Dwpeople April 2008 Complete Magazine

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APRIL 2008

dwpeople A brighter future DWP tackles child poverty Leading lights Sustainability Awards winners Do they mean us? How DWP inspires popular culture

It started to rain and we realised it was going to be serious Business Continuity teams show how to cope in a crisis

Your DWP staff magazine




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Sunlight through the trees at Chadkirk Woods by Jill Mather, The Pension Service, Stockport




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04 06 08 09 10 12 13 14

News in Brief News from across the Department A brighter future New services to tackle child poverty

Reaching for the stars Developing staff potential through the Reach scheme Steps on the Journey Latest news from the DWP Change Programme Leading lights show the way DWP staff show their winning ways Civil Service Live Celebrating innovation in the public sector Summer School DWPeople speaks to the class of 2007 Our business in show business DWP’s celebrity credentials


We can work it out LEP scheme helps customers and employers


Business continuity How DWP keeps going in a crisis


Team of the month The Customer Service Delivery team from Essex claim this month’s title


Letters Your views on everything from the Marathon to the Manic Street Preachers


Busted! Two more fraudsters are caught in the act


Quiztime Win a £15 voucher with our crossword


Cover shots More great snaps from DWPeople’s competition

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News in Brief Launch of the Commission for Employment and Skills

Nothing’s gonna stop us now

ON 1 April a commission which puts employers at the centre of employment and skills policy development began work.

THE TEAM at Worksop Jobcentre Plus is dedicated to providing an excellent service to their customers. And when the team’s dedication was put to the test with severe weather damage restricting their ability to maintain this service – they passed with flying colours.

The Commission for Employment and Skills will provide direct and independent advice to Ministers on issues such as the job skills employers need for economic success, how UK employers can use skills to become more competitive and whether statutory entitlement to training is appropriate. It will work towards the vision of achieving an 80 per cent employment rate for those eligible for work by 2020.

Awards success for DWP internal communications INTERNAL communications teams across DWP have been shortlisted for this year’s CiB (Communicators in Business) Awards.

DWPeople and plus magazine both received ‘Awards of Excellence’ from the judges and are among four finalists competing for the prize of 2008 best internal magazine. The awards will be presented by the BBC’s Huw Edwards at the CiB Awards dinner on 23 May at the Hilton Metropole in Brighton.

Winner of January’s DWPeople competition CONGRATULATIONS to Claire Murray who works at the Child Support Agency in Falkirk. Claire won a seven-night holiday for two at the Hotel Paradise Park in Los Cristianos, Tenerife.

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After a stormy night in March, the Jobcentre Plus office was damaged with fallen debris from the roof and the glass atrium making the entrance unsafe. Although the Jobcentre entrance was completely blocked, the dedicated team refused to close the office completely and instead dug out their contingency plan and decided what to do next. Customer service operations manager, James Busher said: “The team worked brilliantly together to formulate a plan to remain open. “They opened two side entrances to the office, put in place extra

Some of the Worksop Jobcentre Plus team

customer service officers, cordoned off all the damaged or unsafe areas, rang customers to rearrange a huge number of appointments and put plans in place for enquiries and payments. “When I visited the office a few days later it was very clear to me that this team has gone the extra mile to deliver a ‘business as usual’ service to our customers.” 

Find out more about Business Continuity on pages 18-19.

Government Gateway team joins DWP THE TEAM that helps the public to access online government services has become part of DWP. The e-Delivery Team (eDT) is responsible for the Government Gateway. Users register once and can then access 150 government e-services, from using the State Pension forecasting service to returning a Self-Assessment tax form. The team transfers from the Cabinet Office and the move follows hot on the heels of Directgov, who also became part of DWP this month. The two new teams are part of DWP’s growing role in helping the public to access government e-services.

Transformational Government director Kenny Robertson says: “This is an important strategic step in bringing together vital IT resources, which will enable joined-up services for our customers.” eDT director Chris Haynes says: “I am delighted that eDT is joining DWP – the combination of skills and passion is a great mix. “The team hope to make the most of the Department’s strong record of delivering services and to make Government Gateway the automatic choice for identifying and verifying users.”




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News in Brief

Launch of the Pension, Disability and Carers Service APRIL marked an exciting chapter in DWP’s history, with the official launch of a new agency. The Pension, Disability and Carers Service formally started business on 1 April. Both The Pension Service and the Disability and Carers Service will continue to operate under their existing brands and from their existing locations with no immediate change visible to customers. But over time the new agency will provide a more joined-up service to customers. Chief executive Terry Moran

Permanent Secretary Leigh Lewis says: “Both The Pension Service and the

DWP colleagues raise funds in memory of former workmate A CANCER charity is now £3,250 better off – thanks to the efforts of big-hearted DWP staff. The Health and Social Security Recreational Association (HASSRA) Herefordshire raised the cash by organising a range of events including a sky dive, treasure hunts, cake sales and a 70s disco. But the charity drive was bittersweet, as colleagues were raising money in memory of former workmate Dave Gilbert. Dave died in August last year following a battle with cancer and the funds will go to the MacMillan Renton Appeal at Hereford County Hospital. HASSRA Herefordshire chairman Gareth Niblett said: “Fundraising is a big part of our activities and it was even more poignant this year to be raising funds for a charity that helped one of our colleagues.”

Disability and Carers Service have a great deal to be proud of. But together they will undoubtedly become more than simply the sum of their parts. “I would like to wish everyone working in the new agency every success as they take forward its work.” Terry Moran, who formerly headed up both The Pension Service and the Disability and Carers Service, has been named as chief executive of the new agency. His welcome letter is available on the intranet at http://intralink/1/pdcs/ about/dwp_t376526.asp

Blooming lovely

April’s front cover image

Cheque-mates: Cheryl Collins and Gareth Niblett from HASSRA presenting the funds to Helen Cotterell (right)

MacMillan fundraising officer Helen Cotterell added: “The support of HASSRA and in particular Gareth Niblett has been wonderful. They have made a significant contribution towards the MacMillan Renton Appeal and have helped us reach our target of £1.5 million.”

Do you have any news for inclusion in DWPeople? Email your story [email protected]

CONGRATULATIONS to DWPeople’s front cover photo winner – Susan Georgiou from Perry Barr Jobcentre Plus. Susan’s photo of a spring-time daffodil in full bloom impressed the DWPeople team with its beautiful simplicity. It was perfect for April’s front cover. DWPeople received lots of great photos – so thanks to everyone who sent one in.

