Dvs Presentation

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,787
  • Pages: 59
A DISSERTATION Submitted In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of the Degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT




 

Development of interactive computer graphics and analysis software which prompts the user with the queries and information on the video display unit and guide the users to solve the problems. Development of interactive graphic workstations with powerful graphic facilities, availability of computers with enhanced memory and faster computing speed at affordable prices Reduction in product life cycle Increasing product complexity.

Solid models and Modeling 

Solid modeling is an efficient tool for the real 3D representation of an object . Modeling involves the development of a mathematical description of the geometry of an object. Solid models are complete, unambiguous representations of the three dimensional objects.

Advantages of solid modeling 

Viewing an object in three dimension gives you a sense of its true shape and form. It also helps you conceptualize the design, which will ultimately result in better design decisions. Using three dimensional objects also helps you visually communicate your ideas to others on your design team.

Simulation 

A simulation model may be physical, a mental conception, a mathematical model, a computer model, or some combination of all of these. In simulation, engineers make a model of the manufacturing facility. Simulation has been gaining an acceptance as a tool which enables industrial and manufacturing engineers to perform extensive analysis of problems they face on a daily basis.






Working Principle of Destoner 

The gravity-fed grains are spread by a feeder across the entire width of the machine. On separation screen, the stream of material is stratified according to its specific gravity by the oscillating motion of the screen and the air flowing through the material from bottom to top. The light particles collect at the top and the heavy ones including the stones at the bottom.

Working Principle of Destoner continued.. 

The lower layers of stone flows upward and are separated out. The stone-free stream of material float on cushion of air, flowing slowly towards the material outlets. The inclination of the screen, the air volume and final separation can be individually adjusted to achieve the optimum degree of separation.

Working Principle of Destoner

Rendered view of Destoner

Working Principle of Gravity Separator 

It works on principle of Gravity (weight) difference in the particles. For efficient density separation of different variety of seed or grain, proper adjustment of deck inclination (longitudinal & transverse), deck oscillation speed & setting of air of multi fan is necessary. The above adjustment can be done very easily while machine is in running condition.

Working Principle of Gravity Separator

Working Principle of Automatic weighing Machine 

The grains are initially stored in storage bin having a capacity of 750 Kg. There are two pneumatically operated feed gates, one is for coarse feed and one is for fine feed. The machine can be operated in the range 20-100 Kg.

Working Principle of Automatic weighing Machine continued.. 

Suppose, the machine is set to measure 100 Kg; then at 99 Kg. the coarse feed gate will get closed. Now the grains will be flowing through fine feed gate, which will get closed as soon as the weight of the grains in the gunny bag becomes equal to 100 Kg.

Working Principle of Automatic weighing Machine continued.. 

The operator is now supposed to unclamp the gunny bag and clamp the new bag for next cycle. Simultaneously the operator will operate the foot lever of the belt conveyor so that weighed bag can be conveyed to the front end of the machine. There is a facility of stitching of gunny bag located at the end of the belt conveyor. Only one operator is required for entire operation of the machine.

Special Features of Automatic weighing Machine Special Features:           

Electronic Setting Facility. Load Cell based. Accuracy 0.1%. Range 20-100 Kgs. Capacity - 60 Bags of 100 Kgs. per hour. Facility of Conveyor. Facility of stitching of gunny bag. Structure - Powder coating, hence long life. Easy clamping & decamping of gunny bag. Storage bin capacity - 750 Kgs. Only one Operator is required for the operation of the machine. Pneumatically operated feed gate system.

Rendered view of Automatic Weighing Machine

Working Principle of Air Seed Classifier 

The seed/grain is initially fed to feeding hopper Through feeding hopper grains are pneumatically conveyed to top classifying feed chamber. The grains are conveyed through rectangular conveying duct. Stones, chaff dust are separated out from grains & are collected in top feed chamber.

Working Principle of Air Seed Classifier 

From top feed chamber, grains are fed to classifying duct where high velocity air stream separates light grains, light impurities from good quality grain. Separate chute is provided for collecting good quality grain, light grains, dust & chaff.

Rendered view of Air Seed Classifier

Problem Under Study Marketing department of Mahavir Electromechanical reported following problems.

Considering the complexity and size of machine, the transportation of the machines is costly to give live demonstration at customer site.

