The Otellian Dynasty
Otellian Althgar King (1-27 OC) married Alethia Fenstrauer !"#!$ %&$ '()$ *+,-#!$ ,.$ /#0$ ,$ 12&&,.
Klevin Althgar King (28-30 OC) died at 17 in freak accident
Otellian Althgar II abdicated, nervous constitution
Felinda Althgar ruled as regent (30-39 OC) married Roque Ottelbahn
Feldor Althgar bastard, mother unknown married Melba (a servant)
Serla Ottelbahn never married (lesbian?)
Embert Ottelbahn King (40-85 OC) married Selwyn Quint died at 58 (possibly poisoned)
Randil Althgar King (93-112 OC) usupred and banished Tralandine, married Jira Dorn
Assiold Althgar King (113-170 OC) never married
Traladrine Ottelbahn Queen (86-92 OC) died in exile
Cainolla Althgar married Tel Gingfir
Teifus Gingfir King (170-204 OC) married Hora Passian
Gria Gingfir married Lon Shando
Vera Shando died in plague
Lon Shando II died in plague
Jodin Lindle died in infancy
Cineara Lindle disowned for marrying a mushmaker
Wennerthan Witte died in plague
Mela Lindle died in plague
Celfur Shando bastard, mother unknown married Odwyn Radagan
Arlen Shando married Revilenda (elf) abdicated throne
Galeor Shando lived with the elves
Domita Shando married Adann Tern
Mena Shando married Lachrod Gingfir killed by husband
Colilion Shando married Andfra Melay most likely cursed
Sevalas Shando went mad
Winforid Shando married Teifus Term-Lindle II possessed magical abilities
Keare Shando bastard, mother likely an elf married Aella Sarmant
Baell Dore
Emranta Jallbelah
Hertilla Shando married Halcyon Drann addicted to pipeweed
became a seer, disowned
Kayvin Shando King (543-558; 569-600) was infertile
Apollotta Drann Queen (600-622 OC) appointed due to lack of magical abilities
Malin Shando II King (681-742 OC) married Brynn Lindle
Assiold Shando II King (743-801 OC) married to Edwyna Prist
Gimmelthorpe Shando King (802-853 OC) never married, presumed gay
Dandael Shando obsessed with Fethil sheep
Velvyn Tern-Lindle lady adventurer utimely demise at the hands of pirates
Rodana Jelbellah
Savalen the Half-Mage
married Merrant Gingfir demanded to be carried to and fro on a platform
King (457-542 OC) married to Oona Shando married to Rekah Kerl(elf)
Dilono Shando plotted overthrow of Moyennah was allergic to mushrooms
Ralien Shando married Radah Gingfir
Oris Shando assasinated Savalen II never married
Rilinia Lindle Queen (314-345) never married, adopted heir (Dochiam)
Phalah Tern-Lindle eloped with Ludo Bakwither
Leith Shando was kidnapped and killed by dwarves
Bultus Shando bastard, mother likely a whore
Karita Shando married Jalifus Tern
Nifel Tern mauled to death by rabid chibunken
Imblan Lindle King (205-241 OC) married Mela Lowitt
Ansym Lindle died in infancy
Tholnis Lindle died in plague
Rogel Lindle drowned in Pokelocken
Inta Lindle married Fynn Roste died in childbirth (twins)
Dagrey Sarmant married Kola Spenn lived to be 112
Imara Sarmant married Dochiam Tern-Lindle hung for treason
Teifus Tern-Lindle II King (412-450 OC) married
Malin Shando married Feina Lindle had magical abilities
Dolori Shando was simple, never married
Cius Lindle II King (312-314 OC) went mad
Ekynn Lindle died tragically young
Feda Lindle married Rinder Sarmant beset by sprites
Dochiam Tern-Lindle King (346-411) adopted heir of Rilinia, married Imara Sarmant
Phandra Tern-Lindle married Jallbelah (felintark) 1st female diplomat
imposter, claimed to be son of Keare, hung married Agatha Ottelbahn
Kellynan Lindle choked on a peach pit
Jaran Lindle King (250-312 OC) married Mada Trint
Caspas Tern killed in duel with Dochiam Blinnes
Isbyra Shando married Rolo Morterten possessed magical abilities
Loth Lindle married Bevi Dimpert
Abel Lindle died in plague
Cius Lindle King (242-249 OC) married Lina Vink died of mysterious ailment
Ergar Shando married Gwen Bets
Tyrna Ottelbahn married Halin Rostnin barren
Mernil Lindle II married Hora Bokri
Lecta Lindle married Durran Witte
Caril Shando committed suicide
Mernil Ottelbahn killed in a duel at 20
Alethia Ottelbahn married Brint Lindle died in childbirth (identical twins)
Embert Lindle II married Iskeddia Peen
Aetur Gingfir was simple, never married
Galle Gingfir died in plague
Otellian Ottelbahn III died in infancy
Otellian Tern-Lindle IV King (451-457 OC) died young, was always a sickly youth
Aelyn Kerl married Falder Prist left Elthonin after death of Falder
Lastia Prist married Kian Drann no magical abilities
Thrabbil Shando died young under suspicious circumstances
Tavinor Kerl married Midrina (elf) did not vie for throne
Drethenor Kerl King (623-667 OC) usurped throne from Apollotta
Savalen Drann King (668-680 OC) assasinated, married to Marta Ottelbahn
Kerest Tern married to Alwyleir Bakwither lived a long, full life
Moran Drann married to Thyra Witte had magical triplets
Lilhelndine Tern
Rhyn Drann
Devin Drann
Queen (850 - OC) appointed by Gimmelthorpe
exiled by Lilhelndine
exiled by Lilhelndine
Diric Drann exiled by Lilhelndine
Moyennah Kerl Queen (559-568 OC) was overthrown and hung by Kayvin
Theda Lindle remained celibate