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A brighter future David Hall looks at how new services from Jobcentre Plus and the Childcare Act will benefit lone parents and keep DWP on course to eradicate child poverty FOR LONE parents the opportunity to get back into work can seem daunting without crucial childcare support.

systems to more accurately record child details and childcare barriers to work.

From April, changes to the Childcare Act will improve the information and guidance they need to get into employment.

And dedicated Childcare Partnership Managers (CPMs) will work more closely with Children’s Centres, external childcare partners and employers.

Local authorities in England will work directly with Jobcentres to offer a joined-up service that includes practical – as well as financial – job support.

The CPMs will ensure that the level of Jobcentre Plus service being delivered through Children’s Centres meets the needs of families in the area.

Jobcentre Plus have enhanced their

Jobcentre Plus advisers will offer

ongoing support to help the parents into, and through, their employment. Jobcentre Plus has also introduced childcare discussions with parents at new claims and review interviews. The childcare discussion will seek to establish whether there are childcare barriers to work and promote the benefits of using formal childcare. A range of other services are also being introduced from April to help lone parents find, and stay in, employment.

Help for parents with childcare needs: http://intralink/jcp/adviser/loneparents/index.asp

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Feature Case study “We will be able to work with local authorities more intensively,” says Geraldine Fisher,“and sharing information will help us improve the support we can offer.” From April, local authorities will have a duty to meet the childcare needs of working parents in their area.

“We already provide information and support to Children’s Centres. There is a Jobcentre Plus noticeboard in every centre and all centres have a named adviser.

System enhancements will allow the Department to share information with local authorities to influence the supply of local childcare provision.

“Our local advisers also work directly with external partners like the Family Information Service.

“Our previous systems didn’t fully capture childcare barrier to work information for each child,” explains

“Stronger links with local authorities and Children’s Centres are critical to delivering childcare and job support.”

GERALDINE Fisher, childcare partnership manager at Coventry and Warwickshire District Office, explains how the new changes will benefit customers.

Geraldine. “Now we can identify where the gaps are and signpost our customers to formal childcare and help them into employment.”

Stronger links with local authorities and Children’s Centres are critical to delivering childcare and job support

New services for lone parents A national roll-out of In Work Credit (IWC) will provide financial support for up to a year to help lone parents make the move from benefits to work Guaranteed job interviews, where possible, for those ready to move into work In Work adviser support for the first six months with the possibility of financial help Invitations to ‘Options and Choices’ events offering support to move into work

Other changes in 2008 to help tack le child poverty:  New Deal Plus for Lone Parents Pilots will be extended to the w hole London regi on and offer key elemen ts of the package to eligible couple parents as well as to lone pa rents.  All lone parent s and parent partn ers of Jobseeker’s Allow ance customers w ill be seen more often to give them the support and advice to get them into work.  The extension of IWC to couple parents in New Deal Plus ar eas outside of Lo ndon.  From Novembe r, a lone parent w hose youngest child is aged 12 or over w ill no longer be entitled to receive Income Support solely on the grou nds that he or sh e is a lone parent.

April 2008 | dwpeople | 7




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Reaching for the stars Catherine Chan reports on Reach, the scheme that aims to develop potential in underrepresented groups “IN THE past I was happy to sit back and sulk if decisions didn’t go my way – now I’ve got the confidence to tackle problems. I’ve realised that I’m the one who can make a change.” Jacqueline Clipston was just one of the staff to benefit from a pilot programme with a difference. The 12-month scheme was set up to develop the skills of disabled and ethnic minority staff at AA to SEO grade. The aim is to work with staff to help them develop their potential and to compete on equal terms for any promotion opportunities. Building on the success of the pilot run within Shared Services, a new scheme called Reach will be launched across DWP in May. The programme will work with a particular group of staff who have all been identified as having the potential to be future DWP leaders.

Nazmeen Razaq (left) and Laihan Schofield (right) participated in a pilot that has developed into the Reach programme

Over a 12-month period, they will be equipped with tools and techniques that will allow them to overcome barriers constructively and compete on equal terms for progression opportunities in DWP. “The pilot was a real eye-opener for me,” says Jacqueline, who works at Corby Debt Centre. Jacqueline – who has a painful permanent back injury following a car crash – is now exploring more development opportunities to give her the career she wants. Laihan Schofield, from Bradford Debt Centre, was equally upbeat about taking part in the pilot. She says: “This was a fantastic opportunity to focus on my career. At first I was a bit apprehensive but, having taken part, I’d definitely recommend the experience to others.”

More information Reasonable adjustments can be made to make sure a disabled member of staff is not put at a substantial disadvantage. Find out more at: http://intralink.link2.gpn.gov.uk/1/corp/sites/hr/nonpolicy/diversityand equality/department/adjustments/DWP_T373163.asp Staff who require specialist technology to carry out their work can contact Accessibility Solutions – available under ‘A’ in the DWP intranet A-Z. 8 | dwpeople | April 2008

Julie Dyer from DWP’s Organisational Capability Centre of Expertise says: “DWP employs a diverse workforce, with more than 15,000 staff identifying themselves as either disabled or from an ethnic minority. But at senior management level, the number of staff from these groups is relatively small. “Reach has been set up to address this issue and the programme will have two distinct strands to meet the needs of disabled and ethnic minority staff.” 

Staff will be invited to apply for Reach from 1 May. Look out for more information in Headline News on the DWP intranet homepage.

DWP offers a wide range of learning and development opportunities. Find out more at: http://intralink/1/ corp/sites/cld/index.asp




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Steps on the Journey December’s DWPeople included a supplement about the DWP Change Programme. Catherine Chan catches up with the team to find out what progress has been made so far this year Materials from the DWP Journey – Creating our future campaign

IMPROVING customer service, helping the Department become more efficient and more united – nobody can accuse the DWP Change Programme of having small ambitions. Director of Change Management Stephen Holt says: “The DWP Change Programme is made up of many projects but they all aim to make things better for our customers and staff. DWP Journey – Creating our future gave a snapshot of our achievements so far, our current projects and our plans for the future.” Since DWP Journey’s publication, a real success story has been the DWP Signposting Directory. This was designed to help frontline staff direct customers to the right person quickly no matter where they access the Department. Since going live on the intranet at the end of 2007, the Directory has been accessed tens of thousands of times and has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from staff. Staff can even find Welsh language telephone numbers for DWP, other government departments and third parties via a simple W icon. From 31 March, there were new entries included in the main directory as well as a page of extra numbers ( X ) which effectively doubles the information available. Additional enhancements will include access to regional-based numbers and opening

times – but the directory will retain its easy-to-understand layout. The Signposting Directory is part of a wider move to help customers who contact us. This includes introducing a ‘consistent greeting’ in DWP contact centres, and was earlier reported in DWP Journey. From April, all customers who phone DWP contact centres will hear the same automated message. Customers will hear the same voice whichever contact centre they’ve called, and the same music if they need to wait for their call to be answered. This all helps to identify us as one Department. A key part of the Change Programme is using Lean techniques to improve services. Notably, The Pension Service launched its first Lean initiative at Stockport Pension Centre. The Business Care Unit is using Lean principles to review the process of receiving, processing and managing the post that comes into the centre.