Considerable amount of grain is needed for demonstration (trial run).

Three-phase power supply is needed to run such heavy machines.

Problem Under Study continued.. 

Firm foundation is required for trail run.

All the technicians associated with the machines are required to remain present at the time of trail run.

All the accessories and spares should be available for demonstration. As the machines are manufactured on job order basis, there is less possibility that all the spares will get available.


By carefully analyzing the problems reported by marketing people, it was felt that virtual 3d working models would be very useful to tackle the above problem. Keeping in view all the aspects of problem, it was decided that the 3d models of the machines must be created. Pro/E was chosen as modeling software for this purpose. All the parts of machines were modeled in part mode of Pro/E and then they were assembled in assembly mode of Pro/E.

Why Pro/E was chosen as a modeling software? 

Choosing Pro/E, as modeling software was beneficial in following aspects. As the design department keeps on modifying the Agro machines as per customer requirements, frequent modifications are allowed by Pro/E being a parametric modeling package. Due to bi-directional associative nature of Pro/E, parts modified in part mode get automatically updated in assembly mode. This process is quiet easy as compared to modifying the parts in assembly created in AutoCAD.


The simulation of mechanism can be done in Pro/E as well, but in this case, it was needed to simulate the grains also, to show the simulation of process. All the assemblies were exported in 3ds max studio format and then they were simulated.



Software used for modeling, simulation, Presentation 

Pro/E Used for solid modeling of parts and assemblies.

3 D Studio Used for simulation of mechanisms and processes of agro machines.

VRML Used for presentation of final output.

What is virtual reality? 

Virtual Reality (VR) represents a computer interface technology that is designed to go beyond classical two dimensional constraints. Unlike the keyboard, mouse, monitor or graphical user interfaces, VR allows user to interact with real time 3D graphics in a more intuitive and natural manner. In VR, the user becomes a part of the 3D environment that is created. In virtual worlds, it is possible to get a 360 degree view of the computer generated environment.

Virtual Reality

Definition: A computer generated, ‘immersive’ (or wide field), multi-sensory information program which tracks a user in real time.

OK, OK, the Military use it. So...? Many organisations do. On the left is a VR view of earth with satellites. This is used in the space shuttle simulator.

Military…Space… what about normal people…? Normal? Well… how about trades people? This is a virtual lathe.

Well that’s better... This lathe is used to train apprentices. Unlimited free material and no clean up!

VRML APPLICATIONS Automobile Design 

Virtual environments can be used for automobile design and engineering. It can also be used for simulation, digital prototyping and surface modeling. Engineers can locate and analyze potential problems much faster, reducing long term costs.

VRML APPLICATIONS Architecture  Architects and planners can interactively visualize these entire design processes before pouring concrete  Virtual construction can save money as design faults can be easily discovered.

Aircraft industry & defense applications 

Virtual reality can also be used in the aircraft industry. Boeing has used virtual reality to evaluate the accessibility of aircraft cabins for maintenance workers. It can also be used for defense applications, flight simulation for mission planning, war games and the like are all possible, not to mention, design of aircraft, tanks, ships and sophisticated weapons.

The virtual reality environment 

The virtual reality environment serves to place a human operator “within” a computer generated or virtual environment. It provides, “interactive” 3D viewing and the ability to manipulate complex components before their design is finalized. This allows early checks to be made on the practicability of designs which are still only defined in electronic form.

What is VRML viewer? 

The VRML viewer provides the facility to the users to navigate through the application. VRML viewer consists of the controls like, “Walk”, “Pan”, “Go To”, “Turn”, “Study”, “Zoom Out”, “Straighten up”, “View”, “Restore”, etc. With these controls one can have a walk through the environment. The features like Light effects, collision prevention and speed control are also provided by the VRML viewers.


 

Walk: This enable a user to walk forward or backward as desired. Pan: It is used for horizontal rotation of screen from right to left or vice versa. The pan is often used to move the screen from one object to another or to see more off a landscape will fit in frame. Turn & Roll: Able to rotate the object left or right as desired, only difference between them is that is used for continuous rotation. Go To: When clicked user will zip towards the particular position. Study: With this user can study the specific object from each and every position Restore: Gives the initial view of object as it was displayed earlier.


