemzetközi igazgatóság nagy noémi ford.: képzők könyve: Ötletek, segédletek, módszerek és gyakorlatok fiatalok és felnőttek informális, iskolán kívüli interkulturális neveléséhez,

budapest: ifjúsági és

sportminisztérium, 1999 varga a. tamás, vercseg ilona: közösségfejlesztés, budapest: magyar művelődési intézet 2001.

projektmenedzsment t-kit, mobilitás nemzetközi igazgatósága (council of europe and european comission) budapest 2003 kompasz - kézikönyv a fiatalok emberi jogi képzéséhez, mobilitás 2004

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