Welfare and Equality Group’s housing costs business stream is running a Lean project to look at the way it handles Housing Benefit and Council Tax enquiries. Speaking at the launch of the project, divisional manager Paul Howarth said: “It is an excellent way of helping people to learn new skills and new ways of working. This should help us work in the most efficient ways.” A key part of Lean is creating the right environment for everyone to think and behave in a ‘Lean’ way. Jobcentre Plus’s London Senior Management Team have recently started this process when they took part in a four-day event designed to familiarise them with Lean tools, techniques and to explain the principles of being a Lean leader.

For more on the DWP Change Programme, visit: http://intralink/1/ corp/sites/changeprogramme/index.asp DWP Journey materials are online at: http://intralink/home/url/journey.asp

Lean isn’t just about frontline delivery staff however. The corporate centre is not missing out either – the Work, April 2008 | dwpeople | 9




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LE DING LIGHTS SHOW THE W Y Hats off to the four members of staff that have won Sustainability in the Department Awards! PAM Baines, Ian Karpinski, Steven Jones and Vicki Pidgeon have all made outstanding contributions to sustainable development in their regions.

A lot of bottle: Vicki recycles just about everything

Veronica O’Connell from the DWP Sustainable Development team said: “The winners have shown what a difference individual actions can make, and their example has encouraged others to take responsibility. They are leading lights for sustainable development in the Department.” Lord McKenzie – the Minister who leads on Sustainable Development in DWP – presented the winners with certificates and paperweights carved from sustainable wood. The ceremony took place during the DWP ‘Empower Yourself’ conference at the Think Tank Birmingham Science Museum. They will also have commemorative trees planted by the Woodland Trust, allowing their achievements to be recognised for centuries!

Vicki Pidgeon Business Unit: North-East Yorkshire and the Humber District Performance Team Location: Hull LAST year Vicki set up a Sustainable Development Group for 20 Jobcentres in the local area. The venture has raised awareness of environmental issues and cost-cutting. Vicki regularly attends senior management meetings to promote the group’s activities and ensure that management is kept aware of sustainable development initiatives. Her ideas include arranging recycling

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collections, car sharing, duplex printing and using recycled materials. Vicki and three other colleagues have taken the initiative by checking office areas and switching off any computer monitors or lights, to save energy. Vicki enthused: “I never thought I’d get an award for this. Initially, I just thought that something should be done in my office and my manager told me to ‘go for it’. “The response to my campaigns has been really positive. In their homes,

people do so many sustainable things like recycling waste and switching off lights, so it seemed only right for them to continue in the workplace.”




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Feature Ian Karpinski Business Unit: CIS Frontline Services Location: Newcastle

up-to-date with recycling and energysaving issues in a regular newsletter.

IAN is the vital link between some of the UK’s biggest charities – notably the Woodland Trust, Vision Aid Overseas and the World Wildlife Foundation – and his work area’s recyclable donations.

Ian also promotes charities that desperately need donations such as the splendidly titled Re-cyke-y-bike. The organisation specialises in restoring bikes and providing roadworthy transport for particular groups such as people with mental health issues and the long-term unemployed.

Indeed, Ian doesn’t like to see anything go to waste and gratefully accepts anything from mobile phones to spectacles.

Born tree: Ian swore he’d only left the coffee cups there for a fortnight

He keeps his Newcastle Estate team

Ian said: “I’m delighted to get this award. I have always been involved in recycling and believe the

Department’s environmental efforts have really improved over the last few years.”

Pam Baines

Business Unit: Jobcentre Plus Location: Fleetwood

effective practices. It’s fair to say Pam has started something of a seaside revolution!

WHEN Pam was concerned about a lack of sustainability actions in her office last year she decided to do something about it. During a communications meeting she delivered a presentation on sustainable development and gave her colleagues sustainable development starter packs.

Bin there, done that: Pam with three days worth of recyclables

Pam has formed a team that takes charge of recycling tins, plastic and glass. As well as producing an informative newsletter she has started another group which has members across six coastal Jobcentres. They meet to discuss ideas and share the most

Pam said: “There wasn’t a huge amount going on here and I really wanted to communicate to our team how important sustainable development is. “Once people realise the possibilities they are generally really enthusiastic. In the Department we need to aim for consistency, but we’re getting there.“ Reflecting on the award, she said: “I’m really chuffed! Getting recognition raises the profile of our efforts and will get more people involved.”

Steven Jones Business Unit: Management Support at Disability and Carers Service Location: Manchester

produces an article in the unit’s newsletter and maintains a noticeboard for news on sustainable development.

STEVE is a member of his business unit’s sustainable development network and has been instrumental in promoting green issues in his area. He has surveyed his colleagues’ travel habits and promoted car-sharing.

During an office reorganisation he set up a ‘shop’ that people could visit to see if they could make use of, or recycle any unwanted items.

At a recent learning and development event he set up stands providing energy-saving information, free lowenergy light bulbs and water saving devices known as ‘hippos’. He also

Steven said: “I feel very privileged to get the award. When I took on the sustainable development role in 2006, I really wanted to raise the profile of these vitally important issues, so to get recognition is really rewarding.”

Board monitor: Steven provides a wealth of information for staff April 2008 | dwpeople | 11




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Live and kicking Civil Service with a smile as event brings in the crowds

MORE THAN 6,000 people gathered at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre, in London, for Civil Service Live. Held over three days it was the first ever event dedicated to the Civil Service. The theme of the event was innovation and provided a chance for government departments to show new, cutting edge services. It also gave staff the opportunity to show what they’ve been doing to improve how they work. Several informative workshops were also held throughout the building. Contributions included Developing Deliverable Policy from the National School of Government and Reliable Product Delivery from Criminal Justice IT. There were also a range of speeches

about winning formulas, from such visionaries as Matt Dawson - the Rugby World Cup winner – and, indeed, the Prime Minister. The Department was represented by The Solutions Centre and the DWP Accessibility Solutions team (supported by EDS and BT). The Accessibility Solutions team’s display included all manner of equipment designed to help our disabled members of staff to carry out their jobs. There are over 600 people in the Civil Service using the technology. Accessibility Solutions Leader Jenny Van Tinteren said: “We want to promote what the Department is doing to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act that it created.”

transformed some of the processes within the Department. Jo said: “This event is an effective way of connecting with people and inspiring each other with ideas. “We work with staff and encourage them to respond to challenges. Seeing their passion and energy is very rewarding,” she enthused. The team even had a visit from head of the home Civil Service, Gus O’Donnell. Civil Service Live also featured speeches from Permanent Secretary Leigh Lewis and Jobcentre Plus Chief Executive Lesley Strathie.