VR Environment & Visual Simulation (View 1)

VR Environment & Visual Simulation (View 2)

VRML PROGRAMMING The programming in VRML starts with a header line, which indicates the VRML file, it’s version and ISO standard that allows characters in the file to be read by a text editor. The sample part program source codes are given below. THE SAMPLE PART PROGRAM DEFINING A SHAPE #VRML V2.0 utf8 # Produced by 3D Studio MAX VRML97 exporter, Version 6, Revision 0.56 # MAX File: destonerfinal2.max, Date: Sat Jul 02 22:13:57 2005 DEF Layer:Handles01 Transform { translation 397.5 27.89 –247.2 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0.498 } } } ] }


The source code generated after completion of entire application was nearly equal 2,25,659 lines. The generated database constitutes mostly the numerical values of • • • •

Vertices of geometrical shapes or objects. Texture values of the surfaces Color intensities and their values Coordinate values of the animated objects, etc. • Apart from this, the touch sensing and proximity sensing values are also available for the further reference.

APPLLICATIONS, ADVANTAGES, LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE APPLICATIONS OF SIMULATION Simulation finds application in following areas • Marketing of the agro machines in absence of actual product. • Training for technicians and customers. • Display of products in trade fares and exhibitions. Simulation will be supporting element to the actual product.


FOLLOWING ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF 3D WORKING MODELS 3d working models are as real as actual machines. They give the same feeling as that of actual machine. They are very informative in case of explaining complex mechanisms and processes as in our case. The virtual models created are interactive. Customer can see the working machine models interactively i.e. they can walk around the machine, go inside the machine, and view it from various angels. The phenomenon is very similar to playing games on computer.


Simulation offers following advantages  The first biggest advantage of the computer simulation reported by marketing department was that they have saved cost of trail run of the agro machines. In the absence of the computer simulation, the cost of repeated trail run would have been definitely more.  Simulation helped in debugging. This was the opinion of the design department at Mahavir electromechanical works. The real value of simulation proved to be the ability to identify and fix design flaws.  A simulation proved to be useful for analysis. Computer simulation gave clues and alternative strategies to designer and maintenance engineer.  Simulation was found to be useful for training. If accurate simulations are created and numbers of runs are taken then it was observed that the operators learned which areas of the process require special attention. Simulated training can play a key role in making training meaningful, interesting, and timely.

APPLLICATIONS, ADVANTAGES, LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE Besides this simulations can be helpful in  Avoiding injuries or deaths.  Avoiding loss of production.  Avoiding damaged equipment (cost to repair with spare or new parts plus downtime).  Avoiding Startup and restart costs.  Avoiding wasted feedstock costs.  Avoiding wasted energy costs (grains, electricity, etc.)

APPLLICATIONS, ADVANTAGES, LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE LIMITATIONS OF VIRTUAL REALITY  Simple virtual world are static, there is little scope for interaction, other than moving the user's view point.  Highly realistic simulation is complicated to implement, as it needs a great amount of computing power.  The reason why reality systems are not being used widely is the cost factor.


At present, all the machines presented in virtual reality do not have any control panel. The simulation runs on its own and user have hardly any control over the start and stop of the simulation. Once started, simulations keeps on running and user can not see the intermediate stage. In future, the models can be equipped with control panel so that they can be more realistic and close to the actual machines. Most of these machines employ air for several purposes such as separation, suction, conveying etc. At present the flow of air is not simulated as we can not see the flow of air unless it contains the dust or smoke. The flow of air can be simulated in the future.


The whole dissertation is organized on compact disk, which is supposed to be carried whenever it is required to run the simulation. In the future, if the company have any plan to develop the web site (which is essentially required in these days to promote the product), then the models can be uploaded on company’s website. This will eliminate the need of carrying the CD and the products can be viewed in virtual environment at any time from the PC having internet connection facility. The beauty of the VRML is that it do not requires any specific software except a small plug in (like VRML viewer or Cosmo player) which can be downloaded from the internet within few minutes.

The End of the Beginning VR is in its early stages, but is used commercially, globally. There are 61,400 international commercial companies producing VR.  While VR is at an early stage, it is used educationally throughout the world.  There are approximately 3,600 educational institutions which use VR.

Conclusion 

It is said that a picture is worth of thousand words, then a simulation can be said worth of thousand pictures.

Thank you

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