Dzball Development With Extreme Programming

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 450
  • Pages: 3
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala


Team Members: Luis Carlos Aldana 08261 David Hsieh 08225 Eduardo Mejicano 08058 17/03/2009

DZBALL DEVELOPMENT WITH EXTREME PROGRAMMING (XP) AGILE PROCESS METHODOLOGY The project DZBall a mobile phone java based game, is being developed with the Agile Process methodology eXtreme Programming (XP), since it covers all our needs, our limited resources and small team meets the requirements, and it’s the most efficient methodology we reviewed for game development.

Whole Team Since our team is made up of three people, the whole team factor of the XP methodology fits best, because every member works in a whole team, every single member has the same picture or idea about the project, which satisfies the communication aspect. There will also be a member who plays the customer role; in most cases it’s a business representative who will define the features, priorities, tests and requirements of the product. This “customer” will communicate with the developers and the rest of the team, so that they can all develop and work in base of a customer needs.

Test-Driven Development Every software has at least a bug and more when it’s still on development, and these bugs are more noticeable on games, which is our case. Test-Driven Development means that during our development, our developers must make a test just after writing a feature’s code, so that the developers have a feedback on their and whole project’s progress.

Small Releases & Customer Tests Because DZBall will be a videogame, it’s exposed to not visible bugs by the team coders and testers, but also we don’t know if people will like the game. To take care of these problems, there methodology suggests making not few releases, but a small release in each single feature or set of small features developed and implemented on the application, in this case would be the game. Since there will be a release in each implemented feature, the customer will be able to try each new feature of the application, so the not seen by the team bugs would be reported, and also we will know what the customer thinks about the new feature.





Project Modeling

16/March 2009

01/April 2009

13 days

Code development *

02/April 2009

05/May 2009

24 days

Unit tests

06/May 2009

18/May 2009

9 days

Installation and testing on mobile device

19/May 2009

26/May 2009

6 days

Application testing and bug corrections

27/May 2009

08/June 2009

8 days

Final project presentation

08/June 2009

08/June 2009

1 day

*There will be a code test during the code development after making each feature.

This planning may be modified according to development changes.

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