Meanwhile the Solutions Centre team, led by Jo Donaldson, were there to discuss how innovation and ideas have

There was also the Lion’s Lair – with similarities to a certain television programme – in which people with big ideas were put through their paces by the likes of businessman Peter Jones. Don’t miss a review of our candidates next month.

Karen Loughridge, from the Learning and Development team in Leeds enthused: “It was very interesting. Gordon Brown’s speech set the scene around the skills challenges, capability and personal responsibility, which was really inspiring. It was also good to network with people who have similar issues across government.”

Communications manager at the Disability Benefits Centre in Birmingham, Vicky Doherty, said: “I picked up vital information from organisations such as Serco (private sector) and The Pension Service, which I will use while studying for my degree and, ultimately, that will help my performance in the workplace.”

700 people from across DWP attended the event. Here’s what some of them thought: Liz Crowther from Jobcentre Plus in London, said: “Events like this are really improving. The Civil Service is becoming a modern organisation and welcoming change. Sharing innovation really seems to inspire people. I think even the traditionalists are prepared to be convinced.”

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Top of the class Summer School will be opening its doors again later this year. Catherine Chan speaks to two staff from the class of 2007

SCHOOL days are supposed to be the best time of your life and while DWP can’t turn back time, it has developed a way of helping staff to carry on learning. Set up in 1955, DWP’s Summer School has firmly established itself as a major learning and development opportunity for staff (grades AA/Band A and HEO/ Band D). Its success means Summer School will be running for two weeks in 2008 from 7 to 11 July and from 8 to 12 September. Here’s the school report from two people who took part last year: For more information about DWP Summer School visit: http://intralink/ 1/corp/sites/cld/my-development/ summer-school/index.asp

Kristy Harrop, Disability and Carers Service, Blackpool “I WOULD highly recommend Summer School but only to those who are prepared to work hard to achieve results. I’m not going to pretend that it’s all fun and games – there’s a lot of hard work involved. “I applied for Summer School because I’d heard about the Change Programme but my knowledge was rather vague. I had also been told by people that had participated in the past that it’s a life-changing experience. “Professionally, it was a great development and networking

John stapleton, child support agency, plymouth “I APPLIED for Summer School after seeing an article on the DWP intranet. It seemed like a chance to get involved in the bigger picture and hopefully learn more about what makes the Department tick.

John (second left) with the winning team

“It was particularly amazing for me to visit Kings College, Cambridge, because I had never been to university.

opportunity. For me, Terry Moran (chief executive of the Pension, Disability and Carers Service) was very inspirational and I went on to job shadow him in February. “I also gained personally. I am now much more independent and not afraid to speak up for myself. “The feedback and expertise from last year’s Summer School will be used to help shape the Department’s future. Think how much of an achievement it would be if you suggested something that helps your colleagues and our customers’ lives.”

“Our group was given the task of looking at the Lean process and how it could be positive for DWP. We presented our findings to the whole of Summer School and were voted the best. That was the icing on the cake at the end an amazing week! “It’s difficult to quantify what I got out of taking part. The main point for me is that you are a valued as a person and for your contributions. Your grade doesn’t matter one iota – just what you bring to the table.” April 2008 | dwpeople | 13




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 Our Business in


 The Department’s activities have been an inspiration for popular culture over the years. John Pinching looks at how the Department has been represented or, indeed, misrepresented for dramatic, comic or poetic effect


THE Birmingham-based reggae group formed, quite literally, on the dole queue. Emerging from the recession-hit late 1970s the eight members combined their ‘job hunting’ with learning to play instruments. The band is named after the form they had to fill in to claim their benefits, and it even appeared as the cover art on their first album – the ironically titled Signing Off. Since then they have scored 40 hits in the UK, including three number ones.

Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em AT ONCE amusing and unsettling. Only the 1970s could have addressed learning difficulties in such a way. The unsympathetic title was merely a hint to the chaos that would ensue every time the central character, Frank Spencer, walked into a room. Several episodes were devoted to his complete inability to secure and maintain gainful employment. Occupational mishaps included destroying a computer, causing the food dispenser in a canteen to malfunction and reversing a removal van over priceless artefacts. With his unmistakable mackintosh, tank-top and beret combination, and peculiar voice, Frank became one of the most iconic characters of the decade.

Boys From the Blackstuff 14 | dwpeople | April 2008

IF YOU look up angry in the dictionary you may well find a picture of Yosser Hughes – the anti-hero of Alan Bleasdale’s bleak drama about the demise of working-class Britain in the eighties. Yosser reacted against his unemployed status by shouting and, if the occasion warranted it, resorting to violence. It was a brave attempt to show how Thatcherism was damaging the country.

Did you know? Dole is a derivative of the word doling. It refers to the state ‘doling’ out funds to the unemployed.




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THE 1986 film Withnail and I made very little impact at the box office when it was first released. Since resurfacing a few years later, however, it has become one of the most quotable British films of all time, especially among its cult following. The movie’s two central characters are ‘resting’ actors whose lives have descended into chaos, fear and poverty. In an attempt to escape they embark on an ill-advised trip to the country. The dialogue is punctuated with references to life on the dole. Notably when the eponymous ‘I’ tells Uncle Monty that they need “to get back to London to sign on”. “At a labour exchange?!” replies a horrified Monty. ‘I’ explains, “It’s sort of fashionable, actually. All the actors do it, even Redgrave.”

Withnail & I

Steptoe and Son DISILLUSIONED rag and bone man, Harold, is disgusted to find that his father – the perennial “dirty old man”, Albert – has been claiming tax allowances for his deceased wife. A visit from a Revenue official prompts the pair to take drastic action. The Civil Servant is offered an alcoholic beverage, which he accepts (gross misrepresentation), before announcing that Mrs Steptoe is entitled to a pension. A Civil Servant from the Department turns up to issue a cheque for back payments, at which point Albert appears in female attire; posing as the aforementioned spouse. With the old man putting in a convincing performance it then surfaces that he has been claiming for a nonexistent daughter as well. This time a mortified Harold reluctantly dons the frock.


Love on the dole

WHILE claiming unemployment benefit Joey Boswell – the eldest of five young adults still living at home – would rock up to the local dole office clad in leather and driving a white Jaguar. A single look was all it took to realise that Martina – his DHSS officer – was not impressed. He would explain his efforts to find a job and she would give a world-weary sigh, before unleashing a crippling put-down. As the series wore on, and indeed, by the sixth, it had become very wearing, Joey and Martina had built a rapport. It was ultimately understood that here was a man who could no more face a hard day’s work than he could move out of the family home.

THIS relentlessly gloomy but extremely important novel by Walter Greenwood describes the experiences of a family in Northern England during the great depression of the 1930s. Despite his best efforts the central character, Harry, is unable to find a job and only finds solace in a relationship with a woman, whom he eventually marries. The decision only adds to his woe; his family disown him and poverty remains omnipresent. If it’s cheering up you need, this is possibly not the book for you! April 2008 | dwpeople | 15




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We can work it out DWPeople reports on the scheme that is helping unemployed customers and businesses alike RETURNING to work can be an intimidating experience, particularly for people who have been out of touch with the world of work for a long time. It can be equally daunting for an employer to consider recruiting someone who doesn’t have recent work experience. Local Employment Partnerships (LEPs) are helping to smooth the way for both customers and employers. More than 600 firms have now signed up to LEPs including Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda. And while high street names were among the first, local and smaller companies are also pledging their support because LEPs can benefit any business that needs to recruit on a regular basis. Overall, Local Employment Partnerships aim to get 250,000 high priority customers into work by December 2010.

Employer Melanie Baker (left) with Joan Skerry from Jobcentre Plus

Melanie Baker (pictured above) is just one of the employers to benefit from LEPs. She runs Tulip Cleaning Services, a laundry and home cleaning business in Malvern with 35 staff. The company were finding it difficult to recruit the right people. Melanie says: “Jobcentre Plus suggested setting up a LEP. The benefit from our point of view is that they select serious candidates that we interview for work trials. These enable the employer to assess whether the individual is right

for the job and allows the candidate to see whether a job suits them and how it fits in with their obligations such as picking up children from school.” Melanie sees the trials as a key way to help Tulip’s new recruits feel comfortable in the workplace. She also speaks highly of the Jobcentre Plus staff that helped get her LEP up and running: “It’s been a real two-way street, a proper partnership to help us to fill our vacancies and help people back to work.”

What are the benefits of Local Employment Partnerships? Priority customers have:  a wider range of opportunities to find work  pre-employment job-specific training opportunities  work trials to decide whether the job is right for them  mentoring and support from employers to help find work. Employers have:  a wider range of local candidates with the right attitude and the right potential  opportunities to develop job-specific training programmes for potential employees  a main Jobcentre Plus contact who understands their recruitment needs and works to satisfy them  no bills, no risk, no red tape. Jobcentre Plus staff:  work closely with employers to understand what makes their businesses tick and develop tailored packages of LEP measures  match the right person with the right job opportunity, for the benefit of both our priority customers and our employers.




Page 17

Feature Case Study: The employer RANDSTAD INHOUSE Services is a recruitment and HR specialist. Randstad already had a good working relationship with Jobcentre Plus, and in the West Midlands their LEP agreement has quickly started to pay off. They will now use the LEP approach nationally to help unemployed people into work. Director Lisa Gainsford says: “The LEP gives us an opportunity to tap into a

Case Study: The employeE MICHAEL, 22, is from Aberdeen. He has Asperger syndrome, a form of autism, and finds social situations difficult. He also has problems with concentration and self-motivation.

An image from the LEP marketing campaign

For three years he claimed Jobseeker’s Allowance and was primarily looking for a job as a delivery driver. When the First Bus Group committed to a LEP, Michael’s adviser encouraged him to consider work as a bus driver with First Aberdeen Ltd.

great number of local people living in the area where our clients are based. With the right preparation these are good recruits who are likely to stay with us and the employer they are placed with for a long time. Process manager Mark Leet adds: “Many employers are sceptical about the long-term unemployed. From our perspective the work trial is the critical part. The important thing is to see how the individual gets on.”

Michael was given guidance on what the firm would be looking for. He was encouraged to be open and honest at the interview, and to raise any issues or concerns he had. His interviewers were impressed and he started as a trainee bus driver in January. Michael says that First is the best employer he has ever had. The buddy system is especially important, helping him not just with training but also with tackling social situations.

Awarding the best JOBCENTRE Plus has launched the first LEP awards to celebrate the achievements of individuals, employers and partners. Six prizes are up for grabs:  Employer award for best practice in recruitment  Employer award for best career progression  Employer award for work-life balance  Individual award for overcoming barriers to employment  Individual award for outstanding achievement in training  Partnership award for best practice in partnership working Minister for Employment and Welfare Reform Stephen Timms will be chairing the judging panel and the awards will be presented on 1 July at an event in London.

Find out more about the LEP awards: www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/jcp/Employers/ lep/Awards/index.html April 2008 | dwpeople | 17




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Business as usual DWP is committed to providing excellent customer service whatever the circumstances

REMEMBER those snowy mornings when your family gathered around the radio or television to listen to the local news bulletin? As a child you had your fingers firmly crossed, hoping the presenter would say your school had been closed. As an adult you’re praying it’s open – who’s going to look after the kids while you’re at work? When something happens which changes the usual routine – it is the plans we have in place and the way that we respond to them that determines how well we can limit the impact and maintain service to customers. When an unforeseen event such as extreme weather or power failure in a building occurs, DWP is ready with a comprehensive strategy for dealing with any disruption. Business continuity has been put to the test within DWP over the last few months with local flooding, fires and other disruptions affecting staff and the offices they work in. When anything happens which threatens the Department’s ability to continue its daily work, business continuity plans are on hand to help deal with disruption and maintain a service to customers – while minimising

18 | dwpeople | April 2008

the impact and potential stress on staff. But it is vitally important that staff also know what to do in the event of an emergency. DWP took part in Business Continuity Awareness Week this month to highlight the need for business continuity plans to be in place in all business units and make sure that everyone knows what to do if disruption occurs and who to contact. Departmental Business Continuity manager Julie Shenton said: “One of the major events of the year was the Royal Mail postal dispute. Many of our customers who receive cheque payments could have been severely affected, but we managed to control the disruption by invoking the Alternative Distribution Channel which made sure that customers could collect their cheques from the nearest post office. “Since April 2007 the team have been actively involved in 26 incidents including limited access to Caxton House in London due to a building nearby collapsing, closure of Dearne Valley Pension Centre due to flooding and closure of Jobcentre Plus Grimsby Contact Centre due to fire and loss of power. The staff emergency line has been used on more than 50 occasions.”




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A severe case of flooding Customer planning and risk manager Bryan Sharp is part of Jobcentre Plus’s Business Continuity team who were called to action last year when Yorkshire and the Humber Region was hit by severe flooding. “The rain began on 25 June,” says Bryan. “In Leeds we had very heavy rain, but it wasn’t until we saw the potential flood warnings on the news that we realised this was going to be serious. “It hit home how bad the situation had become when a colleague left work early to try and get home, but had to stay in a hotel with her family because she couldn’t make it all the way back to her house.” As the rain showed no sign of stopping, the Business Continuity team, steered by customer service director, Gill Farnsworth, began working on contingency plans for helping staff and customers. Business Continuity call trees were used to contact staff who had been affected immediately and were unable to get into work. As the situation got worse the team began planning for what would happen if the region’s Ulley

dam burst, forcing a wall of water onto the M1 and potentially taking out pylons and disrupting the area’s electricity supply.

in cash and advise on crisis loans and community care grants to replace damaged goods in their homes. “Everyone worked well and was willing to pull together and make things happen to ensure we were there for our customers.”

Bryan says: “The team worked together to assess how we could make sure that, whatever happened, we were able to provide a service to our customers. We also needed to work out how we would get help to customers who were unable to get into our Jobcentres.

On 2 July the rain finally stopped and the water began to recede. Lots of people had been affected but the situation began to get better.

“We had daily telekits and received daily updates from the districts. We also made sure that senior managers and ministers were briefed and provided support through the evacuation centres that had been set up to house people who had been flooded out of their homes.”

“The whole event was a major learning curve for us,” says Bryan. “We didn’t have enough plans in place to cope with such a drastic event, but after the event the team worked with national Jobcentre Plus Business Continuity colleagues to develop a policy which has now been published on the national business continuity website and everyone can use.

Jobcentre Plus staff visited the evacuation centres to offer advice about the help that was available for customers once they returned to their home. Bryan says: “Staff at the evacuation centres were on hand to provide support to jobseekers and pensioners and, where necessary, make payments

Be prepared – simple tips • Discuss who to contact during a disruption with your line manager your contact • Make sure your line manager has ted emergency information including your nomina ress contact, phone numbers and add play in your • Understand the role you have to discuss this Team Business Continuity Plan and with your line manager anet site and • Visit the Business Continuity intr y, awareness look at the pages about emergenc and learning and development emergency card • Make sure you have a DWP staff

“Later in the year the South-West was hit by flooding, but this time we were able to offer advice and support – sharing what we’d learned from our experience with staff nationally.” In the event of a major disruption, all staff can access relevant and up-to-date information by calling 0800 783 6617 or visiting: www.dwp.gov.uk/emergency

Cut-out and keep this emergency information card containing these details

DWP staff emergency contacts

Phone: 0800 783 6617 Web: www.dwp.gov.uk/emergency

April 2008 | dwpeople | 19




Page 20

Achieving the best



MONTH Team of the Month

Team members (left to right): Heva Vance, Ronke Abass, Vilma Wilson, Debbie Young, Donna Gowler

DWPeople celebrates with a Jobcentre Plus team of seven who have been crowned April’s Team of the Month SINCE joining forces 20 months ago, the Customer Service Delivery team, located across Basildon, Brentwood and Grays in Essex, have gone from strength to strength – exceeding their targets and providing a great service for their customers. Last year the team achieved the tough challenge of meeting all of their targets across all of their sites. Customer Service Operations Manager, Sue Murray nominated the team for DWPeople’s Team of the Month. She says: “We have all worked hard to make sure we met our targets and, even more remarkably, this has all been achieved during a challenging staffing situation. 20 | dwpeople | April 2008

“The team always approach their work in a positive manner, demonstrating a ‘can do’ attitude and helping each other out in difficult and challenging circumstances. We are supportive of each other, sharing good practice and resources across locations to achieve a consistently strong performance.” Jobcentre manager Debbie Young has contributed to the team’s success by making sure her Jobcentre Plus office is customer-focused at all times. She says: “We aim to deliver the service our customers expect by making sure we respond to them promptly in a professional and courteous manner.

“Our whole team is committed to providing an excellent service – and we support each other across the three offices to make this a reality.” Making sure performance remains consistently high across all three offices is another vital task which advisory service managers Heva Vance and Vilma Wilson are on-hand to make happen. Heva says: “We regularly work across the offices to make the best use of our resources. Recent staff sicknesses led to staff absence becoming unexpectedly high. Vilma and I worked together to review diaries and help organise




Page 21

Achieving the best ed team with “We are an experienc e local good knowledge of th e regularly labour market and w about our receive compliments s. service from employer of a team “It’s great to be part so well and where we all get on the support you know you have or raid to ask for advice needed. I’m never af ill meone in the team w so ow kn I e us ca be t suppor be there to help.” tre Manager Debbie Young, Jobcen

“We are always willing to share ideas – a colleague is only a phone call away to discuss issues and shed new light on guidance. “You know that no matter what and how bad it is, there is someone willing to share tea and cake and listen to your moaning!” Paula Cox, Advisory Services Manager

cover for all critical customer appointments, without affecting overall customer service standards. “At times of stress we occasionally run out together at lunchtime for some much needed caffeine and cakes!” Vilma added: “We ensure that all parts of the team’s work are covered, helping our advisers to carry on with their roles, whilst giving customers an effective service. It’s a win-win situation, as the business side gets progressed and customer service is maintained at all times. “Each team member is always available to answer a daft question or share best practice and I reciprocate whenever I can. We know that others are always there to help if we need it which is priceless.”

The team: Sue Murray, Basildon Abi Onabowu, Basildon Heva Vance, Basildon Vilma Wilson, Basildon Donna Gowler, Brentwood Ronke Abass, Grays Paula Cox, Grays Debbie Young, Grays

s: ey challenge k ’s m a te e h T

g at least rget – ensurin ta e m o tc u O ncies with • Employer that place vaca s er oy pl em 84 per cent of e outcome have a positiv us Pl e tr en bc Jo aking a focusing on m – et rg ta n o ing sure • Interventi including mak s, er om st cu r arket difference fo am’s Labour M te e th of nt ce d on time, that 90 per and conducte ed ok bo e ar required and Interventions is taken when n tio ac nd te failure to at ted accurately ities are conduc tiv ac up w llo fo g services rget – ensurin ta e ic rv Se across an • Customer to customers ed er liv de ly ul are successf standards. agreed set of

Are you the next Team of the Month? DWPeople wants to hear from those teams that have demonstrated at least one of the key DWP values: • Achieving the best • Respecting people • Making a difference • Looking outwards In no more than 300 words tell us: • Who is in your team • What you all do • Why you should be considered • Which of the DWP values your team have demonstrated. Send your entries by email to: [email protected]




Page 22

STAR LETTER Practise what you preach Marathon plans ’MAKING tracks’ in the March edition of DWPeople featured a selection of people’s Marathon plans. However it did not include any stories about people running for the Civil Service’s own official charities. I realise that space was limited and you couldn’t cover everyone, but as some people’s places in the Marathon were gained through a call for runners in Newsreal last year, I thought I’d write in and tell you about it, as I think it merits a mention. Along with other colleagues, I will be taking part in the Marathon on behalf of the Civil Service Lifeboat Fund. Those of us running for charities need all the help we can get to publicise our fundraising websites. David Lewis Corporate, Leeds

I ENJOYED reading about people in the Department who are connected to a famous name. I'm not a relative, but I did live next door to two of the Manic Street Preachers for for practice – but the acoustics were seven years. not right. I remember them growing up and I remember them telling me the name painfully learning to play their of the band – ‘Manic Street Preachers’ instruments well into the night in the across the garden wall and the bedroom next to mine (through the excitement they had when Red Dragon terraced house walls). FM radio gave them some airplay. Sean played a cornet and keyboard James’ dad still (before lives at the same his drums) and house and is totally James played unaffected by the guitar (they are boy's fame. They've cousins and lived come a long way in the same house). since then and well deserved fame for the hard work they've put in over As the band grew, the noise got worse and their living room was overtaken with the years. instruments each evening. Bev Williams Jobcentre Plus, South Wales I eventually offered them my garage

I remember them telling me the name of their band – Manic Street Preachers across the garden

Laura Turvey, DWPeople, responds: competition made me feel very jealous. THANKS for letting us know David. We did have a huge response – it’s great that the Marathon is so well represented by DWP staff.

In our office and indeed our district (as far as I am aware) we have no initiatives at all!

Hopefully lots of people will get to read this and find out about what you’re doing by visiting: www.justgiving.com/davidlewis6

I wonder where all the money comes from to do these activities and more to the point where does the time come from?

Healthy teams

If we have parity across all of our

I HAVE to say that reading the entries for the ‘how healthy is your team’ 22 | dwpeople | April 2008

businesses to be able to fund these sorts of initiatives – where has all the money gone? We barely have time to do our job in the day, let alone participate in anything in our ‘downtime’. Sue Carpenter Jobcentre Plus, Chapel Court, Wolverhampton

What do you think? Send your letters on any subject to: [email protected]




Page 23


Cover shots

DWP is full of budding photographers, here’s some of their great work… DWPEOPLE had an overwhelming response to the call for a front cover photo for this April’s edition. The standard was so high that choosing just one image was very difficult. So we’ve decided to feature a selection of some of the best images in a gallery here.

Christmas Island by Anthony Lowther, The Pension Service, Tyneview Park, Newcastle

Spring lambs by Susan Biedley, Independent Case Examiners Office, Liverpool

The world’s biggest statue in Russia by Chris Waters, Jobcentre Plus Manchester

Tigers at Chessington World of Adventures by Peter Barrett, Jobcentre Plus Essex

Close up of a dandelion clock by Sean Wells, Business Information Centre, Sheffield

The Doulton Fountain in Glasgow by Rosemary Gallagher Jobcentre Plus West Midlands

We’ve also featured two of our favourite images in all their glory as full pages at the front and back of this edition. Watch out for more of the pictures in forthcoming issues of DWPeople.

Classifieds AMSTERDAM. Two night City Cruise Break from £39 + FREE breakfast. Includes: En-suite cabin, city centre transfers. T&C’s apply. To book www.dfds.co.uk/offers insert offer code Y1996A FLORIDA. Five mins from Disney. BT engineer’s three bedroom, two bathroom detached luxury villa with private heated pool. www.floridavillabydisney.co.uk Gordon Savage 07802 192732 [email protected] DO NOT MISS OUT!!! FLORIDA, ORLANDO. 10 mins to Disney. Brand new executive four Bed three Bath fully air con villa with a lake view screened pool and spa. Weekly rate for villa from £470 (not per person). Tel. 01507 600310/600699 www.morethanavilla.co.uk [email protected] FORE Property Services. Spain, Costa Blanca. Holidays/ Long term rentals.

Villas and apartments. Discounted rates. www.foreonline.com. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0034 96 672 9238 Mob: 0034 69 620 7372 FRANCE. Quality French Holiday Accommodation, Large Rural Converted Water Mill, Vendeen Beach Villa & Alpine Ski Chalet. All details at www.frenchholidayaccommodation.co. uk Tel: 01706 839170. Email: [email protected] NEW FOREST LODGES. Traditional Victorian farmhouse has cosy, one double bedroom lodge, with glass doors leading from lounge onto large wooden decked area, sleeps four & separate large two bedroom lodge, sleeps six, both have uninterrupted views of gorgeous countryside. Access to forest, trailway for cycling, walking & horse riding. Swimming pool (heated). Within easy reach of beautiful award winning South coast beaches. For info: 01425 472115

PERSONAL TRAINING, bodywork, energy coaching. London based. Redefine your body and your life. www.re-define.co.uk James Jacoby 07879 447300 ROME CITY CENTRE, Testaccio. Two new apartments sleep four people in each. From 90 Euros per apartment per night. 10 per cent discount to DWP employees. For further info: http://rentintestaccio.googlepages.com email: [email protected] Sandra 0044 774 9789630 STRATHLEVEN EXECUTIVE CARS. A small company based in Scotland (nr LochLomond), we can provide the very best service for the biggest day of your life with the choice of two top of the range Chrysler 300c executive saloon cars & a range of packages to suit everyone! For further information call 01389 603646/07734039469 or 07727052973 or visit www.strathlevencars.co.uk April 2008 | dwpeople | 23




Page 24


Money, money, money Massive property deals, flashy motors and secret bank accounts – Busted! reports on two multi-millionaire fraudsters who have been brought to justice

William Collard, aged 38, from Horsley, Northumberland, made the Income Support claim despite owning houses in the North-East and London. Rents from two of the properties raked in £140,000 a year and he also owned a luxury Jaguar car worth £32,000. Collard originally denied making a false statement to obtain benefits between December 2003 and September 2004, saying he had no income, capital or assets. He claims a sleeping disorder meant he was unable to work during this time. But at Newcastle Crown Court he changed his plea to guilty, following a joint investigation between DWP and Tynedale Council. The court heard that Collard has now paid back the £6,000 in full. Judge David Hodson sentenced him to a twoyear conditional discharge and ordered him to pay an additional £2,000 in court costs.

24 | dwpeople | April 2008

Judge Hodson told him: “You have at last had the good sense to admit this offence. This case has got completely and utterly out-of-hand. You have incurred further costs and there is absolutely no reason why you should not pay them.” Speaking after the case, DWP Minister James Plaskitt said: “This is an excellent example of our success at tackling benefit fraud when we work closely with other agencies such as local authorities. “We are taking a tough line on benefit fraudsters because they steal £20 million a year in the North-East alone – money that should be spent on those who really need it.”

As well as working together with local authorities, DWP can also access data held by banks and utility companies to look for differences in what a customer declares. Since March, this power has been extended to cover credit reference agencies so the Department can now pinpoint benefit cheats who are living together but claiming to be single for benefit purposes.

You have at last had the good sense to admit this offence... This case has got completely and utterly out of hand

A MILLIONAIRE with properties worth £3 million has pleaded guilty to claiming benefits – totalling just £6,000.

DWP staff can report benefit fraud using the PPQ form on the desktop





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Sale: £1,750,000

Benefit fraudster Hani Qaisi (above). The sale of this former hospital site in Manchester netted him £1.75 million alone (Photo credit: Asian News)

HANI QAISI was a self-declared businessman with a string of successful property deals under his belt. He even appeared in The Guardian, talking about the newsagents he owned in Manchester city centre. But despite making millions it wasn’t enough for Qaisi, from Prestwich, Manchester – he topped up his earnings with false benefit claims. He also claimed for family members fraudulently, despite his wife and children moving permanently to Jordan in 2004. In total, Qaisi scammed more than £108,000 in Income Support for himself and his four children, Severe Disablement Allowance, Disability Living Allowance (higher mobility and middle care component) and Council Tax benefit.

different names, he used his own bank accounts to handle the funding and profits. One of the biggest deals was the purchase of the former Northern Hospital in Manchester – bought in 1998 for £350,000 and sold for £1.75 million in May 2002. The court heard that Qaisi had at least seven undeclared bank accounts in the UK, with an estimated £3.1million passing through them. Six more undeclared accounts were uncovered in the Middle East, along with two business accounts in the UK. Qaisi also applied for a £221,000 bank loan last year, handing in paperwork that said he was the sole owner of a newsagent and had been a property dealer for at least five years.

The fraud first came to light after an anonymous tip-off on the Targeting Benefit Thieves website. DWP started an investigation and soon uncovered damning evidence.

Armed with the evidence, Greater Manchester Police arrested Qaisi in March last year. He pleaded guilty to seven charges at Manchester Crown Court and was given a three-and-ahalf-year prison sentence.

Investigators found papers linking Qaisi to at least 36 property deals. Although he registered the properties under

A confiscation hearing has yet to be finalised but DWP does intend to recover the money.

DURING the time Hani Qaisi was claiming benefits, his “shopping list” included:







Manchester United shares

investment in Jersey

apartment in Dubai £83,585


Members of the public can report suspicions on the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440

“Gift” to his son for property deposits

April 2008 | dwpeople | 25




Page 26

Quiz time


Win a £15 voucher As usual we were inundated with entries to the crossword in March’s edition of DWPeople. The winner of the £15 Marks & Spencer voucher was Julie Tonner from CSA Falkirk. The correct answers were: Across: 1.Navy 8 Orangutans 9. Hamilton 10. NASA 12 Jasper 14. Aprons 15. Kitten 17. Royale 18. Bear 19. Zimbabwe 21. Casablanca 22. Mask



6. Seabird with a very large bill (7) 7. 'The Full _____', a comedy film set in Sheffield (5) 9. Hill, who had a hit single with 'Ernie (TheFastest Milkman In The West)' (5) 10. These dogs come in standard, miniature and toy varieties (7) 12. ‘_________ Knocks’, an early TV talent show (11) 14. They sell salmon, haddock and plaice (11) 18. Victor, the main character in BBC sitcom ‘One Foot In The Grave’ (7) 19. Short, swinging blows in boxing delivered with a crooked arm (5) 21. Manchester band who had hit singles such as ‘Sit Down’ and ‘Laid’ (5) 22. German measles (7)

1. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War (5) 2. Detain unlawfully and hold for ransom (6) 3. Quayle, the Vice-President of the USA under George HW Bush (3) 4. Its tourist attractions incude Buckingham Palace and The Globe Theatre (6) 5. The _____, whose best known single is ‘Dry Your Eyes’ (7) 8. Fulham FC play at Craven _______ (7) 11. Prairie wolves (7) 13. Nick Clegg is the leader of the ______ Democrat party (7) 15. Rows of closely-planted shrubs forming fences (6) 16. Greek holiday island, the largest of the Dodecanese Islands (6) 17. Ability acquired by training (5) 20. Centre part of a wheel (3)

26 | dwpeople | April 2008

Down: 2. Aquamarine 3. Yogi 4. Walter 5. Uganda 6. Stingray 7. Asia 11. Sunflowers 13. Peter Pan 16. Nozzle 17. Romans 18. Buck Across 20. Adam 6. Florida We’ll give a £15 Marks & Spencer 7. Kinks voucher for the first correct entry 9. Scrum drawn from 10. Fly-leaf the hat. Each month we’ll print Poppins the answers from the 12. Mary previous month and the name of 14. Eva Longoria the 18.winner. Sabbath 19. Homer 21.don’t Rogue So delay, fill in your details and 22. Ronaldo answer the question below to be in with a chance of winning. Send your completed crossword marked DWPeople Crossword Competition. Using internal mail to: Laura Turvey Room 650, London, Caxton House Or standard post to: Laura Turvey Room 650, Caxton House 6 -12 Tothill Street London SW1H 9NA Competition closes on 30 April. Tell us which was your favourite feature in this issue? _______________________________ _______________________________ Name: ........................................................ Full address: ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ...........................................................




Page 27

‘Sailing on the mouth of the River Tyne’ by John Hansen, Information Services Directorate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne




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